[DX-CHAT] Waterproof Connections

2005-07-19 Thread jcowens
I learned the proper materials and methods for watertight connections while 
working for over 20 years in underwater acoustics. When you put transducer 
arrays and other electrical devices underwater at depths of greater than 600ft, 
and for long periods of time, you lean how to do it right. The materials we 
used on electrical cable connections were to first cover it with the pliable 
material that we called Monkey Dung. I have seen a similar material used by 
hams over the years and I am sure it is adequate. It is a pliable, tacky, putty 
like material that can be hand molded to completely cover the connectors. It is 
very similar to the material they use on RV's to seal panel and exterior skin 
materials. You can buy it by the roll at an RV parts supplier. I'll bet it 
works just fine. 

This material completely encases the connector, and then is covered with a self 
vulcanizing tape which creates an impervious seal. The partial roll I have 
remaining in my shack was made by Bishop Electric of Cedargrove, NJ. I tried to 
locate them recently to try and buy some more, and couldn't find them. I have 
recently purchased a Scotch 3m product called 130C Linerless Rubber Splicing 
Tape. This is very similar to the Bishop Electeric tape, but I have no long 
term, or underwater experience with it. It just looks very much like the same 
thing. You can then cover the self vulcanizing tape with conventional vinyl 
electrical tape if you wish to eliminate the tacky exterior you will be left 
with from the self vulcanizing tape, but it contributes little to the 
watertight covering. For ham radio coax connections, I think you can eliminate 
the monkey dung and just use the self vulcanizing tape covered over with vinyl 
electrical tape. That should get the job done for the long term. 

John Owens - N7SEJ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread Jan Erik Holm

Strange. This W9OL list states "IRC not accepted" for
My post office in town sure accepts them so go figure.
Guess I don´t beleive W9OL, besides he got the source
wrong, SM4DQC is a broken call!!

73 Jim SM2EKM

Ron Notarius wrote:

Yes, W9OL has one.  Here's a clip from his latest post on the issue:

Creating and modifying the old text based IRC/GS Chart became difficult.

We have taken a new approach.

I've created two new forms.
One in Excel format for download.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

2005-07-19 Thread Peter Forbes

To Jerry, Ron, Joe, Richard  et. al.

Apologies for the slow response, but time differences mean that I was 
sleeping then working whilst you were sending replies!

I hope the information supplied on Australian postage costs is of benefit to 

With respect to the LoTW question.  A close reading of my comment refers to 
Awards Managers, not qsl managers.

Not all awards that I or others might be interested in, emanate from the 
ARRL.   To name just two current awards:

(1)   IOTA  currently requires the presentation of hard copy qsl cards with 
the island name printed on them.

(2)  All Australian DXCC awards require the sighting by two amateurs of all 
qsl cards or an official of an amateur society
  quote from WIA rules March 2005 "Applicants need to hold QSL cards 
for all QSO's claimed"

I understand that discussions/negotiations are beginning to take place 
between other ARRL and other organisations around the world, but at the 
moment there is still a dual system in place.  Therefore qsl cards are still 
a requirement.  If an Awards manager wished to verify any claimed qsos, my 
understanding is that it would be nigh impossible for them to do so at the 

Take a hypothetical.   An amateur applied for an IOTA award with 600 cards. 
10 are deemed to be questionable.

Currently the Awards Manager can either request the verifying officer of the 
original application to check the cards again or call in the cards in 
question from the applicant.

Under LoTW, currently the Awards Manager cannot access other people's qso 
data, as it is password protected and unless the Awards Manager has arranged 
to have the particular award supported by LoTW, no further information is 

Some form of electronic verification, such as an e-qsl for the the qso is 
not available from LoTW either.

It is my understanding that the COST of support by LoTW for non-ARRL awards 
has yet to be decided.

CONCLUSION:   Hard copy QSL cards are still remain a necessity, as I stated 
in the post.

If anyone wants clarification of any issues associated with postal charges, 
qsl managers etc. in Australia, please feel free to e-mail me privately at



Peter   VK3QI

- Original Message - 
From: "Jerry K3BZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

Hi, Peter... thanks for the very detailed and informative message... that
stuff is good to know and keep in mind.

One question you wrote: "Comments have also been made about the LoTW.
Unfortunately, until LoTW is able to be accepted and accessed at no cost 

Awards Managers outside of
the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will remain a 

What are the costs for a manager outside the US to accept and access LOTW?
Does the ARRL make you pay to use LOTW?

73,  Jerry K3BZ

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 2:55 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

Australian Postage Charges for QSLS

There has been a recent discussion thread about the cost of postage to
various areas of the world.   Currently the following applies:

(1)  A SINGLE card (not folded type) sealed in an envelope and stamped


ONLY costs A$1.10 airmail to anywhere in the world.

(2)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Pacific rim countries 

Pacific Islands (except KH6 and South American Pacific Islands) costs
A$1.20, Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.

(3)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Rest of World costs


Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.

There is NO Economy or Surface Rates on Letters available.

If the weight exceeds 50 grams and up to 125 grams the cost doubles for


and (3), that is A$2.40 and A$3.60  respectively.

Typically the 50 grams weight limit means between 10 and 15 cards 
depending on board weight and whether cards are folded and/or use 


Exchange Rates

1 US Green Stamp is approximately A$1.30 after exchange charges are

1 IRC will generate stamps to the value of up to A$1.80 postage.

Card Costs

Generally an envelope is about 10 cents.

QSL cards vary from around 10 cents to 25 cents, depending on quality and
production run numbers.

Buro Membership in Australia

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) as the official IARU buro for

does provide pickup points (at cost to the non-member), however 

of the WIA is not compulsory (and legally could not be made so in this
country).  A manager who chooses not to collect inwards cards from the


is quite within their rights to do so.

Note that the WIA also has NO obligation to return unclaimed cards to the
originating buro.  (see IARU website and minutes regarding this matter)

Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

2005-07-19 Thread Ron Notarius

I see your point, but let's make sure we're talking about apples-to-apples,
not apples-to-oranges.

There is no cost to anyone, be they station or station's manager, to UPLOAD
to Logbook of the World.

There is no cost to anyone to VIEW their logs and matching QSO's with other
logs in Logbook.

I want to make this distinction clear, as this is one of the simplest yet
most misunderstood parts of using Logbook.

So where are the fees charged?  When you apply for an ARRL award (at
present, only DXCC in it's many flavors) for yourself.  Then and only then
are the per-credit charges, ah, charged -- and no, I haven't looked at the
particulars on this lately, so please don't beat me up on it.  But -- 
remember, if you sent in the accumulated physical cards, you would STILL be
paying, be it for the basic cost of the award, or for the number of excess
cards, etc.  Further, and more importantly, you would have to:
(a)Pay shipping costs to the League
(b)Worry about whether or not the shipper would lose or damage the cards
(c)Worry about whether the cards would actually count
(d)Pay shipping costs back from the League
(e)Worry about whether or not the shipper would lose or damage the cards

Now -- with Logbook, NONE of the fees apply, nor do any of those worries
apply.  And I'd wager that the per-credit costs involved will still cost a
lot, lot less than shipping & handling & insurance charges.

As far as CQ, RSGB/IOTA, and other awards (to say nothing of WAS & VUCC
etc)... patience.  Give the ARRL a chance to "shake out" the system, find
and fix the bugs, and tweak as neccesary.  The potential of Logbook is
great, but it is not realistic to expect to get it all at once.  I for one
would rather wait and have it done right, than have it all Tuesday (I've
lived through too many "dot zero" software releases!).

So having said all this, I find kvetching about the "costs" of Logbook a bit
premature.  How can we complain about unknown costs for things that aren't
implemented yet?

At least Logbook isn't constantly dunning me on login for donations -- or
(at least in theory) selling "QSL cards" based on my log data to people I've
worked, like some other electronic "QSL" services I could mention!

73, ron wn3vaw

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jerry K3BZ'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:19 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

> K3BZ asked of VK3QI
> > One question you wrote: "Comments have also been made
> > about the LoTW.  Unfortunately, until LoTW is able to be
> > accepted and accessed at no cost by Awards Managers outside of
> > the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will
> > remain a necessity."
> >
> > What are the costs for a manager outside the US to accept and
> > access LOTW?  Does the ARRL make you pay to use LOTW?
> Arrangements have not, as yet, been made between ARRL and any
> other awards sponsor although discussions have supposedly been
> held with both CQ and IOTA.
> ARRL charges a fee for use of LotW credits for DXCC ... there
> has been no announcement of support for other ARRL awards but
> I have been told that WAS and VUCC "are in the works."  It is
> my expectation that ARRL will have a "per credit" charge
> similar to DXCC for WAS and VUCC.
> Still, I do not know if or how ARRL expects to charge for
> credits used for other award programs ... I do not believe
> there is even an API in place to support outside awards
> programs although the "station location" information does
> include information necessary to support both the CQ and
> IOTA awards.
> 73,
>... Joe, W4TV (ex K4IK)
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> http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
> To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org
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> http://njdxa.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

2005-07-19 Thread Jerry K3BZ
That's exactly what I thoughtThanks Ron.  There is NO cost for DX to use
LOTW, and therefore NO reason for a DX manager not to use LOTW, as indicated
by Peter VK3QI. besidespossibly money.

73,   Jerry K3BZ

- Original Message -
From: "Ron Notarius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jerry K3BZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

> Straight from the Logbook of the World FAQ page
> https://p1k.arrl.org/lotw/faq#cost:
> ---
> How much does it cost to use Logbook of the World?
> There is no charge for digital certificates or for submitting log data to
> the LoTW system. A charge is levied only when you apply for an award using
> QSL matches obtained via LoTW. (Note that there's a charge for awards no
> matter how you apply for them).
> The specific fees charged for using Logbook data for awards vary depending
> on how many credits you buy at one time. See the Fees page for details
> ---
> I don't think it can be stated any plainer than that.  It costs NOTHING to
> upload data.  Period.  Yes, you may have to jump through a hoop or two to
> get authorized -- a neccesary evil to ensure that you are who you say you
> are -- but all that costs is a little time, no money.
> Costs are ONLY involved when YOU apply for YOUR awards.  That also does
> incur any costs to the DX Station(s) QSL Manager.
> 73, ron wn3vaw
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jerry K3BZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from
> > Hi, Peter... thanks for the very detailed and informative message...
> > stuff is good to know and keep in mind.
> >
> > One question you wrote: "Comments have also been made about the
> > Unfortunately, until LoTW is able to be accepted and accessed at no cost
> by
> > Awards Managers outside of
> > the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will remain a
> necessity."
> >
> > What are the costs for a manager outside the US to accept and access
> > Does the ARRL make you pay to use LOTW?
> >
> > 73,  Jerry K3BZ
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 2:55 AM
> > Subject: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI
> >
> > > Australian Postage Charges for QSLS
> > >
> > > There has been a recent discussion thread about the cost of postage to
> > > various areas of the world.   Currently the following applies:
> > >
> > > (1)  A SINGLE card (not folded type) sealed in an envelope and stamped
> > CARD
> > > ONLY costs A$1.10 airmail to anywhere in the world.
> > >
> > > (2)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Pacific rim countries
> and
> > > Pacific Islands (except KH6 and South American Pacific Islands) costs
> > > A$1.20, Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.
> > >
> > > (3)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Rest of World costs
> > A$1.80
> > > Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.
> > >
> > > There is NO Economy or Surface Rates on Letters available.
> > >
> > > If the weight exceeds 50 grams and up to 125 grams the cost doubles
> > (2)
> > > and (3), that is A$2.40 and A$3.60  respectively.
> > >
> > > Typically the 50 grams weight limit means between 10 and 15 cards
> maximum,
> > > depending on board weight and whether cards are folded and/or use
> stick-on
> > > labels.
> > >
> > > Exchange Rates
> > >
> > > 1 US Green Stamp is approximately A$1.30 after exchange charges are
> > > included.
> > >
> > > 1 IRC will generate stamps to the value of up to A$1.80 postage.
> > >
> > > Card Costs
> > >
> > > Generally an envelope is about 10 cents.
> > >
> > > QSL cards vary from around 10 cents to 25 cents, depending on quality
> and
> > > production run numbers.
> > >
> > > Buro Membership in Australia
> > >
> > > The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) as the official IARU buro
> > VK,
> > > does provide pickup points (at cost to the non-member), however
> membership
> > > of the WIA is not compulsory (and legally could not be made so in this
> > > country).  A manager who chooses not to collect inwards cards from the
> > buro,
> > > is quite within their rights to do so.
> > >
> > > Note that the WIA also has NO obligation to return unclaimed cards to
> the
> > > originating buro.  (see IARU website and minutes regarding this
> > >
> > > The Original Post
> > >
> > > If you read the original post from Art RX9TX, you will note that there
> was
> > a
> > > reference to a "Package" of cards.The particular qsl manager is
> > > identified.
> > >
> > > If in fact, there were multiple requests and cards sufficient to put
> > > combi

Re: [DX-CHAT] Kudos to CQ Magazine

2005-07-19 Thread Stuart Santelmann KC1F

> CQ Magazine still publishes ALL of the scores of the DX contests and
> surprisingly has not gone out of business regardless of the pages that
> takes up... remarkable!

Hi Charles:

By coincidence, my CQ issue with the 2004 WW SSB results came today, and
there WAS some writeup material that I wanted to see (listing of ops at
multi-op stations) that is now ONLY on the web.  I hadn't noticed this
before, but apparently the expanded results started on their web site in


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[DX-CHAT] Kudos to CQ Magazine

2005-07-19 Thread Charles Harpole
I have been vy positively impressed by CQ Magazine's last six or so issues.  
The Aug. one, for example, gives a definitive statement about the ham 
licensing situation in the United Kingdom... subject of rumors for months... 
nice DX related article!

CQ Magazine still publishes ALL of the scores of the DX contests and 
surprisingly has not gone out of business regardless of the pages that info 
takes up... remarkable!  And, unlike another popular ham mag, CQ has not 
told me how to build a dipole nor how to use wire nuts to attach feedlines 
to ants (these are things we do not know?--- and even that article did not 
mention the caution to be sure the plastic wire nuts point upward to avoid 
filling with water  Wasted happy chat!!! And we needed a color photo of 
the nuts...yes?).

CQ Magazine has taken on the FCC (agn Aug issue) Advisory board 
appointments---vital to ham radio but invisible in other organizations and 
publications.  "Way to go"!  ... in an advocacy position that far exceeds 
the USA organization we should expect to take this matter on.

CQ Magazine has published several "way out" articles that are great thought 
pieces that push us to think of new things.  Also, there was a good article 
that honestly faced some of the otherwise unspoken political realities in 
the world that also affect ham radio DXing.

I am a happy and continuing subscriber !!!  Congrats CQ Magazine.

Charles Harpole

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread paul

I don't keep track of how the cards get to me, just 
IF they get to me.
If I send for a card - bureau, manager or direct - 
I expect a reply.  And I don't care how the reply comes in.
And if an IRC or 2 or 3 or 4 will not cover air 
mail, I have no trouble with the bureau or surface mail.  JUST SO IT 
de Paul, W8AEF

  - Original Message - 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 3:12 
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs
  What about the DX station that requests 
  green stamps to cover the cost of mailing the card and then sends your card 
  via the Buro?This has happened to me on numerous occassions and 
  probably to just about everyone else.Mort/WA2ARS

Re: [DX-CHAT] do I know? re QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread NORM GERTZ

Charleyyou pulled the plug for sure...
those of us who struggled to get QSL cards in the 30's and for years after 
WWII know how difficult it can be.
All Russian cards had to go via Box88 in Moscow and you were lucky to get a 
return card in 3 or 4 years.
Sending green stamps was not in vogue as yet;  in fact, if some foreign 
amateurs were caught receiving green stamps they became criminals.
Personally, I dont hesitate to include $5 or more when its a bona fide 
expedition as their expenses are quite heavy.

They deserve our support for sure.
I also remember that many foreign amateurs had QSL cards printed for them by 
US amateurs as gifts.

Its still gratifying to do something for someone less fortunate.

73   Norm   K1AA

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 12:15 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] do I know? re QSL costs

Hey, Do I know how to start a discussion or what 

This is more computer typing ink spilled than at the last printer's 
convention.  A pile-up on the DX Chat Reflector... wow.  I love it !!!

And, I still say, "bring a smile to the face of the poor DX op laboring 
away to answer YOUR cards..." just tuck a suprisingly large amount in the 
envelop and glow with the satisfaction that you brought a little joy into 
this cruel world.


Charles Harpole

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This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

RE: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

2005-07-19 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

K3BZ asked of VK3QI 
> One question you wrote: "Comments have also been made 
> about the LoTW.  Unfortunately, until LoTW is able to be 
> accepted and accessed at no cost by Awards Managers outside of
> the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will 
> remain a necessity."
> What are the costs for a manager outside the US to accept and 
> access LOTW?  Does the ARRL make you pay to use LOTW?

Arrangements have not, as yet, been made between ARRL and any 
other awards sponsor although discussions have supposedly been 
held with both CQ and IOTA.  

ARRL charges a fee for use of LotW credits for DXCC ... there 
has been no announcement of support for other ARRL awards but 
I have been told that WAS and VUCC "are in the works."  It is 
my expectation that ARRL will have a "per credit" charge 
similar to DXCC for WAS and VUCC.  

Still, I do not know if or how ARRL expects to charge for 
credits used for other award programs ... I do not believe 
there is even an API in place to support outside awards 
programs although the "station location" information does 
include information necessary to support both the CQ and 
IOTA awards. 


   ... Joe, W4TV (ex K4IK) 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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RE: [DX-CHAT] sealing coax fittings

2005-07-19 Thread mausoptik
I see no reason why Silicone tape wouldn't work.  Personally I've always
liked the N type connectors as where the threaded connector fits into the
socket itself is sealed by virtue of a rubber sealing ring in the male
connector.  The cable gland itself (a pressure type cable gland) is
waterproof.  Some people regard use of N types connectors for shortwave as a
waste, but personally I much prefer them to those truly awful PL259s. 

If you want to be a tad more QRO, then use 7/16s or "C" type.  They're all
dirt cheap at fleamarkets and, unlike the solder body PL259s (glorified CB
connectors) it only takes a minute to desolder them and use them again, and
again, and again


Dave G0OIL

-Original Message-
Jim Reisert AD1C
Sent: 19 July 2005 12:44
To: Charles Harpole; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] sealing coax fittings

What about silicone plumber's tape?  If wrapped first with the 
silicone tape, then with the UV electrical tape, would that seal out the

- Jim

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

[DX-CHAT] do I know? re QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread Charles Harpole

Hey, Do I know how to start a discussion or what 

This is more computer typing ink spilled than at the last printer's 
convention.  A pile-up on the DX Chat Reflector... wow.  I love it !!!

And, I still say, "bring a smile to the face of the poor DX op laboring away 
to answer YOUR cards..." just tuck a suprisingly large amount in the envelop 
and glow with the satisfaction that you brought a little joy into this cruel 


Charles Harpole

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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RE: [DX-CHAT] This is ridiculous

2005-07-19 Thread Ragnar Otterstad
I sure wish DX'ing was the way it was back in the 60's and 70's
when the CW bands were loaded with "very rare" DX. The
bureau system worked great, and you could bet that a nice looking
QSL and 1 IRC would definitely bring you a direct card back.
73 and GL,  Larry K4WLS 

I concur !  We may add the 1950's as well !!  hi



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Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

2005-07-19 Thread Ron Notarius
Straight from the Logbook of the World FAQ page
How much does it cost to use Logbook of the World?

There is no charge for digital certificates or for submitting log data to
the LoTW system. A charge is levied only when you apply for an award using
QSL matches obtained via LoTW. (Note that there's a charge for awards no
matter how you apply for them).

The specific fees charged for using Logbook data for awards vary depending
on how many credits you buy at one time. See the Fees page for details

I don't think it can be stated any plainer than that.  It costs NOTHING to
upload data.  Period.  Yes, you may have to jump through a hoop or two to
get authorized -- a neccesary evil to ensure that you are who you say you
are -- but all that costs is a little time, no money.

Costs are ONLY involved when YOU apply for YOUR awards.  That also does not
incur any costs to the DX Station(s) QSL Manager.

73, ron wn3vaw

- Original Message - 
From: "Jerry K3BZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

> Hi, Peter... thanks for the very detailed and informative message... that
> stuff is good to know and keep in mind.
> One question you wrote: "Comments have also been made about the LoTW.
> Unfortunately, until LoTW is able to be accepted and accessed at no cost
> Awards Managers outside of
> the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will remain a
> What are the costs for a manager outside the US to accept and access LOTW?
> Does the ARRL make you pay to use LOTW?
> 73,  Jerry K3BZ
> - Original Message -
> From: "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 2:55 AM
> Subject: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI
> > Australian Postage Charges for QSLS
> >
> > There has been a recent discussion thread about the cost of postage to
> > various areas of the world.   Currently the following applies:
> >
> > (1)  A SINGLE card (not folded type) sealed in an envelope and stamped
> > ONLY costs A$1.10 airmail to anywhere in the world.
> >
> > (2)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Pacific rim countries
> > Pacific Islands (except KH6 and South American Pacific Islands) costs
> > A$1.20, Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.
> >
> > (3)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Rest of World costs
> A$1.80
> > Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.
> >
> > There is NO Economy or Surface Rates on Letters available.
> >
> > If the weight exceeds 50 grams and up to 125 grams the cost doubles for
> (2)
> > and (3), that is A$2.40 and A$3.60  respectively.
> >
> > Typically the 50 grams weight limit means between 10 and 15 cards
> > depending on board weight and whether cards are folded and/or use
> > labels.
> >
> > Exchange Rates
> >
> > 1 US Green Stamp is approximately A$1.30 after exchange charges are
> > included.
> >
> > 1 IRC will generate stamps to the value of up to A$1.80 postage.
> >
> > Card Costs
> >
> > Generally an envelope is about 10 cents.
> >
> > QSL cards vary from around 10 cents to 25 cents, depending on quality
> > production run numbers.
> >
> > Buro Membership in Australia
> >
> > The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) as the official IARU buro for
> VK,
> > does provide pickup points (at cost to the non-member), however
> > of the WIA is not compulsory (and legally could not be made so in this
> > country).  A manager who chooses not to collect inwards cards from the
> buro,
> > is quite within their rights to do so.
> >
> > Note that the WIA also has NO obligation to return unclaimed cards to
> > originating buro.  (see IARU website and minutes regarding this matter)
> >
> > The Original Post
> >
> > If you read the original post from Art RX9TX, you will note that there
> a
> > reference to a "Package" of cards.The particular qsl manager is not
> > identified.
> >
> > If in fact, there were multiple requests and cards sufficient to put the
> > combined weight greater than 50 grams, then the actual cost could well
> have
> > exceeded A$ 4.00 in postage (A$3.60 and cards at 10 to 25 cents each).
> >
> > This would equate to between 3 and 4 green stamps or 2 IRCs,  the amount
> > that the manager was indeed requesting.
> >
> > Our PositionVI3JPI, VI5WCP, VI5BR and VI5PN
> >
> > Over the last 3 years, our IOTA group has activated the above calls and
> over
> > 25,000 qsos.  All members of the team are WIA members and we readily
> accept
> > cards via the Buro or Direct.
> >
> > Interestingly, the typical direct request now contains either 1 IRC, 1
> > &1 Green Stamp, 2 Green Stamps or an International Business Reply
> > (especially from JA).

Re: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

2005-07-19 Thread Jerry K3BZ
Hi, Peter... thanks for the very detailed and informative message... that
stuff is good to know and keep in mind.

One question you wrote: "Comments have also been made about the LoTW.
Unfortunately, until LoTW is able to be accepted and accessed at no cost by
Awards Managers outside of
the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will remain a necessity."

What are the costs for a manager outside the US to accept and access LOTW?
Does the ARRL make you pay to use LOTW?

73,  Jerry K3BZ

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 2:55 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

> Australian Postage Charges for QSLS
> There has been a recent discussion thread about the cost of postage to
> various areas of the world.   Currently the following applies:
> (1)  A SINGLE card (not folded type) sealed in an envelope and stamped
> ONLY costs A$1.10 airmail to anywhere in the world.
> (2)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Pacific rim countries and
> Pacific Islands (except KH6 and South American Pacific Islands) costs
> A$1.20, Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.
> (3)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Rest of World costs
> Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.
> There is NO Economy or Surface Rates on Letters available.
> If the weight exceeds 50 grams and up to 125 grams the cost doubles for
> and (3), that is A$2.40 and A$3.60  respectively.
> Typically the 50 grams weight limit means between 10 and 15 cards maximum,
> depending on board weight and whether cards are folded and/or use stick-on
> labels.
> Exchange Rates
> 1 US Green Stamp is approximately A$1.30 after exchange charges are
> included.
> 1 IRC will generate stamps to the value of up to A$1.80 postage.
> Card Costs
> Generally an envelope is about 10 cents.
> QSL cards vary from around 10 cents to 25 cents, depending on quality and
> production run numbers.
> Buro Membership in Australia
> The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) as the official IARU buro for
> does provide pickup points (at cost to the non-member), however membership
> of the WIA is not compulsory (and legally could not be made so in this
> country).  A manager who chooses not to collect inwards cards from the
> is quite within their rights to do so.
> Note that the WIA also has NO obligation to return unclaimed cards to the
> originating buro.  (see IARU website and minutes regarding this matter)
> The Original Post
> If you read the original post from Art RX9TX, you will note that there was
> reference to a "Package" of cards.The particular qsl manager is not
> identified.
> If in fact, there were multiple requests and cards sufficient to put the
> combined weight greater than 50 grams, then the actual cost could well
> exceeded A$ 4.00 in postage (A$3.60 and cards at 10 to 25 cents each).
> This would equate to between 3 and 4 green stamps or 2 IRCs,  the amount
> that the manager was indeed requesting.
> Our PositionVI3JPI, VI5WCP, VI5BR and VI5PN
> Over the last 3 years, our IOTA group has activated the above calls and
> 25,000 qsos.  All members of the team are WIA members and we readily
> cards via the Buro or Direct.
> Interestingly, the typical direct request now contains either 1 IRC, 1 IRC
> &1 Green Stamp, 2 Green Stamps or an International Business Reply Envelope
> (especially from JA).
> However, a significant number do not include an SASE or postage.
> Fortunately, due to the generous nature of many fellow countrymen from
> around the world, there has been sufficient surplus to allow us to reply
> these requests directly.
> In the case of buro cards received and replied to, the average time of
> arrival in our hands is between 12 and 15 months and in most cases the
> reply has been made within 3 months, as this is the normal clearance time
> for the VK3 outwards buro to the major ham population areas such as JA, W,
> DJ, I, EA, F and UA.  This means a total buro time, of around 18 to 21
> months.
> To my knowledge, fortunately there are only a handful of active VK
> who don't accept buro cards, for reasons known only to themselves.  In
> cases, these relate to operations from VK9 and VK0 where permanent
> are not involved and wisely, a manager has been used.
> I hope the above information helps to explain the high and ever increasing
> costs associated with qsling out of VK land.
> Comments have also been made about the LoTW.  Unfortunately, until LoTW is
> able to be accepted and accessed at no cost by Awards Managers outside of
> the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will remain a
> Peter Forbes   VK3QI
> Manager for VI3JPI, VI5BR and VI5PN
> and   VK3  

Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread Ron Notarius
Yes, W9OL has one.  Here's a clip from his latest post on the issue:

Creating and modifying the old text based IRC/GS Chart became difficult.

We have taken a new approach.

I've created two new forms.
One in Excel format for download.

Same design but ported to .htm

For the time being, I'll keep the old http://www.qsl.net/w9ol/ircchart.txt
available but it will go in the future as the .xls format is a lot easier
to maintain.

I'd appreciate it if the Non USA hams would check the info as it seems to
change much quicker than I get updates.
Please check the notes sections also as them may not be pertinent any

Please and thank you

73, ron wn3vaw

- Original Message - 
From: "Zack Widup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

> Is there a website somewhere with all this info for the various countries
> collected together in one place? I'd do it myself but I'm so busy these
> days I have a hard time just keeping up with the e-mail.
> Zack W9SZ
> On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Jan Erik Holm wrote:
> >
> > This is the cost for Sweden:
> > 1.35 Dollar or  1.08 Euro or 1 IRC
> >
> > That means, people sending Dollar
> > bills need to send 2 Dollars.
> >
> > 1 Euro bill or 1 IRC is OK with me!!
> >
> Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems
> http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
> To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org
> This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA
> http://njdxa.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread Zack Widup
Is there a website somewhere with all this info for the various countries 
collected together in one place? I'd do it myself but I'm so busy these 
days I have a hard time just keeping up with the e-mail.

Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Jan Erik Holm wrote:

> This is the cost for Sweden:
> 1.35 Dollar or  1.08 Euro or 1 IRC
> That means, people sending Dollar
> bills need to send 2 Dollars.
> 1 Euro bill or 1 IRC is OK with me!!

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Re: [DX-CHAT] sealing coax fittings

2005-07-19 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
What about silicone plumber's tape?  If wrapped first with the 
silicone tape, then with the UV electrical tape, would that seal out the water?

- Jim

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us

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Re[2]: [DX-CHAT] This is ridiculous

2005-07-19 Thread Art RX9TX
 Hello dx-chat,

 Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Vic Goncharsky wrote to dx-chat@njdxa.org:

VG> Generally speaking there's no difference between " fat cat American 
VG> ham" and "poor Russki ham"

I  haven't  seen  anything about "poor russki ham" here, what was that

VG> In fact those of us who are in this hobby for 30 years or so, don't need 
VG> and certainly can afford to get the the new one every 2-5 years for even 

I  have  never  seen  your call in the Challenge listings, that is the
difference.  Of  course I would pay $100 just now for each of 7 or 8 I
need  for  DXCC  HR#1. But I don't want to pay 4 or even 2 dollars for
each of 350+ I need for DXCC Challenge 2000.

VG> Senceless discussion

It depends on what makes sense to you personally.

 73...Art RX9TX19-Jul-05 11:32 UTC

 "Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live."(Goethe)

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Re: [DX-CHAT] This is ridiculous

2005-07-19 Thread Vic Goncharsky
Generally speaking there's no difference between " fat cat American capitalist 
ham" and "poor Russki ham" - everyone has to pay the same amount to get 
certain QSLs, that's the rule of the game.

In fact those of us who are in this hobby for 30 years or so, don't need much 
and certainly can afford to get the the new one every 2-5 years for even $10.

No IRC - no QSL

Senceless discussion   

On Monday 18 July 2005 22:54, you wrote:
> I find it hard to fathom that I and other fat cat Amerucan capitalist hams
> are being urged to send $5 to a poor ham in another country so we can walk
> in their shoes! I have news for you world travelers who run from one end of
> the globe and back and come home to a big shack while you plan your next
> excursion. There are those of us, like me (I am disabled with little
> income) who can barely scrape up the minimum $2 or 1 IRC that seems to be
> the minimum nowadays. I have an envelope of outgoing cards that are waiting
> until I can scrape up a couple of bills to put into an envelope to send off
> to that poor ham somewhere who is probably better off financially tham I
> am, and who will more likely than not not reply anyway. $5? Why not $10 or
> why not a nice Icom? I have been licensed 41 years now and have never
> failed to answer a qsl whether it has return postage or not, and I can
> remember when qsling was a courtesy, not a business. This whole thread is
> disgusting and will result in more and more unnecessary cost to an already
> dying system. Go ahead and send more than return postage if you wish, but
> the end result will be that people like me will be expected to follow suit
> and while you are somewhere living it as a dx station, I will be trying to
> determine if I can afford your card. Phooey!!
> Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems
> http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
> To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org
> This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA
> http://njdxa.org

73, Vic Goncharsky US5WE/K1WE
FAIRS http://www.fairs.org

DX Clusters:
DXSpider: telnet fairs.org.ua 41112
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Re: [DX-CHAT] This is ridiculous

2005-07-19 Thread Larry, K4WLS
From: "Tom Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DX chat" 
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 3:54 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] This is ridiculous

I find it hard to fathom that I and other fat cat Amerucan capitalist hams 
are being urged to send $5 to a poor ham in another country so we can walk 
in their shoes! I have news for you world travelers who run from one end of 
the globe and back and come home to a big shack while you plan your next 
excursion. There are those of us, like me (I am disabled with little income) 
who can barely scrape up the minimum $2 or 1 IRC that seems to be the 
minimum nowadays. I have an envelope of outgoing cards that are waiting 
until I can scrape up a couple of bills to put into an envelope to send off 
to that poor ham somewhere who is probably better off financially tham I am, 
and who will more likely than not not reply anyway. $5? Why not $10 or why 
not a nice Icom? I have been licensed 41 years now and have never failed to 
answer a qsl whether it has return postage or not, and I can remember when 
qsling was a courtesy, not a business. This whole thread is disgusting and 
will result in more and more unnecessary cost to an already dying system. Go 
ahead and send more than return postage if you wish, but the end result will 
be that people like me will be expected to follow suit and while you are 
somewhere living it as a dx station, I will be trying to determine if I can 
afford your card. Phooey!! 


I am also disabled. My SS disability check a monh is about 1/4 per
month I made teaching college. All my newer rigs are sold. My newest
one is a used IC-765. I don't have a tower or yagi, and have never
had one in the 47 years I have been a ham and DX'er.

I sure wish DX'ing was the way it was back in the 60's and 70's
when the CW bands were loaded with "very rare" DX. The
bureau system worked great, and you could bet that a nice looking
QSL and 1 IRC would definitely bring you a direct card back.

With more DX'ers on in the CW Extra bands, it is now much more
difficult for me to compete with the guys running yagis and linears. 

I have always found a way to live with the changes that came along
these past decades, and I surely did NOT LIKE the $0.05 Extra.
My best advice, is take the lemon and try your best to make
lemonade from it. If I were you, I would put a note in my direct
QSL request and tell the DX that you are disabled and 1 IRC is
all you can afford. It would at least tell him that all USA DX'ers
are not well off finacially. You might be surprised to get his QSL
and your IRC returned. This has happened to me a lot of times.
The DX just returned my IRC. You just never know OB 

73 and GL,  Larry K4WLS 

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread Jan Erik Holm

This is the cost for Sweden:
1.35 Dollar or  1.08 Euro or 1 IRC

That means, people sending Dollar
bills need to send 2 Dollars.

1 Euro bill or 1 IRC is OK with me!!

Or the bureau is also fine but ofcourse

If someone still needs a cards for my
operations in SV5 SV9 CT3 and CN2KM
I will be happy to confirm, right now
all QSL requests are answered.

I still have logs and QSL´s for these
old calls: SM2DWH/S2 G5BHX GU5BHX and

73 Jim SM2EKM
mike-sv1rk wrote:




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[DX-CHAT] Australian QSL costs - some clarifications from VK3QI

2005-07-19 Thread Peter Forbes

Australian Postage Charges for QSLS

There has been a recent discussion thread about the cost of postage to 
various areas of the world.   Currently the following applies:

(1)  A SINGLE card (not folded type) sealed in an envelope and stamped CARD 
ONLY costs A$1.10 airmail to anywhere in the world.

(2)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Pacific rim countries and 
Pacific Islands (except KH6 and South American Pacific Islands) costs 
A$1.20, Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.

(3)  More than one card sealed in an envelope to Rest of World costs A$1.80 
Airmail for up to 50 grams weight.

There is NO Economy or Surface Rates on Letters available.

If the weight exceeds 50 grams and up to 125 grams the cost doubles for (2) 
and (3), that is A$2.40 and A$3.60  respectively.

Typically the 50 grams weight limit means between 10 and 15 cards maximum, 
depending on board weight and whether cards are folded and/or use stick-on 

Exchange Rates

1 US Green Stamp is approximately A$1.30 after exchange charges are 

1 IRC will generate stamps to the value of up to A$1.80 postage.

Card Costs

Generally an envelope is about 10 cents.

QSL cards vary from around 10 cents to 25 cents, depending on quality and 
production run numbers.

Buro Membership in Australia

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) as the official IARU buro for VK, 
does provide pickup points (at cost to the non-member), however membership 
of the WIA is not compulsory (and legally could not be made so in this 
country).  A manager who chooses not to collect inwards cards from the buro, 
is quite within their rights to do so.

Note that the WIA also has NO obligation to return unclaimed cards to the 
originating buro.  (see IARU website and minutes regarding this matter)

The Original Post

If you read the original post from Art RX9TX, you will note that there was a 
reference to a "Package" of cards.The particular qsl manager is not 

If in fact, there were multiple requests and cards sufficient to put the 
combined weight greater than 50 grams, then the actual cost could well have 
exceeded A$ 4.00 in postage (A$3.60 and cards at 10 to 25 cents each).

This would equate to between 3 and 4 green stamps or 2 IRCs,  the amount 
that the manager was indeed requesting.

Our PositionVI3JPI, VI5WCP, VI5BR and VI5PN

Over the last 3 years, our IOTA group has activated the above calls and over 
25,000 qsos.  All members of the team are WIA members and we readily accept 
cards via the Buro or Direct.

Interestingly, the typical direct request now contains either 1 IRC, 1 IRC 
&1 Green Stamp, 2 Green Stamps or an International Business Reply Envelope 
(especially from JA).

However, a significant number do not include an SASE or postage. 
Fortunately, due to the generous nature of many fellow countrymen from 
around the world, there has been sufficient surplus to allow us to reply to 
these requests directly.

In the case of buro cards received and replied to, the average time of 
arrival in our hands is between 12 and 15 months and in most cases the buro 
reply has been made within 3 months, as this is the normal clearance time 
for the VK3 outwards buro to the major ham population areas such as JA, W, G 
DJ, I, EA, F and UA.  This means a total buro time, of around 18 to 21 

To my knowledge, fortunately there are only a handful of active VK operators 
who don't accept buro cards, for reasons known only to themselves.  In some 
cases, these relate to operations from VK9 and VK0 where permanent residents 
are not involved and wisely, a manager has been used.

I hope the above information helps to explain the high and ever increasing 
costs associated with qsling out of VK land.

Comments have also been made about the LoTW.  Unfortunately, until LoTW is 
able to be accepted and accessed at no cost by Awards Managers outside of 
the U.S.A., the requirement of hard copy qsl cards will remain a necessity.

Peter Forbes   VK3QI

Manager for VI3JPI, VI5BR and VI5PN

and   VK3  WIA Buro Outwards Manager.

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To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

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