Re: [drakelist] TR7 2nd IF Audio board: redux and question on R1136

2008-06-10 Thread Garey Barrell

Garey Barrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] made an utterance to the drakelist gang
That would be R1058 and R1060 on the PBT/Reference board.  These 
resistors are a part of an attenuator for the BFO injection signal to 
the MC1496 mixer.

R1058 is changed from 220 ohms to 68 ohms, and R1060 is removed, was 68 

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 4-B, C-Line  TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs


Hey Steve:

Although I will probably never find it in my storage room, I do have a 
copy of a letter regarding the version 2 IF board...I believe it 
was from Bill Frost, but can't guarantee it..

The point is/was that 2 resistors are changed on another circuit board 
when using the version 2 IF board.and, no I don't remember which 
circuit board.

If anybody has this information, it may solve part of your gain problem.

73's  GL

Bill W6FF
Santa Barbara, Ca.

- Original Message -
*Sent:* Monday, June 09, 2008 10:28 PM
*Subject:* Re: [drakelist] TR7 2nd IF Audio board: redux and question 
on R1136

I have S/N 6951 and it has a version 1 IF board.  I have tried 2 
different version 2 boards ( which I know are in good working order) 
and they work but I cannot get the s-meter to adjust:  with the 
version one board my radio reads S9 at 28 MHz but both version 2 
boards read S8 or a little lower when reading the calibrator signal.  
Do I have to adjust R1136 receiver  sensitivity to get all boards to 
react the same?
Steve KD2ED

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Re: [drakelist] TR7 2nd IF Audio board: redux and question on R1136

2008-06-10 Thread Scpmiller
Many thanks to Garey and Bill:   Let me see if I can track those resistors 
down and I'll post the results. I wondered if it might be something like that 
all in all either version board seems to work.  
73's Steve KD2ED

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2008.  (

Re: [drakelist] TR7 2nd IF Audio board: redux and question on R1136

2008-06-10 Thread Gary Poland
I have noticed that typically the S meter on the version one boards are  
Scotch  compared to the version 2 boards. There are several changes to the S 
meter circuit, and if memory serves me right, the AGC circuit also, on the 
version 2. I have tried to update the earlier board with the new changes with 
mixed results. Since its strictly and issue with the S meter, and not receiver 
performance, I have learned to live with it.

73, Gary

Re: [drakelist] TR7 2nd IF Audio board: redux and question on R1136

2008-06-09 Thread Scpmiller
I have S/N 6951 and it has a version 1 IF board.  I have tried 2  different 
version 2 boards ( which I know are in good working order) and they  work but I 
cannot get the s-meter to adjust:  with the version one board my  radio reads 
S9 at 28 MHz but both version 2 boards read S8 or a little lower  when 
reading the calibrator signal.  Do I have to adjust R1136 receiver  sensitivity 
get all boards to react the same?
Steve KD2ED
In a message dated 5/25/2008 11:59:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Does anyone know about when, by serial number,  Drake went to the newer 
version 2nd IF-Audio board?  
As much time has passed, I know that unless one  is sure his/her radio is 
original, it may be hard to tell due to possible  board changes before the 
current owner.  But does someone out  there has a good idea?
FYI, my current TR7 is SN, 5392, split rear  panel, late version NB, Late 
version pre-driver, early version digital control  board and early version 
IF/Audio.  I may be wrong, but the NB is  likely a newer addition.
I did notice that my IF/audio board has been  repaired, an IC replaced and a 
poor soldering job that I had to clean  up.  I guess, bottom line,  I'm trying 
to figure out if my audio  board is original to the radio or not.

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