Re: [Dspace-tech] sword setup

2012-08-02 Thread helix84
On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Domingo Iglesias wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked web.xml and it's correct.

I'm glad it worked.

 authenticating with BASIC 'weblogic'

Sorry, no idea. But this line looks wrong - 1) there are apotrophes
around weblogic and 2) port number is 8?


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Re: [Dspace-tech] sword setup

2012-08-02 Thread Domingo Iglesias
Confirmed: it is a problem related to how weblogic handles
authorization by default.

The solution is to add the stanza:
in the config.xml of the domain.

2012/8/2 helix84
 On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Domingo Iglesias wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked web.xml and it's correct.

 I'm glad it worked.

 authenticating with BASIC 'weblogic'

 Sorry, no idea. But this line looks wrong - 1) there are apotrophes
 around weblogic and 2) port number is 8?


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Domingo Iglesias
Universitat de Barcelona
Area de Tecnologies

Live Security Virtual Conference
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] sword setup

2012-07-31 Thread helix84
Hi Domingo,

this post from Stuart describes the approach or separate configuration
file for the sword webapp:

Maybe it will help or it just describes what you already tried. You
should describe the details of your configuration (that doesn't work)
so that someone here might help you.

My best guess is that since DSpace authentication is now split off as
a module ([dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg), pointing just
to dspace.cfg doesn't work. Try to duplicate the whole config
directory and point the swrod webapp to it (if that's not what you
already tried - again, always describe what you tried so we don't have
to guess).


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] sword setup

2012-07-31 Thread Domingo Iglesias
Hi Ivan,

thanks for your response.

I have followed Stuart's solution in the previous versions, and I am
trying to implement it in 1.8.2 version of dspace as you propose.

I have cloned all the [dpace.dir], so I have: ./dspace and ./dspace_sword
In ./dspace_sword there are symlinks to all the ./dspace subdirs with
the exception of config which points to config_sword subdir.
In the latter there is a special dspace.cfg with dspace.dir pointing
to ./dspace_sword, and in the modules directory a authentication.cfg
with: = \

I run maven and ant twice: one pointing to ./dspace/config/dspace.cfg
and another pointing to ./dpace_sword/config/dspace.cfg,  and deploy
accordingly on the (weblogic) server.

I wonder if there is an alternative solution ...


2012/7/31 helix84
 Hi Domingo,

 this post from Stuart describes the approach or separate configuration
 file for the sword webapp:

 Maybe it will help or it just describes what you already tried. You
 should describe the details of your configuration (that doesn't work)
 so that someone here might help you.

 My best guess is that since DSpace authentication is now split off as
 a module ([dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg), pointing just
 to dspace.cfg doesn't work. Try to duplicate the whole config
 directory and point the swrod webapp to it (if that's not what you
 already tried - again, always describe what you tried so we don't have
 to guess).

Domingo Iglesias
Universitat de Barcelona
Area de Tecnologies

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] sword setup

2012-07-31 Thread helix84
Sounds like exactly what I would do.

I think I know what the problem might be. ConfigurationManager uses a
different method of determining the modules directory - it's based on
dspace.dir, not on location of dspace.cfg, look here:

Your dspace_sword directory is exactly what you need in this case.
Edit [dspace]/webapps/sword/WEB-INF/web.xml and set dspace.dir to your
dspace_sword directory (do this after the ant update step).



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Sword setup

2010-04-16 Thread Domingo Iglesias
Hi all,

thanks Stuart for the reply.

You are right. The problem is solved changing the load order of the
Oracle Application Server users can find more information at:


2010/4/15 Stuart Lewis

 Hi Domingo,

  Caused by: org.jdom.JDOMException: feature not recognized
 for SAX driver oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXParser
  I suspect the error is related with the oracle parser since we are
 running dspace in a OC4J hosted on an OAS 10.1.3, but not really sure.

 Yes - it looks like that is the case. We normally only support the Sun Java
 JDK for DSpace as a lot of other versions, for example the IBM version
 suffer from small problems such as this.

 Are you able to use Sun's JDK?

 If not, then you'll need to make some changes to use the right xml
 libraries. If you perform an internet search for the error message, there
 are a few pages with some suggestions. One is to rename xerces*.jar (in
 [tomcat]/webapps/sword/WEB-INF/lib/) to something like aaaxerces.jar so that
 it loads before any other parsers in the classpath.


 Stuart Lewis
 IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
 Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
 Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
 Ph: +64 (0)9 373 7599 x81928


Domingo Iglesias
Universitat de Barcelona
Area de Tecnologies
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Sword setup

2010-04-15 Thread Stuart Lewis
Hi Domingo,

 Caused by: org.jdom.JDOMException: feature not recognized for 
 SAX driver oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXParser
 I suspect the error is related with the oracle parser since we are running 
 dspace in a OC4J hosted on an OAS 10.1.3, but not really sure.

Yes - it looks like that is the case. We normally only support the Sun Java JDK 
for DSpace as a lot of other versions, for example the IBM version suffer from 
small problems such as this.

Are you able to use Sun's JDK?

If not, then you'll need to make some changes to use the right xml libraries. 
If you perform an internet search for the error message, there are a few pages 
with some suggestions. One is to rename xerces*.jar (in 
[tomcat]/webapps/sword/WEB-INF/lib/) to something like aaaxerces.jar so that it 
loads before any other parsers in the classpath.


Stuart Lewis
IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph: +64 (0)9 373 7599 x81928

Download Intel#174; Parallel Studio Eval
Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs
proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance.
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