[e-gold-list] Re: E-Gold Purpose!

2001-07-29 Thread jpm

>You're forgetting all the web-hosts, of which there are about a dozen,
>including Best Host 1 which runs a very professional Host, and has been
>taking e-gold since 1999.

Craig, absolutely (in fact, I didn't forget, I never knew this .. had 
no idea!) That is GREAT that there are web-hosts that take e-gold!

(besthost1.com need to fix their egold logo on the site!!)

>You're also forgetting about a couple of hundred mom and pop 
>businesses, selling from the house.

No, I was just commenting on *broad-interest* sites, as I stated man! 
I mean, me, Bob and 15 other people can't sleep at night because of 
bamdex.com, but it's not of broad-interest, it's a speciality.

>More importantly, and this is my opinion,  you're not going to see consumer
>merchandise sold with e-gold until there is a LOT MORE OF IT.

That's a fascinating viewpoint!

You might be absolutely right.

The bottom line is there are about 10,000 people with over appox 
USD$100 worth in their account AND about 2000 distinct humans per day 
who make a spend of ten bucks worth or more.

(Does those two sound correct to you?)

( http://www.e-gold.com/stats.html )

(e-gold rocks for releasing the spends histogram)

Your view is that that universe size (call it a 1/1000 universe 
... 10,000 people with over a hundred bucks in their account and 
about 1000 a day making a ten buck spend) is WAY to small to even 
BOTHER trying to sell magazines, books, radios, cameras etc?

Is that your view?  You could be right!

(AGAIN -- e-gold are heroic for releasing the spends stats, and 
indeed the other stats, or else we couldn't even be having this 

What would it take to make it worth trying to sell magazines, books, 
radios, cameras etc?  A 10/1 universe?  (Ten times as big as 
now?)  Or even bigger?  Or is it "nearly there", or what?

>I believe that E-Gold's niche is in B-to-B transactions and international
>settlement. Imagine how easy it now is to hire programmers and web-designers
>overseas, As an international currency, e-gold is EXCEPTIONAL, and this is
>what is building the system now.

I agree completely!  Amen!!

Craig sayeth, "I don't believe that there are MORE HYIPs operating 
with e-gold now than there were last year, and yet there is over 
TWICE as much gold in the system. The DDU is shutting them down, 
whenever they can, and for the most part, only small-time HYIPs are 
left. Isn't this correct?"

I have absolutely no idea!  I am not acquainted with the HYIP scene.

But if it's true, great!

Is this correct or not?  Who knows?

>There are two other primary functions of e-gold that are being overlooked:
>1) E-gold is backing for other e-currencies.

Sure, fantastic.  (I'm not entirely sure it wouldn't be easier to 
just have your own 400 oz bars stored at ViaMat, but yeah - great.)

>2) E-Gold allows individuals to buy large amounts of gold at a very low
>price, and store it without having to rent a safety deposit box, ...

this is true ...

and you say .. "and I believe there are a lot of people using it this way."

If so, that's GREAT news.  (1mdc.com will take it all, since the 
bonus pays your agio.)

What makes you believe that (ie, "and I believe there are a lot of 
people using it this way."), Craig -- do you see it in the stats, or 
do you mean, "from your impressions of talking to people," or what?

Please let me know!

"So, if you believe that e-gold's purpose is to be a currency for 
consumer merchandise, then I think you're looking at a future at the 
end of a long chain of other purposes that will come first. This is 
why you don't have that many businesses accepting e-gold for consumer 
merchandise now. You will, though -- later."

Your logic is impeccable.

e-gold "commerce" (selling broad-interest stuff) might be an UTTER 
waste of time.

Look at Joe Moorman's absolutely STUPENDOUS Laissez Faire Books site. 
(http://planetgold/books)  I bought 100 grams for worth books the day 
it opened.  However, I'm guessing the total number of people (from 
the "1/1000" universe we discussed above) who will buy anything 
from Joe's stupendous site, is "1" (and he has a cute wife who will 
give birth to their first child in a couple weeks!)

The identical logic applies to the absolutely incredible 
magazinedepot.com site (also by Joe!).

Of the "1/1000" crew, "who" wants a magazine subscription?  The 
answer is probbaly "a dozen or so people"

As you know Craig, my usual point is that Joe there can't even 
*REACH* the 10,000 people to ANNOUNCE to them that magazinedepot.com 
exists.  He can reach the 200 (or whatever) on this mailing list.

However -- your argument here is that the number "ten thousand odd" 
is just WAY TOO LOW for a mass market consumer gizmo like 
MagazineDepot.com.  You're comment to me, along these lines, would be 
"It really wouldn't matter if Joe can reach 100 or 2000 or ALL ten 
thousand people ... ten thousand is just a ridiculously low number to 
bother t

[e-gold-list] E-Gold Purpose!

2001-07-29 Thread SnowDog

> Unless I've forgotten one, [with the usual exception of HYIPs], the
> following are the sum total of broad-interest GBC-related commerce
> sites On The Internet:


> * magazine depot (buy any magazine subscriptions with egold)
> * metal proxy (buy anything from barnes & noble with egold)
> * bananagold (buy anything from amazon with egold)
> * thegoldcasino (casino games accounted in grams of egold)
> * tarasvirtualstudio (I partially jest: but porno is of course the
> biggest commerce
> sector on the 'regular' web, so its
> significant for egold, too)
> * xodds (clever 'fixed odds' financial market instruments)

You're forgetting all the web-hosts, of which there are about a dozen,
including Best Host 1 which runs a very professional Host, and has been
taking e-gold since 1999. You're also forgetting about a couple of hundred
mom and pop businesses, selling from the house.

More importantly, and this is my opinion,  you're not going to see consumer
merchandise sold with e-gold until there is a LOT MORE OF IT. The reason is
simple. Would you rather buy a CD or a TV using e-gold, or using your credit
card? E-Gold is far too valuable to be given away like that.

I believe that E-Gold's niche is in B-to-B transactions and international
settlement. Imagine how easy it now is to hire programmers and web-designers
overseas, have them build a website and pay them with e-gold. Didn't
Gaithman's just do this a few months ago? Don't YOU, JP, pay assistants with
e-gold? As an international currency, e-gold is EXCEPTIONAL, and this is
what is building the system now. I don't believe that there are MORE HYIPs
operating with e-gold now than there were last year, and yet there is over
TWICE as much gold in the system. The DDU is shutting them down, whenever
they can, and for the most part, only small-time HYIPs are left. Isn't this

There are two other primary functions of e-gold that are being overlooked:

1) E-gold is backing for other e-currencies. Didn't you hear that Standard
Reserve just signed up TWO Cruise Lines with 160,000 employess, ALL OF WHOM
will be given ATM GAP cards allowing them to send money to their families
back home. In this regard, e-gold can play a role as backing for an
international payment medium for a large number of people.

2) E-Gold allows individuals to buy large amounts of gold at a very low
price, and store it without having to rent a safety deposit box, with the
convenience of being able to sell it easily. In this regard, e-gold is used
as an investment, and I believe there are a lot of people using it this way.
Try buying gold coins at a local coin shop They'll frequently charge you
over 10%; sometimes 20%. Now imagine the pain of having to physically take
those coins to a safety-deposit box, hold them and then haul them back to
the coin shop to sell them when you're ready. Imagine how uncomfortable a
lot of people are, walking around with thousands of dollars of cash in their
pockets after doing this. E-Gold solves this problem.

So, if you believe that e-gold's purpose is to be a currency for consumer
merchandise, then I think you're looking at a future at the end of a long
chain of other purposes that will come first. This is why you don't have
that many businesses accepting e-gold for consumer merchandise now. You
will, though -- later.

 Craig (SnowDog)

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[e-gold-list] Re: The Chevronetz / general malaise

2001-07-29 Thread jpm

>> Unless I've forgotten one, [with the usual exception of HYIPs], the
>> following are the sum total of broad-interest GBC-related commerce
>> sites On The Internet:

>What about all the mom&pop/'cottage farm' shops that you seem to despise
>because they are not multi-million dollar businesses?


>> Good grief!
>Hope you're in a better mood now after your rant.

Yes slightly, thanks!!!  :-)

>Viking Coder

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[e-gold-list] Re: The Chevronetz / general malaise

2001-07-29 Thread Viking Coder

> You quoted 12 lines, and this mailing list is set to reject messages
> which quote more than 10 continuous lines of a previous message.

You know how to get around this, and have flaunted it a few times. So why
do you continue to repost this error message?

> Unless I've forgotten one, [with the usual exception of HYIPs], the
> following are the sum total of broad-interest GBC-related commerce
> sites On The Internet:

What about all the mom&pop/'cottage farm' shops that you seem to despise
because they are not multi-million dollar businesses? They are making up
the supporting base with the hallowed 6 being the blazing pinacle of the
legitimate pyramid (based on usage and volume).

> everyone is offended and sickened by Commercial Logos seen on GBC sites

So why bother calling for them?

> every second credit card charge at market makers is a fraud

So why bother accepting credit cards anymore?

> all the spends on e-gold are mysterious microspends anyway that no-one will
> own up to

Why does it matter if 20% of the daily e-gold spends are microspends?

Here a question for you.
Who is making the tens of multi-kilo spends? Why aren't these people
owning up to these spends?
"Why should we? We have a right to privacy."
so... Don't all users, whether microspenders or megaspenders, have the
same privacy rights in e-gold?

> Jim can say nothing officially about anything at all ever, no-one
> else from e-gold says anything at all

Do you want them to have a loose mouth? Isn't it better to err on the side
of caution? I'm glad that Jim doesn't blab about e-gold's inner workings
in a public & recorded forum. There is a difference between transparency
and revealing *everything*.

> OmniPay's still holding on to Ricogold's million bucks waiting for everyone to
> uh forget about it,

uh... I don't think so. If they blatantly wanted people to simply forget
about it, they probably wouldn't have made it a publicly viewable balance.
Their lawyers are holding onto Costagold's 1/8th ton of gold until
somebody comes along and claims it.

> and all the LGD bars that e-gold are storing for e-gold users are
> underweight anyway!!!

However, they've been certified by Ernst & Young. So I'm pretty sure that
the gold is actually there.

> Good grief!

Hope you're in a better mood now after your rant.

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] JPM's Governance and Fundamentals

2001-07-29 Thread Sidd

Readers of this list will remember that a while ago I commented on this
list about a shortcoming of the e-gold governance system:- There was no
way a user could verify that the amount of gold declared in the
'examiner' was indeed the true value of gold in storage, and thus there
was also no way of verifying the integrity of the figures given in the
stats for total value of accounts, and there is no independent third
party audit on the database, verifying the issued amount of e-gold.

Obviously, this shortcoming could allow e-gold to issue more e-gold
currency than the declared reserves, leading to a "fractional reserve"
type situation. This observation on my part (apparently) led to the
audit performed by the escrow agent and Ernst & Young in February. The
audit partially corrects the problem because an observer can now see
third party verification of the amount of gold held, but...

Of course, there is still a huge gaping hole in the Governance model,
because there is no independent 3rd party verification of the database.
It is still quite possible that e-gold have in fact issued substantially
more e-gold than they have gold in reserve, and they are simply not
declaring the figures on the examiner correctly.

The point brought up by JP illustrates the sloppy manner in which the
reporting is implemented, and causes me to wonder whether the entire
governance is treated in an equally sloppy manner.

My understanding is that the e-gold special reserve trust is there to
exclusively store gold for the e-gold account holders. If there is more
gold in the vault than there is e-gold currency, then who owns the
excess gold? How did the excess gold get into the vault? If there is ANY
discrepancy between the EXACT weight of e-gold in storage and the EXACT
issued weight of e-gold as reported by the database, then there is a
loss of integrity in the currency.

e-gold is created by bailment of gold into the care of the trust, in
return for the equivalent "weight" of e-gold. How is it possible that
the weight of gold in the vault can be different from the amount of
e-gold unless there is no control of the "minting" process by an
independent observer and e-gold is sloppy about minting the correct

A couple of people have recently mentioned that "as long as there is
more gold in the vault than e-gold issued" everything is great. This is
a wrong attitude! Where financial integrity is concerned, there need to
be checks and balances, sloppiness leads to all manner of problems.
Accountants don't audit the books and declare "well we're only out by a
couple of hundred bucks so that's good enough!". Everything MUST balance
to the cent.

Until e-gold take a serious look at their procedures and governance
process, there is opportunity for the integrity of the e-gold currency
to be questioned.


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[e-gold-list] Re: The Chevronetz / general malaise

2001-07-29 Thread jpm

Sorry, your message was not sent out to 'e-gold-list'.
Your message quotes too many continuous lines of a previous message.

You quoted 12 lines, and this mailing list is set to reject messages
which quote more than 10 continuous lines of a previous message.

Please resubmit your message, this time quoting fewer lines of the 
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Viking said

>> Now GoldMoney has ads on it's *home* page, too!
>> http://www.goldmoney.com/

>It's happening exactly like I thought it would. First, the spend page and
>then the home page... how long until there are multiple popups when the
>home page, or the spend page or any other page, is loaded? All of this on
>a paid service who's fees aren't being reduced.

>Given GoldMoney's recent action of putting ads on the home page, "spend
>page purist" is no longer a completely descriptive title.

You know FWIW, I don't think that ad on the front page of
http://www.goldmoney.com is really an "ad".  Banana did not pay for
that ad (as far as I know, and I own Bananagold!)

If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Turk was just so excited and happy to be
able to buy stuff from Amazon using GoldMoney that he just stuck that
logo on the front of his web site.

(A bit like Jim kindly put Bananagold in special "very large" spot on
the e-gold directory page.)

I'm glad Geoff Turk did.  And he should.

If say Ford Motor Company suddenly started accepting GoldMoney for
Ford cars, I think that every single page of the entire GoldMoney
website should be replaced with nothing but 200-point blinking red
type saying "God in heaven! Ford Motor Company now accepts
GoldMoney!!" :-)

Unless I've forgotten one, [with the usual exception of HYIPs], the
following are the sum total of broad-interest GBC-related commerce
sites On The Internet:

* magazine depot (buy any magazine subscriptions with egold)
* metal proxy (buy anything from barnes & noble with egold)
* bananagold (buy anything from amazon with egold)
* thegoldcasino (casino games accounted in grams of egold)
* tarasvirtualstudio (I partially jest: but porno is of course the
biggest commerce
sector on the 'regular' web, so its
significant for egold, too)
* xodds (clever 'fixed odds' financial market instruments)

That's 6.   I WISH there were 5 or 10 or 15 more "things" that were
so significant they were worth advertising on GBC sites, or indeed,
worth slapping on the front page of any GBC out of sheer joie de

In all events, this wonderfully arcane argument is pretty academic
because of the simple fact that in all likelyhood, Bananagold will
cease to exist, as I can't be bothered paying for it forever.  Of the
six sites listed above, thegoldcasino.com has, I imagine, unlimited
funds for banner ads, xodds possibly could run some, and Banana has a
budget of like "$200" to run some.

You just KNOW that e-gold will be too weird to allow TGC to run
banners once e-gold starts running banners, and my $200 for Banana
will be gone in a flash!  So all it comes down to is maybe xodds will
run some.

(It goes without saying that the HYIPs probably won't be allowed to
put ads on either egold or GM)

Anyway, regarding ads generally, all the market makers (fortunately)
carry banner ads, so that's probably the "second best" place for
anyone to advertise ... not that there is anyone to advertise!

The whole GBC universe seems pretty grim when you look at it this way!

First, Julian Dibbel from Wired figures out (perhaps correctly? who
knows) that 99.% of e-gold activity is "hyips" and programs and
ponzi schemes, Doug and Ian are utterly pointlessly suing each other,
Parker's computers are worked-over by the Feds, everyone is offended
and sickened by Commercial Logos seen on GBC sites, every second
credit card charge at market makers is a fraud, all the spends on
e-gold are mysterious microspends anyway that no-one will own up to,
Jim can say nothing officially about anything at all ever, no-one
else from e-gold says anything at all, OmniPay's still holding on to
Ricogold's million bucks waiting for everyone to uh forget about it,
and all the LGD bars that e-gold are storing for e-gold users are
underweight anyway!!!

Good grief!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: The CRISIS!!!

2001-07-29 Thread Bob

Ken Griffith wrote:

> Our two largest former opponents, now competitors, Russia and China, 

When was China our opponent? Mostly they have a very long history
of minding their own business. I know the mass media is trying to 
make China the next big thing to worry about, since we no longer
have an immediate enemy. Ya got to keep the masses worried about

Russia and most of the rest of the former USSR states/countries
couldn't compete their way out of a wet paper bag.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace 
alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing 
it with an endless series of hobglobins, all of them imaginary." 
-- H.L. Mencken

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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke & mouse-
click "sniffing" trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: The Chevronetz

2001-07-29 Thread Julian Morrison

Viking Coder wrote:
> It's happening exactly like I thought it would. First, the spend page and
> then the home page... how long until there are multiple popups when the
> home page, or the spend page or any other page, is loaded? All of this on
> a paid service who's fees aren't being reduced.

Popups, pop-unders etc are for sites that *have* to annoy people into
clicking adverts, since it's their sole source of income. Politely
mentioning something is not the same as screaming it in your ear.

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click "sniffing" trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: The Chevronetz

2001-07-29 Thread Viking Coder

> Now GoldMoney has ads on it's *home* page, too!
> http://www.goldmoney.com/

It's happening exactly like I thought it would. First, the spend page and
then the home page... how long until there are multiple popups when the
home page, or the spend page or any other page, is loaded? All of this on
a paid service who's fees aren't being reduced.

> "Oh, no! Mr. Bill!". What if e-gold caves in to stay competitive?

There are 3, soon to be 4, other GBCs who haven't 'caved in' yet.

> What will the spend page purists do?

Given GoldMoney's recent action of putting ads on the home page, "spend
page purist" is no longer a completely descriptive title.

As I said before... Why bother dredging up this stalemate discussion
again? Both sides of this issue have good points, but neither side is
showing any signs of budging from their position.

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke & mouse-
click "sniffing" trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] The CRISIS!!!

2001-07-29 Thread Ken Griffith

This certain talk about a US crisis in August is giving me flashbacks to
Y2K.  Sure we all know that the US financial system is a house of cards.
But, doom and gloom date-setters have an almost perfect record of being

It is interesting that both China and Russia are ENCOURAGING their citizens
to buy gold.  This is a whacky world when the red commies are encouraging
private ownership of gold but the governments of the "capitalist" West are
playing smoke and mirror games to KEEP their citizens from buying gold!

I think I feel an article coming on...

The stainless steel colossus of the United States seems unstoppable as the
world superpower.  Except for its achilles heel.  The Dollar.

Foreign citizens have been snatching up US 100 dollar bills as the savings
instrument of choice for a couple of decades, allowing the US government to
inflate away the money supply without feeling inflation at home.  Foreign
citizens have been financing the US government with their savings.  The end
result is that there is more cash outside the US than inside the US.

Our two largest former opponents, now competitors, Russia and China, which
together control almost one third of the world's population, are upset to be
left out of the game as, in the case of Russia, their communist policies
destroyed their economy, or in the case of China, communism kept them in the
dark ages.  It must burn their national pride to see the US Dollar being
used as the savings instrument of choice by their citizens.

National pride is what has probably pushed Russia and China to start
encouraging their citizens to buy gold.  If they outlaw the use of the US
Dollar (which Russian officials have discussed) and legalize the use of gold
they could possibly CAUSE a US financial crisis by sending billions of US
dollars back home to roost.

So maybe the Russians are HOPING the USA will have a financial crisis in
August.  Or maybe they are planning to START one.  I wouldn't place any
money on the date, but a Sino-Russian monetary alliance to use gold as
currency and ban the internal use of the Dollar would have interesting
consequences indeed...

Ken Griffith

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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke & mouse-
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security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html