[e-gold-list] Internet Gold Currency Chart of the Week

2003-12-01 Thread The Gold Economy
The chart of the week shows the total internet gold currency in circulation
in ounces versus its USD value over the past six months.  While the total
gold currency in circulation is down by several thousand ounces since its
June high, the total USD value is actually higher now than it was then.

See the chart:

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[e-gold-list] Equity Gold Trust Strangled in Red Tape

2003-11-26 Thread The Gold Economy
The WGC's long-awaited Equity Gold Trust yesterday filed its third revised
SEC report in less than a year.  See the following commentary on why:


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[e-gold-list] PGP, Pecunix, Vulnerabilities

2003-11-25 Thread The Gold Economy
>However, PGP is extremely vulnerable to keystroke logging.
>Clipboard pasting your PGP password simply shifts the
>vulnerability to clipboard logging.  And the PGP private
>key would seem to be something one could grab off the
>user's hard drive over the 'net.

PGP may be vulnerable to keystroke logging in terms of capturing the
passphrase; but snagging the private key off of the harddrive is another
story.  PGP 8.0 running on XP locks the keyring files so you can't even make
a copy using the XP file manager.  It appears that the only way to copy the
keyring is to do it from PGPKeys by setting the backup directory and then
exiting the program.

In order to exploit the keylogging vulnerability, the cracker would have to
have sufficient access to the target's computer to be able to actually run
PGP and use the pilfered passphrase to decrypt or sign a message...  Some
trojans take advantage of a Microsoft "helpful" feature on XP by setting up
a "Remote Desktop" connection.  It is possible that via a remote desktop
connection the PGP program could be run and used to sign/decrypt messages or
payment instructions.  The amount of work required for a cracker to steal
Pecunix is at least an order of magnitude more than it is for e-gold. With
PGP-enabled accounts it is probably two orders of magnitude harder. Since
all crypto can ultimately be cracked, applied cryptography boils down to
making sure that it costs more to crack your keys than the value protected
by them.  It would seem that Pecunix is quite successful in that regard.

It will be interesting to see how Pecunix and others take advantage of the
new "PGP Universal."

It would seem strange to have PGP encrypted email that you never see or have
to manually decrypt.  How would you know if it wasn't working?


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[e-gold-list] PGP Announces PGP Universal

2003-11-25 Thread The Gold Economy
PGP has announced a major breakthrough in email encryption!  Read the


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[e-gold-list] Goldbugs are Atheist Commie Terrorists?

2003-11-24 Thread The Gold Economy
The fact that e-gold is liked by Russians seems to be proof to some that
goldbugs are "atheist commies terrorists".


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[e-gold-list] The Gold Casino Share Price Chart and DGC Industry Stat Charts

2003-11-23 Thread The Gold Economy
The Gold Economy Magazine now features a live price chart of DBOURSE TGC
shares on our home page (bottom right).

TGE has also started a new weekly column that will show the latest digital
currency statistics charts every Monday morning.


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[e-gold-list] Clearing Mechanism for IG's

2003-11-21 Thread The Gold Economy
>Again (becuase I am so incredible!) I know the reason IGs are failing
>to grow currently - the reason is there can be no real competition
>between multiple IG systems until there is a clearing mechanism
>between them.  The sentences from Dowd (below) exactly explain this
>in perfect prose.

JP is 1000% right on this!  (Listen to JP - he is arguably the most
successful third-party entrepreneur in the gold currency field.  He has
created and sold more companies successfully than anyone - including Sidd.)

But what is needed is a "routing protocol" that gives merchants the choice
of which clearing mechanism (autoexchange) to use.

Take XML-X and add a wrapper around it.  (Call it XML-Y)

For Person A to send 12 grams of e-gold through to person B's GoldMoney
account the XML-Y instruction might look like this


Clearing URL : http://open2exchange.com/blalbalba.asp
Amount : 12 gAu
Fees : 0.4 gAu

XML-X Instruction #1 :: 12 grams e-gold from A to Open2Exchange e-gold acct.

XML-X Instruction #2 :: 12 grams GoldMoney from O2X to B's GoldMoney acct.

Your protocol would have to include a rate URL so that the autoexchange
operators have freedom to set their rates.
By building the protocol, several exchange providers could set up
autoexchanges.   Then a merchant when setting up his shopping cart could
choose which autoexchanger to use for all his transactions, just like they
do now with credit card gateways.

The problem for this kind of thing is that currently only Pecunix and
e-Bullion have 3rd party verifiable automated transactions via PGP
signatures.  In order for this to work, the other digital currencies would
need to add PGP sigs so that the originator of the transaction (Person A)
can obtain incontrovertible proof that the transfer went all the way through
to the intended recipient.

If you design it correctly, it could be used to do autoexchange from Evocash
($) to gAu systems - provided the dollar systems offer non-reversible

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[e-gold-list] Gold-Cart Article

2003-11-20 Thread The Gold Economy
Garzoo, Inc. has launched a new shopping cart service that accepts multiple
gold currencies.  Called "Gold-Cart", this shopping cart service currently
allows merchants to accept payments from e-gold, GoldMoney, 1MDC, e-Bullion
and Pecunix.


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[e-gold-list] Get Results With Your ad on Goldeconomy.com

2003-11-19 Thread The Gold Economy
The Gold Economy Magazine (www.goldeconomy.com) is a community news &
commentary website that covers the broader gold investment industry as well
as digital currency.  TGE receives several thousand unique visitors per
month, most of whom are interested in precious metals investments as well as
gold currency, online gaming and other gold-related topics.  Many of these
visitors are new to the idea of digital gold currency.  This combination of
interests makes TGE an excellent place for gold-currency-related companies
to expose to new clients to their products and services.

Unlike some gold news sites, TGE is not wallpapered with so many banner ads
as to numb the reader.  Because of our tasteful limitation on the number of
ads per page, current advertisers on TGE enjoy click-thru rates of 1-8% on
banner ads; and in the case of text ads, the response rate is often higher.
TGE also offers sponsored links at the top of each page.

Starting December 1st, the TGE layout will be changed to have a different
set of sponsored text-links at the top of the page for each category of
article: Digital Currency, Mining & Exploration, Bullion Banking, Gold
Investment, The Price of Gold, Fiat Currency, Financial Politics, News as
well as the Main Page.  The number of sponsored links will be limited to six
for any page.

This new layout will allow advertisers to target their sponsored links to
the category or topic that most closely pertains to your business -
targeting advertising.

TGE is offering a special introductory price for the first month of the new
layout (December).  A sponsored link will be 3 gAu per category for that
month. (e-gold, Pecunix, and GoldMoney accepted.)

After January 1st, The Gold Economy will be implementing an ad auction
system that will allow advertisers to bid against each other for ad
positions in order to get the best value.

For the Gold Currency section, there are only 6 featured links, and two have
already been sold. To get your featured link on TGE for the month of
December for only 3 grams, please contact admin at goldeconomy.com!

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[e-gold-list] Ivory Bay Launches Bullbets.com

2003-11-18 Thread The Gold Economy
Ivory Bay has launched Bullbets.com - the latest in a string of online
gaming companies to accept gold currency as the preferred method of payment.
Bullbets allows players to bet on the best and worst performing companies on
the NYSE.

Full story: http://goldeconomy.com/ct/t.php?l=131

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[e-gold-list] e-gold virus

2003-11-18 Thread The Gold Economy
There are two stories of interest on the front page of goldeconomy.com

- New Virus Targets E-gold Users
The Mimail.C virus is one of the first general distribution viruses that
attempts to harvest e-gold account and password data...

- Where's Elwyn?
Elwyn Jenkins, the former CEO of Standard Reserve, is back in the public


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[e-gold-list] Fw: Shoppers Spend e-gold at Amazon.com

2003-11-13 Thread The Gold Economy
Corrected article link for the Gold-Stores article:


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[e-gold-list] Shoppers Spend e-gold at Amazon.com

2003-11-13 Thread The Gold Economy
Since Bananagold closed its doors in January 2003, digital gold afficianados
had lost their means to buy things from Amazon.com with gold. A new company,
Gold-Stores.net, has stepped forward to meet the need. Using Gold-Stores.net
shoppers can purchase anything sold by Amazon.com using a wide variety of
digital currency, including both gold-based and Dollar-Based systems.


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[e-gold-list] The Gold Casino Share Price

2003-11-12 Thread The Gold Economy
The Gold Casino IPO sold out in late October.  Since the the share price
seems to have risen by 2.5%.


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[e-gold-list] Gold nugget auctioned for three times the value of its gold...

2003-10-16 Thread The Gold Economy
This has to be the coolest looking gold nugget in the world!!!


By the way, my password is , but not for long...

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[e-gold-list] e-gold + Health insurance

2003-09-26 Thread The Gold Economy
>I'd like to
>announce that CYFROCA$H is proud to offer what is likely to be the first
>ever Health Insurance Policy that can be paid through CF$ by e-gold.
>Not just any insurance mind you. The Package has been tailored by MNU
>(Multinational Underwriters, USA) and Lloyds (UK), and is meant for PTs,
>Expatriates, Expatriates, Travelling Entrepreneurs, etc.

That is totally cool, Robert!

>One restriction though: It's no good for US nationals living in America
>most of the year.

Bummer, it's off to the Bahamas, then!

- Ken

"Moonshine, , it's all the same thing." - BadBart

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[e-gold-list] Intellectual Property Rights & Gold Currency

2003-09-24 Thread The Gold Economy
Excerpts from "Information Wants to be Free...And it Will Be"

"The only reason that life as we know it continues today is because of the
freedom of each and every cell to replicate as many copies of its inherited
"intellectual" property as resources and its genetic software allow."

"What is a patent anyway? It is merely a state-granted monopoly that expires
after a period of time. So if the intellectual property right can expire,
then we have an implicit acknowledgement that intellectually property rights
aren't persistent property rights to begin with. The record industry
instinctively knows this, which is why they have successfully petitioned the
United States Congress to drastically extend trademark and copyright
protections in the last decade. Walt Disney wants to make sure that Mickey
Mouse never becomes public domain."

"The attempt to enforce intellectual property rights, whether it be by
Madonna or Microsoft, ultimately stifles free commerce. If you want
exclusive control of your proprietary data then encrypt it - to yourself -
and throw away the key. Whatever profit you gain from that exercise can be
your little secret."

Complete article:

"Intellectual property is just a bunch of ..." - Bad Bart

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