[DX-NEWS] LOTW signup at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen (Germany)

2008-05-23 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ron Novak 
  Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 3:33 PM
  Subject: [ARRL-LOTW] LOTW signup at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen (Germany)

  Just saw this on the DXCC weblog about ARRL at Ham Radio 
  Friedrichshafen June 27 through 29:

  Special LogBook of The World registration information: 

  If you would like to apply for a new LogBook of The World certificate, 
  bring a copy of your home call license and a picture ID. If you wish to 
  create an LoTW account for a dx-pedition or a club callsign, you must 
  bring proper documentation. (eg: License and proof that you were at the 
  dx-pedition location, or a copy of the club license). 

  The ARRL representative will immediately issue you a password to get 


  Ron - N4VZ

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[DX-NEWS] ARLP022 Propagation de K7RA

2008-05-23 Thread jjreisert
ARLP022 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 22  ARLP022
>From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  May 23, 2008
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP022 Propagation de K7RA

This week several new sunspots appeared for five days, but they were
all leftover spots from cycle 23, not new cycle 24 spots. But this
is okay, because at the sunspot minimum we appreciate any spots we
can get.  May 16-20 saw daily sunspot numbers of 34, 23, 30, 28, and

Keep in mind that a sunspot number of 34 does not mean there were 34
sunspots last Friday.  Instead, the numbers represent a somewhat
arcane calculation that accounts for the number of sunspot groups
and the size of each group.  The count gets 10 points for each
sunspot group, and one point for each spot within the groups, the
designation of these different areas within the groups seeming
somewhat arbitrary to a layman such as myself.

So 34 could mean that there are three darkened areas, with one of
them counting as two spots, the other two just one each.  Presumably
the same number would describe the sun with two darkened areas
facing Earth, and each counting for seven spots.  Thirty plus four
is the same as twenty plus fourteen, but this week there were three

For at least a couple of weeks the U.S. Air Force and the NOAA Space
Weather Prediction Center forecast a planetary A index of 25 for May
21, but on May 20 the prediction was downgraded to 15.  The actual
planetary A index for that day was 13, while the mid-latitude A
index was 9 and Alaska's College A index, taken near Fairbanks, was
19.  The earlier number was based on an expectation of returning
coronal holes and solar wind streams, which proved to be weaker than

Currently they expect quiet geomagnetic conditions and another
prediction for a planetary A index of 25 just before the start of
summer, on June 17.  Geophysical Institute Prague calls for
unsettled conditions May 23-24, quiet to unsettled May 25, quiet May
26, quiet to unsettled again on May 27-28, and unsettled for May 29.

This weekend is the CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest, and of course, we
don't expect any sunspots, but we don't expect disruptions either.
Using a technique known as helioseismic holography, the Solar and
Heliospheric Observatory's Michelson-Doppler imager detected a high
latitude sunspot on our sun's far side on May 17.  If it doesn't
fade away first, perhaps we may see that still hidden spot slip into
view next week.

Right now we are in the main sporadic-E skip season, and we have
reports.  Mike Shaffer, KA9JAW of Tampa, Florida regularly sends
reports of television DX, and sends video and audio recordings as
well.  On channel two he has been receiving Dominican Republic, at
2230-2315z, and a Canadian channel from Toronto, about 1,100 miles
from his home.

N0JK, Jon Jones of Wichita, Kansas documented nine 6-meter contacts
between KH7Y, south of Hilo on the western side of the island of
Hawaii on May 19.  He noted that the best propagation seemed to be
to Iowa and Illinois.

David Fisher, KA2CYN of New City, New York (up the Hudson River from
Manhattan, and on the west side) said there was a nice opening on 10
meters to the West Coast on May 16, and around 2110z he talked to
K6CJA in California.

This week an email arrived from Richie Ranta, K8JX of Grand Rapids,
Michigan asking about some material about sunspots and propagation
for his club's newsletter, ''The Open Feed-Line'', from the Michigan
Amateur Radio Alliance (see http://www.w8usa.org/).

I didn't have any articles prepared for him explaining some of the
basics, but suggested some resources.  I didn't know if he was
reading the sometimes shortened bulletin on the ARRL home page, or
the complete text at http://www.arrl.org/w1aw/prop.  The complete
text has links toward the end of each bulletin for suggested reading
on propagation.  This is the same version you get if subscribed via

Another good source is any edition of the ARRL Handbook, or even any
of the old Radio Amateur's Handbook editions going back many years.
Each has a chapter devoted to propagation, which is a good basic

Also, this Flash slide-show is quite good at explaining the


Another good source is NM7M, Bob Brown's book, ''The Little Pistol's
Guide to HF Propagation''.  Unfortunately, it has long been out of
print, but some local libraries may have it.  Seattle Public
Library, where I live, has several copies, in fact I have one
checked out right now.  Fortunately, it is available as a pdf which
you can download from K6PKL's web site at

I shouldn't forget the excellent material from Carl Luetzelschwab,
K9LA on his web site at http://mysite.verizon.net/k9la/.  Carl is
quite an expert on propagation, and has been an invaluable resource
for this bulletin.

If you would like to make a comment 

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #890 [Calendar]

2008-05-23 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <

425 DX News is available in the following languages:
English * Italian * Japanese * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish

24 May 2008  A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 890
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH 
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  24/05  9A/OO6N: Losinj Island (EU-136)887
till  25/05  GB1SRI: Rathlin Island (EU-122)889
till  25/05  IA5/IZ5FDD and IA5/IW5ELA: Elba Island (EU-028)889
till  25/05  IF9Z: Favignana Island (EU-054)889
till  25/05  II9LXCT: spceial event callsign888
till  26/05  3V8SS: Tunisia 885
till  26/05  KH2/K1IWD and KH2/WX8C: Guam (OC-026)  887
till  26/05  OJ0J and OJ0B: Market Reef (EU-053)890
till  26/05  OZ/SM7DAY/p: Bornholm Island (EU-030)  889
till  26/05  TM5B: Fort Brescou (EU-148)889
till  27/05  9A/VE3ZIK: Croatia 889
till  27/05  FJ/AC8G: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)   889
till  28/05  5R8UO: Madagascar (AF-013) 890
till  28/05  J48IS: Thassos Island (EU-174) 889
till  28/05  VP5/K0OK and VP5E: Caicos Islands (NA-002) 881
till  29/05  HF9GA: special event call  888
till  30/05  PA143ITU: special event call   888
till  30/05  VE7NARA: Vancouver Island (NA-036) 886
till  31/05  3D2A: Malolo Lailai (OC-121)   887
till  31/12  9M1Cxx: special callsigns  890
till  31/05  LY600W: special callsign   889
till  31/05  LZ08KM: special station887
till  31/05  OL1908D: special event station 887
till  31/05  R90LPU: special callsign   885
till  MayV73RY: Kwajalein (OC-028)  869
till  01/06  8P9TS and 8P2T: Barbados (NA-021)  885
till  05/06  9X0A: Rwanda   888
till  05/06  TM5CW: special callsign (France)   889
till  08/06  IO1WWC: special event station  888
till  11/06  5Z4DX: Kenya   887
till  30/06  HB2008AA-ZZ: special calls (Switzerland)   883
till  30/06  OE2008AAA-ZZZ: special calls (Austria) 883
till  30/06  VR10: special prefix (Hong Kong)   843
till  June   ZD7X: St. Helena (AF-022)  884
till  15/08  VR2S: special event station888
till  31/08  EY8/F4EOH: Tajikistan  885
till  31/08  II3PIAV: special station   881
till  August C91R: Mozambique   855
till  17/09  BT1OB: special event station (Beijing 2008)889
till  17/09  BT1OH: special event station (Beijing 2008)889
till  17/09  BT1OJ: special event station (Beijing 2008)889
till  17/09  BT1ON: special event station (Beijing 2008)889
till  17/09  BT1OY: special event station (Beijing 2008)889
till  30/09  9A73AA: special callsign   855
till  08/10  JX9JKA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) 875
till  November   YE2IPY: special callsign   864
till  31/12  9A60A: special callsign881
till  31/12  9A08P: special event station   886
till  31/12  AY0DX: special callsgin (Argentina)874
till  31/12  C4EURO: special callsign (Cyprus)  867
till  31/12  DR8M: special event station870
till  31/12  HG1848I: special call (Hungary)873
till  31/12  HG550REX: special call (Hungary)   873
till  31/12  ON1000NOTGER: special call (Belgium)   873
till  31/12  ON40BAF: special event call869
till  31/12  ON70REDSTAR

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #890

2008-05-23 Thread jjreisert

  > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <

425 DX News is available in the following languages:
English * Italian * Japanese * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish

24 May 2008A.R.I. DX Bulletin
   No 890
 *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5R - Daniel, DF8UO will operate  CW and SSB  as 5R8UO from  Antananarivo,
 Madagascar (AF-013) on 22-28 May, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included. QSL
 via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
9M - On 15  May  the Malaysian  Communications  &  Multimedia  Commission
 issued the  following eighteen  special callsigns  to celebrate  100
 Years of Scouting  in Malaysia:  for West  Malaysia 9M1CSA,  9M1CSB,
 9M1CSC, 9M1CSD,  9M1CSF,  9M1CSI, 9M1CSJ,  9M1CSK,  9M1CSM,  9M1CSN,
 9M1CSP (Penang Island, AS-015), 9M1CSR,  9M1CST, 9M1CSW, 9M1CSY  and
 9M1CSZ; for East Malaysia 9M1CSQ and 9M1CSS. They are valid until 31
 December and will be used especially  during JOTA events. The  first
 one (Malaysia Jamboree On The Air)  was held on 17-18 May, the  Asia
 Pacific JOTA and the World JOTA will follow on 2-3 August and  18-19
 October respectively.  The  national society  (MARTS)  provides  QSL
 Bureau service to all 9M1CSx stations. [TNX 9M2TO]
CT - A large group of operators from  the Algarve DX Group will  activate
 seven different lighthouses on 31 May and 1 June. Special  callsigns
 to be used are CT7LHA (Ponta  do Altar), CT7LHF (Torre da Igreja  da
 Fuzeta), CT1LHM (Cabo  de Santa Maria),  CT7LHP (Ponta da  Piedade),
 CT7LHR (Vila Real de  Santo Antonio), CT7LHV  (Cabo de Sao  Vicente)
 and CT7LHZ (Alfanzina).  Expect activity on  40, 30, 20,  17 and  15
 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL  via CT1GFK, direct or bureau.  Further
 information at www.ct7lh.no.sapo.pt [TNX CT1GFK]
F  - In June-July 1944 the BBC war  correspondents used the tower of  the
 chateau at Creully as a radio  studio, from where the first  reports
 of the  Battle  of  Normandy  were  broadcasted.  Look  for  special
 callsign TM5BBC to  be aired again  from Creully  from 30  May to  6
 June. QSL via F2UW. [TNX F5NQL]
F  - Special event station TM6ACO will be  activated (for the 57th  year)
 on all bands SSB and CW  on 1-15 June for the 24  Hours of Le  Mans.
 http://asso.proxiland.fr/aras72/ [TNX F5TJC]
OE - Special event station 4U1WED will  be operated on  1-30 June by  the
 Vienna International  Amateur Radio  Club (4U1VIC)  celebrating  the
 World Environment Day  (5 June,  http://www.unep.org/wed/). QSL  via
OJ0- OH0RJ, OH3BHL, and OH2PM will be active as OJ0J (QSL via OH0RJ)  and
 OJ0B (QSL via OH2BH) from Market Reef between 21 and 26 May.  Expect
 OJ0B to participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest, and OJ0J to be  QRV
 mainly on 12, 17 and 30  metres and RTTY  during the contest  hours.
 [TNX The Daily DX]
TA - Urcun, TA0U will be active as  TC17GS on 1-15 June to celebrate  the
 17th title won by  Galatasary SK in  the national football  (soccer)
 championship. QSL via home call. [TNX TA0U]
V6 - Pohnpei's only airport has been closed to international air  traffic
 since 16 May,  when a Boeing  727 failed to  negotiate a  successful
 landing and nosed  down into the  water at  the end  of the  runway.
 Consequently, Shoji, JA7HMZ  (V63DX) has had  to cancel his  planned
 19-24 May operation from Micronesia [425DXN 887]. [TNX NG3K]
XX9- Tomas, LY1F  (VK2CCC)  will  be  active  from  Macao  on  27-29  May
 (callsign to be issued upon arrival).  He plans to emphasize CW  and
 the low bands. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX The Daily DX]
YN - Eric, K9GY has changed his destination for the CQ WW WPX CW Contest.
 He will be active as  H7/K9GY from Nicaragua,  not as C6AYM  [425DXN
 889]. "I was originally scheduled to  go to C6",  he says, "but  the
 hotel wanted to charge an extra  $150 for roof access  so I said  no
 thanks and then booked Nicaragua". [TNX NG3K]

CQ WW   WPX CW   CONTEST  --->  The following stations  have announced  their
participation in this year's event (24-25 May):
Call CategoryDXCCQSL VIA