[Dovecot] Dovecot 1.2.11 panic in mail-transaction-log-view?

2012-09-21 Thread Michael Durket
I'm seeing this periodically in my logs for a specific user (followed by a 
backtrace which I've deleted from this post):

Panic: file dovecot-1.2.11/src/lib-index/mail-transaction-log-view.c: line 290 
(mail_transaction_log_view_set): assertion failed: (min_file_seq != 
max_file_seq || max_file_seq != view->head->hdr.file_seq || max_file_offset != 
(uoff_t)-1 || min_file_offset <= view->head->sync_offset)

   Is there something I can do to work around this problem for the user, or is 
this something new and I need to follow the instructions at 
http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html to send in a bug report?

[Dovecot] Listen on multiple ports possible using same protocol?

2012-08-14 Thread Michael Durket
Is it possible to have multiple Listen directives in a dovecot configuration 
file for the same protocol? I am running dovecot-1.2.11 and I want to be able 
to use the "standard port" as well as a test port:

   protocol imap {
   listen = *:143
   listen = *:10143
   ssl_listen = *:993
   ssl_listen = *:10993

for example.  Or is this more preferably done by pointing dovecot at different 
configuration files?

[Dovecot] Question about Outlook workarounds

2011-04-18 Thread Michael Durket
Do the Outlook workarounds in Dovecot 1.x still apply to current versions of 
Outlook? Or has Microsoft fixed Outlook such that workarounds are no longer 
needed in Dovecot (and if so, after what version of Outlook can I remove the 
workaround settings in my dovecot.conf file)?

[Dovecot] How to recover a mail box from an assertion failure

2011-02-08 Thread Michael Durket
I'm running Dovecot version 1.2.11 and getting this assertion error on a user's 

Panic: file 
/home/durket/dovecot-1.2.11/src/lib-index/mail-transaction-log-view.c: line 290 
(mail_transaction_log_view_set): assertion failed: (min_file_seq != 
max_file_seq || max_file_seq != view->head->hdr.file_seq || max_file_offset != 
(uoff_t)-1 || min_file_offset <= view->head->sync_offset)

I realize that there are newer releases of Dovecot (that even may fix this bug) 
but what I need to know is if there's anything I can do 
(like having Dovecot recreate indexes or whatnot) that will recover the user's 
mail (short of having to reconstruct it from backups).

[Dovecot] A few questions on shared folders

2010-05-25 Thread Michael Durket
I'm looking at the possibility of using shared folders to solve a particular 
problem for
my employer and I have a few questions:

1) Can shared folders be in mbox format while allowing the user's mail to 
 in maildir format? (I think the answer is yes, but wanted to check).

2) What version of dovecot should I be running in order to support shared 

3) Is there a good overview document that people could recommend I read 
 describes how best to set up shared folders under dovecot (and perhaps 
 gives an overview of shared folder usage in IMAP mail clients in 

   Thanks very much,

    Michael Durket

[Dovecot] Disk busy issues

2009-12-04 Thread Michael Durket
I have a system with currently 121 mail accounts running Dovecot  
1.1.20 on Redhat AS4.
The computer has 8 gigabytes of memory, 2 dual core AMD Opteron  
processors and is
attached via fiber channel connections to 345 gigabytes of space for  
the home directories.

The only purpose for this machine is as an IMAP server and yet several  
times throughout
the day the disk utilization on the home directories goes to 100% for  
significant periods
of time. I'm using Dovecot because of its reliability and message  
indexing features, and I
would expect this system to be way more than what's needed for the  
job, but the disk busy

issues bother me, especially with this small number of users.

I'm wondering if the problem here is that all the mailboxes for these  
users are in mbox
format and that format just poses too much of a burden on Dovecot. I  
personally as an
experiment have been using Maildir format and that seems to work fine.  
Would people
on this forum (who probably deal with larger numbers of users and  
mailboxes than my
system does) recommend that I switch the mailboxes over to Maildir  
format to alleviate
the disk busy problems? Are there any issues to watch out for when  
converting mailboxes

from mbox to Maildir format?

[Dovecot] Thunderbird Search Folder failures

2009-11-18 Thread Michael Durket
In converting everyone at our site from UW-IMAP I've run into another problem
with Thunderbird users that I'm hoping someone can help me with.

The dovecot version I'm running is old (1.0.13 - we don't do production upgrades
that often but I'm perfectly willing to install a newer version). The affected 
Thunderbird users are running Thunderbird version 2.0023 under Windows. All
mail is stored in mbox format.

What appears to be happening is that searches looking for string matches in 
the message body don't work. I set up a test case with the affected user.
We created a folder that had 6 messages: 5 containing the string in the 
message body and 1 that did not. Then we set up a search folder
that looked for the string. Opening the Thunderbird search folder 
yielded no messages matching the search. A rawlog trace of the search
 in dovecot showed that dovecot had indeed responded that no messages 
were found (when 5 should have been).

This doesn't happen with UW-IMAP (version imap-2007e which I think is the
last version with bug fixes ever issued). Is this perhaps a known bug in 
dovecot that was fixed many releases ago and I should upgrade?

[Dovecot] Thunderbird saved searches, tags and Dovecot oddity

2009-10-13 Thread Michael Durket
In converting everyone at our site from UW-IMAP I've run into a  
problem with a few

Thunderbird users and I'm wondering if anyone has some recommendations.

We're running dovecot 1.0.13 (yes I know it's old but we don't upgrade  
facilities that often). The affected Thunderbird users are running  
version 2.0023.

What's happening is this:

1) The user creates a filter rule which looks for, say, the From:  
header on a
 message, and then tags that message with a Thunderbird tag  
that they've

 defined (in this case "ToDo").

2) The user also defines a search folderthat shows all mail items  
tagged "ToDo".

3) Every day, the user opens the folder, handles all the ToDo  
messages and
 untags them as they are handled, causing them to disappear  
from the


4) The next day (or the next time Thunderbird is started), all  
the previously

 tagged messages are back (in addition to newer ones).

 This doesn't happen with UW-IMAP (version imap-2007e which I think  
is the
last version with bug fixes ever issued). I haven't traced out the  
IMAP commands
going back and forth yet to see what might be different between the  
two servers -
I thought I'd ask here first to see if this is a known issue for which  
there is a solution

(like upgrading dovecot to a specific version).

[Dovecot] Question about "target is inferior" type of message

2009-06-17 Thread Michael Durket
We're converting UW-IMAP users here to dovecot. Some of them have seen  
the error message
issued when Thunderbird clients try to delete folders and I understand  
what's going on (from
previous postings) that Dovecot doesn't support mbox subfolders within  

What puzzles me is that many of these users already have folders  
within folders (I've found
typically 2 levels of nested folders within their main Mail  
directory). And they're not complaining
that they can't read the messages in those folders. If UW-IMAP  
supposedly never supported
this for mbox format, and Dovecot doesn't support it, how is this  
possible under Dovecot?

(We don't have any maildir format mailboxes here at all).

[Dovecot] Dovecot suggestions for new installation

2009-01-13 Thread Michael Durket
I've been testing Dovecot for a while now and am preparing to replace  
our outdated IMAP
system with it. The current system serves about 300 email users who  
run a mixture of
clients (Eudora, Apple Mail, Thunderbird and Outlook). Can any of the  
many experts on

this list answer a few questions:

1) What's the latest stable release of Dovecot I should be  
running on this new system
 (Dovecot will be running on a RedHat Linux AS 4 64 bit  
system with plenty of memory
 and CPU). I've been running 1.13 on my test system but I see  
that 1.18 just came
 out (although I don't know if I should switch to it  

2)  What configuration file options (if any) should I turn on to  
best handle the range of

  email clients listed above?

3)  Are there any "sizing" options I need to worry about setting  
for the number of
  email users I have (I suspect that 300 users is considered  
a rather small
 mail system but I want to minimize its resource usage as  
much as possible

 while still giving decent performance from Dovecot).

   And, just out of curiosity, I'm looking into the idea of switching  
users from mbox format
over to Maildir format on this system (it will use all locally- 
connected disks and have no
NFS mounts). Does the Dovecot automatic migration program to migrate  
from mbox

to Maildir work well or are there "gotchas"?


[Dovecot] Converting from UW-IMAP to dovecot - odd client problems

2008-03-19 Thread Michael Durket
Our installation currently uses an old version of UW-IMAP. Instead of  
upgrading to the latest
version, we're in the process of testing dovecot 1.0.13 on a Solaris 9  
machine (using a different
set of network ports of course so both the old and new systems can  
coexist during testing).

We've been asking selected users to switch from UW-IMAP to dovecot in  
order to test various
clients and OSes with dovecot. On our system the inboxes are always on  
local disk, but the
indexes and any folders may be on NFS or local disk (it has to do with  
how and where we
added disk as our user population increased over time). Only a single  
server is ever used
and I've made sure for our version of dovecot that the settings  
specified for NFS are as

described in the Wiki article.

We've noticed some oddities which we can't figure out:

1) When siwtching a Thunderbird user running on a Fedora system  
(latest version of
 Thunderbird) Thunderbird couldn't see his mail folders even  
when the appropriate
 checkbox  (Server Settings -> Advanced -> Show Only  
Subscribed Folders) was
 unchecked. Clearing out the IMAP Server Directory setting  
seemed to fix this, but
 the very next day, the folders were gone again and we've  
been unable since to get

 Thunderbird to see them.

 Using the same version of Thunderbird, running on Mac OS X  
10.5.2 yields no such


  Another problem with this same user involved a test wherein  
we created a new
  mail folder and then deleted it. The deletion caused an  
error message to be displayed
  (inferior folders, etc) but on the Mac OS X version no such  
error occurred and the
  folder was deleted. Investigating the protocol traces for  
Thunderbird showed that in the
  error case, it attempted to rename the deleted folder as a  
subfolder of the Trash folder
  (thus generating the error message) but on the Mac OS X  
version, it actually deleted
  the folder (which would seem to make more sense). The  
settings pertaining to the Trash

  folder are the same on both clients.

2)  When switching an Apple Mail.app user running on Mac OS X  
10.4.11 (Tiger) at the
  latest patch level, things appeared to work fine, and then  
the user mentioned that
  no mail was showing up in her inbox. Closing and restarting  
Mail.app appeared to
  fix that temporarily. She normally keeps a large number of  
messages in her inbox
  (approximately 7000+) and receives a large number of  
messages each day (several


  In this case, the Postfix mail logs showed that mail was  
being received, and the procmail
  delivery log for this user showed that procmail was putting  
the mail in her inbox, yet
  Mail.app was not indicating the presence of new mail (until  
it was restarted). Also Mail.app
  became very very slow at startup and shutdown (taking  
several minutes as compared to

  a few seconds normally).

We've had no problems so far with another Tiger Mail.app user  
(but his inbox is considerably smaller)
and no problems yet with converting a Eudora user running under  
Windows, but this is a stumbling
block in our efforts to convert to dovecot since we'd hoped to be able  
to switch users over fairly

easily (just by changing the port address mostly).

While these woud seem to be client problems at first glance, the  
common factor of course is dovecot.
There are no problems with any of these clients using UW-IMAP. I'm  
hoping that perhaps there are some
readers of this list that might have seen similar problems and know of  
solutions, or could point me to
some ways of debugging these problems (with Thunderbird I can at least  
debug IMAP protocol exchanges,
but since dovecot doesn't log IMAP exchanges for specific IPs and  
since the socket connections are all
via STARTTLS I can't use tcpdump so I'm kind of at a loss for how to  
track these things down short of

patching the dovecot code to put in tracing messages).

Any suggestions would be appreciated (and would help us complete  
our conversion to dovecot).

Michael Durket