[e-gold-list] China and Gold

2001-06-29 Thread Andrew McMeikan

A while back was some rumors about the gold situation in China.

here is a link (registration required, but joecypher and a password of
cypherpunk, works ;)

quick bit of interest"Just over a week ago, as part of its ongoing
deregulation drive, the government began setting gold prices on a weekly

This replaced the previous policy of resetting prices every six months, a
system that had allowed large gaps between international and domestic
prices to develop and encouraged exports.

For the past 50 years, gold trading has been controlled strictly by the
central People's Bank of China, which requires gold producers to sell
their output to the PBOC at fixed prices.

Analysts estimate that with deregulation, annual demand in China could
triple to as much as 600 tonnes within the next few years, a volume that
could pressure producers, judging by the planned output of 175 tonnes for
this year.

Growing affluence in the richer coastal cities, which has driven up sales
of gold jewellery, has also squeezed demand for the metal.


PS:Thanks to all who offered to help out with the MS-gold the winning bid
was 4.015g for 4.015g

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[e-gold-list] More details on thief!

2001-06-29 Thread Graham Kelly


Please be aware that this person has stolen an Australian ID and CC details.
The real owner has been advised!

Account Type  e-gold  
Account #  327994 (surglo international)  
He stole an Australian ID, and matching CC details. Beware this thief.
The real CC owner has been informed. 

Gold Community: be advised

Gold Alliance: ditto

RT @ e-gold: FYI

AOL Management; this guy has abused his AOL privledges. FYI. Call me
if necessary.


Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Fax +1(312)777-4270 or +1(509)278-2268
UK Phone/Fax +44 (0)709-233-7612
USA Phone +1(817)238-9955 or cellphone +1(817)266-1678

If you would like a free e-gold, Standard Reserve, or OSGOLD account,
please apply at my site!

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[e-gold-list] This guy is a thief, he stole an Australian ID & CC details

2001-06-29 Thread Graham Kelly


Please be aware that this person has stolen an Australian ID and CC details.
The real owner has been advised!

Gold Community: be advised

Gold Alliance: ditto

RT @ e-gold: FYI

AOL Management; this guy has abused his AOL privledges. FYI. Call me
if necessary.


Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Fax +1(312)777-4270 or +1(509)278-2268
UK Phone/Fax +44 (0)709-233-7612
USA Phone +1(817)238-9955 or cellphone +1(817)266-1678

If you would like a free e-gold, Standard Reserve, or OSGOLD account,
please apply at my site!

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To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[e-gold-list] Re: Sub Conference (was Re: Cruisin' (was Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

>We are also  implementing another policy from Lloyd's of London 
>which will provide FDIC-like insurance for up to $100,000 per 

What will be covered exactly..

WIll the account holder have anything to prove to claim $100K... 
Say he wakes up and one day, his account is empty ??

WHat will be cover exactly ?


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[e-gold-list] Re: EuroCredit Was a Sham...

2001-06-29 Thread gary

Although it is probably all true, it is only that a suit has been filed, the
case hasn't even been heard much less decided.  I see the article says that
the court ordered Stroud's assets frozen and that he not engage in any
further illegal activities and that a receiver has been appointed by the
court.  I'm not saying this is impossible, just very improbable as the
complaint was only filed yesterday.  The courts usually move a bit slower
than that.

The unofficial URL for viewing the complaint is

I looked at this earlier and someone has been editing it by making certain
program names etc. into live links (I don't think the original complaint had
that in it.  Also, I was certain when I viewed it earlier that the case
number was there, it is now missing.  This may just have been a screw up
when they were adding the links.


- Original Message -
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 6:57 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] EuroCredit Was a Sham...

> Euro-Credit Never Was...
> le
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to

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[e-gold-list] ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives exchange

2001-06-29 Thread Bob

> Only the handful of people on this mailing list will know
> about it, but there it is.

Not quite, now. Hip spreads fast::)

> Subject: 
> [e-gold-list] ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives exchange.
>   Date: 
> Fri, 29 Jun 2001 16:01:42 -0400
>   From: 
> "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Digital Bearer Settlement List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- begin forwarded text
> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 23:57:02 +1000
> To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [e-gold-list] ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal
> derivatives exchange.
> ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives/futures exchange.
> http://www.bamdex.com
> In fifteen minutes it is 6/30/2001 -- and that is the 200th birthday
> of Frederic Bastiat.
> Bastiat was an very early and very influential LAISSEZ FAIREIST --
> sort of a Thomas Paine of France, intelligent, brilliant, witty and
> 200 years ahead of his time, for sure.
> The BAILED METALS DERIVATIVE EXCHANGE -- Bamdex -- is the most
> important web site.  Why?  Without a futures market, a derivatives
> market, there is no real trading and no real financial market.
> Giants like Honna, "God of the markets" in 16th century Japan who

> invented futures trading in the East, knew this. Time is the second
> and critical dimension to price.
> As much as e-gold (and the concept of a "bailed metal") is an
> incredible breakthrough in the concept of "money" macroshistorically,
> the step of making a futures exchange, based on bailed money, is an
> obivous and indeed fairly easy one.
> With help from everyone and plenty of tech support from Jay and Jim
> at e-gold we've managed to patch together the FIRST REAL-MONEY ..
> bailed metal money .. derivatives exchange, and there's still 7 1/2
> minutes until 6/30/2001.
> You can now hedge on the price of gold USING e-gold ITSELF.
> Be a member!  You can cross a contract with yourself and nothing bad
> will happen (there are no commissions or fees).  Take part in
> history.  Only the handful of people on this mailing list will know
> about it, but there it is.
> Dedicated to Frederic Bastiat on his 20th birthday: the Bailed Metals
> Derivatives Exchange.  Bamdex!  A members site.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> http://www.bamdex.com
> "At last! You can trade the price of gold using e-gold®.
> Instantaneously, easily. Trading in IFGETDs is now available to
> e-gold users who are members of bamdex.com.
> "  IFGETDs®. . .
>Indefinite Future, Gold-Expressed, Thousand Dollar contracts
> "The IFGETD® or "thousand dollar contract" let's you hedge or
> speculate on movements in the price of gold, using e-gold. Operation
> is as easy as e-gold itself. . .one click.
> "The margin for one IFGETD contract is only 5 grams, allowing members
> to control $1000.00 worth of gold.
> "Buy a IFGETD going "up" if you think the price of e-gold is about to
> go up. Buy a IFGETD going "down" if you think the price of e-gold is
> about to go down.
> "Your position will move up or down with the price of e-gold. If the
> price of gold rises so that it takes an extra (say) 1.5 grams to get
> USD$1000.00, your "up" contract will grow by 1.5 grams.
> "See all contract activity live -- top right of this page. "
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --- end forwarded text
> -- 
> -
> R. A. Hettinga 
> The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
> 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
> "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
> [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
> experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[e-gold-list] Re: Twinings

2001-06-29 Thread Michael Moore

Virtually all the supermarkets in Victoria  (and I presume the rest of
Aussie) sell Twinings.

It is very popular here  as Australia is a nation of tea drinks,  along with
coffee and beer and wine (hic!!) and other  drinks.

But mostly Tea which reminds me... it's time for my mid morning
Irish Breakfast  actually..

- Original Message -
From: "Ian Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 10:59 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Twinings

> Hi Bob,
> Safeway (if not the other major supermarkets) in Victoria, Australia stock
> a wide range of Twinings and Lipton teas, so I don't need to buy it online
> (therefore no [significant] freight costs), but I would be interested in
> getting an idea of the demand for tea (and herbal infusions) online. I may
> be able to offer the same service for you that I do with Amazon,
> BarnesandNoble and others.
> Email me privately if you wish to buy anything like this with e-gold.
> Regards,
> Ian Green
> http://www.aoshop.com/
> --
> > From: Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [e-gold-list] Twinings
> > Date: Friday, 29 June 2001 12:31 PM
> >
> > http://www.twinings.com/
> >
> > Since the supermarkets don't always stock what I want
> > (Lapsang Souchong, mostly), I order Twinings tea from Twinings'
> > Web site. Too bad they don't take gold as their service is good.
> >
> > How many of you are into tea?
> >
> > Bob
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to

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[e-gold-list] Re: Twinings

2001-06-29 Thread Ian Green

Hi Bob,

Safeway (if not the other major supermarkets) in Victoria, Australia stock
a wide range of Twinings and Lipton teas, so I don't need to buy it online
(therefore no [significant] freight costs), but I would be interested in
getting an idea of the demand for tea (and herbal infusions) online. I may
be able to offer the same service for you that I do with Amazon,
BarnesandNoble and others.

Email me privately if you wish to buy anything like this with e-gold.


Ian Green

> To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [e-gold-list] Twinings
> Date: Friday, 29 June 2001 12:31 PM
> http://www.twinings.com/
> Since the supermarkets don't always stock what I want
> (Lapsang Souchong, mostly), I order Twinings tea from Twinings' 
> Web site. Too bad they don't take gold as their service is good.
> How many of you are into tea?
> Bob

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[e-gold-list] Re: ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives exchange.

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

>>ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives/futures exchange.
>> https://www.bamdex.com
>Cool! One observation, watch out for the SEC.

Thanks.  I would say that is an excellent observation. :)

Fortunately, the BAMDEX is just a members site which does not offer 
or have anything at all to do with securities, speculation, 
investment, or hedging -- but rather just allows Members to send 
e-gold back and fore amongst themselves, in a manner which may let 
members offset the changing price of e-gold against other members!

There's nothing there for the public, there's nothing "for sale" -- 
indeed, no fees or commissions are levied by anyone on anyone.

I see members have now deposited some 76 grams!

live stats: https://www.bamdex.com/cgi-bin/review.cgi

(Members thank Jim Ray for the public balance feature!)

I wonder if Nasdaq started this slowly?

Any suggestions for a new contract?  I thought an S&P contract might be good.

Or maybe a (snicker) Euro index, not that you could ever find anyone 
to buy the up sides. :)

Well i think it's cool anyway.


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[e-gold-list] Sub Conference (was Re: Cruisin' (was Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 11:04 AM 6/29/2001 -0500, SnowDog wrote:
> > >So Standard Reserve, an e-gold backed currency, has two Mega-Corps
> > >with 160,000 employees. Incredible!
> >
> > Yep.  If you heard a sonic boom on Tuesday, it was me screaming
> > as I read the fax of the signed contract for this deal.  For fear
> > of getting mugged, or at least having  hundreds of new
> > "relatives" coming on down for a visit and to participate in the
> > rewards, I won't mention the value, but we will become number 575
> > on the Fortune 1,000 list. ;-).
>Incredible! Sounds Good! What's your address? I'll be right over.

That's what I was afraid of.  All of a sudden I have friends and family I 
never knew ;-).

But, you may want to participate in the Standard Reserve Subsidiary 
Conference coming up in late August.  It will be for those folks who have 
expressed an interest in becoming a subsidiary agent, and who have signed 
the NDA.  There is a fee involved for attending the two day event, which 
will be applied to the subsidiary agent's fee when you sign up.  We will be 
teaching how to get the big deals, and how to make a boat load of money 
with SR (this deal will be worth $16 million annually to the sub agent 


"Bringing you a world of information under one roof!"
GAP Enterprises, Ltd.   Alpharetta, GA 30022
http://www.gapent.com   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel: (770) 752-7022 Ext 821   Fax: (770) 752-9767

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[e-gold-list] Re: ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives exchange.

2001-06-29 Thread don . raymond

At Fri, 29 Jun 2001 23:57:02 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives/futures exchange.

Cool! One observation, watch out for the SEC.


Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at www.hushmail.com

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[e-gold-list] Re: Cruisin' (was Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 11:59 AM 6/29/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>On 29 Jun 2001, at 11:55, George Matyjewicz wrote:
> > >So Standard Reserve, an e-gold backed currency, has two Mega-Corps
> > >signed-up with 160,000 employees. Incredible!
>Hello George,
>That is a great news... But you should be more precise.
>The deal has little to do with e-gold. As you said all this will be
>done in USD. SR-USD are backed with fiat USD dollars.

Still spends ;-),  Actually, we expect a lot of them to keep their funds in 
SR-AUG as they come from countries where gold means something.  We'll see.

>Still... Congratulations.. Standard Reserve is doing very well.

Thank you.  Stay tuned. there's more to come.


>Claude Cormier Public Key
>You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: 
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Bringing you a world of information under one roof!"
GAP Enterprises, Ltd.   Alpharetta, GA 30022
http://www.gapent.com   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel: (770) 752-7022 Ext 821   Fax: (770) 752-9767

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[e-gold-list] activity

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

I see there are an exciting four (4) ! contracts open on the bamdex


Thats $4000 dollars worth of US Dollars worth of contracts.

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[e-gold-list] List readers RE Bricks of Gold

2001-06-29 Thread twpmarket

  I'm getting lots of feedback on Bricks of Gold (all good so far, Thank
You) and trying to work through the messages.
  I'm having trouble replying to Tristan Petersen of Cambist.net.  His
email bounces back with a message: "Cannot Check MX records for receipient
host goldbarter.com"  I don't know what this means or why it happens, so
Tristan, I got your message and am trying to reply off list.  If you have
another email address, we could try that?
Dave Brooks
Bricks of Gold

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[e-gold-list] List readers RE Bricks of Gold

2001-06-29 Thread twpmarket

  I'm getting lots of feedback on Bricks of Gold (all good so far, Thank
You) and trying to work through the messages.
  I'm having trouble replying to Tristan Petersen of Cambist.net.  His
email bounces back with a message: "Cannot Check MX records for receipient
host goldbarter.com"  I don't know what this means or why it happens, so
Tristan, I got your message and am trying to reply off list.  If you have
another email address, we could try that?
Dave Brooks
Bricks of Gold

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[e-gold-list] Re: Where's the ups?!

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

>People lining up for bamdex down contracts!  =)  Me included!

I just bought a few ups for laughs!

Jay --- you are losing 2 grams so far on the contract you bought as a 
test (the world's first e-gold future)

Feel free to close it out if you don't feel the price is coming back!  :)

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[e-gold-list] EuroCredit Was a Sham...

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

Euro-Credit Never Was...


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[e-gold-list] eBooks now available to e-gold customers world-wide.

2001-06-29 Thread Dale Pond

To all e-golders everywhere,

In order to improve delivery speed and reduce production costs we now offer 50
SVP catalog books and pamphlets converted to eBook format (pdf). eBooks may be
downloaded and viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a rapid, safe and
secure method of delivering research and reading materials through the net to
any net-ready customer anywhere in the world - instantly. These eBooks are now
available on the SVP online catalog:


Type in < pdf > and hit return. A list of all the < pdf > items will appear.

eBooks are password protected. First download the file then pay the posted
amount to our e-gold account #101329. Upon payment confirmation along with the
eBook item#(s) an email is sent to the purchaser containing the password(s) to
open the eBook(s). eBooks may be viewed, word searched, annotated and/or printed
to hard copy.

This eBook format allows us to deliver eBooks anywhere in the world without the
printing, fullfillment and shipping costs or the postal delays which can be as
much as two months. Customers in the South Pacific will appreciate the
elimination of shipping charges which oftentimes exceeds the value of the

PS: SVP eBooks may also be purchased with ordinary credit/debit cards
(MasterCard, Visa & Discover) via the regular online catalog check-out procedure.

NOTE: Due to canned third-party software in the catalog database there is
automatically added a $3.00 "transaction fee" per transaction regardless of
number of items selected. This base rate fee shows on the invoice as a shipping
charge. This is the base "transaction fee" charged on any and all transactions
and cannot be programmed out. As the catalog service is done by a third party
there is little I can do about this. No regular shipping, handling or postage
charges are applied to purchase and delivery of eBooks.

Life, Love and Laughter,
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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[e-gold-list] Re: [e-gold-list] Bricks of Gold© Ezine & Website Announcement

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

The site looks good! Good Work!


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[e-gold-list] Bricks of Gold© Ezine & Website Announcement

2001-06-29 Thread twpmarket

  To all users of the Gold Based Economy;

  I'm pleased (and exhausted) to announce the premier edition of Bricks of
Gold© eZine and the companion Bricks of Gold© website. The publication
will run weekly, in conjunction with our website. We welcome your feedback
(be gentle, please) and encourage submission of articles, news and ads
relating to the world of Gold Commerce. While primarily designed for the
e-Commerce sector, we will also feature links and news from the mining

  As Editor, I will host a 'Letters to the Editor' section as a forum for
reader feedback and communication. I make no claim to superior knowledge
in the world of Gold Based Commerce, but I do reserve the right to praise
or condemn some of the 'opportunities' that are now available. I certainly
encourage reader feedback on their experience with the Gold Based Economy.
This will not be an anonymous forum, so be prepared to back your opinions
with sound, verifiable information.

  The following is our general purpose business description, which may be
copied and used only in its full form. Obviously, we hope other websites
will link to ours, and we've already linked to many sites in the Gold
Based Economy. We have a set of logos (big and small), which will be
available on the website within hours of this notice. In the interests of
bandwidth load balancing, please download and store the logos on your own
server. This will keep our server host from yelling at us.

Bricks of Gold© - "Paving the Road to a Gold Based Economy"©
  "Bricks of Gold© is a website and ezine dedicated to the concept that
Gold is Money. Featuring products, which may be purchased with Gold and
merchants who accept Gold Based Currencies, we maintain descriptive and
informative vendor links and accept classified ads to encourage the use of
Gold as Money. We publish the companion Bricks of Gold© Ezine, containing
articles, news and classified ads related to the Gold Based Economy, with
an intended audience of everyone using Gold for monetary transactions. We
support the efforts of G.A.T.A (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee) with a
donation of 10% of classified ad revenue from the website."

  Needless to say, our efforts are only partly altruistic. Although we are
very clear that the fiat economy is in serious trouble and our message
will always be "Gold is Money", our business plan includes a advertising
revenue stream, from both the website and eZine. We certainly hope for
support from this community. Our ad rates are posted on the website and we
think they are reasonable for the anticipated size of our audience. While
reserving the right to adjust ad rates in the future, we also recognize
our 'junior' status in the GBE. We therefore offer some incentives to you,
our readers and customers.

  First, we offer a free listing in the either of our Gold Directory
sections on the website.

  Our 'Buy Gold' directory pages are intended for Repositories, for
example, e-Gold and GoldMoney and Exchange Service Providers (Market
Makers and Cambios). If your business provides these services, you may
qualify for a free listing. Note that we anticipate the success of the
e-Currency Trade Association (eCTA) and have space reserved for this in
the directory. The information in the directory is limited, but sufficient
to identify your company to our readers and direct them to your site.

  Our 'Products' directory pages are designed for merchants and vendors.
Due to the hopefully very large number of entries, the directory
information is limited to a product/service category with a few words of
description and a list of which Gold Based Currencies are accepted.

  Finally, we're maintaining a true classified ad section, sorted by
product/service category. As an introductory offer, a 50% discount is
available for the first month (four issues/weeks) starting Monday
7/02/2001. The discount applies to both the website and ezine ads. We'll
normally offer a 10% discount for running the same ad across multiple
ezine issues or for multiple weeks on the website. Sorry, the discounts
cannot be combined.

  And did I mention, we only take Gold?


Subscribe Here:

David Brooks
Vice President
Andersen & Associates Corporate Services
Publisher / Creator / Editor
Bricks of Gold© website and eZine

John Andersen
Owner, CEO
Andersen & Associates Corporate Services

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[e-gold-list] Re: Cruisin' (was Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

> >So Standard Reserve, an e-gold backed currency, has two Mega-Corps
> >with 160,000 employees. Incredible!
> Yep.  If you heard a sonic boom on Tuesday, it was me screaming
> as I read the fax of the signed contract for this deal.  For fear
> of getting mugged, or at least having  hundreds of new
> "relatives" coming on down for a visit and to participate in the
> rewards, I won't mention the value, but we will become number 575
> on the Fortune 1,000 list. ;-).

Incredible! Sounds Good! What's your address? I'll be right over.

> And we have a couple of more like this in the works, two of which are



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[e-gold-list] Re: Cruisin' (was Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc.

On 29 Jun 2001, at 11:55, George Matyjewicz wrote:

> >So Standard Reserve, an e-gold backed currency, has two Mega-Corps
> >signed-up with 160,000 employees. Incredible!

Hello George,

That is a great news... But you should be more precise.

The deal has little to do with e-gold. As you said all this will be 
done in USD. SR-USD are backed with fiat USD dollars.

Still... Congratulations.. Standard Reserve is doing very well.


Claude Cormier Public Key

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[e-gold-list] Cruisin' (was Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 11:12 AM 6/29/2001, SnowDog wrote:

> > We had to obtain the insurance to satisfy many of our large
> > corporate/affinity groups.  Our latest customer has 160,000
> > employees (two cruise lines) and they would not consider us

> > unless we could obtain bonding for our agent and insurance on the
>So Standard Reserve, an e-gold backed currency, has two Mega-Corps signed-up
>with 160,000 employees. Incredible!

Yep.  If you heard a sonic boom on Tuesday, it was me screaming 
as I read the fax of the signed contract for this deal.  For fear 
of getting mugged, or at least having  hundreds of new 
"relatives" coming on down for a visit and to participate in the 
rewards, I won't mention the value, but we will become number 575 
on the Fortune 1,000 list. ;-).

  On July 10,  some of us will be flying to Cozumel to implement 
the program.  We will start with a test group of 100 people, then 
expand to one ship and then all  the Western Caribbean cruise 
ships.   Each crew member will get two accounts - one for him and 
one for his family back home.

The crew will be paid in Standard Reserve USD.  When they reach 
Cozumel, MX, they will go to one of three processing centers 
where there are 130 internet-capable computers and telephones 
available.  The crew member will exchange tips (cash) with the 
exchange agents in these centers, and receive additional SR USD, 
immediately.  The crew member can transfer funds to the family 
back home, who can then extract funds from a local ATM.

And we have a couple of more like this in the works, two of which are bigger.

BTW, we are looking for subsidiary agents, and are planning on a 
subsidiary agent conference here in BVI in late August.  We are 
working on the details now.  A subsidiary agent requires a 
$50,000 investment.  For more information, follow this link: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=E-Gold_Info_STAX

> > I'm sure our insurance agent would be happy to put together such
> > a program for anybody who is interested.
>Like E-Gold LTD?

Only if they are interested.


George Matyjewicz,  President/General Manager
Standard Transactions (BVI) Limited
World Wide Currency for the World

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[e-gold-list] ...language on list

2001-06-29 Thread peelpee

Re: recent objections to snippets of mild coarseness posted to this
list.I find them refreshing, besides, have you ever overheard women
talking amongst themselves?

best, ... forrest

--Worth 2 cents?-- http://www.two-cents-worth.com/?103300 

--View my e-gold directory at: http://members.tripod.com/~lowell_potter/ 

"God is dead"-Nietzche..."Nietzche is dead"-God

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

> Yes, insurance is available.  We have it with Standard
> Reserve.  It covers us against unauthorized access (internet
> fraud), employee fraud, etc.

So Insurance IS available for a non-repudiable internet currency! Excellent!

> We had to obtain the insurance to satisfy many of our large
> corporate/affinity groups.  Our latest customer has 160,000
> employees (two cruise lines) and they would not consider us
> unless we could obtain bonding for our agent and insurance on the

So Standard Reserve, an e-gold backed currency, has two Mega-Corps signed-up
with 160,000 employees. Incredible!

> I'm sure our insurance agent would be happy to put together such
> a program for anybody who is interested.

Like E-Gold LTD?

Craig (SnowDog)

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread Vince Callaway

Yeah, they also offer a seller protection policy.  It aint worth the
pixels it is written with.

It only applies to physical shippments.  Electronic delivery of goods does
not count.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread George Matyjewicz

At 07:09 AM 6/29/2001, SnowDog wrote:
>How is it that PayPal can buy "$100,000 insurance protection against
>unauthorized transactions for every customer" from Travelers Insurance? Can
>E-Gold LTD do this? Wouldn't this be a BIG solution to protect those who
>have been hacked?

Yes, insurance is available.  We have it with Standard 
Reserve.  It covers us against unauthorized access (internet 
fraud), employee fraud, etc.

We are also  implementing another policy from Lloyd's of London 
which will provide FDIC-like insurance for up to $100,000 per 
account.  That will be expanded to $500,000 then $1 million as 
our experience grows with them.

We had to obtain the insurance to satisfy many of our large 
corporate/affinity groups.  Our latest customer has 160,000 
employees (two cruise lines) and they would not consider us 
unless we could obtain bonding for our agent and insurance on the accounts.

I'm sure our insurance agent would be happy to put together such 
a program for anybody who is interested.


George Matyjewicz,  President/General Manager
Standard Transactions (BVI) Limited
World Wide Currency for the World

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access / fone 860-277-0111

2001-06-29 Thread James M. Ray

At 10:07 PM +1000 06/29/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Hopefully Jim'll pick up the fone and ask for a rate 
>Tel 860-277-0111 for corporate office

(I wouldn't do this, but...) I can't imagine insurers lining up to provide
this service. If I were an insurer, I wouldn't be as interested in e-gold
and the precautions *they* take as I was in the USERS. For example,
as an insurer, I'd try to cherry-pick for non-Windoze-users -- wouldn't
you? I can see a number of other potential problems with the idea of
insuring e-gold account users (my mind seethes with potential ideas
for theft/fraud against that insurance company) but as I have said
before: I don't understand much about the insurance business! If I
were my good friend (who is in that business, and repeatedly shows
me why I'm wrong to worry about his fiscal health) I would not sleep
very well.

Anyway, insurance of this variety is unlikely to be a one-size-fits-all
solution. The folks who should call the insurance company should
ideally be the ones who actually need or want insurance. Users of
more-secure OSes, who employ intelligent security practices and
passphrase hygiene might (rightly!) object to paying what turns out
to be a subsidy to users of less-secure OSes, who are lazy about
computer-security issues. IMO, YMMV, Speaking Only For Me, etc.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Labour kills NZ economic growth

2001-06-29 Thread Amnon Shomlo

I am wondering why you choose this forum to share this information?
How does it relate to e-Gold?

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[e-gold-list] EZCMoney Orders - Reduced Rate for 14 Days!!

2001-06-29 Thread Michael Moore

Due a successful streamlining of the process. Gold-today is now able to
offer a special rate for EZCMoney orders

Our rate for ezcmoney orders has been reduced to only 7% plus bank fees on
the cleared balance of the order.

Once you have been to www.ezcmoney.com   and are an EZCMoney Customer,  do
the following:

1) Go to http://www.gold-today.com/buygold.php3  and select the USA Page.
2) Once there select ezcmoney  and complete your details  including how much
gold you want.
3) Once we receive your order we will apply for a confirmation from
4)  This will arrive and, at the same time ezcmoney will deposit the funds
into our US agents bank account.
5)  Directly this is confirmed  (usually within 24 hours)  your selected
gold account will be funded.

This is a trial offer and only available for the next 14 days!  When you
place your order,  in the comments you must mention "Trial Offer"


That's why they call it.  EZCMoney!

Kind regards,

Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
Sign up with osgold and get an osgold account today
subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread Michael Moore

> How would this help me? If I bought e-gold from a Market Maker who was a
> member of the eCTA, then are you suggesting that I could be insured if
> someone later broke into my e-gold account and took my e-gold without my
> permission?
IF the eCTA  did consider negotiating an insurance package it would most
likely be Public Liability insurance for it's members.

As I have pointed out this is something which will be considered further
down the track when the eCTA is more firmly established and has a position
from which to negotiate a favorable deal with a bona fide insurance company.

Until then it is aimless speculation.

Michael Moore
Vice President (Pro Tem)
for the
Board of Directors
of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc.

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[e-gold-list] ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives exchange.

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

ANNOUNCING the world's first bailed metal derivatives/futures exchange.


In fifteen minutes it is 6/30/2001 -- and that is the 200th birthday 
of Frederic Bastiat.

Bastiat was an very early and very influential LAISSEZ FAIREIST -- 
sort of a Thomas Paine of France, intelligent, brilliant, witty and 
200 years ahead of his time, for sure.

important web site.  Why?  Without a futures market, a derivatives 
market, there is no real trading and no real financial market. 
Giants like Honna, "God of the markets" in 16th century Japan who 
invented futures trading in the East, knew this. Time is the second 
and critical dimension to price.

As much as e-gold (and the concept of a "bailed metal") is an 
incredible breakthrough in the concept of "money" macroshistorically, 
the step of making a futures exchange, based on bailed money, is an 
obivous and indeed fairly easy one.

With help from everyone and plenty of tech support from Jay and Jim 
at e-gold we've managed to patch together the FIRST REAL-MONEY .. 
bailed metal money .. derivatives exchange, and there's still 7 1/2 
minutes until 6/30/2001.

You can now hedge on the price of gold USING e-gold ITSELF.

Be a member!  You can cross a contract with yourself and nothing bad 
will happen (there are no commissions or fees).  Take part in 
history.  Only the handful of people on this mailing list will know 
about it, but there it is.

Dedicated to Frederic Bastiat on his 20th birthday: the Bailed Metals 
Derivatives Exchange.  Bamdex!  A members site.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"At last! You can trade the price of gold using e-gold®. 
Instantaneously, easily. Trading in IFGETDs is now available to 
e-gold users who are members of bamdex.com.

"  IFGETDs®. . .
   Indefinite Future, Gold-Expressed, Thousand Dollar contracts

"The IFGETD® or "thousand dollar contract" let's you hedge or 
speculate on movements in the price of gold, using e-gold. Operation 
is as easy as e-gold itself. . .one click.

"The margin for one IFGETD contract is only 5 grams, allowing members 
to control $1000.00 worth of gold.

"Buy a IFGETD going "up" if you think the price of e-gold is about to 
go up. Buy a IFGETD going "down" if you think the price of e-gold is 
about to go down.

"Your position will move up or down with the price of e-gold. If the 
price of gold rises so that it takes an extra (say) 1.5 grams to get 
USD$1000.00, your "up" contract will grow by 1.5 grams.

"See all contract activity live -- top right of this page. "

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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[e-gold-list] Re: just FWIW

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

> > I had thought that JP wanted the ads to go on the page used to

> > the spend. Though I may have some objections to this, I certainly
> > that the Confirmation Page should NOT be touched.
> How about Google style plain-text-only ads? Those would load with the
> page and so be fast.

Sounds good. We just need to remember that e-gold CAN be SLOW, on occasion,
and when it is, it's no fun to use.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

> Perhaps this is something that the eCTA could look at
> it least for it's members, if e-gold isn't able to
> deal with it for one reason or another.
> I think if the membership (of this list) knew that the
> insurance was part of the package, it would certainly
> improve the credibility of the organization, and it's
> members.  I am sure that some MM's not currently
> registered would take that into consideration.

How would this help me? If I bought e-gold from a Market Maker who was a
member of the eCTA, then are you suggesting that I could be insured if
someone later broke into my e-gold account and took my e-gold without my

It seems that if this type of insurance could be purchased, then only E-Gold
LTD could purchase it. They are the only ones who could reveal to the
insurance company information revealing where the money was sent. This would
probably be necessary to pursue legal action against the thief. It would
also require a change the privacy policy, but if necessary, then only those
e-gold customers who participated in the insurance program would need be
concerned with this.

Anyway, it's just an idea, but I don't see why PayPal can do it and others
can't. Even if e-gold couldn't get the SAME policy, they might be able to
get insurance up to $10,000 USD, perhaps with a deductible.


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[e-gold-list] Re: just FWIW

2001-06-29 Thread Julian Morrison

SnowDog wrote:
> > Alright, all you 'want ta hold e-gold back spend page purists'.
> > What's the matter with that? SHOW ME THE PROBLEM! :)
> From someone who has done numerous back-to-back spends for a couple of hours
> on end, I can give you my personal opinion that I want that confirmation
> page to come up as quick as possible, without any delays. E-gold has
> suffered tremendous growing pains in the past, so much so that e-gold
> 'spends' would not always complete. When the page timed-out, the user would
> have to go check the history to make sure the spend did NOT go through, and
> then re-do the spend. Moreover, because the system was slow, the history
> wouldn't update immediately, either. Therefore, on one occasion, a spend
> that I made, timed-out on the confirmation page, and did NOT show up in the
> history. I RE-MADE the spend, only to find that I had double-spent. Needless
> to say that the receiver did not return the extra spend. [Doesn't it always
> seem to happen that way?]
> I had thought that JP wanted the ads to go on the page used to 'fill-out'
> the spend. Though I may have some objections to this, I certainly believe
> that the Confirmation Page should NOT be touched.

How about Google style plain-text-only ads? Those would load with the
page and so be fast.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread Michael Moore

This is something that will be looked at in due course when we are more
firmly established.

Some track record and a healthy membership would be required to achieve a
satisfactory rate for an umbrella coverage.

Michael Moore
Vice President (Pro Tem)
for the
Board of Directors
of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc.

- Original Message -
From: "Frank Zuchristian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 10:10 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

> Perhaps this is something that the eCTA could look at
> it least for it's members, if e-gold isn't able to
> deal with it for one reason or another.
> I think if the membership (of this list) knew that the
> insurance was part of the package, it would certainly
> improve the credibility of the organization, and it's
> members.  I am sure that some MM's not currently
> registered would take that into consideration.
> Frank
> Euro Gold Line
> http://www.eurogoldline.nl
> =
> Get your free OSGold or e-gold account, visit our site and click on one of
the buttons.   http://www.eurogoldline.nl
> Need to manage your e-gold account? Compare our rates.
> Serving Europe, and the WORLD!!
> http://www.eurogoldline.nl
> Stop getting ripped off, learn how to fight back, join
> http://www.e-told.com/139538
> __
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> Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access / fone 860-277-0111

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

>> Well one thing ... my guess -- e-gold would have to collect full,
>> typical, banking information on every customer, like PrayPal (I
>> assume?) does.
>> Also - I'm guessing paypal makes you fax your signature ultimately to
>> somewhere, like when you get an etrade account.  (No?)  e-gold would
>> probably have to add all that.
>> Also, PrayPal customers are really just credit card X customers,
>> right?  So that's a huge informational lifeline for the insurers.
>> But of course most importantly  PrayPal gaily unwinds spends, right?
>> There's no chance Travellers would insure a REAL loss, like on
>> e-gold.  They're only insuring a weak, infrequernt loss --
>I disagree on most of these points: PayPal does not take your signature, and
>they only require banking information if you don't supply a credit card.
>However, they only require this information to reduce their fraud rate. The
>insurance policy was in place before they required either bank information
>OR a credit card, last year.

Fair enough ... didn't know ... that's no problem then, great.

Can anyone with paypal be insured, or only USA'ers?

>The insurance ONLY covers accounts that have been hacked and where
>unauthorized transactions have been made. This has nothing to do with their
>frequent reversals they make on behalf of customer complaints of fraud. Are
>you suggesting that Travelers Insurance requires PayPal to reverse payments
>BEFORE they will honor any claim?

Yes, I would say that is the case.  It's like credit card "insurance" 
lol where they just unwind evertything.  And very seldom, they have 
to actually pay some $$.

> If so, then this would be a point for

I think it would be a central issue, though.  I fear.

>Also, X.com closed its banking operation last November.
>Anyway, I think it's worth a shot. It doesn't hurt to ask.

Absolutely!  Definitely.

Hopefully Jim'll pick up the fone and ask for a rate 

Tel 860-277-0111 for corporate office

I imagine that just paying travellers probably wouldn't do it; I 
mean, PayPal probably have a lot of stuff in place to deal with such 
claims, right?  It wouldn't be "just talk to travellers, good luck" 
(I imagine).  perhaps it would add extra systems to egold?


>The SafeWeb Remote Banking Insurance Master Policy issued by 
>Travelers Casualty and Surety Company
>of America, an underwriting company for Travelers Insurance, 
>responds to losses that you would normally
>have liability for under applicable banking regulations, up to 
>$100,000 in coverage per loss. Please see
>the Terms of Use for details on your responsibilities.

Terms of Use:


I cant follow that, so I dunno.

On another topic, I like item 18:

>18.Not a Bank. You acknowledge that (i) the Service is not a banking 
>service (ii) Service accounts are
> not insured by any government agency of any nation, (iii) 
>the Service is not subject to banking
> regulations and (iv) PayPal will invest in liquid assets 
>and that interest earned on those assets will
> be the property of PayPal.

if they "will invest in liquid assets and that interest earned on 
those assets will be the property of PayPal. " what the hell is it if 
not a bank

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread Frank Zuchristian

Perhaps this is something that the eCTA could look at
it least for it's members, if e-gold isn't able to
deal with it for one reason or another.

I think if the membership (of this list) knew that the
insurance was part of the package, it would certainly
improve the credibility of the organization, and it's
members.  I am sure that some MM's not currently
registered would take that into consideration.

Euro Gold Line

Get your free OSGold or e-gold account, visit our site and click on one of the 
buttons.   http://www.eurogoldline.nl
Need to manage your e-gold account? Compare our rates.
Serving Europe, and the WORLD!!
Stop getting ripped off, learn how to fight back, join

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

> Well one thing ... my guess -- e-gold would have to collect full,
> typical, banking information on every customer, like PrayPal (I
> assume?) does.
> Also - I'm guessing paypal makes you fax your signature ultimately to
> somewhere, like when you get an etrade account.  (No?)  e-gold would
> probably have to add all that.
> Also, PrayPal customers are really just credit card X customers,
> right?  So that's a huge informational lifeline for the insurers.
> But of course most importantly  PrayPal gaily unwinds spends, right?
> There's no chance Travellers would insure a REAL loss, like on
> e-gold.  They're only insuring a weak, infrequernt loss --

I disagree on most of these points: PayPal does not take your signature, and
they only require banking information if you don't supply a credit card.
However, they only require this information to reduce their fraud rate. The
insurance policy was in place before they required either bank information
OR a credit card, last year.

The insurance ONLY covers accounts that have been hacked and where
unauthorized transactions have been made. This has nothing to do with their
frequent reversals they make on behalf of customer complaints of fraud. Are
you suggesting that Travelers Insurance requires PayPal to reverse payments
BEFORE they will honor any claim? If so, then this would be a point for

Also, X.com closed its banking operation last November.

Anyway, I think it's worth a shot. It doesn't hurt to ask.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

>How is it that PayPal can buy "$100,000 insurance protection against
>unauthorized transactions for every customer" from Travelers Insurance? Can
>E-Gold LTD do this?

Well one thing ... my guess -- e-gold would have to collect full, 
typical, banking information on every customer, like PrayPal (I 
assume?) does.

Also - I'm guessing paypal makes you fax your signature ultimately to 
somewhere, like when you get an etrade account.  (No?)  e-gold would 
probably have to add all that.

Also, PrayPal customers are really just credit card X customers, 
right?  So that's a huge informational lifeline for the insurers.

But of course most importantly  PrayPal gaily unwinds spends, right?

There's no chance Travellers would insure a REAL loss, like on 
e-gold.  They're only insuring a weak, infrequernt loss --

-- it's like the banks "insuring" you lol against fraud, or indeed 
when you call the bank and say "my TV from sony didn't work, give me 
my money back".

The bank never - or very rarely - loses money, they just revoke 
payment to the merchant.

Travellers' comment to Doug would be "super, give us the passwords to 
unwind these 'spend' things and we'll send a policy right over" -- my 

> Wouldn't this be a BIG solution to protect those who
>have been hacked?
>I've been reading some of the forums with conversations between some of
>these people who have been hacked, and THEY DON'T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED. Now,
>I don't doubt that they did something to let the hackers in, but insurance
>in this area would be a tremendous asset to E-Gold. Moreover, let the
>customers BUY IT themselves. If I had an account with 1000 grams in it, I
>certainly would pay for it.

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[e-gold-list] Insurance for Unauthorized Access

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

How is it that PayPal can buy "$100,000 insurance protection against
unauthorized transactions for every customer" from Travelers Insurance? Can
E-Gold LTD do this? Wouldn't this be a BIG solution to protect those who
have been hacked?

I've been reading some of the forums with conversations between some of
these people who have been hacked, and THEY DON'T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED. Now,
I don't doubt that they did something to let the hackers in, but insurance
in this area would be a tremendous asset to E-Gold. Moreover, let the
customers BUY IT themselves. If I had an account with 1000 grams in it, I
certainly would pay for it.


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[e-gold-list] Re: just FWIW

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

>> forgot the checkbox sorry ...
>> http://www.bananagold.com/tasteful2.gif
>No ads??? Meaning, I can turn OFF all ads, and prevent them from coming up?

Sure, the default would be "OFF"

>If so, then yeah... what's the harm?

Well there'd be all these annoying stock brokerages, large online 
stores, and other such multi-million dollar businesses using e-gold! 

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[e-gold-list] Re: just FWIW

2001-06-29 Thread jpm

>> Alright, all you 'want ta hold e-gold back spend page purists'.
>> What's the matter with that? SHOW ME THE PROBLEM! :)
>>From someone who has done numerous back-to-back spends for a couple of hours
>on end, I can give you my personal opinion that I want that confirmation
>page to come up as quick as possible, without any delays. E-gold has
>suffered tremendous growing pains in the past, so much so that e-gold
>'spends' would not always complete. When the page timed-out, the user would
>have to go check the history to make sure the spend did NOT go through, and
>then re-do the spend. Moreover, because the system was slow, the history
>wouldn't update immediately, either. Therefore, on one occasion, a spend
>that I made, timed-out on the confirmation page, and did NOT show up in the
>history. I RE-MADE the spend, only to find that I had double-spent. Needless
>to say that the receiver did not return the extra spend. [Doesn't it always
>seem to happen that way?]
>I had thought that JP wanted the ads to go on the page used to 'fill-out'
>the spend. Though I may have some objections to this, I certainly believe
>that the Confirmation Page should NOT be touched.

Why is that BTW?  (Speed concerns? .. reprogramming?)

BTW, from the outset, I advocate:


(note the checkbox) ... the default would be OFF.

None of this will happen, so it's academic.

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[e-gold-list] Re: just FWIW

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

> forgot the checkbox sorry ...
> http://www.bananagold.com/tasteful2.gif

No ads??? Meaning, I can turn OFF all ads, and prevent them from coming up?

If so, then yeah... what's the harm?

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[e-gold-list] Re: just FWIW

2001-06-29 Thread SnowDog

> Alright, all you 'want ta hold e-gold back spend page purists'.
> What's the matter with that? SHOW ME THE PROBLEM! :)

>From someone who has done numerous back-to-back spends for a couple of hours
on end, I can give you my personal opinion that I want that confirmation
page to come up as quick as possible, without any delays. E-gold has
suffered tremendous growing pains in the past, so much so that e-gold
'spends' would not always complete. When the page timed-out, the user would
have to go check the history to make sure the spend did NOT go through, and
then re-do the spend. Moreover, because the system was slow, the history
wouldn't update immediately, either. Therefore, on one occasion, a spend
that I made, timed-out on the confirmation page, and did NOT show up in the
history. I RE-MADE the spend, only to find that I had double-spent. Needless
to say that the receiver did not return the extra spend. [Doesn't it always
seem to happen that way?]

I had thought that JP wanted the ads to go on the page used to 'fill-out'
the spend. Though I may have some objections to this, I certainly believe
that the Confirmation Page should NOT be touched.



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[e-gold-list] Labour kills NZ economic growth

2001-06-29 Thread David Hillary

Statistics released today show that the New Zealand economy has stopped
growing since the Labour led minority Coalition Government came to power in

Labour's agenda has been almost entirely statist, and the new government
1. Raised the top income tax from 33% to 39%
2. Re-nationalised workplace accident insurance
3. Re-regulated the labour market, granting labour unions statutory powers
to negotiate collective contracts
4. Unilaterally frozen import tariffs at current levels, replealing the
declining statutory maximum tariff rates previously passed
5. Increased the target Government Expenditure to GDP ratio from 30% to 35%
6. Relaxed welfare administration and increased NZ Superannuation (over half
of all expenditure growth is on transfers)
7. Enabled the re-introduction of Compulsory Unionism for university
8. Privatisation become officially off the agenda
9. The Overseas Investment Commission mandate and power to approve foreign
investment was removed and direct interventions occured to block specific
10. The minimum wage was significantly increased
11. (pending) re-regulation of telecommunications and electricity and other
network industries

These changes have lead more New Zealanders to migrate to fairer shores,
myself included. Foreign investors have been scared away and more New
Zealanders moved their capital, if not their labour, to more rewarded
places. The exchange rate has dropped from about US50c to about US40c. House
prices have fallen. GDP growth has basically ceased, with Q1 2001 being just
0.8% greater than Q1 2001 according to Statistics released today by
Statistics NZ. While inflation has eroded real wages enabling the
unemployment rate to fall, long term unemployment and welfare dependency has
grown sharply.

In 1996 NZ was a brightly growing blip on the radar screens of foreign
investors, with an impressive record of deregulation, privatisation,
taxcutting, expenditure restraint, trade liberalisation, public sector
rationalisation, which had transformed the country from a bakward
interventionist indebted welfare state to the world's fourth most free
market economy after Hong Kong, Singapore and Bahrain. The sustainable
growth rate was reckoned at 4% and ther was ample net immigration and
foreign investment.

The cost of losing reform momemtum and of uncertianty of the economic policy
direction and philosophy could not be more stark.

Thje sustainable economic growth rate of NZ is now officially about 2.5%,
while other commentators put it even lower. There is now no doubt that NZ
will fall further behind average income levels of Australia, USA, UK, Canada
and Ireland wile maintaining this approach.  Who knows how much damage will
be done before a new National-ACT government is elected in 2002? Will the
government soon be running deficits as tax revenue, despite tax increases,
continues to disappoint and pressure to increase spending increases?  Will
banks be regulated next? Will a recession ensue? will unemployment rise?
Don't expect any good news in the next couple of years.

David Hillary

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