[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold customer service?

2001-05-10 Thread OneGroupe International


On the surface, I would agree that it would be detrimental to
e-gold's very existence to repudiate a spend.

However, there is a BIG difference between repudiation and
fraud protection.  With the security and tracking devices
 to firms today, it would not be a difficult task to verify
that indeed
an account has been entered by someone fraudulently.

If a customer were to sign and notarize a fraud affidavit,
and it were
indeed found to be true, then e-gold would have EVERY right
to return
the gold to its original owner.

Of course, it is a moot point, as it will not happen.  But
Graham is correct
in that it is up to EVERY company or individual in the gold
community to
look after its fellow members and to protect them from
outright theft.
Whether it is through stupidity, carelessness, or through
manipulation from
the thief himself, something should be done to assist the
victim instead of
treating them as if they are the person in the wrong.

Just my two cents.


JP May Wrote..

It's very difficult stuff, Graham.

It's a great pity that customer was silly enough or
unfortunate to
fall for a simple scam.

But consider - if Jim repudiates this one spend, it could
simply mean
the end of e-gold.  Is that a better or worse outcome?

I have, oh, ten, maybe 15 spends that are spectacularly
candidates for repudiatin than that particular one.

If your particular spend was repudiated, but not the dozen I
repudiated, I'd litigated Douglas, his family, and then all
companies out of all existence.  The smallest problem in
universe would be the odd $600.

So, it's very difficult stuff.

JP May

This email is in immediate response to a good customers
Apparantly, yesterday, after I funded his account, my
customer was compromised
by the owner of e-gold account 305107, and the amount of
$600 was stolen.
(batch 2569064)

As the President of the Alliance, Doug, Reid, I am asking
you to take
immediate action to re-cover Mr Warminski's gold. This
action is not
beyond the spirit of g-commerce, but certainly may infringe
upon the
policies of e-gold/GSR/Omnipay. If so, and in the interest
of the entire
gold economy, let's go with the spirit of the law, and
change the offending
policies. Immediately, I require the perpetrators account to
be blocked,
and at least the funds in question to be returned to the
rightful owner.
Any other action, or non performance, by you guys will
signal that you
are aiding and abetting the perpetrators.

Did he make a mistake. Yes. He quite by accident logged into
Qgold, or
similar. Strong Customer Service, shown by e-gold, would go
down very
nicely, just about NOW. Why is it that OSGOLD are growing by
leaps and
bounds? They have STRONG customer service, 18 hour/day
online reps, and
good customer protection policies, and they DON'T protect
the thieves
and crooks. Gets it everytime...

Doug, Reid, the major reason why I am in the US is to have a
with you about these very same issues. My request for an
7 weeks ago, has obviously been ignored, perhaps overlooked?
My phone
number is 310-215-1000. Doug, Reid, call me now, and lets
make an appointment.

Incidently, I will remain in the US indefinately, until a
meeting is

Mr. Warminski: Can I suggest you use Standard Reserve or
OSGold in future?

Graham Kelly CEO
GoldNow Corporation http://www.GoldNow.St
Phone/Fax +44 (0)709-233-7612
USA Phone/Fax +1(509) 2782268

PS The outcome of this request will be publically shared
across the gold

 Hi Graham,

 The account number that my funds went into is 305107. The
batch number,
 if important was 2569064.

 The funds were taken out at 12:54 GMT, some 8 hours after
the funds
 were credited. I was not able to access my account at the
time the
 funds were taken out.

 I am going t call Mr. Trotter and demand my funds be
returned. I will
 not hang up the phone until I get satisfaction.

 The thing that strikes me as funny, is that I called
e-gold at about
 10am PST and told them that my account was not accessible.
They changed
 the passphrase right then and there. So tell me? How in
the word could
 anybody have gotten into my account at 12:54 when the
passphrase was
 changed so that even a hacker could not have accessed it??

 Thanks for your help.

 Anthony Warminski

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[e-gold-list] Put It All Into Perspective

2001-05-10 Thread OneGroupe International

I'm no lawyer, and have never viewed the documents e-gold
of its Market Makers, so I won't even begin to comment on the
of today's announcement.

With that aside, put into perspective, today's move on the
part of Reid
and staff really will have NO impact on the gold community.
There may
be some lost business on the part of the newer listees that
were removed,
but the older ones are established and, while an
inconvenience, this will
not harm their business in the long run.

While I tend to stand on the side of the Market makers that
there should
have been some advanced warning or explanation for this move,
there is
NO doubt that I do support their right to run their business
as they see fit.

The alliance will see to it that the E-gold official listing
becomes obsolete in
a matter of months anyway.  The up side is that e-gold has
made a stand,
and you know where you stand in relation to them as a result.

As for the rest of the story, I have watched the last two
months as different
list members cast their votes against OSGold based on
assumption, inuendo,
and pure speculation.  This is all well and good, as it is
what freedom of speech
is all about.  This is also the reason you will NEVER see a
member of out staff
attack the list or even give credence to these speculations
by even responding.

I have also watched other members cast votes in favor of
OSGold based on
their dealings with us.  They have talked with us and they
have dealt with us on
a personal and business basis.  They have made the decision
that it is in the best
interests of their businesses to work with us.

The bottom line is that, in our opinion, this is not about
OSGold against E-gold, it
is about the individual right of every person here to express
their opinion, as well
as to do what they feel is best for their business.  Market
makers have decided it
may be in their best interests to fill the needs of their
clients.  E-gold has decided it
may be in their best interests to distance themselves from
OSGold.  Whatever their
reasoning we are not privy to it because we have not dealt
with Ried personally.

On behalf of OSGold, I would like to say that I support Ried
fully in his right to make
the decisions he feels are necessary to protect the future of

I would also like to say that we fully support all of the
Market Makers who have
listened to their customers wishes and are working with

For the next 30 days, there will be NO FEES to any Exchange
Provider who wishes
to purchase OSGold for resale to their clients.  We will
additionally be providing tools
for our registered ESps to better assist their clients in
speedy funding of their OSGold
accounts, while also working with our ESPs to protect agains
potential fraudulent orders
coming into the system.

Like I said before, this is not about e-gold or about OSGold,
at least not for us.  This
is about the advancement of the gold community as a whole.
To provide the best possible
service that we ALL can provide to the gold community at

So, if you really onder why OSGold came into existence, you
just read why.

Did we come into existence with the permission, support, and
backing of e-gold the way
that some others have, no we did not.  We came into existence
so that the gold community
could REALLY make a choice about where they wanted to conduct
their business.  Are
we known in the gold bug circle, no we are not.  Does it
matter, no it does not.

Regardless of any disparaging remarks or allegations about
OSGold from this list, we
saw a need in the gold community for a different level of
service, and we are providing
that service.  E-gold is the founding father of what we are
all here discussing every day,
and I will be forever grateful that they pioneered the way
for the rest of us.  Not one person
here really knows if any of the gold community payment
systems will stand the test of time.
But, we all work to do what we are best at.  Never be afraid
to do what you are good at;
and never be afraid to go out on a limb to make it happen.

That my friends, is what free enterprise is really about.
It's not about you, or about me.
It's about making it happen.

Warmest regards to all,

David Reed

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[e-gold-list] Re: Put It All Into Perspective

2001-05-10 Thread OneGroupe International

I am quite glad that you trust and are pleased with your
with e-gold.  You do business with those you trust.  Our
do business with us because they trust us, and that is
all that matters to us.

We are not out to gain approval from this list or any list,
but to provide
what our customers ask and expect of us.

It has been stated before on the list, yet I will state it

We are backed by

50% physical gold
50% Gold Certificates
50% Cash

We have accounts and holdings for the above in Latvia,
and Montenegro.

I will also state that me and my staff will not debate, or
even seek
justification of our existence from the list.

Our 16,000+ members justify our existence every single day.
Our ESPs justify our existence every time that they place an
or cash out a customer.

You are free to choose whom you trust and whom you do
with, just as the rest of the world is.

If it matters to you that someone is known in gold bug
circles, then
stick with them.  Frankly, that has nothing to do with
running a business,
but is more of a clique anyway.  Just as there are numismatic
it doesn't affect the way a person runs a business.

Regards, and my final words on the subject;

- Original Message -
From: major bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 6:01 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Put It All Into Perspective

Please see below.

As for the rest of the story, I have watched the last two
months as different
list members cast their votes against OSGold based on
assumption, inuendo,
and pure speculation.  This is all well and good, as it is
what freedom of speech
is all about.  This is also the reason you will NEVER see a
member of out staff
attack the list or even give credence to these speculations
by even responding.

I hope you don't mind answering my speculative questions?

Like I said before, this is not about e-gold or about
at least not for us.  This
is about the advancement of the gold community as a whole.
To provide the best possible
service that we ALL can provide to the gold community at

Frankly, it is pretty much about Osgold and E-gold.  I may
not be fully in
agreement on some of their policies regarding storage and
placement of the
egold reserves, but by and large I do believe e-gold is
legitimate in their
intentions and actions.

1) Where is the gold in Osgold and in what form is it ?

Did we come into existence with the permission, support, and
backing of e-gold the way
that some others have, no we did not.  We came into
so that the gold community
could REALLY make a choice about where they wanted to
their business.  Are
we known in the gold bug circle, no we are not.  Does it
matter, no it does not.

I would say yes it does matter very much so.

I have many follow up questions -- but I will reserve them
until after I
review the response to the above.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Scam postings

2001-04-30 Thread OneGroupe International

Actually, Ben only posted a portion of my reply to him.

I never said that e-gold is responsible for the scams
that have been perpetrated using their services.

What I DID say is that it is unfair to call OSGold a scam
because some customers feel their funds are safer there
and advertise as such.

The advertising that Ben referred to did NOT come from
OSGold or its staff, but from our customers.

The point was that it is unfair to judge and call OSGold a
scam just
as it would be unfair to call e-gold a scam based on what
customers do.

By only posting a portion of my reply, it is obvious that you
have your own agenda Ben.

- Original Message -
From: Ben Legume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 3:09 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Scam postings

I originally wrote

Yeah, sure, OSGold is the place to put your e-gold. What a
scam. If there was any doubts over the honesty (or at least
honor) of
those running/promoting OSGold, this settles it for me.

Strangely, my e-gold account hasn't been touched.

Hello Ben,

'They' responded
So, you question the honor and honesty of OSGold based on
account holders writings and advertisements.  This is odd, as
would bring into play the following:

If OSGold is to be attacked or have their honor questioned
because of what account holders choose to write to their

E-gold is directly responsible for:

1)  The scams that have taken place by their account holders
2)  The people who have lost money to market makers who
scammed them

Please advise me (and other members of the e-gold list) what
scams e-
gold is responsible for, I'm sure there are an army of
attorneys who
would like to hear this. Similarly if there are any ties
(other than
usual business to business relationships) between E-Gold and
market makers who appear to have disappeared, please provide
proof (or even a clear allegation).

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