[e-gold-list] Re: Interesting Discovery

2002-08-10 Thread Lourens Human


Try using http://www.domainwhitepages.com for searching!


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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Re: Thanks to Ragnar/Planetgold...

2002-08-10 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

Hash: SHA1

Ragnar wrote:

--- Patrick Chkoreff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I do not think it is safe and sustainable to engage in a
  socialism.  I would prefer none.  But that option is not
  available to
  us.  Our choices are between less and more.

A well-known (if not often emulated) Patrick in U.S. history
found, in his wisdom and moral fortitude, a third choice...

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the
price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not
what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or
give me death!

Very well said, Ragnar.  As I drove to City Hall yesterday to enquire about 
watering bans on private wells, I contemplated how continued resistance to 
even such a silly little regulation as that could lead ultimately to my own 
death if pursued to its logical extreme.  The same ultimate penalty of 
death could also await those who resist paying taxes, grow and sell bootleg 
peanuts, sell a sawed-off shotgun, or establish a truly independent church 

As I contemplated each possible petty regulation of government and the 
possibility of resisting it unto death, a simple question popped into 
mind:  Is this the hill you want to die on?  And that is the problem with 
modern tyranny:  it pushes us in so many different ways, and it seems that 
no single one is ever worth resisting unto death.  There never seems to be 
a hill worth dying on.

However, the early Americans resisted with their lives and livelihood 
things that would seem mild by today's standards.  They would stake their 
lives resisting the Stamp Act or a Whiskey Tax, which were tiny compared to 
today's income or sales taxes.

One reason Americans do not resist today is that they suffer from moral 
cowardice combined with poor education and pervasive propaganda.  But there 
is another reason.  Even those of us who fancy ourselves fairly courageous, 
educated, and skeptical of propaganda know one important fact.  Quite 
simply, we are outnumbered and outgunned.  Continued resistance to any one 
minor aspect of tyranny will earn you ostracism, impoverishment, and then 

So as you think through each modern abuse of power and infringement of 
liberty, ask yourself, is this the hill I want to die on?

Perhaps all this talk of resistance unto death is completely unnecessary, 
the situation is not as hopeless as we think, and there are opportunities 
for peaceful reform.  I tend to think not.  As George Bernard Shaw, an 
avowed socialist, once said:  A government which robs Peter to pay Paul 
can always count on the support of Paul.

In my opinion Shaw's formulation does not go far enough because in reality 
the ratio is more like two to one.  So I would say A government which robs 
Peter to pay Paul and Mary can always count on the support of Paul and Mary.

The natural outcome of this democracy is the scenario described in Atlas 
Shrugged, an agonizingly slow descent to the point where Peter no longer 
can or will support the government and its clients Paul and Mary.  In my 
opinion this kind of total collapse is coming but not soon.  It takes a 
long time to push millions of productive people to the point of 
collapse.  They will continue to work, and each hour they work will yield 
more funds for the government which oppresses them.  Various diversions and 
forms of entertainment will keep them reasonably happy for a while.

I know it sounds dismal, but personally I reject despair because for me it 
demonstrates a collapse of reason, a lack of trust in the good people 
around me, and above all a lack of faith in God's guidance and wisdom.  Ayn 
Rand would shiver in revulsion to hear me say that, but that's just tough 
for her.

So personally I don't think a solution exists.  Maybe, just maybe, 
there's enough support for a Free State, but I don't know.  Home 
schooling will keep civilization alive in the hearts of millions.  Perhaps 
instead of resisting unto death, there can be a strategy of thousands of 
people resisting just to the point of pain, swamping the government with 
obnoxious annoyance and passive resistance.

Perhaps a combination of all the little things will yield unexpected 
results.  After all, all we really need is for several thousand civil 
servants and soldiers to just stop what they're doing.  That's not asking 
too much, is it?

- -- Patrick
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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Re: Thanks to Ragnar/Planetgold andStefan/TGC

2002-08-10 Thread Arik Schenkler


 Hopefully, this can be done via
 empowering technology rather than outright revolution.

Internet voting, IMHO, will bring true democracy rather than a
representatives democracy.

Arik Schenkler - CEO
Use Internet Dollar electronic money for anonymity,
finalization of deal and fee free funds movements
from peer to peer - http://InternetDollar.com

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[e-gold-list] InternetALERT Development Software

2002-08-10 Thread David Joseph Guitard

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[e-gold-list] RE: [dgc.chat] Re: Question???

2002-08-10 Thread SnowDog

 I think your new policy http://www.goldmoney.com/en/cap.html is much
 better than the previous one where every account holder was required to
 mail ID. It seems relatively easy to comply with and does not overly
 inconvenience people who only want to carry out small transactions.

Wow, does this policy apply now? Is there a grandfather clause? What if I
have to remove more than 50gg Next Week?

Craig (Snowdog)

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[e-gold-list] Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread Danny Van den Berghe


Anybody has done business with this company , which accepts e-gold?

Or any other place where I can open a US bank account , without leaving



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[e-gold-list] Re: Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread James M. Ray

Danny Van den Berghe wrote:
 Anybody has done business with this company , which accepts e-gold?


I had never heard of them, so I surfed all over their
site, and found no mention of e-gold. They appear to be
a seller of credit card merchant accounts, instead (or
else I'm just missing something!).

I have no idea how you'd get a US bank account without
being in the US, but I know very little about banks, so
there may be a way to do it.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread Danny Van den Berghe

  Anybody has done business with this company , which accepts e-gold?


 I had never heard of them, so I surfed all over their
 site, and found no mention of e-gold. They appear to be
 a seller of credit card merchant accounts, instead (or
 else I'm just missing something!).

 I have no idea how you'd get a US bank account without
 being in the US, but I know very little about banks, so
 there may be a way to do it.

Hi James,

They don't mention or advertise e-gold directly , but it is among their
payments options.

Just click here:

And scroll down until you see 'preferred payment method'

They seem to offer US accounts for foreigners, quite specifically advertised
to withdraw money from a Paypal account, which is a problem for non-US

All the best,


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[e-gold-list] Re: Thanks to Ragnar/Planetgold and Stefan/TGC

2002-08-10 Thread Ian Green

At 10:49 AM 9/08/2002 -0400, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
Eventually, federal laws will govern even the tomatoes grown in your own 
back yard.  You will pay an imputed value tax on them.  Eventually, states 
will take over the water supply and socialize it, imposing watering bans 
to avoid shortages.  Oh wait, that's already happened.

One day some monopoly local water authorities will even bill farmers for 
rain that falls on their own land! Oh wait, that already happened too!! (An 
outrage that is beginning to happen in some Australian states, although not 
as heinous as the villainous acts of Robert Mugabe against the farmers of 
Zimbabwe - and against those who need to eat in Zimbabwe!)

Ian Green
e-gold estas monda mono! [Esperanto]
e-gold is world money! [English]

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[e-gold-list] Re: Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread James M. Ray

Danny Van den Berghe wrote:
 They don't mention or advertise e-gold directly , but it is among their
 payments options.
 Just click here:
 And scroll down until you see 'preferred payment method'

Well, I still saw nothing about e-gold, and I'm
not motivated to either give them a bunch of my
information (or enter fake info) just to see, but
if you say they take it I'll believe you. I am
not sure if I'd do business with them, without
knowing a lot more, though. Good luck.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread Lourens Human


Yep, it is there!

they charge 5% extra for accepting e-gold as payment...
 And scroll down until you see 'preferred payment method'

Find businesses and have your business found: http://www.brabys.com

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[e-gold-list] Re: Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread Ian Green

Someone had better send them a subscription to Clue magazine!

It's cheaper than CC to accept e-gold and they want an extra five percent?

Ian Green
e-gold, e-silver, e-platinum, e-palladium
Elemental, my dear Watson!

At 05:27 PM 10/08/2002 +0200, Lourens Human wrote:

Yep, it is there!

they charge 5% extra for accepting e-gold as payment...
  And scroll down until you see 'preferred payment method'

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[e-gold-list] Re: Thanks to Ragnar/Planetgold and Stefan/TGC

2002-08-10 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

Patrick wrote:
Eventually, federal laws will govern even the tomatoes grown in your own 
back yard.  You will pay an imputed value tax on them.  Eventually, 
states will take over the water supply and socialize it, imposing 
watering bans to avoid shortages.  Oh wait, that's already happened.

Ian wrote:

One day some monopoly local water authorities will even bill farmers for 
rain that falls on their own land! Oh wait, that already happened 
too!!  (An outrage that is beginning to happen in some Australian states, 
although not as heinous as the villainous acts of Robert Mugabe against 
the farmers of Zimbabwe - and against those who need to eat in Zimbabwe!)

Now there's a hill worth defending, if not dying on.  I would like to think 
that if I were a farmer I would refuse to pay the Australian government for 
rain falling on my farm.  I would like to think I would push it to the hilt 
just based on principle.  Ultimately if they came to take my farm, I would 
dig up the shotgun hidden in the back yard and refuse entry to all 
government gangsters.  Such an action would of course cost me my life.

That sure is easy for me to say, sitting here in a comfy chair in an 
air-conditioned room.  It's the armchair general syndrome to be 
sure.  :-)  Just had to vent though.

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Re: how to sub to dgc.chat?

2002-08-10 Thread Mark Jeftovic

Solved. Despite much outdated info on the web and a majordomo server
that seems to be unaware of it.

Sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] looks like its
supposed to work, but doesn't.

Finally sent a blank message to


and it worked. Even though the confirmation came back from

I think there may a misconfig in the mx handlers or the DNS for


On Sat, 10 Aug 2002, Mark Jeftovic wrote:

 Embarrassing to ask, but I can't figure it out, have been trying
 all the standard commands at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it doesn't
 seem to know about dgc.chat ?

Quality aftermarket domains at http://www.eliteNIC.com
20% off when remitting via e-gold

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[e-gold-list] Numismatic Gold Coin Set Auction

2002-08-10 Thread Yog Yatry

Dear Digital Gold Community,

We are pleased to announce following numismatic gold coin auction at - 

Sydney 2000 Olympic Gold Coin Set, Series:8

Ka' abah Gold Coin

Mahatma Gandhi Commemorative Gold Coin

Hope that you all are alive with sound health.

Thanks and regards,

Yog Yatry
Osho Kala Group Private Limited

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[e-gold-list] Re: Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread James M. Ray

Ian Green wrote:
 Someone had better send them a subscription to Clue magazine!
 It's cheaper than CC to accept e-gold and they want an extra five percent?

They aren't the first ones (sorry I was so slow in
getting where it was!). Looks like a US money order
is the best way to pay them, everything else says
add some %age or money. Maybe once they're used
to it, they'll offer e-gold users a discount.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Valis?

2002-08-10 Thread David Gendron


I am the owner of VALIS.  I can assure you we are real and trustworthy. 
We have been in the business of helping non-USA residents to enter the US
market through a business or personal banking presence in the USA since
1997.  I am Canadian, so have experienced the lack of support outside the
USA first hand.  VALIS International was created to make it easier for
non-USA residents to take advantage of what the USA has to offer.

We add on 5% for e-gold because it is not so cheap/easy to get the e-gold
into our bank account to pay the bills with.  I'd love to see e-gold with
a withdraw feature like PayPal's.

But any e-gold member who mentions this post and orders a personal US bank
account (GOLD package only) before Aug 31, 2002 will have total payable
_by e-gold_ of only US$230 (that's $32.50 off).  Just to thank you for
talking about us!

You can view the package/account details @
You can order @ www.valisinternational.com/order/personal

Thank you,

David Gendron
VALIS International

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[e-gold-list] On the outright laughability of internet democracy

2002-08-10 Thread R. A. Hettinga

Hash: SHA1

(was Re: [dgc.chat] Re: [e-gold-list] Re: Thanks to Ragnar/Planetgold
and Stefan/TGC)

At 12:53 PM +0200 on 8/10/02, Arik Schenkler wrote:

 Internet voting, IMHO, will bring true democracy rather than a
 representatives democracy.

Well, that's just plain wrong.

Go look up discussions on google about cryptographic protocols for
internet voting. It just ain't possible without the most strict,
obscene, biometric, draconian, is a person, non-anonymous methods
you ever saw. Lions, tigers, and precious bodily fluids, boys and

The point to democracy, in the industrial/agricultural political
sense, is one man, one vote. One *anonymous* vote. On the net,
paradoxically, that is completely impossible. Votes can be sold. If
you fix it so that you can't sell votes without forgoing your
identity -- and thus your freedom -- and physically showing up
somewhere to vote, or at least proving that you have a device that
identifies you as a voter in the most immediate terms possible, you
can sell your vote, anonymously, on the net, for whatever the market
will bear, and *that* person can *re*sell your vote, and so on, just
like it was voting rights to a share of stock. That bit of
cryptographic mobiosity is probably down at the semantic level of
consistency versus completeness. Somewhere, Goedel and Russell are

The net result, of course, of any kind of truly anonymous internet
voting, is anarchocapitalism, where people sell their voting control
over assets, including political assets, over and over in secondary
markets, on a continuing basis, in real-time. No political small-d
democrat (or small-r republican, or small-l libertarian, whatever)
I've ever heard of would call that a true democracy.

That particular prospect has anarchocapitalists, and
crypto-anarchists, out at the bar, buying both Herr Professor Goedel
and Lord Russell a beer or two...


Version: PGP 7.5


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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[e-gold-list] Re: On the outright laughability of internet democracy

2002-08-10 Thread Kenneth C. Griffith

Stated more succinctly: information technology + financial cryptography +
weapons of mass destruction = the state is definitively obsolete, but no one
has realized it yet.

In 100 years no one will give a rip about democracy.  The states will be so
small that it won't really matter.  It will be about as relevant as the
great debates over how many angels could dance on the head of pin that took
place in the 1400's.

Instead of voting for politicians in your own city-state, you will be able
to just move to the city-state whose legal framework, and economic
environment most closely resembles your own values.  In a world of
microbrews, custom cars, and nanotechnology, its only a matter of time until
we see customized microstates.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Thanks to Ragnar/Planetgold and Stefan/TGC

2002-08-10 Thread David Hillary

what is wrong with a local government rating based on a proxy for water
outflow (e.g. area) to cover the costs of, for argument's sake, a scheme to
drain land, including your own? Ideally taxes should be proximate to the
benefits derived from the services provided, and under New Zealand law
(don't know about Australian states) the Rating Powers Act 1988, enables
local government an array of bases for charging, and under the Local
Government Amendment Act 1996 (number 3), local government is obligated to
recover the costs of its services in a way proximate to the distribution of
the benefits:

122F. Principles relating to funding of expenditure needs---The
 principles referred to in section 122E (1) (a) of this Act (which
 principles are not ranked in order of priority) are---
   ``(a) The principle that the costs of any expenditure should be
  recovered at the time that the benefits of that expenditure
   ``(b) The principle that, to the extent that any expenditure---
``(i) Is independent of the number of persons who benefit; or

``(ii) Generates benefits that do not accrue to identifiable
  persons or groups of persons; or
``(iii) Generates benefits to the community generally,---
   the costs of that expenditure should be allocated in a manner
  consistent with economic efficiency and appropriate to the
  nature and distribution of the benefits generated, which manner
  may require the use of rating mechanisms under the Rating
  Powers Act 1988:
   ``(c) The principle that the costs of any expenditure should be
  recovered from persons or categories of persons in a manner
  that matches the extent to which the direct benefits of that
  expenditure accrue to those persons or categories of persons:
   ``(d) The principle that the costs of any expenditure to control
  negative effects that are contributed to by the actions or
  inaction of any persons or categories of persons should be
  allocated to those persons or categories of persons in a way
  that matches the extent to which they contribute to the need
  for that expenditure.

David Hillary

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