[e-gold-list] Yes get 2% over spot on your gold NOW

2003-11-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sydney Gold Sales http://www.sydneygoldsales.com
is paying TWO PERCENT over spot on 1mdcGrams.  Any order over two 
thousand dollars or euros.
Yes, send us $5000 of gold and you will get $5100 of money sent to you.
This is not a joke!
 This a limited time offer, sell us your 1mdcGrams now!

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[e-gold-list] Re: "Meltdown" in Middle East Ignites Gold

2003-11-12 Thread Mike Schneider
From: "R. J. Tavel, J.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Last night I noticed a barrage of gold-bullion ads on television, and 
today this guy is pressing the Yahoo! groups.

My take: Gold will be moving down relative to currencies in coming 
months, and these guys want suckers to buy at current market-highs.


-- http://USFamily.Net/info - Unlimited Internet - From $8.99/mo! --

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[e-gold-list] DBourse is cooking!

2003-11-12 Thread Sidd
DBourse is showing as fair bit of activity today!

Latest price is 103.50 grams!

There are vast numbers of MCG shares available on .

If you wish to join in the exciting offer that TGC have made on
 but don't wish to risk over $1300 worth of gold
per share, then MCG is the thing. Each MCG share is (exactly)
equivalent to 0.5% of a TGC share so you can get into the TGC offer
for as little as $7.00.

With the rising price of the TGC shares at the moment, MCG shares
look to be an excellent bet for the smaller players!


DBourse market activity:
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 00:58 +

Attn DBourse member: siddley
Regarding DBourse:TGC shares:

** One share (#284) has been sold at 103.50 grams

This email generated by the DBourse Trading Bot.

If you wish to not receive market activity alerts, please
email the DBourse service desk. By default all users who
have made one or more transactions receive market alerts.

SECURITY NOTICE: No email from DBourse will EVER include
a URL or styled or html text.  Beware of fake email scams.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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[e-gold-list] an odd little piece of spam

2003-11-12 Thread James M. Ray
Doubtless you'll all be seeing this, don't bother clicking
their link, it takes you to a site that is currently "under
constraction"[SIC] Anyway, as the spam notes, e-gold
is now seven years old, and I suppose it's not too early
for me to renew my tradition of saying, "e-metal makes
a GREAT gift!" Put a smile on someone's face this year
and you'll be doing us both a favor. :)
I don't think "e-oil" is a great idea, and I don't see how
storing oil could pay 3% interest because AFAIK only
wine and cigars would have any chance of recouping
storage costs (let alone actually generating a profit!)
but here's the spam, as promised:

> Dear e-currency investor,
> 7 years ago the possibility to invest in precious metals appeared in
> the Internet: gold and so on (e-gold, e-bullion, etc).
> Such investments have proven their reliability and effectiveness.
> Now We offer you to invest in oil. Oil will always be needed,
> much bigger capitals are being earned on it, than on gold,
> both when it's price is cheap and when it is high, especially now.
> Unlike e-gold and other similar systems we do not charge for keeping
> your assets in the account.
> On the contrary we pay 3% annual interest.
> Please visit http://www.payoil.com for more information

> Sincerely,
> PayOil Investment Team
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[e-gold-list] Re: Intgold Are they answering any support emails ?

2003-11-12 Thread Nits
Just to keep the list updated 

Today i got the ATM card , though i never got any response from their
customer support .

> hello :)
> Just wanted to know ,
> Did Aanobody lately ( this week )  got a response from IntGold's  support
> i never got any for mine ,

It seems that they do not answer any emails , the only offer customer
support via phone   :(

However the card is Pre-Activated card.
I have also recieved a different  telephone number to activate thte card as
the previous number can't be accessed by international customers.

If any one who is having difficulties activating their card just contact me
and i will forward u this number..

thanks .

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[e-gold-list] The Gold Casino Share Price

2003-11-12 Thread The Gold Economy
The Gold Casino IPO sold out in late October.  Since the the share price
seems to have risen by 2.5%.


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[e-gold-list] E-land, nuts, savings

2003-11-12 Thread FileMatrix

Just pointing a few things:

To Danny:
> Scammers don't like criticism.  I think you are very
> likely a scammer.

To Robert:
> No doubt you would have ridden a tank in the general's rank
> while the blitzkrieg raged and the fighting stank, to quote
> the rock lyric.  I have no sympathy for the devil.

To Robert:
> I'd like to know why you keep using violent metaphors for
> my writing.

... you were saying?

Anyway, about e-land...

You don't like Danny's e-land idea because of the historical example of John
Law. Anyone new to the DGC world could and should argue DGCs are scams,
because they have the OSGold example to support the theory. Not convenient,
is it? Just because in some line of business there were / are scammers, it
doesn't mean everybody in that business is a scammer.

However, I would not use anything else than gold as the digital currency
backing asset for a very simple reason: risk. Unlike gold investment, land
investment comes with a higher risk. This means land might generate profit
for the investment, but might also generate losses.

Most people like to invest their money in "safe" places (like vaults,
banks), and only few like to invest in high risk investment programs. I see
land, e-land as a high risk investment program, with no bad connotation,
it's just an investment with a higher risk than gold investment, or savings
accounts. Using land, eland, gold, egold as currency, means investing in
these assets.

Regarding another topic... savings are good for the economy because they
free it of some debt. Some people save money to be able to buy something at
a later time. This "something" may be a clear idea when the saving starts,
or just something fuzzy. Instead of borrowing money to buy that "something"
now, people save money to buy later (and are not stressed by the interest of
a loan). What a great thing savings are! ;)

George Hara


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[e-gold-list] Re: thieves and scammers

2003-11-12 Thread Danny Van den Berghe
> Indeed.  And, in not liking it, I shall retain my freedom
> to criticize it so that others see what's not to like and
> avoid getting scammed.  John Law and his Banque Royale hurt
> a great many hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen in his day.
> The National Assembly and their assignats hurt many millions
> of Frenchmen later, but we can be pleased that many of the
> National Assembly went to the guillotine for their machinations.
> Charles Ponzi  hurt a great many thousands of Americans in his
> day.  Scammers don't like criticism.  I think you are very
> likely a scammer.

Your emails go on describing how somebody fell from his bicycle a hundred
years ago, concluding that nobody should try to ride it today..
It is pointless Jim
As if a gold based electronic currency leaves no possibility for scams??

And what you think about me, I don't care at all.


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-wine, e-land, e-gold

2003-11-12 Thread Danny Van den Berghe
> In terms of grams, the price of the 10g bottles increased by 100%, and
> the price of the 30g bottle remained constant.
> In terms of shares, the price of the 10g bottles increased by 50%, and
> the price of the 30g bottle decreased by 33.3%.


The reason is that the value of a share has gone up by 50% (from 0.04g to

This is the same situation like when the price of oil in $ goes up 10%, and
at the same time the exchange rate of the $ declines 10% against the Euro.
The price of oil in Euro will be unchanged.

So if we calculate in terms of shares the price of of the 10g bottle
increases only 50% because the value of the currency itself (e-wine here)
has gone up 50% too.

> I would expect that if the value of a bottle doubles, its price should
> double.

We did not assume that the 'value' of the bottle doubled.
We just said that the 'price' in g doubled.

Because the value of a share in e-wine goes up against gold in this example,
we have here effectually an example how e-wine can be better than gold.

> If the value of a bottle remains constant, its price should
> remain constant.

If the value of your currency remains constant...

> Yet if you "price" the bottles in our example
> directly in terms of shares, the prices increase by only 50% in the
> first case and decrease by 33.3% in the latter case.

Because the currency 'e-wine' has just gone up by 50%

> So I am not yet
> convinced that pricing in terms of shares alone without any reference
> to some other homogenous system of units is possible.

It is possible, but less practical than just calculating everything in
whatever units the bottles are paid for on the market.

In fact in the example you have created we can see how with this type of
currency we cannot have any inflation or deflation.
When the price of a certain bottle in the portfolio goes up in terms of
shares, it is automatically offset by a decline in the price for the other
The effect is zero inflation in all circumstances.

You could create such a currency with not only wine but a mix of assests, as
to reflect the entire economy.
Some wine in it, some land, some stocks, some gold,...: "e-value"
We can still do the same calculations as with the wine to 'evalute' it, but
now we have a currency that is inflation free and backed on the entire


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