Re: [Drakelist] TR-3

2012-12-11 Thread Lee Hiers
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 12:00 PM,

Being a relative newbie to Drake equipment, is there any particular areas
 to consider with the TR3 other than the obvious and general operating
 ?I don't recall anything negative in particular about this vintage radio.

For one, it's a terrible CW radio...if that matters to you.

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

Submit your totals to the unofficial QRP DXCC standings - go to ** for more info!
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 54, Issue 10

2012-12-11 Thread Lee Hiers
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:28 PM, John King wrote:

 Should you buy a TR3? I think the answer should be given after determining
 what he plans to do with it.

I definitely agree with that.  The TR-3 was the first rig I ever owned, but
I wouldn't want to operate one on a daily basis - I'm 99.44% a CW op, and
the TR-3 doesn't cut if for that mode.

I do wish I had never sold the old girl though...but I wouldn't be using it
much if I still had it.  For the 60s Drake vibe, I've got an R-4 I listen
on a bit...and every once in a while use as an RX with a QRP transmitter.

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

Submit your totals to the unofficial QRP DXCC standings - go to ** for more info!
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Nastiest Drake Gear

2011-12-21 Thread Lee Hiers
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Curt wrote:

 This rig needs a little TLC.   Tech special.  Can't test, but previous
 owner said repair was a simple fix just time to do it.

 Could be a collector rig with a little work.

Or Worked last time I used it!

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T4XB Question

2011-10-25 Thread Lee Hiers
On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Robert Fish wrote:

 This guy has a multi-section cap available for the T-4XB. It looks like it
 may be the correct cap (similar values). I have not done business with him,
 but I have heard good things about him.

I have recently done business with the Hayseed Hamfest, and do
recommend them if you want a can cap similar to original equipment.  I
replaced the three-section electrolytic in my R-4 with no major
problems (that Drake chassis is a huge heat sink - make sure you're
using a big iron/gun).

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Re-capping an R-4

2011-10-17 Thread Lee Hiers
On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Lee Hiers wrote:

 I picked up an R-4 (no-suffix) about a year ago and listened on it for
 a while with just a random wire inside the house.  Really like the
 radio.  Back in the spring, it developed a hum, and sounded like the
 radio was zero-beat with a carrier wherever I tuned.  I figured filter
 caps were bad, and probably something in the AGC circuit.

Hi folks...

Just to, uh, recap...

I replaced the can cap along with the two electrolytics included with
the Hayseed kit.  That completely took care of the hum, naturally,
and, happily, the apparent AGC problem.  I picked up a 12BZ6 along
with a couple 12BA6s, but no need to change 'em.  I now have spares.

I'll have to wait to check the rig out on the higher frequencies, but
it's doing great on 40/80/160 now and that's where it's going to spend
most of its time anyway!

Next step:  get the Heathkit DX-40 up and running!

Thanks to all for the help.

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Re-capping an R-4

2011-10-08 Thread Lee Hiers
Hi folks,

I picked up an R-4 (no-suffix) about a year ago and listened on it for
a while with just a random wire inside the house.  Really like the
radio.  Back in the spring, it developed a hum, and sounded like the
radio was zero-beat with a carrier wherever I tuned.  I figured filter
caps were bad, and probably something in the AGC circuit.  I
subsequently got married, moved, etc. and figured the repair would
have to wait until things settled down a bit.

I'm finally getting to where I can look at the rig.  I opened it up,
and it looks like it's never been touched inside.  So, I decided to
get a Hayseed can replacement for the filter caps instead of going
with discrete caps.  Mine has a three section 100mfd/200v can - not
the 4 section Hayseed sells as a replacement.  No problem, just use
the three 100uF sections, ignoring the extra 22uF section.

Anyway, to the point...  There are about a half-dozen or so paper caps
in the rig - should I routinely replace them as well?  If so, any
particular recommendations?

I'm also planning on replacing a few tubes - in the RF am and AGC
stages for starters.  Any pitfalls to watch out for there?


73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] First Rigs - If you could do it all over again, what would your first station be?

2011-06-17 Thread Lee Hiers
My first rig actually was a Drake - a TR-3.  I was happy with it at the
time, it and an AC-3 and MS were pretty cheap back in 76.

Knowing what I know now, yes, I probably would have gotten something else.
The worst part of the TR-3 was that it was a terrible CW rig:  no filter, no
break-in (not even semi), no RIT, and no sidetone.  I made do by using a
code practice oscillator as a sidetone, but the T/R switching was terrible.

I got a Yaesu FT-101EE within a year and sold the Drake.  The Yeasu was
really more fun to operate than the TR-3.  But I always liked Drake stuff
and used it a good bit at other stations, so I imagine I would much rather
have had a pair of Drake twinsOTOH, the price of the TR-3 really made
getting on the air do-able.

I doubt I'll ever own another TR-3 as almost all of my operating is CW and
the TR-3 was just so unpleasant on CW. Which is probably why I've gotten an
R-4...same vibe as the TR-3, but much better to operate...particularly when
I match it up with a T-4X, which I hope to do someday.

73 de Lee, AA4GA
Lee Hiers
Have dobro will travel...and traveling!
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] New L-4B Article Available

2011-05-02 Thread Lee Hiers
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 1:54 PM, wrote:

 I was thinking of a similar response but I didn't want to be the one who
 started the fire.

I tend to agree, I wouldn't want to do that to an L-4 either, but as 'HFN
says The theme of this article presents *one* possibility in giving the old
girl a new life.

I can see folks wanting an all-in-one solution...and if they somehow end up
with an L-4 RF deck, no problem.

Definitely a YMMV topic!

73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] DSP Filters

2011-02-06 Thread Lee Hiers
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 9:54 AM, J. Steven Cochrane wrote:

  If you LOVE the mellow sound you probably won't like the DSP audio

That's exactly what I was thinking, although

Digital recordings that were originally recorded on analog media sound
marginally better to some folks than all-digital recordings.  Similarly,
photographs taken on film that are scanned in become digital photos, yet
they still retain a bit of the original film character that can't *quite* be
duplicated in an all-digital workflow.

I am really enjoying the sound of my newly-acquired R4 on 40 sounds
better than any rig I've used in the past 30 years - while it may not have
the best ultimate performance, the sound is wonderful.  I think an audio
DSP filter would detract from that somewhat...but I can also imagine
conditions where the use of such a device would be an acceptable
compromise...and the radio would still sound better thank a newer rig with
the same DSP device.

Just some rambling...

73 de Lee
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] DSP Filters

2011-02-06 Thread Lee Hiers
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Diane and Edward Swynar wrote:

 Is your R-4 the ...just-plain-ol'-original-R-4 version, with no A, B,
 or C suffix...?

Yes Eddy, it's an R-4, no suffixactually the first one I've ever
listened to...I had used a lot of C-lines in the past, but never an R-4 or
R-4A...not sure about B-lines.  But the sound of this old rx on cw is very
nice indeed.

 73 de Lee
Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Drakelist mailing list