[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #641

2003-08-15 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   16 August 2003  No 641
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3V - Some 20 operators will be active as TS7N from the Kerkennah  Islands
  (AF-073) between  19 November  and 1  December. They  will run  five
  stations on all bands and modes and will participate in the CQ WW DX
  CW Contest as a Multi-Two entry. QSL via DL9USA. [TNX DJ7IK]
7Q - Allan, G0IAS reports that Harry, 7Q7HB (G0JMU) is back to Malawi for
  at least a couple of months. QSL direct only to G0IAS.
7Q - Ely, IN3VZE will be active once  more as 7Q7CE  from Malawi on  4-21
  September. QSL  direct  only  via home  call  (Ely  Camin,  Corso  3
  Novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy). [TNX IN3VZE]
9G - Once again Henk, PA3AWW will be working at Dormaa Hospital in Ghana.
  Look for him to be active as 9G1AA  in his free time from 30  August
  to 12 September. QSL via home call. [TNX PA3AWW]
9V-  S61FD is  the  special call  to  be aired  from  St.  John's  Island
  (AS-019, WWL OJ11wf), Singapore on 5-8 September during a field  day
  operation organized by SARTS, the IARU member Society in  Singapore.
  Look for CW, SSB and PSK31  activity on 160-10 metres, with  special
  emphasis on 80  and 160m  at local  sunset (11.15  UTC) and  sunrise
  (23.05 UTC).  QSL  direct (SARTS,  Robinson  Road,  P.O.  Box  2728,
  Singapore 904728, Singapore) or via the bureau. [TNX 9V1RH]
9Y - Chris, DL1MGB will  be active  as either  9Y4/DL1MGB (especially  on
  RTTY and the  WARC bands)  and 9Y4TBG  in contest  (during the  IARU
  Region 1 Field Day - SSB and the WAEDC SSB) from Tobago (SA-009)  on
  4-18 September. QSL 9Y4TBG via DL4MDO, QSL 9Y4/DL1MGB via home call.
C3 - Twelve operators from Andorra and Spain will participate in the IARU
  Region 1  Field  Day  (6-7 September)  from  Pic  Maia  (2614m  ASL,
  JN02UN), Andorra. They will operate as  C37URA on 2 metres  (144.345
  MHz), on  1.2  GHz as  C31PM  and via  satellite  as  C31US.  E-mail
  Enrique, EA1RX ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for skeds. [TNX EA1RX]
CE - Atacama Desert  DX Group  members  CE1FLS, CE1RQB,  CE1URH,  CE1VBH,
  CE6TBN, XQ1IDM, XQ4ZW, CA2WUI and CD0906  will operate as 3G2D  from
  Damas Island (SA-086, DICE ICE-201) on  17-19 October. They plan  to
  run three  stations 24  hours a  day on  160-6  metres CW,  SSB  and
CE0_ei - Look for CE0Y/SP9PT  and CE0Y/SP9EVP to  operate from Easter  Island
  (SA-001) from 17 October to 1 November. They will be active on  80-6
  metres CW, maybe with some PSK, RTTY and SSTV. On 1-8 November  they
  expect to  sign  CE3/SP9PT/m and  CE3/SP9EVP/m  while  visiting  the
  Atacama Desert. QSL via home calls. [TNX SP9EVP]
CT - Special station  CQ0RLH will  be activated  on 17  August from  Roca
  Ligthouse (ARLHS POR-007, DFP FES-001). Look for activity on 40, 20,
  17, 15 and 10 metres SSB. QSL via CT2GZB. [TNX CT2GZB]
EA6- Andy, DL8LAS  reports he  will be  active  as EA6/DL8LAS  (on  10-80
  metres mostly  CW, RTTY  and PSK)  from  Mallorca (EU-004)  on  8-20
EA8- EH8ACW/p is the call to be used on  6 metres by the Gran Canaria  DX
  Group during  their 16-17  August activity  from the  lighthouse  at
  Punta de La Aldea [425DXN 639].  On HF they will be signing  ED8LPA.
  QSL via bureau or to EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN]
ER - Special station ER27A will  be active on  20-27 August to  celebrate
  the Independence  Day of  Moldova. QSL  via ER1DA  either direct  or
  through the bureau. [TNX ER1DA]
FS - Gregg, W6IZT reports he will operate SSB and CW as FS/W6IZT from  on
  St. Martin (NA-105)  from 23  August to  1 September.  QSL via  home
G  - Look for GB2BML to be aired (on  160-10m plus 2 metres, SSB, CW


2003-06-01 Thread Mauro Pregliasco
   G8JM  763
57ON4FU 942 132   W5KN  842 207   G3SJX 762
57OZ4RT 942 133   K3FN  841 207   VE3LYC762
57WB9EEE942 134   W6ED  839 209   DK8UH 761
60VE7IG 939 135   GW3ARS836 210   CT1UD 760
60VE7IU 939 136   I4EAT 835 210   DL1BKK760
62N5JR  937 137   IK4CWP834 210   G3PMR 760
62VE3LDT937 137   W3KH  834 210   JA1QXY760
64W4DKS 935 139   W2JZK 833 214   W0BBT 759
65W1DIG 932 140   SM6CAS832 215   N4QQ  758
66DF2NS 931 141   DL2SCQ829 215   UA9YE 758
67DL6MI 929 141   ON4QP 829 217   PY5PS 756
68ZL1ARY927 143   G0LRJ 828 218   G3HSR 753
69K8SIX 926 144   N5ET  827 218   IK4HLU753
70HA0DU 924 145   I8LEL 826 220   DL2NES751
71DL1SDN923 146   K5MK  825 220   G3UAS 751
72G3NUG 922 147   JF1SEK822 220   WT2O  751
73N5UR  921 148   S52KM 821 223   DL5MU 750
74SM0AJU920 149   WF1N  818 223   G3HTA 750
75VK9NS 918 150   K1HTV 817

Listing in the 2003 tables was  restricted to those  members who had  updated
their scores since February 1998. This implemented the new rule in the latest
IOTA Directory that  limits inclusion in  the listings to  those members  who
update their scores at least once every five years. This change did not  have
a major effect on the Honour Roll where almost all members had updated in the
last five years,  but it led  to some  reduction in  the size  of the  Annual

Lapsed members should  note that their  records on the  IOTA database  have
been amended to reflect changes in Directory 2000 arising from the  splitting
of a  number of  island groups.  This reminder  applies additionally  to  any
member who had  not converted his/her  record to the  revised island  listing
during the  last two  years. The  maximum 19  credits concerned  were  either
confirmed or repositioned where HQ knew  the correct group or, failing  that,
were deleted. Checkpoints should  be able to  provide information on  revised
scores to enable replacement card action to be taken.

All members  should be  reminded that  the final  decision on  acceptance  of
credits is made at  IOTA HQ and  that this can  mean downward adjustments  to
scores  at  any  time  to  reflect  corrections  of  one  sort  or   another.
Data-cleansing work is  on-going and covers  every member's complete  record,
not just the latest credits added. Although efforts are made to alert members
to score changes, this cannot be  guaranteed to happen in each case.  Members
who are intent on monitoring their record closely should check their credited
score in the  performance tables when  published or, alternatively,  directly
with their checkpoints AFTER their data has been recorded at HQ.

Remember, the line of communication is via your checkpoint, so PLEASE do  not
route queries direct to IOTA HQ  or the IOTA Manager.  Always check first  to
see if the answer is in IOTA Directory 2000 or IOTA Directory - 11th Edition.

IOTA enthusiasts are reminded that the last date for mailing applications  or
updates to  checkpoints for  inclusion  in the  2004  Honour Roll  and  other
performance tables is 1 February  2004. If postmarked  after that date,  they
will be processed in the normal way but the  scores will be held over to  the
following year's listing. It is important  that members who have not  updated
since the  1999 annual  listings and  wish to  remain  listed should  make  a
submission on or before 1 February 2004.

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
RSGB IOTA Committee Member

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
DX-NEWS  http://njdxa.org/dx-news
DX-CHAT: http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news%40pro-usa.net

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News Magazine

2003-01-05 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

Dear Friends,

 as you may know, 425 DX News is not only a weekly bulletin,
but has been a monthly magazine for some time now. The monthly magazine
(in colour) also includes pictures, articles, tables etc. that
cannot be published in the weekly bulletins.

 If interested, the latest issue of the monthly magazine (including
articles on ZL7C, CY0MM and a WRTC 2002 write up by OH2BH), as well as
the General Index for 2002, can be freely downloaded now in either .pdf
and/or .doc formats at

 Suggestions, advice, articles and photographs are welcome!

 Thank you for the attention, de

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
DX-NEWS  http://njdxa.org/dx-news
DX-CHAT: http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news%40pro-usa.net

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News * CQWW SSB

2002-10-25 Thread Mauro Pregliasco
 (SOSB 10 metres LP). QSL direct via JH6QIL
   (Shin-Ichi Kusumoto, 1777-289, Nishi-Mochida, Aira-cho,  Kagoshima,
   899-5431 Japan).
ZONE 27 - JA1WSX, JS1DLC, W6TBS, JA1MRM and JA1LZR from 8N1OGA, the JARL 75th
   anniversary station on Ogasawara. QSL via JA1MRM.
ZONE 27 - A group  of  operators from  the  Guam Contest  Club  (namely  Aki,
   JI3ERV/NH2C;   Toshi,   JR7OMD/WI3O;   Kou,   JH7QXJ   and   Osamu,
   JR8VSE/NH2N) as  AH2R  (Multi-Single) from  Guam.  QSL  via  JH7QXJ
   either direct or through the JARL bureau.
ZONE 27 - JF1SQC, JP1NWZ  and JE1JKL  as  KH0AA (Multi-Single)  from  Saipan.
   QSL via JA5DQH.
ZONE 27 - Wata, JH1EAQ as T88EA (SOAB HP)  from Palau. QSL via JH1EAQ  either
   direct or through the JARL bureau.
ZONE 27 - Sho, JA7HMZ as V63B (SOAB) from Pohnpei, Micronesia. QSL via JA7AO.
ZONE 31 - N0HJZ as KH6/N0HJZ (SOAB LP). QSL via home call.
ZONE 32 - AH6HY/AH8 from Pago Pago, American Samoa. QSL via home call.
ZONE 32 - ZK1MA and a group of operators from Canada and the US as ZK1MA from
   Manihiki, North Cook Islands. QSL via W7TSQ.
ZONE 32 - ZL7C from the Chatham Islands. QSL via ZL4HU.
ZONE 33 - Jim, W7EJ as CN2R (SOAB) from Morocco. QSL via W7EJ.
ZONE 33 - OH4XX, OH6RX,  OH6LNI, DK5TX  and DJ6QT  as CT9L  (Multi Single  or
   Multi-Two) from Madeira. QSL via DJ6QT.
ZONE 33 - OH0XX, OH1MA, OH1RY, OH2BH, OH2JTE, OH2MM,  OH2PM, OH2TA and  their
   host Manolo,  EA8ZS  as EA8ZS  from  the Canary  Islands  with  six
   transceivers and so  many Finnish Antenna  beams that they  cannot
   count for.
ZONE 33 - The Tikirriki Contest  Club as IH9P (Multi-Multi) from  Pantelleria
   Island, African Italy. QSL via KR7X.
ZONE 35 - F6HLC as 6W/F6HLC (SOAB LP) from Senegal. QSL via home call.
ZONE 35 - Al, 4L5A as D4B (SOAB) from Cape Verde. QSL via IK3HHX.
ZONE 35 - Pat, I8QLS/TY2LS  (10m), Piero  W1NA/I8CZW  (15m) and  Gino,  I8ULL
   (20m) from Benin. QSL via I8ACB.
ZONE 36 - Pat, F6BLQ/9Q1A as 9S1X from the Democratic Republic of Congo.  QSL
   via F2YT.
ZONE 36 - Jim, N6TJ as ZD8Z from Ascension Island. QSL direct only via VE3HO.
ZONE 38 - Announced  operations  by  the  Amateur Radio Interest Group (ARIG)
   include  ZS0M  and  ZS6DDX (the  latter from the  top  of  Spionkop
   Mountain). QSLs via the bureau.

OPDX Bulletin, PA5EA, SV1DNW, The Daily DX, W2SUQ,  W3LEO, W4WX,  W5UE, W9NY,

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
DX-NEWS  http://njdxa.org/dx-news
DX-CHAT: http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news%40pro-usa.net

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #588

2002-08-09 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   10 August 2002   No 588
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The  425  DX  News  monthly  edition   (July  issue)  is  now  available   at
http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/ and can be downloaded in  either .pdf or  .doc
format. The deadline for sending articles and pictures to be published in the
next issue is  29 August. Please  contact Maurizio Bertolino,  i121171/IZ1CRR
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for the details.

3B8  - Fujio, JA0JEY/K1WP and Tsutuo, JA0QBY plan to be active (on  80-10
metres SSB and CW plus Satellite AO-40) as 3B8/K1WP and 3B8/JA0QBY
from Mauritius  (AF-049)  on 14-20  August.  QSL via  home  calls,
either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JA0QBY]
3V   - Paulo, CT1ETE plans to be active (SSB only) from the Scout  Center
in Borj-Cedria using the club's call  3V8CB. The activity will  be
only will take place on 12 or 13 August (one day only) during  the
local daylight hours. QSL via DL1BDF (direct only). [TNX CT1ETE]
9A   - Look for Boro,  9A3KB/p to be  active from  Kotez (Kozada)  Island
(EU-110, CI-181) from  7.30 UTC until  10 UTC on  10 August.  [TNX
9A   - Karel/OK1FBH, Martin/OK1FZM and  Petr/OK1DSM will  be active  from
Cres Island (EU-136, IOCA CI-012) on  12-19 August. They are  also
planning a side trip to activate the lighthouse (LH-2527, CRO-020)
on Zaglav Island (CI-225) during that time frame. [TNX 9A6AA]
A2  7P  - Hide, JM1LJS reports he will be  active as A25LJ from Botswana  on
11-13 August and  as 7P8?? (requested  call 7P8LJ)  from on  14-16
August. He  will operate  on 20-10  metres SSB  and CW.  QSLs  via
C6   - Al, K3TKJ will be active (on 40-6 metres  on both SSB and CW on  6
and SSB  only on  the other  bands) as  C6ALW from  Andros  Island
(NA-001) from 14 August to 18 September. [TNX The Daily DX]
CT   - Look for CS5E to be active on 20,  15 and 10 metres SSB from  Guia
Lighthouse (ARLHS POR-024,  DFP FES-05)  from 9  to 19  UTC on  17
August. QSL via bureau. [TNX CT1ECT]
CT   - A group of operators from Alto Minho (Portugal) will be active  as
CQ0GIL from the hospital ship Gil Eannes on 17-19 August. QSL  via
operators' instructions. [TNX CT1EDA]
FG   - FG/IK2XDE  (Andrea),  FG/IK2JYT (Giovanni),  FG/IK2HAB (Mario) and
FG/IW2MVS (Luigi) will be  QRV  for Europe at 4 UTC  on 10 August.
Look for them on +/- 7.085.  The Team is active from Terre de Haut
(DIFO FG-011),  Les Saintes Islands (NA-114)  till 17 August.  QSL
via  home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK2JYT]
HL   - The Gwangju DX Club will operate  (on all HF  bands, plus VHF  and
UHF) as 6L0NJ/4 from  Soan Island (AS-085)  between 14 August  (10
UTC) and  16 August  (24 UTC).  QSL via  DS4AEN either  direct  or
through the KARL bureau. [TNX HL4XM]
I- Operators from Salento DX Team will  participate in the ILLW  from
the lighthouse (WLH LH-075, ARLHS  ITA-084) on Sant'Andrea  Island
(EU-091, IIA LE-001). They plan to operate on HF and 6 metres  SSB
and CW. [TNX IK7JWX]
I- Frank, IZ7AUH  will be active  (on 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB)  from
Chianca d'Abramo Island (EU-091; IIA LE-017) on 12 August. QSL via
home call direct either direct  (Francesco Giacoia,  P.O.Box 224 -
TA-05, 74100 Taranto - TA, Italy)  or through the bureau.  The web
page for the activity is at http://www.iz7auh.com [TNZ IZ7AUH]
IS0  - Special  event  station  IS0AX  will  be  operated  from  Tortoli,
Sardinia  (EU-024)  on   10  August.  QSL   cards  will  be   sent
automatically through the bureau. [TNX IS0JMA]
JA   - Look for Samy,  JR8KJR/8 to be  active (on 6,  10, 12,  15 and  17

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #587

2002-08-02 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   03 August 2002No 587
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3B8 - Look for Laurent, 3B8/F5AEG to be  active (on 10, 15 and 20  metres
   SSB) from Mauritius (AF-049) on 3-20 August. He will try to operate
   from a lighthouse located on one of the smaller islands surrounding
   Mauritius during the ILLW on 17-18  August. QSL via F5AEG. [TNX  La
   Gazette du DX]
3D2_rot - Stephane, J28VS will operate (on all HF bands SSB) as 3D2VS/p  from
   Rotuma (OC-060) between 30 August and 5 September and as 3D2VS from
   Suva (OC-016), Fiji Islands on 6-11 September. QSL via F6KHM either
   direct or through the bureau. [TNX J28VS]
4J  - Yannick, F6FYD (President of Clipperton DX  Club) and Gerard,  F2VX
   will be in Baku, Azerbaijan on 6-23 August. Yannick will operate as
   4J0FR (QSL via F6FYD) while Gerard will use the club call 4K7W (QSL
   via operator's instructions). They will be  active on all bands  CW
   and SSB. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
5X  - Jay, K4ZLE/5X2A  is  in Uganda  until  11 August.  This  is  not  a
   DXpedition and most operation will be  during his late  night/early
   morning hours. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
7Q  - Ely, IN3VZE  will be  active again  as 7Q7CE  from Malawi  from  22
   September to 8 October. QSL via home call either direct (Ely Camin,
   Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 38100  Trento - TN,  Italy) or through  the
   bureau. [TNX IN3VZE]
8Q  - Emanuela, IZ2ELV  will operate  (on 10  and 20  metres SSB  with  a
   dipole) as 8Q7LY from Velavaru, Maldives (AS-013) on 21-31  August.
   QSL via bureau to her home call. [TNX IZ2ELV].
9A  - A large group of Dutch  amateurs will be  going to Qawra  (JM75FV),
   Malta (EU-023) for their 15th holiday/DXpedition. They will operate
   as 9H9PA from 16 September until 6 October on all modes 40-6 metres
   (also on 80 and 160 metres  if they can find a  good place for  the
   antennas) and VHF. QSL via PA7DX (Anton Kerkhof, Blaublomke 2, 8401
   MG Gorredijk, The Netherlands). The operators will be  Sietse/PA1XA
   (9H3AAG), Peter/PA7PTR  (9H3TE),  Ton/PA1SL  (9H3AB),  Louis/PA0LRK
   (9H3LRK), Rob/PE9PE  (9H3PE),  Frits/PA0BEA  (9H3IE),  Andre/PA3HGP
   (9H3S),  Hans/PA3FYG  (9H3AAL),  Jaap/PE1NGF  (9H3X),   Bill/PA3BIZ
   (9H3ON),  Ger/PA0OI  (9H3OI),  Sjirk/PE1OFJ  (9H3YM),  Barry/PA3FEO
   (9H3QF), and Ruben/PD3RUB (9H3ZR). QSL for the individual 9H3s  via
   home   calls.   Logs   and   pictures   will   be   availableat
   http://www.vrza.nl [TNX PA3BIZ]
9M2 - Keith, GM4YXI plans to  be active as  9M2/GM4YXI from Ketam  Island
   (AS-074) on  9-11 August  and from  Babi Besar  Island (AS-046)  on
   16-19 August, while the weekend of 24-25 August is 'open'. He  will
   operate on 20, 17, 15, 12  and 10 metres using  the usual IOTA  SSB
   frequencies and around 14040, 18088, 21040, 24910 and 28040 kHz  on
   CW, with  100  watts and  vertical  antennas.  Keith  will  lookout
   specifically for openings to NA, especially the east coast. QSL via
   Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres  Dr, Sioux City,  IA 51108, USA.  Kim
   and Steve Larson (N3SL) also have the logs for Keith's previous 9M2
   activity  (see  http://www.qsl.net/n3sl/manager.htm).  Last  minute
   issues may cause a change of  plan, check http://www.gm7v.com/  for
   updates. [TNX GM4YXI]
C5  - John, G4IRN will  be active as  C56/G4IRN from The  Gambia on  6-13
   September. He will operate mainly CW on 10-80 metres with 100 watts
   and wire antennas. QSL via G4IRN. [TNX NG3K]
C5  - Juha, OH9MM will celebrate his 30th  birthday (28 November) with  a
   special Multi/Multi  or  Multi/Single  operation  from  The  Gambia
   during the CQ WW CW Contest (23-24 November). Before and after

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #585

2002-07-25 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

 20 July 2002  No 585
*** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
 Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

This  issue is shorter than usual as it was prepared   
before your  editors left for their summer holidays.   
  Many thanks to Maurizio, IZ1CRR/I1-21171 for posting it. 

9A - Oto, 9A4OP plans to operate as 9A4OP/p from 23 (!) Croatian  islands
  in two weeks  starting on  24 July.  His itinerary  is available  at
  http://www.inet.hr/9a6aa under next activities. All of the islands
  count for  EU-170,  except Zecevo  (IOCA  CI-147),  which  does  not
  qualify for IOTA. [TNX 9A6AA]
9A - Frano, 9A5V will be active  in the IOTA  Contest from Sipan   island
  (EU-016, IOCA CI-122). QSL via home call. [TNX 9A7N]
9A - Boris, 9A2JY  will  be active  from the Korcula island (EU-016, IOCA
  CI-041) from 20 July until 20 August (IOTA Contest  included). He is
  also planning to activate some anothers Croatian islands during that
  time (details on http://www.inet.hr/9a6aa). [TNX 9A6AA]
9M - Ian, G3TMA will  participate in the  IOTA Contest  as 9M6A  (OC-088)
  from the Hillview Gardens Resort. QSL via N2OO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
CE - Marco, CE6TBN  (http://www.qsl.net/ce6tbn) will  participate in  the
  IOTA Contest as CE6TBN/p from Mocha  Island (SA-061, DICE  ICE-601).
CN - Giorgio, I2JSB (SSB) and Marco, IK2IQV (CW) will be active as  5C2MI
  from Mogador Island (AF-065) on 23-30  July, IOTA Contest  included.
  Outside the constest they will concentrate  on the WARC bands and  6
  metres (WWL IM50CM). QSL direct only to I2JSB (Giorgio Savini,  P.O.
  Box 55, 20089 Rozzano - MI, Italy). [TNX I2JSB]
EA8- Look for  EA8BWW to  participate in  the  IOTA Contest  from  Gomera
  Island (DIE S-014),  Canary Islands  (AF-004). QSL  via EA8AG.  [TNX
EI - Operators from the Limerick Radio Club  will be active as EJ0A  from
  Inisheer (EU-006) on 19-21 July.  QSL via EI8EM  or W2ORA. [TNX  The
  Daily DX]
EI - A group of operators from Ireland and England (namely EI3JE,  EI8GS,
  EI4BZ, EI6BT, EI8IR, M0XXX, G0WKW and G7ORR) will participate in the
  IOTA Contest as EI7M from the  main island (EU-115). QSL via  EI6HB.
  [TNX NG3K]
F  - Laurent, F8BBL  will be  active (CW  only) from  Madame (not  IOTA),
  Oleron (EU-032), Aix (EU-032) and Re  (EU-032) islands on 10-11  and
  17-18 August. Look for F8BBL/QRP/P on  +/- 7030 and 14060 kHz.  [TNX
FR - Patrick, FR5FD has announced his participation  in the IOTA  Contest
  from Reunion Island (AF-016). QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL]
G  - A large team of operators  will participate in  the IOTA Contest  as
  G9Q from Great Britain (EU-005). QSL via G1GJK. [TNX The Daily DX]
GM - Operators from  the  Cockenzie and  Port  Seton Amateur  Radio  Club
  (http://www.cpsarc.com/) will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest  as
  GM2T from the  Isle of  Tiree (EU-008).  QSL via  GM4UYZ. [TNX  OPDX
GU - G3SJJ, G3SVL, G4DRS, G4IIY and GU0SUP  will participate in the  IOTA
  Contest as GU8D from Guernsey Island  (EU-114). QSL via G3LZQ.  [TNX
  The Daily DX]
HK0_sa - Roberto, EA4DX will be active as HK0/EA4DX from Providencia (NA-049)
  on 20-30 August. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
I  - Operators from  ARI Trieste  will be  active as  IQ3V from  Vittoria
  Lighthouse (WAIL  FV-001) on  17-18 August.  QSL via  IV3LNQ  either
  direct (Luigi Lenardon, P.O. Box 3959, 34148 Trieste - TS, Italy) or
  through the bureau. [TNX IV3LNQ]
I  - ARI Taranto members plan to operate from San Pietro (IIA TA-002, WWL
  JN80NK) in the Cheradi Islands (IJ7, EU-073) on 9-15 September. This
  activity will celebrate ARI Taranto's 35th anniversary. [TNX I7XUW]
I  - Vincenzo, IT9NVA  plans to be  active

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #584

2002-07-12 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   13 July 2002   No 584
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

9A - Martin, DL1ZU will be active (on 10-40 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and  PSK
  31) as 9A/DL1ZU from Brac Island (EU-016) on 13-27 July. [TNX DL1ZU]
9A - Zsolt, HA6PS and Laci, HA6NL will operate as 9A/homecall on all  the
  HF bands from  Pasman Island (EU-170,  IOCA CI-085)  on 23-30  July,
  IOTA Contest included. QSL via home  calls either direct or  through
  the bureau. [TNX HA6NL]
9H - Jack, RW3QC and  Igor, RN3OA  will be  active (on  80-10 metres)  as
  9H3QC and 9H3OA respectively from Malta (EU-023) on 18-31 July. Look
  for 9H3QC to participate in  the IOTA Contest.  QSL via home  calls.
9Q - Democratic Republic of  Congo's national society  (ARAC) will  enter
  the IARU HF World  Championship as 9Q0AR  (operator Pat, 9Q1A).  QSL
  via F2YT. Look for activity from Nicole, 9Q1YL and Pat, 9Q1A  before
  and after the contest. Up  to date information  on amateur radio  in
  DRC can  be  found  at  http://www.qsl.net/f6blq/9q%20news.htm  [TNX
BV - Taka, JR7TEQ  plans  to  be active  as  BV9K  from  Kueishan  Island
  (AS-155) on 26-29 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL
  via JR7TEQ. [TNX JI6KVR]
CE - Southern Cross DX Group members Nick/XQ1IDM, JP/CE4USW and Dan/XQ1ZW
  will be active  as 3G1A from  Santa Maria Island  (SA-069) on  17-19
  July. They plan to operate on all HF bands (including 30 metres, for
  which a special licence has been granted) CW, SSB, RTTY and FM  with
  three stations. Logs  will be  available at  http://www.qsl.net/3g1a
  after the  operation.  QSL via  CE4USW  either  direct  (Juan  Pablo
  Mardones, P.O. Box 128,  Talca, Chile) or  through the bureau.  [TNX
CU - Derek, G3KHZ is joining the Corvo Island (EU-089) group of operators
  [425DXN 579]. Look for CU9/G3KHZ/p to  be active from  16 July to  1
  August. QSL via home call. [TNX CT1END]
CU - GPDX (Portuguese DX Group) members CT1AHU, CT1AVC, CT1EFL and CT1EGW
  will be active with the following callsigns during their 20-30  July
  activity [425DXN 579] from the Azores:
  CT1AHU: CU2H, CU3H, CU7H (QSL via home call)
  CT1EGW: CU2W, CU3W, CU7W (QSL via home call)
  CT1EFL: CU2F, CU3F, CU7F (QSL via home call)
  CT1AVC: CU2V, CU3V, CU7V (QSL via home call)
  They plan  to operate  on all  bands SSB,  CW  and RTTY.  They  will
  participate in the IOTA Contest  as CU3I (QSL  via CS1GDX) from  the
  QTH of CU3AD and CU3EJ on EU-175. [TNX CT1END]
G  - Steve, G0CKP will participate  in the IOTA  Contest from St  Mary's,
  Isles of Scilly (EU-011). He  will be signing  M0C (the Chiltern  DX
  Club's contest callsign) on CW. QSL via G3NUG. [TNX G0CKP]
GM - Guy, F5BLC will be active from the Orkney Islands (EU-009) on  16-28
  July. He will try to be active daily before 9 UTC and around 18  UTC
  and he also hopes to be QRV during the IOTA Contest. [TNX GM3VLB]
HK0_sa - 5K0Z is the special call issued for the 16-29 July expedition to San
  Andres Island (NA-033) [425DXN 575]. QSL via DH7WW.
  operate on SSB and CW as  homecall/3  from   two sites   on   Anmyon
  Island  (AS-080)   on   26-28  July,  including activity during  the
  IOTA Contest. QSL via  HL1OYF (Duk-Nam Kim,  P.O. Box 54,  Dong-Jack
  Seoul 156-600, Korea) or via the bureau. [TNX HL1TXQ]
I  - Franco, IK4PLW plans  to operate (on  40 and 20  metres SSB and  CW)
  from the lighthouse at porto Garibaldi (WAIL ER-005) for a few hours
  on Saturday  (13 July)  morning. QSL  via  IK4PLW either  direct  or
  through the bureau. [TNX IK4PLW]
I  - Look for Walter,  IV3/IN3XUG to be  active from  Grado (EU

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #576

2002-05-17 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   18 May 2002   No 576
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

EI- John, EI4GK and Declan, EI9HQ plan  to be active  as EJ4GK and  EJ9HQ
 from Great Blasket Island  (EU-007) on 23-26  May. Operation will  be
 mainly SSB on all bands 10-80 metres, but they also hope to include a
 6m operation and some PSK31. QSL via home calls. [TNX EI4GK]
EW- Andy, W2/NP3D  will be  active (on  all bands  CW, SSB  and RTTY)  as
 EW/NP3D from Belarus on 18-27 May.  QSL via W3HNK. [TNX W2/NP3D]
F - Look for Pascal,  F8CGL/P to be  active from  Oleron Island  (EU-032,
 DIFM AT-025) on 17-24 May. QSL via home call either direct or through
 the bureau. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
F - Bernard, F5XX and the Castres DX Gang will be active (on 160-6 metres
 CW, SSB,  PSK31, RTTY)  as F5XX/P  from  Fort Brescou  (EU-148,  DIFM
 ME-001) on 23-27 May. They will participate in the CQ WPX CW  Contest
 as TM5B (MS low power). [TNX F5NQL]
I - Raul, IK8VRS will be active from the islands of Procida (EU-031,  IIA
 NA-002) and  Vivara (EU-031,  IIA NA-005)  during the  weekend.  [TNX
JA- JO1EPY has been forced to cancel his 8-10 June operation from  Tokara
 Archipelago (AS-049) [425DXN 573] due  to business commitments.  [TNX
JT- Nicola,  I0SNY  and  Gianni,  I8KGZ  will  be  active  as  JT1Y  from
 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for a couple  of weeks starting  on 21 May.  In
 late May they will take a  side trip to China  and will operate  from
 Beijing's Radio Club for 2-3 days. QSLs via I0SNY. [TNX I0SNY]
OZ- Six German operators  from the Amateur  Radio Scout Group  VCP-Bremen
 will operate as OZ1RDP from Romo  Island (EU-125) on 18-21 May.  They
 plan to be active on 80-10 metres, plus  6 and 2 metres, SSB and  CW.
OZ- Finn, OZ4EL will be active (on  80-10 metres SSB  with some CW)  from
 Sletterhage Lighthouse (DEN-043)  in central Jutland  between 25  May
 and 7 June. QSL via OZ4EL  either direct or through the bureau.  Finn
 is   thePresidentoftheDanishlighthouseSociety
 (http://home.19.inet.tele.dk/fyrtaarn)  and  Chairman  of  the  Radio
 AateurLighthouse Group Sletterhage
PY0_fn- Dennis, K7BV will be active from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) between
 24 May and 1 June, including an entry in the WPX CW Contest (possibly
 with a special call). Log and  further information will be  available
 at http://www.qth.com/k7bv/PY0F [TNX The Daily DX]
R1M   - A group of operators from Russia (including six WRTC 2002  operators,
 who will  take  advantage  of this  activity  to  simulate  the  WRTC
 competition for 24 hours) and Finland  will operate (on 10-80  metres
 SSB and CW, CQ WPX CW  Contest included) from Malyj Vysotskij  Island
 (EU-117) starting in the local evening  of 22 May. The Russians  will
 depart on 27 May, while the  Finnish team remain on the island  until
 the 30th.  Calls will  be R1MVI  (QSL via  OH2BR) and  special  calls
 R1MVC, R1MVD and R1MVF to  be used during  the WRTC simulation.  [TNX
 The Daily DX]
TI- Look for Dick, W5AA to be signing W5AA/TI8 from Costa Rica between 22
 May and 17 June. He will operate on all bands with an emphasis on 30,
 12 and 17 metres. [TNX W5AA]
TI- N0KE, W8QZA, W1XE, CX6VM and probably others will participate in  the
 upcoming CQ  WPX CW  Contest as  TI5N  from TI5KD's  contest  station
 (http://www.yantis.net/ti5kd/).  This  will  be   a  QRP  (5   watts)
 Multi-Multi operation. QSL via W3HNK.
UA- Yuri, UA9OBA  logged  some 1500  QSOs  as R3CA/0  from  Makar  Island
 (Respublika Sakha, Laptev Sea Coast East group, AS-163) on 14-15 May.
 The Polar Ring expedition is now on the coast of the East  Siberian

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #575

2002-05-11 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   11 May 2002  No 575
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3V  - Thierry, F5MSE and  Steph, F5NZY are  active as  3V8SM from  Djerba
   Island (AF-083) until 15 May. QSL via DL1BDF. [TNX F5NQL]
5W  - David, K8AA  and Ted,  K8AQM plan  to be  active (on  40-10  metres
   mainly CW and digital modes, with some SSB) from Samoa (OC-097)  on
   2-12 July. Likely calls will  be 5W0TR (K8AQM)  and 5W0AA or  5W0DL
   (K8AA). QSL both calls via K8AA. [TNX NG3K]
6Y  - Team Vertical is heading back  to Jamaica (NA-097)  for the WPX  CW
   Contest. N6BT, KE7X, WA6O, N6XG, W0YK, N6XI, and K2KW will  operate
   on 160-6 metres as homecall/6Y5 on 18-28 May. They will participate
   in the contest (25-26 May) as  6Y2A (QSL via WA4WTG) with six  1-KW
   stations. For  more information,  please visit  http://www.k2kw.com
   [TNX K2KW]
7O  - Pekka Ahlqvist, OH2YY  has been  in Sanaa,  Yemen since  7 May.  He
   applied for permission  to operate amateur  radio during his  visit
   and he received  a written confirmation,  dated 23  April 2002,  to
   import and operate  his radio equipment.  He has  been active  (SSB
   only) as 7O/OH2YY during his free time. Pekka will be in Yemen till
   late night on 11 May. QSL via OH2YY (Pekka Ahlqvist,  Vapaalanpolku
   8B, 01650 Vantaa, Finland). [TNX NG3K]
7O  - Chris Lorek, G4HCL was scheduled to  return to Sanaa, Yemen, on  11
   May [425DXN 574], but his visit  has been postponed by a few  days.
   He will be working in Yemen and  plans activity in his own time  on
   Saturday and Sunday only. This may  be 18 and 19  May, but is  more
   likely to be 25 and 26 May. He will be operating using equipment at
   Yemenia (Yemen Arab Airways) at Sanaa International Airport,  using
   1kW to  a  professional antenna  system.  He has  applied  for  the
   callsign 7O1YA  (Yemen  Airways) or  7O1CL.  Chris will  be  active
   primarily on 10, 15 and 20  metres SSB, but  with some activity  on
   the other bands  and possibly also  on PSK31. There  will be no  CW
   activity. Look for Chris on the following frequencies: 3790,  7045,
   14145, 18125, 21275, 24975 and  28475 kHz SSB  and around 14080  or
   21080 kHz on  PSK31. QSL via  G4HCL (P.O. Box  400, Eastleigh  SO53
   4ZF, England). [TNX G4JVG]
7X  - Mirek, 9V1XE will be again in Algeria on 13-28 May. He will operate
   as 7X0DX on 160-10 metres during  his limited free time,  typically
   after 16 UTC and before 5 UTC. He hopes to be able to spend Fridays
   (17 and 24 May) on the bands. He  will also have a portable set  up
   for  AO40.   QSL  via   DL4DBR   either  direct   (Teddy   Barczyk,
   Pappelstrasse 34, 58099 Hagen, Germany) or through the DARC bureau.
   Updates on  his  activities  and  on-line  logs  are  available  at
7X  - Steve, OM3JW confirms that the 7W4HI IOTA expedition to the Habibas
   Islands (AF-???) [425DXN 573] will take place from 14 May (in their
   early evening) until the 18th. QSL  via OM3CGN either direct  (Ivan
   Gombos, P.O. Box  55, 97901 Rimavska  Sobota, Slovakia) or  through
   the bureau.
9K  - A group of operators from the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society will  be
   active as 9K2F from Failaka Island  (AS-118) on 22-31 May. QSL  via
   9K2RA either direct or through the bureau. [TNX 9K2HN]
CY9 - An operation from  St. Paul Island  (NA-094) is  scheduled to  take
   place from 29 June through 8  July. The operation will feature  two
   full time stations  - one  for 6 metres (it  will only transmit  on
   50.157 kHz listening  up) and one  for HF  (given the  time of  the
   year, no  operation is  planned for  80 and  160 metres)  - but  an
   attempt is being made  to add

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #574

2002-05-03 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   4 May 2002 No 574
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The monthly edition  (April issue,  including an  article by  Sri, VU2SBJ  on
Sacrifice Rock, AS-161)  is now  available at  http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/
and can be downloaded in either .pdf or .doc format.
Other updates on our web site include:
- April Spots from OH2AQ webcluster (tnx Rod, VE3IRF)
- TopBand/Mode/List by Erminio, I2EOW
- Software by UA1AAF for the ARI DX Contest (4-5 May)
- XR0X movie clips [TNX I8NHJ]

3V - Giovanni/I5JHW, Sergio/I5NSR  and Piero/IK5CKL  will participate  in
  the ARI International DX Contest from 3V8BB. [TNX I5JHW]
7O - The following  comes  from Steve  Telenius-Lowe,  G4JVG  (Editor  of
  RadCom, the  Radio  Society of  Great  Britain  Members'  Magazine):
  Chris Lorek, G4HCL has been in Sanaa, Yemen, and has made a handful
  of contacts as 7O/G4HCL under the  direct supervision of the  Yemeni
  communications ministry. Chris returned to the UK on 1 May, but will
  be back in Yemen on 11 May for a longer stay of three weeks.  During
  this time he expects to be able  to operate on the amateur bands  by
  himself from Sanaa and other  locations in the  country. He will  be
  using an FT-990 with 100 watts to vertical or dipole antennas.  This
  is not a DXpedition, as Chris is working in Yemen, and activity will
  be in his spare time only. QSL information to be announced.
EO - Special event station EO57JS will be active from Sevastopol on  6-12
  May. QSL via KD5RBU (Alex Pinkin, 10306 Morado Cove, 359 Austin,  TX
  78759, USA). [TNX UU9CW]
EP - Stig, LA7JO/EP3UN is on his way  to Afghanistan after which he  will
  be on vacation. He  expects to return  to Iran at  the end of  June.
  [TNX WE7K]
F  - F8AKC, F8CHM and  F1ULO will  be signing  TM1B on  6-80 metres  from
  Belle Island (EU-048) on 8-12 May. [TNX The Daily DX]
F  - Ronan/F5TJP (HF operator), Yan/F0DSJ and Dimitri/F0DSK will  operate
  from four DIFM islands as follows:  Ile des Pins (DIFM MA-058) on  9
  May, Ile Yvinec (DIFM MA-057) on  10 May, Ile Bruc (DIFM MA-068)  on
  11 May, Ile du  Renard (DIFM MA-077)  on 12 May.  Side trips to  Ile
  Grande (DIFM MA-016)  and Ile  Aganton (DIFM  MA-076) are  possible.
HL - Celebrating the 17th  FIFA World Football  (soccer) Cup, the  Korean
  Amateur Radio League (KARL) is operating special event call  HL17FWC
  through 30  May. During  the championship,  from 31  May through  30
  June, the following special calls  will be aired  to honour the  ten
  host  cities  in  Korea:  DT1FWC  (Seoul),  DT2FWC  (Busan),  DT3FWC
  (Daegu),  DT4FWC  (Incheon),  DT5FWC  (Gwangju),  DT6FWC  (Daejeon),
  DT7FWC  (Ulsan),  DT8FWC   (Suwon),  DT9FWC   (Jeonju)  and   DT0FWC
  (Seogwipo).Detailedinformation canbefound at
  http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/en/da/ QSLs for all via HL0HQ  (Korean
  Amateur Radio League, C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul, Korea).
  During the same time frame, individual operators will be allowed  to
  use the figure  17 in  their prefix  as follows:  HL1ABC =  HL17ABC,
  DS#ABC = DS17ABC/#  (e.g. DS1ABC  = DS17ABC/1),  6K#ABC =  6K17ABC/#
  (e.g. 6K2ABC = 6K17ABC/2),  while club stations  will be allowed  to
  replace the 0 (zero) in their  prefix with 17 (e.g. DS0AB =  DS17AB,
  6K0AB = 6K17AB etc).
  KARL sponsors a special award programme for working HL17FWC and  the
  other stations  above;  for full  information  please  contact  Lee,
I  - I0CUT, I0JBL, IK0LNN, IK0NFV, IK0PEA, IK0SME, IZ0BXZ and others will
  participate  in   the  ARI   International   DX  Contest   as   IQ0N
  (Multi-Single). QSL via

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #573

2002-04-26 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   27 April 2002   No 573
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3DA0 - Hide, JM1LJS will be active (on 40-6 metres SSB and CW) as  3DA0LJ
from Swaziland on 1-4 May.  He might operate (on 40 metres SSB and
CW) also from Botswana (probably as A25/JM1LJS) for a few hours on
30 April. QSL via home call. The web page for the operation is  at
at http://radio-dream.com/3da0lj/ [TNX JM1LJS]
7X   - Steve, OM3JW reports that the operation  from the Habibas  Islands
(AF-???) [425DXN 555] is scheduled to take place on 14-18 May. The
operators will  be 7X2RO,  7X2YL,  7X2ZL, 7X2SA,  DL7FER,  OM3CGN,
OM2DX and OM3JW; they will  be active as  7W4HI with two  stations
barefoot, verticals and dipoles. The QSL  route will be  announced
8Q   - Seven operators from  Japan will be  active (on  80-10 metres  CW,
SSB, RTTY, PSK31  and SSTV) from  the Maldives  (AS-013) on  10-15
May. They will also operate on 6 metres (beacon at 50120 kHz, when
you hear it call on 50125 kHz).  The calls will be 8Q7NK (QSL  via
JA2AAU), 8Q7FO (QSL  via JR2FOR),  8Q7HS (QSL  via JA2AZX),  8Q7IC
(QSL via JA2AIC), 8Q7JA (QSL via  JA2ALN), 8Q7MI (QSL via  JJ2KYT)
and 8Q7TE (QSL via JA2ATE). [TNX JA1ELY]
9A   - Nicola, IK3JLS reports he will be  active as 9A/IK3JLS (QRP)  from
Krk Island (EU-136) on 1-5  May. He will  operate on 10-40  metres
mainly CW, typically around 7, 12  and 21 UTC.  QSL via bureau  to
9A   - Look for Sylvain, 9A/F5TLN and Bernard,  9A/F5LPY to operate  from
from Korcula Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-041)  on 4-5 May. [TNX  9A6AA
and F6GKD]
9M6  - Tada, JA1WPX  will  be active  as  9M6/JA1WPX  from  East  Malysia
between 28 April and 3 May.  He hopes operate  on 40-6 metres  CW,
SSB, FM and possibly RTTY. [TNX JA1ELY]
9N   - Kaz, JA8MWU will be  staying in Katmandu,  Nepal between 29  April
and 3 May. He hopes to operate as 9N7WU on 20, 17, 15, 12, 10  and
6 metres, SSB only. QSL via to home call. [TNX JA1ELY]
BY   - Jiangsu DX  Club  operators BA4RC,  BA4TA,  BA4RD,  BA4RF,  BA4TB,
BD4RS, BD4XF, BD6BW and BD5RV will be active (on 80-6 metres, WARC
bands included, SSB, CW and PSK31)  as homecall/4 from  Dongxilian
Island  (claimed  as  counting  for  AS-135,  IOTA  status   under
investigation) on 1-3 May. All QSLs via BA4RD (Ken Wang, P. O. Box
538,  Nanjing   210005,  China).   Logs  will   be  available   at
http://www.jsdxc.org [TNX BD5RV]
C6   - John, WZ8D  will be  active as  C6AIE from  Abaco Island  (NA-080,
FL16iq), Bahamas on 3-13 June. He  will operate on 6 and 2  metres
(VHF contest included) and on other bands as well. QSL direct only
to WZ8D (John  Walker, 1930  Meredith Ln.,  Loveland, Ohio  45140,
CT   - Look  for  CT1BWW/P  and  CT2HME/P  to  be  active  from   Gibalta
Lighthouse on 11 May. QSL via bureau. [TNX CT1BWW]
DL   - Tom, DL8AAM  reports that  the Marinefernmeldeschule  (the  German
Navy Communications  School)  in Flensburg-Muerwik  (DL0MFS)  will
celebrate the 100th anniversary  on 4-5 May  with a special  Morse
transmission under their military callsign  DHJ61 on the  maritime
frequencies of 12410.5 kHz and 8443.5 kHz. Thei will also  operate
as DL0MFS on the amateur radio  bands; look for them on CW  (3565,
7025, 14052,  18095, 21052  and 28052  kHz) and  SSB (3625,  7060,
14335, 21360 and 28935 kHz). QSL DL0MFS via the DARC bureau.
DL   - Seven German  operators (namely  DH8WLA, DL1APR,  DL1APW,  DL2AXA,
DL5AOJ, DM3BJ  and  DL9NDS) will  be  active  from  Ummanz  Island
(EU-057, O-06 for the German Islands Award) on 9-13 May

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #570

2002-04-05 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   06 April 2002  No 570
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3X - Francois, VE2XO will  be active again  as 3XY8A on  15-19 April.  He
  will operate from Kassa Island (AF-051), mainly on 15 and 20  metres
  SSB and PSK31 (possibly on RTTY and  17 and 12 metres SSB as  well).
  QSL direct to VE2XO (Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe, Montreal
  QC H3T 1L4, Canada). [TNX VE2XO]
7Q - Chris, EC3ADC will operate (on 10, 12, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres)  as
  7Q7DX from Lilongwe, Malawi on 7-17 April. QSL via EA5IQ (Jose Maria
  Vives, Cø Moncada 62 6A, 46025 Valencia, Spain). [TNX I5/4063]
A4 - Operators from the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society will be  active
  (on all bands CW and SSB) as A43GI from Al Ghanam Island (AS-119) on
  12-15 April. QSL via A47RS (P.O.  Box 981, Muscat 113, Sultanate  of
  Oman). [TNX The Daily DX]
C6 - Bill, KM1E will be active as C6AGN from the Bahamas between 10 April
  and 29 May . QSL via W1DIG (for either past and future  operations).
  [TNX The Daily DX]
F  - Jean-Louis, F5TJC will  be active from  Re Island  (EU-032) on  7-14
  April [TNX La Gazette du DX]
F  - Didier, F5BJW will operate as TM2A from Noirmoutier Island  (EU-064,
  DIFM AT-020) on 13-20 April. QSL  via home call. [TNX La Gazette  du
G  - GB90MGY, the  Titanic  Wireless Commemorative  Group  special  event
  station (13-15 April) [425DXN  567], will make  a special effort  to
  work /MM contacts and will break the run of QSOs every hour, on  the
  hour, to  listen for  Maritime Mobile  stations. QSLs  will be  sent
  automatically via the bureau, but direct cards can be sent to  G3XHK
  (Alex Wickham, 1 The Laurels, 29 Sidney Road, Walton-on-Thames, KT12
  2NA, England). More information at http://www.gdrs.net/titanic [TNX
HV - Look for Vatican City station HV5PUL  (http://www.pul.it/hv5pul.htm)
  to be activated on HF bands and 6 metres on 20 April and again on 16
  May. [TNX IW0DJB]
JA - JJ2GAZ cancelled  his 30-31  March  JJ2GAZ/1 operation  from  Mikura
  Island (AS-008) [425DXN 568]  due to bad  weather. The activity  has
  been rescheduled to take place on 13-14 April and he will be  joined
  by JQ1QFO/1 and JO1LVZ/1. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
OZ - Knud, OZ2ZB (http://www.qsl.net/oz2zb) plans to go and operate  from
  three Danish islands on 11 April as follows:
  UTC  Island IOTA  DIA
  10.00TagholmeNO  NJ-015
  11.00Roenholme   NO  NJ-014
  12.00Livoe EU-171NJ-007
OZ - Look for Jacob, OZ7AEI/P to be  active from Jegindo Island  (EU-171,
  DIA NJ-006) on 13 April starting  for only one hour starting  around
  14 UTC on +/- 14260 kHz. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ7AEI]
P5 - Just in case you have missed  the announcement made on 2 April:  the
  ARRL will accept SSB contacts with  Ed Giorgadze, P5/4L4FN in  North
  Korea for DXCC credit. Ed has been active from Pyongyang since early
  November 2001 and valid SSB contacts from the onset of the  P5/4L4FN
  operation may be submitted for  DXCC credit, effective  immediately.
  Ed has received  confirmation that he  will remain  in North  Korean
  until June-July  2003. QSL  via KK5DO  (Bruce Paige,  P.O. Box  310,
  Alief,  TX  77411,  USA).  Additional  news  and  information  (logs
  included)  about   P5/4L4FN's   operation   is   available   at   at
PY - Look for  PT1G to  be active  from Grande  Island (SA-029)  until  8
  April. The  operators are  PU1NEZ  (Carl), PY1LVF  (Vieira),  PY1NEW
  (Pete), PY1NEZ (Lima) and PY1VOY (Rick).  QSL via PY1LVF (Jose  Luiz
  Vieira Fernandes, P.O.  Box 18009, 20722-970  Rio

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #569

2002-03-29 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   30 March 2002No 569
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

6W  - Jean-Louis, 6W6JX reports that operators from the Dakar Radio  Club
   will be active from Goree Island (IOTA AF045) between 30 March  and
   1 April. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX F5NQL]
9L  - Jerry, K4ZIN is going to operate  (on 10-40 metres  CW and SSB)  as
   9L1JT from Sierra Leone, with some  limited activity on 9-16  April
   and full time operations on 20-22  April. QSL via K4ZIN. [TNX  OPDX
9M6 - Taka,  JL1CHV   [425DXN  568]   will  now   operate  (probably   as
   9M6/homecall) on the HF bands from Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia  on
   29-31 March, including an entry (one day and a half) in the CQ  WPX
   SSB Contest. QSL via JL1CHV. [TNX JH1KLN]
A2  - John, G3HCT will be in Botswana on 7-20 April and plans to  operate
   as A25/G3HCT on the WARC bands CW. [TNX The Daily DX]
BV  - A group of operators from Taiwan  (namely BO2AB/2, BM2AAL,  BM2ACE,
   will be active  as BV9K and  BV2B/9 from  Kueishan (Turtle  Hill)
   Island (AS-155) between 29 March and 1 April. Operations will  take
   place on the HF bands (CW  and SSB), plus 2 and  6 metres. QSL  via
   BV2KI (Bruce Yih, P.O. Box 84-609, Taipei, Taiwan). [TNX JI6KVR]
F   - Special station TM5PDG will be activated (on 15-40 metres CW,  SSB,
   SSTV and  PSK31) from  Le Pont  du Gard  (Gard Bridge)  on 7  April
   (http://www.ref-union.org/ed30/).  QSL  to  F6KQK  via  the  French
   bureau. [TNX F5PHW]
F   - Fifteen operator from F6KOP will be  active on all bands (6  metres
   included) as TM5Y from Yeu Island (EU-064) on 7-12 May. [TNX F4BUX]
F   - Dom, F5SJB will be active again as TM5CW between 18 May and 1 June,
   including and entry  in the CQ  WW WPX  CW Contest.  QSL via  F5SJB
   either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5SJB]
F   - The Minkie  Boys (namely  Harvey/ON5SY, Hans/ON4ASG,  Wil/ON4AVA,
   Dan/ON4ON, Dries/ON6CX, Pat/ON7PQ and  Bill/ON9CGB) will be  active
   as F/homecall/p  from  Sein  Island  (EU-068,  DIFM  AT-007,  ARLHS
   FRA-066  FRA-067) on 25-29 July. They will participate in the IOTA
   Contest, probably as  TM2ON. QSL for  all via  ON4ON either  direct
   (Danny Commeyne, Rozenlaan 38, B-8890 Dadizele, Belgium) or through
   the UBA bureau. [TNX ON9CGB]
FK  - Look for Franck,  FK8HC to be  active as FK8HC/P  from Puen  Island
   (OC-032, DIFO  FK-067) on  29-31 March.  The DIFO  web page  is  at
   http://www.qsl.net/f5nod/difo.html [TNX F5NQL]
HH  - Jan, K4QD will be active  as HH4/K4QD from  Haiti (NA-096) on  8-19
   April. Jan, a member  of the Florida  DXPedition Group (FDXPG),  is
   going as a volunteer to the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission,  and
   he will operate in any spare time available. He will operate CW and
   SSB with 100 watts, a a beam on 20-10 metres and a dipole on  40-80
   metres. QSL  via K4QD  either direct  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
HL  - The operation  from the  Huksan Islands  (AS-093) [425DXN  567]  is
   confirmed to take  place on 4-7  April. Han/HL1VAU, Han/DS2GOO  and
   Chae/DS5BSX will operate as homecall/4  from Taehuksan Island  with
   two stations using wire antennas  on 10-40 metres  CW and SSB.  QSL
   for HL1VAU/4 via homecall, others via DS2GOO. The web page for  the
   operation is at http://www.qsl.net/hl1vau/as093/ [TNX HL1VAU]
I   - Walter, IN3XUG is active on 10-40 metres as IC8/IN3XUG from  Ischia
   Island (EU-031, IIA NA-001)  until 2 April.  QSL via IN3XUG  either
   direct or through the bureau. [TNX IN3XUG]
   IW9BDV and  IW9FY  will be  active

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #568

2002-03-22 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   23 March 2002No 568
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3B8 - Mart, DL6UAA (http://www.dl6uaa.de) is expected to  be active  (on
   10-80 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY)  probably as  3B8MM from  Mauritius
   starting around 25 March for some weeks. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
8Q  - Igor, RN3OA will be active (on  10-80 metres SSB  and CW) as  8Q7OA
   from the Maldives (AS-013) between 29 March and 10 April, including
   an entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via RN3OA either  direct
   (Igor Zakharov, P.O. Box 381, Voronezh, 394000, Russia) or  through
   the bureau. [TNX RN3OA]
9M9 - Look for 9M9/JL1CHV and 9M9/JM1OYV  to operate on  HF and 6  metres
   from East  Malaysia between  28 March  and 1  April. QSL  via  home
   calls. [TNX OZ6OM]
CE0_sf  - The XR0X team expects to go QRT   sometime during 26 March to  have
   everything loaded aboard ship to weight anchor at 12 (local) on the
   27th. They will make a big contest like push during the weekend and
   stay up as long as possible for  48 hours to be everywhere all  the
   time. Europeans please note that there  was a pirate  on 10m CW  at
   14.40 UTC on 21 March who worked many EUs. [TNX K6GNX]
D4  - Al, 4L5A, and  Nodir, EY8MM  are active  as D44AC  from Cape  Verde
   until 3 April. Al will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest  as
   Single Operator  on 10  metres. QSL  via  IK3HHX either  direct  or
   through the bureau. [TNX IK3HHX]
DU  - Gerard, F2JD and Yannick,  F6FYD will be  active as DU1/G0SHN  from
   Verde Island (OC-244) on 28-31 March. They plan to operate on 40-10
   metres CW and SSB with 100  watts and dipoles. QSL via F6AJA.  [TNX
F   - Alain, F5HPY will be active (on  40 and 20  metres SSB) as  F5HPY/p
   from Re Island (EU-032) on  23-24 March. He  will operate from  the
   following lighthouses:  La Flotte  (DPLF  PB 233,  ARLHS  FRA-285),
   St-Martin de Re (DPLF PB 146,  ARLHS FRA-489), Le Fier d'Ars  (DPLF
   PB 212,  ARLHS  FRA-283)  and Les  Baleines  (DPLF  PB  017,  ARLHS
   FRA-136) QSL via  F5HPY either direct  or through  the REF  bureau.
   [TNX F5NQL]
F   - Look for F8BIQ/p to be active from Yeu Island (EU-064, DIFM AT-021)
   on 23-24 March.  He will operate  from La  Petite Foule  Lighthouse
   (DPLF PB-057, ARLHS  FRA-391) on the  23rd (morning)  and from  Les
   Corbeaux  Lighthouse  (DPLF  PB-045  ARLHS  FRA-249)  on  the  24th
   (morning). [TNX F5NQL]
F   - Patrick, F6OIE will be active as TM0A from 24 March to 7 April  and
   again from  19 May  to 2  June. Outside  the WPX  Contests he  will
   operate mainly on the WARC bands. [TNX F6AJA]
H4  - Ranko, YT6A is not going to  make the Temotu trip with Nick,  VK1AA
   [425DXN 559]. This means that Nick  will have to leave part of  the
   equipment in  Honiara (H44)  and take  to H40  the most  important
   stuff only - this does not  include the WARC  antenna and RTTY  is
   also under question. Nick expects to operate as H40XX  from  Temotu
   between 24 March and 7 April and then again as H44XX from  Honiara,
   Solomon Islands until 9 April. QSL via VK1AA (Nick Hacko, P.O.  Box
   730, Parramatta  2124,  NSW,  Australia).  The  web  site  for  the
   DXpedition is at http://www.qsl.net/vk1aa/temotu/ [TNX VK1AA]
HC8 - Ramon, XE1KK will  join Trey,  N5KO from  HC8N (Galapagos,  SA-004)
   during the CQ  WW WPX  SSB Contest.  Before and  after the  contest
   Ramon will be active as HC8/XE1KK  (QSL via home call) and/or  HC8N
   (QSL via AA5BT) on HF, 6 metres and FM satellites. [TNX XE1KK]
J6  - Kirk, W8QID, will be active (on  10-80 metres, mainly CW) as  J68ID
   from St.  Lucia (NA-108)  between 21  March and  2 April.  He  will
   participate in the  CQ WW  WPX SSB

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #567

2002-03-16 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   16 March 2002 No 567
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


Mike/K9AJ, Vince/K5VT, Jim/N9TK, Kan/JA1BK and Jin/JF1IST were able to  leave
Mangareva, Gambier Islands around 4 UTC on 13 March. They arrived at Pitcairn
at 15 UTC on the 14th,  picked up the local team members  and left for  Ducie
around 1 UTC on the 15th. The voyage  should take some 30 hours, which  means
they should reach at Ducie around 7 UTC on 16 March (11 p.m. Ducie time). The
callsign for the DXpedition will be released on 16 March at about 15 UTC  and
operations will continue at least until next weekend (23-24 March).
The following  set-up plans  for the  Ducie Island  operation (there  may  be
changes depending on  the local situation)  have been provided  by the  pilot
Station A:  6m KW   4-el Yagi
 20m500W or 1KW  Four Square
 40 and/or 80m  500W or 1KW  Inverted V
Station B:  15m SSBKW   2-el phased array beam
Station C:  15m CW KW   2-el phased array beam
Station D:  10m CW (100W)   2-el phased array beam
Station E:  17/12m (100W)   Vertical
Stations A and B will share  one tent, while  stations C, D  and E will  have
their own tents.
Another   web   site   for   the   operation   has   been   establishedat

3A  - Gino, IZ1EEX/F5VHM reports he plans to operate as 3A/IZ1EEX/m  from
   Monaco on 40 and 20 metres (+/- 14250 kHz) on Saturdays and Sundays
   during the  local  afternoon. QSL  via  F5VHM either  direct  (Gino
   Farina, La Plage du Cap Bat.  A3, 231 avenue  de la Plage,  06190
   Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France) or through the REF bureau.
3V  - DL1BDF, DL1BDI and  JH4RHF will visit  five Tunisian amateur  radio
   clubs to give technical support. They plan to be active from 3V8CB,
   3V8SJ, 3V8SQ,  3V8SF  and 3V8SM  between  27 March  and  13  April,
   including an  entry  in  the  CQ WW  WPX  SSB  Contest  from  3V8CB
   (operated by Jun, JH4RHF). QSLs for  all via DL1BDF (direct).  [TNX
5W  - Tommy, VK2IR and Bruce, VK2KLM of the International Radio DX  Group
   confirm they  will be  active as  5W0IR from  Upolu, Samoa  Islands
   (OC-097) between  28 March  and 3  April  [425DXN 563].  They  will
   operate on all bands 80 through 6  metres, SSB only.  The web  site
   fortheoperation, withon-line logs,is at
   http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/5w0ir.html QSL direct only to VK2IR (Tommy
   Horozakis, P.O. Box 1, South Bexley, Sydney, NSW 2207,  Australia).
7X  - Mirek, SP5IXI/9V1XE [425DXN 455] has finally received his permanent
   7X0DX. He will  be leaving his  present QTH  on 18  March and  will
   operate (on 10-40 metres) until the  late hours of the 17th or  the
   early morning of the 18th. There is possibility that I will return
   here againin the  future,  he says,  as  the project  is  not
   completed as yet.  QSL via  DL4DBR either  direct (Teddy  Barczyk,
   Pappelstrasse 34,  58099   Hagen,  Germany)  or  through  the  DARC
   bureau. Updates  will  be posted  at  http://www.7x0.sp5zcc.waw.pl/
   [TNX 7X0DX]
9A  - Emir, 9A6AA will be active on 10-80 metres from  Kanula  Lighthouse
   (CRO-064, LH-1430,  CLH-047, WWL  JN82GS) on  the island  of  Susac
   (EU-016, IOCA  CI-109) on  23-30 March.  QSL  via home  call  (Emir
   Mahmutovic,  Slovenska  15,  HR-1  Zagreb,  Croatia).  Log  and
   pictures will be available at http://www.qsl.net/9a6aa [TNX 9A6AA]
9M2 - Rich, G4ZFE will operate (CW only) as 9M2/G4ZFE/p from Ketam Island
   (AS-074) on 15-17  March. Look for  him on  10, 15,  20 metres  and
   possibly on  the WARC

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #566

2002-03-10 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   9 March 2002  No 566
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The monthly edition (17 full colour  pages, with pictures, graphs, maps  etc)
is now  available at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/ and can be downloaded  in
either .pdf (1,2 Mb) or .doc (2,9 Mb) format.

3W - The first DXpedition  to Cham Island  (AS-???) [425DXN  547] is  now
  scheduled to take place on 13-18 March, with two stations active  on
  160 through 6 metres SSB and CW. The team include Yuki/JI6KVR  (team
  leader), Shu/JA6IEF, Hau/3W2LI and his son 3W2KA; they will  operate
  as XV3C, 3W3C, 3W2LI/3 and 3W2KA/3 respectively. QSL XV3C via  EA5KB
  (Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O. Box  5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain)  QSL
  3W3C via EA5RM (Antonio Gonzalez, P.O. Box 930, 03280 Elche,  Spain)
  QSL both 3W2LI/3  and 3W2KA/3 to  Trinh Hau,  No 4  Dong Xoai,  F13,
  Tanbinh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The web site for the  DXpedition
  is at http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage25.htm Questions before the
  activitystarts canbe sentto Yuki, JI6KVR
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]); the pilot stations for the operation will
  be Toni, EA5RM  for Europe  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Ernesto,  LU4DPO
  for South America ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Cezar, VE3LYC for  North
  America ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Contributions can  be sent to  JI6KVR,
  as well as EA5KB and EA5RM. [TNX JI6KVR]
3W - 3W3M is the call issued to Jack, F6BUM for his forthcoming  activity
  from Vietnam [425DXN  557]. He  confirms his  itinerary as  follows:
  14-16 March from Tam Island (AS-157),  21-23 March from Cham  Island
  (AS-???) and  3-5 April from  Cat Ba Island  (AS-132). QSL via  home
  call. [TNX F6BUM]
7Q - Harry, G0JMU/7Q7HB is  now up  and running  with a  new antenna  and
  amplifier. He will be leaving  Malawi on 28  April. QSL direct  only
  via G0IAS  (Allan  Hickman, The  Conifers,  High  Street,  Elkesley,
  Retford, DN22 8AJ Notts, UK -  do not send bureau  cards for any  of
  the 7Q stations managed by him). [TNX G0IAS]
HK0_sa - Gerd, DL7VOG will be active as HK0GU from San Andres Island (NA-033)
  for a  month starting  on 14  March. He  might  also operate  from
  Providencia (NA-049).  QSL  via  home  call  (bureau  cards  can  be
  requested at [EMAIL PROTECTED]). [TNX The Daily DX]
I  - The 9-10 March operation from Isola Grande di Porto Cesareo (EU-091,
  IIA LE-002) [425DXN 565] has been cancelled due to Frank's  (IZ7AUH)
  unexpected business commitments. [TNX IZ7AUH]
JA - Look for Shin, JI3ACL/4 and Shige,  JI3CEY/4 to be active (with  two
  stations on 160-6 metres CW and  SSB) from the Oki Islands  (AS-041)
  on 16-18 March. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI3ACL]
P5 - There is conflicting information about YT1AD's operation from  North
  Korea. Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC reports receiving  a phone call  about
  1730Z  from  Hrane,  YT1AD,  The  Daily  DX  reports.  Hrane   was
  supposedly   at the  airport in  Rome,  presumably heading  back  to
  Belgrade. At the same time Mome, Z32ZM says he talked with Hrane in
  Pyongyang.  According  to  Mome,  they  have  in  hand  all  needed
  documentation  permition's   EXCEPT the  permition for transmit  by
  Amateur Radio,  which they  hopefully will  receive on  Monday  (11
  March).  What is sure is that they  have not been active so far  and
  that P5/YT1AD was a pirate.
T8 - Bad weather  forced Bill,  T88BA to  change his  plans for  his  his
  voyage to the South  Palau group (OC-248/Pr)  [425DXN 565]. He  also
  has had  to revise  the times  on the  various islands  due to  work
  commitments. The new timetible is as follows:
  Depart From ETD   Destination ETA

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #564

2002-02-24 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   23 February 2002No 564
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3W- Conny, DL1DA will be vacationing in  Vietnam between 25  February
 and 15  March. He  hopes to  be active  (on 10-40  metres CW)  as
 3W9KCS. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
9K- Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (KARS) will be active
 as 9K2NLD to  celebrate Kuwait's National  Liberation Day  (25-26
 February). The special event call will be used from 00.00 UTC  on
 23 February through 23.59 UTC on  the 28th. QSL via KARS  (Kuwait
 Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 5240, Safat 13053, Kuwait).  [TNX
9Q- 9Q1A went QRT on 21 February at 22.30 UTC, after some 8500  QSOs.
 Patrick, F6BLQ/9Q1A  (http://f6blq.multimania.com)  reports  that
 the 9Q licences are expected to be renewed for another 30 days as
 from 24 February. However Patrick will be out of the country  for
 ten days starting on 23 February and then for five weeks as  from
 15 March, so the  only possible traffic  window should be  5-14
 March. As far as 9Q0AR/6 is concerned, do not expect activity at
 short notice, Patrick says. [TNX F6BLQ/9Q1A]
CE- Southern Cross DX Group members CE4USW, XQ1IDM, CE4PBB and  XQ1ZW
 (ex XQ3ZW) will be active as  XR2D from Damas Island (SA-086)  on
 23-25 February. They plan to operate CW and SSB (possibly RTTY as
 well) with  two stations  on 10-160  metres (including  30m,  for
 which  they  have  been  granted  a  special  permission  by  the
 licencing authority)  plus  2m  and 70cm.  Damas  is  part  of  a
 national reserve and the team is not allowed to install beams  or
 towers on  the  island; they  will  use  two  multiband  vertical
 antennas and a couple of half-wave dipoles for the low bands. QSL
 via CE4USW either direct (P.O. Box 128, Talca, Chile) or  through
 the  bureau.   The   web   page   for   the   operation   is   at
 http://www.qsl.net/xr2d  (logs   will   be   posted   after   the
 operation). [TNX CE4USW]
CO- Don Fisher,  VE3ESE  and the  operators  from the  University  of
 Oriente ARC will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest  possibly
 as T48RAC. QSL via VE3ESE. [TNX VE3NQK]
CX- A group of operators from the Centro Radio Aficionados Montevideo
 (CRAM) and the Puerto Sauce DX group are active as CV1F from  San
 Gabriel Island (SA-057)  until 24 February.  QSL via EA5KB.  [TNX
 CX1SI and CX8FB]
DU- Dan, DU8ARK  will  be visiting  Tawi  Tawi  (OC-174)  during  the
 weekend and hopes to be able to be QRV on 15 metres SSB. QSL  via
 I2YDX (Giuseppe de Gasperin,  Via Trento 1,  21020 Brebbia -  VA,
 Italy). [TNX I2YDX]
DU- Oleg, UT2VU will be active as UT2VU/DU7 from Cebu Island (OC-129)
 from late February through the end of March. QSL via UR7VA either
 direct (P.O. Box 23, Kirovograd, 25009,  Ukraine) or through  the
 bureau. UR7VA has started sending out  the cards for  UT2VU/DU7's
 April 2001 activity. [TNX UX2VZ]
ET- Paul, W4PFM  will stationed  in Ethiopia  for six  months and  is
 active as ET3PMW. QSL via W7KEU.
F - Luc, F6OYU will  be active (on  10, 15 and  20 metres) as  either
 TM1Z  or  F6OYU/P  from  very  rare  Department  43  during  this
 weekends' REF Contest. [TNX K4JEZ]
FO- Alain, F2HE (ex-FO0CLA) went back to French Polynesia a few  days
 ago and is expected to  operate as either  FO/F2HE or FO5RH  from
 Rangirora (OC-066). [TNX La Gazette du DX]
KG4   - Vance, N5VL reports he  will be active  as KG4VL from  Guantanamo
 Bay on 1-6 March, including an entry in the ARRL International DX

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #563

2002-02-15 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   16 February 2002No 563
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3X  - Francois, VE2XO will be again active from Guinea between 18 and  27
   February. He will operate (SSB and RTTY - it will be his first RTTY
   activity, so be patient with him) as 3XY6A from the mainland on 18,
   25, 26 and  27 February.  On 23-24  February he  will operate  (SSB
   only) a 3XY8A from the Los Islands (AF-051) - activity will  depend
   on power availability; Francois will not have a generator with  him
   and he has been informed that he should get power from 17 UTC until
   9 UTC. [TNX WX5L]
5R  - Bruno, F5DKO will be active (on  20 and 15 metres) from  Madagascar
   on 4-17  March (licence  to be  collected  upon arrival).  He  will
   operate from Nosy Be (AF-057) on  4-10 March and from Sainte  Marie
   Island (AF-090) on 11-17 March. QSL via IZ8CCW (Antonio  Cannataro,
   P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy). [TNX IZ8CCW]
5W  - Look for VK2IR and VK2KLM to  be active (on  6-40 metres) as  5W0IR
   from Samoa (OC-097) between 28  March and 3  April. QSL via  VK2IR.
   [TNX VK2IR]
7Q  - Harry, G0JMU will  again be active  as 7Q7HB from  Malawi after  17
   February. It might take a few days before  he is able to be QRV  as
   Harry and Les,  7Q7LA will have  to take down  the old antenna  and
   replace it with a new fibre  glass 2 element quad. QSL direct  only
   via G0IAS  (Allan Hickman,  The  Conifers, High  Street,  Elkesley,
   Retford, DN22 8AJ Notts, UK). [TNX G0IAS]
8P  - Steve, K2WE will  be active (on  6-80 metres CW  and SSB) as  8P9AP
   from Barbados (NA-021) from 21 February  through the 28th. QSL  via
   home call. [TNX K2WE]
9Q  - Pat, 9Q1A [425DXN 562] reports that workload permitting, he will be
   QRV for VK-ZL daily on +/- 14280 kHz between 17.30 UTC and 18 UTC.
BY  - BA5RX, BD5RI, BD5RT,  BD5RV, BD5RL, BD5QX,  BD5RJQ and some  others
   will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB, CW and PSK) as either BI5P  or
   homecall/5 from Pingtan Island (AS-138) on 16-18 February. QSL  via
   BD5RI. The web  site for the  operation is at  http://as138.126.com
   [TNX BD5RV]
CE  - The second XR5SM operation from Santa Maria Island (SA-070) [425DXN
   562] is expected  to start  around 20.30  UTC on  16 February.  The
   group will be active (CW and SSB) until 18 February. QSL via XQ5SM,
   either direct or  through the bureau.  The web page  for the  XR5SM
   activities is at http://www.qsl.net/xr5sm [TNX CE4USW]
CE0_ei  - Hartmut, DM5TI plans to be active (on RTTY, SSTV, PSK31 and Pactor,
   with some CW  and SSB) as  CE0Y/DM5TI from  Easter Island  (SA-001)
   between 23  February  and 2  March.  QSL via  DM5TI  either  direct
   (Hartmut Stahr, Berliner  Str. 15, 84478  Waldkaiburg, Germany)  or
   thorugh  the  bureau.  The  web  page  for  the  operation  is   at
   http://www.qsl.net/dm5ti/ce0y/ [TNX DM5TI]
D2  - Joao, CT1BFL will be stationed in Angola for the next two years. He
   plans operate as D2U on 10-160  metres CW and SSB. QSL via  CT1BFL.
   [TNX The Daily DX]
EA6 - Christian, DL6KAC reports he  will be active  on 10-80 metres  from
   the island of Mallorca (EU-004, DIE E-021) from 8/9 March until the
   24th. QSL via home call.
EP  - Stig, LA7JO, who was recently active from EP3PTT, has received  his
   own callsign, EP3UN. Stig was expected to leave the country earlier
   this week; he should  be back in  Teheran by the  end of March  and
   will remain for another 3 months. QSL EP3UN via LA7JO, [TNX ON5NT]
F   - Alain, F5HPY will  be active (on  40 and  20 metres  SSB) from  the
   following lighthouses  on 16  February:  Tour Saint  Nicolas  (DPLF
   PB-234, ARLHS  FRA-497)   Le Mole  d'Escale (DPLF  PB-252

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #562

2002-02-08 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   09 February 2002No 562
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3V - Carsten, DL6LAU will be active as 3V8SM from Djerba Island (AF-083),
  Tunisia on 11-18  February, including  an entry  in the  ARRL DX  CW
  Contest (SOAB QRP). [TNX The Daily DX]
9G - PA3DEW and PA3FQV are currently in Ghana and will operate (typically
  on +/- 14140 MHz around 17.30  UTC) as 9G1AA until 23 February.  QSL
  via PA3ERA. [TNX PA3GGM]
9Q - Four additional  licences  have been  issued  to be  used  from  the
  Democratic  Republic   of   Congo   through   24   February:   9Q1MM
  (Jean-Philippe) 9Q1KS (Cyprien), 9Q1A (Patrick) and 9Q1YL  (Nicole).
  Priority is being  given to 9Q0AR/6  from Goma  [425DXN 560],  while
  9Q1A and 9Q1YL will be active in their free time from Kinshasa. They
  have a 50-foot  tower which enables  them to  operate on  17 and  12
  metres with a rotary dipole,  while a sloping  dipole for 40  metres
  and a 6-element tribander for 20, 15 and 10 metres should be up next
  week. Our most difficult path is  to VK-ZL-Pacific area, he  says,
  and particular efforts will be put toward this area as soon as  the
  yagi is up. Tentative skeds can be  arranged for 20 to 10m by  email
  to   [EMAIL PROTECTED].   QSLs   via   F2YT.   Further   information   at
  http://f6blq.multimania.com [TNX 9Q1A]
C6 - Bill, K1CN reports he now expects to be signing C6AMM during his  14
  February-2 March  operation from  Harbour Island  (NA-001),  Bahamas
  [425DXN 561]. His wife Laurel, N1EBL will operate as C6AWW. QSLs via
  K1CN either direct or through the bureau.
CE - A second operation from Santa Maria Island (SA-070) is being planned
  to take place between 16/17 and 20 February. The logs for the  26-28
  January XR5SM  activity [425DXN  560] (operators  CE5VKA, XQ5SM  and
  CE4USW) are  expected to  be available  at  http://www.qsl.net/xr5sm
  [TNX CE4USW and Islands On The Web]
CE - Marco, CE6TBN reports  that due to  the Chilean Park  administration
  closing earlier  then usual,  his 8-10  March trip  to Damas  Island
  (SA-086) [425DXN 561] is cancelled. [TNX N1IBM]
EA8- Cesare, I5WEA is active as EA8/I5WEA  from Tenerife, Canary  Islands
  (AF-004) through 10 April. [TNX I5WEA]
EA9- Jose, EA9CD reports that special call AM9MA will be aired during the
  CQ/RJ WPX RTTY Contest. QSL via  EA9CD (P.O. Box 2078, 51080  Ceuta,
FG - La Gazette du  DX reports  that Henri,  F5DBC will  be active  (call
  unknown) from Les Saintes (NA-114), Guadeloupe on 14-24 February. He
  plans to operate during the UTC  evenings on 20  metres CW and  SSB.
  QSL via F5DBC (Henri Civel, Les Reaux de Saint Dolay, 56130 La Roche
  Bernard, France).
GD - DL4LQM, DL4WG, DL5LYM, DL5AXX and DL8WAA  will be active (mainly  on
  CW) as MD/homecall from the Isle of Man (EU-116) on 11-18  February,
  including an entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest. [TNX DL5AXX]
H40- Babs, DL7AFS  (H44LB)  and  Lot, DJ7ZG  (H44ZG)  will  fly  to  Lata
  (OC-100),  Temotu  on  10 February  and be active  until 2 March  as
  H40T (no longer H40YL and H40ZG as previously announced). They  will
  be joined by Bernard, DL2GAC (H44MS) until 24 February. QSL H40T via
  DL7AFS either direct  or through the  DARC bureau.  Updates will  be
  posted at http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs [TNX H44MS]
KC4- Due to a change in the flight schedule, Chris (KC4/N3SIG) will leave
  McMurdo Base during the weekend, earlier than expected. [TNX DL5EBE]
KG4- Look for  Chuck,  N8CH (KG4NW),  OB,  W4SD  (KG4SD),  Gordon,  KU4EC
  (KG4UC), Chet, N6ZO (KG4??) and Don, W4ZYT (KG4ZK) to be active  (on
  10-160 metres all modes) from Guantanamo Bay on 12-19 February. They
  will participate in the ARRL CW  DX Contest

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #559

2002-01-18 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   19 January 2002 No 559
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

 800,000 VISITS 

This weekend www.425dxn.org will reach the 800,000th visit - thanks to all of
you for your support through the years, and do not forget that these are  the
last few days to participate in the 425 DX News DXCC  Most Wanted survey.  Go
to http://www.425dxn.org/surv2002 and  join the 1750  DXers who have  already

5H  - Maurizio, IK2GZU will be back to Tanzania on 5-27 February and will
   be operate CW and SSB during his free time (call to be issued  upon
   arrival). He  plans to  be active  during the  ARRL DX  CW  Contest
   (16-17 February). QSL via IK2GZU  either direct (Maurizio  Buffoli,
   Via degli Angeli 9, 25033 Cologne  - BS, Italy)  or - preferably  -
   through the bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Logs will  be available  at
   http://www.hamlan.org/bsdx after the operation. [TNX IK2GZU]
8Q  - Steve, G4JVG will be active as  8Q7SL from Lhohifushi, North  Male'
   Atoll (AS-013), from  21 January  until 3  February. Activity  (SSB
   only) will be on all bands 80-10m. QSL via G4JVG preferably  direct
   (Stephen Telenius-Lowe,  27  Hertford  Road,  Stevenage,  SG2  8RZ,
   England, ) or via the RSGB bureau. [TNX G4JVG]
8Q  - Denise, F6HWU  will be  active (mostly  on CW)  as 8Q7WU  from  the
   Maldives between 25 January and 7 February. QSL via home call. [TNX
8Q  - Bernard, F5INJ will be active as 8Q7NJ from the Maldives between 31
   January and 9 February. Look  for him on  +/- 14250, 18150,  21350,
   24950 and 28450 kHz. QSL via F5INJ either direct (Bernard  Squedin,
   52 rue  de  Peronne, 59400  Cambrai,  France) or  through  the  REF
   bureau. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
C5  - Jan, PA9JJ reports he will operate from Kololi, The Gambia on 15-29
   April. He  will get  his call  (hopefully  C56JJ) upon  arrival  in
   Banjul and plans are to concentrate 40 and 80  metres and the  WARC
   bands SSB, with some  activity on the  other bands   and on CW  (no
   RTTY  and   no   160   metres).   Logs   will   be   available   at
   http://www.qsl.net/pa9jj after the operation. QSL via PA9JJ.
C6  - Gary, KI6T will  be active (on  10-40 metres SSB  and CW) as  C6AGS
   from the Bahamas (NA-080) on 12-17 February. He will participate in
   the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL  via KI6T either direct or through  the
   bureau. [TNX KI6T]
CE9_ssh - Ricardo, CE9R is active from from Julio Escudero Base (WABA CE-011)
   on King George  Island, South Shetlands  (AN-010). QSL via  CE3HDI.
CT3 - Hermann, HB9CRV will  operate as  CT3FN from  Porto Santo,  Madeira
   Islands (AF-014)  between  22 January  and  14  February.  He  will
   participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest. [TNX CT1END]
DL  - Look for DH3ZK, DL0FDX, DL3QR and  DL6QT to be  active (on SSB,  CW
   and PSK31) from Timmendorf Strand Lighthouse  (German LH 47,  ARLHS
   FED-236) between 28 March and 1 April. The web site for the  German
   Lighthouses  Award  is   at  http://www.lighthouse-award.com   [TNX
FM  - Jean-Marc, F5SGI  will be  active (on  80-10 metres  mostly CW)  as
   FM/F5SGI from Martinique (NA-107) between 19 February and 2  March.
   QSL via home  call either direct  or through the  REF bureau.  [TNX
H40 - Nick Hacko,  VK1AA (aka  VK2ICV/VK9LX) and  Ranko Boca,  YT6A  will
   operate from Temotu between 28 March  and 12 April. Since all  past
   operations have  concentrated on  the higher  bands, they  plan  to
   spend as much time as possible on  40, 80 and 160 metres, the  WARC

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #558

2002-01-11 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   12 January 2002  No 558
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

CE9_ant - UA6CW is active as CE9/R3RRC (QSL via RW3GW) from the multinational
   base Patriot Hills, Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA MN-01).
CE9_ssh - Oleg, UA1PBA  is  currently signing  CE9/R1ANF  from  Chilean  base
   Ripamonti  (WABA CE-10)  on Ardely Island  (South Shetlands)  and
   Dominic,  DL5EBE reports he will be on 21275 kHz  around  17 UTC on
   14 January.  Oleg is also expected to operate soon as  R1ANF/p from
   a nearby Argentine station.
FG  - Pierre, F6FXS will be active (on all bands CW and SSB) as  FG/F6FXS
   or FG5/F6FXS  from Guadeloupe  (NA-102) between  16 January  and  7
   February. QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL]
HA  - Special event station HG80ST will  be active on  all bands CW,  SSB
   and RTTY until 28 February to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the
   town of  Salgotarjan.  QSL  via  HA6KNB  either  direct  (Radioclub
   Salgotarjan, P.O. Box 115, H-3101 Salgotarjan, Hungary) or  through
   the bureau. Special postage  stamps will be  affixed on the  return
   envelopes for direct cards. [TNX HA6NY]
HR  - Chris, HB9FBL  will  be active  as  HR6/HB9FBL from  Roatan  Island
   (NA-057) on 10-16 January.QSL via home call. [TNX HB9FBL]
HS  - Special event station HS1BK  will be active  (on 80-10 metres  SSB,
   CW, RTTY and SSTV) from Bangkok between 11 UTC on 11 January and 11
   UTC on the 13th. The operation is to celebrate the 89th anniversary
   of the historical  Siam Radio  Telegraph Building,  from where  the
   first radio signal in that country was broadcasted by station HSBK.
   QSL via E21EIC  (Champ C.  Muangamphun, P.O.  Box 1090,  Kasetsart,
   Bangkok 10903, Thailand). [TNX HS1CKC]
JW -  LA5QFA and  LA8AJA will  be active  (on 160-6  metres CW,  SSB  and
   possibly some RTTY)  from the  JW5E's club  house at  Longyearbyen,
   Svalbard (EU-026) on 14-20 January. They will operate as JW4X on  6
   metres (50145 kHz), and as JW5QFA  and JW8AJA elsewhere. They  will
   keep a beacon running on 50080 kHz. QSL JW4X and JW5QFA via  LA6EIA
   (bureau or direct) QSL  JW8AJA via LA8AJA  (bureau or direct).  The
   web page  for the  operation is  at http://www.qsl.net/la8aja  [TNX
KH0 - Kazu, JA1RJU will  be active on  HF and 6  metres as KH2K/AH0  from
   Saipan, Northern  Marianas  (OC-086)  on  10-15  January.  He  will
   concentrate on  160 metres  (announced  frequency 1827.5  KHz)  for
   North America and Europe with a full size dipole and 1 KW. QSL  via
   JA1RJU either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JF2MBF]
KH1 - The operators for the KH1 (Baker  Howland) DXpedition [425DXN 538]
   will be  YT1AD  (team leader),  AH6HY,  K1LZ, K3NA,  K6NDV,  KW4DA,
   N6TQS, RZ3AA, YU1AU, YZ7AA, Z31FU, Z32AU and Z32ZM. They will leave
   Los Angeles on 20 April and  head for Nadi,  Fiji Islands; part  of
   the team will then embark for Tuvalu, while five operators will fly
   to Funafuti and operate with a  T2 call for  three days. The  whole
   team will depart from Funafuti on the 26th and will arrive on Baker
   Island on 29/30 April. They expect to operate from the island  from
   30 April until 10 May, when  they will head back  to Fiji (a  6-day
   voyage), then to Los Angeles and  finally to the Dayton  Hamvention
   (17-18 May). The team will have six transceivers, five  amplifiers,
   four generators  and a  variety of  beams, verticals  and  dipoles;
   plans are to operate on 160-6  metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, SSTV,  FM
   and Satellite.  The  call will  be  announced  when  the  operation
   starts. QSL via  YT1AD (CW, RTTY,  PSK and SSTV)  and RZ3AA  (SSB).
   Donations can be  sent to Wil,  K6NDV ([EMAIL PROTECTED

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #557

2002-01-04 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   05 January 2002No 557
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The Editors of  425 DX News  are grateful to  Pawel F.  Rozenek, SQ8BGQ,  who
translates the bulletin into Polish language  for his club station  (SP8YCB),
and to Alexander  G. Venderovich, UA9MHN,  who has been  producing a  Russian
version since February 2001. You can find them at
 http://www.eter.ariadna.pl/dxserwis/   and   http://www.qsl.net/rw9mc
respectively or through the links at http://www.425dxn.org

MOST WANTED SURVEY ---  You can still  participate in the  425 DX News  Most
Wanted Survey - visit http://www.425dxn.org/surv2002 and  fill in the  survey

3W  - La Gazette du DX reports that  Jacques, F6BUM plans to be  active
   on CW and SSB from the islands of Tam (AS-157) on 14-16 March, Cham
   (AS-???) on 21-23 March and Cat  Ba (AS-132) on 3-5 April. QSL  via
BV  - David, BA4DW reports he will be on business trip to Taiwan on 11-20
   January and has  been issued a  licence which allows  him to  guest
   operate and he plans to be QRV during his free time from some local
   BV stations. QSL via home call (David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088,
   Shanghai, 200040, China).
CE9_ssh - Oleg, UA1PBA [425DXN 549]  was active as  CE9/R1ANF from a  Chilean
   base on King George Island in  the South Shetlands (AN-010). He  is
   expected to operate again from  CE9 on 8  January. QSL via  RK1PWA.
GJ  - Martin Atherton, G3ZAY  and Dominic  Smith,  M0BLF will operate  as
   GJ6UW from Jersey (EU-013) from  the  afternoon  of 15 February  to
   the morning of the 17th. They will be active from a location in the
   north of the  island and hope to work on all bands from topband  to
   ten metres, SSB and CW. QSL via M0BLF either direct or through  the
   bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
KG4 - Florida DXPedition Group members Bill, W4WX (KG4DX) and Larry, W1LR
   (KG4LR) will be active from Guantanamo  Bay on 11-19 January.  Look
   for them on  all bands, including  6 metres, on  CW, SSB, RTTY  and
   PSK-31. QSL to home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX
KH0 - Toshi, JP1IOF and Yoshi, JE2EHP will operate as KH0WW and  K1HP/KH0
   respectively from  Saipan  (OC-086),  Northern  Marianas  on  25-28
   January. They plan to be active 160-6 metres SSB, CW, FM and  RTTY.
   QSl via home calls. [TNX JE2EHP]
KH0 - Oita DX  Club  members  JA6BTO  (KH0/JA6BTO),  JA6HJP  (KF4LX/AH0),
   (AB2GA/KH0) will  be active  from  from Saipan,  Northern  Marianas
   (OC-086) on 7-10 February. They  plan to oprate  CW, SSB, SSTV  and
   RTTY with an emphasis on the low and WARC bands and 6 metres.  QSLs
   via home  calls either  direct or  through  the JARL  bureau.  [TNX
KH1 - Hrane, YT1AD  and  others  plan to  be  active  from  Baker  Island
   (OC-089) for ten days in early May. Further information is expected
   in due course. [TNX The Daily DX]
OA  - Rene, DL2JRM  and Daniel,  DL5SE [425DXN  549]  are now  active  on
   160-10 metres as 4T4X and 4T4V  from the station at the Radio  Club
   Peruano (OA4O) until 13 January. It is not clear whether they  will
   be active  also  from San  Lorenzo  (SA-052) Island  as  previously
   announced. QSL 4T4X via DL2JRM, QSL 4T4V via DL5SE. [TNX OA4AHW]
ON  - UBA club section  Gulden Spoor KTK  (ON6CK and  OT0R) will  operate
   through 31 December as OP0GS to celebrate the 700th anniversary  of
   the Battle of  the Golden Spurs  at Kortrijk. QSL  via ON4ON.  [TNX
OZ  - Look for Sandro, OZ/DD3SP/p and Uwe,  OZ/DL3BQA/p to be active  (on
   HF, 6 and 2 metres mainly  SSB) from Laeso Island (EU-088) on  5

[DX-NEWS] DX News #554

2001-12-14 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   15 December 2001  No 554
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The 425 DX News DXCC Most Wanted Survey for  the year 2002 is up and  running
on  our   web  site   -  if   you  want   to   participate,  please   go   to

3X - Francois,  VE2XO  provides  more  information  on  his   forthcoming
  operation from Guinea [425DXN 553]. He expects to be active as 3XY6A
  from Conakry on  26-27 December and  3-5 January and  as 3XY8A  from
  Rooma Island (AF-051) between 28 December and 2 January. He plans to
  operate SSB on or around the  following frequencies (split 5-10  kHz
  up): 14.195 (3XY6A)  and 14.260 (3XY8A),  18.145 (3XY6A) and  18.128
  (3XY8A), 21.295  (3XY6A)  and 21.260  (3XY8A),  24.945  (3XY6A)  and
  24.950 (3XY8A),  28.495  (3XY6A)  and  28.460  (3XY8A).  Some  PSK31
  activity (split 1-2 up) is planned on 14.070, 18.100, 21.070, 24.920
  and 28.120 MHz.  This will be  a one man  holiday DXpedition, so  he
  will also spend  some time enjoying  the beach. QSL  direct only  to
  VE2XO (Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe,  Montreal QC H3T  1L4,
5U - Paolo, I2UIY reports that the DXpedition to Niger [425DXN 542  547]
  will take place on 3-18 February.Seven operators will be active with
  three stations on  160-6 metres  SSB,  CW, RTTY  and PSK31.  Further
  information is available at http://www.qsl.net/niger-2002;.
9Q - The Amateur Radio Society  of the Democratic  Republic of Congo  has
  been granted  permission  to operate  club  station 9Q0AR  until  16
  December. Activity is planned to take place on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20
  metres SSB, including an entry in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL via
  F2YT either direct or through the REF bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
CE - The Southern  Cross  DX Group  CE9C  operation  from  Hornos  Island
  (SA-031) [425DXN  529] is  still scheduled  to  take place  in  late
  December or  January (actual  dates depend  on weather  conditions).
  Plans are to operate on 160-6metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via
  CE4EBJ either direct (Ivan Bahamonde, P.O. Box 128, Talca, Chile) or
  throughthebureau.Forfurtherinformation check
DL_ant - Dominik, DL5EBE reports  that YL operator  Mechita might  be QRV  as
  DP0GVN from German Antarctic Base Georg von Neumayer (WABA  DL-01)
  for a short time. Amateur radio operator Sepp, who several years ago
  was active as DP0LEX,  is a member  of the team  working at the  new
  Kohnen Station,  located  about 500  km  south of  Neumayer  Base.
  Dominik does not know what kind  of HF equipment they use at  Kohnen
  Station, but he will try to  bring them on  frequency (at 21275  kHz
  each Monday around 17 UTC).
EM - Lviv Branch  of UARL  is using  special event  call EM75W  until  28
  December to celebrate  the 75th  anniversary of  the Lviv  Shortwave
  Club. QSL via  the bureau or  direct to UT1WL  (P.O.Box 5951,  Lviv,
  79054, Ukraine).  For  information on  the  award  issued  for  this
  activity, please visit http://am.ca/lkk [TNX UR5WCW]
FO - Marcel, FO0DEH is due to be back home in Belgium on 21 December  and
  OC-131 is his final semi-rare one for this year's trip. [TNX Islands
  On The Web]
JA - Look for JM6CIP/6 and JN3FPV/6 to be active from the Koshiki Islands
  (AS-037) on 22-23 December. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
LU_so  - Operator Caludio is active from club station LU1ZA, South Orkney Is.
  (AN-008). QSL via LU2CN.
P5 - As of 9 December Ed, P5/4L4FN had logged 2248 SSB QSOs (436 on  20m,
  1 on 15m and 1881 on  10m). He has received the Butternut

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #553

2001-12-07 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   8 December 2001No 553
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3W - Karl, W9XK will  be active (mostly  on 14260-14270, 21370-21400  and
  28500 kHz) as 3W2XK from near Saigon, Vietnam until 9 April. QSL via
  W9XK. [TNX Daily DX]
3X - Francois, VE2XO  will  go back  to  Guinea  in  late  December-early
  January. He will operate as 3XY6A from Conakry and he also plans  to
  be active with a special callsign  from Rooma Island (AF-051).  [TNX
  The Daily DX]
9L - Zbig, 9L1BTB will  be back home  in Poland  on 7  December and  will
  return to Sierra Leone on 7 January. [TNX The Daily DX]
9U - Piero, IK2BHX (aka  K2BHX and HB9DSU)  has been in  Burundi since  4
  December on mission for the United Nations. He will be there until 4
  January and expects to  operate as 9U5X  concentrating on 30  metres
  and WARC bands. QSL via IK2ILH (preferably through the ARI  bureau).
C6 - John, WZ8D will be active as C6AIE from Abaco (FL16ip),  Bahamas  on
  1-10 January. The main focus of this trip will be to work as many F2
  contacts possible on 6 metres during day time, and he will also  put
  a lot of effort in making WSJT contacts on 2 metres (144.140 MHz) in
  the evenings. If 6m is not  open, he will spend  some time on  10-40
  metres CW with some SSB. [TNX WZ8D]
C6 - Look for Wade, AA8LL/C6A and Liz,  K8LIZ/C6A to be active (on  10-40
  metres SSB) from Crooked Island (NA-113), Bahamas on 12-14  January.
  Their activity will count for ARLHS BAH-005 (Bird Rock  Lighthouse).
  QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX AA8LL]
CE - Look for Ismael, CE7AOY/8 to be  active from Riesco Island  (SA-???)
  between around 22 UTC on 17 December and 15 UTC on the 20th. Marcos,
  CE7HJO expected to make the trip with Ismael, but has been forced to
  give up  due to  family reasons.  QSL direct  only via  CE7ZK.  [TNX
E4 - Gunter, E4/OE1GZA  was  active from  Ramallah,  Palestine  on  23-24
  November (1027 SSB  QSOs). His nex  activity was  scheduled to  take
  place on  either 14-15  or 21-22  December,  but the  current  local
  situation is  likely to  prevent him  from entering  the West  Bank.
  Updates on Gunter's operations can be found on his new home page  at
  http://www.geocities.com/dh2gz/arse4.html [TNX E4/OE1GZA]
EA - Gerard, EA4ST and Ignacio,  EA4AHD will participate  in the ARRL  10
  Meter Contest as EA4TEN (M/S Mixed HP). QSL via EA4AHD. [TNX EA4AHD]
EA6- Christian, DL6KAC will be again active (mainly on 40-10 metres  SSB)
  from Mallorca (EU-004, DIE E-021) between 21 December and 6 January.
  QSL via home call. [TNX DL6KAC]
FY - Operators from Radio Club FY5KE plan  to be active (on HF, 6  metres
  and AO-40 satellite) from the Salut Islands (SA-020), French  Guiana
  starting around 16 UTC on 12 January for 24 hours. QSL via CBA. [TNX
HS - The E29AL operation  from Tarutao  Island (AS-126)  [425DXN 545]  is
  confirmed to  take  place  on  8-15  December.  The  first  wave  of
  operators will be E21EIC, HS0GBI, E20HHK, E20RRW, G3NOM, HB9DKZ  and
  HS4BPQ; they will be joined on  12 December by HS1CKC,  HS0ZCW/K4VUD
  and HS0/SM3DYU. Monoband yagis will  be used for  the HF bands,  and
  dipoles/inverted Ls for the LF  bands. Look for  E29AL on 1.824  MHz
  and 3.524 MHz at 1100-1300 UTC and 1800-2330 UTC. Maximum power will
  be  100  watts.  QSL via HS0GBI  (Cherdchai Yiwlek,  P.O.   Box 1090
  Kasetsart, Bangkok  10903, Thailand). [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
JA - Yuki, JI6KVR will  be active as  JI6KVR/6 from  the Amakusa  Islands
  (AS-012) on 8-9 December. This operation  is in preparation for  the
  17-22 April DXpedition to Cham Island (AS-???) [425DXN 547]. QSL via

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #552

2001-12-01 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   1 December 2001 No 552
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

6Y   - Tommy, VK2IR has cancelled his trip  to Tonga (A3) and Niue  (ZK2)
[425DXN 548] and was active as  J6/VK2IR from St. Lucia. His  next
stop will be on Jamaica between  30 November and 3 December.  [TNX
The Daily DX]
E3   - Paolo, IW0FT will be active as E30OA from Asmara, Eritrea  between
29 November  and  7 December.  QSL  via IZ0CKJ  either  direct  or
through the bureau. [TNX IZ0CKJ]
FO   - Marcel, FO0DEH was recently heard saying  that he would remain  on
Pukapuka (OC-062)  until 29  November. His  next stop  will be  at
Takapoto Island (OC-131), French Polynesia. [TNX WC6DX and Islands
On The Web].
I- Look for IR7GM/P  to be active  from the lighthouse  at Punta  San
Cataldo (WAIL PU-007, ARLHS ITA-142) on 2 December. QSL via IK7JWX
either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
I- Special station IU9MM will be active  on 15, 20 and 40 metres  SSB
during the Italian Navy Day between  7 and 19  UTC on 4  December.
S7   - Juergen, DL8LE will  be active (on  10-40 metres  PSK31, RTTY  and
AMTOR/PACTOR) as S79LE from the Seychelles between 30 November and
13 December. [TNX The Daily DX]
T30  V7 - Steve, 3D2SJ  is  currently active  as  T30ED  from  Tarawa,  West
Kiribati (OC-017).  On 6  December he  will move  to the  Marshall
Islands and be active as V73ED until the 13th. QSLs via 3D2SJ (Fr.
Steve Dives MSC, P.O. Box 1354, Suva, Fiji Islands). [TNX QRZ-DX]
VP8  - A multi-national  team of  twelve  experienced operators  will  be
active from South Georgia (AN-007) and the South Sandwich  Islands
(AN-009) in  the  second  half  of  January  and  early  February.
Information currently  available  indicates that  the  group  will
operate from the old Husvik whaling  station on the central  north
coast  of  South  Georgia  for about a week commencing 18 January.
They  expect  to leave Husvik on 25 January and be active from the
island  of  Southern  Thule  (near  the  southern end of the South
Sandwiches chain) between 28 January and 3 February. Thanks to Bob
Oldfield, VK3UY for forwarding the information.
VU   - Horey, VU2HFR  reports that  another  activity from  Sagar  Island
(AS-153) is scheduled to  take place on  10-16 January 2002.  [TNX
W- Look for Ed/KD6OBB  and Carlin/AB6WQ to  operate (on 10-40  metres
SSB) from  Catalina  Island (NA-066)  between  30 November  and  2
December. [TNX The Daily DX]
YA   - The Daily  DX  reports that  Marcel,  F6EKD has  been  given  oral
permission to operate  as YA/F6EKD from  Afghanistan and hopes  to
get a written licence to operate with a proper YA call.
As for YA5T [425DXN 551], on 26 November Wayne Mills, N7NG/1 (ARRL
Membership Services  Manager) reported  that  the DXCC  Desk  has
received acceptable  documentation  for YA5T  operated  by  ON6TT,
S53R, SM7PKK or ON4WW. The documentation is for QSOs made November
20, 2001 and  after. No other  callsigns or  operations have  been
approved as of this date (that means that YA/ON6TT/M is not valid
for DXCC purposes). QSL YA5T via KU9C. The Northern California  DX
Association  is  providing  financial  assistance  involving   QSL
expense and perhaps  some additional help  as conditions  warrant.
Bruce, WD4NGB has  set up a  web page page  (more will follow)  at
http://www.qsl.net/ya5t/; see also YA5T in Good To Know below

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #549

2001-11-09 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   10 November 2001  No 549
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


Ducie Island (24.40.00S - 124.47.00W, OC-182,  WAZ 32, ITU 63) should be  the
next new Entity to be added to the DXCC  List [425DXN 545]. The main part  of
the team  (JA1BK, JF1IST,  JA1SLS, K9AJ,  K5VT and  FO3BM) expects  to  leave
Mangareva (Gambier Islands,  French Polynesia) on  13 November  in the  local
evening, to stop  at Pitcairn and  pick up other  two operators (team  leader
Tom, VP6TC, and  Dave, VP6DB) and  then to sail  immediately for Ducie.  They
will be active with four stations and a VP6 callsign to be announced when the
operation starts, i.e. at 00.00 UTC on 16 November. The team must be back  on
Mangareva on 28 November.
The two main frequencies - 21020 kHz (CW) and 21295 kHz (SSB) - will be  used
24 hours a day. Other prime frequencies  include 28495 kHz and 14195 kHz  for
SSB and 14020 kHz for CW, but some activity  is planned to take place on  the
other bands (160-6 metres) and on RTTY as well. It is expected that low  band
and WARC operations are more  likely to take  place in the  last days of  the
operation, as the  initial emphasis will  be to  allow as  many operators  as
possible to work this rare IOTA and probable new DXCC Entity.
The team will have 2-element beams  for 10 and 15 metres, a  4 Square for  20
metres and wire and vertical antennas for the other bands. There will be a  6
meter beacon on 50.110 Mhz. 160 metres are not a priority. Nevertheless,  the
team is taking an inverted L 160 antenna and if the weather and other factors
cooperate there may be 160m operation nearer the end.
The pilot  station  is Bill  Avery,  K6GNX. QSL  via  VE3HO (HF  QSOs:  Garth
Hamilton, P.O. Box  1156, Fonthill, Ontario  L0S 1E0, Canada)  and JA1BK  (6m
QSOs: Kan  Mizoguchi, 5-3  Sakuragaoka 4  Chome, Tama-City,  Tokyo  206-0013,
Japan). Logs  will be  available at  http://www.big.or.jp/~ham/dx.html.  [TNX
K6GNX and The Daily DX]

3W - Hans, WA1LWS  plans to  operate (on  10-20  metres) as  3W2LWS  from
  Vietnam for three  weeks starting on  11 November.  QSL via  WA1LWS.
  [TNX The Daily DX]
6Y - The guys of  Team Vertical will  be active from  Jamaica on  20-26
  November. They will participate in the  CQ WW CW Contest, going  for
  North American  QRP  single  band records:  look  for  6Y1A  on  10m
  (operated by K2KW), 6Y9A on 15m (KE7X), 6Y2A on 20m (N6XG), 6Y4A  on
  40m (N6BT), 6Y8A on 80m (W0YK) and 6Y0A on 160m (K2KW).  Pre-contest
  QRP activity will be on 10-160 metres and there will be a  dedicated
  6m rig running high power. Outside the contest, operators will  sign
  homecall/6Y5.  QSL  all   callsigns  via   WA4WTG.  For   additional
  information, including how to win 25 bags of Jamaican Blue  Mountain
  Coffee, please visit http://www.k2kw.com [TNX K2KW]
9M8- After  attending  the  SEANET  Convention  in  Kota  Kinabalu  (9-11
  November), JA3AA, JA3UB, JA3AER, JA3ART, JH3GAH, JR3MVF, JA4HCK will
  go to the  Mulu National Park,  East Malaysia and  will operate  (on
  10-160 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31) as 9M8/JA3AA (QSL via JA3AA),
  9M8/JA3UB (QSL via JA3UB), 9M8/JA3AER  (QSL via JA3AER),  9M8/JA3ART
  (QSL via JA3ART), 9M8/JR3MVF (QSL via  JR3MVF), 9M8/JA4HCK (QSL  via
  JA4HCK) and 9M8TG (QSL via JH3GAH) between 11 and 14 November.  [TNX
C6 - Ed, K8EP will be active (SSB  and CW) as C6A/K8EP from Treasure  Cay
  (NA-080), Bahamas on 20-27 November, including an entry in the CQ WW
  DX CW Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX K8EP]
DL - Dina/DJ8OK, Dietmar/DL7OK  and  Bjoern/DJ4OK  will  be  active  from
  EU-042 on 11-23 November. [TNX The Daily DX]
ER - Club station ER3KAZ will use special  call ER373R on 21 November  to
  celebrate the 373rd  anniversary of the  town on  Rybnitsa. QSL  via
  ER3DX either  dirrect  (Anatoly Nimirski,  P.O.  Box  12,  Kishinev

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #547

2001-10-26 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   27 October 2001   No 547
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3W - The IOTA  DXpedition to  Cham Island  (AS-???) [425DXN  545] is  now
  scheduled to take place on 17-22 April 2002. Shu/JA6IEF, Yuki/JI6KVR
  and Hau/3W6LI plan to operate with  two stations on SSB and CW.  QSL
  viaEA5KB. Forfurther informationplease visit
  http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage25.htm [TNX JI6KVR]
4X - Dov, 4Z4DX and Paul, 4X6UU will operate from Stela Maris  Lighthouse
  (ISR-004) starting around 13 UTC on 17 November. On their way to the
  lighthouse they will  be active from  a few  Holyland Award  squares
  starting around 3 UTC. [TNX 4Z4DX]
5W - Bill, W7TVF will be active from  Samoa (OC-097) between 20  November
  and 10 December. The call is not known yet. Operation will be on all
  bands from 160 to 6 metres and  the mode will be mostly CW.  Special
  attention will be given to Europe and Africa on the low bands during
  favorable  grayline.  Further  information,  including  on-line  log
  serach, will be available at http://www.air-internet.com/~w7tvf [TNX
9M6- Jani, YB0US will be operating as 9M6US from the Hillview Gardens ARC
  in Sabah from 26 October  until 6 November.  He will participate  in
  the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as 9M6A  (SOAB HP). All QSL via N2OO.  [TNX
9N - Micha, DL7VMH will be active as 9N7MH from Nepal between 28  October
  and 5 November. He will operate mainly CW on 17 metres and a  second
  band to be decided upon arrival. [TNX The Daily DX]
CE0_est- Andy, HB9JOE  and  Fred,  HB9AAQ  will  be  visiting  Easter  Island
  (SA-001) between 4  and 8 November  and plan to  be active in  their
  free time as CE9Y/home call on 10-40 metres CW. QSL via home  calls.
E3 - The E30NA [425DXN  543] team is  transmitting from  near Asmara  and
  there will be no operation from AF-038 due to power and other  local
  problems. Damaged  notebooks  prevent them  from  operating  digital
  modes; for the same reason on-line logs will not be available during
  the activity. They  will participate  in the  CQ WW  DX SSB  Contest
  (Multi-Single) and will go QRT on  2 November. QSL via DL5NAM.  More
  details are available at http://www.qsl.net/e30na [TNX DF4RD]
E4 - Due to local conditions, Gunter, E4/OE1GZA had to cancel his planned
  activity during the CQ WW SSB  Contest [425DXN 539]. Updates on  his
  future   operationswill   bepostedon
FG - Robert, N4CD will  be active (on  all bands CW  and SSB) as  FG/N4CD
  from Guadeloupe on 15-30 November. QSL via N4CD. [TNX N4CD]
HI - Julio, AD4Z/HI3K reports he will be back home at HI3K and HI3J  (his
  father's station)  between  21 November  and  9  December.  He  will
  operate on all bands mostly CW  with an emphasis  on 160 metres  and
  the WARC bands. Any arrangements for QSO will be welcome via  e-mail
  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Julio will also participate  in the CQ WW  DX
  CW and ARRL 160m Contests. QSL via AD4Z.
I  - Operators from  ARI La  Spezia will  operate special  event  station
  IY1SP  until  31   December  to   commemorate  Guglielmo   Marconi's
  experiments in 1901 and 1931. IY1SP will be active during the CQ  WW
  SSB, CQ WW  CW, Memorial Marconi  VHF and  Italian 40/80m  Contests.
  Special QSL  card via  I1FNX either  direct (c/o  Sezione A.R.I.  La
  Spezia, P. O. Box 45, 19100  La Spezia - SP,  Italy) or through  the
  bureau. [TNX IW1PDP]
JA - Masafumi, JA6GXK will be active again from the lighthouse on Mejima,
  Danjo Islands (AS-056) on 6-15 November, 27 November-6 December  and
  27 December-7 January. These  are likely to  be his last

[DX-NEWS] 425 DX News #546

2001-10-18 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   20 October 2001 No 546
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

425DXN #546 ---  This issue was  published earlier  than usual  a few  hours
before your Editors left for the International HF-DX  Contest Convention  to
be held in Catania over the weekend.

  will be active as  5B4/homecall from Cyprus  on 23-30 October.  They
  will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as P3A. [TNX UA9YAB]
6Y - AC8G, N6NR, N7YX, WA8LOW and W8ILC will participate in the CQ WW  DX
  SSB Contest as 6Y6L (Multi-Multi) from  Jamaica (NA-097). They  plan
  to have four complete stations with  amplifiers and a wide range  of
  antennas. QSL via WA8LOW.  The group expects  to start limited  SSB,
  CW, PSK31  activity  as homecall/6Y5  on  23 October.  QSL  via  the
  appropriate home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
9M6- Irwin, KD3TB and Andy, KD3RF will be active (on SSB, RTTY and PSK31)
  as 9M6TBT from East Malaysiaa on 26-29 October, CQ WW SSB DX Contest
  included. QSL via KD3TB. [TNX The Daily DX]
CT3- Walter, DJ6QT  will  be active  from  Madeira  (AF-014)  between  23
  October and 26 November. He will  participate in both  the CQ WW  DX
  Contests as CT9L. QSL via DJ6QT. [TNX The Daily DX]
F  - Special call TM5SIA  will be used  on all bands  and modes until  30
  October, including an entry in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest, by  French
  amateur radio operators to celebrate the 23rd International  HamExpo
  in Auxerre. QSL via F2WS. [TNX F5NQL]
FP - Look for FP/AC8W and FP/K8DD to  operate from St. Pierre   Miquelon
  (NA-032) on 25-31 October, single band  entries in the CQ WW DX  SSB
  Contest included. QSL via home calls.
FG - Edin, T97M will be active (on all bands SSB, CW and RTTY) as FG/T97M
  from Guadeloupe on 22-30 October. QSL  via K2PF (Ralph G.  Fariello,
  23 Old  Village  Rd, Hillsborough,  NJ  08844-4008, USA).  Edin  and
  Danny, T93M will participate in the  CQ WW DX  SSB Contest as  FG5BG
  (Multi-Single). [TNX T97M]
FS/PJ7 - Ken, K7ZUM, and  Craig, AH8DX will  operate as  PJ7/K7ZUM (on  10-40
  metres RTTY and SSB) from St. Maarten and FS/AH8DX (mostly SSB) from
  St. Martin starting on 21 October.  They will participate in the  CQ
  WW SSB Contest. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
GD - Joe, K1JB  and Mike,  K1EU will  participate in  the  CQ WW  DX  SSB
  Contest as GD6IA from the Isle  of Man (EU-116). Before the  contest
  they will operate on CW as MD/K1EU and MD/K1JB. [TNX The Daily DX]
HV - Look for  HV5PUL to  be aired  (on  HF, 6  and  2 metres)  from  the
  Pontificia Universita' Lateranense, Vatican City (http://www.pul.it)
  on 20 October and 6 November. [TNX OZ6OM]
I  - A large group  of operators  (including 9A3GW,  9A6A, 9H1EL,  I4AVG,
  N5ZO, S50R and SV8CS) will participate  in the CQ WW DX SSB  Contest
  as IG9A (Multi-Multi) from Lampedusa Island (African Italy, Zone 33,
  IOTA AF-019). QSL via I2MQP. [TNX IT9GSF]
I  - Pantelleria  Contest  Team  (I2IFT,  I8QLS,  I8ULL,  I8UZA,  IK2ANI,
  IT9BLB,  IT9VDQ,  IT9WPO,   IT9ZMX,  OL5Y,  W1NA   and  W7ZB)   will
  participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB Contest as IH9P (Multi-Multi)  from
  the island of Pantelleria (African Italy, Zone 33, IOTA AF-018,  IIA
  TP-001). QSL via KR7X. They will arrive on 20 October and before the
  Contest they will operate as homecall/IH9  on CW, RTTY, SSTV,  PSK31
  and on the WARC bands. [TNX IT9BLB]
J3 - Yankee Clipper Contest Club members K1RX (J3/K1RX), K1HI  (J3/K1HI),
  K2KQ (J37ZA) and W1NR (J3/W1NR)  will participate in  the CQ WW  SSB
  Contest as  J3A

[DXR] 425 DX News #545

2001-10-12 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   13 October 2001No 545
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


Ducie Island (OC-182) should be the next new  Entity to be added to the  DXCC
List. The Pitcairn Island  Amateur Radio Association  (PIARA) has applied  to
the IARU for membership and the  closing date for voting  is 15 November.  If
PIARA becomes  a member  society of  the IARU,  Pitcairn will  become a  DXCC
Political Entity and consequently Ducie Island, which is separated from its
Parent (Pitcairn itself) by 350+ kilometres, will became a DXCC Geographic
Separation Entity.
PIARA has now announced that plans are complete for their expedition to Ducie
Island [425DXN 529].  VP6TC, VP6DB, VP6BK/JA1BK,  JF1IST, JA1SLS, K9AJ,  K5VT
and FO3BM  will be  active with  a  VP6 callsign  to  be announced  when  the
operation starts, i.e. at 00.00 UTC on 16 November. The two main  frequencies
- 21020 kHz (CW) and 21295  kHz (SSB) - will  be used 24  hours a day.  Other
prime frequencies include 28495 kHz and 14195  kHz for SSB and 14020 kHz  for
CW, but some  activity is planned  to take place  on the  other bands  (160-6
metres) and on RTTY  as well. Bill  Avery, K6GNX will  be the pilot  station,
while the QSL manager (direct and bureau) will be Garth Hamilton, VE3HO. Logs
will be available at http://www.big.or.jp/~ham/dx.html.

A5 - Dave Anderson, KW4DA/A52DA will be active from the Bhutan Ham Centre
  between 23 October  and 1 November.  Dave is part  of the A50A  team
  going to Bhutan for the CQ WW SSB Contest [425DXN 541]; prior to and
  following the contest he will be active on all bands CW, RTTY,  PSK,
  SSB and SSTV.  The e-mail address  for arranging  special modes  and
  schedules is  [EMAIL PROTECTED] QSL  via KW4DA  (Dave Anderson,  712
  Baneberry Court, Asheville, NC 28803, USA).
3W - Yuki, JI6KVR reports he is planning to be active from Cham Island in
  the South China  Sea Coast  North group  of Vietnam  in March  2002.
  Further information is expected in due course.
9A - Branko, 9A3AY  and Ivo,  9A4AO plan  to operate  (on 20,  15 and  10
  metres SSB)  from the  following Croatian  islands in  the  Dalmatia
  South IOTA  group  (EU-016)  on  13-14  October:  Jakljan  (CI-033),
  Kolocep (IOCA  CI-038),  Lastovo  (CI-051),  Lopud  (CI-057),  Mljet
  (CI-068) and Sipan (CI-122). [TNX 9A6AA]
9G - W7XU, K5AND and W0SD will be operating from Elmina, Ghana between 27
  October and 4 November. They will  emphasize 6 metres, but  activity
  is expected to take place on  80-10 metres as well, especially  RTTY
  and PSK32. QSL via N0QJM. [TNX W0SD]
C6 - Five members  of the  Magnolia DX  Association (namely  Ernie/W5OXA,
  Randy/W5UE, Alan/ N5PA, Stan/K5NY and  Bernie/KK5EW) will be  active
  from Abaco  Island (NA-080),  Bahamas on  22-29 October.  They  will
  participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB Contest as  C6AKO (QSL via  W5OXA).
  Before the contest  they plan to  be active as  homecall/C6A on  all
  bands SSB, CW and perhaps RTTY. QSLs for pre-contest activity is via
  individual operator's home call. Updated information can be found at
  http://mdxa.org/c6a-2001.html [TNX W5UE]
FM - Dan/IV3TDM,  Luca/IV3JVJ   and   Andrea/IV3BTY   will   operate   as
  FM/homecall from Martinique on 22-26 October before joining  Dennis,
  FM5GU and his team for the CQ  WW DX SSB Contest [425DXN 543].  They
  will emphazize  SSB, but  Luca should  also  operate some  RTTY  and
  Andrea some CW. QSL for FM/homecall via IV3TDM. [TNX FM5GU]
FO - Marcel, FO0DEH/ON4QM is  still active  from Napuka  (OC-094) and  he
  will not be going to Pukapuka (OC-062) until November. QSL via  home
  call. [TNX VE6VK and Islands On The Web]
FO_aus - Eli, HA9RE will  be active (with  100 watts on  160-10 metres,  WARC
  bands included) as  FO0ARE/A from Rurutu  (OC-050), Austral  Islands

[DXR] 425 DX News #544

2001-10-05 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   6 October 2001  No 544
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The new monthly  edition of the  425 DX News  Magazine is  now available  for
downloading in either .PDF and .DOC formats at http://www.425dxn.org

3D2_cr  - The DXpedition  to  Conway Reef  was  delayed while  the  operators
   Z31FU) were waiting for some essential parts of their equipment  to
   reach them on the  Fiji Islands. They  became eventually active  in
   the late UTC  hours on 4  October as 3D2CY  (SSB) and  3D2CI (CW  
5B  - Johan, PA3FDO reports he will be  active as 5B4/PA3FDO from  Cyprus
   on 13-23 October. He will concentrate on 12 and 17 metres. QSL  via
   home call either direct or through the bureau.
9H  - Laco, OK1AD and Josef, OK1PD will  be active (on CW, SSB, RTTY  and
   PSK31) as 9H3WD from Malta  (EU-023) for two  weeks starting on  10
   October. QSL via OK1AD. [TNX OK1PD]
CE  - Marco, CE6TBN  will  be  active  as  CE6TBN/7  from  Chiloe  Island
   (SA-018) from 11  October through  the end  of the  month. He  also
   plans to take part in the CQ WW SSB Contest. QSL via CE6TBN  (Marco
   Quijada, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile). [TNX CE6TBN]
F   - Look for Alain, F5HPY/p to operate on 40 and 20 metres SSB from  La
   Pointe de Grosse Terre Lighthouse (ARLHS  FRA-310) at Saint  Gilles
   (Vendee Department) between  6 and  11 UTC  on 6  October. QSL  via
   bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
FO  - Marcel,  FO0DEH  is  currently  active  from  Napuka  (OC-094)  and
   reportedly his  next stops  will be  on Pukapuka  (OC-062) and  Hao
   (OC-066). The trip to Hereheretue (OC-052)  has been cancelled  due
   to lack of transport. QSL via ON4QM. [TNX Islands On The Web]
FR/T- Look for Jack, FR5ZU/T to be  on Tromelin until 15 October. He  was
   originally expected to leave the island on the 6th. QSL via JA8FCG.
   [TNX The Daiy DX]
GJ  - Chris, G0WFH will be active as GH4BJC/p from Jersey Island (EU-013)
   on 17-31 October.  He will operate  on 160-10 metres  SSB with  400
   watts and four vertical antennas and will be using 100 watts and  a
   3-element on  6 metres.  Suggested  frequencies are  1.848,  3.680,
   3.780, 3.799, 7.060 (rx up 7.185),  7.045, 14.185, 14.260,  18.135,
   21.260, 21.285,  24.950,  28.460, 50.150  MHz.  QSL  via  G0DBX  or
   through  the  bureau.  The  web  site  for  the  operation  is   at
   http://www.hamplanet.com/gh4bjc/index.asp [TNX G0WFH]
JT  - Alberto, I1QOD and  Antonio, I1ZB  will be  active  as JT1FCY/5 /7
   and JT1FCZ/5  /7  from Darkhan and  Erdenet, Mongolia between   27
   October and  6 November. They will operate CE only on 10-80 metres,
   WARC bands included. QSL for both via I1QOD (Alberto Frattini,  Via
   S. Domenico 69, 17027  Pietra Ligure - SV, Italy). [TNX I1QOD]
VK  - Look for  Dan, VK8AN/6  to be  back  on Troughton  Island  (OC-154)
   between 10 and 20 or 24 October. He will not be putting the  island
   on air  again until  the cyclone  season finishes,  probably  about
   April 2002. QSL  direct via VK4AAR  (Alan Roocroft,  P.O. Box  421,
   Gatton 4343, Australia). [TNX VK4AAR]
W   - Howie, K1VSJ  will  operate  (on 10-40  metres  CW  and  SSB)  from
   Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) on 5-7 October. [TNX The Daily DX]
W   - Rick, AI5P  plans to  be active  on 20  metres as  AI5P/m from  the
   Georgia State Group (IOTA NA-058)  on either 6  or 7 October.  [TNX
   AI5P and Islands On The Web]
ZD9 - Look for Chris, ZS6RI to be  active (on 10-160  metres CW, SSB  and
   RTTY) as ZD9IR from  Gough Island (IOTA  AF-030), Tristan da  Cunha
   for the next 12-13 months. For the time being he is using 100

[DXR] 425 DX News #543

2001-09-28 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   29 September 2001  No 543
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

425DXN #543 --- This issue is being published a few hours before leaving for
the annual  HF-DX  Convention  in  Bologna.  This  week's  calendar  will  be
published when we come back home.

3B8- Jack/PA3BAG and  Hans/PA0VHA  will be  active  (on all  bands  RTTY,
  PSK-31, CW  and SSB)  as 3B8/PA3BAG  and 3B8/PA0VHA  from  Mauritius
  Island (AF-049)  on 1-16  October. QSL  via PA0VHA  (Hans  Vernhout,
  Ph.de Goedestraat 54, NL 3132 XR Vlaardingen, The Netherlands). [TNX
  OPDX Bulletin]
3D2- Michael, DL1MHM will operate  (on 20-6 metres  SSB, CW, RTTY,  PSK31
  and Pactor 1   2) as  3D2MH from Fiji  between 27  September and  3
  November. He expects to be active from the Viti Levu (OC-016), Vanua
  Levu (OC-016), Mamanuca  (OC-121) and Yasawa  (OC-156) IOTA  groups.
  QSL to DL1MHM through the  DARC bureau. [TNX  DE0MST and Islands  On
  The Web]
3D2_cr - The DXpedition  to Conway  Reef [425DXN  538] is  confirmed to  take
  place between 1 and 10 October.  The list of operators now  includes
  YT1AD (team leader),  YU1AU, YU1DX, YU7AV,  YZ7AA, RZ3AA, Z31FU  and
  N6TQS. Two different calls (to be  announced when operations  start)
  will be used for CW  RTTY  (QSL via YT1AD: dr. Hrane Milosevic,  36
  206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia) and SSB (QSL via Z32AU: Kostevski Dragan,
  P.O. Box 35, 6000 Ohrid, Macedonia). The web site for the  operation
  is at http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3D2 [TNX YT1AD]
4X - Dov, 4Z4DX  will  operate  from  Eilat  Lighthouse  (ISR-002)  on  6
  October. On his way to the lighthouse he will be QRV as 4Z4DX/m  for
  the Holyland Award squares starting around 3 UTC on 14265 kHz.  [TNX
5T - JA1UT reports that seven members of the International Amateur  Radio
  Volunteers (IARV) will be active (mostly on CW, 30 metres  included)
  from Mauritania  on 6-16  October. They  expect to  be permitted  to
  operate with individual call signs of  the format 5T5xxx as well  as
  5T5U. [TNX G3NOM]
9N - Hiro, JA0SC plans to operate from Nepal, hopefully as 9N7SC, between
  30 September and 6 October. His  activity will take place on 20  and
  15 metres RTTY  and SSTV. QSL  via JA0SC  (Hirotada Yoshiike,  722-1
  Shiba, Matsushiro, Nagano, 381-1214 Japan). [TNX The Daily DX]
DL - Look for Lutz, DL3ARK/p to be active on 10-40 metres from Nordstrand
  Island (not IOTA,  N-024 for the  German Islands  Award) between  29
  September and 6 October. QSL via home call either direct or  through
  the bureau. [TNX DL3ARK]
EA - Pepe, EA5KB  plans to  operate from  Peneta  del Moro  (EU-151,  DIE
  E-039) for a few hours on 29-30 September. Look for him on or around
  21260 and  28460  kHz. Pepe  will  concentrate on  Japan  and  North
  America and  asks island  chasers to  refrain  from calling  him  if
  EU-151 is not a new one for them. [TNX EA5KB]
E3 - Bernd, DF3CB ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) will be the pilot for the 17  October-3
  November E30NA operation from Eritrea [425DXN 540]. The web site for
  the DXpedition is at http://www.qsl.net/e30na
FM - Andy/IV3BTY, Luke/IV3JVJ, Dan/IV3TDM,  Leon/FM5DN, Dennis/FM5GU  and
  Lucien/FM5WD will participate int the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as  FM5GU
  (Multi-Single) from  Martinique  (NA-107).  Further  information  at
  http://www.qsl.net/fm5gu [TNX FM5GU]
FO_mar - SP9FIH and SQ9LR plan to operate  (on 80-6 metres  SSB and RTTY)  as
  FO/SP9FIH from Nuku Hiva (OC-027), Marquesas  Islands for two  weeks
  starting on or around 15 October. QSL via SP9FIH. [TNX SP9FIH]
FS - Look for Ann, FS/W2AZK and Brian,  FS/KF2HC to be active from  Saint
  Martin (NA-105)  between  26 November  and  2  December.  They  will
  operate SSB and CW on 40-10 metres (80

[DXR] 425 DX News #541

2001-09-14 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   15 September 2001 No 541
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

  The Editors of 425 DX News
   are close in thoughts and prayers
 to their affectionate readers and friends in the US.

9M6- Mat, JA1JQJ and  Kuni, JA8VE will  operate (possibly  as 9M6JQT  and
  9M6VET) from East Malaysia on 10-14 October. They plan to be  active
  on 6-80 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home call. [TNX JA1ELY]
9N - Hiro, JA0BYS/9N7BY  will operate  from  Katmandu, Nepal  between  24
  September and 2 October. From 24  to 29 September he will be  joined
  by Sato,  JH0HDL/9N7DL and  Mako, JI0LQJ/9N7QJ.  The group  will  be
  active on 80-10 metres, including  the WARC bands  and 6 metres  (if
  permitted). All  QSLs via  JH0HDL  (Satoshi Nawai,  220-1  Nakahama,
  Itoigawa, 941-0002 Japan). [JA1ELY]
A2 - Mako, JA1OEM  (10-160 metres  SSB and  slow  CW) and  Toshi,  JA1ELY
  (10-80 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) will operate, possibly as A25/JA1OEM
  and A25/JA1ELY, from Botswana on 21  September-17 October and  21-28
  September  respectively.  QSL  via  home  calls  (JA1OEM:   Shinichi
  Toyofuku, P.O.  Box 9,  Sswara,  287-8691 Japan;  JA1ELY:  Toshikazu
  Kusano, P.O. Box 8, Kamata, Tokyo, 144-8691 Japan). [TNX JA1ELY]
A5 - The Bhutan  Amateur Radio  Club (BARC)  will  be inaugurated  on  26
  October  under  the  presidency  of  the  Director  of  the   Bhutan
  Telecommunicantions  Agency.  Yasuo  Miyazawa  (JH1AJT)  and   Glenn
  Johnson (W0GJ) are Honorary/Founding Members,  and have been  issued
  special lifetime  callsigns  of  A51A  and  A51B  respectively.  The
  primary purpose of the club is  to foster amateur radio interest  in
  the young Bhutanese and also to enable the club members to be active
  on the air.  To celebrate the  formation of the  BARC, A50A will  be
  active as a  multi-multi entry in  the CQ WW  DX SSB Contest  (27-28
  October). A  team of  U.S. operators  will be  helping the  licensed
  Bhutanese amateurs (namely Yeshey Dorji/A51AA, Kesang Namgyel/A51KC,
  Parop Kinley/A51PK, Pema Rinzen/A51PR, Dorji Yeshey/A51YL and Wangpo
  Dorji/A51WD) learn  to operate  in a  contest environment  from  the
  Bhutan Ham Centre. Before and after  the contest the U.S. hams  will
  concentrate on the low bands, WARC bands and new modes. Look for the
  following to be active from 23 October to 1 November:
  Dave Anderson, KW4DA  as  A52DA
  Chuck Brady, N4BQWas  A52CB
  Pat Cahill, N0ADQ as  A52PC
  Glenn Johnson, W0GJ   as  A51B
  Stewart Lewis, W0SHL  as  A52SL
  Ken Nollet, K0EN  as  A52ED
  Steve Towle, W0HT as  A52ST
  QSL A50A direct only to  Bhutan Amateur Radio Club (BARC), P.O.  Box
  88, Thimphu, Bhutan. See http://www.qsl.net/a51aa for information on
  visiting Bhutan. [TNX QRZ-DX]
C9 - Babs/DL7AFS, Lot/DJ7ZG, Karl/DL2FAG and Simone/IV3NVN (DL8GCS)  will
  operate as C98DC from Inhaca Island (AF-066), Mozambique between  28
  September and 13 October. They will be active on 10-160 metres (WARC
  bands included) SSB, CW, RTTY and  PSK31 with two or possibly  three
  stations. When the band is open,  they will operate  on 6 metres  as
  well.Thewebpagefor theoperationis at
  http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs/index.html [TNX DJ7ZG]
D4 - Loreto, IK7VJP has postponed his activity  from Sao Tiago  (AF-005),
  Cape Verde [425DXN 540] to take place on 5-12 October. [TNX IZ8CCW]
D4 - Marconi  Contest   Club   operators   Fabio/I4UFH,   Stefano/IK2JUB,
  Luca/IK2NCJ,Matt/IK2SGC,Gabriele/IK4UPB, Alberto/IV3TAN,
  Antonio/CT1DVV and Tony/CT1ESV will participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB
  Contest (27-28  October) as  D44TC  (Multi

[DXR] 425 DX News #533

2001-07-21 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   21 July 2001  No 533
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3B8 - Jose, ON4LAC reports he  will be active  (SSB, possibly Pactor  and
   RTTY) as  3B8/ON4LAC  from Mauritius  Island  (AF-049)  between  16
   October and 6 December. QSL direct only to ON4LAC.
5B  - Loris/5B4FN, George/5B4KH, Marios/5B4WN, Paris/5B4XF, George/5B4AGC
   and possibly others will participate in the IOTA Contest  (probably
   with a C4 prefix)  from Agios Georgios  Island (AS-120). They  will
   have vertical antennas and a 400W linear amplifier. QSL via  5B4KH.
   [TNX 5B4MF]
9A  - Look for  9A2AA/p to  operate from  a  few EU-016  islands  (namely
   Kluda/CI-177, Kraljevac/CI-183,  Sv Fumija/CI-217,  Pijavica/CI-201
   and Piscena/CI-202) on 22 July. [TNX 9A6AA]
9A  - 9A5V, 9A5KV, 9A3DU and 9A3VM will be active from Lirica  Lighthouse
   (WLH-381, CLH-070 and  CI-194) on 22  July starting  around 6  UTC.
   They will operate on 20, 15, 10 and 40 metres SSB, CW upon request.
   [TNX 9A7Z]
9A  - Milan/OK1DJG, Jarda/OK1DUO, Martin/OK1FUA, Jan/OK1HSK,  Pepa/OK1KA,
   Jan/OK1QM, Jarda/OK1TC  and Nikola/9A9AA  will participate  in  the
   IOTA Contest as 9A0A (QSL via OK1FLM) from Vir Island (EU-170, IOCA
   CI-141). Look for them to be active as 9A/home call starting on  23
   July. [TNX OK1FLM]
A5  - Tony, IK7WUL will be active (on all bands mostly SSB) as A52UL from
   the A51AA club station in  Bhutan on 15-28  August. QSL via  I7JFQ.
   [TNX IK7WUL and I7JFQ]
BV  - Takeshi, JI3DST sends an  update on the  20-22 July operation  from
   P'enghu Island  (AS-103) [425DXN  529]. Takeshi  himself and  Doji,
   JH3JWW will  be signing  BV9AYA (QSL  for this  operation only  via
   JH3JWW), while Lee, BV2NT will use BV9A/BV2NT (QSl via home call).
C5  - Peter, G2YT will be active (on 40-10 metres SSB only) as C56YT from
   The Gambia between 28 July and 9 August. QSL via VK4AO. [TNX G2YT]
CO  - Special station CO0SC  will be activated  (by CO8DD, CO8TW,  CO8WE,
   CM8ESE, CM8EFP and CM8VDC on 10, 15,  20, 40 and 80 metres SSB  and
   CW) on 27-29 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest  (NA-015)
   to celebrate the 486th anniversary of the foundation of Santiago de
   Cuba. QSL direct  to IN3ZNR  (Fabrizio Vedovelli,  Via Gramsci  27,
   38100 Trento - TN, Italy). [TNX IN3ZNR]
CP  - Steve, G4ASL, is active from Cochabamba, Bolivia as CP5/G4ASL until
   October. He operates on  80-10 metres mostly  RTTY, PSK31, CW  with
   some SSTV and HELL. QSL to G4ASL via the RSGB Bureau. [TNX G4ASL]
CT  - EA2TV, EA4ATI,  EA4ST, CT1EE  (SSB  operators) and  EA1CA,  EA1DAV,
   EA4AHD, CT1CJJ, Z32AF (CW operators) will  participate in the  IOTA
   Contest as CQ2I from Insua Island  (EU-150). QSL via EA4URJ  either
   direct or through the bureau. Further  information on the  activity
   is at http://www.ea4ahd.com/insua/ [TNX EA4AHD]
DL  - DM5JBN and DO1CSH/DN1CR  will be active  (on 80-2  metres CW,  SSB,
   PSK31 and RTTY) from Usedom Island (EU-129) on 26-31 July. QSL  via
   DM5JBN. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EA  - Tony, EA2AIJ and others will be  active (on 10, 15,  20, 40 and  80
   metres SSB, CW and possibly on  some digital modes) as ED2IZA  from
   Izaro Island (EU-134) on 27-31 July, including an entry in the IOTA
   Contest. QSL via bureau to EA2URV or direct to P.O. Box 323,  48080
   Bilbao, Spain. [TNX EA2AIJ]
EI  - EI5GM, EI4IS, EI1CS and possibly others plan to be active as  EJ3HB
   from Clear Island  (EU-121) on the  IOTA Contest  weekend. QSL  via
ES  - Kent,  SM0ELV  will  operate  as  ES/SM0ELV  from  Naissaar  Island
   (EU-149, WWL KO29GN) during  the IOTA Contest  weekend. He will  be
   active on 6 metres as well

[DXR] 425 DX News #531

2001-07-06 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   7 July 2001   No 531 
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !


The June edition of the 425 DX  News Magazine (22 colour pages) is  available
for  downloading  in  either  .PDF  (1,8Mb)  and  .DOC  (1,5Mb)  formats   at
Unpublished articles and pictures from rare DXCC Entities and IOTA groups for
the 425DXN  Magazine  are always  welcome,  but before  sending  them  please
contact Maurizio, I1-21171/IZ1CRR ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

3W - Hans, WA1LWS will be active again as 3W2LWS from Vietnam between  13
  July and 2 August. [TNX The Daily DX]
9A - Gabriele, I2VGW  is  active  as 9A/I2VGW  for  some  ten  days  and,
  depending on his  business commitments, plans  to visit and  operate
  (10-40 metres  SSB) from  a few  Croatian  islands and  IOTA  groups
  (starting from EU-136). QSL via home call. [TNX I2JSB]
9A - Zsolt/HA6PS,   Tibor/HA6ZV   and   Laci/HA6NL   will   operateas
  9A/homecall/p from Pasman  Island (EU-170) between  21 and 30  July,
  IOTA Contest included. They will be  active on all HF bands as  well
  as on 2m and 70cm from square JN73. QSLs via home call either direct
  or through the bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
9A - Kresimir, 9A7K  (http://www.qsl.net/9a7k) and other  5-7  operators
  will be active (on all HF  bands and 6  metres) as 9A10HRM  (special
  call to celebrate the  10th anniversary of  the Croatian Navy)  from
  Veli Brijun (IOCA CI-139, CLH 101, WLH 1651) in the Brijuni  Islands
  (EU-110) between 27 July and 3  August. The will participate in  the
  IOTA Contest  as  9A0LH.  QSL for  both  calls  via  9A7K  (Kresimir
  Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48001 Koprivnica, Croatia). [TNX 9A7K]
9H - Holger/DL7IO, Birgit/DL7IQ  and  Olaf/DJ7TO are  active  (on  160-10
  metres mostly CW)  as 9H3O  and 9H3TZ  from Gozo  (EU-023) until  15
  July. On 6-9 July they will operate from the Gordon Fanal Lighthouse
  on Gozo. QSLs via DL7VRO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
CN - Andre, HB9HLM plans to be active as CN2DX from Morocco from 11  July
  to 1 August. He will be QRV on both 2  and 6 metres. A web site  has
  been setup at http://radioamateurs.eicn.ch/cn2dx. [TNX The Daily DX]
CO - Fabrizio, IN3ZNR  and other  operators, including  CO8HF and  CO8TW,
  will participate  in the  IARU HF  World Championship  as T48Z  from
  Cuba. QSL via IN3ZNR either direct (Fabrizio Vedovelli, Via  Gramsci
  27, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IN3ZNR]
CT - Algarve DX Group  members Celestino/CT1ASU, Rui/CT1ERY,  Toze/CT1GFK
  Goncalo/CT1GPQ, Martin/CT2GFJand  Celestino/CT2GZL will  participate
  in the IOTA Contest as CT7A from either Barreta or Culatra (EU-145).
  QSL via  CT1GFK  (P.O. Box  468,  8700 914  Olhao,  Portugal).  [TNX
DL - Look for DL1YC/P  to be active  (on 10-80  metres CW  and SSB)  from
  Ruegen Island (EU-057) between 10 and 23 July. QSL via DL1YC  either
  direct (Jan Wilgenbusch, Wagenfeldstr. 13, D-48301 Nottuln, Germany)
  or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
DL - Look for Mathias, DL3KUD/p to be active from Poel Island (EU-098) on
  27-29 July, including an entry  in the IOTA  Contest (24h CW).  [TNX
GM - Earlier this week Andre, GM3VLB and Alex, G0DHZ left for the  Summer
  Isles (EU-092) where they will  operate (SSB and  CW) as GM3VLB/p  
  GM0DHZ/p. They were not  able to give  their exact destinations,  as
  their itinerary depends on weather and/or tides and will be  decided
  on a  day-by-day basis.  The first  stop was  on Eilean  Mullagrach,
  which they  were expected  to leave  on 6  July around  12 UTC.  QSL
  direct only to GM3VLB and G0DHZ respectively. [TNX GM3VLB]
GM - Ken/G3OCA, Les/G4CWD and  Peter/G6KUI will operate  on 80-10

[DXR] 425 DX News #530

2001-06-30 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   30 June 2001  No 530
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

9A - The operators  who  last weekend  were  active from  EU-110  (LY1DS,
  LY2TA, 9A6XX and 9A5AEI) plan to participate in the IOTA Contest  as
  9A1P from Sv. Nikola (EU-110, IOCA CI-118). [TNX 9A6XX]
EU - Look for EU6DA/P, EW6CM/P, EW6GB/P, EW6DM/P and EW6BN/P to be active
  from Holy Island (not IOTA, WD-3 for the West Dvina River Award)  on
  30 June-1 July.  QSL via IK2QPR  (Paolo Fava, Via  Bertani 8,  46100
  Mantova - MN, Italy). [TNX IK2QPR]
GW - The Dragon Amateur  Radio Club (GW4TTA)  of Anglesey will  celebrate
  the Coast  Wireless Stations  Centenary  operating (on  +/-  3537,
  3773, 7037 and 7073 kHz) special station GB100HD on 30 June-1  July.
  QSL via bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
I  - Special station II1ARI is active until  28 October from  Experimenta
  2001 (http://www.experimenta.to.it) in Torino. QSL via I1JQJ.
KL - Look for Byron, KF8UN/KL7 to be  active (time permitting) on 40  and
  20 metres from Sitka (Baranof Island, NA-041) between 7 and 10 July.
  QSL via KF8UN. [TNX VA3RJ]
OA - The planned  29  June-1  July  operation  from  San  Lorenzo  Island
  (SA-052) [425DXN  523] has  been postponed  until late  August-early
  September  due  to  logistic  and  bureaucratic  problems.   Further
  information is expected in due course. [TNX OA4AHW]
OH0- YL operators SM0HNV, SM0UQW and OH1MK will be active (on 20, 15, 10,
  40 and 80  metres SSB with  some CW)  as OH0YLS  from Brando,  Aland
  Islands (EU-002)  from  29  June  through  5  July.  QSL  via  OH1MK
  (Marjatta Kaistila, Nahvontie 5B1, FIN-25410 Suomusjarvi,  Finland).
  All direct QSLs will be answered from Aland Islands using attractive
  Aland postage stamps. [TNX N4GN]
OH0- Look for Bernie McClenny, W3UR, editor of The Daily DX, to be active
  as  W3UR/OH0   Brando  Island   (EU-002),  in   the  Aland   Islands
  (http://www.aland.fi) from on 7-10 July. QSL via home call. [TNX The
  Daily DX]
OZ - A group of OK operators will  be active as OZ/OK5DX/P from  Bornholm
  Island (EU-030, WWL JO75IC) from 5 (local late afternoon) through  9
  July (local morning). They plan to operate on 50, 144, 432,  1296MHz
  and 10Ghz with some activity on  HF as well. Their  main aim is  the
  participation in  the  3rd VHF/SHF/SHF  IARU  Contest.  For  further
  information please visit http://www.qsl.net/ok1cdj/oz/ [TNX OK1CDJ]
PY - Look for  Alencar/PY3CEJ  and Michel/PY3ZM  to  operate  (on  10-160
  metres CW and SSB) as ZV3B  from Ilha Pedras Brancas (not IOTA,  DIB
  33) between 1 and 31 July.  QSL via PY3CEJ (Alencar Fossa, P.O.  Box
  6022, Porto Alegre - RS, 91031-970, Brazil). [TNX PP5SZ]
SV - Franco, HB9OAB reports he will operate  (on 2m and 70cm SSB and  via
  AO10, FO20/29, UO14, RS 12/13 and possibly AO40) as SV8/HB9OAB  from
  Kefallonia (WWL KM08)  and other EU-052  islands (WWL  JM99) from  1
  through 30 July.
SV - Paul  Louis,  IZ5BRV  will  operate  as  SV*/IZ5BRV/P  from  various
  locations in Greece between 4 and  21 July. QSL via home call.  [TNX
UA - Al/RA1WZ, Igor/UA1WER  and  others will  be  active as  UE1WPI  from
  Kolpina Island (RR-23-03) on  30 June-1 July.  QSL via RA1WZ  either
  direct or through the bureau. [TNX RA1WZ]
UA - RA0FF, RA0FU and possibly RA0FW plan to operate from Shikotan Island
  (AS-062), Moneron Island (AS-149) and the Kuril Islands (AS-025)  in
  July and August.  They have requested  the callsign  RI0F. [TNX  The
  Daily DX]
YV - The Grupo  DX  Caracas  and  the  Association  of  Radioamateurs  of
  Venezuela (ARV) are organizing an IOTA  DXpedition Cayo Sombrero  in
  the Falcon State group (SA-???). Look for YW1F to be active (SSB

[DXR] 425 DX News #528

2001-06-15 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

  16 June 2001   No 528 
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages  !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

EA  - Paco, EA5OL reports that the following stations will participate in
   this year's DIE Contest (between 6 UTC and 12 UTC on 17 June):
   EA3URE Illa de Les Roques  GI-004
   EA3URT Torre del EscribaL-043
   EA4AID/P   Cerac del Santo  M-018
   EA5URE or EA2HT/5  Quipar  MU-003
   EA5AEN/P   Tancat de BurrielV-054
   EA5ELT/P   Tancat dels Peixcadors   V-057
   EA5CCY/P   Perdiguera   E-014
   ED1IRM La Quiebra   O-012
   ED7SUA El Pozuelo   S-302
EN  - Special event station EN1WJP will be active on all bands and  modes
   between 22 and 27 June to celebrate the visit of Pope John Paul  II
   to Lviv, Ukraine. QSL via UR4WG either direct (P.O. Box 7072, Lviv,
   79018, Ukraine) or through the bureau. [TNX UR5WCW]
FO  - Yves,  F6CTL  expects  to  be  active  as  FO/F6CTL  from  Rangiroa
   (OC-066), French  Polynesia between  mid June  and mid  July.  [TNX
HK0_mal - Jairo, HK5MQZ and Hiro, HK5QGX [425DXN  516 and 518] were  expected
   to leave  on 10  June for  Malpelo Island  and to  start  operating
   between the 13th and the 16th.  They will be active on 80-6  metres
   as HK5MQZ/0M on SSB and HK5QGX/0M on CW. Suggested frequencies  are
   3745, 7088, 14195, 18145,  21195, 24945, 28495,  50110 kHz SSB  and
   3504/3745, 7004, 10104,  14195, 18072, 21022,  24894, 28022,  50110
   CW. QSL HK5MQZ/0M  direct only to  HK5MQZ (Jairo  Vargas, P.O.  Box
   10862, Cali, Colombia); QSL HK5QGX/0M direct only via JA0MGR.  [TNX
   OPDX Bulletin]
I   - Dario, IT9SSI plans  to operate as  ID9/IT9SSI from Alicudi  Island
   (EU-017, IIA ME-002) on 15-17 June. QSL via IZ8CCW. [TNX IZ8CCW]
I   - IK5AMB, IK5VLS, IZ5AXB, IW5CFN and other  operators from ARI  Lucca
   will be active (on HF, 6 and 2 metres) from Gorgona Island (EU-028,
   IIA LI-014) on 16-17 June. [TNX IK5AMB and I6YOT]
I   - Tony, IK8VRH  will  be working  on  Ventotene Island  (EU-045,  IIA
   LT-011) from 1 through 31 July  and expects to operate in his  free
   time, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. [TNX IK8VRH]
I   - Antonello, IK2DUW reports he will be active from Ventotene (EU-045,
   IIA LT-011) and other IB0 islands  between 18 and 28 June. QSL  via
   home call.
JA  - Steven, K7USJ/7J1AIL will be on Amami O-shima (AS-023) from 15 June
   (local afternoon)  through 17  June (local  morning) and  plans  to
   operate in his free time as  7J1AIL/6 on 40-6  metres CW QRP.  [TNX
   7J1AIL and Islands On The Web]
KH0 - Look for KH0/JE1RRK  to be active  on HF and  6 metres from  Saipan
   (OC-086) on 22-25 June. QSL via JE1RRK. [TNX OZ6OM]
PY  - Special call  PSA088  (Papa  Sierra  Alpha  Zero  Eight  Eight)  is
   expected to be aired from Tacami  Island (SA-088, DIB 077)  between
   12 UTC on  14 June and  12 UTC  on the  17th. QSL  via PP5LL.  [TNX
T5  - Baldur/DJ6SI and Tom/DL1QW are currently active as T5X and T5W from
   Somalia - length of stay not  known, but according to The Daily  DX
   rumor has it they will be  QRV until June 21. Baldur operates  CW
   while Tom operates CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls.
TA  - The operation  from Kefken  Island (AS-???)  is confirmed  to  take
   place on 23-25 June [425DXN 527]. The team on the island will  have
   one tribander, one monobander for 10 metres and three dipoles. Look
   for YM0KI to  be QRV on  different bands  (20, 15,  10m) and  modes
   (SSB, CW and SSTV depending on  propagation) at the same time.  The
   operation  is  organized  by  TA2KI  (http

[DXR] 425 DX News #525

2001-05-25 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   26 May 2001  No 525
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3D2- On 1 June Andre, GM3VLB and his son Niall (recently VP8NJS) will  be
  leaving for  a 17-day  round-the-world trip  holiday via  Australia,
  Fiji, Honolulu, Los Angeles and Toronto. Look for Andre to be active
  as 3D2LB/P from  Beachcomber Island (OC-121)  on 6-8  June and  from
  ordinary Fiji (OC-016) on 8-10 June. He will also operate as KH6/,
  W6/ and VE3/GM3VLB,  probably /m. QSL  direct only  to GM3VLB.  [TNX
5R - Look for 5R8GT to operate from  Nosy Be (AF-057)  on 23-28 May.  QSL
  via DK8ZD. [TNX DK1RV]
5R - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (SSB only on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12  and
  10 metres) as  5R8GY from  Ile Sainte-Marie  (Nosy Boraha,  AS-090),
  Madagascar between  30-31 May  and 9  June.  QSL via  PA3GIO  either
  direct or  preferably  through the  bureau.  The web  page  for  the
  operation is at http://www.pa3gio.nl/5R/ [TNX PA3GIO]
9A - Look for 9A/S50IPA/p, 9A/S53IPA/p and 9A/S57AX/p to be aired (CW and
  SSB on 20, 15, 10,  6 and probably  40 and 80  metres as well)  from
  Kolocep Island (EU-016,  CI-038 for  the Islands  of Croatia  Award)
  between 25 June and  7 July. QSL  to S57AX via  the S5 Bureau.  [TNX
9A - DF9MV (Sven),  DL1GEO (George),  DL9CHR (Chris)  and DE0MST  (Fredy)
  will be active as  9A/home call from  Porer Island (EU-110,  CI-090,
  WLH 0240)  on 12-17  August. QSL  via  DE0MST either  direct  (Fredy
  Stippschild, P.O. Box 1406, D-83657  Lenggries, Germany) or  through
  the bureau. [TNX DE0MST and Islands On The Web]
CT - Hermann,   HB9CRV/CT3FN,   Antonio/CT1EPV   and   Luis/CT1AGF   will
  participate in the IOTA  Contest (28-29 July)  as CS5C from  Culatra
  Island (EU-145). [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8- Operators from Grupo  DX de Gran  Canaria will be  active as  ED8GCF
  from the Lighthouse P.a Reina  Sofia (FEA D-2799.6)  on 27 May.  QSL
  via EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN]
EA8- Brian, GM4XQJ will operate as EA8/GM4XQJ from Fuerteventura,  Canary
  Islands on  2-20 June.  Before  going to  EA8,  he will  be  signing
  CT/GM4XQJ from Portugal on 21-31 May.  All operation will be QRP  CW
  on or around 14.060 Mhz. [TNX GM4XQJ]
F  - Fabrice/F5NBQ, Pierre/F5RRW, Eric/F5LOW and Christian/F1SDQ will  be
  active (on all bands 10-160 metres  SSB and CW)  as TM1H from  Houat
  Island (EU-048) between  31 May  and 4  June. QSL  via F6ANA  either
  direct (Alain Mesnier, Les Grands Bois, Chemin De La Bussiere, 16440
  Mouthiers, France) or through the bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
F  - Gianpi, IK1TTD reports he will participate in the IOTA Contest  from
  Ile du Levant (EU-070). QSL direct only to IK1TTD (P.O.Box 32, 18011
  Arma di Taggia - IM, Italy).
FH - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (SSB only on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12  and
  10 metres) as FH/PA3GIO/p from Grande Terre, Mayotte Island (AF-027)
  between 11 and 18 June. QSL  via PA3GIO either direct or  preferably
  through  the  bureau.  The  web  page   for  the  operation  is   at
  http://www.pa3gio.nl/FH/ [TNX PA3GIO]
FO - W1HIJ/6 will be active as  FO0SCH from Bora  Bora (OC-067) on  22-31
  May. He will participate in the CQ  WW WPX CW Contest as FO8DX.  QSL
  for both calls via W6UFT. [TNX Daily DX]
FR - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (SSB only on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12  and
  10 metres) as FR/PA3GIO/p on Reunion Island (AF-016) between 19  and
  22 June.  QSL via  PA3GIO either  direct or  preferably through  the
  http://www.pa3gio.nl/FR/ [TNX PA3GIO]
GD - Dave, MD0BXX reports that GT3FLH (club callsign) will be aired on  5
  July for Tynwald Day , on 7-14  July for the Island games event

[DXR] 425 DX News #521

2001-04-27 Thread Mauro Pregliasco

   28 April 2001No 521
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: !
!   !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information   !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages   !
!   (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) !

3B6- The 3B6RF DXpedition to Agalega [425DXN 517] is expected to start  a
  couple of days earlier than planned. The team will fly to Agalega on
  2 May  and  should be  on  the air  by  the 3rd.  All-band  all-mode
  operations will end  on 16 May.  QSL via  HB9AGH (Ambrosi  Fleutsch,
  Lerchenweg  29, CH 8046  Zurich, Switzerland); QSL for North America
  (USA, Canada and Mexico) stations only via N3SL (Steve Larson, 22 N.
  Hidden Acres Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51108, USA). Latest information
  and   full   details   on   theoperation   are   availableat
6Y - N6BT, KE7X,  N6XG and  K2KW will  participate in  the CQ  WW WPX  CW
  Contest (26-27  May)  as 6Y1A  from  Jamaica (NA-097).  Outside  the
  contest, look for operations using homecall/6Y5  from 20 to 29  May.
  They will operate on 40-6 metres, with special emphasis given on the
  WARC bands and 6 metres. QSLs  6Y1A and K2KW/6Y5 via WA4WTG,  others
  via   homecall.   Questions   may   besent   to   Kenny,K2KW
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or  visit http://www.k2kw.com  for  information.
  [TNX K2KW]
9A - Dusan, S52DG  will  be  active  (on 10-80  metres  SSB  and  CW)  as
  9A/S52DG/P from Krk Island (EU-136, CI-046)  between 29 April and  1
  May. QSL via home call. [TNX S52DG]
AP - Robert, S53R reports he will start a new assignment with the U.N. in
  early May. His first  stop will be  in Pakistan and  he will try  to
  sign AP2ARS as much as possible. Operation will be on 40-10  metres,
  WARC bands included, almost exclusively on CW.
C6 - Bill, W4WX will be operating as W4WX/C6A from Treasure Cay (NA-080),
  Bahamas on 7-14 May. He will be active  on RTTY and some SSB on  the
  WARC bands. QSL via home call. [TNX W4WX]
DL - DL5XL/p will be active (10, 15, 20,  40 and 80 metres CW only)  from
  Helgoland Island (EU-127) on 28-29 July. He plans to participate  in
  the Single OP 24hr CW Island class of the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via
  DL5XL either direct  (P.O. Box  1253, D-30984  Gehrden, Germany)  or
  through  the   bureau.   Further   information   is   available   at
  http://www.dl5xl.de/  [TNX VA3RJ]
F  - Francois, F2GL will  be active  (on 10-80  metres CW  and SSB)  from
  Houat Island (EU-048, DIFM AT-016) between  30 April and 6 May.  QSL
  via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
F  - The Council of Europe Amateur Radio  Club (TP2CE) will be  activated
  as TP5CE on 4-6 May to celebrate the anniversary day of the  Council
  of Europe. Activity is expected to take place on SSB (10 metres  and
  WARC bands), CW  (all bands) and  RTTY (20 metres).  QSL via  F6FQK.
GJ - Rainer (DL1ZBO),  Tilo (DJ5BX)  and Ekki  (DF4OR) will  be MJ/  from
  Jersey (EU-013) on 7-12  June. They will  participate in the  ANARTS
  Contest and be active on CW and SSB before and after the event. [TNX
HC8- N5KO, W6OAT, K6TA, K6KO, N0JK and K5PI will participate in the CQ WW
  WPX CW Contest  as HC8N (Multi-Multi)  from the Galapagos  (SA-004).
  QSL via AA5BT. [TNX N5KO]
HL - Lee, HL1IWD  is  sorry to  report  that the  5-6  May  DS0DX/2  IOTA
  DXpedition to the  Kangwon-Do Province group  (AS-???) [425DXN  517]
  has been cancelled as the group has not been given the final landing
  permission from the military authorities.
HV - Vatican station HV5PUL  will be active  on 3 May  starting around  8
  UTC. Activity is expected to take place on HF bands as well as on  6
  and 2 metres. [TNX IW0DJB]
I  - Erminio, IE9/IZ8AJQ  and Mario, IE9/IZ8DBJ are currently active from
  Ustica (EU-051) [425DXN 519] and plan to operate from the lighthouse
  at Punta Omo Morto