[e-gold-list] Re: trades marks

2003-02-17 Thread Khurram Khan
> Your ideas about trademarks are based on a statist
> view of who has authority to issue a trademark.
> Under the common law, a trade mark is claimed by
> using it in trade.  Under the authoritarian
> statist approach, a trademark is "registered" by
> filing with the feral gummint.

I'm less interested in how things ought to be, then how they really are.  I
have no interest in starting a revolution.  Since, the trademark is
registered with the US government, then the owners obviously want to abide
by the authoritarian statist approach or else they wouldn't have registered
it and just plainly used it in trade.

> > Since, the governing body of said trademarks
> > seems to think that G&SR owns them, then G&SR does
> > own them.

> That claim is a lot of nonsense.  You are saying that
> the government agency which depends on papers filed by
> G&SR knows more about the disposition of G&SR's
> property than does G&SR.  How can that be?

So you agree with me that the trademarks are actually owned by G&SR and
there is a plain black and white lie on the e-gold website?

> > My point is that the e-gold website was doing fine
> > before they added that line to the bottom on the site.

> Yes, but it isn't your site.  You aren't paid to
> come up with legal claims and disclaimers for that
> site.  Take it up with Barry Downey.  Sue them over
> it, if you wish, and see how the courts settle the
> matter.  (Good luck establishing standing.)

It's not my site but I have a vested interest in its success because I own
businesses that rely on it.  And I don't like to file lawsuits when they
might not be needed.  Who knows, maybe Barry will read this and think to
himself that this situation might hurt them in any future lawsuits where
they need to prove the seperations between G&SR and e-gold.

> > There is already sufficient confusion about
> > the "one in the same-ness" of e-gold, Ltd. and
> > G&SR and this only helps to further that confusion.

> My friend, there is no confusion.  Gold & Silver
> Reserve, Inc., seems to be owned and operated by the
> same group of people who own and operate e-Gold, Ltd.,
> with few exceptions.  It seems to me that they
> may have interlocking boards of directors which is
> one of the key ingredients for piercing the
> corporate veil

The key word in the above paragraph is "seems".  G&SR might be owned by
Doug, Ried, Barry, etc. etc. but I, and probably you also, have no proof of
this?  Do you have a list of board of directors?  I'm glad to see that
atleast one ecurrency out there (Pecunix) is disclosing these types of
things and no leaving it to people to speculate.

> addresses @omnipay.net are the same as their
> addresses @e-gold.com.  I suggest that there is
> no confusion at all.

There is no confusion to you because you and I both agree that e-gold and
G&SR are two very tightly connected companies.  But in my experience at
working in the G&SR offices, they wanted to give out the appearance that
e-gold and G&SR were very independent.  That is where the confusion comes

> > I consider it a risk to my gold that the "e-gold"
> > name is actually owned by a second company.

If we consider the trademark to be property, then we can also consider it to
be an asset.  Since G&SR takes normal business risks and could potentially
fail, then assets that should belong to e-gold at no risk are at risk under
G&SR ownership.  It further puts e-gold Ltd under risk because G&SR and
e-gold could be considered "Parent & Subsidiary" by some courts.  Parent
companies can be held liable for their children companies.  One test of this
is Common ownership of assets.  Not to mention common employees, shared
office space, and common management.  But I'm sure they know this.

> > Even more than that, I consider it a risk that
> > the access to my gold is actually controlled my
> > a second company that I would rather not have
> > anything to do with.

> Dude, that sounds like rough rocks.  Your e-gold
> is accessed via http://use.e-gold.com/ which is
> a site owned and operated by e-gold, Ltd., as I
> gather.  The actual gold which is involved is
> stored in London, Zurich, and Dubai for a special
> purpose trust which is described on the e-gold
> Examiner.html and related pages.  However, it was
> all started by this antecedent outfit called
> Gold & Silver Reserve.

The e-gold website is operated and maintained by G&SR:

> If you want out, please visit http://cambist.net/
> and sell your e-gold for:

Just because I don't like it.. doesn't mean I won't continue to profit from
it.  I gather you don't particularly like the FRNs, but you will probably
continue to profit from them.

>  What I
> cannot do is change the nature of the owners
> of e-gold, Ltd., or their antecedent organization
> G&SR.

And I'm not asking you to do anything.  I'm asking e-gold and G&SR to create
a more black and white distinction between them and make the whole system a
little more t

[e-gold-list] electronic parts by proxy (Australia)

2003-02-17 Thread Andrew McMeikan
Just a post to see if anyone would want to make use of buying electronic
parts using e-gold.

Places I frequent are.

Customs is probably painfull but you never know, so primarily looking to
see if there are any ozzies with gold who need bits.


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[e-gold-list] Re: twelve ideas (8 for T)

2003-02-17 Thread Khurram Khan

> 12. Khurram Khan complains of trademark assignments from G&SR
> to e-gold, Ltd.  I think, Khurram, that just because G&SR
> registered the trademarks, they are not necessarily the
> current owners.  Trademarks are property, and if they have
> assigned those trademarks, or sold them, to e-gold, Ltd.,
> that is well within their authority.

Yes Trademarks are property, just like the house you live in and the office
you work in.  Like buildings, trademarks have an official registry.  The
name on this registry is the actual entity that owns such property.  If
these trademarks have been sold to e-gold, Ltd.  Then the official registry
should reflect these changes.  Since, the governing body of said trademarks
seems to think that G&SR owns them, then G&SR does own them.  After all,
would you buy your house in my name?

My point is that the e-gold website was doing fine before they added that
line to the bottom on the site.  There is already sufficient confusion about
the "one in the same-ness" of e-gold, Ltd. and G&SR and this only helps to
further that confusion.

I consider it a risk to my gold that the "e-gold" name is actually owned by
a second company.  Even more than that, I consider it a risk that the access
to my gold is actually controlled my a second company that I would rather
not have anything to do with.

Khurram Khan

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[e-gold-list] audits, TLE

2003-02-17 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Friends,

It seems to me that GoldMoney, Pecunix, and the
Liberty Dollar all have good claims to serious
audit trails.  E-gold is fairly notorious right now
in having essentially no audit trail since at
least February 2001.  E-Bullion has had audit-like
reports for some time.

However, I will say that there is something more
significant than audits in establishing whether or
not to trust a currency.  Audits, after all, can
be faked.  Why is the name "Arthur Andersen" a
joke right now?  They performed audits which were
published with the annual reports of notorious
outfits like Enron and the like.  You can look it
up.  What good does it do you to have an audit if
the auditors don't point out major failings in
the books of the company in which you are investing?
(Using a gold currency is a form of investment -
you are trusting your gold to their care.)

One currency, 1MDC, has never had any sort of an
audit.  None.  But, it is trusted because of the
high profile and tremendous trust factor relating
to its principals.

I trust e-gold to be there when I want my gold
because I've met its principals.  I've read up on
their past history.  I understand what drives them
to create "Better Money®".

I trust e-Bullion, GoldMoney, the Liberty Dollar,
and Crowne Gold for the same reasons.  I believe
that Pecunix has similar quality.  Thus, these
are or may soon become currencies supported by
Cambist.net.  If you can trust the people with whom
you are dealing, you can get good business results.

And if you cannot trust those individuals, if they
have proven false or untrustworthy, it doesn't matter
if you have a photocopy of their state-issued ID, it
doesn't matter if you have a ton of audit paper, it
doesn't matter if you have sworn affidavits from a
hundred trade references.  It is in the nature of
the scorpion to sting you.

The same issues which apply to gold currencies also
apply to exchange providers or cambists.  That's
why you can learn all about the principals of
Cambist.net by visiting our parent company web page:
Click on the CV for each of us, and read all about
our backgrounds.

These same issues apply to investments, as Mr.
James A. Donald seems to know.  There are three
things that I look for in making an investment:

  First, is there a plan to make money?  That's
  sort of a pre-requisite, a necessary but not
  sufficient condition.  If there is no plan, then
  there is a high risk of failure - most businesses
  fail from lack of planning or lack of capital.

  Second, is there a team competent to implement
  the plan?  That's also a necessary but not a
  sufficient condition.  If there is a qualified
  team, then on to the most vital issue:

  Third, can I trust these people with my money?
  Trust is earned, not given.  If it is given
  away, it has no real value.  Trust begins with
  a relationship.  If you can't relate to these
  people, if you cannot understand their motives,
  if you are lied to by them, if you have reason
  not to trust their motives, don't invest.

I think applying these three matters to Graham
Kelly's offer, or to the high yield "programs"
you hear about, or to Gold Barter Holdings, or
to putting your gold in the hands of, say, the
folks at e-Bullion.com, are equally sensible. If
you can trust the people involved with your
money, then you can go forward with confidence.
If not...there are plenty of other places to put
your money.

Say, Graham!  Where's your Curriculum Vitae or

Ragnar points the way to:


As a frequent contributor to _The Libertarian
Enterprise_ as well as to Ragnar's _Liberty
Impact_ I wholeheartedly concur.  You'll find
a letter to the editor from me in the current
issue, as well as pointers to earlier articles
by me.  I write so often for them that I should
soon update:
which no longer includes all my articles there.

Skip all those gold-age links, though, and click
over to http://cambist.net/ for best results. ;-)



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[e-gold-list] Cards

2003-02-17 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Steve,

Thank's for the vote of confidence.

Yes, certainly.  I urge everyone who is thinking
about a V-Cash card, or may wish to win a free
V-Cash card, to get involved with Cash Cards



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[e-gold-list] Re: new: quickly accept e-gold payments

2003-02-17 Thread Sidd

: a new shortcut method to accept e-gold payments is available
: to e-gold account holders. any e-gold account holder can now
: use a link similar to:
: http://100998.e-gold.com
: this example allows e-gold account 100998 to accept 2 centigram 
: gold payments.

Excellent Jay!

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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Re: new: quickly accept e-gold payments

2003-02-17 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

Here's what JP said:

Staggering, mindbogglingly cool.   e-gold pulls way ahead

(if only I could post to the e-gold list!)


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[e-gold-list] Re: new: quickly accept e-gold payments

2003-02-17 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 02:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Cool feature.

an easy way to generate your own link is available at the e-gold
developer page:


Oh my gosh that's cool.

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] new: quickly accept e-gold payments

2003-02-17 Thread jrw

a new shortcut method to accept e-gold payments is available
to e-gold account holders. any e-gold account holder can now
use a link similar to:


this example allows e-gold account 100998 to accept 2 centigram 
gold payments.

further parameters can be added to accept different amounts 
and e-metals. for example:


sends the payer to an e-gold payment screen ready to make a 
payment of 25.50 US Dollars worth of e-silver to e-gold account 
100998. the default amount is 2 centigrams of gold. use of 
additional parameters allows any amount to be accepted.

* * *

an easy way to generate your own link is available at the e-gold 
developer page:


* * *

users clicking your shortcut link are taken directly to the e-gold
Shopping Cart Interface (SCI) page where payment can be made. you 
(the payee) will receive an automatic email notification when the 
payment has been made. the payer can easily return to your web page 
containing the link by clicking Continue after making the payment 
(or Cancel before making the payment).

SCI and other technical e-gold questions can be directed via email

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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[e-gold-list] Re: Greetings from London - home of Congestion Tax

2003-02-17 Thread James M. Ray
At 9:42 AM -0500 2/17/03, George Matyjewicz wrote:
>There is a wonderful opportunity here for the use of e-Gold.  The mayor of 
>London has a new "congestion tax" starting today whereby any vehicle 
>entering a designated area of London must pay a 5 pound tax, which needs to 
>be paid within two hours.  Failure to pay gradually increases the fine to 
>80 pounds (over a 2-day period I believe).

That two-hour requirement does indeed sound tailor-made for
e-gold, but how about this idea I had* a while back. A system of
bids on whether or not a traffic light will stay red or turn green
in front of you, with essentially a robot negotiating with the light
for you, perhaps programmed to different modes, like "I'm in a
hurry and I'm late!" all the way down to "this is a romantic drive,
I don't *care* if it takes longer!" (Heck, all the romantic drivers
might even bid for redlights!). My proposed system would allow
those who really want to get there faster to pay more for the
faster trips (yes, most of the time some government would get
the loot. What else is new?)... Currently, everyone pays the
same (nothing) for this, just as Londoners used to all pay the
same for congestion. I predict a lot more traffic in London at 
3AM starting now.

802.11b and other short range radio devices will make this
idea inevitable eventually, IMO, but they could also just use
Better Money right now if they wanted to!

* Or read-about, I don't recall which! I think someone else has
also had it, but without the "oh, we could do it now with e-gold"
aspect, naturally.

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[e-gold-list] Greetings from London - home of Congestion Tax

2003-02-17 Thread George Matyjewicz
Hi All:

Greetings from London where I am spending some time on a business 
trip.  Hope this goes out, as my outbound mail has been a slight issue.

There is a wonderful opportunity here for the use of e-Gold.  The mayor of 
London has a new "congestion tax" starting today whereby any vehicle 
entering a designated area of London must pay a 5 pound tax, which needs to 
be paid within two hours.  Failure to pay gradually increases the fine to 
80 pounds (over a 2-day period I believe).

No need to debate the merits of the action or the stupidity of the 
collection process - they are taking photos of the vehicles, must like the 
photos taken in the US when one passes a stop sign.  However, it is an 
opportunity for digital currency.  And, the tax is being watched worldwide, 
as other cities may adopt it if it is successful.

In the NYC area, all they have is a blizzard with up to two feet of snow ;-(



Dr. George Matyjewicz, Chief Global Strategist
GAP Enterprises, Ltd.   http://www.gapent.com/
Moderator of E-Tailer's Digest http://www.etailersdigest.com/
Automated Press Releases http://www.automatedpr.com/
E-Gold Account # 193274

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[e-gold-list] Re: Pidgeons

2003-02-17 Thread Ben Legume

>> The first project is an environmentally based, new technology
>> company. The second project will require maximum $100,000,
>> also an environmental project, with a new personal water
>> filter idea!

>Anyone who invests on this kind of a prospectus, is a pidgeon. 

I'm very inclined to agree.

'Pidgeons, Jim! They bring them in by the busload!' -The Rockford 

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