Re: [docbook-apps] Multiplatform toolchain for outputting "nice" PDF

2024-01-21 Thread Thomas Schraitle


On 20.01.24 16:46, l@tlo wrote:

A year and a few months later, here we are, ready for an upgrade.

We're moving to a Ubuntu container that has fop 2.9.

Now, I'd like to move to DocBook 5.1 but I'd like to know if there is there an 
online document that summarizes the major differences between DocBook 4.5 and 

If I'm not mistaken, there is no direct summary of changes between DocBook 4.5
and 5.1.

However, you can review the changes between 4.5 and DocBook 5.0 here:

There is another summary that also includes changes between DocBook 5.0 and 5.1
which you can see here:

Hope that helps. :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook xslTNG prerelease 2.0.7

2023-02-07 Thread Thomas Schraitle


On 06.02.23 19:48, Tony Graham wrote:

On 06/02/2023 15:23, Thomas Schraitle wrote:

No localization exists for "" or "". Using default "en".
Error at xsl:text on line 169 column 19 of functions.xsl:
   XTMM9000  Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 169 in functions.xsl

Do you have any 'xml:lang=""' in your document(s)?

No, not that I'm aware of it. All xml:lang are set correctly. But thanks for
the suggestion.


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook xslTNG prerelease 2.0.7

2023-02-06 Thread Thomas Schraitle
the result HTML is zero bytes. :)

To help debugging, would it make sense to have an option that the HTML could be
still generated? Even if there are some errors?

Although the HTML might be broken, it could give some hints where the XML
source contains some strange structures.


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Testing DocBook xslTNG 2.0.2 with a real world example

2023-01-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle


On 20.01.23 09:44, Norm Tovey-Walsh wrote:

This gave me some errors which I'm not able to interpret. For easier reading,
I've uploaded the messages and the XML source code here:

Thank you! I love a test case :-)

I would have provided one, but I'm not yet familiar with XSpec and XSLT 3.0. ;)
All I can for now is to point out some issues. :))

Will report back after I’ve had a chance to investigate.

Great, many thanks!

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Testing DocBook xslTNG 2.0.2 with a real world example

2023-01-19 Thread Thomas Schraitle


thanks for releasing 2.0.2 of the DocBook xslTNG stylesheets! \o/

I was curious and wanted to play with it on a real-world example. :)

The example that I've chosen is our administration guides written in DocBook 5.
It has already been successfully published with the DocBook XSLT 1.0
stylesheets. The source code contains 50.000 lines of fine DocBook XML. So it's
quite massive. ;)

For convenience reasons, I've added all in one directory. So I've downloaded
the ZIP archive from GitHub, unpacked it, and created the admin book as a
single DocBook XML file. As the images are referenced without any paths, I've
linked all the PNG and SVG files to this (temporary) directory.

This is how the directory looks like:

  +-- {bin,docker,libs,resources,samples,xslt}/  # all dirs from the project
  +-- tmp/
  |   +-- book-administration.xml  # my guide
  |   +-- *.png
  |   +-- *.svg
  +-- out/   # output should go here

I run it like this:

  $ cd docbook-xslTNG-2.0.2/
  $ python3 bin/docbook -xsl:xslt/docbook.xsl \
 -s:tmp/book-administration.xml \

This gave me some errors which I'm not able to interpret. For easier reading,
I've uploaded the messages and the XML source code here:

As a summary, I have these issues:

* Some templates seems not be available and I get this messages:

  No titlepage template for: quote
  No localization for keycap/keycap in en, using "MISSING"
  No localization for keycap/keycap in en, using "MISSING"

* I get errors from the TNG stylesheets itself. For example:
XPTY0004  An empty sequence is not allowed as the first argument of
invoked by xsl:iterate at docbook-xslTNG-2.0.2/xslt/modules/objects.xsl#62

  There are similar issues.

It seems, some of the issues are coming from the stylesheets, right? Or is it a
problem in my source code? It's hard to believe as I've validated it against
DocBook 5.2 and it's valid. :)

Maybe I did something wrong. How I can solve the issues above? Would it help to
open some GH issues?

Many thanks and keep up the great work!

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] How to migrate DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets to 3.0?

2022-12-16 Thread Thomas Schraitle


On 15.12.22 21:03, Thomas Schraitle wrote:


I took the liberty to open a new issue:

If you have further ideas, suggestions etc. let us know and add it here or in
the above issue.

Many thanks!

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] How to migrate DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets to 3.0?

2022-12-15 Thread Thomas Schraitle


the DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets served us very well over the years. However,
as more and more features are implemented in DocBook 5, the more difficult
becomes it to add them into the XSLT 1.0 code base.

As far as I see, the new XSLT 3.0 stylesheets[1] tries to create the foundation
for this. Luckily, Norman provided a very detailed documentation[2] how to use
them. I'm very grateful for this and it's very helpful. Thank you very much!

I played a bit around with them. However, I'm more interested in how to
_migrate_ from the older XSLT 1.0 stylesheets to the new ones. If I'm not
mistaken, there is no such documentation yet, right? I hope this question could
serve as a starting point to collect some ideas and to amend the documentation.

Currently, we use an extensive customization layer of the DocBook XSLT 1.0
stylesheets which support HTML and PDF through XSL-FO. We use xsltproc to
transform them. We even created a tool chain to help us with profiling etc.
This works quite well and we are happy with this.

However, as XSLT 1.0 has some limitations and needs workarounds, I'm searching
for a way if this code base could be migrated somehow. Therefor I'm looking for
some tips and tricks, best practices, or recommendations.

How would you proceed with this? I suppose it isn't easy and needs a complete

Before I start that task, I have some specific questions which hopefully helps
me to understand this better:

1. Compatibility mode in Saxon11?
   As we currently use xsltproc, would it make sense to gradually replace the
   XSLT processor with Saxon 11 and still using the XSLT 1.0 stylesheets?
   Just to get some experiences etc.
   I suppose Saxon 11 has a compatibility mode for XSLT 1.0. However, some
   extension functions and elements in the XSLT 1.0 stylesheets could be
   problematic as they don't exist in Saxon 11, right?

2. Speed?
   When we tried Saxon 6, we measured it is ~3x slower than xsltproc.
   This is probably not a surprise (Java versus C).

   We have quite an extensive DocBook code base. To build all product
   documentation for HTML and PDF takes a long time. If we multiply it by
   a factor N it takes even longer. So that's an important point for us.

   I've read somewhere that the slower start up time is due to the Java
   engine. Once it is started it is more or less comparable with xsltproc.
   Is it correct?

   Can we start Saxon 11 in a kind of "background mode" where it waits
   and listens to some transformation requests? Would that be possible?

3. How to deal with XSL-FO?
   Currently, the xslTNG stylesheets don't support XSL-FO (yet).
   Nowadays it's recommended to use some (print) CSS to create PDF.
   There are commercial offerings for this task, but we are looking
   for an open source solution. Would a browser engine sufficient too?
   Or are there any other tools recommendations?

   The other option would be to implement XSL-FO. However, I think, that
   would be quite a big task, wouldn't it? Is it planned to implement

   What would you use to provide PDF?

4. Recommendations? Best practices?
   Are there any recommendation to follow, traps to avoid etc.?

Thanks for all your ideas and thoughts! :-)

--- References

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Multiplatform toolchain for outputting "nice" PDF

2022-11-29 Thread Thomas Schraitle


On 14.11.22 19:51, Kevin Dunn wrote:

As someone who made a similar update, I can provide some perspective. Much of
your tool chain may be old, but it's actually "mature," not "outdated." The
most limiting element of your tool chain is likely fop. When I migrated from
dsssl and jadeTeX to an xsl tool chain, I considered fop alongside Antenna
House Formatter and RenderX XEP. As much as I like and admire free tools like
fop, the commercial xsl-fo engines are superior. Each of them is available on
multiple platforms, and each has a free demo version for evaluation purposes.

FOP has just published version 2.8 a some time ago and I think it has improved
a lot. Of course, depending on what features you need, it may or may not be on
par with commercial formatters. :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Transclusion fixup for XSLT 1.0?

2022-09-15 Thread Thomas Schraitle


there is a stylesheet for XSLT 2.0 that deals with transclusion attributes:

This stylesheet rewrites IDs to avoid  "multiple ID errors" when you include
the same file with ID more than once.

It there a change that this stylesheet can be (re)written into XSLT 1.0? I know
it needs certainly extension functions, but I can't use the 2.0 version.

The assemble/assemble.xsl currently doesn't support rewriting IDs. Especially
if you include files more than one, you can run into the above error when
validating your realized document. It would be helpful if the assemble
stylesheet would support that.

Any ideas? Thanks!

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Continued page numbering in the frontmatter

2020-08-23 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bernhard,

On Sonntag, 23. August 2020 22:12:14 CEST Bernhard Kleine wrote:
> [...]
> The pagenumbering starts anew for the dedication, the table of contents
> and the preface i , i - iv, i ii.
> For me this is quite unusual, however, I donot see, where to tackle in
> order have the pagenumbering continous from i - x.
> [...]

Maybe this could help:

Especially the named template "page.number.format". Hope this gives some 

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook XSL: The Next Generation

2020-07-29 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2020 17:24:24 CEST you wrote:
> [...]
> > Does the new stylesheets create PDFs through a HTML -> browser -> PDF
> > workflow? Or will there be separate XSL-FO stylesheets at some day?
> My current thinking is that HTML+CSS through some tool like AntennaHouse
> Formatter or PrinceXML (or other similar tools) is the way forward.

Thanks Norm. Yes, that can be an interesting way. I've heard about that, but 
I'm not so much into this topic ATM. As far as I know, the above tools are 
commercial. Do you know an open source solution?

> If I
> had the time, I’d be happy to work on XSL FO stylesheets. But I don’t
> want to do the job badly and I don’t have the time to do it well.

I can fully understand your position. :) I'm sure it's fun, especially when 
you come from a XSLT 1.0 background. That's a huge step forward. On the other 
side, it's also a huge task, I guess. ;)

> [...]


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook XSL: The Next Generation

2020-07-29 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Norman,

On Dienstag, 28. Juli 2020 18:12:03 CEST Norman Tovey-Walsh wrote:
> A few days ago, I released the first version of the DocBook xslTNG
> Stylesheets. These are a complete rewrite of DocBook to HTML stylesheets
> in XSLT 3.0.

This is a huge step forward! Many thanks!

> The goal of the stylesheets is to produce clean, semantically rich
> HTML(5) that can be beautifully rendered with CSS (and a dash or two of
> JavaScript, if you wish) in the browser and in print. [...]

Just for clarification: how do we get PDF thesedays?

Does the new stylesheets create PDFs through a HTML -> browser -> PDF 
workflow? Or will there be separate XSL-FO stylesheets at some day?

Thanks for clarification! :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Thumb register

2020-07-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Montag, 20. Juli 2020 09:40:33 CEST Norman Tovey-Walsh wrote:
> Bernhard Kleine  writes:
> > I have used a thumb register in a book produced with LaTeX. That was
> > fairly straight forward. I wonder whether this is also possible with
> > docbook -> PDF. Is there a solution already?
> Pardon my ignorance, but what is a “thumb register”?

If I understood Bernhard correctly, it's a "thumb index":

Of course, you cannot cut off a specific parts of a page with XSL FO, but you 
can "simulate" that by having a colored space at the page margin.

Hope that helps.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Merge biblioentry data to citation

2018-11-27 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Peter,

Am Tue, 27 Nov 2018 18:54:04 +0100
schrieb Peter Fleck :

> Is there a way to only have a biblioentry once in the bibliography
> and then cite the details multiple times?
> So for example here in
> Something like this? (Though this doesn't work).
> ..,
> 315-16...
> ...
> ..,
> 402...

It seems, biblioref would be the appropriate tag for you:

With biblioref you can add the attributes "begin", "end", and "units"
like this:

  See .

If you process it with version 1.79.2 of the stylesheets, you will get
this result:

  See [isbn-9780143111641].

It seems, the attributes above are unsupported. I think this is a bug
as I couldn't find any code which uses them. If you want to take them
into account, you need to write a customization layer.

One final note about citation. You can use it to reference multiple
bibliographic entries like this:

   See , 

which renders as:

  See [A, B].

(watch for spaces inside ).

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Combining para role templates

2018-10-12 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Peter,

Am Freitag, 12. Oktober 2018, 16:16:13 CEST schrieb Peter Fleck:
> I have a number of templates that add some formatting to xsl:fo, they
> are in the format of:
> I want to be able to combine these various templates, something like this:
> [...]

What about this (untested):


Apart from the XSLT solution above, your role looks like you've (ab)used it as 
an admonition element. ;) Have you tried one of the admonition elements like 
warning, caution etc.? 


Not sure if that can be applied to your document. However, it seems to me, it 
could simplify your customization even more.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] How to make chemical structure automatically numbered

2018-10-12 Thread Thomas Schraitle

Am Freitag, 12. Oktober 2018, 15:46:50 CEST schrieb Bernhard Kleine:
> @Peter: It seems that figure is a valid element, however, the numbering
> of figure for structures would conflict with the numbering a normal
> figure. As long as there is no possible was to have a "proprietary"
> counter for structures (as figures) structures do not have an
> independent numbering. I wonder since there are an awful lot of chemical
> papers where there is an independent list of structures, that none of
> them has been prepared with docbook. Otherwise there would be a solution
> already.

As I've pointed out in my last mail (coincidentally sent at the same time), 
you could use .

However, I see the following solutions in regards to numbering:

1. Use  or 
* if the book doesn't contain any normal equation, it's easy to apply
* no schema customization
* no stylesheet customization needed

* Not sure if you want to label your chemical structure as "Equation"
  (can be fixed)
* More stylesheet customization is needed, if you need to distinguish
  between numbering of a normal equation and numbering of a chemical
2. Use 
   Same as equation, it's just a matter of taste which one do you prefer.
   The same pros and cons apply.

3. Create your own element (?); creating DocBook RNG customization
* free to design what structure you really need
* easy with the help of RELAX NG
* independent of any numbering of figure or equation

* not be DocBook compatible anymore; to validate, you need your
  own schema
* you need to write a customization layer for the DocBook XSL

I hope I haven't misunderstood your ideas. Does that make sense?

> @Thomas: since the structures are svg as well as most figure in my book,
> I have considered svg. However, than I would lable a contruct of
> structures, but not the individual ones. Coming from LaTeX, the
> numbering of figures was always a simple use of apropriate macros.

I also come from a LaTeX background. ;)

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] How to make chemical structure automatically numbered

2018-10-12 Thread Thomas Schraitle

Am Freitag, 12. Oktober 2018, 15:19:59 CEST schrieb Peter Desjardins:
> I think the table is adding valid semantic structure here. It allows the
> figure numbering to exist at the Docbook level, not in SVG.
> Maybe use  elements inside an ? You could wrap the
> informaltable in an example to give the entire set of diagrams a title.

Thanks for your reply Peter. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. :)

If Bernhard tries to display chemical structures, why using an overly 
complicated structure? KISS (keep it simple, stupid)! ;) I see no benefit in 
using a table here. Even the opposite: tables on mobile devices (EPUB) can 
have issues. It's better to avoid them.

Even if you go from simple chemical structure to a chemical reaction, there is 
even no reason to split it into several pieces. A structure---and so a 
reaction---belongs together IMHO. With the features of SVG, it's possible.

As DocBook doesn't provide a element for chemical structures, you need either 
use figure or equation (as Jirka pointed out). For example:




IMHO, this is totally enough. Put everything in steran.svg what you need: 
labeling, text, arrows, etc.

With the @condition attribute, you can distinguish a chemical structure from a 
"normal" equation (if you need to).

Even if you really have to use subfigures for a chemical structure I would 
avoid table structures at all costs. For example, if you need to have two 
subfigures, you could use two mediaobjects:

Steran A and B

  Steran A...

  Steran B...


Of course, you need to delegate the layout to the stylesheet and you need to 
write a customization layer. For FO it can be rendered indeed as a table and 
for HTML there are different (CSS) methods to position two objects side by 

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] How to make chemical structure automatically numbered

2018-10-12 Thread Thomas Schraitle

Am Freitag, 12. Oktober 2018, 14:12:15 CEST schrieb Bernhard Kleine:
> In my second mail to this threat a showed a complex table with
> structures, arrows labeling etc. I cannot envisage this without a table
> structure.

As Dave already pointed out, a table might not be the appropriate way to 
layout things.

Have you considered SVG? With SVG (or any other vector format) you can do all 
the fancy stuff (arrows, labeling etc.) that you need.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Same font and color for specific titles

2018-05-06 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Peter,

Am Dienstag, 1. Mai 2018, 09:27:41 CEST schrieb Peter Schmelzer:

> thank you so much for your detailed response.
> I thought I had to write only one customization file containing all
> elements which should be changed.
> I will follow the guideline/your suggestion to apply my customizations.

As an addition, not as a replacement, you could also have a look at my 

It contains some typical topics about manipulating the structure and 
customizations. Although it is not finished, it may give you some 

Find the sources and the stylesheets on GitHub:

Have fun! :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Regarding URLs for NS and non-NS DocBook Stylesheets

2017-11-19 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Ron,

Am Sonntag, 19. November 2017, 16:57:25 CET schrieben Sie:
> At the last chnage you get the namespace aware without the -ns bit.  as
> i remember you need something like -nons to get the no namespace version
> [...]

Oh right! :)

So the meaning has been switched: in the SF case, the default was the non-NS 
version and you need the "xsl-ns" to get the NS variant.

With the new CDN URL, it's just the opposite: the default is the NS variant 
and you need the "xsl-nons". That works:

Great, thanks Ron!

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Regarding URLs for NS and non-NS DocBook Stylesheets

2017-11-19 Thread Thomas Schraitle

I've noticed a change how the DocBook stylesheets are accessed through URLs.

Before this change, we had these two URLs:

The first URL access the non-namespaced stylesheets whereas the second one is 
for the namespace aware. So far, so good. :)

For the latest release 1.79.2, there is now this URL in place:

Probably this change was needed because of the move from Sourceforge to 
GitHub. To have more general URLs, not bound to SF.

If you look into the catalog.xml file in the root directory of the tarball, 
there is only the previous URL. No Sourceforge URLs anymore. So I assume, this 
replaces the old one, right?

However, there is no equivalent namespace-aware URL. The following URL gives 
me a 404:

I have some questions:

1. Is this a bug? ;-)

2. How am I suppose to access the NS variant of the stylesheets?
   Is there an "official blessed" URL?

3. Shouldn't be the old URLs still be added to the catalog.xml file?
   I assume, these former URLs are quite well-known and used in many
   customization layers.


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] ulink - oxygen18 - jing

2016-11-05 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Ron,

Am Samstag, 5. November 2016, 10:45:09 schrieb Ron Catterall:
> If I put a ulink into an xml document using oxygen18, Jing displays an
> error:
> element "ulink" not allowed anywhere; expected the element end-tag, text
> or element "abbrev", "accel", "acronym", "alt", "anchor", "annotation",
> ... etc ... see below

The element ulink is not allowed in DocBook 5 anymore. It is only available in 
version 4. For version 5, it was renamed to . See table 1.1 of renamed 

> Despite the error the xml transforms correctly to chunked html output
> and the link works OK.

Yes, because the stylesheets know both elements and have templates for both 
link and ulink.

> This appears to be a false error message from Jing and/or oxygen?

No. See above. Jing is absolutely correct here.

> [...]

Hope this helps. :))

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Alternatives to entities for referencing small substitutions

2016-10-18 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Paul,

Am Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016, 20:38:00 schrieb Paul Hoadley:
> What is the state of the art for small text substitutions (basically just
> domain-specific terms) that can also be varied via the profiling machinery?
> I have an application that can run as more than one “product”, and each
> product shows domain-specific variations in labels, for example, in the
> user interface. There might be a generic term for some object “Foo”, but
> Application A will call this a “Bar”, and Application B calls it a “Baz”.
> What I want to be able to do is refer to a “Foo” throughout the source, but
> substitute “Bar” for App A’s output, and “Baz” for App B’s. What’s the best
> way to achieve this?

This sounds like profiling in combination with entities.

You could define your foo entity like this:


The  element is quite neutral and is allowed where inline elements are 
also allowed.

When you have this "foo" entity, you can refer to it throughout your document 
as . Of course, you need to set the profiling attribute os accordingly to 
filter it for application A or B.

We use it for different product names and numbers which applies the same 
approach. It works great.

Keep in mind, this approach relies on a "side effect": it depends on phrase 
being allowed in all contexts. This is not always the case. For example, you 
cannot use  inside attribute values. Or, if you have customized the 
DocBook schema and you don't allow phrase in, let's say, a title. That won't 
work as you will get validation errors.

Apart from this, I think you will be happy with this approach. ;-))

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Removing newlines between s

2016-08-24 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Ekaterina,

On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 08:03:33 +
"Shikareva, Ekaterina" <> wrote:

> For me, this empty line appears even before any conversion, I can see
> it in XMLMind: see the same file in Notepad++ -
> XMLMind DocBook Editor v. 7.0 -
> Also visible in XMLMind 5.3.0.
> And btw, if you create an informaltable with XMLMind, the paras
> inside will be saved on the same line, as in the first row. For these
> screenshots, I had to manually insert a line break in the second row
> to reproduce the problem.

I haven't followed the complete thread, but according to the
screenshots and what you've wrote, you seem to use XMLMind for your XML

Ekaterina, I think, you should distinguish two cases:

 (1) The rendering in your XML editor (here: XMLMind)
 (2) The output from the DocBook stylesheets

These two are different sets, they don't have much in common. To
compare these, you should know the technologies behind it.

Usually, thesedays, XML editors use CSS for rendering XML files. XMLMind
and oXygen falls into this category.

CSS is a language to format the layout of Web pages (and in this case,
XML). In its simplest form, it applies layout information (font size,
text style, indentation, border etc.) to elements. Nothing more,
nothing less. In other words, you can't restructure your XML file with
CSS and change the order of elements. That's not its purpose.

For an XML editor this is usually enough because it's fast enough and
you get a kind of "what you see is what you get" feeling that most
people know from Office programs.

However, what you see in your XML editor is NOT the final result! If
you use the DocBook stylesheet as toolchain, they use XSLT. XSLT is a
transformation(!) language. With XSLT you can do all the fancy things
that you can't do with CSS.

Your XML editor "fools" you to believe some things are "broken" which
isn't. A different XML editor (oXygen, FrameMaker, etc.) shows you
probably different rendering views of your XML file. If your XML editor
shows para elements differently, it's a bug in your XML editor.

To make a long story short:
The relevant result is the output of the DocBook stylesheets, not how
your files are displayed in your XML editor. The rendering in your XML
editor can be considered as a hint. The DocBook stylesheets should
create the correct HTML or PDF. If not, it's a bug.

Hope it helps you to understand the differences better. :-)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Recommended docbook element for a "Problems section"

2016-01-10 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Eric,

On Mon, 11 Jan 2016 00:55:45 +0100
Erik Leunissen <> wrote:

> I'm in the process of writing an educational textbook. The textbook
> is a docbook book, containing several chapters. Each chapter contains
> several sections with "explained content", a "Problems section" and a 
> bibliography. Like the sections, the "Problems section" and the 
> bibliography occur at the same level just below a chapter.
> (B.t.w. the word "section" in "Problems section" is just a matter of 
> speak, not meant to be a docbook element, not yet anyway)
> [...]
> My question relates to the "Problems" section in each chapter. Like
> the bibliography it must not have a label, but must occur in the
> table of contents.
> I've been looking for a docbook element for such a "Problems
> section", and I have difficulty finding an appropriate one:
> - I can't make it a docbook section because these are processed to 
> display a label.

I fear, there is no dedicated element for a "problems" section. 

However, you can try the label attribute and set it to an empty
value. It is there to influence the section numbering. Not sure if this
is what you want.

On the other side, the best approach is probably to use the role
attribute, set it to role="problem" and write a XSLT customization
layer for further processing.

> - a Q set seems inappropriate since there are only questions (which 
> are not "Frequently asked" anyway; and answers are not supposed to be 
> provided in the same structural element)

Well, as you probably already know, there is the qandaset element for
this purpose. It allows you to add one question but you are not forced
to provide any answers. Does that help?

Of course, you are free to wrap it inside a section.

> - I've been thinking about using a section element with a dedicated
> role attribute, that triggers customized processing, but that's just
> a wild idea for now.

I did the same with my cookbook which you can browse here:
(will be moved to GitHub in the future)

Used a role="problem" and "solution" but ATM, I haven't done any
special processing with them.

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Chunking options for HTML output

2015-11-07 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Frank,

Am Freitag, 6. November 2015, 16:59:32 schrieb Frank Arensmeier:
> I am wondering. DITA has the attribute "chunk" that gives the user some
> control about how a topic/section is treated when it comes to output
> chunking. Setting that attribute to "to-content", the topic (including its
> children) is "… rendered as a single chunk of content". Is there something
> similar in DocBook?

I'm not aware of anything similar. DocBook has no attribute that is targetted 
for this purpose.

However, you could (ab?)use some common attributes (maybe condition?) and 
customize the chunking template. Haven't tried it yet.

A possible easier solution would be to use the  processing 
instruction. It's explained in the link below.

> I know that I can control the chunking level – but
> that’s a different story. I need a more fine-grain control for the chunking
> mechanism. Could this be achieved in a customisation? Which "key"
> stylesheets in DocBook XSLT would be promising candidates to look at?

Would the following link fit your needs?

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook XSL 1.79.0 release is available

2015-10-16 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 19:25:51 -0400
Stefan Seefeld <> wrote:

> [... GitHub ...]
> DocBook as organization 

Stefan, I fear your claim isn't completely right. :) Technically,
DocBook isn't an organisation on GitHub, it's just a normal user named
"DocBook". :)

Shouldn't this be migrated to an organization instead of having a normal
user? According to

  About organizations
  Organizations are great for businesses and large open-source projects
  that need multiple owners and administrators, grouped together with
  teams that determine affinity and repository permissions. 

I'm not sure if this definition of "large open-source project" would fit
for a (hypothetical) DocBook organization. However, maybe it would be
beneficial to have one as it allows more fine-grained repository
permissions? Not sure if that's a good thing for DocBook.

Just my thoughts. :))

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook XSL 1.79.0 release is available

2015-10-16 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bob,

On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 15:33:33 -0700
Bob Stayton <> wrote:

> I finally finished putting together a new release of the DocBook XSL 
> stylesheets.  I apologize for the long delay.  Future releases should 
> come more frequently as we move over to Github.

Thanks a lot Bob for this effort! Great work!

One question about contributing:
Any bugs should be reported on GitHub now, right? Will the old bugs on
SourceForge be migrated to GitHub?

How to contribute? Is it ok to send pull-requests or would you prefer
other forms?

Ok, sorry, that was more than one question. ;))


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Profiling NOT condition

2015-10-06 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Matteo,

On Tue, 6 Oct 2015 15:36:53 +0200
Matteo Regazzo <> wrote:

> [...]
> Does the DocBook include something like a "NOT" conditionfor the
> profiling?

Unfortunately, the profiling stylesheet doesn't support a NOT condition.
It would be very convenient to have one.

What you can do is to list all possible profiling attributes except the
one which you want to exclude (that's your "not condition").

You can translate the "not condition" into this set of relationships:

 not Cond2 = Cond1
 not Cond1 = Cond2

If you allow more than two values in your profiling attribute, you
have to list *all* your possible values, except the excluded one:

 not Cond1 = Cond2;Cond3;Cond4;...

Hope this helps.

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Index of People (5.1)

2015-10-02 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 12:08:30 -0230
Pc Thoms <> wrote:

> PeterFleck
> Fleck,
> Peter
> The above should work fine. Avoid whitespace.

That works, but it's cumbersome. ;-) You can create indexterms

I used this approach and it helps to create consistent index entries.

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Moving the DocBook wiki

2015-10-02 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Thu, 01 Oct 2015 21:16:16 -0500
Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> Over the last day or so, I captured the state of as
> best I could and ported the pages over to:
> I think if I convert the "docbook" user at github into an
> "organization", I'll be able to setup to point to it.
> In the meantime, feel free to explore and report any problems. If you
> send me your github ID, I'll add you as a collaborator and then you
> can edit the pages.

Great work, Norm! Thanks a lot!

I'm interested and it would be nice if you could add me. My ID/account
name is "tomschr".


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Show off what you've done with Docbook

2015-09-14 Thread Thomas Schraitle
On Sun, 13 Sep 2015 21:25:45 -0600 (MDT)
Warren Block <> wrote:

> [...]
> Examples, even trivial ones, are hugely useful.  Just having two or 
> three would be useful for reference when implementing a custom look. 
> Being able to use an existing style and override some elements like 
> annotation icons and colors and fonts would be useful to many.
> Granted, doing that could be difficult for a number of reasons.  But
> it is something that would make DocBook easier to use.

If you like examples, you may be interested in my cookbook:

Although it deals more with specific questions, it could be useful to
some degree. If you use it like Lego bricks and cherry pick what you
need, it could end up with something that is close what you've

Have fun! :)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Show off what you've done with Docbook

2015-09-13 Thread Thomas Schraitle

Am Freitag, 11. September 2015, 23:45:25 schrieb Warren Block:
> [...]
> For me, DocBook is powerful but a pain to write.  AsciiDoc is simple to
> write, but does not have the semantic markup power of DocBook.

That is the essential part.

I hear from all sites that DocBook is a bit overwhelming for non-technical 
people. They would love to contribute but don't want to install and work with 
a complex toolchain just for fixing a simple typo.

For this reason, AsciiDoc would be a good start. Unfortunately, I have to 
agree what Warren said about the lack of "semantic power". Funny sidenote, 
AsciiDoc was based on DocBook. ;)

By the way, DocBook5 is based on a RELAX NG schema. It can be written in a 
compact version (RNC) or in a XML syntax (RNG). Both are interchangeable 
without loss of information. It would be great if AsciiDoc would fill this 
gap, so both XML experts and non-technical inclined people could be satisfied.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Show off what you've done with Docbook

2015-09-13 Thread Thomas Schraitle
ing teams, I assume, they discussed the pros and cons and at some point 
they came to a decision. If their needs meet DocBook's portfolio why shouldn't 
they take the challenge? In most cases the problem solver is money: hire a 
dedicated XSLT engineer and you have it. ;)

> Does anybody sell a commercial Docbook customization layer? If this was
> Joomla, or Wordpress, or MediaWiki there would be a whole marketplace of
> free and commercial presentation layers.

Never heard.

> Is Docbook really that obscure?

Not really. Actually, I think, it's quite logical.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Show off what you've done with Docbook

2015-09-13 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Gerhard,

Am Samstag, 12. September 2015, 11:35:11 schrieb Gerard Nicol:
> I'm surprised nobody has put together a Linux VM image with Git and Docbook
> etc.

Shouldn't be too difficult. ;)

> I'd happily pay a few thousand a year for a subscription to a hosted or
> packaged Docbook environment if the results looked as good as some of the
> better examples provided.

You can look at some of our examples which we created by our DAPS toolchain, 
here PDF:


Of course, it is a customization layer on top of the original DocBook XSL 
stylesheets. :-) Meanwhile they are quite complicated now.

The stylesheets are released in GitHub:

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Time for new DocBook Stylesheet Release?

2015-07-01 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Frank,

On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 22:18:23 +0200
Frank Arensmeier wrote:

 I'd be interested to know what to expect from these updates to come
 too –  besides bug fixes I mean.

For me, it's mostly bugfixes. Or in other words: don't know of any
revolutionary commits, but more evolutionary. ;)

 Are there any plans to implement some new and exciting output targets?

I follow the commits and mailing lists closely and I'm not aware of any
new exciting output targets. Maybe there are projects going on behind
the curtain or from the Google Summer of Code.

For me, I'm pretty satisfied with the variety of available output
formats, although I'd love to see more bugfixes for EPUB3. It looks
still quite buggy.

 We have been building a CCMS
 system with Docbook as its backbone. So for my company it would be
 very important to know if Docbook is still alive and kicking.

Well, thanks Frank for confirming my theory. :) In my last mail, I
said we should release our stylesheets more often to avoid sending the
wrong signal. :)

I don't think it's dead; from my impression it's moving slowly. At least, in my
department, we still use it and invested lots of man power and efforts
(see the DAPS announcement last week).

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Time for new DocBook Stylesheet Release?

2015-07-01 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bob (and others),

On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 10:11:22 -0700
Bob Stayton wrote:

 Has it really been two years?!

According to the Files section on SourceForge, it says in the
Modified column 2013-03-18. ;-) That's a little bit more than two
years. :))

  I'll start the process to produce a
 new DocBook XSL release, and then work with the other developers to
 carry out the transition of the build to Ant, hopefully simplifying
 the rather arcane process.

That would be great! Thanks for the efforts!

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook XSL and FOP 2.0

2015-06-30 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Radu,

On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 09:23:03 +0300
Radu Coravu wrote:

 I think the problem with most open source software is that there is
 no specialized Quality Assurance team.
 We, the public who uses the product are the QA team.

That's probably true, but with the help of test driven development,
continuous integration (Travis, Jenkins, ...), etc. things progress

 I think that a relatively bug-free open source product needs to have 
 three things:
 1) Automated tests which are run every night and should detect 
 regression problems.
 2) Shorter release cycles.
 3) Large user based.
 Probably Apache FOP only has (3), at least in this particular case.

I also tried to compile FOP for openSUSE, but I failed too. :-(

However, I see it is difficult to implement a dedicate complete test
suite from scratch. I suppose, the FOP developers try to invest their
spare time in more important things.

For example, when my trainee and I implemented our docmanager[1] script
we've used test driven development. Now we have a test suite which
comprises of 163 test cases. This test suite is checked by Travis[2] on
every commit or pull request. This makes development very easy and fun. 
However, I suppose, it wouldn't be fun if you must write a test suite
from scratch.

I would love to see a dedicated test suite for FOP, but also for the
DocBook stylesheets. At the moment, this is not the case. IMHO, this is
the reason, why we don't see lots of releases in the past (see my
other mail about this topic).


Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Time for new DocBook Stylesheet Release?

2015-06-30 Thread Thomas Schraitle

in the last years I've observed a trend, that the DocBook stylesheets
don't publish new releases very often.

The last release of the stylesheets is from 2013 which is two years old!
Am I'm the only one who need and wait desperately for a new release? ;))

I know, you are all busy with other things. However, I fear, this makes
the wrong impression that this project is dead. I hope this is not.

After two years I would love to see a new release. Maybe with a release
cycle which counts in months and not years?

Any plans? Thoughts? :)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Problem customizing appendix title (for PDF)

2015-03-09 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Erik,

On Sun, 08 Mar 2015 22:29:12 +0100
Erik Leunissen wrote:

 I want the label of an appendix in an article to show up in a final
 PDF as follows:
 Bijlage 1. SomeDutchTitle
 # Docbook XML source
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 article version=5.0 xmlns=;

You are missing the important xml:lang attribute in your root element.
Without that attribute, all generated texts are created in English by
default. Add the line


into your article without using any customization layer at all. Rebuild
your document and check it. :)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Using custom fonts

2015-03-06 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Alan,

Am Freitag, 6. März 2015, 14:13:40 schrieb Alan Oehler:
 I created a fop config file to register Trebuchet as my basic body font and
 Consolas as my monotype font. Worked beautifully – except it seems like all
 the places where I'd used emphasis.../emphasis are no longer
 italicized, and where I'd used emphasis role=bold.../emphasis are
 no longer bolded (emboldened?).
 I added all four variants of both fonts (normal, italic, bold and bold
 italic). Is there some other detail I'm missing?

Register Trebuchet? Which version of FOP do you use?

As far as I know, registering a font is not needed anymore for 1.0. You only 
have to insert your base directory of all your fonts and FOP does the rest. 
See [1] of an example of FOP's configuration file.

If you use an older version than 1.0, I would strongly suggest to upgrade to 
the latest version.


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Using custom fonts

2015-03-06 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Alan,

Am Freitag, 6. März 2015, 23:28:56 schrieb Thomas Schraitle:
  I created a fop config file to register Trebuchet as my basic body font
  and Consolas as my monotype font. 
  I added all four variants of both fonts (normal, italic, bold and bold
  italic). Is there some other detail I'm missing?
 Register Trebuchet? Which version of FOP do you use?
 As far as I know, registering a font is not needed anymore for 1.0. 

I forgot to add my example. Here is an excerpt of the PDF renderer:

  renderer mime=application/pdf
register all the fonts found in a directory
use recursive=true to also include subdirectories

 !-- automatically detect operating system installed fonts --

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] glossterm bold

2015-02-25 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Sascha,

On Wed, 25 Feb 2015 15:55:16 +0100
Sascha Manns wrote:

 how does a valid prefix looks like?

Declare the namespace it in your root element:

  xsl:template version=1.0

Add the prefix d before your element as in d:glossterm. Remember,
you can choose whatever prefix you like (d, db, docbook, ...).
Usually it more convenient to have a short one. What you can't change is
the namespace URI.

Here is a complete example:

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] glossterm bold

2015-02-25 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Sascha,

On Wed, 25 Feb 2015 15:47:26 +0100
Sascha Manns wrote:
 actual i'm trying to make (for fo output) all glossterms in 
 glossary/glossentry/glossterm in bold.
 I tried out:
 xsl:template match=glossterm
 But it looks like it doesn't matches while rendering.
 Maybe i miss anything?

Do you use a DocBook 5 document? Probably you miss the prefix in front
of glossterm. :)

Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Strategies for Migrating DocBook Customization in a Mixed DB4/5 Environment?

2015-02-17 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi DocBook users,

currently, I'm trying to migrate our old DocBook 4 sources to version
5. This is pretty straightforward and can be done with some XSLT magic.
The markup side is also well covered in the DocBook 5.0 Transition

However, during this transition, some documents will be kept in DocBook
4. So we end up with a mixed setup for both versions.

(Of course, I could feed my new DocBook 5 sources into my existing XSL
customizations. This works, but it takes too much time because of the
internal convertion of DocBook 5 to DocBook 4.)

As such, it would be nice to have a clear separation: use the normal,
non-namespace variant for version 4 and the namespace-aware for
version 5.

However, we have some some hefty DocBook XSL customizations; a
DocBook XSL Transition Guide would be helpful. :)

How would you deal with such migration of old DocBook 4 XSL
customization layers?

Any thoughts are highly appreciated! Thanks! :-)


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Tests Framework for DocBook Stylesheets Customizations?

2014-10-24 Thread Thomas Schraitle

sorry for the delay.

On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:04:53 +0200
Jirka Kosek wrote:

 On 16.10.2014 10:56, Thomas Schraitle wrote:
  I'm not sure how easily could this be adapted to our current XSLT 1
  base. Are there other (better?) solutions?
 If you will not use extensions, it should be possible to run DocBook
 XSLT stylesheets in XSLT 2.0 processor, hence use XSpec.

Yes, I've tried it and most of the time it works. :) 

Unfortunately, if you really depend on extension functions (like the
omnipresent exsl:node-set()) you can't avoid it.

Have anybody tried a different approach? Python? Ruby? Something else?

Thanks anyway!

Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Tests Framework for DocBook Stylesheets Customizations?

2014-10-16 Thread Thomas Schraitle

when developing customizations for the DocBook stylesheets I have
always the feeling I forget something important and work without any
safey net. ;)
As such, it would be great to have a test framework which could
automatically check the transformation results with the expected

I know of XSpec from Jeni Tennison which goes in this direction.
However, as far as I know, this is for XSLT 2, not XSLT 1. It's used
for developing and testing the upcoming XSLT 2 DocBook stylesheets.

I'm not sure how easily could this be adapted to our current XSLT 1
base. Are there other (better?) solutions?

How do *you* develop and test your stylesheets? Has anybody used such
frameworks? Any help is greatly appreciated. :)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Tests Framework for DocBook Stylesheets Customizations?

2014-10-16 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Dave,

thanks for your reply! :)

On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:25:40 +0100
davep wrote:

  How do *you* develop and test your stylesheets? Has anybody used
  such frameworks? Any help is greatly appreciated. :)
 xspec is for the general case. Question: Is docbook sufficiently
 'firm' to allow a specific solution? 

As Norman used XSpec for the DocBook XSLT2 stylesheets, I would say it
is sufficiently firm. ;)

 I.e. for any given input at the
 document level, we should be able to specify the 'required' /
 expected output? That would allow a diff of two files, albeit an XML
 diff (deep-equals?) which would make for easier testing of the (x)html
 For fo, would the xsl-fo be sufficient? I'd guess so. Hence a similar
 solution would be adequate. 

An XML diff came also to my mind. However, as most XML diffs are
commercial, I wouldn't recommend it as solution in a purely open source
environment. Another reason why I didn't investigate more such power
isn't really necessary.

I think, in most cases we are only interested in answers of the
question is attribute X there?, does attribute X has the value Z?,
is this parent-child relationship correct?, or does the expected text
show up? If whitespace doesn't matter (in most cases it won't), the
XML output could be either a) investigated with an XPath expression, or
b) normalized and a normal diff applied. I guess it would be a lot
faster than any XML diffs. ;)

Apart from this technical implementations, I'm more interested in the
overall structure. What would be a good test environment for
stylesheet customizations? Or even the DocBook stylesheets itself?

It seems to me, the XSLT 1 stylesheets are used a lot and they won't be
replaced soon by the XSLT 2 incarnations. If useful and technical
possible, why not define/recommend/add some test environment to help
contributors and developers? :)

Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Multiple Languages in one DocBook Document

2014-10-14 Thread Thomas Schraitle

ok, lets assume, we have an article. Its main language is in English.
Furthermore, our document needs some paragraphs in a different language.
The natural way would be to use the lang attribute like in the
following excerpt (DocBook 4.5):

 article lang=en
titleLanguage Test/title
para lang=deDies ist ein deutscher Absatz./para
para lang=arهذه هي الفقرة العربية./para

Transforming* the above document into XSL-FO leads to the following
fo:block structures:

  fo:block space-before.optimum=1em space-before.minimum=0.8em
space-before.maximum=1.2emDies ist ein deutsches

  fo:block space-before.optimum=1em space-before.minimum=0.8em
space-before.maximum=1.2em هذه هي الفقرة العربية./fo:block

I would have expected to see a language attribute (and perhaps a
writing-mode as well). Unfortunately, it's not there. As such, in the
German and Arabic paragraph English hyphenation rules are applied. This
is obviously not correct. :)

I tried a sect1 element with a lang attribute with the same result.

Looking into the FO stylesheets, I identified some spots which I would
consider it as fishy:

1. fo/param.xsl, parameter writing.mode
   Its default value is taken from the language file by using the
   gentext template. 
   However, the lang argument is set to /*[1] which is valid for a
   document with one main language. Unfortunately, this value does not
   help when using multiple languages.

2. fo/block.xsl, template match=para
   The para template does not contain any code which would add the
   missing language or writing-mode attributes.

I tried it also with the latest snapshot release (28-Sep-2014 17:02,
r9945) but the results are the same.

Could someone confirm or extend my analysis? Does someone know what goes
wrong here? :)

* Used 1.78.1 of the DocBook XSL stylesheets
  libxml2: 2.9.1
  libxslt: 1.1.28

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Multiple Languages in one DocBook Document

2014-10-14 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bob,

Am Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014, 08:35:44 schrieb Bob Stayton:

 While there is code in the HTML stylesheets to handle @lang down the
 element level, no such code was ever added to the fo stylesheets.  The
 lang attribute and writing-mode are only used at the document level in fo.

Thanks for confirming my observation. :)

 At this point I would consider this to be a bug, so please go ahead and
 file a bug report on the DocBook SourceForge site.  I don't see an easy
 fix for it, though, because a lot of templates for elements will have to
 be modified.

Find my bug report here:

It would be nice if we could fix that. I could easily change the para 
template. However, as you've indicated, it would be much more work for other 
elements to correct it.

Thanks for your answer! :-)

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] support for xpointer

2014-09-19 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Stefan,

On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 09:53:33 -0400
Stefan Seefeld wrote:

 Ideally I would like to be able to encode the query in an attribute,
 much as I would have preferred with xpointer, such as
 listitem my:ref=*[@xml:id='foo']//d:listitem /
 However, I can't manage to extract the above ref into a variable and
 concatenate that into a valid xpath expression inside a custom
 xsl:template match=*[@my:ref]
   xsl:variable name=ref select=@my:ref /
   xsl:variable name=content select=document('dict.xml')//$ref /
 It seems I'm misunderstanding something, as no matter how I spell the
 above, I get XPath errors from xsltproc.

Yes, as you try to dynamically evaluate a string as an XPath
expression. This is not possible with standard XSLT 1.0 and 2.0.

However, you could look into the dyn:evaluate() extension functions from
the EXSLT initiative:

You may try this, although I haven't tested it:

 xsl:template match=*[@my:ref] xmlns:dyn=;
   xsl:variable name=ref select=dyn:evaluate(@my:ref) /
   xsl:variable name=content select=document('dict.xml')//$ref /

Unfortunately, very few XSLT 1.0 processors implement dyn:evaluate().
It works in xsltproc, but it's unlikely it will work for Saxon.


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Fwd: Thanks!

2014-09-05 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Frank,

On Fri, 5 Sep 2014 08:58:54 +
Wegmann, Frank wrote:

 We use them for producing PDF files in large volumes, deploying
 DocBook as an intermediate format generated from our in-house XML
 dialect. Now we want to step up and replace our HTML offering with
 WebHelp. As far as I understand it and tested it, the WebHelp
 stylesheet works well for a single DocBook file. But here’s the
 catch: our documentation sets often consist of many “modules”
 resulting in as many DocBook files (and as many PDF files), but to
 produce a single WebHelp for all of them it seems the only way is to
 wrap all DocBook files into a single set. Is that correct? Because
 I feel this is not really an option, since some sets comprise several
 thousand pages and we might run into serious performance trouble.
 Alternatively I thought about enriching our current HTML production
 by pointing the webhelpindexer to a completely pre-generated HTML
 set. This way also has some considerable drawbacks: we would have to
 make many changes to our stylesheets to make this WebHelp feature fit
 for HTML (and there’s the navigation help as well). On the other
 hand, we forego producing DocBook, but, as said, we do so for getting
 PDF out of the door anyway...

Maybe DocBook's olink feature is an option for you, see here:
  »When writing technical documentation, it is often necessary to cross
  reference to other information. When that other information is in the
  current document, then DocBook provides support with the xref and
  link elements. But if the information is in another document, you
  cannot use those elements [...]
  The olink element is the equivalent for linking outside the current
  document. It has an attribute for specifying a document identifier
  (targetdoc) as well as the id of the target element (targetptr). The
  combination of those two attributes provides a unique identifier to
  locate cross references. These attributes on olink are available
  starting with the DocBook XML DTD version 4.2.«

With olinks you don't need a set necessarily and performance issues
are also not important. I guess Webhelp does support olinks too as it is
derived from the HTML stylesheets. However, I'm not sure, so you better
try it out. 

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Using topic and assembly - starting from article?

2014-08-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Phillip,

On Tue, 19 Aug 2014 21:31:44 +0100
Phillip Kent wrote:

 Dear Thomas, thanks for the summary. The functionality is even better
 than I thought.
 I will try it out and will be pleased to feed back any insights to
 the list...

You may add this to your research project too:


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Using topic and assembly - starting from article?

2014-08-19 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Phillip,

On Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:01:24 +0100
Phillip Kent wrote:
 can someone give me a steer about this...
 I currently have a collection of standalone documents, each is a
 DocBook article .
 I want to organise these into a more structured form, particularly so
 that I can get them all to come out in a single PDF document (grouped
 into super-topic chapters/sections...).
 The topic and assembly elements in DocBook 5.1 look ideal for that
 purpose. Is that correct?

If you want to use assemblies, then yes, the assembly element is

Your standalone resources does not necessarily need to be topic
elements. Basically, it can be any DocBook element. However, there may
be other restrictions, not technical ones, that impose a certain
element (styleguide, structural, etc.)

 If yes, how can I move from article to topic? I want one article
 to become one topic, I don't need to chunk them into smaller parts.
 Could I simply replace article by topic in each xml file and
 nearly everything will work without further editing?

Well, this could be one solution, but a very impractical one. ;)
However, with assemblies this is not necessary anymore. You can keep
your documents as standalone articles, but at the same time render them
as topics (or chapters, or whatever you want them).

First, you need to identify all your resources. Add them to the
resources element and define an unique xml:id for this. For example:

  resources xml:base=tutorial/
resource xml:id=tut1 href=tut1.xml/
resource xml:id=tut2 href=tut2.xml/
resource xml:id=tut3 href=tut3.xml/

Let's assume, each of the above resources are standalone articles. It's
the same situation that you face currently.

Second, let's further assume you want to create a book from your
articles, but don't want to change them. In that case, a valid book
consists of chapters so you can rewrite+1 your articles into
chapters. This is done by the output element:

  structure xml:id=user-guide
output renderas=book/
module resourceref=full-toc/
module resourceref=tut1
output renderas=chapter/
module resourceref=tut2
output renderas=chapter/

module resourceref=task1/

module resourceref=tut3
output renderas=chapter/

module resourceref=task4/
module resourceref=index/

(The other resources like full-toc, task1, etc. are not relevant for
this discussion.)

To create the real structure (The Definitive Guide named it realized
structure) apply the assembly stylesheet.

The above example is an excerpt from the original DocBook 5.1 TDG, see

Hope that helps and I wasn't too wrong about this topic. :)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Bug: Missing profile-chunk-code.xsl for XHTML?

2014-05-22 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bob,

Am Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014, 11:05:17 schrieb Bob Stayton:

 This looks like a bug to me.  It isn't just the snapshots, it is the
 same in 1.78.1/xhtml.  It must happen when the xhtml is generated during
 the build.  Can you please file a bug report so this can get cleared up?

Sure, find it here:

 BTW, you said:
 The profile-chunk-code.xsl is missing in profile-chunk.xsl! However, in
 SVN the corresponding line is there.
 But the SVN directory for xhtml does not have profile-chunk.xsl because
 it is generated during the build.  That directly has only three files in
 it in SVN.  Can you clarify?

My bad. You are right, I forgot the XHTML is generated. It was a problem in my 
SVN working directory.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB: dbtimestamp PI in pubdate or date

2014-05-21 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Mon, 19 May 2014 19:14:01 +0200
Jirka Kosek wrote:

  Using profiling just to avoid
  a conceptual issue in the stylesheet(s) is not the cure, but adds
  additional burden. :)
 You will just import different base stylesheet.

I know, but... :)

Well, currently we don't have an official blessed profile-chunk.xsl for
EPUB, neither version 2 nor 3, do we? If you think it is useful, it
should be added to the EPUB stylesheets to be consistent with the
other formats. :)

However, coming back to my original point:
From my understanding, profiling is used to create other variants from a
single source. Variants are text which covers different target groups
(beginners, experts), different operating systems (Linux, Mac,
Windows), or something else text related.

To get it right, you say, an output format is just another variant
of the document, right? For me it's a different thing and I try to
avoid variants which belongs to output formats.

I think you stretch the paradigm of the stylesheets a bit too much by
saying use profiling for generating EPUBs. Profiling is not required
to build all the other formats, be it HTML, FO, or manpage (and others
as well).

Only EPUB is different in this list. Doesn't it tell us something?

If you deviate the generation of EPUBs, the handling will be
inconsistent to all the other formats. From my perspective, this is not
very userfriendly.

In my opinion, there are some things that I don't like:

* Our users has to know not to use chunk.xsl but profile-chunk.xsl
  (which doesn't exists ATM by the way) Do they remember all the time
  the correct stylesheet?

* Markup needs to contain the right attributes and structures to do the
  right thing.
  Does it have an official blessing? Where is it documented?

* Customization is made a little bit harder as you have to take
  profiling into account too

  You wouldn't recommend to use profiling for just selecting the
  right image, would you? ;)
 If you use different images for HTML and EPUB I probably would.

Why? There is no need for that: You can use the mediaobject and put a
role=html or role=epub in imageobject:

imageobject role=html
   imagedata fileref=foo.png/
imageobject role=epub
   imagedata fileref=bar.png/

No profiling needed; different images for different output formats. :)

  What cases do you have in mind? If there are more use cases, maybe
  this is an indication that we really need a best practise.
 In EPUB you have different ISBN then in printed version of your book,
 some other parts of content has to be adjusted -- for example

Well, not necessarily. We use *single source* for a reason! :) Actually
we don't write specific things for a specific output format.

Don't think a colophon or a simple ISBN number qualifies it to use
profiling. For example, I have a customer and it is usually a good idea
to include *all* ISBN numbers into the product, regardless if it is EPUB
or a printed version.

A colophon can be written that it can be used for every format, not
only for one specific. Which *could* be a better way of advertising all
the different output formats, but that's a different story.

Sure, everybody has to decide which one is better for his use case.
However, as most users have a customization layer anyway, it could be
appropriate to do small things in it (like selecting the right ISBN
for EPUB from a set of different ISBNs).

By the way:
DocBook 5.1 contains the nice outputformat attribute for such purpose.
It is not included (yet?) in DocBook 4. ;)

 Well, then easiest solution is to provide template for populating EPUB
 field. By default it can put current date into an EPUB file and user
 can override it to use different date or populate date dynamically
 from source and format it into xs:date format.

Can we the populating EPUB field task done in our EPUB stylesheets? :)

  What about the following solution?
  ?dbtimestamp format=Y, m?
  ?dbtimestamp format=Y-m-d output=epub?
  ?dbtimestamp format=m (Y) output=fo?
 That's messy and hard to process as PI's pseudo-attributes are not
 easily accessible in XPath.

Well, messiness is in the eye of the beholder, I would say. ;)

As with the PI's pseudo-attribute: yes, XPath can't access it nicely.
However, I've played around a bit and it seems possible.

 Then your life and requirements are easy :-)

Sometimes. :)

  We should keep it simple and do the magic in our stylesheets,
  without any profiling involved or required for this issue.
 Profiling is also magic hidden in the stylesheets.

Yes, it's hidden. And magic. ;) See above.

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Permalinks resources

2014-05-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Scott,

On Tue, 20 May 2014 10:16:58 +0300
Scott Rifenbark wrote:

 I put that in my customization layer as follows:
 ?xml version='1.0'?
 xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=;
 xmlns:fo=; version=1.0
   xsl:import href=; /
 I tried making the document using 'select=1' as well as
 'select=0'.  I it had no effect on my generated HTML. 

Sorry, my bad, I had to be clearer with my text.

You used the docbook.xsl stylesheet. This generates always *one*
file, regardless of the parameter.

Use chunk.xsl instead of docbook.xsl and you will see the effect.

If you need more information how to influence such chunks, I kindly
recommend Bob's book to you:

 Granted, I
 don't know if I am using this parameter correctly or not.  I am by
 means an XSL person.

No problem. :) We are here to help each other.

 I don't know if this will help you when you are looking at your
 stylesheet but here are two (hand-formatted) snippets of the HTML
 showing when I try to implement the permalinks and when I do not.  In
 the top one, which attempts to implement them, my a tag is
 basically blank with no value for the id, which I consistently use
 in my .XML source files for all section tags. The actual text title
 is also being dropped.

Thanks for the feedback, I will look into this issue.

Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Bug: Missing profile-chunk-code.xsl for XHTML?

2014-05-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle

it seems I found a bug. I've downloaded the latest archive of the
DocBook stylesheets from (file
docbook-xsl-snapshot.tar.bz2, 15-May-2014 17:02). Compare the output of
html and xhtml:

  $ cd html
  $ diff -u chunk.xsl profile-chunk.xsl
  -xsl:include href=chunk-code.xsl/
  +xsl:include href=profile-chunk-code.xsl/

Ok, this makes sense. Now compare it to xhtml:

  $ cd ../xhtml
  $ diff -u chunk.xsl profile-chunk.xsl
  [... unimportant stuff deleted ...]

The profile-chunk-code.xsl is missing in profile-chunk.xsl! However, in
SVN the corresponding line is there.

Interestingly, the other XHTML stylesheets (xhtml-1_1 and xhtml5)
contain this line!

I guess this has something to do how xhtml is generated from html.

Could someone confirm or reject my analysis? Any ideas?

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB: dbtimestamp PI in pubdate or date

2014-05-18 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Jirka,

Am Samstag, 17. Mai 2014, 20:14:31 schrieb Jirka Kosek:
 I think that instead of using . we should call apply-templates, so
 ?dbtimestamp? is processed. Something like:
 xsl:template match=date|pubdate mode=opf.metadata
xsl:variable name=content
xsl:variable name=date
xsl:with-param name=string select=normalize-space($content)/

Thanks Jirka for your idea. However, I think this is only one part of the 
solution. :) We have a conceptual issue here IMHO.

Lets consider this use case: 
someone wants that the date on his titlepage should appear as May 2014. 
Perfectly fine. I would say! He can insert it directly inside a date or 
pubdate if it should be a fixed date. Or he could use the dbtimestamp PI and 
let the current date calculated through the stylesheets. With the above 
change, both ways work.

Whenever our user creates HTML or FO/PDF, all is fine. No warnings, everything 
as expected. However, if he creates an EPUB, suddenly the date or pubdate 
falls apart with the known warning message.

What can our now unhappy user do?

He can withdraw his own date format and is forced to use a format that he 
never wanted, just to be consistent with the EPUB spec. Or he can change 
date or pubdate whenever he creates an EPUB, also forced by switching back 
and forth. Both options are not very nice IMHO. It contradicts our use *one* 
source, create multiple formats paradigm.

My hope would be that the user can use whatever format or string he wants in 
date or pubdate and *all* formats work. This is currently not the case and 
I think it's a deficiency.

After thinking a bit about this issue, I see the following possible solutions:

1. Use pubdate or date for titlepage, use a separate format for EPUB
   Internally, the correct format is used. However, it gets always the
   current date. Maybe it is not what the user wanted. 

2. Use heuristic approach to detect format and assemble it for metadata
   I guess, it needs a clever approach to detect what is a year, month and
   day. Can also have localization issues. Probably works only in certain

3. Detect an additional pubdate or date with role=epub
   This could solve the issue as both formats can live happily together. We
   used this approach also for imagedata which belongs to certain output
   However, we need to define what to do when no 2nd pubdate or date
   is available.

4. Extend dbtimestamp PI with an additional output=epub
   Only one pubdate or date is used, but inside there are two (or more)
   PIs with refers to a certain output format. The stylesheet could pick
   the correct PI for a specific output.

5. Anything else...?

I think options (3) and (4) are the best approaches at the moment.

What do you prefer?


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB: dbtimestamp PI in pubdate or date

2014-05-18 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Jirka,

Am Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014, 18:19:51 schrieb Jirka Kosek:
 On 18.5.2014 14:42, Thomas Schraitle wrote:
  3. Detect an additional pubdate or date with role=epub
 This could solve the issue as both formats can live happily together.
 used this approach also for imagedata which belongs to certain output
 However, we need to define what to do when no 2nd pubdate or date
 is available.
 You can achieve this today with profiling, I'm not sure whether there is
 any need to standardize this behaviour.

Yes, I thought about profiling too, but didn't add it to the list. In my 
opinion, it's a bit too much: Using profiling just to avoid a conceptual 
issue in the stylesheet(s) is not the cure, but adds additional burden. :)

This issue is exactly the same than selecting the right image format in the 
mediaobject/imageobject elements by using a role attribute. No profiling is 
involved and the stylesheets just select the respective image format 
correctly. You wouldn't recommend to use profiling for just selecting the 
right image, would you? ;)

In my opinion, date formats and image formats are very similar concepts in how 
the correct result is selected. 
For image formats, there is a best practise for years, it's stable, well 
documented, and all stylesheets support it. This is not the case for date 
formats in EPUB. At least I'm not aware of it.

Maybe not all users create EPUBs and run into this problem. I do. EPUB 
validation always fails due to this issue. The EPUB stylesheet doesn't work 
out of the box. 

For that reason, I would really vote for a best practise, standardization 
or recommendation, similar to what we have for imageobjects. 

 There are dozen of similar cases and there is no direct support for them
 as well.

What cases do you have in mind? If there are more use cases, maybe this is an 
indication that we really need a best practise.

 I think that for EPUB we can just document the following best practice:
 date condition=noepub?dbtimestamp?/date
 date condition=epub?dbtimestamp format=Y-m-d?/date

Well, maybe, maybe not. Whatever we prefer, I think we have to distinguish two 
cases in EPUB:

1. The date, probably somehow/somewhere definied by the user, which appears on
   a titlepage.

2. The date inside any meta information, usually hidden for the user. 
   This is required by the EPUB specification.

For (1) the user can choose whatever he likes. There is no restriction.

However, for (2) the EPUB demands a YEAR-MONTH-DAY format. Either the user 
defines it manually or he lets the stylesheet(s) do the correct output.

Unfortunately, usually (1) is different than (2).

In my opinion, it's the task of the stylesheets to do the right thing. :) If 
the user did the wrong thing (whatever it will be), the stylesheet should 
warn the user and give a hint. The hint should contain the preferred markup.

I'm not sure if two (or more) dates are a good solution. After thinking a 
bit more, I would prefer _one_ date without any profiling attributes. The 
reason for this is, no profiling attributes mean no conflicts with user 
semantics. I would avoid such things and better leave this detail to PIs.

What about the following solution?

?dbtimestamp format=Y, m?
?dbtimestamp format=Y-m-d output=epub?
?dbtimestamp format=m (Y) output=fo?

No profiling attribute is needed, the user can still add a condition attribute 
if he needs it.

When the EPUB stylesheet needs a date, we prefer the 2nd line for both 
titlepages and meta information. Another idea could be we use the 2nd PI for 
meta information and the 1st PI for the titlepage. Whatever it will be, we 
should clearly define it.

Profiling adds just another layer of complexity which I would prefer to avoid.

 Anyway, if you are producing EPUB and other targets it is very likely
 that you are already using profiling.

Hope you didn't mind, but I have to friendly disagree. :) 

No, I don't use profiling when I create my EPUBs. ;) Nor for other formats. 
Building EPUBs and other formats doesn't involve necessarily a profiling step. 
By no means it should be required. 

Remember, profiling is an _optional_ step! It's an additional feature: sure, 
in some cases you need it, in other you don't.

We should keep it simple and do the magic in our stylesheets, without any 
profiling involved or required for this issue.

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] EPUB: dbtimestamp PI in pubdate or date

2014-05-17 Thread Thomas Schraitle

currently, I'm investigating EPUB(3) and dates in pubdate.

It's not unusual to have the following pubdate inside an info, using the 
default date format:


This works for HTML, FO, etc. except for EPUB. For EPUB, you get:

  WARNING: wrong metadata date format: '' in element bookinfo/pubdate. It must
  be in one of these forms: , -MM, or -MM-DD.

Well, I think the message is correct as there is really no text. It doesn't 
help to add a format pseudo attribute here:

  pubdate?dbtimestamp format=Y, m d?/pubdate

This would lead to the same message.

Digging deeper into the EPUB3 stylesheets, I assume the dbtimestamp PI isn't 
supported at all. The pubdate is used as OPF metadata in the following 

 xsl:template match=date|pubdate mode=opf.metadata
   xsl:variable name=date
   xsl:with-param name=string select=normalize-space(.)/
  !-- ... ---

However, just checks if the given text is in the right 
format. If not, it displays the above warning message.

Now I'm wondering if this is the right approach. 8-) Shouldn't we distinguish 
between two cases:

1. date or pubdate contains only text
   We need to check, if the text is a valid date in the format needed by EPUB

2. date or pubdate contains no text, but ?dbtimestamp?
   We ignore any format pseudo attribute and return a date in the format 

I would propose the following change:

 xsl:template match=date|pubdate mode=opf.metadata
   xsl:variable name=date
  xsl:when test=processing-instruction('dbtimestamp')
xsl:call-template name=pi.dbtimestamp
  xsl:with-param name=formatY-m-d/xsl:with-param
  xsl:with-param name=string select=normalize-space(.)/
  !-- ... ---

Unfortunately, this won't work. The pi.dbtimestamp template doesn't allow a 
parameter format. Looking into the template xsl:variable is used.

Could we change pi.dbtimestamp and use xsl:param instead of 
xsl:variable?  Or is there another solution that I can't see? 

What do you think?

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] How to set the odd and even page into different layout

2014-02-11 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 16:33:33 +0800
Mona Qi wrote:

 I'm trying to modify the page layout of my pdf. My attempt is letting
 the whole content in odd page (including header and footer) keep
 right, and let the content in even page keep left, so when i bound
 the pdf into a book, the content is more easier to read.
 I think this may related to the page master and page margin, but i
 don't know how to select the odd/even page and set the attribute

It's easier than you think. :)

Do you know the parameter double.sided? 
Set it to the value of 1 and it gives you exactly what you want: an odd
and even page with mirrored headers, footers, and margins. 

For more details, see the reference page of double.sided:

If you need more information that goes beyond the above parameter, look
into Bob's book, chapter 8 Printed output options:

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] db4-upgrade.xsl dropping

2013-11-03 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Dick,

Am Sonntag, 3. November 2013, 19:26:36 schrieb XML Press:
 I could be wrong (I'm away from my desk and writing this on my phone), but I
 think the reason is that parameter may not be legal inside term in 5.0.

I've checked the reference of parameter[1]: term allows the parameter element 
(version 4 and 5).


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] db4-upgrade.xsl dropping

2013-11-03 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Jon,

Am Sonntag, 3. November 2013, 01:34:03 schrieb Jon Leech:
  If I try your document with version 9783 it works.
  Thank you. That does help with this particular problem but introduces
 a new one: varlistentry elements containing e.g.
 in the DB4 source are converted to

I can confirm your analysis.

  The changes between the revs 7660 and 9783 of db4-upgrade.xsl were
 large and it's not easy to figure out why this behavior change
 occurred, given my limited understanding of XSL. I suspect I'll be
 better off accepting the issues from one or the other version and
 fixing them up after the translation.

The DocBook schema allows these elements inside term. So if the stylesheet 
doesn't handle these elements correctly, it's a bug.

Could you add the following 3 lines into the latest db4-upgrade.xsl stylesheet 
and try it again?

 xsl:template match=* mode=clean-terms
xsl:apply-templates select=. mode=copy/

(You can add it below the xsl:template match=glossterm|term template 

The above template rule just copies any element inside term unless it is a 
classsynopsis, cmdsynopsis, or any other special element. These are handled 

If it works for you, I can update the stylesheet in the SVN repository.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] db4-upgrade.xsl dropping

2013-11-03 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Jon,

Am Sonntag, 3. November 2013, 13:11:25 schrieb Jon Leech:
  If it works for you, I can update the stylesheet in the SVN repository.
  Thank you, Thomas! That lets through the various legal elements within
 term and so seems to solve all the issues I've encountered to date with
 the conversion. I did ask the Debian docbook5-xml package maintainers to
 sync up with the Docbook top-of-trunk release, so hopefully the prepackaged
 version will eventually get up to date as well.

Ok, thanks for your test.

I've committed the patch[1] to the DocBook SVN repository now, it's in 
revision 9828.


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] db4-upgrade.xsl dropping

2013-11-02 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Jon,

Am Samstag, 2. November 2013, 03:08:33 schrieb Jon Leech:
  the resulting Docbook 5 file drops the title element from the
 refsynopsisdiv section (but not from the converted refsect1 section).
 # Release: $Id: db4-upgrade.xsl 7660 2008-02-06 13:48:36Z nwalsh $

This is a very old version. The current version is:

# Release: $Id: db4-upgrade.xsl 9783 2013-08-21 21:40:54Z rlhamilton $

If I try your document with version 9783 it works. 

I would recommend to download the stylesheet directly from the SVN repository 
and try it again. You can find the file here:

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Alt text not appearing in inlinemediaobject

2013-10-29 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi David,

Am Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013, 11:52:20 schrieb David Goss:
 I have the the following docbook 5 markup:
 paraClick the
 depth=1em//imageobject/inlinemediaobject button./guibutton/para
 It is outputting the following HTML :
 pClick the span class=guibuttonspan class=inlinemediaobjectimg
 src=img/ldms/ldms_button_execute.png height=13/span/span

 I'm not sure why the alt text is not carrying over. Am I using the alt tag
 incorrectly or is this a bug? I'm using webhelp docbook-xsl-ns-1.78.1 .
Your DocBook markup is perfectly correct. But it seems, there is a deficiancy 
about the handling of inlinemediaobject in the DocBook stylesheets.

I suspect the html/graphics.xsl file in the imagedata template (lines 1250 - 
1331). In this template rule, the process.image template is called and the 
alt parameter is passed. However, it is not checked against an 
inlinemediaobject with a possible alt element. 

I would propose this change:

 xsl:call-template name=process.image
   xsl:with-param name=alt
   xsl:when test=ancestor::mediaobject/alt
  xsl:apply-templates select=ancestor::mediaobject/alt/
   xsl:when test=ancestor::inlinemediaobject/alt
  xsl:apply-templates select=ancestor::inlinemediaobject/alt/
   select=$phrases[not(@role) or @role!='tex'][1]/
   xsl:with-param name=longdesc
 xsl:call-template name=write.longdesc
xsl:with-param name=mediaobject

If you would like to give it a try, do the following:

1. Create a customization layer if you haven't done yet. If you don't know
   how, read one of the following URLs:

2. Copy the imagedata template from the original html/graphics.xsl template
   into your customization layer.

3. Search for the xsl:call-template line and apply the above patch (add the
   2nd xsl:when test).

4. Transform your DocBook document and use your customization layer.

 I did see this page in the XSL Guide:
 But it looks to be for Docbook4.

You can use this also in DocBook 5 as long as it is valid.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Alt text not appearing in inlinemediaobject

2013-10-29 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi David,

Am Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013, 14:20:29 schrieb David Goss:
 It looks like xsl/graphics.xsl was also missing this:
 xsl:template match=d:inlinemediaobject/d:alt
 Adding this, along with Thomas's suggestion fixed this problem. Thanks again
 for your help!

Thanks for adding this bug to our database. I've added the patch to revision 
9827. If Bob or others can confirm it, the bug can be closed. :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Bug and Patch for broken soelim stub/ROFF links

2013-10-22 Thread Thomas Schraitle

some of my collegues found a strange (or better unexpected behaviour)
of the manpage output.

Between 1.75.2 and 1.76.1 the following change was added:

--- /tmp/docbook-xsl-1.75.2/manpages/other.xsl  2009-02-19
19:26:36.0 +0100
+++ /tmp/docbook-xsl-1.76.1/manpages/other.xsl  2013-10-21
09:53:07.719215407 +0200
@@ -595,10 +606,11 @@
   xsl:with-param name=message-prologNote: /xsl:with-param
   xsl:with-param name=message-epilog (soelim
   xsl:with-param name=content
-xsl:value-of select=concat('.so man', $section, '/')/
+xsl:value-of select='.so '/

This now leads to broken soelim/ROFF links. For example, if you have a
manpage foo(8) and transform your refentry document without further
parameters and customization, this leads to the following output:

.so foo.8

However, I was told this is wrong and would raise several problems
(security is one of them). The correct path should be:

.so man8/foo.8

After searching a bit, I've found a bug[2] entry in your DocBook
tracker. It seems quite similar.

I've played around and I could get the last output by setting the
parameters to 1 and man.output.base.dir to
.  Not sure why this is not the default. Any reasons?

Well, after more searching, I've found a patch in the Fedora stylesheet
package[2] which seems to be from the year 2011. I don't know why it is
not included. This patch does the right thing and outputs always the
correct path fragment.

Can we include this patch? Any further background information?

-- References

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] xmpp.xsl file?

2013-10-09 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Jen,

On Wed, 9 Oct 2013 13:45:55 +0300
Jen wrote:
 Thanks for the clarifications and the quick replies.
 The inline.xsl,component.xsl and titlepage.xsl that are being
 imported are (very) different versions of the standard files. I *am*
 planning use DocBook 5 and the namespace version of the stylesheets,
 so your tips are very useful. I'll try to adapt all the custom
 stylesheets we have right now and see if the transformation still
 works... fingers crossed.

If you need some inspirations or ideas about how to write customization
layers, you may find this information probably helpful:

Good luck!

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Questions about IDs defined on some Docbook elements

2013-10-03 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Radu,

Am Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2013, 14:29:41 schrieb Radu Coravu:
 Let's say in a Docbook 5 document I have a chapter title someplace 
 like this:
  title xml:id=titleChapter3 - Chapter Title - Missing ID/title

I cannot recommend that. Better place the xml:id on your parent chapter 

Another problem with your title: don't include any numbers (like 3, Chapter 
3 etc.) as the number and the Chapter text are generated automatically.

 and in some other place of the document I use a link to it:
  link xlink:href=#titleParttitlePart/link

Is there a reason why you don't use xref linkend=.../? :)

In almost all cases, xref/ is the right element to create links (or better, 
cross references). Just invent an ID, insert it into xml:id and the linkend 
attributes, and the DocBook stylesheets do the rest. Pretty simple.

Maybe it helps, if you get familiar with the differences between cross 
references and links:

If you want to customize your cross reference, here are other links:

 From what I tested the XHTML-based outputs will never create an anchor
 for the titleChapter ID.

I haven't tested it. Perhaps it has something to do with your misplaced 
xml:id. Try it as suggested above and see what happens.


Hope this helps.

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] attribute sets -- what possible attributes can I use?

2013-09-14 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Robert,

Am Samstag, 14. September 2013, 10:25:53 schrieb Robert Nagle:
 But  I don't understand is what possible named attributes can be added to a
 single attribute set.

You can add all attributes from the FO specification as long as they make 
sense or are allowed for a specific FO element. 

 1. Am I correct in assuming that it's possible to add other attributes here
 which are not mentioned?

Sure. For example, you could change the text color, background color, borders, 
indentation etc. As said, everything from the FO specification.

 2. Where can I find a list of possible values which can be used for each
 (or all) attribute sets?

As a starter, you could look into the FO specification itself:

Skip the Common Aural Properties as they usually doesn't make sense (and are 
also not supported in most FO formatters).

Keep in mind, not all FO formatters support every FO attribute. 

 I know it has something to do with xsl-fo, and actually I have a copy of
 Dave Pawson's XSL-FO book lying around, but other than that, I don't really
 have a clue where to start.

As the XSL-FO specification is based on CSS, you will find lots of overlap 
between FO attributes and CSS rules. This is intentional and you can use that 
to look into the CSS specification, tutorials, and other examples. Of course, 
not all CSS rules are applicable to FO, but the details are shown in the FO 

Apart from that, most FO formatters have also tutorials or other useful 
information. Here is a short, but not exhaustive list:

Good luck!

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Appending image after xref (TOC vs. xref-to-suffix mode)

2013-09-13 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 10:00:48 -0700
Bob Stayton wrote:

 I think you are understanding it correctly, and this seems to be a 
 deficiency.  I agree that the xref-to-suffix and xref-to-prefix
 modes should get the referrer element as a param, as well as
 xrefstyle like xref-to does.

Ok, I've submitted the change to r9805. Now, the xref-to-suffix and
xref-to-prefix modes have the same signature than xref-to. I think,
this should solve the referrer issue. Please check if this is
correct. :)

However, the problem with the TOC still persists. Can this be avoided


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Bibliography vs. olinks

2013-09-13 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Alexey,

On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 09:28:28 -0700
Alexey Neyman wrote:

 Yes, I've tried jing too and it worked, although I am a little bit
 concerned that it didn't have any development activity since, I
 believe, 2008.

Yes, it's looks a bit outdated. Don't know if this is really the case.

 And, being a Java tool, it was considerably slower
 than xmllint - I wanted to avoid adding another Java tool in our
 toolchain unless absolutely necessary.

Hmn, probably yes, but I didn't recognize any speed issues with Jing.
Even if I validate an extensive book it's incredibly fast. 

 But RNG validation was not the only issue we've faced with DB5 and
 libxml2: we also actively use entities, and libxml2 currently loses
 namespace declarations when it goes from parsing the main document
 into parsing an entity. [...]

Urgs. Seems to be a blocker to me.

Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Appending image after xref (TOC vs. xref-to-suffix mode)

2013-09-12 Thread Thomas Schraitle

I'm struggeling about the xref-to-suffix mode and how to use it

Let's assume I would like to append some image for all xref/s. One
solution could be to customize the xref template and insert the image
there. Depending on what you need and where, this could be more work
than it need to be, so I would like to avoid this.

Another solution could be to to write a template for the
xref-to-suffix mode (which does nothing by default):

  xsl:template match=* mode=xref-to-suffix
 !-- Add an image here --

This works and would be exactly what I need. However, the image appears
also in the TOC. How can I avoid this? I would like to have the image
only inline inside paras.

Another issue:
If I understand it correctly, when I'm inside the xref-to-suffix mode
the current node is the target node (the element being referenced).
This confirms the following snippet from the xref/ template:

  xsl:when test=$target
xsl:if test=not(parent::citation)
   xsl:apply-templates select=$target
xsl:apply-templates select=$target mode=xref-to
   xsl:with-param name=referrer select=./
   xsl:with-param name=xrefstyle select=$xrefstyle/
xsl:if test=not(parent::citation)
   xsl:apply-templates select=$target

So, if I need the @linkend from the xref for some reason, I have no
chance to get it, right? It seems, the xref-to-prefix and
xref-to-suffix modes need a referrer parameter as well as the xref-to

Or do I miss something? Thanks!

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Bibliography vs. olinks

2013-09-12 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Alexey,

On Mon, 9 Sep 2013 10:47:42 -0700
Alexey Neyman wrote:
 Yes, we are using DocBook 4 at this time; we've tried to move to DB5
 but decided against it for now - primarily because of libxslt's
 issues with RelaxNG validation and namespace handling issues.

You mean probably libxml2/xmllint (the XML parser) which have
issues, not libxslt/xsltproc (the XSLT processor). :)

I know some problems with xmllint's RNG validation -- it never worked
for me. For this reason, I use Jing which gives you far better
validation results. Try Jing instead of xmllint. :)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook 5 samples for tests

2013-08-21 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Camille,

Am Mittwoch, 21. August 2013, 18:42:28 schrieb Camille Bégnis:
 there is an extensive set of samples in DB4, but I cannot find a DB5
 version, does it exist?

I don't think so there are DB5 samples in the DocBook SVN.

 I'm looking for it to stress test our Calenco CMS (
You could use Norman's DB5 files from his XSLT 2.0 stylesheets:

If you are looking for more real world examples, use the sources from my 

Good luck!

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Status of the XSLT2 DocBook Stylesheets?

2013-07-26 Thread Thomas Schraitle

if I'm not mistaken, the XSLT2 DocBook stylesheets are maintained on
Github[1]. There is another page[2] where it's mentioned a date of
November 2011.

Are they still maintained? Thanks!


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Status of the XSLT2 DocBook Stylesheets?

2013-07-26 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:23:38 +0200
Jirka Kosek wrote:

 I think you are looking for:

Ahh, right. With all the forks here and there it's
sometimes confusing. ;)

Thanks Jirka!

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Assemblies in DocBook 5.1: generating multiple structure outputs using assemble.xml

2013-05-22 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Graeme,

On Wed, 22 May 2013 14:45:44 +0100 wrote:

 When I run assemble.xml (version v 1.10 2012-04-10 07:56:58 from the
 latest stylesheets), I'm invoking it like this:
 xsltproc ~/docbook-xsl/assembly/assemble.xsl assembly-file.xml

 In the output, I get the article element for 'article1', but 'book1'
 and 'book2' are ignored.

Have you tried the parameter The assemble.xsl stylesheet
contains the following comment:

  May be used to select one structure among several to  process

Perhaps you should try the parameter like this:

 xsltproc --stringparam  book1 \
   ~/docbook-xsl/assembly/assemble.xsl assembly-file.xml

Hope that helps.

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook XSL snapshots are back

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Tue, 7 May 2013 12:23:24 -0700
Bob Stayton wrote:

 The DocBook XSL snapshot builds are working and available again:
 Thanks to David Cramer for fixing the filesystem problem on the
 snapshot build machine.

Great work, thank you all for your efforts! :)

I don't want to sound like I'm splitting hairs, but I have noticed a few
minor things:

* The for revision , text is missing a revision number

* In former times, the Latest Changes part contained the contents of
  the LatestChanges file.

Just to let you know.

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] dbtoepub is broken on latest docbook-xsl-ns-snapshot

2013-05-08 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Shlomi,

On Wed, 8 May 2013 14:08:59 +0300
Shlomi Fish wrote:

 This still happens with the latest snapshot:
 $ tar -tvf ~/docbook-xsl-ns-snapshot.tar.bz2  | grep xhtml-1 | wc -l
 2. sha256sum gives me:

 3. Dated from 8-May:

You've used the namespace aware version. Have you tried the
non-namespaced version? Download the docbook-xsl-snapshot.tar.bz2 and
try again, please.

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook snapshot SVN problem

2013-05-03 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bob,

Am Freitag, 3. Mai 2013, 09:25:43 schrieb Bob Stayton:
 svn: Write-lock stolen in 'contrib/tools/pawson'
 I get this error only on the snapshot machine, not my home machine.  So I
 think it is a problem with the snapshot machine's working copy.
 Anyone know how to fix this?  I could probably check out a new working copy,
 but that takes awhile and I would rather fix it with some kind of unlock

Maybe a corrupted filesystem? Not sure what system you use, but I found this:

Try running a check program.

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] EPUB2-Bugfixing

2013-04-30 Thread Thomas Schraitle

if I'm not mistaken, the EPUB2 stylesheet isn't really maintained
anymore. Although there is EPUB3 available, I think there is still a
place for a good and stable EPUB2 solution. Especially if some
publishers still require the older version.

To cut a long story short: I would be happy to add/submit some bugfixes
and implement some missing features (like support for admonitions).  

However, I don't want to create any conflicts or problems so I hope
nobody objects if I do so. :)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB2-Bugfixing

2013-04-30 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 08:56:16 +0200
Thomas Schraitle wrote:
 However, I don't want to create any conflicts or problems so I hope
 nobody objects if I do so. :)

Seems it's a bit early this morning. Sounds ambiguous. Read it more
like ... hope nobody objects if I submit some patches. :-)

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] JFYI: Observations on and SVN Commits

2013-04-30 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bob,

On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 09:17:45 -0700
Bob Stayton wrote:

 Something is definitely going wrong with the snapshot builds, but I
 haven't had time to investigate.  It may be related to the changes to
 SVN that SourceForge is making.

Ok, thanks for your efforts. 

Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] JFYI: Observations on and SVN Commits

2013-04-29 Thread Thomas Schraitle

not sure if the project owners know this already (or are fully aware),
but I've noticed that the archives on don't
contain the latest version (again). :)

Another issue: In former times, the latest change were printed below
the list of archive. This isn't shown anymore.

It seems, any commit doesn't create a new snapshot (or is running
late). Furthermore, I've observed that each commit prints a warning
message from the SVN post-commit hook. I can't remember its message,
but if I remember correctly, it has something to do with the migration
to SourceForge's new Allura system.

Just to let you know. Thanks!

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB3: how to use base.dir ?

2013-04-21 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Carlos,

Am Samstag, 20. April 2013, 18:16:42 schrieb Carlos Araya:
 After updating to the latest snapshot I'm getting validation errors that I
 don't know if they are epubcheck issues or if they are being caused by the
 change in base.dir behavior:

According to the page, the last version is built on 
April 17. This looks not as the latest snapshot release. ;-)

However, I've tried to transform my cookbook project into EPUB3 and received 
validation errors too (but they are different). But this is another story.

 Realized earlier that I had OEBPS as the base.dir and changed it to book/

Right, that's correct now.

 With that change made I'm getting epubcheck validation errors that were not
 there before:

Tip: You don't need to create the ZIP archive and pass it to epubcheck. You 
can start the validation process right after xsltproc wrote the directories 
without creating the ZIP archive. 

For example, if you've used foo/ as base.dir, invoke epubcheck with this 
option after the transformation step:

 $ epubcheck foo/ -mode exp

It is even possible to validate only parts of the EPUB (directory), also with 
the -mode option:

 mo= Media overlays
 nav   = Navigation document
 opf   = package document
 svg   = SVG content
 xhtml = XHTML content

The -version option specifies with EPUB version to validate (the values can be 
either 2.0 or 3.0).

  [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub: Length of the first filename in
 archive must be 8, but was 13
  [java] Epubcheck Version 3.0
  [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub: Required META-INF/container.xml
 resource is missing
  [java] Check finished with warnings or errors
 I got the validations errors with both epubcheck 3.0 B5 and 3.0 final.
 I'm trying to determine if the errors are caused by the update to the
 base.dir parameter or if it's a new quirk of epubcheck that I hadn't seen

This indeed looks strange. However, I didn't get such validation errors. I've 
used the last public stable release (1.78.1) and the snapshot from docbook-
xsl-snapshot.tar.bz2 file, both with success.

Do you use a customization layer?

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB2 vs. EPUB3: Making base.dir consistent?

2013-04-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle

Am Mittwoch, 17. April 2013, 08:33:27 schrieb Thomas Schraitle:
 I would like to ask if it would be useful to add the same change to the
 EPUB2 stylesheets.
 As far as I can see, it would be compatible with the existing
 implementation, but would be a huge benefit for stylesheet writers and
 developers. I believe, it should be consistent between the two EPUB

I took the liberty to backport Bob's changes regarding base.dir from the EPUB3 
stylesheet(s) to the EPUB2 stylesheet. :) This is committed to revision 9749.

It should still be compatible with the old behaviour: If you don't change 
base.dir, it will save all the files in the current directory. However, if you 
specify the parameter base.dir then all files will be written to that 

I've tested both behaviours with epubcheck 3.0 and it hasn't complained so 
far. :)

Would be nice, if someone could test that. Thanks!

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB2 vs. EPUB3: Making base.dir consistent?

2013-04-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Mike,

Am Samstag, 20. April 2013, 11:32:44 schrieb Mike Cook:
 I can't get either EPUB 2 or 3 working. I've done a fresh checkout;

This will not work; if you look into the xhtml-1_1 then you will see an almost 
empty directory. The different XHTML stylesheets need to be generated first. 
That's the reason for your errors, regardless of the EPUB version.

I would recommend to use the snapshot releases from However, it takes some time to create a new 
snapshot release after a commit. I don't know when the next will be generated, 
but the last one was from 17. April. So it's a little bit old. :-]

In your case, you could try the following:

1. Download the latest snapshot release from
2. Unpack the archive, let's say to /tmp. This will create the folder 
3. Copy the epub/docbook.xsl from your fresh checkout into the 
   /tmp/docbook-xsl-snapshot/epub directory.
4. Optionally copy the epub3/ directory in the same way.
5. Test again. :)


Hope that helps. :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB2 vs. EPUB3: Making base.dir consistent?

2013-04-20 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Mike,

Am Samstag, 20. April 2013, 13:39:41 schrieb Mike Cook:
 Thanks Thomas, I've merged the two together and those errors are now
 gone. However, I think I need to wait for the next snapshot to be
 generated as I'm now getting other errors.

Probably, you are right. I think, the next snapshot release will fix some of 
the issues.

 EPUB3: setting base.dir to /path/book, puts all files in that book
 directory, but I'm getting an epubcheck3 error;

Better append a / to your base.dir.

 ERROR: ../test.epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx(9,10): element navMap incomplete;
 missing required element navPoint
 The NCX has an empty navMap/

I think this bug was fixed already, but I'm not sure.

 EPUB2: is even worse: base.dir is the same as above but the folder
 structure is messed up;

That's because you haven't appended / to your base.dir. 

 The meta/config files are written, but non of the book files (chapters,
 titlepage, etc); they are just printed to the terminal.

Maybe the correct base.dir should handle this.

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] EPUB2 vs. EPUB3: Making base.dir consistent?

2013-04-17 Thread Thomas Schraitle

thanks to Bob's changes for the EPUB3 stylesheets, the parameter
base.dir makes more sense. Many thanks! :)

I would like to ask if it would be useful to add the same change to the
EPUB2 stylesheets. 

As far as I can see, it would be compatible with the existing
implementation, but would be a huge benefit for stylesheet writers and
developers. I believe, it should be consistent between the two EPUB

Opinions, thoughts?

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] using xpointer with modular DocBook

2013-04-15 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Stefan,

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:06:45 -0400
Stefan Seefeld wrote:

 On 04/14/2013 03:24 PM, Thomas Schraitle wrote:
  If your variablelist has the ID foo and you want to refer to the
  first varlistentry you can write:
 Right, but that doesn't solve my problem of having to repeat the
 namespace declaration. :-)

That's true. :-) I had mainly speed and simplification in mind than
solving the namespace declaration. It could be slightly faster than
using the descendant axis with //db:variablelist -- if supported by
your favorite XML parser.

  I don't think there is a general solution where you define
  somewhere the namespace and just refer to it. It seems, you need to
  add the namespace xmlns() scheme every time.
 That's unfortunate. I was hoping there was a mechanism such as
 xmlns-local() to export the namespaces from the current document into
 the xpointer context.

I could be wrong, but I haven't seen that. As some of the XPointer
specification never reached recommendation status, I would doubt there
is something like a xmlns-local().

  Maybe you add the xmlns() XPointer scheme before passing it to your
  XML parser. You could (theoretically) apply an XSLT transformation
  step and add the xmlns() scheme. That way you could avoid entities,
  however, you add an additional step (which may not be useful).
 I wouldn't mind the additional step, but I don't like the idea that
 the unprocessed document isn't valid any longer.

Right, that's unfortunate.

Anyway, that reminds me of DocBook assemblies:

It is a pretty new method of splitting your document into modules and
referring to with a map file (named assembly). It may not help to
solve your current situation, but it would be something for the future.
As DocBook 5 is (or should be) the future, I think, this would be an
interesting topic.

However, it seems, the current implementation doesn't support
XML fragments like referring to a certain element inside a XML file
or using an XPath to select specific elements. It might be worth to
bring this to the DocBook committee what they recommend in this case. 

I've opened a new thread on the docbook mailinglist (subject: DocBook
5 Assemblies and XML Fragments). This is something I would like to
know too. :))

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB3: how to use base.dir ?

2013-04-14 Thread Thomas Schraitle

Am Donnerstag, 11. April 2013, 15:27:14 schrieb Bob Stayton:
 I figured out a better way to handle this.  The HTML stylesheets already
 have an internal variable named 'chunk.base.dir' that actually used for
 chunking.  It originally ensured that the base.dir value had a trailing
 slash.  I've modified it for epub3 to append the value of $epub.oebps.dir,
 which is 'OEBPS' by default.
 So in the next release you can set base.dir has you usually do, and the
 OEBPS is automatically added for the files that need it.  For those
 transitioning from the current version, the process will fail with an
 explanatory message if your $base.dir includes the OEBPS part.  Then you can
 reset your $base.dir to omit the OEBPS part.

This is great news! Thanks!

I would like to suggest an additional idea: 

Currently, the DocBook XSL Stylesheets: Reference Documentation[1] contains 
all the parameters for HTML, FO, manpages, etc. Wouldn't it make sense to 
include the EPUB2/3 parameters too?

Most of the parameters are already documented (refering to HTML). However, 
there are some parameters which are specific to EPUB. It would be helpful if 
users know what can be adapted.


  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] using xpointer with modular DocBook

2013-04-14 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hello Stefan,

Am Sonntag, 14. April 2013, 14:08:03 schrieb Stefan Seefeld:
 xi:include href=../vsip/signal.xml
 @xml:id='foo'])/ ...

If I'm not mistaken, you can simplify the above xpointer expression as


Not sure if this scheme is supported, but it maybe worth a try. Maybe you need 
quotes for id(...) so try both notations.

 This works well, but introduces a lot of redundancy as for each chunk
 I'd like to include I have to redefine the namespace used in the xpath
 expression. Is there a way to avoid that, by making this the default in
 some way ? If I just leave out the xmlns() I get an error as the
 xpointer can't be resolved.
 (I'm using xsltproc to process the DB documents.)

I don't think you can avoid the namespace. Have you tried entities? You could 
define a entity (let's say dbxmlns) inside the internal subset of the DTD:

  !DOCTYPE chapter 
!ENTITY dbxmlns xmlns(db=

and use it like this:

  xi:include href=../vsip/signal.xml

Entites are resolved before any xinclude processing is done. If this works, I 
think this should be compact enough. ;)

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] using xpointer with modular DocBook

2013-04-14 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Stefan,

Am Sonntag, 14. April 2013, 15:09:07 schrieb Stefan Seefeld:
  If I'm not mistaken, you can simplify the above xpointer expression as
  Not sure if this scheme is supported, but it maybe worth a try. Maybe you
  need quotes for id(...) so try both notations.
 Yes, that works indeed. Unfortunately my real references are a little
 more complex, as they don't have (explicit) ids. So I typically need to
 refer to things such as the first varlistentry child of the node with
 id ID.

I think that's also possible by just appending an XPath expression. If your 
variablelist has the ID foo and you want to refer to the first varlistentry 
you can write:


  [... using entities ...]
 Indeed, that works. Thanks for the tip !
 However, I'd rather prefer to avoid entities. The document will be
 edited with XML editors such as XMLMind's XXE, which would discard
 (substitute) the entities.

That's true.

 (Of course, if everyone used such editors it wouldn't matter, but since
 some use normal text-based editors, I'm looking for a solution that
 works everywhere.

I don't think there is a general solution where you define somewhere the 
namespace and just refer to it. It seems, you need to add the namespace 
xmlns() scheme every time.

Maybe you add the xmlns() XPointer scheme before passing it to your XML 
parser. You could (theoretically) apply an XSLT transformation step and add 
the xmlns() scheme. That way you could avoid entities, however, you add an 
additional step (which may not be useful).

  Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] EPUB3: how to use base.dir ?

2013-04-10 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Bob,

Am Mittwoch, 10. April 2013, 10:53:17 schrieb Bob Stayton:

  Or, maybe invent some new variable and name it epub.base.dir which
  serves as the base directory for everything. 

 Thanks for the feedback.  I think maintaining a confusing base.dir setup is
 worse than any backwards compatibility issues for the next release, so I'll
 fix this.  Since the base.dir param is already used in many places in the
 html stylesheets, changing its behavior would be difficult.  I like the idea
 of a new epub.base.dir param, and the stylesheet would set the default
 base.dir value to
 concat($epub.base.dir, '/', $epub.oebps.dir)

Great!! Thanks a million!

 Regarding those params, only these are hardwired constants and should be

Right, sounds reasonable.

 These can be changed by the user:
 I'm not sure why you would change them, but they can be changed and still
 have a valid epub file.

Ok, I'm fine with that. :)

Thanks for all your efforts.

  Thomas Schraitle

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[docbook-apps] Conceptual Questions and Customizations Regarding EPUB2 Stylesheets

2013-04-09 Thread Thomas Schraitle

currently, I'm trying to understand some design decisions around the
EPUB2 stylesheets:

1. base.dir

   HTML files are generated relative to base.dir, but the OEBPS and
   META-INF directories are _not_ created relative to base.dir but
   rather relative to the current working directory (if using the
   default). The paths have to explicitly be specified with
   epub.oebps.dir and epub.metainf.dir. This behaviour is
   unexpected and does not make sense.

   Paths specified with epub.oebps.dir and epub.metainf.dir should
   be treated as being relative to base.dir:

   Wrong (current behavior):
   base.dir /tmp/my_epub
   epub.oebps.dir   /tmp/my_epub/OEBPS
   epub.metainf.dir /tmp/my_epub/META-INF

   Correct (expected behavior):
   base.dir /tmp/my_epub
   epub.oebps.dir   OEBPS (= /tmp/my_epub/OEBPS)
   epub.metainf.dir META-INF  (= /tmp/my_epub/META-INF)

   Furthermore, if you set epub.oebps.dir to an absolute path, this
   path will be used as a value for rootfile full-path=PATH element
   in META-INF/container.xml, creating an invalid EPUB archive.

2. No admonition graphics


3. Complicated zip file generation (manifest wanted) 

   The easiest way to create the EPUB zip-file would be to write a
   zip-readable manifest file. The stylesheets already know the
   complete filelist - it is written to OEBPS/content.opf anyway.
   Writing a manifest file (when generate.manifest is set to 1) to
   use with zip is much more effective than parsing content.opf or
   trying to determine which files to put into the archive by other

   Such a manifest would also help to solve a problem with the
   callout-graphics. Callout-graphics are _only_ listed in
   OEBPS/content.opf if they are referenced in the HTML (that is, of
   the profiled XML contains co or calloutlist elements and is set to 1). If the XML sources do not contain
   co/calloutlist they are not referenced in  OEBPS/content.opf.
   The EPUB zip file must only contain files that are referenced in
   OEBPS/content.opf, otherwise it will not validate.
   As a consequence, a check for callouts need to be performed before
   creating the zip archive. In addition to this, and need to
   be checked as well in order to get a list with the needed callout
   graphics. (The ruby script to generate the EPUBs does all this).
   The same would apply to admonition graphics if they would be
   supported by the EPUB stylesheets.

   This creates a massive overhead for the EPUB post processing step
   (aka copying the files and creating the archive) which could totally
   be avoided by creating a manifest.

4. Modularisation
   Probably a minor issue, but a stylesheet with more than 1700 lines
   should be split into separate files. :)

5. xsl:element vs. literal 
   Maybe this is a matter of taste, but the EPUB2 stylesheet 
   contains sometimes a lot of verbose structures, for example:
 xsl:element  namespace=;
   This could be expressed more compact as:
 package xmlns=;
   Is there a reason why to use xsl:element instead of the literal

What do you think?

Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Conceptual Questions and Customizations Regarding EPUB2 Stylesheets

2013-04-09 Thread Thomas Schraitle
Hi Carlos,

On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 05:10:52 -0700
Carlos Araya wrote:

 Is there any reason why not to use the epub3 stylesheets?

Thanks for your answer Carlos.

Well, I'm not sure if EPUB3 is that widespread than EPUB2. Older
EPUB readers does probably not support EPUB3, so I was a bit concerned
about compatibility.

 As far as I can tell epub2 stylesheets are not being actively
 maintained. Bob has done an awesome job with epub3 and thy should be
 readable by older devices out of the box.

Probably I should move to EPUB3 anyway. :)


Thomas Schraitle

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Re: [docbook-apps] Conceptual Questions and Customizations Regarding EPUB2 Stylesheets

2013-04-09 Thread Thomas Schraitle

On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 13:37:23 +0200
Thomas Schraitle wrote:
 currently, I'm trying to understand some design decisions around the
 EPUB2 stylesheets:

By the way, I've started to improve/fix some of the issues that annoys
me. :) It's not finished yet, but you can find the code here:

Feel free to try it out.

Thomas Schraitle

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