[dspace-tech] Batch metadata import & Person.identifier.*

2023-01-11 Thread emilio lorenzo


Dspace 7.4

when importing CSVs in which the person.identiers.*   fields contains   
htttp://etc   (instead of plain values ..)  the values are truncated to 
http, nothing more.    Everything after the  ":" including it, gets 
truncated.     That behaviour seems to happen only in 
person.identiers.*  metadata fields.

Some configuration I´m missing ??  . I could not locate any reference to 




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[dspace-tech] DSpace 6.4 stats-util -s issue

2023-01-11 Thread jakub...@gmail.com
Hello everyone,

I am trying to use DSpace 6.4 stats-util with '-s' parameter to shard the 
DSpace statistics to separate cores based on the year. When I let the 
utility run for a while, I get a following error report from Nagios:


Date/Time: Wed Jan 11 10:08:09 CET 2023 

Additional Info: CRITICAL - Socket timeout

When I try to access the user interface (XMLUI), I get a the following 

Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open 
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot get a connection, pool error 
Timeout waiting for idle object

I think this is somehow related to running stat-util script and I don't 
know how to solve this issue.

What I did:
1. I run the 'stats-util -s' command from terminal, I get the initial 

'Moving: 45459190 into core statistics-2021' 

This means, that stats-util is trying to move 45 459 190 individual 
statistics SOLR records to a new shard statistics-2021. 

2. Then I run `tail /opt/dspace/log/solr.log -f | grep 
"org\.apache\.solr\.core\.SolrCore \@ \[statistics\] webapp\=\/solr 
path\=\/select"` to monitor the progress:

I can see that stats-util is selecting statistics records from SOLR in a 
batch of 10 000 records and I can monitor query time in the QTime 
attribute. Then example line I get from solr.log is shown below:

2023-01-11 10:53:07,617 INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore @ [statistics] 
webapp=/solr path=/select 
hits=45459190 status=0 *QTime=650*

You can see, that QTime value is initially under a second, but as the 
script runs for a while, QTime value gradually rises and reaches times over 
several minutes per query.

3. When I get to approximately 8 000 000 processed records (as indicated by 
the value of 'start' parametr in the ?select query, Nagios starts reporting 
socket timeout (as described above) and after accessing user interface, I 
get the 'SQLException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting 
for idle object' (as described above).

4. I have to terminate the stats-util process and restart postgress and/or 
tomcat to resume the normal operation of our DSpace installation.

Our DSpace installation details:

DSpace version: 6.4
Java Runtime Environment Version: 1.8.0_352
Java Runtime Environment Vendor: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Operating System Version: Centos 7 3.10.0-1160.62.1.el7.x86_64
Total memory available on server: 24 GB
Tomcat memory assigned: 3GB
DSpace cmd tools memory assigned: 5GB
Database: Postgresql 9.6
DB related configuration in local.cfg:
- db.maxconnections = 100
- db.maxwait = 5000
- db.maxidle = 30

I would appreciate any insights into this issue and any help solving this. 

Thank you,
with best regards,

Jakub Řihák
Central Library
Charles University

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[dspace-tech] Re: Dspace Data Migration with SAF

2023-01-11 Thread Rupinder Singh
Dear Mr. AlMutairi, 
That worked, and I was able to restore the database and the assetstore on 
my new DSpace 7  installation. I can now see all the collections, 
communities, and items on my Angular GUI. But as soon as i open any item, 
It shows the metadata of the document uploaded but gives the following 
error when is click the bitstream (a PDF dissertation in my case).

Whitelabel Error Page

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this 
as a fallback.
Wed Jan 11 17:56:55 IST 2023
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
An internal read or write operation failed

On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 10:43:58 AM UTC+5:30 Rupinder Singh wrote:

> Dear Mr. AlMutairi, 
> I sent you copies of dspace.cfg, local.cfg, and bitstore.xml. on your 
> personal mail.
> However, after your suggestion, I checked the local.cfg file and found 
> that all the configuration settings were stored there and the assetstore 
> folder is set to  /mnt/dspace/assetstore . So I have taken a backup of it, 
> and will now try restoring it on my DSPACE 7 test server as you suggested 
> in your first mail.  
> Please have a look at the config files though, we may come to find 
> something more that went unnoticed before. 
> Thank You 
> Rupinder Singh
> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:25:51 PM UTC+5:30 alo...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> I wanted to warn you that bitstore.xml might have your 
>> Amazon awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, and bucketName so remove them if you are 
>> going to send the files or you can take it from here and move your missing 
>> assetstore to the server filesystem and follow the usual upgrade procedure.
>> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:32:28 PM UTC+3 Mohammad S. AlMutairi 
>> wrote:
>>> Please forget AIP and SAF.
>>> Can you get me privately a copy of local.cfg, dspace.cfg and  
>>> [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml .. You can remove anything private 
>>> data you think is worth removing ( database password, domain ..etc ).
>>> You need to read this: 
>>> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC6x/Storage+Layer#StorageLayer-ConfiguringtheBitstreamStore
>>> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:09:15 PM UTC+3 jesse...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Thanks, Mr. ALMutairi, but no luck with that. 
 Surprisingly the old Dspace 6.2 server does not have any assetstore 
 folder, but the repository is working somehow. I checked the assetstore 
 location from the config file too, but, it's all on default, Searched for 
 other installation locations, but found nothing. Actually, this server was 
 installed long back by someone, who left the organization later. So this 
 old DSpace server was left unattended for quite a long time. 

 I created a test server with Dspace 6.2 with the same config, and tried 
 restoring with AIP and SAF on it, Still got the same problems. AIP 
 throws error
 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Could not find a parent 
 DSpaceObject referenced as '32116/180' in the METS Manifest for object 
 hdl:32116/181. A parent DSpaceObject must be specified from either the 
 'packager' command or noted in the METS Manifest itself. 

 and SAF import works only till it encounters an item that is part of 
 another collection, then it gives an error saying 
 Import failed
 Attempted to create a handle which is already in use: 32116/2483

 On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 6:25:01 PM UTC+5:30 alo...@gmail.com 

> Hello  Rupinder,
> You really don't have to use SAF or AIP for this migration since you 
> own both systems ( old & new ). Both should work but It's time consuming 
> and sometimes flaky. There is a faster and a shorter path. Try it and let 
> us know in the list if you still need more help. I'll walk you through.
> 1) Dump the old database in a binary format ( pg_dump -Fc dspace > 
> dspace-6x.sql ) and copy it along with the old assetstore to the new 
> server.
> 2) su - posgres
> 3) Restore the database into the new server using ( pg_restore -v -c 
> -d dspace dspace-6x.sql ). You might need to run ( [dspace]/bin/dspace 
> database clean ) first and for this to work you need to add 
> ( db.cleanDisabled=false ) at the top of ( [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg ) 
> and 
> no need to restart tomcat.
> 4) exit
> 5) Run [dspace]/bin/dspace database migrate ignored
> 6) Check [dspace]/bin/dspace status & info
> 7) [dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator
> 8) Copy the old assetstore folder to where it should be in the new 
> server [dspace]/assetstore
> 9) Chown -R tomcat:tomcat [dspace]
> 10) systemctl restart tomcat & finally check if everything is O.K.
> ** You can if you need to or have to dump the database in a text 
> format and run search and replace on it for anything ( old

[dspace-tech] ingesting HTML archives

2023-01-11 Thread John Rodriquez (praaks)

The documentation on how to handle HTML archives which contain relative 
links hasn't been updated for DSpace 7 (
https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC7x/Ingesting+HTML+Archives). In 
DSpace 7 (I'm running 7.4), I realize bitstreams now have UUIDs instead of 
sequence ids in their URLs. This seems to break the relative links in the 
HTML file. Links that worked in DSpace 6 no longer work in DSpace 7. The 
relative link is converted to a link containing the main HTML files's UUID. 
For example:

The main HTML file link in the item record: 

The relative link in the main HTML file for a "goto.html" becomes:
412b6597-1b7a-4edf-8ca1-1effd3185276/goto.html   ... resulting in a 404 
error ...

... though of course, this second file has its own UUID, and its direct 
address is:

Is there a way to get around this so relative links aren't broken? Maybe 
I've misunderstood something? Maybe it's a configuration issue?


John Rodriquez
Educational Technologist
Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, UAS

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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To view this discussion on the web visit 

[dspace-tech] Re: Deploy Dspace 7.4 with Add HTTPS support

2023-01-11 Thread Мухаметали Кусайынов

Thank you very much Sir Muhammad. Everything works great. Thanks again!

вторник, 10 января 2023 г. в 22:01:03 UTC+6, alo...@gmail.com: 

> I'm posting it here in a hope it will help someone else who might need 
> clues what should be changed.
>1. echo "  repository.kaznu.kz" >> /etc/hosts
>2. a2enmod proxy_http proxy_html ssl headers
>3. a2dissite 000-default default-ssl
>4. Overwrite /etc/tomcat9/server.xml with the attached file 
>5. Overwrite /etc/apache2/sites-available/repository_kaznu_kz.conf 
>with the attached file (repository_kaznu_kz.conf).
>6. a2ensite repository_kaznu_kz.conf
>7. systemctl restart apache2.service
>8. systemctl restart tomcat9.service
>9. test the frontend (yarn test:rest)
>10. build the frontend
>11. access your backend by visiting https://repository.kaznu.kz/server
>12. access the frontend by visiting https://repository.kaznu.kz
> Cheers
> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 1:32:57 PM UTC+3 m.kussai...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> I type IP adress in google chrome  Apache works
>> вторник, 10 января 2023 г. в 16:32:21 UTC+6, Мухаметали Кусайынов: 
>>> I type IP adress in google chrome  Apache works
>>> вторник, 10 января 2023 г. в 16:20:24 UTC+6, Мухаметали Кусайынов: 
 Hello everyone! I really need your help. I can't deploy the website. 
 Please help me! My settings below:
 Server OS:
 *Ubuntu server without GUI*
 Ip address server - **
 I installed* browsh* - is  text-based browser. Dspace was running at* 
 Frontend directory location:
 Backend directory location:
 SSL crt. location:
 I have included ajp connector in tomcat9 server.xml:

 *>>>  minSpareThreads="25"   enableLookups="false"  
  redirectPort="8443"   connectionTimeout="2"  
  disableUploadTimeout="true"   URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>*

 * >>>port="8009"   redirectPort="8443"  
  URIEncoding="UTF-8" />*

 local.cfg location:
 *Local.cfg configuration*
 dspace.server.url = *https://repository.kaznu.kz/server 
 dspace.ui.url = *https://repository.kaznu.kz 
 dspace.name = *DSpace KazNU*

 *Config.prod.yml configuration*
 config.prod.yml location:
 *~/dspace-angular-dspace-7.4/config$ *
   ssl: false
   host: localhost
   port: 4000
   nameSpace: /

   ssl: true
   host: repository.kaznu.kz
   port: 443
   nameSpace: /server

 Next, I will describe in detail how I tried to create a VirtualHost for 
 I copied the *default-ssl.conf *and created the 
 *repository_kaznu_kz.conf*  in */etc/apache2/sites-available* 

 VirtualHost apache2 located:
 Did I write the configuration file VirtualHosts correctly?
 It seems to me that somewhere I could be mistaken. If I'm wrong, can 
 you show me how to correctly write the VirtualHost configuration? Complete 
 VirtualHost Configuration:
 *VirtualHost setting*
 ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
 DocumentRoot /var/www/html
 ServerName repository.kaznu.kz
 ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
 CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
 SSLEngine on
 SSLCertificateFile  /dspace/ssl/STAR_kaznu_kz.crt
 SSLCertificateKeyFile /dspace/ssl/STAR_kaznu_kz.key

  # Proxy all HTTPS requests to "/server" from Apache to Tomcat 
 via AJP connector
 ProxyPass /server ajp://localhost:8009/server
 ProxyPassReverse /server ajp://localhost:8009/server

 # Proxy all HTTPS requests from Apache to PM2 on localhost, 
 port 4000
 ProxyPass / http://localhost:4000/
 ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:4000/

  #SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +StrictRequire
 SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
 SSLOptions +StdEnvVars


 Next, I wrote the command - *sudo a2ensite repository_kaznu_kz.conf*
 And then, I wrote the command - *sudo systemctl restart apache2*
 Status apache2:

 ● apache2.service - 

[dspace-tech] DSpace 7.4 - no suggestions when adding a new metadata field to an existing item

2023-01-11 Thread oriol....@udl.cat
Hi all,

in DSpace 7.4, while adding new metadata to an existing item I'm not 
getting any suggestions in the input box, is there any configuration step 
I'm missing?
[image: image.png]

I see in *dspace.log* that there is this API call when I type something in 
the input box: 
GET /server/api/core/metadatafields/search/byFieldName  
so I tried this with no results: 
api/core/metadatafields/search/byFieldName?query=author . 
The same API call in the DSpace 7 demo site returns 3 results: 

Also, in *solr.log* I see this call: 
2023-01-11 13:09:55.709 INFO (qtp359742806-22) [ x:search] 
o.a.s.c.S.Request [search] webapp=/solr path=/select 
*fieldName_keyword:author**&fq=&wt=javabin&version=2} *hits=0* status=0 

Maybe there is a problem with SOLR?

Thank you very much,

All messages to this mailing list should adhere to the Code of Conduct: 
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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To view this discussion on the web visit 

[dspace-tech] Re: Dspace Data Migration with SAF

2023-01-11 Thread Mohammad S. AlMutairi
Hello  Rupinder,

You are almost there. You should have some clues in the log 
[dspace]/log/dspace.log ... This error  ( An internal read or write 
operation failed ) suggest it could be a permission problem or the the 
assetstore is not where it expected to be (guessing) so check them both 
also make sure dc.identifier.uri links are correct for all the moved items 
and finally you need to do a discovery indexing [dspace]/bin/dspace 
discovery-index -b 

Good luck
On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 3:31:47 PM UTC+3 jesse...@gmail.com wrote:

> Dear Mr. AlMutairi, 
> That worked, and I was able to restore the database and the assetstore on 
> my new DSpace 7  installation. I can now see all the collections, 
> communities, and items on my Angular GUI. But as soon as i open any item, 
> It shows the metadata of the document uploaded but gives the following 
> error when is click the bitstream (a PDF dissertation in my case).
> Whitelabel Error Page
> This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing 
> this as a fallback.
> Wed Jan 11 17:56:55 IST 2023
> There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
> An internal read or write operation failed
> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 10:43:58 AM UTC+5:30 Rupinder Singh 
> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. AlMutairi, 
>> I sent you copies of dspace.cfg, local.cfg, and bitstore.xml. on your 
>> personal mail.
>> However, after your suggestion, I checked the local.cfg file and found 
>> that all the configuration settings were stored there and the assetstore 
>> folder is set to  /mnt/dspace/assetstore . So I have taken a backup of it, 
>> and will now try restoring it on my DSPACE 7 test server as you suggested 
>> in your first mail.  
>> Please have a look at the config files though, we may come to find 
>> something more that went unnoticed before. 
>> Thank You 
>> Rupinder Singh
>> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:25:51 PM UTC+5:30 alo...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I wanted to warn you that bitstore.xml might have your 
>>> Amazon awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, and bucketName so remove them if you are 
>>> going to send the files or you can take it from here and move your missing 
>>> assetstore to the server filesystem and follow the usual upgrade procedure.
>>> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:32:28 PM UTC+3 Mohammad S. AlMutairi 
>>> wrote:
 Please forget AIP and SAF.

 Can you get me privately a copy of local.cfg, dspace.cfg and  
 [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml .. You can remove anything private 
 data you think is worth removing ( database password, domain ..etc ).

 You need to read this: 

 On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:09:15 PM UTC+3 jesse...@gmail.com 

> Thanks, Mr. ALMutairi, but no luck with that. 
> Surprisingly the old Dspace 6.2 server does not have any assetstore 
> folder, but the repository is working somehow. I checked the assetstore 
> location from the config file too, but, it's all on default, Searched for 
> other installation locations, but found nothing. Actually, this server 
> was 
> installed long back by someone, who left the organization later. So this 
> old DSpace server was left unattended for quite a long time. 
> I created a test server with Dspace 6.2 with the same config, and 
> tried restoring with AIP and SAF on it, Still got the same problems. AIP 
> commands throws error
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Could not find a parent 
> DSpaceObject referenced as '32116/180' in the METS Manifest for object 
> hdl:32116/181. A parent DSpaceObject must be specified from either the 
> 'packager' command or noted in the METS Manifest itself. 
> and SAF import works only till it encounters an item that is part of 
> another collection, then it gives an error saying 
> Notice
> Import failed
> Attempted to create a handle which is already in use: 32116/2483
> On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 6:25:01 PM UTC+5:30 alo...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hello  Rupinder,
>> You really don't have to use SAF or AIP for this migration since you 
>> own both systems ( old & new ). Both should work but It's time consuming 
>> and sometimes flaky. There is a faster and a shorter path. Try it and 
>> let 
>> us know in the list if you still need more help. I'll walk you through.
>> 1) Dump the old database in a binary format ( pg_dump -Fc dspace > 
>> dspace-6x.sql ) and copy it along with the old assetstore to the new 
>> server.
>> 2) su - posgres
>> 3) Restore the database into the new server using ( pg_restore -v -c 
>> -d dspace dspace-6x.sql ). You might need to run ( [dspace]/bin/dspace 
>> database clean ) first and for this to work you need

[dspace-tech] Re: Dspace Data Migration with SAF

2023-01-11 Thread Mohammad S. AlMutairi
Maybe I should retire. :-)
[dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery -b

On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:44:58 PM UTC+3 Mohammad S. AlMutairi 

> Hello  Rupinder,
> You are almost there. You should have some clues in the log 
> [dspace]/log/dspace.log ... This error  ( An internal read or write 
> operation failed ) suggest it could be a permission problem or the the 
> assetstore is not where it expected to be (guessing) so check them both 
> also make sure dc.identifier.uri links are correct for all the moved items 
> and finally you need to do a discovery indexing [dspace]/bin/dspace 
> discovery-index -b 
> Good luck
> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 3:31:47 PM UTC+3 jesse...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. AlMutairi, 
>> That worked, and I was able to restore the database and the assetstore on 
>> my new DSpace 7  installation. I can now see all the collections, 
>> communities, and items on my Angular GUI. But as soon as i open any item, 
>> It shows the metadata of the document uploaded but gives the following 
>> error when is click the bitstream (a PDF dissertation in my case).
>> Whitelabel Error Page
>> This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing 
>> this as a fallback.
>> Wed Jan 11 17:56:55 IST 2023
>> There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
>> An internal read or write operation failed
>> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 10:43:58 AM UTC+5:30 Rupinder Singh 
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr. AlMutairi, 
>>> I sent you copies of dspace.cfg, local.cfg, and bitstore.xml. on your 
>>> personal mail.
>>> However, after your suggestion, I checked the local.cfg file and found 
>>> that all the configuration settings were stored there and the assetstore 
>>> folder is set to  /mnt/dspace/assetstore . So I have taken a backup of it, 
>>> and will now try restoring it on my DSPACE 7 test server as you suggested 
>>> in your first mail.  
>>> Please have a look at the config files though, we may come to find 
>>> something more that went unnoticed before. 
>>> Thank You 
>>> Rupinder Singh
>>> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 8:25:51 PM UTC+5:30 alo...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 I wanted to warn you that bitstore.xml might have your 
 Amazon awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, and bucketName so remove them if you 
 going to send the files or you can take it from here and move your missing 
 assetstore to the server filesystem and follow the usual upgrade procedure.

 On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:32:28 PM UTC+3 Mohammad S. AlMutairi 

> Please forget AIP and SAF.
> Can you get me privately a copy of local.cfg, dspace.cfg and  
> [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml .. You can remove anything 
> private 
> data you think is worth removing ( database password, domain ..etc ).
> You need to read this: 
> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC6x/Storage+Layer#StorageLayer-ConfiguringtheBitstreamStore
> On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 5:09:15 PM UTC+3 jesse...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Thanks, Mr. ALMutairi, but no luck with that. 
>> Surprisingly the old Dspace 6.2 server does not have any assetstore 
>> folder, but the repository is working somehow. I checked the assetstore 
>> location from the config file too, but, it's all on default, Searched 
>> for 
>> other installation locations, but found nothing. Actually, this server 
>> was 
>> installed long back by someone, who left the organization later. So this 
>> old DSpace server was left unattended for quite a long time. 
>> I created a test server with Dspace 6.2 with the same config, and 
>> tried restoring with AIP and SAF on it, Still got the same problems. AIP 
>> commands throws error
>> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Could not find a parent 
>> DSpaceObject referenced as '32116/180' in the METS Manifest for object 
>> hdl:32116/181. A parent DSpaceObject must be specified from either the 
>> 'packager' command or noted in the METS Manifest itself. 
>> and SAF import works only till it encounters an item that is part of 
>> another collection, then it gives an error saying 
>> Notice
>> Import failed
>> Attempted to create a handle which is already in use: 32116/2483
>> On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 6:25:01 PM UTC+5:30 alo...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello  Rupinder,
>>> You really don't have to use SAF or AIP for this migration since you 
>>> own both systems ( old & new ). Both should work but It's time 
>>> consuming 
>>> and sometimes flaky. There is a faster and a shorter path. Try it and 
>>> let 
>>> us know in the list if you still need more help. I'll walk you through.
>>> 1) Dump the old database in a binary format ( pg_dump -Fc dspace > 
>>> dspace-6x.sql ) and copy i

Re: [dspace-tech] Database migrate from DSpace 6 to DSpace 7.4

2023-01-11 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support

Just to follow up on this thread, as of today the new "./dspace database 
skip" command has been added to the codebase.  It will be available in 7.5 
(due in Feb).   See https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/8611

In the meantime, those INSERT commands (documented by Dominik in this email 
thread) are the easiest way to solve this issue for any institutions who 
encounter this problem in 7.4 or below.  (The new "skip" command runs those 
same INSERT commands in an easier fashion)

On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 9:54:03 AM UTC-6 Tim Donohue wrote:

> All,
> Just to follow-up on this thread, as several users have hit these same 
> issues in the upgrade from 6.x -> 7.x, I'm working on creating an new 
> "./dspace database skip" command which allows you to easily *skip* 
> failing/problematic (older) migrations. I'm hoping this new command will be 
> available in the upcoming 7.5 release (due in Feb). The early code is at 
> https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/8611 (and testers are welcome if 
> this is of interest to you).
> This new "skip" command will just be an easier way to run the INSERT 
> command(s) that Dominik suggested earlier in this thread.  In the meantime, 
> those INSERT commands are the easiest way to solve this issue. Thanks to 
> Dominik for figuring out the correct solution.
> Tim
> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 9:55:44 AM UTC-6 banjia...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Thank you so much Dominik, it worked. 
>> On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 at 15:48, ZiGi  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just use command: *select installed_rank from schema_version; *check 
>>> which number is the highest and use one bigger in query.
>>> For example: the biggest number on installed_rank is 32 so your query 
>>> should looks like this:
>>> INSERT INTO schema_version 
>>> (installed_rank,version,description,type,script,checksum,installed_by,installed_on,execution_time,success)
>>> values (*33*,'5.7.2017.04.11','DS-3563 Index metadatavalue resource 
>>> type id 
>>> column','SQL','V5.7_2017.04.11__DS-3563_Index_metadatavalue_resource_type_id_column.sql',-1,'dspace','2022-12-06
>>> 12:32:09.793369',0,true);
>>> INSERT INTO schema_version 
>>> (installed_rank,version,description,type,script,checksum,installed_by,installed_on,execution_time,success)
>>> values (*34*,'5.7.2017.05.05','DS 3431 Add Policies for 
>>> BasicWorkflow','JDBC','DS 3431 Add Policies for 
>>> BasicWorkflow',-1,'dspace','2022-12-06 12:32:09.793369',0,true);
>>> wtorek, 6 grudnia 2022 o 14:44:09 UTC+1 banjia...@gmail.com napisał(a):
 Hi Dominik, when i ran the query above I got this error

 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint 
 DETAIL:  Key (installed_rank)=(27) already exists.

 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint 
 DETAIL:  Key (installed_rank)=(29) already exists.

 Please am I missing something?

 On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 at 13:38, ZiGi  wrote:

> Nevermind,
> I *SOLVED* this problem by adding two rows to schema_version in 
> dspace database:
> *INSERT INTO schema_version 
> (installed_rank,version,description,type,script,checksum,installed_by,installed_on,execution_time,success)
> values (27,'5.7.2017.04.11','DS-3563 Index metadatavalue resource type id 
> column','SQL','V5.7_2017.04.11__DS-3563_Index_metadatavalue_resource_type_id_column.sql',-1,'dspace','2022-12-06
> 12:32:09.793369',0,true);*
> *INSERT INTO schema_version 
> (installed_rank,version,description,type,script,checksum,installed_by,installed_on,execution_time,success)
> values (29,'5.7.2017.05.05','DS 3431 Add Policies for 
> BasicWorkflow','JDBC','DS 3431 Add Policies for 
> BasicWorkflow',-1,'dspace','2022-12-06 12:32:09.793369',0,true);*
> after that, run command  *./dspace database repair *and then  *./dspace 
> database migrate ignored *. In my case everythig works now.
> Dominik
> wtorek, 6 grudnia 2022 o 12:31:40 UTC+1 ZiGi napisał(a):
>> Dear Tim,
>> Maybe you could send me the full query which I could use to insert 
>> missing row? Becouse as I said I don't have  anything 
>> like  "V5.7.2017.05.05" or 
>> "V5_7_2017_05_05__DS_3431_Add_Policies_for_BasicWorkflow" on my 
>> schema_version.
>> Thanks,
>> Dominik
>> wtorek, 6 grudnia 2022 o 10:31:20 UTC+1 ZiGi napisał(a):
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure you check the attachment in my first e-mail but I done 
>>> everything one more time. So I don't have anything like  
>>> "V5.7.2017.05.05" 
>>> or 
>>> "V5_7_2017_05_05__DS_3431_Add_Policies_for_BasicWorkflow" on my 
>>> schema_version, you can check that on screenshot in attachment but if I 
>>> run 
>>> ./dspace database info there 
>>> is  "V5_7_2017_05_05__DS_3431_Add_Policies_for_BasicWorkflow" with 

[dspace-tech] Dynamic control of submission-process steps?

2023-01-11 Thread David P. Steelman

Just wondering if there was any DSpace 7 functionality to support
adding/removing submission-process steps dynamically, based on user input.
Specifically we want the Creative Commons step ("cclicense") to display
only if the user sets the "Type" field to "Dataset".

I know it is possible to control the submission-process steps at the
collection level (using ""), but what we would like to do
is add/remove steps based on the value of the "Type" field, similar to how
the "" property can be used to control the display of fields in
a form.



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[dspace-tech] Does DSpace have the capacity to capture the particular version of PDF (PDF/A for example)?

2023-01-11 Thread Susan Borda
Does DSpace have the capacity to capture the particular version of PDF 
(PDF/A for example)? As well as what system created the PDF? Would this be 
in the PREMIS metadata and would it be something that could be reported on?


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