Re: [DNSOP] Ugly DNS ack

2010-04-19 Thread Jason Livingood
This thread seems to have died out.  But I will note that it appears to be
on the agenda at the upcoming ISOC IPv6 workshop (from 16:30 - 18:00 - see
e328).  It is also addressed in a short whitepaper some colleagues and I put
together in advance of that meeting (available at


DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] Ugly Hack, Step 4: Solution Options

2010-04-01 Thread Jason Livingood
4 - After we understand Problem Definition, Problem Detection, and Problem
Scope, then you can arrive at possible solutions.  Seems like in this case
we sort of *started* here, which concerns me and I think we need to be
careful that discussion thus far does not constrain development of a full
list of Solution Options.  I further believe we will need to encourage the
pursuit of multiple solutions simultaneously.  Lastly, just because end user
software upgrades may be difficult doesn't mean we shouldn't do them and
shouldn't focus just as much energy on those than other options.

Thoughts ­ but only after 1, 2, 3 are answered?
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] Ugly Hack, Step 3: Scope/Scale of Problem

2010-04-01 Thread Jason Livingood
3 - Then, after we have agreement on Problem Definition and Problem
Detection, we can measure the problem to understand what the scope or scale
of the problem is. 

0.074%  of users?
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] Ugly Hack, Step 2: Detection of Problem

2010-04-01 Thread Jason Livingood
2 - Describe all the various methods and tactics by which end user
"brokenness" can be detected.  This may include website-based detection,
DNS-query-based detection, or a variety of other methods.

Suggestions: (Nick Weaver I think had one ­ pasted below)

Also, you can make an EASY in-browser Javascript check.

Load 3 images in a hidden DIV.  These images should ideally be set to be
non-cached and have a cache-buster in the URL (akin to how Google Analytic's
hidden GIF is loaded: it contains a cache-buster in the URL).

One is hosted on an IPv4 only site, one on a IPv4/IPv6 dual stack, and one
on a IPv6 only site, and bind onload/onerror to Javascript for reporting.

If the first two load, the host is a successful V4 host.

If only the first loads, the host has the described problem with a link
local V6, and needs to be patched: have the Javascript notify the user.

If only the second and third loads, the host is V6 only (HA!).
DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] Ugly Hack, Step 1: Problem Definition

2010-04-01 Thread Jason Livingood
1 - Develop a clear problem statement that outlines (1) how "broken" users
are defined and (2) what effects this "brokenness" has on these end users
(or other parts of the Internet).

Suggestion from Tore Anderson 

- Total client loss to the dualstacked host is at 0.074%.
- (At least) 95% of the client loss is due to clients choosing to use
  inherently unreliable transitional IPv6 (6to4/Teredo) instead of IPv4.
- I've identifed three groups of clients that behave in this way:
  1) Users of Opera <10.50, which did not use the RFC 3484-compliant
 getaddrinfo() call, at least on Windows.  It would prefer any form
 of IPv6 connectivity above IPv4.  This is especially a problem on
 Windows Vista and 7, where 6to4 and/or Teredo are enabled by
 default.  This accounts for about half of the 95%.
  2) Dualstacked Mac OS X users with RFC 1918 IPv4 addresses (using
 NAT) and transitional IPv6 addresses.  In this case, getaddrinfo()
 will sort the IPv6 address above the IPv4 address, causing the
 transitional connectivity to be used.  This accounts for the other
 half of the 95%.
  3) Dualstacked Linux users with RFC 1918 IPv4 addresses and
 transitional IPv6 addresses, as GNU libc's getaddrinfo()
 implementation behaves exactly like the one in Mac OS X.  However,
 the overall client loss caused by this is miniscule compared to
 #1 and #2 (I have problems measuring any at all).
- When disregarding all hits from users in problem groups #1 and #2,
  the total client loss is at 0.003% - this is, in my opinion, low
  enough to accept.  (Of course, other content providers might feel

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-04-01 Thread Jason Livingood
I've not seen much attempt yet to spell all this out, so I'll attempt to
solicit some responses...

> It seems that have the cart before the horse, so to speak.  IMHO, we need to
> do the following (and there's no reason they cannot occur rapidly):
> 1 - Develop a clear problem statement that outlines (1) how "broken" users
> are defined and (2) what effects this "brokenness" has on these end users
> (or other parts of the Internet).
> 2 - Describe all the various methods and tactics by which end user
> "brokenness" can be detected.  This may include website-based detection,
> DNS-query-based detection, or a variety of other methods.
> 3 - Then, after we have agreement on Problem Definition and Problem
> Detection, we can measure the problem to understand what the scope or scale
> of the problem is.
> 4 - After we understand Problem Definition, Problem Detection, and Problem
> Scope, then you can arrive at possible solutions.  Seems like in this case
> we sort of *started* here, which concerns me and I think we need to be
> careful that discussion thus far does not constrain development of a full
> list of Solution Options.  I further believe we will need to encourage the
> pursuit of multiple solutions simultaneously.  Lastly, just because end user
> software upgrades may be difficult doesn't mean we shouldn't do them and
> shouldn't focus just as much energy on those than other options.
> Jason

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Misguided IPv4-IPv6 DNS trickery

2010-04-01 Thread Jason Livingood
> The bottom line is, that if a given provider's users send in too many
> complaints about connectivity problems, the business folks will push for
> dewhitelisting.   That's bad for both the content and access provider sides
> for a variety of reasons.

Or, you could just refer them back to their ISP for support, which is how
things work in the v4 world today.  This is certainly my preference.


DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-03-31 Thread Jason Livingood

>> It would probably cost be far more money to roll out this separate DNS
>> server view, have folks monitor it and troubleshoot it, test
>> and certify it in the lab, etc. than just calling and fixing
>> the "broken" users.
> There is a way for the ISP to detect IPv6-broken users?  (Who can
> then be called and convinced to fix whatever is broken.)

Sounds as if there may be*, but I think that all depends upon what "broken"
means.  I'd love to have some discussion on that topic, so we can see if
people are all on the same page.

Igor - How do you define broken?  And what technical issues do you believe
underlie this condition?

* I am assuming there is and that an ISP could as readily host the web page
with the detection logic as Yahoo or Google could.  As well, if we could
make this widely available then presumably regulators could put it on their
sites, SDOs could, news sites could, etc., and there could be a general
awareness and detection campaign organized.  I suspect there may well be
other methods to detect the condition, which is why I think we should ensure
there is clear agreement and understanding of the underlying condition so we
can then find our way to detection.


DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-03-31 Thread Jason Livingood
> On Mar 31, 2010, at 12:28 AM, Igor Gashinsky wrote:
>> You are absolutely right -- it's not a DNS problem, it *is* a host
>> behavior problem. The issue is that it takes *years* to fix a host
>> behavior problem, and we need to engineer and deploy a fix much sooner
>> then that (hopefully about a year before the v4 exhaustion date). Given
>> that, is there something other then DNS that can address it better/faster?
> Except that, since it IS a host problem, why not focus on improved detection
> and debugging
> EG, yahoo is one of the big pushes behind it.  THey could easily add
> auto-debugging to their homepgae would would detect this condition and NOTIFY
> the users that this will be a problem, same for google.
> This to me seems like a "cure" worse than the disease.

That is also a concern I share.

It seems that have the cart before the horse, so to speak.  IMHO, we need to
do the following (and there's no reason they cannot occur rapidly):

1 - Develop a clear problem statement that outlines (1) how "broken" users
are defined and (2) what effects this "brokenness" has on these end users
(or other parts of the Internet).

2 - Describe all the various methods and tactics by which end user
"brokenness" can be detected.  This may include website-based detection,
DNS-query-based detection, or a variety of other methods.

3 - Then, after we have agreement on Problem Definition and Problem
Detection, we can measure the problem to understand what the scope or scale
of the problem is. 

4 - After we understand Problem Definition, Problem Detection, and Problem
Scope, then you can arrive at possible solutions.  Seems like in this case
we sort of *started* here, which concerns me and I think we need to be
careful that discussion thus far does not constrain development of a full
list of Solution Options.  I further believe we will need to encourage the
pursuit of multiple solutions simultaneously.  Lastly, just because end user
software upgrades may be difficult doesn't mean we shouldn't do them and
shouldn't focus just as much energy on those than other options.


DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] FYI: DNSOPS presentation

2010-03-31 Thread Jason Livingood

>> :: It seems solvably operationally, by asking ISPs to point their
>> :: IPv4-only subscribers at an ISP-operated DNS server which
>> :: purposefully breaks  responses (returns empty answer), and
>> :: to point their dual-stack subscribers at an ISP-operated DNS
>> :: server which functions normally.
> [jjmb] Solvable perhaps, however, there are operational impacts that are
> non-trivial.  Not to mention provisioning and in some cases financial
> implications.


It would probably cost be far more money to roll out this separate DNS
server view, have folks monitor it and troubleshoot it, test and certify it
in the lab, etc. than just calling and fixing the "broken" users.


DNSOP mailing list

[DNSOP] IPv6 & recursive resolvers: data question

2010-03-24 Thread Jason Livingood
Regarding this presentation, it sounded as if that data cited on slide 2 is
available for the community to review and understand better (which I was not
aware of).  Can someone on this list please advise where this data can be
found, in order to better understand the problem?


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