Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook customisation for "generic business documents"?

2020-07-28 Thread Frank Steimke

Hi Paul,

i think we have something similar. We use a DocBook base solution for 
contracts with our partners. In short:

Customization of Relax NG Schema and Schematron

 * Reduce the possible Elements (e. g. only CALS Tables, HTML Tables
   are not allowed). No  Synopsis elements and so on. Reduce to a small
   subset, it will help in later steps (see "negotiation").
 * Add additional Elements, like contract number, contract status. Some
   of them are mandatory, some optional.
 * Use Relax NG for Datatyping of these new Elements (all contract
   numbers must follow some pattern)
 * Use the @role Attribute to qualify sections, e. g. "overall-goal".
 * Use schematron for business rules, e. g. "If status is proposal or
   final, there must be exactly one section qualified as overall-goal"

Optional: Use Oxygen CSS extensions for Forms

Optional: Use advanced mechanism to access external ressources

 *      e. g. an XML "Database" of budget for departments in our company.

Write some stylesheets for a transformation in DocBook 5.1 (original)

 * Additional elements will be transformed into appropriate DocBook
 * A informaltable with contract Metadata will be generated at the
   start of the Document
 * Result is a Document, which is valid with respect to DocBook 5.1
   schema (Relax and Schematron)

Optional: customization of DocBook HTML or XSL-FO Stylesheets for 

 * A special layout for contracts

We use this solution with success since some years. We have a simple 
"Template for contracts". Authors are free to use many of the regular 
DocBook mechanism in contracts, but are forced to follow a general 
structure for this type of document, and to add contract metadata. A 
contract without a section for the overall goal is invalid. Schematron 
allows different rules for different document status (e. g. a missing 
contract number is a warning for draft documents, but an error for 
proposal or final). We are able to query a collection of contract 
documents (e. g. "total sum of contract value in a defined period of 
time") with simple XSLT mechanism.

The only drawback is the process of negotiation of contracts, since 
DocBook stylesheets in the standard Distribution can produce HTML or 
PDF, but our Partner would like to have editable Documents in MS Word. 
We have tested three solutions:

1. Ask them to edit structured Documents (DocBook customization for
   contracts): No way. They are all IT-professionals, but working with
   a Document on a computer means MS Word and nothing else to them
2. Poor mans generation of MS-Word: use standard stylesheet to generate
   HTML, Use the HTML import mechanism of MS Word to greate .docx.
   Works for most DocBook Elements. Exceptions are Footnotes, Table
   column width, wrong ratio in images and so on
3. Transformation from DocBook to Open Document Format (ODF 1.2): This
   is possible, because we have a restricted set of DocBook Elements.

"DocBook for contracts" was our first application, but i have applied 
the same idea to other topics with success.

Frank Steimke

Am 29.07.2020 um 04:51 schrieb Paul Hoadley:


We have used DocBook in the past for technical documentation with 
great success, but we currently have a use case involving generation 
of what you might call "generic business documents"—e.g., "policies", 
"procedures", "checklists", and so on.

The client supplies us with "templates" for these documents, which 
then need to be modified based on various end-user data. (This can be 
as simple as, say, substituting an organisation's name in a title, but 
extends right up to conditional inclusion or exclusion of paragraphs 
and table rows, as well as, say, populating lists with user-supplied 
values.) At the moment we have a prototype solution involving Word 
documents as the source (manipulated with Apache POI), but it's very 
brittle, as Word is utterly unsuited as the source format. This all 
seems ripe for an XML-based solution.

My question for the list is simple: has anyone used DocBook to mark up 
this kind of "generic business document"? I have no doubt it would 
work, and the existing stylesheets with a customisation layer makes a 
very attractive starting point. If anyone has any success stories (or 
otherwise!), or advice, I'd love to hear them.

Paul Hoadley

Re: [docbook-apps] Validating against Schematron

2020-07-28 Thread Frank Steimke
We use Oxygen XML Editor since Version 11 (recent Version is 22). It 
supports DocBook very well. The concept of Master files is great for 
large, modular Documents, because you can edit and validate a single 
file in context. (The same concept helps in analyzing and customization 
of DocBooks modular stylesheets.) Validating against Schematron supports 
Schematron Quick Fix .

There is an optional DeltaXML  Plugin for 
comparison of large DocBook Documents.

Frank Steimke

Am 28.07.2020 um 23:55 schrieb Richard Hamilton:

This is a question for the group.

What do you currently use for validating DocBook agains both RelaxNG and 

I’ve been looking around and downloading and trying some 10-to-15 year old 
solutions, but I figure there has to be something newer (or an update to one of 
the older ones) that does the job.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators

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[docbook-apps] DocBook customisation for "generic business documents"?

2020-07-28 Thread Paul Hoadley

We have used DocBook in the past for technical documentation with great 
success, but we currently have a use case involving generation of what you 
might call "generic business documents"—e.g., "policies", "procedures", 
"checklists", and so on.

The client supplies us with "templates" for these documents, which then need to 
be modified based on various end-user data. (This can be as simple as, say, 
substituting an organisation's name in a title, but extends right up to 
conditional inclusion or exclusion of paragraphs and table rows, as well as, 
say, populating lists with user-supplied values.) At the moment we have a 
prototype solution involving Word documents as the source (manipulated with 
Apache POI), but it's very brittle, as Word is utterly unsuited as the source 
format. This all seems ripe for an XML-based solution.

My question for the list is simple: has anyone used DocBook to mark up this 
kind of "generic business document"? I have no doubt it would work, and the 
existing stylesheets with a customisation layer makes a very attractive 
starting point. If anyone has any success stories (or otherwise!), or advice, 
I'd love to hear them.

Paul Hoadley

Re: [docbook-apps] Validating against Schematron

2020-07-28 Thread Bob Stayton

I use Oxygen XML.

Bob Stayton

On 7/28/2020 2:55 PM, Richard Hamilton wrote:

This is a question for the group.

What do you currently use for validating DocBook agains both RelaxNG and 

I’ve been looking around and downloading and trying some 10-to-15 year old 
solutions, but I figure there has to be something newer (or an update to one of 
the older ones) that does the job.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators

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[docbook-apps] Validating against Schematron

2020-07-28 Thread Richard Hamilton
This is a question for the group.

What do you currently use for validating DocBook agains both RelaxNG and 

I’ve been looking around and downloading and trying some 10-to-15 year old 
solutions, but I figure there has to be something newer (or an update to one of 
the older ones) that does the job.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators

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[docbook-apps] DocBook XSL: The Next Generation

2020-07-28 Thread Norman Tovey-Walsh
Hello world,

A few days ago, I released the first version of the DocBook xslTNG
Stylesheets. These are a complete rewrite of DocBook to HTML stylesheets
in XSLT 3.0.

The goal of the stylesheets is to produce clean, semantically rich
HTML(5) that can be beautifully rendered with CSS (and a dash or two of
JavaScript, if you wish) in the browser and in print. I’ve done my best
in all cases to make sure that the presentations are accessible. If you
find something that isn’t accessible, please report it.

I made the 1.1.1 release yesterday. (The small fix over 1.0.0 from
Friday is that annotations are now more accessible.)

See for details.

Or for more blather
about it from me.

Be seeing you,

Norman Tovey-Walsh

> Wit consists in seeing the resemblance between things which differ, and
> the difference between things which are alike.--Madame De Stæl

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[docbook-apps] [ANN] Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.4

2020-07-28 Thread Hussein Shafie

Release of XMLmind XML Editor v9.4. Highlights:

- Any configuration (DITA, DocBook, XHTML, etc):

* New "Set ID" toolbar button. This button displays a menu having 3 
entries: "Set ID", "Unset ID" and all new "List Anchors and Links". This 
last menu entry displays a very convenient dialog box letting the user 
search and select anchors (that is, any element having an ID) and links.

* More generally, simpler, better organized, enhanced toolbar. For 
example, when you use the toolbar to add a fig element to your DITA 
topic, you are now prompted to specify an image file.

* Ctrl-Alt-click upon a link of any kind to follow it. 
(Cmd-Alt-click on the Mac.) This new mouse action is a handy alternative 
to the "Follow Link" entry of the contextual menu.

- Updated many software components (ditac, Saxon, Batik, FOP, etc).

- A few minor bug fixes.

More information in

What is XMLmind XML Editor?

Home page:

Personal Edition is free to use by many persons and organizations. Download:

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