[Dorset] Moving Home partition

2009-11-14 Thread Walter
Subject: Re: [Dorset] Moving Home partition 

>> Almost at the point of throwing in the towel and not trying to copy over 
this setup to the new machine as I've spent 2 days + trying this out; 
would like to find out what's wrong though.  <<

Clive, will be interested in the 'command' when you get it right.
I've had similar pains, so I used 'Archive Manager' to back up the home 
directory to Usb and then to unzip back to the new (ext4) 'home' partition.  I 
found it fairly simple to use, then I installed 9.10 in new '/' partition and 
all the 'home' stuff worked fine.  If you can't find 'Archive Manager' just 
click on any zipped file and it will open, then select 'new'.


Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wednesday 2009-12-02 20:00
Dorset LUG: http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

[Dorset] Upgrade or buy secondhand

2009-11-15 Thread Walter
Upgrade or buy secondhand (Andrew Drapper)

Andrew, search and join 'Freecycle' in your area.  These come up frequently at 
no cost, just collect.

I have a 600Mhz AMD which you could have.  Might improve with some more memory. 
 Runs Xubuntu fine.



Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wednesday 2009-12-02 20:00
Dorset LUG: http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

Re: [Dorset] Happy New Year to the List

2010-01-01 Thread Walter

>>  Happy New Year to everybody on the list and thanks for your help over the 
>> past 12 months<<

and 'Here' too!


Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2010-01-05 20:00
Dorset LUG: http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

[Dorset] New member

2010-01-11 Thread Walter
>>My name is Peter Harris and I started using Ubuntu last year.  I am a
retired BT engineer (probably too old at 70 to change operating systems)
and live in Swanage.

>>I have been having problems with internet access since upgrading from
8.04 to 8.10 and am having to boot to Windows for email and internet.
If anybody fancies helping me solve the problem I would be pleased to
hear from them.<<

Oh no you are not, I was a shade your senior when I started with 7.04 a few 
years ago and generally find lots of areas much simpler.

What is you Internet set up?  Can you provide a few more details, I'm sure it 
will be easy to sort out. Routers are easier than modems. I'm using a router 
with ethernet and wifi and just trying out a NAS, network storage.

Ethernet is transparent, wifi is 100% easier with the latest release 9.10.  
Both laptop and netbook connect automatically. There is a an Ubuntu help page 
which lists all the wireless adapters.  Generally I have had little problem 
with 'Belkin' but have also used a few others.


Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2010-01-12 20:00 ** New date **
Dorset LUG: http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

Re: [Dorset] dorset Digest, Vol 331, Issue 6

2010-05-06 Thread Walter

On 05/05/2010 13:00, dorset-requ...@mailman.lug.org.uk wrote:
> From: Martin Settle
> Subject: Re: [Dorset] 10.04? Not bloody likely.
> To: Dorset Linux User Group
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I'm not having much fun with it on my netbook... I'm now on an Acer Aspire
> One ZG5,
I have the same spec.AAO and did the 'upgrade' this morning onto 9.10.  
I had to do a 'recovery' reboot to get the graphics steady but so far 
the wifi picks up automatic via nm-applet and even the original settings 
were used again, even the wifi indicator light is working. . Skype mic & 
video settings also fine.
I have had no problem with alpha nor beta versions of 10.4. Are you 
aware all the correct drivers are included for this specific hardware 
and I can't understand why you need to bother with madwifi.  However I 
do admit that I have never had M$ on the netbook which may have 
something to do with your wifi firmware settings if that is possible. 
(Have a check and adjust the TCIP properties/driver settings in M$)  I 
have spent some time recently with a usb wireless adapter and did find 
some of the driver details not set to my liking and so reset them in MS)


Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-05-11 20:00
http://dorset.lug.org.uk/ http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2645413
   Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
   List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

Re: [Dorset] Netbook fault and Repair help.

2010-08-19 Thread Walter

Many thanks for the comments, sorry for not getting back sooner.
Somerford RapidPC noted, thanks to Sean.

Ralph, I think you got it one.  I had been using the little monster 
quite intensively including a usb attached hard drive and sorting files 
back and forward and working on my knee which may not have helped.  
After leaving it  sulking for a couple of days, I posting my mail using 
another laptop. As I needed to check the bios version and do some 
precise timing ,  however I ended up getting through a full memcheck 
over a period of about 40 minutes this time, all was found Ok.  I then 
booted up back to my UNR OS and 'eureka'  all has been OK since.

BTW the discussion reminded me, I did have a problem with the 
temperature sensor/ cut-out last winter and instead of putting in the 
freezer for a few minutes, as recommended,  I just put it on the 
concrete floor of the rear porch overnight where temperatures were down 
to freezing or below and that brought it to submission until this recent 

I suppose I should be a little more gentle with my toy, I love it 
really, just need to keep it in the cool overnight the next time.

Many thanks for your helpful comments and a great forum.

Regards Walter

On 17/08/2010 11:16, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Hi Walter,

It will boot past the Grub choices (Linpus or Ubuntu) and into the OS
or the memtest but dies after about 10 seconds.  In the memtest it
commences the test but soon falls over.  Likewise if I try to boot an
OS from a usb stick.

My suspicion is obviously a memory failure but could it be otherwise?

Could it be the CPU shuts down from over heating?  I've not experienced
that so I don't know how well it would match the symptoms.  What if you
make it stop at the grub stage so it's waiting for you to select a menu
item, does it last longer then?

Has it been in a dusty environment so fans and vents could have got
blocked, impairing cooling?


Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00
http://dorset.lug.org.uk/ http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2645413
  Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
  List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

[Dorset] Netbook fault and Repair help

2010-10-08 Thread Walter
 Another little problem turned up and possibly partly related to my 
last submission, so I thought the sequel to my netbook fault may be a help.

I lost the ability to charge the attached battery or run the PC off the 
power supply and no indicator light came on.  I checked the voltage of 
the PSU and got a healthy 19v.  Still no life on the power light.  Well 
I thought the fault may lie in the coax connector or the motherboard 

I took the netbook to RapidPCs , Somerford where Paul immediately tried 
a replacement PSU and 'Eurika' it jumped into life.  Total cost a 
replacement power supply £20 about 2/3 Acer the cost.
I was impressed by their service, many thanks to Sean for the 

I have a suspicion that the power supply is not up to supplying and 
external Hard Drive, albeit a modern 2.5" one but taking something close 
to 0.5 amps.
Checking the open circuit voltage gives little indication that 'power' 
is available.

Hope this is a help.

>>My little Acer AOA Netbook model ZG5 has bitten the dust. (1 GBt Ram 
120GB hdd and about 18 months old.) <<

Many thanks for the comments, sorry for not getting back sooner.
Somerford RapidPC noted, thanks to Sean.

Ralph, I think you got it one.  I had been using the little monster 
quite intensively including a usb attached hard drive and sorting files 
back and forward and working on my knee which may not have helped.  
After leaving it  sulking for a couple of days, I posting my mail using 
another laptop. As I needed to check the bios version and do some 
precise timing ,  however I ended up getting through a full memcheck 
over a period of about 40 minutes this time, all was found Ok.  I then 
booted up back to my UNR OS and 'eureka'  all has been OK since.

BTW the discussion reminded me, I did have a problem with the 
temperature sensor/ cut-out last winter and instead of putting in the 
freezer for a few minutes, as recommended,  I just put it on the 
concrete floor of the rear porch overnight where temperatures were down 
to freezing or below and that brought it to submission until this recent 
event. <<


Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

[Dorset] Power supply fault?

2011-01-14 Thread Walter

My computer is just about dead after 2 years use.

I would appreciate some technical help regarding a possible power supply 

The power supply is 350 Watts,  (FSP Group

I have disconnected the two m'board connectors and the 4 pin Molex to 
the disk drives and optical drives.
I connected a jumper between pins 15-16. When I switch the main rear 
power supply on the PS fan runs for about 2 or 3 seconds then stops.

I have tested the voltages to the 24 pin and the 4 pin mobo connectors 
and all read correct. The voltage on the 4 pin Molex are also correct..

When the two connectors are attached to the m 'board and I apply the 
front power button all the internal fans run for a couple of seconds 
only then stop. The mobo light is now orange flashing until I switch off 
rear mains power.

Why is the PS fan cutting out and should it run continuous under no load?
If I can resolve this I will know whether to replace the PS or 
investigate the mobo further.

Any suggestions to make some progress would be appreciated.--


Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-02-01 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

[Dorset] Fwd: Power supply fault?

2011-01-17 Thread Walter

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-02-01 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

[Dorset] Power supply fault?

2011-01-19 Thread Walter

From: Walter,
Gentlemen, thanks for your comments on the power supply problem.

I did get to Rapidpcs at Christchurch, and as usual they were exceedingly 
helpful.  I had a session with Rob, he tested my PS and thought it was ok but 
the fan still stopped after a couple of seconds.
So I picked up a new supply, (sale or return!) which ran on my bench OK, the fan did continue to spin.  I got it installed and lo and behold the same thing again, wow!. 

I reseated all the plug ins and cleaned out the dusty fans. One of the comments 
I received was to reset the cmos by removing the battery which I did and I got 
into the default bios and after a struggle I managed to boot the OS.  I wonder 
if this was the original problem?  I dare say but the new PS is a good feature 
for extended life of this system.

Have just found out that booting to the 'safe mode' also requires passwords.

After Googling and downloading software, I have deleted the passwords and got the authorisation code too so maybe I can make a system disk if the board breaks down sometime. 

My goal would be to run W7 in a virtual machine inside Ubuntu and that may be a 
safer and easier than a dual boot, so I'll work on that.

From: Mark Elkins>>
Yes it should be running all the time. Fans are a common cause of problems. 
Probably a? heavy build up of dust - so try cleaning this off/out with say 
cotton buds and vacuum cleaner.

If a PSU fails on a desktop computer its not much of deal as not costly <<


Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-02-01 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

[Dorset] Recover

2012-09-18 Thread Walter

OK, hands up, I done the unforgivable!
I downloaded the Beta Ubuntu  12.10 and tried to write to a usb stick 
using 'Startup Disk Creator' which previously worked very well 
particularly with Ubuntu (but not always others). This time it would not 
acknowledge the .iso, after a google I copied a recommendation to use DD 
command. DD IF=blaa blaa blaa OF =dah di dah. Proceeded to get the input 
file IF correct, but yes, forgot about the output file! You might have 
guessed I wrote the the D drive 500GB (sdb) and not the usb stick (sdc).

Don't laugh I bet you have all done it!
What recommendations do you have for a rescue program to get as much of 
my data back as possible?


Next meeting:  2012-10-?? 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
New thread on mailing list:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

[Dorset] Recover

2012-10-11 Thread Walter
Many thanks for the suggestions to help me recover what I can from my 
corrupted hard drive especially to Chris, Ralph,Adrian and Peter.  Sorry 
for the late reply I have been away for a while in the wild north and a 
bit out of touch, when I got back I succumbed to a dreadful cold which I 
am gradually beating.

 I have collected the responses in a file and will work through then. 
Thanks for the links which I will follow up
 I have not touched that particular disk yet which I believe was ntfs 
file system in one large partition.  Certainly I will make space on an 
external drive and do the recovery to that.
I think I have used 'Photo Rec' before and was amazed to find that when 
I read the mpg files into the default music collection app it actually 
had recovered the tags and hence I could save the files back to their 
proper titles.

This is the sort of project that will keep me busy in the dark winter 
days ahead.  Your support very much appreciated.

Next meeting:  ???, ???day, 2012-11-?? 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
New thread on mailing list:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

[Dorset] Recover

2012-10-12 Thread Walter

Br, grovel grovel.
Jon, my most humble apologies I made a list of all the replies including 
yours, in sequence so, that I could print it out for study.  I am sorry 
I missed your name in  my reply. Please blame my inadequate typing 
skills and sadly deteriorating brain power,may I claim age allowance 
(three score and sixteen,  but don't tell or even bother to work it out!)


 Jon Stow wrote:

Any particular reason why you've singled me out as being not especially
worthy of thanks for my suggestions, Walter?

I'm hurt by the omission. ;-)



Next meeting:  ???, ???day, 2012-11-?? 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
New thread on mailing list:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

Re: [Dorset] dorset Digest, Vol 508, Issue 3

2013-10-19 Thread Walter

>>Today's Topics: 1. linux (Nicky Scopes)

 I had a surprise today, I went into the job centre and they are now 
using thin client machines running Linux and firefox to do job searches 
online, and openoffice 3 to edit and create CVs . <<

An even bigger surprise Nick, if they offered you a job!


Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2013-11-05 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
New thread on mailing list:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

Re: [Dorset] dorset Digest, Vol 284, Issue 2

2009-05-30 Thread Walter Reed


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 14:59:24 +0100
From: Simon P Smith 

Linux can read and write NTFS these days, can it not?
Well, it can, I've done it. :)

Has anyone here had any good or bad experiences with NTFS on a recent 
Linux system? I haven't used it extensively but had no problems when I 
did use it.



Well I've been using  Xp/Wubi-Xubuntu 8.04 on my laptop for over a year now and 
everything is ntfs, Wubi is a windows folder containing Xubuntu and you boot 
into Xubuntu just as a dual boot. I've had no problem and I share Documents and 
Downloads on the windows OS, not  needed chkdsk either. 
I also run an external 500GBt drive which is ntfs too and I use it on both OS's.
I would be intersted to hear if there is a routine which allows Ubu8.04 or 
windows to read EXT4 just like the one I occasionally use to read ext3.
That may be a good reason to keep the home directory in ext3.

Next meeting: Bournemouth, 2009-06-03 20:00
Dorset LUG: http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

[Dorset] Netbook fault and Repair help.

2010-08-16 Thread Walter Reed
My little Acer AOA  Netbook model ZG5 has bitten the dust. (1 GBt Ram 120GB hdd 
and about 18 months old.)  I've had loads of fun out of this model and use it 
most days but now it looks like 'curtains'.
It will boot past the Grub choices (LInpus or Ubuntu) and into the OS or the 
memtest but dies after about 10 seconds.  In the memtest it commences the test 
but soon falls over.  Likewise if I try to boot an OS from a usb stick.
My suspicion is obviously a memory failure but could it be otherwise? Are 
there any other tests I can make?I gather there are two sticks of memory hidden 
in the bottom of the case and everything needs dismantling to get to it.  Even 
then one strip is supposed to soldered in!
Can anyone recommend a local repair guru (postcode BH or DT) where I could take 
it. Suggestions would be most appreciated.

Regards, Walter

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00
http://dorset.lug.org.uk/ http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2645413
   Chat: http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.blitzed.org&channel=%23dorset
   List info: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/dorset

[Dorset] Listening to BBC Radio stations online without iPlayer

2010-11-16 Thread Walter Reed
Fred, I understand your dislike for the iPlayer (needs Adobe and .net4 huge 
downloads).Nevertheless I have set up the latest iPlayer on the Acer Aspire One 
netbook which works fine using Ubuntu NR 10.04
>>Hey all,
I've found a little problem with listening to BBC Radio stations, and
possibly others online.
Normally I feed Rhythmbox the URL for the stream and listen live
through it, but apparently they've changed something and now
URLs are 404ing on me. There doesn't seem to be any sign of new ones,
and what's more the website wants the iPlayer, which I've yet again
tried to get working on Arch, and yet again found it's a fairly lost
I was wondering if anyone knew if there were any new URLs I can give
Rhythmbox to get it working again, or if anyone knew of an
iPlayer-less nice and simple way to get access to them without all the


Next meeting:  Somewhere quiet, Bournemouth, ???day 2010-12-?? 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

[Dorset] Ubuntu 11.04 / 11.10

2011-11-25 Thread Walter Reed
Martin wrote>>
I'll stick my nose out and state that I actually like Unity. It's been a
part of Netbook Remix for  a while now. It took me a while to get used to,
and even longer to figure out how to use, but I would say that, all in all,
it has made my little Acer Aspire One much easier to use. <<

I could not agree more Martin, I see no problem with Unity (Acer One Netbook & 
used more than 11.10 on my PC) except I would say it took longer to get used to 
my mobile phone than this OS.  What is all the big fuss about, I can't see it.  
I did the upgrade route and got into big trouble loosing the cursor.  I messed 
about big time with 'Settings' and 'Config' only to find it was a bad connector 
ribbon connection under the keyboard which manifested itself after I dropped 
the netbook on the floor!

To run apps I use 'Alt F2' ( or click the Ubuntu icon in the top left corner ) 
and just type the first 2 or 3 letters of the app wanted.  Apps running are 
easily recognised by the icons on the left edge of the screen. Simples Ch!

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-12-06 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
New thread on mailing list:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

Re: [Dorset] Netbook recommendations? (Mark Elkins)

2011-12-02 Thread Walter Reed
I have used the Acer Aspire One Netbook for a couple of years and really enjoy 
it (£150 with Linpus from Dabs)

I noted that eBuyer had some 10" netbooks for about £190  a week ago.

I have used Ubuntu -11.04 Netbook release and now have 11.10 working fine.

To me it seems such better value all  round than an expensive tablet. Not 
faultless (netbook and me) but always had good support here and online.
Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-12-06 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
New thread on mailing list:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue

Re: [Dorset] dorset Digest, Vol 416, Issue 1

2011-12-28 Thread Walter Reed
Clive, I too am interested, retired, Wimborne based.
How about a self help group?

I am reasonably competent with routers, IP addressing and Wifi.
I have limited success with Networking and need to spend a little more time 
How about identifying the problems
1 Ubuntu-Ubuntu
2 Ubuntu-MS      with some mutual research.
Ubuntu 11.10, 10.04 LTS, XP & 7.
Netbook, Laptop, 2 PCs, NAS Drive (little recent use)

>   2. New Year Project (Clive A Wills)
>Is there anyone on list who is near enough to Wimborne who would be 
>willing to come and teach me more about networks while setting up my 
>system please?
>Ideally it would be either 1 or 2 afternoons or evenings  (I'm retired 
>so available!) for a couple of hours; there is also the possibility of 
>my next door neighbor also sitting in to learn! So it could be a small 
>'workshop' type of situation!
>I think most of the problems are in the setting up of the router and 
>The network contains:
>1 desktop PC (Ubuntu 10.10)
>2 laptops - Ubuntu 11.10 and old Windows XP( which will be replaced with 
>Wireless Router ('G' at moment but hope to change to 'N' later)
>2 Printers, a HP Laserjet 5P (always on) and a HP Colour all in one 
>print, scan & copy (on when required)
>The 5P is through a 3 port Edimax print server (2 USB's available) as it 
>has a parallel connection; the other is ethernet connected to the router.
>At a later date I may like to connect to a new 'smart' TV.
>Wireless connection is WEP2 and not broadcast, has MAC address filtering 
>enabled but does not have fixed IP's. One problem is that the 2 printers 
>often have the same IP address and confusion exists when both are 
>switched on!
>Talktalk will not give a fixed IP address to the router which is 
>switched off to reset connection every 2 months at midnight.
>Any other info required please ask.
Next meeting:  Bournemouth, second Tuesday 2012-01-10 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
New thread on mailing list:  mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk
How to Report Bugs Effectively:  http://goo.gl/4Xue