Re: [Dorset] OT: WiFi Device Generating Multiple DHCP Requests

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday, 12 January 2021 09:48:43 GMT Terry Coles wrote:
> My EV Charger is generating multiple DHCP Requests.  This was first noticed
> on Saturday when my son checked the router log and saw that one device was
> being allocated an IP Address every 5 minutes or so.  I isolated the
> problem to the charger by turning stuff off until the problem stopped. 
> Normally the charger is connected to a WiFi Extender but I get the same
> problem when it is connected directly to the Router.

Pod-point is claiming that this is normal behaviour.  According to their 
support Rep, he has spoken to the software team and the charger asks for an IP 
Address every time it wants to send data to the Pod-Point server.

I have tried to convince him that this is not normal behaviour and I think he 
may have understood.  He has fed my comments back to the software team.

I won't hold my breath


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 18:16:58 GMT Patrick Wigmore wrote:
> Sorry for any confusion I may have injected.

Any confusion is definitely created by me.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 17:48:32 GMT Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Either way, cookies aren't part of the mechanism, even if they may be
> present for other reasons which explains why clearing cookies didn't
> have a matching effect.

But it did

> Rewinding some months...

When were these questions asked?  Certainly not months ago, because I only 
started writing this Web App a few weeks ago.

> - What's the website?

It's on the WMT Network, which is an intranet.  It provides for Control and 
Monitoring of the Minster Music and Bells System.  This is a re-engineered 
piece of kit which used to be controlled with toggle switches.

> - Does the whole site require authentication?

No.  Only the Control Page.

> - Are the users who need to authenticate a handful so they can be
>   educated in responding to the browser's login prompt?

Yes.  A very slack handful.  :-)  Probably no more than half a dozen.

> - Do the users share devices provided at the site?

No they use their own.

> - How long should a ‘login’ last?

Probably only 10 to 15 Minutes.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Patrick Wigmore
On Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:42:22 +, Terry Coles wrote:
> Oh.  OK.  I understand that is the code the Flask method and not the
> code for  the Flask Development Server, but surely it's the server
> that sets the cookie?

The term 'server' can become a bit muddled here. If you look at it 
from a browser or HTTP protocol point of view, then the web server and 
any frameworks that run in it or alongside it, and any code you write 
that runs in the framework, are taken together to comprise a server.

That is how I meant the word "server" in my previous response to this 
thread, when I said as much as it was the server's prerogative to 
decide whether a session cookie corresponded to a valid session.

If I look at it that way, then I can say "yes, the server sets the 

But that doesn't answer your question, because I think you are looking 
at it from a more server-internal point of view, where Flask, and the 
Flask code you write, is treated as being a separate thing and not as 
part of the 'server'. I would say that this is a valid way to use the 
word 'server'.

Looking at it that way, then I would say that, yes, the server sets 
the cookie, but that is only half the story, because Flask and your 
code can be the reason why the server ends up setting a cookie. If you 
were having Flask manage sessions for you, then it would be Flask 
telling the server to set a cookie.

But Ralph is right; the code for flask-httpauth doesn't appear to use 
sessions or cookies in its implementation of HTTPBasicAuth. So, the 
fact that clearing browsing data seemed to clear the active log-in has 
probably been a bit of a red herring, and I have been guilty of being 
insufficiently curious.

I am now given to assume that Chromium is caching the authentication 
credentials in a manner that survives browser restarts, or perhaps 
Chromium is not really being fully shut down when you close the 
browser, and that is why the authentication persists.

Maybe when you cleared the browsing data, it was not the clearing of 
the cookies but the clearing the cache(s) that de-authenticated you.

Sorry for any confusion I may have injected.


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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Terry,

> Stephen wrote:
> > I think Ralph meant in the link he sent, which had the code from the
> > Flask codebase for its version of HTTPBasicAuth. For basic auth it’s
> > usually much simpler to use an .htaccess file, or with nginx the
> > equivalent.
> Oh.  OK.  I understand that is the code the Flask method and not the
> code for the Flask Development Server, but surely it's the server that
> sets the cookie?
> As you can see, I have little idea how these things work.

A browser sends an HTTP request and amongst the headers are zero or more
Cookie ones for any cookies the browser had stored for the server's
domain name.

The web server passes those Cookie headers on to your code which is
handling the request. says

To access cookies you can use the cookies attribute.

When sending the reply from your code, through the web server, and back
to the browser you may choose to set one or more cookies with the
Set-Cookie header.  These may be new cookies or existing ones.  That
Flask link again:

 To set cookies you can use the set_cookie method of response

But you're using HTTP Basic Authentication.
This doesn't use cookies.  Instead, there is a WWW-Authenticate header
from the server and a Authorization one from the browser.

The implementation of those two can be done by the web server or your
code.  If the web server and it decides access is denied then your code
never gets called.  This is the ‘basic auth’ using .htaccess which
Stephen mentions above and further explained at that page.
The browser sees the challenge by the web server and puts up its own
login-prompt box for username and password.

If you want a nice web page for login then your code implements the test
instead which is where your existing use of HTTPBasicAuth() from
flask-HTTPAuth comes in.

Either way, cookies aren't part of the mechanism, even if they may be
present for other reasons which explains why clearing cookies didn't
have a matching effect.

Rewinding some months...

- What's the website?
- Does the whole site require authentication?
- Are the users who need to authenticate a handful so they can be
  educated in responding to the browser's login prompt?
- Do the users share devices provided at the site?
- How long should a ‘login’ last?

Cheers, Ralph.

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[Dorset] Next Meeting - One Week Tonight

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles

I trust that everyone is keeping well and had a good (or as well as can be 
expected in a lock down) New Year.

The next Meeting will be one week tonight 2021-02-02 at 2000 using 
Jitsi.  Details are as for the previous meetings, but they will be re-posted  
on the day.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 14:34:10 GMT Stephen Wolff wrote:
> I think Ralph meant in the link he sent, which had the code from the
> Flask codebase for its version of HTTPBasicAuth. For basic auth it’s
> usually much simpler to use an .htaccess file, or with nginx the
> equivalent.

Oh.  OK.  I understand that is the code the Flask method and not the code for 
the Flask Development Server, but surely it's the server that sets the cookie?

As you can see, I have little idea how these things work.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Stephen Wolff
What code on the server is setting a cookie?  As I said above, I 

spot HTTPBasicAuth updating a session, though perhaps I'm missing it.

I think Ralph meant in the link he sent, which had the code from the 
Flask codebase for its version of HTTPBasicAuth. For basic auth it’s 
usually much simpler to use an .htaccess file, or with nginx the 

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 14:14:23 GMT Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> What code on the server is setting a cookie?  As I said above, I didn't
> spot HTTPBasicAuth updating a session, though perhaps I'm missing it.

This is the Flask Development Server, so I don't know ;-(

> Until the use of cookies by the site is better understood, it's hard to
> reason about the risks of using cookies.  :-)

Once the site is deployed it will be running on nginx, where presumably I'll 
be able to configure it to do what I want / need.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Terry,

> > Are you certain it uses the first example which is ‘HTTPBasicAuth’?
> It certainly is.
> > From
> >
> > I don't spot that authentication method updating a session, unlike
> > HTTPDigestAuth, for example.
> I believe that Hamish spotted the problem; it's a cookie issue.  When
> I cleared browsing data in Chromium, it made me log in again.

What code on the server is setting a cookie?  As I said above, I didn't
spot HTTPBasicAuth updating a session, though perhaps I'm missing it.

Until the use of cookies by the site is better understood, it's hard to
reason about the risks of using cookies.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 13:42:35 GMT Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> In Firefox, ‘Tools → Web Developer → Network’ when viewing your page of
> interest.  Click ‘Reload’ so your page reloads and the new Network
> window shows the traffic.
> Select a HTTP request of interest and in the new pane you'll see a
> Headers tab which shows the Cookie headers in the request and the
> Set-Cookie headers in the reply.  The Cookies tab displays just them in
> a broken-down format.

It was working in Firefox so I tried to do the equivalent to what you suggest 
in Chromium.  Presumably I should be able to see the cookies now I know how 
these developer tools work.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Terry,

> Stephen wrote:
> > You can view what cookies are stored in the ‘inspector’, so worth
> > checking whether any are stored for an ‘http’ rather than ‘https’
> > connection.
> I'm assuming that this  ‘inspector’ is accessed via the 'More tools -
> Developer tools' Menu item.  I tried that and couldn't see any cookies

In Firefox, ‘Tools → Web Developer → Network’ when viewing your page of
interest.  Click ‘Reload’ so your page reloads and the new Network
window shows the traffic.

Select a HTTP request of interest and in the new pane you'll see a
Headers tab which shows the Cookie headers in the request and the
Set-Cookie headers in the reply.  The Cookies tab displays just them in
a broken-down format.

Cheers, Ralph.

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday, 26 January 2021 13:34:10 GMT Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Are you certain it uses the first example which is ‘HTTPBasicAuth’?

It certainly is.

> From
> py I don't spot that authentication method updating a session, unlike
> HTTPDigestAuth, for example.

I believe that Hamish spotted the problem; it's a cookie issue.  When I 
cleared browsing data in Chromium, it made me log in again.


Terry Coles

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Re: [Dorset] Problem using Chromium to log in to Web Page Secured with flask-httpauth

2021-01-26 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Terry,

> I have set up basic protection for my Minster Control Web page using
> the information in the man page for flask-httpauth see:
> My App uses the code in the first example given and works fine

Are you certain it uses the first example which is ‘HTTPBasicAuth’?

I don't spot that authentication method updating a session, unlike
HTTPDigestAuth, for example.

Cheers, Ralph.

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