Re: [DNSOP] Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-02.txt

2007-03-26 Thread Douglas Otis

On Mar 26, 2007, at 7:33 AM, Robert Story wrote:

On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 18:39:59 -0400 (EDT) Dean wrote:
DA Real anti-spam groups at large ISPs don't use reverse DNS for spam
DA filtering.  There have been attempts to do so in the past, but  

DA ended in (sometimes well-publicized) disasters.

This is patently and provably false. AOL clearly states that AOL's  
mail servers will reject connections from any IP address that does  
not have reverse DNS (a PTR record). and AOL's mail servers will  
not accept connections from systems that use dynamically assigned  
or residential IP addresses. [1]  (I don't know how they are  
determining 'dynamically assigned or residential IP addresses', so  
that may or may not be via reverse DNS.)

While having a valid PTR record in the reverse address space might be  
used as one criteria for email acceptance, a test for the PTR record  
might be that it resolves to some IP address.  However, this IP  
address will not necessarily relate to the SMTP client.  A bad actor  
on a compromised a system can also easily assert a host-name matching  
that of a PTR record.

Determination of acceptable IP address space is done with the aid of  
third-party lists often determined directly from network providers.   
When the network provider does not cooperate, there might be clues  
uncovered by the reverse PTR records.  However this information is  
not reliable as it is often poorly maintained or fails to include all  
possible host-names.

SpamHaus is a rather well know spam-fighting organization, and they  
clearly state that having reverse DNS is 'highly desirable.' [2]

Forward and reverse DNS zones being properly configured helps in many  
ways.  Often prior to block-listing, an attempt is made to contact  
network providers based upon BGP information.  Reverse zones help  
confirm relationships discovered in this manner.

The seventh paragraph in section 3.1 perhaps slightly overstates  
matching reliance placed upon the reverse DNS zone information or  
expectations of consistent conventions.  Nevertheless, this  
information is often gleaned for rating clues.  Clearly finding a  
match improves the likelihood of message acceptance.  The reverse DNS  
space might be seen as a way for network providers to constrain the  
use of their IP address space.  However, conventions for such reverse  
zone control are lacking.  It also seems adoption of IPv6 may further  
frustrate reverse zone reliance and establishing consistent conventions.

One might expect forward based authorizations in conjunction with  
cryptographic identification will approximate current abuse control  
strategies.  At this point, it is not clear whether such  
authorization will be placed within DNS or perhaps found within  
something like OpenID structures.


DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-02.txt

2007-03-26 Thread Joe Abley

On 26-Mar-2007, at 14:48, Dean Anderson wrote:

On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, Robert Story wrote:

DA Assuming an 'apparent inability to update reverse tree' is a  

DA assumption:

But you can't dictate other peoples assumptions. Assumptions are  

based on ones personal experiences, and it's perfectly reasonable for
different people to make different assumptions.

Sorry. Wrong.  Its not 'perfectly reasonable' to make false  

It's not at all reasonable to assume that when the assumptions of  
others don't match your own, they are necessarily false.


DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-02.txt

2007-03-26 Thread Kevin Darcy

JINMEI Tatuya /  wrote:

At Mon, 26 Feb 2007 16:30:46 -0500,
Andrew Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Title   : Considerations for the use of DNS Reverse Mapping
Author(s)   : D. Senie, A. Sullivan
Filename: draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-02.txt
Pages   : 12
Date: 2007-2-26



I hope that these modifications address the remaining concerns of
those who previously objected.  In my opinion, this document says the
same thing as the previous version did, but if these modifications
make it clearer to some, then the goal of another round of work will
have been met.

I respect the authors' effort in the new version, and I see it has
been improved since the previous version; however, it still does not
address my fundamental concern: why *should* one provide reverse
mappings for all IP addresses they manage?

In this version, it reads:

   Unless there are strong counter-considerations, such as a high
   probability of forcing large numbers of queries to use TCP, all IP
   addresses in use within a range should have a reverse mapping.

Perhaps the condition added to the main clause intended to soften the
requirement level, but this still sounds pretty demanding to me due to
the strong phrase of unless there are strong counter-considerations.

We should not forget that providing and maintaining reverse mappings
require operational costs (even though it's not very high).  IMO, when
we recommend one *should* provide something that comes with a cost, we
should give a convincing reason why they should do it.  The rationale
is still missing in this version.  As I commented on the previous
version of the draft, none of the described issues or usages seems a
convincing reason for such a strong requirement.
I agree wholeheartedly with this comment. In the corporate environment, 
where I'm coming from, the point is to make money, and anything which 
costs money, manpower, increases complexity of the environment, presents 
possible information-disclosure-type security risks, etc., needs to have 
a demonstrable long-term *economic* benefit, or it is viewed as an 
unnecessary expense/risk, fails the business case test and won't get 
implemented, regardless of what the Internet Standards or BCPs say. If 
one of our many business partners is, for example, having trouble 
accepting mail from us because our gateways (hypothetically) have 
missing or incorrect reverse records, then obviously there is a business 
case, stated in terms of reliability, service levels, etc. for creating 
and maintaining reverse records for those gateways. (At least, unless 
and until that requirement can be removed by a subsequent upgrade to 
their mail software). But that's a case-by-case, episodic kind of thing, 
not the same as the document under discussion which makes a blanket 
recommendation for creation and maintenance of reverse records.

I also question the scope of the term in use in the quoted draft text 
above. What does it mean, exactly, for an address to be in use? 
Pingable? ARPable? Sending and/or receiving packets? Specifically, by 
in use is it *assumed* that there is at least 1 A RR or  RR 
referring to the address? What if there *isn't*? I.e. what if the device 
functioning at that address has no address record referring to it at 
all? The recommendation is that all addresses in use within a range 
should have a reverse mapping. That's very broad. On its face, it 
implies that even *unnamed* devices need reverse mappings. If, following 
the recommendation of the document, the reverse records are added _sans_ 
the A/ records, then we have a forward/reverse inconsistency, which 
seems to defeat the whole purpose of the document (because many of the 
cited mechanisms requiring the reverse records also need them to match 
up with forward records). If, on the other hand, the implication is 
that, following the recommendation, one should *fabricate* A/ 
records for every device in one's address range, that doesn't already 
have them, and the DNS information is publicly available, then the 
document indirectly recommends a *new* public information disclosure 
with regard to devices residing on one's network(s), which may not be 
the preference of many corporate and/or institutional Security 
Departments (whether that non-preference rises to the level of a strong 
counter-consideration[] is of course debatable).

To put it more simply, if I want to have a stealth device on my 
network, which doesn't have either forward or reverse records pointing 
to it, why can't I do that? The text appears to preclude stealth 
devices. And no, I shouldn't have to come up with a strong 
counter-consideration for that. In this age of heightened security 
concerns and threats, the burden of proof should be on those 
recommending the information disclosure, to explain why the benefits 
outweigh the risks.

Could I 

Re: [DNSOP] Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-02.txt

2007-03-19 Thread Ted Lemon

On Mar 19, 2007, at 7:58 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

One thing that popped for me during your presentation today, Andrew,
is that you say that the stupid things people are doing with the
reverse zone have to work.   This isn't true.

Yikes.  If that's the way I put it, my apologies; it certainly isn't

What I think _is_ true (and what I was meaning to say) is that some
people say that some uses of the reverse tree are useful for them.  In
order for those uses to work, the reverse lookups have to work.  Or,
to put this another way, for the reverse tree to be widely useful, it
has to be fairly widely implemented; and to the extent people stop
implementing reverse mappings, the reverse tree in general gradually
becomes less useful.

Interesting, I can see where the disconnect is happening.   I see  
what I said and what you said you meant (rather than what I said) as  
the same thing.   See, if it doesn't matter that the broken things  
people are doing with the reverse tree work, then you can't say that  
the reverse tree has to work for them to use their broken things,  
because we don't want them to use their broken things.   So whether  
or not they need the reverse tree to work is irrelevant to us, the IETF.

 The obvious case is disagreement on using reverse mapping as a  
hint in

spam-candidate scoring.  Some users report that, based on the analysis
of their own traffic, some sort of reverse mapping test is a useful
indicator.  Others correctly point out that such a rule runs the risk
of false positives and also does not catch all spam.

This is perfectly reasonable, because what you are doing is catching  
them in a lie.   You don't know that the data in the reverse tree is  
correct just because the forward tree agrees with it, but if they do  
not agree, then you have detected a lie (or, to be charitable, a  
mistake), and that is information - it would be wrong to say that it  
is not.   On the other hand, plenty of scoring systems that use the  
reverse tree can't be described so charitably.

My (editorial) view on this is that, given there are uses where some
people who understand the limitations of the facility nevertheless
claim there is utility in their own case, in the absence either of
numbers to show that the wrong empirical conclusion has been drawn or
that the use case is implicitly broken, then such a use is not
obviously stupid.

Actually, there is one reason to consider it stupid: I might have  
control over my forward tree, but not over the reverse tree for the  
IP address I have.   That doesn't mean I'm a spammer - it just means  
I have a lousy ISP.   And, sad to say, that's most ISPs.  So in this  
case, it is a broken configuration, for some value of broken, but  
it's not my fault that it's broken, and I can't fix it, so it's not  
really fair to score me as a liar.   Fortunately, in a spam scoring  
system, as long as you don't use this as your exclusive score, it's  
probably okay - hopefully other indicators will tell you a different  

So, the intent of the text is precisely to say, on the one hand, that
someone who is trying to use reverse mappings needs to understand the
limitations of the implementations on the Internet; and on the other
hand, that network operators should implement the reverse mappings in
the absence of strong counter considerations, because the
implementation is needed for these various use-cases to work.

So how many of the examples you give are reasonable, in the sense of  
detecting a lie or misconfiguration and using it in a scoring system,  
and how many are unreasonable, like my ssh example?   If the number  
of the latter is not zero, that might explain the pushback you've  
been seeing.

Does that clarify my remark?

It doesn't matter.   What matters is whether your document is  
clear.   And what I'm trying to point out is that what I've noticed  
may be a reason why it's not clear to some readers.   The cure is for  
us to think about this and modify the document accordingly, not for  
you to explain here on the mailing list what you meant.

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-02.txt

2007-03-19 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 11:06:48PM +0100, Ted Lemon wrote:

 Fortunately, in a spam scoring system, as long as you don't use this
 as your exclusive score, it's probably okay - hopefully other
 indicators will tell you a different story.

Right; this is why I think the security and utility questions
can't be answered in a binary way.  Sometimes the answer depends very
much on what _else_ you know.  It's clear to me, though (from your
very helpful remarks as well as from some other comments that I've
received) that such a message just isn't clear enough in the draft as
it stands, which is why we need another round.

 and how many are unreasonable, like my ssh example?   If the number  
 of the latter is not zero, that might explain the pushback you've  
 been seeing.

Yes, I think you're right, and I appreciate the observation.  (And
certainly, the number of unreasonable uses is not zero, or we would
have found consensus long ago.)

 The cure is for us to think about this and modify the document
 accordingly, not for you to explain here on the mailing list what
 you meant.

No question.  My point in explaining here what I meant is rather to
see if a different expression of my meaning makes that meaning clearer
to others, because that gives starting points for what text can
improve the draft.  I really appreciate the feedback, since it enables
me to focus more carefully on the places where my own poor edits to
the draft have obscured meaning or have sent the wrong message.

In that spirit, let me ask whether including the following 
notions (not yet actual text for inclusion) would help:

1.  An attempt to use reverse mappings as a single-source authentication
or security mechanism is almost always a very bad idea, and may
actually undermine better security or authentication
practices. [How do we make the text say this more clearly?  I
thought it already says this plainly in some places, but I guess

2.  Some people report that using evaluation of the reverse mapping
(either for existence or matching) is sometimes useful, especially
in the presence of other data about the connecting host.  [Also,
does a DNSSEC-enabled reverse tree help here?  Perhaps concrete
examples would be more helpful?  I'm leery of the latter, because
the state of affairs in this area is liable to change.]

3.  In most cases, a weaker reliance on reverse mapping tests will
yield better results, because the risk of false positives (and the
consequent failure modes) is lower.

4.  The [potential?] utility of the reverse tree to all users of the
Internet declines as fewer people implement reverse mappings.  [I
think this is implicit throughout the draft, but it maybe needs to
be stated baldly?]

5.  Maintaining reverse mappings (especially matching reverse
mappings) is not free for operators of networks, and in some cases
that cost may outweigh the benefit to anyone, such as is the case
where the number of entries cause the query response to require

Someone also hinted to me that a new section comprising a short survey
of the history of some practices -- especially those that now fall
into the category of obviously bad -- would help frame the
discussion.  Do people think that would be useful?  (I worry it could
be a rathole out of which the draft would never emerge, but I
nevertheless see how it could clear up confusion for operators who
don't care what an IETF is, but are looking for guidance on what to
do and why something they heard about once as a good idea is no longer
widely viewed as helpful.)

Thank you very much for the comments and insights.  


Andrew Sullivan 204-4141 Yonge Street
Afilias CanadaToronto, Ontario Canada
jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +1 416 646 3304 x4110

DNSOP mailing list

Re: [DNSOP] Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-02.txt

2007-03-07 Thread Shane Kerr
Hash: SHA1

Dean Anderson wrote:
 FYI, I have submitted an alternate draft as an individual submission. It
 was submitted after the meeting cutoff and so will not be processed
 until Monday, March 19 at 9:00 AM ET, when Internet-Draft posting
 The draft can be found in the meantime at

As someone who thinks reverse is a lot of work considering the actual (almost
nonexistent) benefit, I find this draft compelling. :)

The report on the state of reverse DNS is almost identical in these drafts IMHO,
but the recommendations (and tone of course) differ greatly.

Is it possible to separate the findings of fact from the recommendations in
both this and draft-ietf-dnsop-reverse-mapping-considerations-##.txt?

If we do want a single document with facts *and* recommendations, then maybe we
need to start from goals and say, if your goal is A, then we recommend *this*;
if your goal is B, then we recommend *that*.

Personally, as long as I don't have to wait for a timeout an a PTR lookup I'm
happy. :)

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