Re: [docbook] Recommendation on V4.5 DTD vs. V5.0 RELAX NG

2007-09-17 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Thank you for your advice!

Nic Gibson wrote:

Hi Joachim, I can't give an absolute recommendation but I've
successfully migrated to a DocBook 5.0 toolchain (vim instead of

I do not mean migrating my old content form 4.x to 5.0.

I mean starting a brandnew project, and I wonder whether I should better 
start with 5.0 right away or not.


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[docbook] Recommendation on V4.5 DTD vs. V5.0 RELAX NG

2007-09-17 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Hello list,

I have been searching through the archives and through the web for about 
2 hours, but could not find a recommendation, so I just ask here:

I want to start a new DocBook project from scratch, using the usual Unix 
toolchain (Emacs, XSLT stylesheets, xsltproc, Apache's FOP etc.).

Which version of DocBook should I use? The DTD or the schema?

I have successfully worked on a DocBook project some yeas ago, where I 
used V4.3 and the toolchain as mentioned above. Is it worth to upgrade 
my knowledge? Are the tools stable enough to not get in trouble with my 

Thank you for any advice.

Joachim Ziegler

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Re: DOCBOOK: No attribute value 'PDF' in imagedata

2003-03-07 Thread Joachim Ziegler
Daniel Veillard wrote:
it as a notation. Try to add


in the internal subset of the document, and see if this validates,
I bet it's the problem :-)
OK, I got now

and it works! Thank you!


Re: DOCBOOK: No attribute value 'PDF' in imagedata

2003-03-07 Thread Joachim Ziegler
Daniel Veillard wrote:
  Strange ... I don't know DocBook DTD, before saying it's a libxml2 bug
I would like a full example. But please check first with a recent version
2.4.12 is really old (current is 2.5.4).
Sorry, but this is hard to do for me. I would have to ask our central 
services group for updating the software and it would take weeks before 
they would react :-)

The only thing I did was inserting Bob's proposed extension line as the 
first line in the local part of the DTD:

If you want to, I can send you the whole file.


Re: DOCBOOK: No attribute value 'PDF' in imagedata

2003-03-07 Thread Joachim Ziegler
Bob Stayton wrote:

In the meanwhile, you can extend the list in notation.class
using local.notation.class to allow PDF by adding this to your
DOCTYPE in each file:

That should enable validation.
It seems that xmllint can't handle that extension:

/opt/gnu/bin/xmllint -valid --noout LEDATutorium.xml
LEDATutorium.xml:44: validity error: NOTATION attribute application 
reference an unknown notation "PDF"

chapter1.xml:6: validity error: NOTATION attribute application reference 
an unknown notation "PDF"

(using libxml version 20412)

This is a different error message from what I get without the above 

/opt/gnu/bin/xmllint -valid --noout LEDATutorium.xml
LEDATutorium.xml:752: validity error: Value "PDF" for attribute format 
of imagedata is not among the enumerated set

DOCBOOK: No attribute value 'PDF' in imagedata

2003-03-06 Thread Joachim Ziegler

I've just tried the following from Bob Staytons 2using the XSLT 

Example 16.1. Multiple graphics in a mediaobject




But xmllint says:

 validity error: Value "PDF" for attribute format of imagedata is not 
among the enumerated set

and nsgmls says:

value of attribute "format" cannot be "PDF"; must be one of "BMP", 
"FAX", "GIF", "GIF87a", "GIF89a", "JPG", "JPEG", "IGES", "PCX", "PIC", 
"PNG", "PS", "SGML", "TBL", "TEX", "TIFF", "WMF", "WPG", "SVG", 

I am using

 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"

So what is the preferred way of including scalable vector graphics for 
PDF output?


DOCBOOK: Markup for simple mathematical expressions

2003-02-19 Thread Joachim Ziegler
How do I correctly markup the expression '(n,k)' in the following phrase:

"The binomial coefficient (n,k) is equal to the number of subsets of 
size k of a set of size n"

Later I want to markup the relationship

(n,k) = (n-1,k-) + (n-1,k)

as being a mahtematical expression/equation.

I've read through the documentation of InlineEquation, but I think 
that's not what I need here. I do not need a nice-looking TeX-picture in 
an InlineMediaObject, I only want to markup some characters as belonging 
to a mathematical expression.

How do I do that?


DOCBOOK: Markup for operators in a programming language

2003-02-17 Thread Joachim Ziegler
How do I markup an operator like "++"?

Is something like

"The operator ++ increments its operand."

ok? (Every operator can be seen as a function.)


Re: DOCBOOK: exercises?

2003-02-05 Thread Joachim Ziegler
Jeff Biss wrote:


I'm sure more expert information is coming, but I'll give it a shot. 
Your numbering is handled in your stylesheet as I believe your use of 

Are you using the elements supplied in the DocBook DTD or are you 
developing your own?

This reminds me of a question I asked about 1/2 year ago: why is there 
no special markup for excercises in docbook? I think this is something 
which occurs frequently enough to give it a markup of its own.

I usually solve the problem with a  markup.


Re: DOCBOOK: Am I using DocBook appropriately?

2003-02-03 Thread Joachim Ziegler
Tobias Reif wrote:

I think numbered sections (like sect1) aren't as common now as
they once were, with nested sections being used more, but that's
just an impression I have.  I don't know how accurate it is.

I see; I could simply use section elements and none of sect[1-5].

That's news to me, too. I wonder when and why I should use sect1-sect5 
at all. (?)


DOCBOOK: Highlights vs. Abstract

2003-01-31 Thread Joachim Ziegler
I'm just wondering what the difference is and when I should use which 
tag. Can somebody explain to me or give a good example?


Re: DOCBOOK: Markup for exercises

2002-10-29 Thread Joachim Ziegler

I just wanted to ask, after the thread is apperently dead, whether chances are 
high that there will be an  tag in the future so that I can try to 
modify the DTD on my own for now to contain such a tag (because I need 
exercises) or whether I should better use the  


Re: DOCBOOK: Inserting external code into docbook

2002-10-24 Thread Joachim Ziegler
Am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2002 18:26 schrieb Bob Stayton:
> Looking back in the archives, it seems that this is how you
> do it with 4.1.2:

Yes, this is valid with 4.1.2

But why isn't there an easier mechanism/markup for verbatim inclusion of text 
files? I suppose that this is something which occurs frequently. (?)

> layer or on the command line. The parameters are
> use.extensions=1 and textinsert.extension=1. Both must be
> set for it to work.

I get the following error:

$ java  -classpath /usr/lib/saxon-6.5/saxon.jar com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet  -o 
Pythonbuch.html  Pythonbuch.xml  htmlsheet.xsl use.extensions=1 

No insertfile extension available.
Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 812

What does that mean?

Bob, could these extensions be a subject for your "Using the DocBook XSL 

DOCBOOK: Inserting external code into docbook

2002-10-23 Thread Joachim Ziegler
According to question 26 in the DocBook Markup FAQ, I tried the following:

(Bob Stayton says)

You can use following construct to include external code.

You only need the inlinemediaobject wrapper if you are using 4.1.2.




I am using 4.1.2 but I get the following errors:

Pythonbuch.xml:51: validity error: No declaration for attribute fileref on 
element textdata

Pythonbuch.xml:51: validity error: No declaration for element textdata

Pythonbuch.xml:52: validity error: Element textobject content doesn't follow 
the Dtd
Expecting (objectinfo? , (phrase | calloutlist | glosslist | itemizedlist | 
orderedlist | segmentedlist | simplelist | variablelist | caution | important 
| note | tip | warning | literallayout | programlisting | programlistingco | 
screen | screenco | screenshot | formalpara | para | simpara | blockquote+)), 
got (textdata )

What's the preferred way to include external program listings in a DocBook 
BTW: I don't understand the semantics of the above nesting of elements.


DOCBOOK: Markup for keywords in programs

2002-10-23 Thread Joachim Ziegler
What is the correct markup for a keyword like 'while' or 'for' in a 
programming language?

Is it while ?


Re: DOCBOOK: Re: Markup for exercises

2002-10-12 Thread Joachim Ziegler
Am Samstag, 12. Oktober 2002 12:13 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> in sectioninfo...
>   ...information on what is needed to setup the exercise,
> student data etc...
>   ...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> ...
>   ...

This structure makes complete sense to me. The term  is much better than 
. In an  you can also say "Answer the following 
questions" and than just use an OrderedList. And so you can do in the 
corresponding .

> Some method of controlling Stylesheets would be required to enable authors
> to display s or not depending on the documentation required. For
> example, a Student version of the document might not contain s
> whereas the Tutor version of the document would contain everything.

That would be really great!


Re: DOCBOOK: Re: Markup for exercises

2002-10-11 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Am Freitag, 11. Oktober 2002 18:25 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Perhaps these might be useful? (or something similar)...
> in sectioninfo...
>  ...information on what is needed to setup the exercise,
> student data etc...
>  ...
>  ...
>  ...

An exercise consists of a problem and eventually its solution(s).

In a course, when it comes to an exercise, I might say "Write a program that 
outputs HELLO WORLD". There is no question/answer involved here.

But a problem may well consist of finding the answer to a given question.

Even if the exercise consists of finding the answer to a question, I do not 
directly ask the question. Instead I say "Find the answer to the following 
question" before.

Therefore s and s should be allowed to appear in  
and , respectively. An  should only be allowed when the 
 has had a . Unfortunately, this dependency is not 
context-free and therefore not expressible in a DTD.


Re: DOCBOOK: Re: Markup for exercises

2002-10-11 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Am Freitag, 11. Oktober 2002 18:01 schrieb Norman Walsh:
> Would this work?

I think no. From the tutorial of the Qt GUI library that I've just read:

Try to resize the window. Press the button. If you're running X11, try running 
the program with the -geometry option (e.g. -geometry 100x200+10+20) 

An exercise does not necessarily consist of a question. It can also be a 
request for doing something, especially doing
something with the software or proving some mathematical theorem.

An exercise may have zero, one ore more solutions (for example a standard 
proof and a very clever proof). Strictly speaking, only s can have 

Exercises often come in sets, especially at the end of sections.


Re: DOCBOOK: Re: Markup for exercises

2002-10-11 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Am Freitag, 11. Oktober 2002 17:25 schrieb Stephan Wiesner:
> exercises with the same solution. I then developed a style sheet to
> create documents with the exercises displayed in the text flow and the
> solutions at the end (both linked), or not at all, depending on the
> purpose.

This is exactly what is needed in a class!

1) In the handout you give to your pupils at the beginning of a course, the 
solutions have not to be included because otherwise the pupils will peek at 
it and are prevented from making their own thoughts.

2) But as the teacher, you need a document including the solutions just after 
the exercises they belong to. (You, of course, want to peek.)

3) At the end of the course, the pupils should be handed a copy of all 
solutions to all exercises.

4) If you decide to publish your course as a book, you will want to include 
the solutions in an appendix at the end.


Re: DOCBOOK: Re: Markup for exercises

2002-10-10 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2002 18:50 schrieb Dave Pawson:
> >If DocBook is not the right DTD for writing a book about programming
> >(including exercises), what else in the XML world is? Should I stick with
> >Latex?
>  Sounds like a bribe/blackmail Joachim?
> I'd suggest stick with latex
>   Or whatever else turns you on.
> DaveP.

Sorry, maybe my english is not good enough and I'm confused with some words. 

What I meant was: Should I continue using Latex for high qualitiy output that 
will be printed and published.


DOCBOOK: Re: Markup for exercises

2002-10-10 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2002 14:46 schrieb Norman Walsh:
> In computer hardware and software documentation? Maybe. Maybe not.
> Exercises seem more like a teaching tool, an extension for tutorial
> documentation, perhaps. Still, the question has come up before. I
> wonder what else fits in that category?

I often give courses about programming and software technologies. In these 
course, the participants have to do a lot of exercises. Normally I use Latex 
to produce the handouts. 

My last course was on XML and of course, *this* handout had to be written in 
XML itself in order to demonstrate the power of the technology. I was using a 
simple DTD and stylesheets of my own to produce HTML and PDF.

Now I want to change to DocBook (as Docbook is a major subject in this course 
and as the stylesheets are much more sophisticated than mine). I really miss 
an exercise-tag, but maybe that's not what DocBook was designed for.

BTW, I've written a book about learning programming. It was coded in Latex 
(and in German). I'm currently evaluating DocBook as a basis for the second 
print of this book or for some other book about programming (mainly because I 
like the ability to output HTML). The more I learn, the less I'm convinced 
that the current state of the XSL technology will produce a high quality PDF 
output comparable to Latex. Am I right? 
(I you want to peek at it:

If DocBook is not the right DTD for writing a book about programming 
(including exercises), what else in the XML world is? Should I stick with 


Re: DOCBOOK: Markup for exercises

2002-10-10 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2002 00:23 schrieb Steve Ball:
> What do you mean by "exercises"?

I mean something like

Proof that the traveling salesman problem is NP-complete.

> When I talk about "exercises" I mean practical exercises,
> as in an examination or class (as in a group a students
> being taught a subject, nothing to do with OO programming) exercise.

Yes, that's exactly what I mean.

I use exercises very often in my documents, but I can't hardly believe that I 
will ever write something about a destructor in an OO language. 

Exercises occur much more frequently as a building block than descriptions of 
destructors., I think. That's why I was wondering why there is no special tag 
for it.


DOCBOOK: Markup for exercises

2002-10-09 Thread Joachim Ziegler


I'm just wondering why there is no special markup for exercises in DocBook,
when there's something as specialized as a DestructorSynopsis which you can 
only use when you write about an OO language that has support for 

I know, I can simulate  with , but you can 
simulate everything with roles.

I use exercises much more often than destructorsynopseis.

Or am I missing something?


DOCBOOK: Markup for definitions

2002-10-09 Thread Joachim Ziegler

Suppose I write a sentence like

"A *process* is a programm in execution."

The word "process" should be emphasized in both the HTML and the PDF version.

Later, whenever I speak of "processes", I want to have a link to the 
definition above (in the HTML version). Moreover, the word "process" should 
show up in the index.

What's the correct markup for this? 
