[Dx4win] BV and DX4WIN

2002-03-24 Thread Ralph Fedor
I'm trying to import QSO's from DX4WIN into BV for QSL printing.  In the 
process, I'd like to have the label flags change from "Y" to "N" in DX4WIN 
and have the date QSL'd appear in DX4WIN.

Exporting an ADIF file from DX4WIN and importing it into BV is no problem, 
but how do I trigger the other events and keep DX4WIN's statistics accurate?

Is anyone out there using DX4WIN and BV together?  Any thoughts on the above?

Thanks and 73 -
Ralph - K0IR

[Dx4win] How do you key a tube rig?

2002-03-24 Thread Joe's chartermi.net
I tried to key my old first generation FT-101 with DX4Win version 1.12 =
that I keep on an old 486 laptop, and it just would key as soon as I =
plugged it in to the computer.  Can you use a computer to key old tube =
rigs?  Thanks, Joe N8TI

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[Dx4win] DXCC Confirmed to Checked (ARRL)

2002-03-24 Thread Dave Earnest
I know this has probably been hashed and re-hashed. How does one easily =
move 330+ countries from C to * in DX4WIN? I have been able to write the =
file to a CSV file and change the fields, but how does one send it back =
to DX4WIN.


Dave K7JJ

David E. Earnest
[The HZ1AB Web Site]

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[Dx4win] DXCC Confirmed to Checked (ARRL)

2002-03-24 Thread Mike Rhodes
If you let DX4WIN do its thing and it has marked those Qs as 'Subm', then
all you have to do is go to the Log window and choose 'Reports', 'Change
Award Flags' and then select 'Submitted -> Checked'. If you did the whole
process manually, that is probably the way you will have to handle the rest
of the process too. Good luck.

Mike / W8DN
DX4Win Since Ver. 0.97


- Original Message -
From: "Dave Earnest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 9:47 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] DXCC Confirmed to Checked (ARRL)

I know this has probably been hashed and re-hashed. How does one easily move
330+ countries from C to * in DX4WIN? I have been able to write the file to
a CSV file and change the fields, but how does one send it back to DX4WIN.


Dave K7JJ

David E. Earnest
[The HZ1AB Web Site]

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Dx4win mailing list

[Dx4win] Re: SWL LABELS

2002-03-24 Thread Robert C De Grippo
 A SWLer has requested a QSL card for a station I worked.
 When I do a F8 of DN1KA the QSO is populated in the screen
 then I hit CNTL F2 and it asked for the SWLers number...
 I enter that swler number then enter.
 PROBLEM: When I try to print this SWL CFM to a label there are NO
 SWL labels to print. Please advise, I guess I need some help here.


Middleburg Fl (South Jacksonville)
ICQ 13912841
Web Page http://home.earthlink.net/~kr4da

Ham Radio Calls: KR4DA FG/KR4DA J79DA

QSL MGR for J79DA 2001 Dominica W.I.

Motorcycles CBMMA #4
1977 XS750D 1J7008405
1997 Vmax12J VMOA #504

[Dx4win] Country ZZZZ New but incomplete

2002-03-24 Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Alkoff)
I notice that there seems to be an "extra" country in my country database.
It was first encountered when entering Ducie Island - my first added country.

It has the prefix  and country name is "New but incomplete".

Is this some template thing  that DX4WIN uses when entering a new country
or should I delete it?

73, Larry Alkoff N2LA

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX

[Dx4win] Wish List - Filter Functionality

2002-03-24 Thread Mike Rhodes
Just wondering if it is possible to make the filter function effective when
doing QSL labels. I have a small number of Qs marked for labels at the
moment but have an even smaller portion of those that I would like to
process right now. Looks like my options are, 1) Process them all, or 2)
Manually deselect the ones I don't want to do now and then manually put them
back in, neither of which is nearly as appealing as just filtering the ones
I want. Same thing applies when doing a DXCC Submission function. Sure would
be nice to be able to do that on filtered data, especially when trying to
work around the $0.20 per card over 120 limit (or whatever the correct
numbers are :--)  ). I can see myself doing multiple filtered passes on the
log and trimming the fat in between runs to get the card count I am looking
for. Those are just the two occasions that come to mind at the moment. There
are probably other times when it would be handy too. Or, have I completely
overlooked something and the way to accomplish what I'm trying to do already

But regardless, DX4Win is still the best damn logging program going !!

Mike / W8DN
DX4Win Since Ver 0.97

[Dx4win] QSX Function of TS-850S

2002-03-24 Thread Timothy Coker
Hi, I cannot seem to get my TS-850S to QSX properly with spots. My radio
would do it no problem using Log Windows when I used to use their software
so I know my cable's pins should be configured properly. I can QSY with
correct mode to a spot without problem, but no matter the method of listing
QSX/up or whatever on a spot it will not work. I am using the Kenwood
850-950 setting. Here is what happens... I double click with mouse on a spot
that has Up 'x' or QSX frequency listed, my radio QSY's there, the radio is
actually setup properly for QSX frequency (RX VFO A, TX VFO B) but then is
immediately switched back to RX/TX on VFO A. It will not stay on split VFO
operation. I've played with the different options in DX4WIN and have looked
through the user manual, any suggestions please?

Timothy Coker - N6WIN
Private Pilot - Instrument