[e-gold-list] CardAccounts.tv alert

2002-06-10 Thread GoldSpender

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen!

I don't understand what's going on with the CardAccounts.tv service, but
it seems to be something terrible. I sent them a funding request for $2100
about a week ago, and there are still no funds on my debit card. I've
contacted them several times and got some replies, but the fact is that my
card remains unfunded. My latest request for $2000 was processed
successfully and fast enough. What happened?


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE NEEDED

2002-06-07 Thread GoldSpender

What the hell are you writing here?
Noone was going to cheat you!!! If I disappeared for a minute, it doesn't
mean my company is cheating!


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE NEEDED

2002-06-07 Thread GoldSpender

Sure thing I didn't trust you, like you didn't trust me.
I have never heard of your bank before, and I don't know much about the
eCTA, and who the members are. So if I spent your e-gold in 5 minutes,
would I be a scammer? Or you wanted it to be completed in 30 seconds? I've
been in business for almost 2 years already and never thought of taking


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold for sale THIS IS A HUGE SCAM ASSISTANCE NEEDED

2002-06-07 Thread GoldSpender

Sure man, but Paul is my real name, not a moniker. I also have accounts
opened for names like Elizabeth. Does Elizabeth point to post-communistic

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] 'Intelligent' Individuals

2002-06-07 Thread GoldSpender

I will close my 'kitchen-run' business (by the words of a wise Dr. Tomaz
de los Santos) just because someone didn't trust you... But there wes NO
any proof I was going to cheat someone. Thanks guys. You are like a wild
wolfs... If I slow down up to (!) five minutes in spending e-gold, I am a
scammer. You guys I see can kill anyone just for a cent.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] We still have e-gold to sell

2002-06-06 Thread GoldSpender


We still have about $45k for sale. Our fee is just 1.5% above the spot.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] CardAccounts.tv alert

2002-06-06 Thread GoldSpender


I don't understand why CardAccounts doesn't fund my debit card. Three days
passed and still no funds on my account.
Anybody knows what the reason is?

I have contacted them and got no reply.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] GS Referral Program

2002-05-25 Thread GoldSpender

Hello people!

So we are now promoting our Referral Program.
You may place our banner on your site and get 10% of our income!
Please come to http://www.goldspender.com/partners.shtml and get our
banner there, feel in the Partnership Form and place your banner on your
site. We will give you your own Partnership ID and place YOUR banner on
our site. Everyone comes to our site from yours one and places an order
will get you 10% of our income from that transaction!


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] CardAccounts.tv

2002-04-25 Thread GoldSpender


I ordered their card a day ago, but there's still no answers from them...
I am trying to reach them by e-mail, just to make sure they've sent me the
card and the DHL tracking number.

Does anybody have any experience with the service CardAccounts.tv ?
When would they send me the card?



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] e-bullion for sale

2002-04-24 Thread GoldSpender


I have $2600 worth of e-bullion for exchange. I need e-gold.
Who needs e-bullion?


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Insanity

2001-09-11 Thread GoldSpender

I am very sorry for the situation in USA. I believe all terrorists will be
punished to the fullest extent.

It seems this world is still uncivilized. XXI century opens with new and new
tragedies. Humanity is still deficient and will never be perfect.

My hearty commiserations to families of innocent victims...

 My family and I are all here feeling the pain... I am finding it harder
 harder to communicate on a civil level without releasing what anger and
 aggression that is growing inside... I'm sure many Americans will agree
 a small part of us all have been hit...

 I have never been a man of war, but these feelings are now changing.

 ...good GOD, a thrid plane just hit the Pentagon... I cannot continue

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 Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
 than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
 e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] GoldSpender New Design

2001-08-20 Thread GoldSpender


GoldSpender just got a new look! Please take a look at www.goldspender.com
and tell us your opinions!


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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] Re: Trivia Question

2001-08-06 Thread GoldSpender

The most expensive is Rhodium.


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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] PayPal Acceptance

2001-08-04 Thread GoldSpender

Hi everybody,

After the weekly delay, we now accept PayPal again. So you are welcome to
buy e-gold from us.



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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: World's largest bank to write-off $10 billion(!) bad debt

2001-08-02 Thread GoldSpender


$10B can be imagined as 1,000,000 (ONE MILLION) bank rolls, each of $10,000
(100 bank notes of $100 each). Can your largest room in your house admit so
many bank rolls of bank notes? :-) Probably, yes. Your room can admit $10
So that seems not so much money there... :-)

Or you can imagine it as 10,000 bank notes, $1M each (such exist, but not in
that quantity). It will be 100 bank rolls, 100 bank notes of $1M in each...

Or better imagine it as ONE bank note. :-)


- Original Message -
From: James M. Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 1:46 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] World's largest bank to write-off $10 billion(!) bad


 Apologies for this awful-looking URL, but I thought it might interest
 here. A billion is a thousand-million, and I have trouble imagining
 that large. Ten billion dollars, according to the article, is something
 1,200 billion yen. One of you can probably illustrate this in some way I
 grasp (level teaspoons-full of water in an Olympic size swimming pool?).

 Thanks if you can, a gram of e-gold goes to the best/funniest

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 help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
 click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
 security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html

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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: The CRISIS!!!

2001-08-01 Thread GoldSpender

 I don't know which government you mean by our government, since the
 list is international. I was thinking specifically of the Chinese
 (though Russia was also being discussed). I don't think it paranoid to
 suppose that a Communist government is going to confiscate private
 They've been doing it for years.

Sure, but if they confiscate all people's money, people won't sit and watch
TV like nothing happened. You would understand what will happen in this


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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: The CRISIS!!!

2001-07-31 Thread GoldSpender

 Now, the poles have completely reversed, and we see China and Russia
 promoting the ownership of gold by their citizens, while the US and other
 capitalist countries officially deny that gold is money!  My somewhat
 sarcastic article was to suggest that in addition to trying to shore up
 their own economies, this move by China and Russia may be intended to
 the dollar as well by pushing US dollars out of their countries and
 replacing them with gold as a savings instrument.  I think that's a great
 idea too!

Yes, but it seems so weird. Why is our XXI century life is still warlike?
Cause we are still uncivilised animals (do you Ken think you are civilised
and perfect?). Russia and USA are still managing misterious war (what China
and other countries do too). Well and the would has divided by two parts:

1 -- America, Western Europe (Sweden still seems to be neutral, but who
2 -- Eastern Europe, Eurasia (Russia is situated on some part of Europe and
some -- of Asia), Asia (except Japan and yes Israel).

So we see no-end wars. Ideological, psycological or whatever.
USA wants to be the King of the world, but not all want so...
Therefore the war is continuing and who wins who loses or no-one.
Perfect. PolitiX.

 I would gladly take Gold Russian Rubles (physical coins) over US paper
 any day!  Does anyone have any gold rubles they want to trade for some US

I. But do you know why? Because I can have some profit from it. That's just
the life.

 With regard to the secret crisis, my thoughts are that this is either
 ranting of silly conspiracy theorists, wishful thinking, or a deliberate
 propaganda attempt by the Russian government to discourage people from
 holding their savings in US Dollars.  Unless you have some real-life
 prophets over there, financial crises are impossible to predict to the
 (Unless the predictions are based on a plan to do something on that day
 would start a crisis - like nuking NYC or invading Taiwan, for example.)

Not only Russia talks about the US Crisis but also USA talks about it


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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: The CRISIS!!!

2001-07-30 Thread GoldSpender

 It is interesting that both China and Russia are ENCOURAGING their
 to buy gold.  This is a whacky world when the red commies are encouraging
 private ownership of gold but the governments of the capitalist West are
 playing smoke and mirror games to KEEP their citizens from buying gold!

Do you think that encouraging of buying gold is bad? I think gold is
better than dollar.

 Our two largest former opponents, now competitors, Russia and China, which
 together control almost one third of the world's population, are upset to
 left out of the game as, in the case of Russia, their communist policies
 destroyed their economy, or in the case of China, communism kept them in
 dark ages.  It must burn their national pride to see the US Dollar being
 used as the savings instrument of choice by their citizens.

Well and they are right. Would you gladly accept the use of RU Ruble as a
savings instrument?

 National pride is what has probably pushed Russia and China to start
 encouraging their citizens to buy gold.  If they outlaw the use of the US
 Dollar (which Russian officials have discussed) and legalize the use of
 they could possibly CAUSE a US financial crisis by sending billions of US
 dollars back home to roost.

What Russia wants (I am not talking about China, I don't exactly know their
political situation) is to establish its own currency and then return the
economy to good standing. And of course this is a good decision. We must
first think about our countries and then about the others' countries.
Am not I right?

 So maybe the Russians are HOPING the USA will have a financial crisis in

No hope for it, at least by me, who holds all his money in USD.
I have a familiar banker and they told me about the crisis, and that it's
now in secret. US Govt. doesn't want people to know the exact day of the US
Crisis, just to have the people over the barrel.

  Or maybe they are planning to START one.

Oh my... How?

  I wouldn't place any
 money on the date, but a Sino-Russian monetary alliance to use gold as
 currency and ban the internal use of the Dollar would have interesting
 consequences indeed...

No doubt.


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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: If Russia creates a gold-based economy.....

2001-07-28 Thread GoldSpender


As you know I live in Russia and as soon as these chervonetzs will be
released, I will let you know and maybe even sell some of them to you.


 Heh. I still have to read that one, but so many people have talked to me
 about it that I'm finally going to get around to it.

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help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: If Russia creates a gold-based economy.....

2001-07-28 Thread GoldSpender


 Thanks very much! I really know nothing of your money, will there be
 more than one size?

AFAIK there will be the only one size of chervonetz.

 Are they still doing palladium coins? Do you ever
 see Ballarinas (Pd. coins that once graced e-gold Ltd.'s reserves, along
 with the cool 100oz Pd bars still in the vaults which still have the
 USSR's Hammer  Sickle emblem on them!) in circulation now?

No, there're no any ores in circulation at the time. They are just preparing
to run chervonetz in circulation, but usual rubles will still be active.

 do individual Russians tend to hoard/use precious metal coins? What
 is the official government of Russia reason for suddenly minting these
 precious metal coins (or is there one?)? Is there an English meaning
 for the word chervonetz? [I know, I have lots of questions!]

The official's government of Russia reason for suddenly minting these
precious metal coins is to establish our own, more stable than dollar,
currency, IMO.
There's no any official translation for 'chervonetz', but in Russian it
usually meant 10 rubles. So you should understand it as 'Ten golden rubles',
but the actual value is much higher than $10 USD, of course.


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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: The Chevronetz

2001-07-28 Thread GoldSpender


 Hello Paul, do you know the weight of a chevronetz and how many
 coins the governement wants to mint?

Its weight is 7.74234 AUG. As I now know, it has already been released and
is in turnover of the Russian Federation.

 Good question, also do you know how pure they'll be? Lesser purity
 would suggest a greater possibility of circulation.

As I understand, they are not going to MAKE chervonetzes, they just released
a coin from their reserve (1975-1982 year of production). These coins are
also tax-free (you don't have to pay sell-tax while buying with a
The purity is 0.!
The part of 6,565,000 (50,8 tons of AU) chervonetzes is to be or has already
been released. Note, that our population is about 140,000,000 persons and
not every person would be able to have at least one chervonetz.

 Thanks for your
 help on the name, I'm guessing that chevronetz is a nickname for
 10 Rubles, sort of like two bits is a nickname for a quarter here. In
 my experience whenever a government mints a gold coin they go in
 for mass-hysterical-optimism about the value of their fiat currency
 when deciding on a face-value, so the fact that a chevronetz is
 suddenly going to be much more than ten rubles is no surprise.

It would also be worth much more than 10 USD or 10 GBP, as I understand.

 Also, do you know what words, faces, etc. will be on them?

The back side of chervonetz can be seen here
There's written 10 RUBLES OF 1899 YR and Russian Blazon is there, too.
Gold Chervonetz has been released by Centrobank since 3 JULY 2001. And it's
probably possible to buy them in our banks. And also, as I have just read,
the Gold Chervonetz is now a paying instrument and can be used to buy goods,
but far not all shops will accept it in the _nearest_ future and they will
probably have their own Chervonetz : Rouble exchange value.
What about the front side of Chervonetz, a farmworker cropping wheat on the
field is coined.

 Is the
 decision to mint the coins seen to be Mr. Putin's, or just the govt.'s?

It is Centrobank's and the Ministry of Finances' decision, as I get it.

 About how much do US dollars (paper, old  new) circulate in your
 part of Russia? Does the average person holding them think about
 inflation? Thanks

I don't know how many dollars, but AFAIK the USD is the most exchangable and
stable currency in Russian minds. Not all yet know about the crisis coming
in the US, but I know and the best decision would be buying Gold (and also
Chervonetzes) or Deutsch Marks (DEM) and later Euro EUR.


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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke  mouse-
click sniffing trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] GoldSpender accepts PayPal!

2001-07-21 Thread GoldSpender

Hi everybody,

I have good news for you.


It proves that our business is developing.

Thanks for your care.


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[e-gold-list] GoldSpender Update

2001-07-19 Thread GoldSpender

Hello everybody,

We now accept e-gold to WebMoney outexchange transactions.
The fee is 5%. You can now easily exchange your e-gold for WebMoney.

We are also going to accept PayPal payments on August.


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[e-gold-list] Re: URGENT!!! FRAUD SITUTATION!!!

2001-07-16 Thread GoldSpender

That Paul Dinon had e-mailed me too.

Here's the quote:

Someone claims to be GoldSpender.  Their website is


I just wanted to let you be aware of this situation.


Paul Dinon

And the topic was: URGENT!!! FRAUD SITUTATION!!!

It seems that person was promouting the virus. But I don't understand how it
could load from a browser and what the virus does... Does it steal e-gold
passwords? But how?



 The site you informed me does not contain any reference to gold today.

 However it does contain a virus which one of my virus alerts picked up.

 I would suggest no one goes to http://goldxpress.ibusinessdot.com  and
 how come you Paul are promote site with viruses on?

 Kind regards,

 Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold here.
 Sign up with osgold and get an osgold account today
 subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at
 two cents worth??

 - Original Message -
 From: Paul Dinon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, July 16, 2001 9:35 am

  Someone claims to be Gold-Today.  Their website is at:
  I just wanted to let you be aware of this situation.
  Paul Dinon
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

  Receive faxes 24x7, no second line necessary.

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 To unsubscribe send a blank email to

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
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[e-gold-list] Re: URGENT!!! FRAUD SITUTATION!!!

2001-07-16 Thread GoldSpender

Yes, my Norton Antivirus sytems didn't find anything too...


 Does this mean if you downloaded this site whoever did
 this will be able to get your passwords when you sign
 on to an account? I did the housecall virus check and
 nothing showed upplease advise as soon as

 Thank you.

 Joyce Marie

 --- Eric J. Gaither [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I will add 5 grams to your reward.  He sent it to
  us at Gaithmans as well
  and claimed someone had started business claiming to
  be Gaithmans.
 The shit never stops
  Eric Gaither, President
  Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
  (317) 788-8580 Voice
  Gaithmans: your ultimate e-currency exchange service
  - Original Message -
  To: e-gold Discussion
  Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 10:12 PM
  Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: URGENT!!! FRAUD
   Ah!  Now I understand!
   This idiot Paul Dinon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  to ME, Michael, and
   said that it was a copy of the *COCONUT* site.
   Clearly he's writing to all the MMs trying to
  steal their passwords
   What a dickhead.  Should I have have the crap
  beaten out of him?
   1 gram reward to anyone who can find his phone /
  address.  So long as
   you don't mind having it on your conscience.
   JP May
   The site you informed me does not contain any
  reference to gold today.
   However it does contain a virus which one of my
  virus alerts picked up.
   I would suggest no one goes to
  http://goldxpress.ibusinessdot.com  and
   how come you Paul are promote site with viruses
   Kind regards,
   Sign up with e-gold today and get grams of e-gold
   Sign up with osgold and get an osgold account
   subscribe to the gold-today discussion group at
   two cents worth??
   - Original Message -
   From: Paul Dinon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Monday, July 16, 2001 9:35 am
Someone claims to be Gold-Today.  Their website
  is at:
I just wanted to let you be aware of this
Paul Dinon
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   To unsubscribe send a blank email to
  You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as:
  To unsubscribe send a blank email to

 OsOpps! Join today!
 OsGold account...FREE http://www.osgold.com/index.php?id=1032
 Find something you love to do and you will never have to work another day
in your life. -- Harvey MacKay

 Do You Yahoo!?
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[e-gold-list] Re: Virus

2001-07-16 Thread GoldSpender

Thank you very much for your analysis.
I don't understand why that Paul Dinon decided to send that message to all
market makers?

I have Office 2000 and therefore there was not found any viruses on my
computer. But what if I install Office 97? My files will be infected? Does
the virus remain in my computer anyway?


 That is a word macro virus, it won't steal password. Idiot he may be,
newbie, he definitely is, but Good Lord, don't hang the goober.


 This detection is a generic detection of the O97M/Tristate family. This
 virus infects Excel97, Word97 and Powerpoint97. In Excel97, a file
 is loaded from the XLSTART folder to infect files opened or accessed in
 Excel97 - when infecting, this virus drops the BOOK1. file and also
 the global template for Word97 NORMAL.DOT, and finally infects BLANK
 PRESENTATION.POT blank presentation Powerpoint97 template.
 Excel97 registry changes for X97M/Tristate.c
 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel, Options6) =
 HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\New User Settings\Excel\Microsoft
 Options6) = 
 HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel,
 Options6) = Whoa

 PowerPoint registry changes for PP97M/Tristate.c
 MacroVirusProtection) = 
 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0\New User Settings\PowerPoint\Options,
 MacroVirusProtection) = 

 VirusProtection) = 

 Virus warning protection is removed for both Excel and Word. The virus
 infects upon close of documents or workbooks.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Parker Bradley raided by the feds?

2001-03-17 Thread GoldSpender

I don't understand why they kidnapped his wife/family?
I don't believe that USA is a free/liberal country.

 The FBI and other 'Authortarian groups'  make no distinction.

 They will act upon a rumour  get a court order  and send  heaps of people
 raid an innocent family with no regard for the consewquences when it is
 'belatedly found' the person is innocent.

 I still say we need to find out what is happening and offer our
 support...not sit on our bums.

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[e-gold-list] GoldSpender

2001-03-15 Thread GoldSpender


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