Re: [Dspace-tech] indexing error: too many open files

2011-08-01 Thread Joshua Gomez
I discovered the solution to my indexing problem. To recap what happened: when 
I ran the dspace filter-media script it would crash after a while and complain 
about too many files being open. To fix that I edited the 
/etc/security/limits.conf file and added the following lines:
* hard nofile 65536
* soft nofile 65536
But the script still kept crashing.  Finally I discovered that the * wildcard 
does not apply to the root user, and I often login to our dspace server with my 
own username and run dspace scripts using sudo instead of doing things the 
proper way and running the scripts as the dspace user. By running the script as 
root, the new file limits did not apply.
Lesson learned, and I hope this message helps someone else in the future.
Joshua Gomez
Digital Library Programmer Analyst
Gelman Library
George Washington University
(202) 994-8267 

 Andrea Schweer 7/21/2011 5:29 PM 
Hi Joshua,

On 22/07/11 02:20, Joshua Gomez wrote:
 Andrea, yes that worked. thanks. Of course I believe it has nothing
 to do with my original indexing problem, but at least I'm removing 

Good to hear it works and thanks for confirming -- I'll update the wiki

So you're still getting your too many open files error with the Sun
JDK? The original error message you posted very much looked like a JDK

If you suspect it's actually related to Tomcat's memory settings, you
could try increasing its memory. There are some hints here:
You'd change JAVA_OPTS in /etc/default/tomcat6.


Andrea Schweer
IRR Technical Specialist, ITS Information Systems
The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

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Re: [Dspace-tech] SSL and HTTPS Question

2011-08-01 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 04:32:50PM -0400, Joseph wrote:
 So, I've turned on the configuration flag that forces the user to use HTTPS
 when they log in to DSpace;
 Should the rest of their session take place over an https connection or is
 it safe for them to go back to regular http after they have logged in?

In general we can't really answer that and you probably can't either.
It depends on the nature of the stuff in your repository and your
users' needs for privacy.  And if your repo. is public, you don't know
who your users are until they've arrived.

Here all access is encrypted.  I admit to being an extremist in this
area:  I think all network packets should be encrypted in at least one
layer unless someone can show a compelling reason for some particular
packets to go in clear.  And I figure that, if I'm worried about the
cost of encryption maxing out our processors, I didn't recommend a fast
enough machine.  Once the handshake is done, session encryption is cheap.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Hierarchical Dropdown box for Input-Forms

2011-08-01 Thread Seaton, Nathan - OPS District Computer Technician
Could someone point me in the right direction of adding the option for a drop 
down menu? I haven't found where things like qualdrop are linked to a drop 
down box and where onebox is linked to a text box.

Nathan Seaton

From: Mark Diggory
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 10:12:54 -0700
To: Nathan Seaton
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Hierarchical Dropdown box for Input-Forms


Have a look at the Controlled vocabularies in the current DSpace
release, formatting your hierarchical vocabulary as an xml file in the
appropriate format and enabling it in input-forms.xml will give you an
ability to populate a separate popup window with the hierarchy you are
suggesting.  While this is not a hierarchical term completion via the
new Authority Control, it will support your use case.

Best Regards,
Mark Diggory

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 6:59 AM, Seaton, Nathan - OPS District
Computer Technician
I am working on creating custom forms for a K-12 environment. My goal is for
users to be able to associate documents with the Common Core Content
There are several hundred of these, so a simple dropdown box won't do.
An example content association might be W.8.4 - Produce clear and coherent
writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to
task, purpose, and audience.
Ideally, I would like the user to select Writing from a dropdown box then
select 8th Grade then Select 4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in
which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.

Is there a way I could customize Dspace to handle something like this? I'm
open to other suggestions as well.
Thanks in advance,
Nathan Seaton
Owensboro Public Schools
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Re: [Dspace-tech] SSL and HTTPS Question

2011-08-01 Thread Tom De Mulder
On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Mark H. Wood wrote:

 Should the rest of their session take place over an https connection or is
 it safe for them to go back to regular http after they have logged in?

 In general we can't really answer that and you probably can't either.
 It depends on the nature of the stuff in your repository and your
 users' needs for privacy.  And if your repo. is public, you don't know
 who your users are until they've arrived.

If you go back to HTTP after signing in, then anyone can eavesdrop and 
steal your session.

If you do not want this, then you should make sure to run everything over 
HTTPS as soon as someone's logged in. Then the rest of their session 
should be encrypted.

Assuming that the rest of the repository is public, you probably don't 
want the overhead and lack of caching of running that over HTTPS, so it's 
better to run it over plain HTTP until people log in.


Tom De Mulder - Cambridge University Computing Service
+44 1223 3 31843 - New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QH
- 01/08/2011 : The Moon is Waxing Crescent (9% of Full)

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Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in xmlui

2011-08-01 Thread Amir Pourabdollah
Dear Daniel,
Many thanks for sharing your experience.

The link you sent me has been very helpful. Since I have also a little bit 
changed the Mirage theme, I applied the change onto the item-view.xsl. It 
worked but a little problem now is that the lines after This item appears in 
the following Collection(s) are now disappeared. I am trying to see what could 
be the reason but if you had the similar problem please let me know.

In the meantime I do a kind of manual fix to resolve the problem: For making 
the legal code link working, on each submission I manually upload the legal 
code text onto the CC_License bundle's bitstreams. For the formatting purpose, 
I made /images/deed/ and /includes/ folders and populated it with files 
already in  and
It works now except for the tiny links underneath the screen (Just as 
temporary, I know this is not the best approach!)


From: Daniel Ishimitsu []
Sent: 29 July 2011 23:47
To: Amir Pourabdollah
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in 

Hi Amir,

I noticed the same problem and reported as

I fixed it using advice from

It mentions changing General-Handler.xsl, but we made our changes to 
item-view.xsl since we're using a modified Mirage theme.

The resulting link acts like jspui.

Good luck,

Daniel Ishimitsu
Hamilton Library, DNS
University of Hawaii at Manoa

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Amir Pourabdollah 
Thanks Wendy for your reply.

I noticed that there is a bitstream format of CC License already defined and 
associated to License_text.  Does this mean that the patch is already applied?

I have manually changed the MIME type of CCLicense to text/html; 
charset=utf-8 so the page is now rendered as HTML but it is still not what it 
should be, particularly some links (like the legal codes) are not working.

I think the problem is beyond formatting and rendering issues. Do you think if 
I apply the patch, the links will also work?


From: Wendy J Bossons []
Sent: 27 July 2011 19:54
To: Amir Pourabdollah
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in

Hello Amir

The format associated with the license text is not correct, which is why it 
does not display. There is a patch to address that particular issue for 1.6.
See this patch

I just completed some work on CCLicense that I hope will be in the upcoming 1.8 
release. As part of that, the XMLUI will contain a link to the actual license, 
rather than storing the license text and trying to display it internally as you 
point out.  I will leave it to the DSpace committers/Release Coordinator to 
comment on the schedule of the latter.



 I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that 
any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

Wendy Bossons
Senior Software Engineer
MIT Libraries
Software Analysis and Development
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

On Jul 27, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Amir Pourabdollah wrote:

Dear friends,

If a Creatice Common license is attached to an item (in xmlui), the page 
showing the license does not show properly (looks like an unformatted HTML with 
no image) and some of the links inside the page (including the Legal Code which 
is important) do not work and show this error:

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to locate bitstream
map:read type=BitstreamReader - context:/jndi:/localhost/xmlui/sitemap.xmap 
- 268:70

I know that there has been a known bug 
 ) but I just wonder if somebody in the meantime knows a solution to this. 
Things are OK in jspui and I wonder why the xmlui tries to show the license as 
an internal page not  just as a link to the CC website.

I have manually copied the necessary css files from the Creative Common website 
into the similar DSpace folders, now the look is a bit better but the links 
still don't work.

Please try to 
see what I mean!


This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may 

[Dspace-tech] css/html bug in Mirage theme

2011-08-01 Thread Brown, Simon Contractor, Digital Consulting Services

We've noticed in the item view (for the Mirage theme), that when there is an 
empty Abstract, the ds-options-wrapper gets stuck inside the ds-body so that it 
gets shoved down below the item description.  It looks like a /div tag is 
being miswritten somewhere but I can't figure out where.  I know that ideally, 
you wouldn't have an empty Abstract, but still this seems like an error that 
could be fixed if we knew what was causing it?
Simon Brown

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Re: [Dspace-tech] css/html bug in Mirage theme

2011-08-01 Thread Tim Donohue
Hi Simon,

It looks like others have found the same issue in the Mirage Theme. I 
just saw this ticket in JIRA:

There's a suggested fix in the comments of that JIRA ticket. You could 
see if that fix also works for you, and report back.

Developers, we still need a volunteer to 'claim' this ticket  fix it 
(or verify the suggested fix).

- Tim

On 8/1/2011 11:30 AM, Brown, Simon Contractor, Digital Consulting 
Services wrote:

 We’ve noticed in the item view (for the Mirage theme), that when there
 is an empty Abstract, the ds-options-wrapper gets stuck inside the
 ds-body so that it gets shoved down below the item description. It looks
 like a /div tag is being miswritten somewhere but I can’t figure out
 where. I know that ideally, you wouldn’t have an empty Abstract, but
 still this seems like an error that could be fixed if we knew what was
 causing it?


 Simon Brown

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[Dspace-tech] Cocoon ehcache filling partition

2011-08-01 Thread Brian Freels-Stendel
Hi All,

For a couple of years, we've had no problem with the Cocoon cache being too 
large, and in the last two weeks, it has twice filled up its partition.  (We've 
been notified of the problem by people who were prevented from submitting; we 
don't know if there are other side effects.)

I'm going to ask for that partition to be expanded, but I'd like to get advice 
on how big to make it.  It's presently 2Gb; 1.2Gb are used, and that will 
probably increase if system logs take up more space.  Does anyone have an idea 
how large the ehcache can be expected to grow?  

We're running 1.6.2 on RHEL5 with Tomcat5.  I'm also planning to see if I can 
implement the cache clearer in, so our 
DSpace admins can get us back in business when necessary.  But it would be 
better, of course, if it didn't happen.


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Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in xmlui

2011-08-01 Thread Daniel Ishimitsu
Hi Amir,

If I recall correctly. That problem had something to do with the
CC_license_RDF_URL variable using cocoon:/ erroring.

Here's the code we use (replace with your
dspace url
I believe it forces an extra request to the web server on pages containing
the CC link, so I'm not sure it's the best solution. But it should work.

xsl:template match=mets:fileGrp[@USE='CC-LICENSE' or @USE='LICENSE']
div class=license-info
xsl:if test=@USE='CC-LICENSE'
xsl:variable name=CC_license_RDF_URL
+ 1)/
xsl:variable name=CC_license_URL
a href={$CC_license_URL}Creative Commons License/a
xsl:if test=@USE='LICENSE'

Daniel Ishimitsu
Hamilton Library, DNS
University of Hawaii at Manoa

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Amir Pourabdollah wrote:

 Dear Daniel,

 Many thanks for sharing your experience.

 ** **

 The link you sent me has been very helpful. Since I have also a little bit
 changed the Mirage theme, I applied the change onto the item-view.xsl. It
 worked but a little problem now is that the lines after This item appears
 in the following Collection(s) are now disappeared. I am trying to see what
 could be the reason but if you had the similar problem please let me know.

 ** **

 In the meantime I do a kind of manual fix to resolve the problem: For
 making the legal code link working, on each submission I manually upload the
 legal code text onto the CC_License bundle's bitstreams. For the formatting
 purpose, I made /images/deed/ and /includes/ folders and populated it
 with files already in  and

 It works now except for the tiny links underneath the screen (Just as
 temporary, I know this is not the best approach!)

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* Daniel Ishimitsu []
 *Sent:* 29 July 2011 23:47

 *To:* Amir Pourabdollah
 *Subject:* Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show
 Properly in xmlui

 ** **

 Hi Amir,

 I noticed the same problem and reported as

 I fixed it using advice from

 It mentions changing General-Handler.xsl, but we made our changes to
 item-view.xsl since we're using a modified Mirage theme.

 The resulting link acts like jspui.

 Good luck,

 Daniel Ishimitsu
 Hamilton Library, DNS
 University of Hawaii at Manoa


 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Amir Pourabdollah wrote:

 Thanks Wendy for your reply.

 I noticed that there is a bitstream format of CC License already defined
 and associated to License_text.  Does this mean that the patch is already

 I have manually changed the MIME type of CCLicense to text/html;
 charset=utf-8 so the page is now rendered as HTML but it is still not what
 it should be, particularly some links (like the legal codes) are not

 I think the problem is beyond formatting and rendering issues. Do you think
 if I apply the patch, the links will also work?


 From: Wendy J Bossons []
 Sent: 27 July 2011 19:54
 To: Amir Pourabdollah
 Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly

 Hello Amir

 The format associated with the license text is not correct, which is why it
 does not display. There is a patch to address that particular issue for 1.6.
 See this patch

 I just completed some work on CCLicense that I hope will be in the upcoming
 1.8 release. As part of that, the XMLUI will contain a link to the actual
 license, rather than storing the license text and trying to display it
 internally as you point out.  I will leave it to the DSpace
 committers/Release Coordinator to comment on the schedule of the latter.




Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in xmlui

2011-08-01 Thread Amir Pourabdollah
Yes, it worked for me!
Many thanks,

From: Daniel Ishimitsu []
Sent: 01 August 2011 20:22
To: Amir Pourabdollah
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in 

Hi Amir,

If I recall correctly. That problem had something to do with the 
CC_license_RDF_URL variable using cocoon:/ erroring.

Here's the code we use (replace 
scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu with your 
dspace url
I believe it forces an extra request to the web server on pages containing the 
CC link, so I'm not sure it's the best solution. But it should work.

xsl:template match=mets:fileGrp[@USE='CC-LICENSE' or @USE='LICENSE']
div class=license-info
xsl:if test=@USE='CC-LICENSE'
xsl:variable name=CC_license_RDF_URL
 + 1)/
xsl:variable name=CC_license_URL 
select=document($CC_license_RDF_URL)/rdf:RDF/cc:License[1]/@*['rdf:about'] /
a href={$CC_license_URL}Creative Commons License/a
xsl:if test=@USE='LICENSE'

Daniel Ishimitsu
Hamilton Library, DNS
University of Hawaii at Manoa

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Amir Pourabdollah 
Dear Daniel,
Many thanks for sharing your experience.

The link you sent me has been very helpful. Since I have also a little bit 
changed the Mirage theme, I applied the change onto the item-view.xsl. It 
worked but a little problem now is that the lines after This item appears in 
the following Collection(s) are now disappeared. I am trying to see what could 
be the reason but if you had the similar problem please let me know.

In the meantime I do a kind of manual fix to resolve the problem: For making 
the legal code link working, on each submission I manually upload the legal 
code text onto the CC_License bundle's bitstreams. For the formatting purpose, 
I made /images/deed/ and /includes/ folders and populated it with files 
already in  and
It works now except for the tiny links underneath the screen (Just as 
temporary, I know this is not the best approach!)


From: Daniel Ishimitsu []
Sent: 29 July 2011 23:47

To: Amir Pourabdollah
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in 

Hi Amir,

I noticed the same problem and reported as

I fixed it using advice from

It mentions changing General-Handler.xsl, but we made our changes to 
item-view.xsl since we're using a modified Mirage theme.

The resulting link acts like jspui.

Good luck,

Daniel Ishimitsu
Hamilton Library, DNS
University of Hawaii at Manoa

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Amir Pourabdollah 
Thanks Wendy for your reply.

I noticed that there is a bitstream format of CC License already defined and 
associated to License_text.  Does this mean that the patch is already applied?

I have manually changed the MIME type of CCLicense to text/html; 
charset=utf-8 so the page is now rendered as HTML but it is still not what it 
should be, particularly some links (like the legal codes) are not working.

I think the problem is beyond formatting and rendering issues. Do you think if 
I apply the patch, the links will also work?


From: Wendy J Bossons []
Sent: 27 July 2011 19:54
To: Amir Pourabdollah
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Creative Common License Does not Show Properly in

Hello Amir

The format associated with the license text is not correct, which is why it 
does not display. There is a patch to address that particular issue