Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

2006-08-03 Thread Jan Erik Holm

This is the best I´ve read so far! So true, so true!

73 Jim SM2EKM

Pete D'Elia wrote:
98% of the operators going to rare & semi-rare entities are very good at what they do. 99% of the problems with these operations are caused by us, the callers, by not following DXpedition's instructions & requests, callers not knowing there own call signs, call area, country or continent, 20 people screaming up, lid, or 59 to some guy that forget to check which VFO he was on, etc.. That's what really slows the rate down. 


It's like a child saying they didn't get good grades, because it was the teacher fault. They won't admit that they didn't pay attention, follow instructions or study.  


Most of us, including myself forget that these ops are typically in extremely hot or cold climates, sleeping in tents, constant generator noises, running to filling generators, using temporary stations/antennas, physically and mentally drained from hauling, setting up and anticipating breakdown, sleep deprived, constant buzz saw noise of thousands constantly calling and fitting off insects and rodents. With all that, they must be thrilled to hear, what about 2s you skipped over us, why are working JAs instead of NA, is this an SSB operation only - why, you worked eight 1s and only six 2s, your splits to wide, can you go to 12 CW right now I need you there, listen for my friend he's going to call you next, are you going to use LoTW, etc. by of a bunch of guys sitting in their comfortable shacks. 


Whoever is going or pay the bills should have the final word on how they want to run THEIR operation. All we should say to them is; thank you for being there, I appreciate your sacrifice, expense and what you're doing for us.  



Pete N2LM

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dan Zimmerman N3OX 
  Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:15 AM

  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

  The US call districts are still mostly populated by the right numbers,
  though this is a good point, especially when taken worldwide.

  Calling one 1 and then one 2 and one 3 and so forth has the advantage
  of NOT taking into account propagation (you're not trying to get only
  1's, 2's, 3's before the band closes)

  What it does do if done correctly is slashes the pileup size on
  average by a factor of TEN and makes the other 9 numbers very patient
  because they know that in a few QSO's they get their chance.

  They can, as Charlie said, go get some coffee, or they can spend the
  next nine QSO's listening and coming up with a calling strategy.  It
  takes the pressure off. It's less stressful than taking ten or twenty
  from each district as propagation fades out.  Having worked
  DXpeditions that are using this method, I think it's a great way to
  thin a pileup.  Since a lot of successful pileup breaking is listening
  and thinking, this gives you 9 out of every 10 QSO's to work on that
  instead of yelling into the microphone.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX chat] VU4AN/

2006-04-19 Thread Jan Erik Holm

Be glad it´s only 56 degs, I´m at 66 degs and I´ll
tell you it´s no kids game.
However VU4 is easy from here, even so I had to spend
45 minutes calling a VU4 on 30m before I got him, go
figure why since my antenna on 30 is decent and I tried
every trick in the book.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Try living at 56 degrees north!   - now thats a challenge!   Like half 
way up Hudson's bay or south Alaska!

Yeah, I can imagine what it must be like from those latitudes. It's bad 
enough in W2...we see spots originating from W4's in FL and along the 
gulf coast spotted as "loud, easy" and not a whisper up just a thousand 
miles up the coast at 40 degrees North.

- Peter


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2005-10-22 Thread Jan Erik Holm

Sad, no way!

73 Jim SM2EKM

Ron Notarius wrote:

Yes, thanks for the update.  I was curious as to what happened to him.  Sad,
but he made his own choices and has to live with the results (as do we all)

73, ron wn3vaw

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Re: [DX-CHAT] K7C and DXA

2005-09-28 Thread Jan Erik Holm

To be safe do that. I made 2 Q´s with them yesterday
and both came into the log.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Gerry Maira wrote:

Thanks for all the replies. I'll wait a couple days and see what 
happens. Meanwhile I'll try for q's on a couple other bands and see if 
they make it to the log. I'd sure like to see at least one in the log 
since this is an all time new one for me.

73, Gerry KA2MGE

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What happened to HF

2005-07-24 Thread Jan Erik Holm

It is so booring that I installed MMTTY in my laptop
and made 3 RTTY QSO´s this morning, my first RTTY
QSO´s in 30 years, go figure whats hapening.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Ragnar Otterstad wrote:

It is vacation time in Europe so many peole are away from the their radios
for a couple of weeks !

73  Rag LA5HE

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-20 Thread Jan Erik Holm

Ron Notarius wrote:


Funny you haven't picked up on this before, as this is a regular post from
Bill (as you know) over on the DX QSL reflector.

Why funny? No I didn´t know! First time I did see it. I didn´t even
know about that page before.

Nevertheless, don't shoot the messenger... in other words, Bill's data is
only as good as what was sent to him.  If someone gave him bad information
(using a busted call no less) and he's had no corrections or updates, he has
no way of knowing the information is bad.

I don´t shoot the messenger, atleast that wasn´t my intention!
I just pointed out something that seemed wrong to me.

I'm copying Bill on this reply so that he's aware of this discrepancy.  Can
you get him the correct information on current acceptance of IRC's in SM so
that he can bring his listings up to date?

As I did say, my postoffice in town do accept IRC´s. I can´t speak
for the whole of Sweden but it would surprise the heck out of me
if my postoffice in town would be an exception.

73, ron wn3vaw

73 Jim SM2EKM

PS: SM4DQC should be SM5DQC.

----- Original Message - 
From: "Jan Erik Holm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

Strange. This W9OL list states "IRC not accepted" for
My post office in town sure accepts them so go figure.
Guess I don´t beleive W9OL, besides he got the source
wrong, SM4DQC is a broken call!!

73 Jim SM2EKM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread Jan Erik Holm

Strange. This W9OL list states "IRC not accepted" for
My post office in town sure accepts them so go figure.
Guess I don´t beleive W9OL, besides he got the source
wrong, SM4DQC is a broken call!!

73 Jim SM2EKM

Ron Notarius wrote:

Yes, W9OL has one.  Here's a clip from his latest post on the issue:

Creating and modifying the old text based IRC/GS Chart became difficult.

We have taken a new approach.

I've created two new forms.
One in Excel format for download.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL costs

2005-07-19 Thread Jan Erik Holm

This is the cost for Sweden:
1.35 Dollar or  1.08 Euro or 1 IRC

That means, people sending Dollar
bills need to send 2 Dollars.

1 Euro bill or 1 IRC is OK with me!!

Or the bureau is also fine but ofcourse

If someone still needs a cards for my
operations in SV5 SV9 CT3 and CN2KM
I will be happy to confirm, right now
all QSL requests are answered.

I still have logs and QSL´s for these
old calls: SM2DWH/S2 G5BHX GU5BHX and

73 Jim SM2EKM
mike-sv1rk wrote:




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Re: [DX-CHAT] [:dx-chat;] Top Ten Devices

2004-12-10 Thread Jan Erik Holm
The cq-contest reflector might be better.
Lots of contesters do use this stuff.
IÂve used them but I donÂt know what you
want to know, they generaly work good.
73 Jim SM2EKM
Slightly off topic, but I am trying to get ahold of anyone having experience 
using the Top Ten Decives Decoder and SiX-Way Relay Box. If you know of a 
better forum for discussing this, please advise.
Thanks - John Owens - N7SEJ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Kachina

2004-12-10 Thread Jan Erik Holm
There is still a lot of info at this URL.
73 Jim SM2EKM
J. A. Call wrote:
Does anyone know if there is a URL  or any information concerning the
equipment.  Any info would be appreciated.

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2004-03-16 Thread Jan Erik Holm
Well, it might be legal to do so, however it?s internationaly
recognised when you operate from a different DXCC country
to indicate so with the prefix of that country.
Also IARU stipulates that the prefix should be signed before
the callsign, HK0/HK3CW would be the correct way to do it.
Why not follow internationaly recognised standards, will make
things much less confusing.
73 SM2EKM Jim
Roberto Rey wrote:


HK0GU/1 is correct, he is operating from the Colombian Zone 1, any 
Colombian callsign as in most parts of the world can operate portable 
and a number, the number meaning the zone in the country. Colombia is 
divided en 10 Zones being 1 to 9 "land" and 0 the Islands (Malpelo, San 
Andres, iotas). I can legally operate from Malpelo as HK3CW/0 or 
HK3CW/HK0 ..remember Pedro did, when he was in Malpelo.

73 de HK3CW  ROB

From: Jan Erik Holm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] HK0GU/1
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 07:28:35 +0100
If so and since that would be a different DXCC country
the correct way to sign would be HK1/HK0GU.
73 Jim SM2EKM

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2004-03-15 Thread Jan Erik Holm
If so and since that would be a different DXCC country
the correct way to sign would be HK1/HK0GU.
73 Jim SM2EKM
Tom Johnson wrote:

Does anybody know for sure where this station is operating from? There is
speculation that the /1 means that it is the first district of Colombia.
Thanks in advance.
Tom N4TJ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Ode to the CW Contest

2003-12-03 Thread Jan Erik Holm
Man it´s a drag getting old!!
Just returned from CT3 and the CT9L M/2 operation
and boy am I thired, getting too old for this maybe.
73 Jim SM2EKM
Larry, K4WLS wrote:

  Ode to the CQ WW CW Contest

Every year the CW seems to get faster and faster.

Every year the competition seems to get fiercer and fiercer.

Every year I seem to work fewer and fewer new ones.

Every year my stints at the Op Table seem to get shorter and
Every year I seem to get up on Sat and Sun mornings later and
Every year I seem to be getting older and older.

:-)  :-)Larry,  K4WLS


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Re: [DX-CHAT] question?

2003-10-05 Thread Jan Erik Holm

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:


I'm not sure what you mean by "correct" method.

Once upon a time YourCall/PortablePrefix was the way "everyone" did it, be
it a different domestic call area (ie K8WK/3 or F9ABC/8) or DX (ie
K8WK/VP9).  (Although in some DX entities, a "/p" to indicate portable was,
and is, also appened).
This began to change in the late 1970's and early '80's, as it started to be
noticed (especially in, but not exclusively in, contests) that some people
were missing the DX prefix when tacked onto the end... in other words, if
someone wanted to work you on Guam (ie K8WK/KH2), and weren't paying
attention, they'd tune out your call before you got to the prefix.  By
putting the prefix first (KH2/K8WK), you clearly indicate the DX entity
you're working from, thereby avoiding that problem.
So, while doing it either way is "acceptable," putting the prefix first is

Yes, however international recomendations, or is it regulations, (IARU) 
stipulates the prefix to come first. In my book that would be the way to go.

73 Jim SM2EKM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] CW - Stick or Carrot?

2003-08-19 Thread Jan Erik Holm
No big deal but I have been to SV9 two times and once
to SV5 and worked CW only. Not really DXpeditions but
more like holliday operation.
Will go somewhere again and probably only CW
or 99% CW.
MANY of the smaller (one or two operator DXpeditions)
are dedicated to mostly / only CW operations
such as all of the operations by G3SXW and G3TXF to 
FH, FW, ZD7, ZD9, ZL7 etc, 
G4ZVJ to XU, ET3, 9L, etc,

Some other relatively recent mostly CW operations include

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2003-08-17 Thread Jan Erik Holm
FR/F6KDF/T in august 2000 (not F6KDT) QSL via F6KDF. I just
received a card 1 month ago so it still works.
73 Jim SM2EKM
Gary Danaher wrote:
Anyone know a route for FR/F6KDT/T who operated for a couple weeks in 
August, 2000? I've looked in the normal locations. Usually someone will 
post a qsl via note in the cluster notes, but not on this one. Any help 
appreciated. Not in the current F callbook. Perhaps a pirate?


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Re: [QRsliss]: Re: [DX-CHAT] New Countries

2003-07-10 Thread Jan Erik Holm
When I send mail to dx-chat this happens. Can someone explain?



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Re: [DX-CHAT] New Countries

2003-07-10 Thread Jan Erik Holm
It think Mt Athos should be deleted permanently then Mr monk Apollo
can go back to his important duties, this is just pure nonsens.

Osten B Magnusson wrote:

Mount Athos was added to the DXCC-list when there was a rule regarding
''separate administration'' - that rule is long gone, as far as I remember it
was removed back in the late seventies - however regarding the time I may
be wrong. But no Indian Tribes with ''separate administration'' can be added
to the DXCC-list unless they are either members of the UN, have an allocated
callsign block from ITU or have a member society of the IARU. Don't think they
can meet any of those requirements - there is little use to discuss ''new ones''
if one are not aware of the DXCC Entity criteria from year 2000. It's easily
available in the DXCC-booklet from ARRL.

- Ursprungligt meddelande - 
Från: "John and Mari Minke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Till: "Urb LeJeune" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Skickat: den 9 juli 2003 16:10
Ämne: Re: [DX-CHAT] New Countries

Urb LeJeune wrote:

There are a lot of tribes so I one get approved the could easily be
a hundred or more. I would think a tribe owning a casino and hotel would
be ecstatic to have the publicity a new country application would generate.
Do I hear any volunteers to for and DXpedition to Foxwood?
Urb, W2DEC

Wasn't there a group of Washington (state) DXers that tried this a few years
back and was rejected? This was prior to that Indian casino b.s.
73 de John N6JM

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2002-12-05 Thread Jan Erik Holm
We are well on the way. People don´t even know how to identify
correctly these days, it´s a shame!!!


k1my wrote:

Bill, Cannot disagree with you more. Aside from the dumbing down of the
hobby that has taken place over the last 10 - 15 years, what makes you think
that these individuals who currently are breaking the law will not bring
their "I don't care about authority" attitude to our hobby. I have been a
ham since 1959 and I don't want our hobby to look like "freebanding." My
suggestion is to petition the FCC to throw them in jail, to boycott
manufacturers who market their product to them and to petition our
legislators to question the FCC why they are not enforcing the law.

73, Bruce K1MY

- Original Message -
From: "William Hein, AA6TT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 9:49 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT]

Bernie & Group:  Regarding Freeband DXers, one half of me says
"let's sic the dogs on these bastards" but another, more sober,
side says "let's get these guys into licensed Ham DXing."


(1)  The Ham DX & contest crowd is aging.  Look around at any DX
or contest gathering.  I feel like a youngster at these things
and I'm 47.  The typical Freeband DXer, based on my Web surfing,
seems younger that the typical Ham DXer.  What happens to our
hobby when we all die off?

(2)  The Freebanders are putting serious time and money into
DXing, contesting, QSLing and mounting DXpeditions ("activations"
in Freeband lingo) all over the world.  I'd like to see these
resources re-routed to legitimate Ham DXing, contesting and
DXpeditioning--in other words, bolster our strength in numbers.
The more of us--Ham DXers and contesters--there are, the stronger
our hold on our frequencies are (simple democractic politics) and
the more fun our hobby will be.  More DXpeditions + more people
to work in contests = more fun in my book.

(3)  This really hurts to say, but the Freeband DXers are a
creative group.  Many of their DX Websites are better than
equivalent Ham DX Websites.  For example, the Sugar Delta site
( has detailed & comprehensive
DXpedition news & archives, DXpedition 'proofs' (copies of
documentation such as airline tickets & DX locale photos--I'd
like to see the ARRL DXCC office present this kind of info on the
Web), DXpedition online logs, audio recordings of DXpeditions,
QSL card pix, 11m DX cluster, IOTA & DXCC info (the Freebanders
have adopted the DXCC & IOTA programs) and so on.  I'd love to
see a Ham version of this, a DX supersite!

To get some idea of how active the Freeband DXpeditioners are,
check out these links:

East Timor:
Freeband operation by a CT ham, I couldn't figure out how to link
to this page on the Alfa Tango Website, just look for "341ATØ -
Finally ... started!" under Hotnews on the home page

South Georgia Island:

Aves (5,900 QSOs on Freeband frequencies!):

St. Paul Is (3,100 QSOs):

Greenland (@ Thule AFB):

M-V Island:

Market Reef:
(Windows Media audio file of this operation at it's
the last listing on the bottom of the page)

Jan Mayen:

Vatican City:

Ascension Is:

Chesterfield Is:

Willis Is:


Guantanamo Bay:

And I could go on and on and on  Safe to say, there is a LOT
of Freeband DXpedition activity.  Check out the 35 pages of
DXpedition validition data on this pdf file (and this is just for
the Alfa Tango group thru 2001):

So what should Hams do?  My proposal: Get more flies with honey
than vinegar.

(1)  Actively recruit Freeband DXers into the Ham DX hobby.  ARRL
and various DX clubs such as INDEXA & NCDXF should start outreach
programs, creating programs to 'graduate' Freebanders to licensed
Hams, advertising on Freeband Websites, etc.  These people
already like DXing and already own Ham gear, so how hard can this
be?  We should ask for financial support from amateur radio
equipment manufacturers and dealers for such programs, especially
Icom who have a karma issue here.

(2)  I'm personally on the watch for Freebanders whom I can
invite to my shack to witness "real DXing and contesting" and
whom I can mentor into