Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest,Drake T4XB

2012-11-16 Thread FJMelick
Only have idle current any help..
Thanks WD8ADG ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 46, Issue 14

2012-04-18 Thread FJMelick
Shure 444 does that price include shipping . Does it have a  plug or bare 
wires. Any damage ?
Fred M 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest Drake T4XB No Output

2012-01-11 Thread FJMelick
I have been replying to the people that have been kind  enough to answer me 
but I have been answering them directly to their email  address. Not sure 
how to continue my answers so they appear on the  drakelist  when that 
happens. I want to keep the thread alive so it can  help others that may be 
the same problem but I find it hard to do when  they send information to me 
via their email address When I reply it goes  directly to the party that 
sent me the information. 
Let me know what to do to share this information with the  list and I would 
be glad to do that. 
73 de Fred WD8ADG ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Drake B Line No Output

2012-01-10 Thread FJMelick
Well, the problem continues.
  It worked for a short time but is not working  again. Replaced V-1 and V2 
 with tested used tubes. V1 was N.O.S. 
I did substitution of all the tubes with used and tested  tubes without any 
change in output.
The spot position does not put out a signal either. Even  when put into AM 
and using the spot function, I can hardly hear that tone in the  receiver  
Both VFO's will work the receiver. 
I have idle current when in tune position or when PTT on  mic. no other 
output. No output when speaking  or whistling into the mic  either 
Any other ideas? 
Where to look next? 
Sprayed the wafer switches with Deoxit and another plastic  safe contact 
cleaner even though the wafers are phenolic and not plastic. Band  switch is 
not any stiffer than it was when I bought the twins 5 years ago so I  don't 
think that is the problem. 
I tried 75 meters and 40 meter both with the same results.  No output.
Where should I start to look for the problem? Any ideas  would be 
73 de Fred WD8ADG 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest,Drake Tuner MN-2000 and others

2012-01-02 Thread FJMelick
Just a note about keeping settings for your  antenna tuner (MN-2000) . I 
still keep a log book for my station and in the  log book under the heading 
for signal reports received and sent I added a  reactance and resistance 
heading in those columns and write in the setting  in those spaces. Just a 
helpful hint if you still keep a station log  book.
Have fun.
73 de Fred  WD8ADG ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, SPOT FUNCTION TUNE UP

2012-01-02 Thread FJMelick
In a message dated 1/2/2012 10:41:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

That is exactly how I tune up my B line with the spot  function and peak 
the plate and preselector I have been doing it that way for a  few years and 
that is why I noticed the spot not working any longer. Still no  out put 
other than idle current when in tune position or when PTT is pressed  now
Maybe a blown Diode or cap in Power supply??What do  you think?
73 de Fred WD8ADG ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest,Drake B line Twins No output

2012-01-01 Thread FJMelick
Well, the earlier problem with the spot frequency function  not working has 
lead to no output at all from the transmitter. It shows idle  current only 
when you go to tune or hold the PTT on the mic. 
Any ideas where to start. Tubes or power supply?  Power supply rebuilt 3 or 
4 years ago .After rebuilt it always had a 60  cycle hum on 40 meters. You 
could feel the cabinet vibrating. 

73 de Fred WD8ADG ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest,Spot function

2012-01-01 Thread FJMelick
Anyone know where to look to correct the spot function. My  Drake B Line 
transmitter spot function position works some time and at other  times 
nothing. Sometime a gentle slap will bring it back to life but I don't  like to 
that. Any ideas? 
Also Crystal calibrator not working at all. If it is the  crystal where is 
it located? 
73 de Fred WD8ADG ___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Bias current Low

2011-07-04 Thread FJMelick
Bias  and plate current is low on Drake B Line.  Adjustment on back of AC 4 
is turned up full. Plate current is only .210 mills.  Bias is .04 on plate 
Any ideas where to start to look for a  cure.
73 de Fred WD8ADG 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Crystal calabrator Gone south?

2011-02-23 Thread FJMelick
Crystal calibrator on the Drake B line twins. Is this an  easy fix or 
expensive fix or is it something I could locate and fix myself? What  equipment 
is required to locate and repair this item. Looking at he schematic it  could 
be a transistor or and IC in the receiver. Any thoughts? 
73 de Fred WD8ADG
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest,Load control setting T4XB ?

2011-02-12 Thread FJMelick
Just a question.
 I have been using the load settings that show in the  manual for the T4XB 
transmitter. It says the load control should be at 3.5 for  75 meters and 
4.5 for 40 and most of the other bands. I noticed that when I  reduce the load 
control the output increases. Any thoughts on this? Which do  most of you 
use. Should we follow the manual or just look for max output? We  tune the 
plate for max output which does correspond to the dip in plate  current,so 
that seems fine.
Thanks  73 de Fred  WD8ADG
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Thanks to all on the light bulb issue.

2011-01-27 Thread FJMelick
Thanks to everyone for their replies on the light bulb  issue. I will look 
further into the thermistor application. I was concerned  about the 
statement about the power supply regulation when using a thermistor.  Any 
comments about that issue. I don't want to create any additional  problems 
by trying to solve this one.  

73 de Fred WD8ADG 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Light bulb for inrush currrent protection.

2011-01-26 Thread FJMelick
Has anyone heard any additional information about using a  light bulb in 
the AC line ahead of your radios ac input to reduce the inrush  current to the 
rigs as they are turned on. I would like to hear more about doing  that if 
the information is available. It seems there is quit a surge when I  turn on 
the transmitter Drake T4xB. 
73 de Fred WD8ADG 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Crystals for Drake twins

2011-01-18 Thread FJMelick
Yes, I have bought crystals from Carling, not to bad but I  did order my 
second crystal from International Crystal. They are still  in business and it 
takes about 2 weeks and with shipping and insurance was  only $30.00  I had 
them ship UPS, not the post office. These are new  manufactured crystal and 
I would order from them again if I need more. They are  top quality crystals 
and should last a life time. Both are good but I like  International best. 
Your choice.
73 de Fred WD8ADG  
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 31, Issue 1 Pre tuning B line

2011-01-01 Thread FJMelick
Thanks Gary and others for your  input.
 Yes the plate meter fluctuates too . Max plate  current 260 mills.At first 
I thought it was the antenna moving in the wind  but when I checked it on 
the dummy load it did the same thing. I guess I  will just wait until it 
stops working all together. I can't afford to have  the Drake guru in this area 
repair it again for another $400.00  I  guess he is good but he sure is 
expensive. I spent $500. for the twins and they  worked fine for a year or 
two.Then the intermittent problem started. So I took  them to the Guru in the 
Cleveland area for repair. He rebuilt the power supply  and some tubes and a 
general tune up $400. And now here we go again. If I  spend another $400. I 
could have bought a brand new rig. I will see if I can  locate another ham 
that can help at a lower price. I like the Drake twins and  don't want to get 
rid of them. I don't abuse the rigs and always pre tune with  the spot 
feature so the rig is tuned before I add the plate current and then  just peak 
tune for max output using the watt meter on the drake MN-2000. I  double check 
for peak output but only advance the plate current so I have a  10 watt 
reading on the watt meter and adjust RF tune and preselctor for peak  output 
still with 10 watts . If all is at max on the 10 watt setting I advance  the 
plate current to max to check max watt meter output . It is usually 100  watts 
on 75 meters. Swr is 1.3 to 1.5 above 3.900.  Below 3.900 I  use the tuner 
to get a good swr usually 1.3 :1 The antenna is cut for  the higher end of 
the 75 meter band where I do most of my activity. 
Anyway that's the story best I can tell it . So thanks  again for the 
replies. It does seem more of a problem when the rig is on all  day. Could be 
heat related. 
73 de Fred WD8ADG  
Thanks again for all the input. 
73 de Fred WD8ADG 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest,New Thread

2010-12-31 Thread FJMelick
Tune up Drake B Line. 
Pre tune using spot settings. Fine tune on antenna with  about 10 watts.
Not all the time but some time when peaking the  pre-selector on the 
receiver the output will drop suddenly or increase suddenly  to 40 watts. The 
output on the Drake MN 2000 watt meter will show a fluctuation  on the meter. 
Moving the meterback and forth a couple of watts from the 10 watt  setting.
Any ideas? Poor RCA cables? MN 2000 meter circuit? Anyone  else ever see 
this on the output meter. It just drives me nuts to see erratic  readings like 
this on the output meter. I get 260 mills on the transmitter meter  so the 
output seems ok but it just drives me crazy to have this kind of  issue with 
the rig. 
The rig was gone over a couple of years ago including  rebuilding the power 
supply and some additional tube replacements. about $400.00  worth of 
repairs and upgrades. It was working at the time but was experiencing  another 
intermittent problem. 
Anyone else every experience these kinds of problems with  their Drake B 
line ?
Thanks  73 de Fred WD8ADG
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest New Thread

2010-12-27 Thread FJMelick
Any advise about replacing the existing RCA cables on a  pair of Drake B 
line twins. Can the cables be replaced with a good quality  Audio/Video 
cables? Is the cable length important? Not talking about the  injection cable 
the other 3 cables.
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, New thread Best way to reduce drive to amp.

2010-12-12 Thread FJMelick
Using a Drake "B" line. What is the best way to reduce the  drive to the 
Amp.? Reduce mic. gain or reduce transmitter output of by using the  
 How do you do it?
73 de Fred  WD8ADG  
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4B &T4XB Tuning up

2010-04-15 Thread FJMelick
I use the spot position on the Transmitter and tune for max on  the 
receiver s meter. Preselectors first and main tuning knob on Transmitter  
Plate next  and load control at 3.5 for 80 meters and 4.5 on 40  meters and 
higher freq.
I noticed that I get an additional 20 to 30 watts output when  I check the 
watt meter if I tweek the preselector on the receiver again. 
Is this normal? If so why?
Fred WD8ADG 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 21, Issue 4( MS 4 vibration)

2010-03-02 Thread FJMelick
Thanks for the reply. The issue is on receive and no I don't use 40 very  
much and I guess this issue might be one of the reasons and the other is the  
band has not been to good until just lately. The audio is annoying to say 
the  least. I have not had any audio reports that would indicate the same 
issue on  Transmit. I will ask the next time I am on 40. 
I use an inverted vee antenna at 30 feet going through a MN-200 tuner  on 
40 . The antenna is cut for 3.972 MHz and I go direct through the  tuner on 
75 meters .No matching required for that segment of the band.The  audio is ok 
on 75 meters but the vibration on the top of the speaker cabinet is  always 
there whether the audio gain is up or down.  
I did hear that there was a new circuit board and caps available for the  
power supply and that it is recommended to do the upgrade with these new 
parts  and circuit board. Not sure if that was done when the supply was 
I did  get a bag of old parts returned to me when the rig was repaired. A 
couple of  caps and a few resistors plus some tubes from the transmitter.
Do you sense any vibration when your power supply is running with both  
receiver and transmitter turned on in the receive mode?
Fred WD8ADG 
Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] MS-4 speaker and power supply

2010-03-01 Thread FJMelick
I had the supply rebuilt 2 years ago and noticed that if I lay  my finger 
tips on the top of the speaker cabinet I can feel a vibration as soon  as I 
turn on the transmitter switch. On 40 meters I can hear some audio  
distortion or a frog in the throat sound to the audio. Anyone else have that  
on 40 meters? Caps were replaced according to the guy that rebuilt the  
supply and did the other tune ups on the rigs (T4XB & R4B). If I take it  back 
him again it will probably cost me another small fortune to have him  check 
it out or repair it. Any ideas?
 Power supply was working fine when I took it to him but  I allowed him to 
talk me into a rebuild because it was old and it sounded like  the right 
thing to do at the time .I am not sure now if he installed the new  circuit 
board at that time or if that board was even available  then.
Thanks 73  
Fred  WD8ADG
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 20, Issue 30

2010-02-20 Thread FJMelick
In the past I  have not been able to forward anything to theDrake web  
site. Now that I have changed to a cable network and a new computer I hope this 
gets thru to the Drake site. 
Fred M 
Drakelist mailing list