Re: [Drakelist] First Rigs - If you could do it all over again, what would your first station be?

2011-06-19 Thread Ron

The IF BW was spec'd at 30 kHz.   

Now I know why you like the gentle slopes of the RC filtered Drakes.  And the 
ability to hear what's around you.   LOL

It's all about where you grew up.  :-)  

Being a bit younger, my window started at the end of the tube era.  I 
had to thin the herd or I would still own a 2B.  But I really do like my
 B twins and TR7,  the movers and shakers of my Novice.



--- On Sat, 6/18/11, Garey Barrell wrote:

From: Garey Barrell
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] First Rigs - If you could do it all over  again, what 
would your first station be?
Date: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 10:49 AM

My first 'station' cost me all of $5.00.

I received a Heath AR-3 kit for Christmas 1956, which was fun to build, and had 
a lot of fun listening to the SWBC and Ham signals.  I had been experimenting 
with some old telephone equipment my Dad brought home from his company.  They 
had completely renovated the phone system and had dozens of desk sets, patch 
boards, cables, etc. that all went into the dumpster.!  After playing with that 
for a while, I managed to get a friend two houses away interested.  The phone 
stuff wasn't much fun, since we already had phones (Gee, kinda like SSB today!) 
so we decided to put in a telegraph line between us.  We knew just enough to be 
VERY dangerous, and ran a single wire from his room to mine, through a tree in 
the back yard of the house between us.  A few hardware store items, and we had 
a 40W light bulb and key in each of our rooms, with the return the power 
ground.!  Yes, the wire carried 120 VAC...  Fortunately, the neighbor never 
trimmed his tree or we
 would have had a very messy situation!  Anyway, that got us to learn the code, 
and I went on and studied the License Manual and Handbook to get my Novice 
license in 1957, KN4OAH.

I had a lot of help from my Elmer, W4EEI, who provided much encouragement and 
had the neatest SX-28 / Viking II station.  'We' built a single 6L6 along the 
lines of the 'QSL 40' from a 1938 QST with parts from his junk box.  It wasn't 
pretty, but sure would light up a light bulb with 600 VDC on the plates.  Just 
don't hold the key down too long.

After listening to a friend's ARC-5 receiver, and seeing how much more stable 
and easy to tune it was than my AR-3, I bought a brand new BC-454 for $4.95.  
The power transformer, rectifier tube and socket, and electrolytic cap were 
'borrowed' from the AR-3 and mounted on the back deck of the BC-454.  When my 
license finally arrived, (or perhaps 'shortly' before,) I was actually heard by 
a few stations on 80M.  I made a LOT of contacts with that station, including 
one with the Grand Island Nebraska FCC monitoring station!  Strangely enough, 
that was my best DX at the time from KY, and even stranger it was on 7440 kHz 
even though I was transmitting on 3720 kHz.!

While the BC-454 was VERY stable and sensitive, the selectivity was great, for 
FM.  The IF BW was spec'd at 30 kHz, meaning I could hear the entire 80M 
Novice band without moving the tuning knob.  This was handy for spotting 
responses to CQ's, (most only had one or perhaps two crystals,) but made it 
difficult to hear just ONE, especially in the evening on 80 when the Novice 
band sounded like today's contest weekends.  I determined that I needed an IF 
frequency lower than the 1415 kHz of the BC-454, and just happened to have a 
clock radio on hand.  So I wove a piece of hookup wire into the loop antenna on 
the back of the clock radio, and stuck the other end down into the top of the 
last IF of the '454.  Tuning the clock radio to 1415 kHz, I had a double 
conversion receiver, PLUS _Passband Tuning_ .  This helped matters 
considerably, and then I saw a Heathkit Q-Multiplier in operation and HAD to 
have one.  I managed to get it installed in the
 clock radio, with only a couple of house fuses blown before I got the grounds 

I used this rig for a few months, and got my General license when the FCC came 
to town on one of its bi-annual trips.  This let me stretch out to the lower 
part of 80M. My Dad took pity on me and 'helped' me purchase a WRL Globe Chief 
90 kit and a Heathkit VF-1 kit.  Looking back, I think he just wanted to 
prevent any further contact with the FCC, which was a pretty formidable 
organization in those days.

About this time, a friend from school came over and decided he wanted to get a 
Ham license also.  I showed him what I was doing, demonstrated the code, and 
loaned him my License Manual and Handbook.  About a month later, he said that 
he was still studying, but was losing interest.  Just can't learn the code.  
However, it seemed his Dad had bought him .  A brand new 75A-4, AND a brand 
new factory wired Johnson Ranger!  Yikes!  My friend allowed as how his Dad 
wasn't too pleased that he had 'lost interest', and would I be interested in 
buying his gear to get 

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread Jim Shorney
On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 16:58:14 +, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:

True but Drake is still in the business of making radios and associated 
electronics and components are still components.

Yes, but it's a different world today. Manufacturers have to stay competetive
on a global scale in these days of Lean Manufacturing initiatives and
everything that goes with that. The bean counters are in control, and anything
that has a little dust on it, doesn't move, or isn't profitable goes into the
dumpster (rubbish bin) without a second thought.



Ham Radio NU0C
Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
TR7/RV7/R7A/L7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C/L4B, NCL2000, SB104A, R390A, GT550A/RV550A, 
HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage, all the time!

Give a man a URL, and he will learn for an hour; teach him to Google, and he 
will learn for a lifetime.

HyGain 3750 User's Group -

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 36, Issue 26

2011-06-19 Thread Michael A. Kelly
Hello everyone, Happy Father's Day.

All this conversation about Drake Vs Ten Tec has gotten me to thinking.  I
purchased an entire Ten Tec station - Omni VI Plus including 5
filters, the matching Transmatch #238 and matching power supply/speaker
brand new in late 1999 - 2000.

Funny thing is I sold most of my Drake equipment in 1999 in order to gain
the cash to be able to buy a brand new station never used for the first time
since becoming a ham in 1985.

I would entertain a swap for a good 4 A,B or C line or possibly even a
TR-4CW given the same excellent condition as I have for my gear, mainly just
to make things simple again.  I miss the hollow state days I guess.  I
wanted to run PSK31 back then and needed the stability in order to do so, or
at least I thought so ...

Please email me directly if interested.  I live in NC and have all original
boxes manuals, etc and could ship to anywhere in the lower 48.

73, Michael Kelly N4MAK
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread Don Cunningham
That's really not a fair comparison, Drake having parts as opposed to Ten Tec.  
Drake went out of the ham business MANY years ago but carried parts until 
recent memory for many of their rigs  and serviced them far beyond what other 
US manufacturers of ham gear did.  On the other hand, Ten Tec advertises as 
still being in the ham business.
Don, WB5HAK___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread rhulett1

Most recent purchase was a mint Omni C with a broken crystal carrier.  They 
are no longer available from any source, including the factory.   So, the C 
won't function on 30M.  The on-off switch was also broken, not really an issue 
because use the PS switch anyway, but those not available either.   Band 
switches are notorious and well-known issue for the 540-546.  Replacements not 
available.  Dial light for the 509 no longer available from any source.  

Of course, to be fair there are surely Drake parts that aren't available 
anymore ( like switch decks I suppose ).  But, so fa e for me personally, I've 
had nothing break that couldn't be replaced with readily available parts. 


- Original Message -

From: mike bryce 
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 10:05:58 AM 
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared 

I have a bit of issue with that... 

with the exception of some solid state devices, RF transistors for the 444 amp 
comes to mind, I've never found ten tec did not stock a part, or had a working 
replacement for it for a radio I've have on my service bench. Sure, some parts 
or assemblies are long gone. I mean, when was the last time Drake sold a PTO 
for TR3? 

granted, you can't get cosmetic parts like knobs or front panels, but you can't 
get those from drake either. 

You can still get a PTO rebulid kit for a ten tec argonaut 505, built in 1973, 

so, I'd say, ten tec has a pretty good supply of parts for older radios, and if 
you have the money, they will be more than happy to install, and bring to 
factory specs that 505.  

mike bryce 

On Jun 18, 2011, at 2:27 PM, wrote: 

I own and enjoy both.   Drake 4 line and 2B.  Ten-Tec 509, 540, 544, 545, 546, 
588.  All except last purchased used of course. Only ones needing work were the 
Drakes and the newest Ten-Tec.  The 588 recently revisited the factory for 
repair when 3 years old, of course Ten-Tec fixed it quickly but repair cost 
more than paid for any of the other rigs listed.  I'm not capable of repairing 
the 588.  If any of the old stuff breaks, I'd be forced to fix  myself because 
the shipping would cost more than the rig is worth.  One thing about the older 
Ten-Tec rigs, many of the failure-prone parts are unobtanium.   So far, the 
items that have failed on the Drakes have been easily replaced. 


Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread geoffrey mendelson

On Jun 19, 2011, at 8:05 PM, wrote:

  Dial light for the 509 no longer available from any source.

Huh? The dial light is just two grain of wheat bulbs in series that  
glow a dull red with 12 volts, and slightly brighter on 13.8v. You  
could replace them with anything including the (relatively) new 180  
degree LEDs.

The S meter light is just a 12 volt long/life low brightness bulb with  
the usual bayonet end. I replaced mine with a drop in LED white  
replacement. I have LEDs for the dial lights, and decided that since  
mine still work, it was not worth my time to replace them. Eventually  
I will.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
Making your enemy reliant on software you support is the best revenge.

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread Garey Barrell
Sorta true.  GM is still (sort of) in the car making business too, but I doubt they could come up 
with an inside driver's door handle for your 1965 Oldsmobile.   They're still in the business of 
making cars, and car door handles are still car door handles!  Electronic components are still 
components too, just 1/10 the size.

One of the beauty of the Drakes, and others of the time, is that most of the parts that fail are 
generic and available plenty of places.  I don't see a third IF can as being any different than a 
door handle from that standpoint.  The same is mostly true of the 7- Line, with the exception of a 
few ECL ICs that can be gotten, but are a challenge.

Also, I'm sure Drake would be happy to sell you an IC for the R-8 series 

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
True but Drake is still in the business of making radios and associated electronics and components 
are still components.

On 19-Jun-11 15:20, Don Cunningham wrote:

That's really not a fair comparison, Drake having parts as opposed to Ten Tec.  Drake went out of 
the ham business MANY years ago but carried parts until recent memory for many of their rigs  and 
serviced them far beyond what other US manufacturers of ham gear did.  On the other hand, Ten Tec 
advertises as still being in the ham business.


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread john
Nothing below (with perhaps the exception of the bandswitch) that couldn't 
be repaired with a suitable field expedient replacement. Crystal holder, 
on off switch, dial lamps (?!!) ...all easily replaced with something 
that'll work. Power supply switch is a common rocker switch AFAIK.

Bandswitches are a problem if bad, regardless of the make of the gear. The 
larger ones can have contact surgery applied (I've done this) but that 
problem is common to all gear.

Most Tentec gear up to and including the Omni VI used simple single sided 
PWB's that are easy to service, with spacious layouts and sensible 
interconnects making for easy RR.

Now if only they had used good grease in their PTOs!
John K5MO

At 01:05 PM 6/19/2011, wrote:

Most recent purchase was a mint Omni C with a broken crystal 
carrier.  They are no longer available from any source, including the 
factory.  So, the C won't function on 30M.  The on-off switch was also 
broken, not really an issue because use the PS switch anyway, but those 
not available either.   Band switches are notorious and well-known issue 
for the 540-546.  Replacements not available.  Dial light for the 509 no 
longer available from any source.

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] R-4B Notch Backlash PTO movement

2011-06-19 Thread Paul Christensen

Just noticed two very slight anomalies with my R-4B:

1) There's a small bit of Notch control backlash; and

2) There's a very small amount of VFO knob upward movement but no 
side-to-side, nor downward movement.  The slight upward movement does not 
affect frequency stability.

Is this normal for the R-4B?  I detect neither issue with my R-4C.  Tnx!

Paul, W9AC

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4B Notch Backlash PTO movement

2011-06-19 Thread Garey Barrell

Paul -

Yes, the adjuster for the NOTCH is 'springy' like the Passband Tuner slugs.  The backlash is usually 
negligible if the cam slider surface is clean and lightly lubricated.

Seems a little strange.  Any 'play' in the front ball bearings is adjusted out with the hex set 
screw accessible from the back end, just like the C.

Since it's only 'UP', I wonder if all three of the spade bolt nuts that hold the PTO in the receiver 
are  tight??

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Paul Christensen wrote:

Just noticed two very slight anomalies with my R-4B:

1) There's a small bit of Notch control backlash; and

2) There's a very small amount of VFO knob upward movement but no side-to-side, nor downward 
movement.  The slight upward movement does not affect frequency stability.

Is this normal for the R-4B?  I detect neither issue with my R-4C.  Tnx!

Paul, W9AC

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4B Notch Backlash PTO movement

2011-06-19 Thread Paul Christensen


Tnx for the great suggestions!

Paul, W9AC

- Original Message - 
From: Garey Barrell

Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] R-4B Notch Backlash  PTO movement

Paul -

Yes, the adjuster for the NOTCH is 'springy' like the Passband Tuner 
slugs.  The backlash is usually negligible if the cam slider surface is 
clean and lightly lubricated.

Seems a little strange.  Any 'play' in the front ball bearings is adjusted 
out with the hex set screw accessible from the back end, just like the C.

Since it's only 'UP', I wonder if all three of the spade bolt nuts that 
hold the PTO in the receiver are  tight??

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Paul Christensen wrote:

Just noticed two very slight anomalies with my R-4B:

1) There's a small bit of Notch control backlash; and

2) There's a very small amount of VFO knob upward movement but no 
side-to-side, nor downward movement.  The slight upward movement does not 
affect frequency stability.

Is this normal for the R-4B?  I detect neither issue with my R-4C.  Tnx!

Paul, W9AC

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

2011-06-19 Thread kc9cdt
Well...there is a simple solution to this parts least it is a 
partial solutionjust look for a parts chassis.

A non working or broken radio and then keep it for parts.
Ones in poor cosmetic contidion go pretty cheap.


-Original Message-
From: rhulett1
To: mike bryce
Cc: Drakelist
Sent: Sun, Jun 19, 2011 1:06 pm
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

Most recent purchase was a mint Omni C with a broken crystal 
carrier.  They are no longer available from any source, including the 
factory.  So, the C won't function on 30M.  The on-off switch was 
also broken, not really an issue because use the PS switch anyway, but 
those not available either.   Band switches are notorious and 
well-known issue for the 540-546.  Replacements not available.  Dial 
light for the 509 no longer available from any source. 

Of course, to be fair there are surely Drake parts that aren't 
available anymore ( like switch decks I suppose ).  But, so fae for me 
personally, I've had nothing break that couldn't be replaced with 
readily available parts.


From: mike bryce
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 10:05:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Ten-Tec and Drake Compared

I have a bit of issue with that...

with the exception of some solid state devices, RF transistors for the 
444 amp comes to mind, I've never found ten tec did not stock a part, 
or had a working replacement for it for a radio I've have on my service 
bench. Sure, some parts or assemblies are long gone. I mean, when was 
the last time Drake sold a PTO for TR3?

granted, you can't get cosmetic parts like knobs or front panels, but 
you can't get those from drake either.

You can still get a PTO rebulid kit for a ten tec argonaut 505, built 
in 1973,

so, I'd say, ten tec has a pretty good supply of parts for older 
radios, and if you have the money, they will be more than happy to 
install, and bring to factory specs that 505. 

mike bryce

On Jun 18, 2011, at 2:27 PM, wrote:

I own and enjoy both.   Drake 4 line and 2B.  Ten-Tec 509, 540, 544, 
545, 546, 588.  All except last purchased used of course. Only ones 
needing work were the Drakes and the newest Ten-Tec.  The 588 recently 
revisited the factory for repair when 3 years old, of course 
Ten-Tec fixed it quickly but repair cost more than paid for any of the 
other rigs listed.  I'm not capable of repairing the 588.  If any of 
the old stuff breaks, I'd be forced to fix  myself because the shipping 
would cost more than the rig is worth.  One thing about the older 
Ten-Tec rigs, many of the failure-prone parts are unobtanium.   So far, 
the items that have failed on the Drakes have been easily replaced.


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