Re: [DXR] VU7-Spots

2001-06-20 Thread rfcom

they have to be pirates, since no licenses have been issued so far for any VU7 or VU4.

nat vu2nta

Is there currently an operation on VU7 or are the spots we see on
DX-Summit those of a pirate?

73, Werner HB9US

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Re: [DXR] XW HS and VU4 update

2001-05-18 Thread rfcom

Good that you would come to India for your Vu license.DELhi will not col down till the 
end of June, when the first of the monsoon rains come in there.

On the VU4 front, plese note that no foreign amateur radio operators are allowed to 
operate from VU4. Just the sheer number of foreigners attempting to put VU4 on the 
air, is making the authorities say NO. We have just about succeeded, after two years 
of work, in the government askinbg for suggedstions in making certain ammendments to 
the AMATEUR RADIO rules in India. So maybe something may come through. But, don't 
press for the Vu4, since right now even citizens of India are not allowed to carry 
radios there.

I hope you understand the problems we face.
nat vu2nta
Here is my update on my Asia trip, de K4VUD Charly:

1.  XW...I put in license application in person in Vientienne.  Told may 
take "months" to approve if at all.  Was told by Freq. manager man that I 
can not guest operate at Hiro's Laos DXShack unless I have my own license 
and maybe not even then.

2.  Am asking for 40m skeds while I am HS0ZCW... see other email to dx-news. 
  I will be in HS for  maybe two more weeks.

3. No news yet on my VU license application, but last was told that 
something may come thru about June 1.  And, I will not know anything about 
VU4 until I travel to Delhi.  I am waiting for the rains to cool Delhi down 
from current 106 F to a balmy 100 F  or so!   Lakshadweep has the word 
"weep" in it for a reason... travel  costs to get there even from India and 
the cost of staying there are somewhere above the stratosphere.  However, I 
definitely will travel to VU4 even if no license just to look at it.

73, Charly
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2001-05-13 Thread rfcom

There was a thread sometime ago about an ooperation signing QQ0JA. Anyone with more  
info, could you please write to me direct, with details of which country this counts 
for, operator, QSL info,etc. A friend of mine has worked them, but doesn' have any 
details. Have promised to help him. 

Thanks for any help.

nat vu2nta

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Re: [DXR] VU4 in Bulletin #506

2001-04-09 Thread rfcom

May/Jun is a horrible time to be in the Andamans. It would be raining continuously 
till the end of October! I am sure Charly would not want to have his shirt rot on his 
back. You cannot even step out of the aircraft.

nat vu2nta  

DX Bltn 506 says there was a VU4 station on the air.  Does any one know 
about this report?  I plan a scouting trip to South Andaman I. in May or 
June and am interested in who may be operating there because all my India 
contacts tell me it is impossible for everyone.
Tnx, Charly K4VUD
(dreaming of being VU4D !!!  I said, "dreaming")

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2001-04-05 Thread rfcom

Interetsing stories about UPS. i thought that I wa the only one to have suffered with 
them, but I seem to be august company. In december 1996, I was sent samples of 
antennae from LARSEN ELECTRONICS, since I had just started their representation in 
India. Those samples are yet to be delivered. The tracers sent from India arealso 

Suffice it sy, I now always ship FEDEX from the USA to India, which reaches me in 5 
days including cusotms clearance!!

nat vu2nta

On my return from CYØAA in 1996, I was "priviledged" to donate my Amp
Supply LK500ZA to the DX Gods!!! After having our plane flight
"confiscated" to evacuate Canadian personnel first due to fog, the
equipment stayed behind, to be picked up on the next trip.  Since the fog
had become so intense, the flight was the credit of the
pilot...done on the next trip...another 3.5 hours later later with fog
rolling in, which was above and beyond the call for him to do.  The
equipment was given to a very non-understanding group of airline
employees though in  Halifax, NS, who didn't pay the the $2.50, and
insure any of the equipment as they were instructed!!  UPS DESTROYED the
ampwhich was packed in a specially designed shipping box!!
No one could figure how it had gotten so beaten up!!!  All of the meters
were wiped off of the face of the amp, and the loading knobs were bent. 
This was all in an army surplus case!!! I fought for a year with UPS
since there were conflicting stories between  Canadian and US UPS
personnel.  Finally my own insurance company applied it to my homeowners
policy...minus the deductible to finance another amplifier.  The amp was
lost in shipment, and ended up on Cushcraft's receiving dock in NH
unmarked!!!  I happened to call them, and they asked if I recognized this
desciption of the shipping box! So not only did they damage the
equipment, they shipped it to a place in an unmarked box!!! All of the
shipping tags had been "removed"...if I wouldn't have called, I would've
NEVER  seen the amp again, no matter what the condition!!!  Without
adding any more to this story, let it suffice to sayI will NEVER ship
 another piece of equipment via UPS for any future operation of mine to


On Fri, 06 Apr 2001 04:30:05 + Garry Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> UPS dropped the Alpha 87 I bought several years ago. They dropped it 
> so hard
> that the outer box had a crushed corner, one circuit board tore 
> loose from its
> support pillar, and a molex connector fell off the pins. Alpha was 
> good about
> it, and took it up with UPS, but it was a returned, refurbished 
> radio that I had
> bought at a substantial discount. It was a "unique," and, when I 
> returned it, I
> received a new one---at full price. So, while I was not stuck for 
> the shipping,
> I did wind up spending hundreds of dollars more, for the same 
> amplifier. Thank
> you, UPS.
> UPS also failed to deliver a shipment of wire and cable in time for 
> my departure
> to Rodrigues I., on the other side of the planet for the 3B9R 
> DXpedition,
> necessitating rushing around on the day of departure to replace as 
> many of the
> items as possible. They had promised me every day for a week that it 
> would reach
> me on time. I sat here the last evening before departure until every 
> truck had
> returned to the barn--only a few miles away. Some items never were 
> obtained and
> we did without. And, of course, all the needed items---no longer 
> needed--were
> waiting for me when I got home.
>  Needless to say, UPS is not my choice when the items are expensive 
> or crucial.
> None of the delivery companies is perfect, but FedEx has been a lot 
> more
> reliable in my experience.
> Garry, NI6T
> MGB wrote:
> > The Horror stories are growing ever larger with all the companies! 
> With
> > shoddy construction practices, poor designs, lousy delivery 
> systems, and
> > high prices its a wonder any of this stuff ever works. I had two 
> > radios totally destroyed by the carrier. After weeks of 
> negotiations I
> > finally got some of my money back minus $100 shipping. Bottom line 
> I paid
> > the Selling company $100 Dollars to allow the delivery trucks to 
> destroy my
> > radios..(which I don't have) Ain't progress wonderful??  No more 
> for me,
> > they can keep them!!!
> >
> > GB
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Rob Rey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:39 PM
> > Subject: [DXR] Stupidity @ its best
> >
> > > Hello Everybody:
> > >
> > > Here's my little story. I've got Kenwood TS 570 D and for some 
> time it had
> > > been having on going problems of all sorts, the memory went 
> Berzerk, then
> > > the Atomatic Ant.tuner didn't want to tune anymore and some 
> other problems
> > > that I later found out that were all glitches that Kenwood found 
> out 3
> > years
> > > after selling its first 570