[e-gold-list] PayPal / DGC Exchange Hyperwallet 5-7 days

2003-02-10 Thread Dave Guitard
I and my bank landed in Canada Country.
My PayPal account received $500.00 USD.

In 5 days, I fund $701.70 CAD on customer's Hyperwallet account.

I hope my customers happy about our services.

PayPal Exchange Hyperwallet and we charge you 5% Fee.(Minimum:5.00)
E-Gold Exchange Hyperwallet and we charge you 5% Fee.(Minimum:5.00)
EVO Exchange Hyperwallet and we charge you 10% Fee   (Minimum:10.00)

David Guitard,
Exchange Service.

Hyperwallet E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
E-Gold Number : 733127
EVO Number : 118644

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[e-gold-list] The Internet Gold Sites Pounce on Gold - Jim Sinclair

2003-02-10 Thread Paul LeBreton
From: Jim Sinclair's MineSet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Robert Paul LeBreton [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Password  
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 4:11 PM
Subject: The Internet Gold Sites Pounce on Gold

Re:   Monday, February 10, 2003
  The Internet Gold Sites Pounce on Gold
You  talk  about  shooting  yourself  in the  foot!  These guys  just  shot
themselves  and all gold investors in the  foot with  a Heat  Round from  a
recoilless Field Cannon.

The huge selling that stone-walled gold at the top of the recent rally when
gold hit $390 was a combination of:

1/ More gold was sold from that position I reported to you in  the platinum
article (See  January 15,  2003: Gold/  The  US  Dollar/  The Euro/Silver/
Platinum Reaction time  Running Out For the Reaction), about $100 lower on
Platinum.  The  switch from  15% of the gold position held was to platinum.
The other 35% went at $390 into cash.

2/  The  Exchange Stabilization Fund  supplied gold  into that price. I  am
surprised that the existence of the ESF  and its activities are not  better
known in the gold community. I will endeavor to change that.

3/ Some but not much shorting.

Recall that I mentioned to you that a close above $371.50 gold would result
in an immediate move to and above $400. Well it made $390 within 9 hours of
the  quiet close at $371.60 in  the  US.  Was the  move above $400  totally
erased or simply delayed? 

My answer is gold is delayed, not derailed, on its way to $400, not so much
by  the resistance  at the  $390.80  level but, believe it  or not, by  the
Indiscretions by Major Internet Gold Web Sites.

What  has happened is  that many once equity-bearish gold sites  have grown
significantly over the  past year not realizing  that it  was primarily the
new gold  community that  was responsible for that growth. Their  heads are
still in  their  businesses,  which  runs  from  asking  for  donation-type
subscription income, subscription income, and  investment management income
to small boutique-type, non-clearing brokerage  houses. What they have  not
realized is that they now carry influence in the gold community by the type
of articles they  publish. I am  not  speaking  about  censorship  but only

Well, they did it by posting two or three  gold-bashing PR seekers without,
IMO, having a correct factual understanding, both of the history of gold or
the fundamentals of gold since early February. These  shallow and incorrect
articles,  interviews  written   and   broadcast  had  no  offsetting   and
counterbalancing articles by invitation. The net result is that they simply
scared  the hell  out of  the  NEW gold community,  which lacks  commitment
anyway. Shame on you! The sites have gotten where they  are today  from the
gold community for not offering balance to the shallow, incorrect positions
they advertised  with pictures of  the  speakers  and  a list of  so-called
awards that would make anyone who did not know better  feel their interview
was infallible and saying gold was vastly overpriced here and now!

Conclusion: They have not killed the  Golden Goose, just  wounded it. Now I
see  the  maximum price for the  first  leg of the gold bull market between
$408 and $414. I still feel that can be accomplished.

The shift  to the second wave of the gold bull market  will  take place  in
this general area.  That leg will take  the gold market to  a significantly
higher high. 

The  rally in the  US  Dollar is simply  that,  a  rally  from  an oversold
condition. No new  bull market will take  birth from a simple bounce  off a
Fibanocci Resistance Line dead on the recent dollar low. If the US, for all
practical purposes, goes it alone against Iraq, then  the  bottom will fall
out of the dollar, meaning that recent lows will not  hold. Going  it alone
in  Iraq means paying for it all.  Organizing a war  coalition means laying
off the cost of the war to others. Gold will rise and move through $400 and
take the gold shares along with it. 

In no way is this gold market over! The  Book promotion man is simply wrong
on his history of gold, wrong on his definition of inflation/deflation, and
even more incorrect  on his interpretation  of his 85  years of research by
failing to understand what gold shares were about during the greater period
of that time when gold did nothing. Yet the  new uncommitted gold community
had their repeated ritualistic panic attack. Thank you gold web sites.

What to Do?

First be disciplined and put stop loss orders in or hold them in your mind.
Do not let yourself get hurt on margin. Get off  that and  do not use it in
the gold  share arena again  which is violent in  normal times.  Re-read my
conclusion above, every time you want to panic. Fax or email me if you need
your hand held.

Harry  Schultz  (http://www.HSLetter.com)  published  an excellent 

[e-gold-list] www.tampaexchange.net

2003-02-10 Thread R.L.Wahl Tampa Exchange
Hello All:  We are running a special at www.tampaexchange.net  mention this
list and receive same day funding at 3.5%  

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[e-gold-list] Paypal

2003-02-10 Thread R.L.Wahl Tampa Exchange
www.tampaexchange.net has now added paypal...

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