Re: [DX-NEWS] Military HF Frequencies

2003-03-24 Thread John and Mari Minke

Most likley no. But if they did that information would be restricted. We are
at war, you know.

John N6JM (ex-army radio operator 1954-55)

WX5L wrote:
> Is there a listing of military HF frequencies that are
> being used in Iraq?
> Thanks,
> Randy
> WX5L
> Thibodaux, LA

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Re: [DX-NEWS] South Orkney

2002-07-04 Thread John and Mari Minke

Wendell Curry wrote:

> Anyone know if GM3OFT/P on burray island counts for dxcc for South
> Orkney ?
> Wendell K4jz

GM3OFT/P is in Scotland. Burray is one of the Orkney Islands, off the
north coast.  John N6JM

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Re: [DX-NEWS] 6O0X

2002-05-11 Thread John and Mari Minke

George McCrary wrote:
> The 425 news said:
> "6O0X ---> This is Baldur, DJ6SI,  who has been active  from Somaliland for a
> couple of days. The Daily DX reports that Baldur is expected to be there for
> one week. QSL  via DJ6SI. Somaliland  declared indipendence  from Somalia in
> 1991, but it does not meet the qualification criteria for separate listing as
> a DXCC Entity."
> Does anyone know if this one counts for T5 Somalia?
> George (K8QM)

According to Bernie it will depend who was the licensing agency. No if Somaliland
(and counts as nothing) and yes if Somalia.


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2002-03-30 Thread John and Mari Minke

Kris Mraz wrote:
> What's equally as bad (or worse) is the fact that his logging program
> had it wrong, too!
> Kris N5KM

No, his logging program had it correct. AN8 (or EA8) is the Canary
Islands as he said it was. BTW, the ITU prefix allocations are listed
in the DXCC rules publication issued by the ARRL. Anyone involved in
the program should have at least one copy regardless of how old it is.

73 de John N6JM (still QRT to no tower yet, argh! no Ducie!)

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2002-03-23 Thread John and Mari Minke

> i know i should know this, but...
> does st. bartholemew island count for guadeloupe or st martin? 
> trying to figure out where i filed it!!  (ahhh it's great getting
> old-er)
> 73 de steve, kz2i

Counts as FS  73 de John N6JM

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2002-02-26 Thread John and Mari Minke

Suggest you contact your bureau rep and ask him or her. Seventy-two
cards should have been all in one standard bureau recommended 
envelope. When mine come the envelopes are bulging with cards and much
postage all over the envelope. And, the W6 Bureau does a bang up job!

73 de John N6JM

N7MAL wrote:
> In the last 2 days I've received 3 envelopes from the W7 buro. Each
> envelope contained approx 24 cards and each envelope was mailed the 
> same day at the same post office.
> Is this happening to anyone else and is there a 'reasonable' explanation ?

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Re: [DX-NEWS] South Sandwich

2001-12-09 Thread John and Mari Minke

Billy R. Gallier wrote:
> What is the start date for South Sandwich operation?
> Bill W4WX

Per 425 DX News (sent to all on this reflector) says January, but
exact dates not released until the operation begins.  John N6JM.

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Re: [DX-NEWS] Crash

2001-11-26 Thread John and Mari Minke

I received many e-mails regarding my crashing tower and all were
appreciated. I have printed them all out and shall use them for
study. I have a good location in mind but I'm not sure my XYL will
approve the new location.

On a lighter side she sent an e-mail to the local TV station about
the affair. This morning there was a helicopter overhead with a TV
crew in the driveway. It made the noon news. 

My son-in-law is supposed to be over later to cut it up with his
power saw (he uses it to cut rebar). I also want to render the rest
of the tower useless as so no one will want to use it. With the
tower almost 40 years old I wouldn't feel good with someone wanting
to use it and possibly failing.

73 de John N6JM (off air for a while)

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[DX-NEWS] Crash!

2001-11-24 Thread John and Mari Minke

That's my antenna system. I looked out the window this morning after
a windy night and noticed the beam in the front driveway. Near the
first joint in my old Rohn 6 50-foot tower two of the legs had sheered
from the torsion of about 35 years. The tower was used at another QTH
for 3 years prior to here, so the material itself was pushing 40 years!
The TH6DXX was about 30 years.

Fortunately, no other damage. A small tree near the tower had help
cushion the fall. 

For years I have been procrastinating on a new installation. So you
might say this is a blessing! So, I need suggestions and/or opinions.

The replacement tower must be a crank-up and self supporting. I'm too
old to climb and there is really no room for down-guys. What is the
opinion of you DXers and your choice here?

As for the beam, it must be multi-band and include the new WARC bands.
I would like to have a 40 meter feature also, but that isn't that
important. I'm leaning at MFJ Hy-Gain, but what about Force 12? Any

So, it looks like my DXing for a while now will be writing a DX column

No need to tie up the reflector and make Steve mad. Just respond to
me directly. Thanks!

73 de John N6JM (frustrated DXer w/o a sail)

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Re: [DXR] Afghanistan

2001-10-03 Thread John and Mari Minke

Billy R. Gallier wrote:
> Shouldn't YA be dropped from the DXCC list?  Why would anyone
> encourage talking to the enemy?  How do you know who you are talking
> to? Let's drop em!!
> Bill W4WX

Then we should include North Korea too! Same reasoning if this is your
logic.  John N6JM

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Re: [DXR] GCR Form

2001-08-01 Thread John and Mari Minke

TONY/N2GVB wrote:
> What I am looking for is a GCR form. This form is used for listing 
> contacts that are required for some of the DX countries certificates.
> Many that are listed in CQ and QST ask for a GCR list. If any one has 
> this form that they could send VIA e-mail, I would appreciate it very 
> much. I am a paper chaser as well as a DX hound. A lot of the DX 
> certificates are not all that easy to obtain

I have seen some of these generic forms and don't think they are all
that necessary. GCR (General Certification Rule) simply means that
your list of QSL cards are indeed in your possession and the list is
certified by two licensed radio amateurs.

However, their signatures does not verify the validity of such cards,
as often I find in Worldradio's W-100-N applications. So, heaven help
us if DXCC goes this route (GCR).

John N6JM

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2001-07-30 Thread John and Mari Minke

Probably Gokceada Island as LZ1CNN was one of the YM0MA team during
the IOTA contest.

John N6JM

Garie Halstead wrote:
> Did anyone get the name of the Island?  IOTA info just says...
> "EU-186 = European Turkey Group"
> Station was worked yesterday on 17m CW.
> Thanks.
> 73 //Garie *K8KFJ*

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Re: [DXR] French Frigate Shoals ??? where & what ?

2001-07-28 Thread John and Mari Minke

ka5ejx wrote:
> Watching a movie last night named "Midway" I saw
> a map showing a place called French Frigate Shoals between Hawaii and
> Midway. The globe I have does not have this island on it and I am
> guessing that it is named something else by now, so What is the name 
> now ?
> Thanks much,
> Rod
No name change and counts as IOTA OC-055 and includes Tern Island. Is
snown in my National Geographic Atlas. I think you will find that it
is governed by the State of Hawaii. There was once a U.S. Coast Guard
LORAN station there.


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Re: [DXR] 5A1A QSL Route

2001-07-02 Thread John and Mari Minke

Jack wrote:
> There was some chatter a while back regarding difficulty in getting
> QSL cards (to) from 5A1A I just had my envelope returned marked
> "return to sender" without an explanation.  It appears it never left 
> the US. The envelope was intact and the IRC's where there. I put $.60 
> standard air mail postage postage but now, in checking the USPS web
> site they indicate $1.55 to Libya. Again, no reason for the return
> was noted on the envelope
> Anyone is the US received a card from Abubaker?

There hasn't been a 60 cent postage rate for some time now, so don't
know where your envelope has been. Rate is now 80 cents for an ounce.
However, you should be looking into registered mail which Abubaker
recommends. It may be expensive but it is almost a 100 percent bet
it will get there and you will have that QSL card that you need! 

John N6JM

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Re: [DXR] Value of IRCs

2001-06-27 Thread John and Mari Minke


I don't think it matters what it says on an IRC. It is exchangable for
postage (one unit of airmail). Probably the stamps on the IRC is that
it was an older IRC the p.o. still had and was bringing it up to the
new rate. But, this has no effect on the redemption value to you.

Sometimes I think some of these postal employees, no matter where they
work, just don't bother to look it up and go by their opinion. Several
times when I purchased some IRCs they just handed them to me without
stamping them.

So, in other words, what you have said here, you are correct!

73 de John N6JM

Tom Wylie wrote:
> At the risk of opening up this old chestnut I thought I would tell you of a
> conversation I have today with my local postmaster.
> I was changing some IRCs for stamps.   I have some for sale within UK for
> 50p each.
> The postmaster asked me why some IRC's originating in the USA had postage
> stamps affixed to them.   I didnt really know but noticed a note in a recent
> QSL envelope to the effect that as there were postage stamps attached  - my
> IRC was now worth $1.50.
> My postmaster informed me that this is specifically NOT the case that my IRC
> is worth exactly as it says on the rear.
> "This coupon is exchangeable in ANY Country of the Universal Postal Union
> for one or more postage stamps representing the MINIMUM postage for an
> unregistered priority item or an unregistered letter sent by air to a
> foreign Country."
> As far as HE is concerned each IRC is worth 45p to me (the cost of air
> mailing a QSL card to a foreigh country outside the EEC) - no matter how
> many stamps are attached to it.
> There is no purchase price marked on an IRC so I guess the cost of BUYING
> them can vary from place to place, but then, I really dont see the need for
> anybody to stick stamps on them - if its NOT going to increase their value
> when they are cashed in.
> He also told me that next week or the week after the UK is to have a postage
> increase.   He couldn't remember the new prices and as the post office was
> very busy didnt take time to find out - but I will later in the week.
> 73 de tom

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Re: [DXR] 4U1-ITU HQ

2001-06-25 Thread John and Mari Minke

ray wrote:
> > No relationship.  4U1VIC counts for plain old Austria, OE since it's
> > located in Vienna.  Only 4U1ITU in Geneva, Switzerland has special
> > status.
> >
> > 73 - Jim AD1C
> 4U1VIC does count as a separate country for
> WAE (Worked all Europe).
> 73 K6VX

As does IT for Sicily and I think some others such as the Shetlands.
73 N6JM

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Re: [DXR] VR8D - our old pirate friend

2001-06-18 Thread John and Mari Minke

Zack Widup wrote:
> This is probably the same SLIM that was signing VR8B ("Yvonne on 
> Ducie Island") a couple years ago.  Ducie is, I believe, an 
> uninhabited island. At least, I think that's what Tom Christian
> told me.  There is no power source there.
> 73, Zack W9SZ

It is also interesting to note that this VR8B call that Slim used was
once a legit call, used by the Colvins. I have the card.

73 de John N6JM

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Re: [DXR] By the Numbers

2001-06-17 Thread John and Mari Minke

Dan Zimmerman wrote:
> I think some of the griping is legitimate.  A straight pileup allows
> the loudest and/or the most skillful ops through..

Oh, the heck with it. Why not just request all those who are left
handed call now!

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Re: [DXR]

2001-06-16 Thread John and Mari Minke

Rob Rey wrote:
> Hello Everybody:
> I say a couple of postings in the DX monitor that kinda flipped my
> mind and wanted to comment about:
> PSA088 ...Was I not under the impresion or they taught me wrong that a
> callsign had to have  prefix a number then a suffix?

As long as the prefix agrees with ITU they can do what they want. Such
past calls we have had on the bands include TYA11 and, horrors!,

> And this other baby:
> Spotter  9K2OD
> DX   7X5JF
> Comment: "Ray I'm making QRM to Naber"
> Is that supposed to be good or bad news? Good for Ray and bad for
> Naber?
> 73 de HK3CW  ROB
> PS Maybe I'm geting old, but I don't get it.

Who knows! I think some of the spotters are as nuts as we are!


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Re: [DXR] Signal reports.

2001-06-16 Thread John and Mari Minke

ragnar otterstad wrote:

> There has to be :  111 for a bad tone on a signal you
> cannot read !

I like that one!

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Re: [DXR] Signal Reports

2001-06-15 Thread John and Mari Minke

Frank Macklin wrote:
> I was under the impression that ARRL was now not interested in signal
> reports for DXCC but today I heard an American operator tell someone a
> report of 2x2 was no good for DXCC.  Can some one bring me up to date
> as to what the present position is.
> Frank VK1ZL

When completing DXCC applications there is no place for signal reports
and I have never seen a QSL checker look for such reports. What you
just experienced was a self-righteous list master in action.


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[DXR] Long Awaited QSL Received

2001-06-06 Thread John and Mari Minke

Today's mail brought me a long overdue QSL card from UA0IDM for EK0I
I worked on Spafaryev Island (AS-059). I guess you could call it overdue
as the contact dates from September 1991. Anyone else receive theirs
recently, or was my card just rolling around the postal system for the
past 10 years.

73 de John N6JM

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2001-06-01 Thread John and Mari Minke

Bud Weisberg wrote:
> This might be of interest to those who had worked Ralph, VY0RR. He did
> not put his location on his card but did indicate grid FO03 and IOTA
> NA173, which is Charlton Island in James Bay. According to VE6BIR,
> Awards Mgr for RAC, Charlton Isl is indeed in Nunavut, even though it 
> is quite a distance from the bulk of that territory. VY0RR now appears
> to be sending out cards.
> Bud K2YOF

Before Nunavut was established all islands in James Bay or Hudson Bay
were included in the Northwest Territories, regardless of the proximity
to Quebec, Ontario or Manitoba. The same would apply to the newly
created Nunavut. Any question on this would be solved with the prefix
used, VY0, which is Nunavut.

John N6JM

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Re: [DXR] FW: 20 meter DX window

2001-05-16 Thread John and Mari Minke

B. Peter Treml wrote:
> John, 14195 HAS BEEN the established DX window for decades. This is 
> not something new. 73,Pete-K8PT

Come to think of it I think you are right. I just hope that some over
eager DXers chase away anyone not on a DXpedition (scheduled or not)
that calls CQ on the frequency. It's that I have heard some IOTA types
that jump in on 14.260 and tell stations to QSY as the frequency belongs
to IOTA whether there is activity or not. Thanks input Pete.

John N6JM

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Re: [DXR] FW: 20 meter DX window

2001-05-15 Thread John and Mari Minke

I think if the DX fraternity tries to establish a DX window on 20 meters
we are asking for trouble. Not everyone on the band is a DXer. This is
the same thing at 14.260 where the IOTA gang hangs out. There are some
misinformed Europeans who think the frequency belongs to IOTA island
stations and everyone else should QSY. I think we are going to find the
same with 14.195. Just my opinion.

73 de John N6JM

Bruce Makas wrote:
> Below is a note that I sent to Wayne and his response. An e mail to him at
> the league might help.
> Bruce
> -Original Message-
> From: Mills, Wayne N7NG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 1:00 PM
> To: 'Bruce Makas'
> Subject: RE: 20 meter DX window
> Bruce:
> The 20 meter SSB "DX Window" at 14.195 is definitely well established. As
> you probably know, this was a frequency used by DX back when the US subband
> started at 14.200. It is interesting that several attempts to establish a
> new DX window at 14.145 failed, primarily because of an established net on
> that frequency(!) There is considerable momentum and history involved in
> using the 14.195 frequency. I don't think the DX community will stand for
> any significant net activity to be established on that frequency.
> The League has established bandplans for a variety of bands. These are
> generally configured following a study involving input from the ham
> community. I think it would be unwise for the League to unilaterally
> designate 14.195 part of a bandplan without using a process which would
> legitimize the results. I will bring it up at the MSC meeting in July,
> however.
> Wayne
> -Original Message-
> From: Bruce Makas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:39 PM
> Subject: 20 meter DX window
> Wayne, Is there any way that the league, thru QST, could "designate" 14.190
> thru 14.200 as a voluntary DX window and encourage operators not to
> establish nets or schedules there. There is also a significant number of
> domestic (sometimes local) QSO's there each day. By use of the QST media we
> might be able to avoid some of the on the air arguements.
> Last week was a mess with the 3B6 on 14.195 and a 9Y4 net 1 kc below and
> stateside QSO's sometimes right on top of the 3B6. Of course they can't hear
> anything and they point out that there are no reserved frequencies. All of
> this is correct but with a little help from the league we might be able to
> help this deteriorating situation.
> thanks, Bruce K1MY
> Sunny Sun Lakes, Arizona
> > 
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2001-05-05 Thread John and Mari Minke

Josep Gibert EA3BT wrote:
> Hi to all,
> Perhaps some of you can help me. I've received a report from an US SWL
> station that doesn't include his callsign, just his name and surname.
> How must I confirm his QSL card as, for example, spanish SWL stations
> have an own callsign that can be EA-1234-URE?
> I'd be very grateful if somebody could throw a light over it.
> Many TNX to all
> Best 73 & mni DX
> Josep, EA3BT (Also: D68BT, VP2MBT. Ex: 8Q7BT, XF3/EA3BT, FM/EA3BT,
> TO8B, EA8/EA3BT)

U.S. citizens are not required to a license to own an SWL station. Thus,
no "call sign" is necessary. There were "WPX" calls assigned by Popular
Electronics some years ago for those who wanted a call, but this was
just an option.

To answer your question, I guess you would just write in his name where
the call goes. If no room, then write "over" and his name on the other

John N6JM

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2001-05-01 Thread John and Mari Minke

Fred Stevens K2FRD wrote:
> Why does it take so long for a message to be posted to this List? My
> Hoax message took about 40 minutes from the time I sent it until it
> was posted, quite slow for a List of this type and activity.
> FWIW - I'm sending this at exactly 0211Z.
> 73, Fred

>From what I have found, the time on the posts is the time you hit the
send button. This is prior to when I "empty outgoing mailbox". Yes,
I know some go out in one function. What ever time it takes after that
can be anyone's guess. Anyway, so what! It's faster than my mailman.


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2001-04-30 Thread John and Mari Minke

Zack Widup wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, jrh wrote:
> > Worked ZL8RI this morning on 7003 khz. Gave name as Ellen.
> > Anyone know if this is legit?
> >
> > Ron, K6UR
> Hmm ... I'm wondering what band and mode.
> Several years back, there was a notorious Slim who plagued 40 and 30
> meters on CW.  He/she/it used the calls ZL8BX ("Bob"), ZL9RV ("Louis -
> YL" on "Cambell (sic) Island"), VR8B ("Yvonne on Ducie Island") and a
> few others I don't remember at the moment.  Noticeable common 
> operating pattern of all of the above was liking to ragchew a bit 
> with each person worked, and often "working" stations which were not 
> within propagation of the Pacific at that time.  My guess is it was 
> someone in VK/ZL land having their fun with these made-up calls.
> Does that look familiar?  Is this infamous person back at it?
> 73, Zack W9SZ

Hmmm!  That reminds me of the time I called CQ and 5U4GB came back to
me and I fell for it!


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Re: [DXR]

2001-04-19 Thread John and Mari Minke

Mike Maples wrote:
> help

help what! Reminds me of my mother-in-law calling from her room for
her needs.  73 de John N6JM

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[Fwd: Re: [DXR] 80 cent airmail stamp coming!]

2001-04-12 Thread John and Mari Minke

Steve Wheatley KU9C wrote:
> Just received the recent stamp brochure (I'm one of their 'premier'
> customers...HI).  On April 17, the 'Mount McKinley 80 cent self- 
> adhesive stamp will be issued.

This self-adhesive issue has been an argument between the XYL and myself
a few times. She claims that you can still peal them off once applied.
With that in mind there would be an incentive of some postal type in
need of cash to do so. Don't say they don't as the XYL is convinced it
has happened to her.

So what do? Use only lickum' types or use the new ones and personally
see the postal clerk hand stamp them. Requires standing in line for
this service. As for me I like using these new self-adhesive stamps
and never had any problems.

73 de John N6JM

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Re: [DXR] Don Miller cards

2001-04-12 Thread John and Mari Minke

John Devoldere ON4UN wrote:
> Hi all:
> While browsing through old QSL cards I foudn a bunch of Don Miller
> cards. Can anyone help me with info what these rare ones count for
> (DXCC sie) if anything?
> VQ9/A/BR   bertaud reef
> VQ9/A/EC  Etoile Cay
> W9WNV/ZK1S  Suwarrow Atoll
> VQ8CBN  nelsons Island
> VQ8CBA/A   (Geyser Reef ???)
> K7LMU/TI9C  Comoran Reef
> The other ones I have are self explanative...
> Tks es 73
> John, ON4UN 
I checked the IOTA Directory and this is what I found:

VQ9/A/EC   Etoile Cay   AF-033 Amirante Islands (Seychelles)
W9WNV/ZK1S Suwarrow Atoll   OC-080 same (North Cook Islands)
VQ8CBN Nelsons Island   AF-058 Salomon group (Chagos)

Hasn't Geyser Reef been deleted? Can't find others. Maybe a world atlas
would help.

73 de John N6JM

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Re: [DXR] TX8

2001-04-05 Thread John and Mari Minke

Billy R. Gallier wrote:
> Shouldn't you just delete the entry?!
> Bill

Once upon a time DXers were helpful with each other. Now it's putdown!
Sri can't help as wasn't in WPX that weekend.  73 de John

> Alan Leith wrote:
> > I'm a little confused and I should be ashamed of myself.  Did I
> > work TX8G or TX8P on 10M in the WPX Test?  I didn't realize it
> > was FK8 -- those French are extremely confusing with their call
> > signs, something like the folks to the south of my country -- and
> > I don't need it for anything.  But I would like to have the
> > correct entry in my log.  Can someone answer my question without
> > chastising me?
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Al, VE1AL

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Re: [DXR] Rangiroa Island.

2001-04-02 Thread John and Mari Minke

loumecseri wrote:
> Need help from a knowledgeable person.
> I just worked FO0CLA on Rangiroa Island. Which DX entity this Island
> is counted for?
> Thanks a lot
> 73s
> Lou KE1F / ZF2LM

Rangiroa is part of the Tuamotu Archipelago (IOTA OC-066) and counts
as French Polynesia. Ref: IOTA Directory 2000.

73 de John N6JM

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