Re: [Drakelist] Microphone Jack Trivia

2008-08-17 Thread K8AC - k8ac
Actually, a good question and one that I've never seen a good explanation for.  
A few years ago, I bought a new aviation headset to use with my station and 
guess what?  It had a 1/4 inch plug for either the mic or headphone (don't 
recall which) and a .207 Drake-like plug on the other pair.  Apparently that's 
been standardized over the years so any headset can plug into any aircraft 
radio (at least for private planes).  Whether or not that started before Drake 
began using the smaller plug, I don't know.

73, K8AC
  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Bell 
  Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 4:08 PM
  Subject: [Drakelist] Microphone Jack Trivia

  I don't recall seeing this question asked but why did the Drake Co. choose to 
use a smaller mic jack on the T-4 line?  Surely someone out there knows the 


  Please feel free to direct any comments, including flames, for asking a such 
trivial question, off the reflector.  I've already have used up too much 




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Re: [drakelist] A better TR7 allband transmit mod

2008-07-28 Thread K8AC - k8ac

"K8AC - k8ac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
I'm sure there must be a good reason for wanting to transmit on the 2.5 MHz 
band, but I'm just behind the times and don't know what it might be.  At any 
rate, I still think the best approach is to use an Aux board and they can 
easily be homebrewed.  One advantage to the Aux board approach is that the 
synthesizer is set to the correct 500 KHz segment and you don't have to hit 
the up or down buttons to get to the right band segments.  That of course is 
true with the WARC bands when using an Aux board, but I seldom see it 

73, K8AC

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [drakelist] A better TR7 allband transmit mod

Ron Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
FWIW, in John Loughmiller's (KB9AT) book "A Family Affair, the R L Drake 
Story" on page 145, Steve Rawling, G4ALG is credited as saying that "To 
enable the TR-7 to transmit on all frequencies 1.5-30 MHZ (excluding 2.5 
and 5.0 Mhz bands) simply unsolder collector Q9001 on the DR7 board."

I beleive Jim's thread was to be able to add those bands back in with his 
mods w/o defeating the out-of-lock inhibit.  I know that my TR-7 (actually 
John's backup rig) is TX on all bands and the out-of-lock inhibit is not 
cut.  I just tried CW on the 2.5 and 5 Mhz bands and it works fine.  A 
caveat is that I do have an aux board installed with 10Mhz prgrammed.  My 
aux switch it in the normal position.


On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 03:26:20 -0400, Joe Pyles wrote:

Simply remove Q9001 from the DR7 board accomplishes the same thing 
without cutting any traces and is

easily reversed.
This simply stops the TX inhibit signal from U9003 Ham Band PROM. 73, 

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Re: [drakelist] Touch Paddle Electronic Keyers....

2008-07-28 Thread K8AC - k8ac
I believe the manual for the keyers can be downloaded from their website - that 
should address the voltage/current limits and then you'll able to tell whether 
or not it's safe to use with the Drakes.  The issue with these keyers is not 
their quality or endurance, but rather your ability to adapt to the keyer.  I 
got to the point with one where I could send fairly well, but it was then very 
difficult to move back and forth between the touch paddle and a normal paddle.  
If you decided to never again use a regular paddle, perhaps you could adapt to 
the touch keyer and do well with it.  I ended up selling mine.

73, K8AC
  - Original Message - 
  From: Philip Grocki 
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 3:54 PM
  Subject: [drakelist] Touch Paddle Electronic Keyers

  Does anyone know if the keyers will work with Drake "tube" 
transceivers?  Are these keyers worth their cost in quality and endurance?   
Thank you.



Re: [drakelist] TR7 oscillation

2008-07-20 Thread K8AC - k8ac

"K8AC - k8ac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang
Jim - Just received this message via email and it appears to have come from 
the drakelist at site, but when I go there, your message is not 
in the forum there.  Maybe you can tell me the exact URL of the site where 
you posted it?

My TR7 with the rebuilt PA ran just fine for quite a while, until I erected 
a new 40 meter vertical.  The first time I used that antenna with the TR7 on 
40, the final oscillated.  Switching back to a dipole antenna - no 
oscillation.  Really odd, since there is virtually no reactance seen on 
either feedline and the antennas are a ways from the rig.  Anyway, dialing 
back the gain pot in the pre-driver eliminated the oscillation but of course 
reduced my output on 10 meters again.  I'll have to try your change and see 
if that changes things.

73, Floyd - K8AC

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Shorney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [drakelist] TR7 oscillation

"Jim Shorney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist 

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 23:13:07 -0500, Jim Shorney wrote:

You may recall from our previous episode, I was experiencing instability 
in the 7-10 MHz band of my TR7
when operating at or near full power levels (140-150 watts) with the 
upgraded transistors. The instability
seemed to be related to the setting of the predriver gain pot, so I was 
guessing that the predriver board

was breaking into oscillation. I have been unable to confirm this.

I'm wondering if anyone has been down this road before or has any 

The silence is deafening. So, diving in to the problem with wild abandon 
and a hot soldering iron

Googleing the problem turned up two or three references to notes from 
other hams in various forums that were experiencing the 40
meter oscillation problem. The only fix that was offered was to turn down 
the power level, along with speculation regarding the PIN diodes
as the source of all evil. This was not satisfactory. I also found 
references to the power output of a properly working TR7 being 140-150
watts on 80/40 meters, gradually decreasing to a little over 100 watts on 
10 meters. From my experiments, it seems that the PA deck is

easily capable of this, especially with the upgraded transistors.

Looking at the schematic of the (version 2) predriver board, it looks like 
the R2203-RFC2202-C2204 network from collector to base of
buffer Q2201 is designed to flatten the gain of the predriver board across 
the HF range by providing increasing negative feedback as
frequency is decreased. I added a 1K resistor across R2203, which should 
reduce the net resistance to 338 Ohms. This did decrease
the gain somewhat, and I am now able to adjust the ALC for 150 watts CW 
output on 40 meters at the point where the ALC LED *just*
comes on. There is no longer any apparent instability or oscillation on 40 
meters at this point. Power on 10 meters is now 105 wattts at
28.3, decreasing to 95 watts at 29.8, with ALC action across the entire 
band. The predriver gain pot was adjusted at 29.8 MHz, as I
previously described. This provides plenty of ALC at 28.3, and just enough 
at the high end of 10 meters. So far, the PA has been rock

stable on all bands after this modification.

As the manual states,  for proper operation under normal operating 
conditions the carrier level should not be set beyond the point where
the ALC LED just comes on. Observing the output on a scope, power does not 
increase but the carrier does start to garbage up beyond
this point. Better yet, back it off so the ALC light just goes out. On 
SSB, I like to stay out of ALC as much as possible for the reasons

cited here:

So in a nutshell, to cure a TR7 that oscillates at full power on 40 
Meters, try this:

1. Decrease the value of R2203, either by adding a 1K in parallel or 
replacing it with a 330 Ohm resistor, and readjust ALC and

predriver pots per service manual spec.

2. If output on 10/15 meters is still low, try the PA board grounding 
improvements described by DL7MAJ at


This MAY NOT work for all cases - this is what worked for me, it may not 
work for you. YMMV. Standard disclaimers apply. It's your
responsibility if you let the smoke out. In stereo, where available. 
Contains no trans-fat.

Note: I do not believe this problem to be a reflection on the upgraded 
transistors suggested by K8AC, VE3EFJ, and others. Rather, the
notes I found seemed to indicate that it can happen in a completely stock 
TR7, and it seems likely that it is related to component and
build variations in individual radios. The work these gentle