[ECOLOG-L] Research in the Middle East

2008-03-26 Thread Josephine Walker
Hello all,
Does anyone on this list know anyone that conducts ecological or
biological field research of any kind in the Middle East or North
Africa?  I'm looking specifically for an Arabic speaking country but
anything in the region would be helpful.  Any clues about who to
contact would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
Josephine Walker
Princeton University

[ECOLOG-L] Job: Research Technician, ecology in pitcher plants

2008-03-26 Thread Tom Miller
Research Technician, community ecology using pitcher plants.

Full-time one year research technician position in the Ecology and Evolution 
group at Florida State 
University to assist with field and lab experiments studying the small aquatic 
communities found in 
the leaves of carnivorous pitcher plants. The technician will assist with an 
NSF funded research 
project on how protozoan species evolve during succession within plant leaves.  
Position is to begin 
summer 2007 (start date flexible).  Technicians in my lab are encouraged to 
participate actively in the 
intellectual life of the EE group by attending reading groups, seminars, and 
graduate courses.  Salary 
$20-22K, commensurate with experience, and including benefits.  Review of 
applications starts April 
15 and will continue until the position is filled.

To apply, send a CV and a letter describing your background to [EMAIL 
information can be found on my lab web pages:  

Dr. Tom Miller
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1100
(850) 644 9823

[ECOLOG-L] summer biological technician (botany) job announcement

2008-03-26 Thread Anne Hopkins Pfaff
Summer Employment Opportunity!
Sequoia-Kings Canyon Field Station
   (USGS, Biological Resources Division)
is currently hiring
  Biological Science Technicians.

·GG-5 ($15.35/hour)
·Will work out of San Diego, CA.
·Positions will start in early May and will last 2 months, maybe up to
4 months.
·Want people with an interest in plant ecology and who want to work
·Several positions will be filled.
·Application deadline:  April 9, 2004.

Evaluate post-fire recovery of chaparral shrublands.  Collect field botany
data including navigating to sites, laying out plots, and identifying
plants to species using keys. Gain knowledge and experience in ecological
research and sampling, as well as keying and identification of plants.

  For more information, call Anne at (559) 565-3172 or e:mail at
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To apply, fax cover letter, resume, and transcripts
  (unofficial okay) to Peggy Hamilton at
(916) 278-9474 by the closing date.  Please list the announcement number on
  the application: WERC-38-08-02.

[ECOLOG-L] Paid field technician positions

2008-03-26 Thread Rachel Vallender
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology seeks four 
biological technicians to conduct field studies 
of Golden-winged Warblers from early May to 30 
June 2008. Two technicians will travel throughout 
the northern Appalachians (likely PA, NJ, and 
southern NY) and two will be stationed around the 
Fort Drum area in upstate NY. The work will focus 
on surveying Golden-winged Warblers in a variety 
of habitats to help understand population trends 
and habitat requirements for this species of 
conservation concern. Applicants should be highly 
motivated, have some experience conducting 
standardized bird surveys, possess a valid 
drivers license, and be willing to travel 
extensively (and possibly camp). A 
salary/stipend, plus expenses will be provided 
and likely a field vehicle for the Appalachian 
positions. This is a great opportunity to gain 
valuable experience in avian sampling techniques 
and meet biologists/scientists from academia, 
state agencies, and conservation organizations.

For more information, please contact Sara Barker 
at 607-254-2465 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rachel Vallender, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Associate

Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

Office: 607.254.1138
Lab: 607. 254.1128
Fax: 607.254.2486

P Save a tree!  Don't print this message unless it can't be helped.
Pensez à l'environnement avant d'imprimer ce message.

[ECOLOG-L] Jobs - two RAs in CT, biological control of watermilfoil

2008-03-26 Thread David Inouye



Two Durational Research Assistant position are available at 
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station to assist in 
greenhouse and field studies focusing on the Biological Control of 
the Invasive Aquatic Plant Eurasian Watermilfoil.

Background (course work) and experience in biology, entomology, 
and/or insect identification are desirable. Duties will include 
assisting in the establishment and maintenance weevil populations in 
greenhouses, collection and processing of Eurasian Watermilfoil 
vegetation samples from CT Lakes for chemical analysis, outdoor 
experiments in integrated pest management and laboratory-based 
identification and analysis of collected vegetation for invertebrate species.

The position is available from May 1, 2008 through November 
1, 2008. The hours of work are 8:30-4:30, M-F (35 hr/wk) and the 
salary is $10.00/hr.

Interested candidates should send an application to Dr. 
Jason White, Department of Soil & Water, The Connecticut Agricultural 
Experiment Station, 123 Huntington Street, New Haven, CT 06504. Phone 
203-974-8523, FAX 203-974-8502, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station is an Equal 
Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.

[ECOLOG-L] Two jobs with Blue Ocean Institute, NY

2008-03-26 Thread David Inouye

Job Opening:

Blue Ocean Institute

Long Island, New York

Position: Seafood Program Director


Blue Ocean Institute inspires a closer 
relationship with the sea through science, art, 
and literature. We promote conservation solutions 
from a place of compassion and understanding for 
people and ocean wildlife and share information 
and ideas that enlighten personal choices, 
instill hope, and help restore life in the 
ocean.  Our pioneering seafood program, the first 
of its kind in the country, translates in-depth 
scientific research and complex information about 
ocean wildlife, fishing, and aquaculture, into 
accurate and easy to understand materials to 
assist consumers, retailers and chefs in 
selecting ocean friendly fish and shellfish. Our 
seafood rankings are based on the best available 
science and derived through our cutting-edge, 
robust, quantitative scoring system.

The Seafood Program Director will develop and 
implement a program to expand Blue Ocean 
Institute’s pioneering seafood education and 
outreach initiatives and build widespread 
awareness of sustainable practices.   We seek a 
creative, strategic thinker with an 
entrepreneurial flair, collaborative spirit and 
strong interpersonal skills.  This is a senior 
staff position that will be instrumental in 
developing innovative products, engaging new 
sectors in the sustainable seafood movement, and 
forging partnerships with businesses and 
nonprofits.  We’re looking for a committed 
conservationist and dynamic team player who will 
lead the seafood program and contribute to 
strategic planning and other organizational initiatives.

   * Develop and implement a strategic plan to 
expand Blue Ocean’s sustainable seafood program 
and develop inspiring, creative products that reach new audiences;
   * Maintain and strengthen our partnerships 
with other non-profits; build strategic 
partnerships with culinary and environmental 
organizations, institutions, and businesses;
   * Identify gaps in the sustainable seafood 
movement and create ideas and new outreach initiatives to address these;
   * Supervise the Seafood Research Associate 
position to ensure high-quality fisheries 
research and a rigorous production schedule of 
evaluations, rankings, review, and editing for 
online posting and seafood guides;
   * Produce and test our new online sustainable 
seafood curriculum for chefs in training and 
develop an outreach plan for distributing it 
nationwide to culinary institutes and restaurants;
   * Work with the Executive Director to manage 
and carry out a new (one-year) consumer behavior 
pilot program to test sustainable seafood consumer behavior change
   * Serve as a media spokesperson on 
sustainable seafood issues and respond to information requests from the media;

   * Guide the organization’s new website renovation with respect to

sustainable seafood;
   * Give presentations and host panel 
discussions at symposia, academic conferences, 
universities, and other public events about seafood and ocean conservation;
   * Strengthen the seafood program’s presence 
on the web through social media marketing such as 
blogs, podcasts, and YouTube;

   * Provide support to the organization’s fundraising efforts.


Education: Master's or PhD in Environmental 
Management, Biodiversity Conservation or 
equivalent, with a focus on marine conservation 
and fisheries management a plus; or an MBA degree 
with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues.

Experience:  A minimum of 4 years experience in 
conservation organizations or other work 
experience directly related to the environment, 
sustainability or biodiversity conservation; 
knowledge of species in seafood commerce and 
their role in ecosystems; proven track record in 
project management and development; an 
understanding of current and emerging marine 
conservation issues; experience in the seafood 
business or food sector is desirable. Publishing 
in peer-reviewed journals or other publications appreciated but not essential.

Skills: Successful candidate will have excellent 
speaking, writing and analytical skills; strong 
strategic and organizational expertise; ability 
to manage multiple programmatic activities; 
excellent computer skills, creativity and 
passion, attention to detail and an ability to 
meet deadlines. Should be familiar with fishing 
and aquaculture,seafood commerce, ecosystem and 
environmental issues in general. Dedication to 
making a difference on behalf of the oceans is essential.

Blue Ocean is located in East Norwich, New York 
on Long Island’s north shore (just 35 minutes by 
train from Penn. Station, NYC and near Cold 
Spring Harbor and Huntington).  Salary: $50-60K 
depending on experience, plus benefits.

Please send a cover letter and resume to:

Myra Sarli

Blue Ocean Institute

P.O. Box 250

East Norwich, NY  11732


[ECOLOG-L] Call for Nominations: ESA Biogeosciences Junior Scientist Outstanding Publication awards

2008-03-26 Thread Matt Wallenstein
On behalf of the ESA Biogeosciences section, we are pleased to announce 
the 2008 Junior Scientist Outstanding Publication Awards.

*Nominations for 2008 awards will be accepted until May 1, 2008.


The ESA Biogeosciences /Junior Scientist Outstanding Publication / 
awards were initiated in 2007 to promote young scientists and highlight 
outstanding work in the field.

Each year, the awards will be presented to the first author of a notable 
paper in the biogeosciences that was published between January of the 
previous year and May of the current year.

The *Elizabeth Sulzman Award * recognizes research conducted while a 
graduate student, and published within two years of graduation.

The *Gene E. Likens Award * recognizes work conducted as a postdoctoral 
scientist (or equivalent position) within three years of receiving a 
Ph.D., and published within two years of holding that position.

The winner of each award will receive a modest cash prize and formal 
recognition by ESA. We also award an honorable mention prize within each 


Nominees should be members of ESA, and are encouraged to be members of 
the Biogeosciences section. Nominations for each award should include 
the following (self-nominations are permitted):

1) The paper's citation and a pdf

2) The first author's current contact information

3) A statement of eligibility (e.g. current grad student, or 
postdoc<3yrs from Ph.D.)

4) A short letter in support of the nomination from a colleague or 
advisor (sent separately from above materials unless also submitting the 
nomination itself)

We note that while self-nominations are entirely appropriate, the above 
process does not require that a potential awardee be a part of the 
process. This, in part, is why we are asking for a statement in support 
of the nomination from a colleague or advisor.

A panel of scientists representing a broad array of disciplines within 
the biogeosciences will then evaluate the submissions and decide upon 
the winning entries. Award winners will be notified in advance of the 
San Jose meeting (by June 1, 2008), and the awards will be presented at 
the section mixer at the annual meeting. Winners of each prize will be 
encouraged to attend the meeting!

Please direct nominations and any questions to  Matthew Wallenstein 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  We encourage members to  
contribute to the nomination process so that we can have an excellent 
and diverse pool of entries to consider.

Finally, if you are not a section member, please consider joining, and 
we hope to see you at the next meeting.

Past Awardees

*2007 Gene E. Likens Award * to *Ben Houlton * and *Katey Walter *:

/Ben Houlton for: Houlton, B. Z., D. M. Sigman, and L. O. Hedin. 2006. 
Isotopic evidence for large gaseous nitrogen losses from tropical 
rainforests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the 
United States of America 103:8745-8750. /

/Katey Walter for: Walter, K. M., S. A. Zimov, J. P. Chanton, D. 
Verbyla, and F. S. Chapin. 2006. Methane bubbling from Siberian thaw 
lakes as a positive feedback to climate warming. Nature 443:71-75. /

*2007 Elizabeth Sulzman Award * to *Scott Ensign *:

/Ensign, S. H., and M. W. Doyle. 2006. Nutrient spiraling in streams and 
river networks. Journal of Geophysical Research 111:G04009. /


Matthew Wallenstein
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1499


[ECOLOG-L] Looking for a Field Station in the Brazilian Amazon

2008-03-26 Thread Reice, Seth (Biology)
My name is Dr. Seth Reice.  I am an ecologist at the University of North 
Carolina.  I am developing a summer (June, July) program on Biodiversity and 
Sustainable Development in Brazil.  I want to have my students (12-16 UNC-CH 
students) spend 2 ½ weeks at a Field Station in the Amazon Rainforest.  I am 
having difficulty finding one 

that I can bring students to.  I will be teaching them methods for assessment 
of forest biodiversity.  They will measure diversity in the intact forest, a 
clear cut site and a cattle ranch. Can anyone direct me to any likely field 
Stations in the Brazilian Amazon?  


I have some questions about the Field Station. Is it possible for me and my 
students to stay at or near the field station?  If so, what will it cost?  Are 
there restaurants or cooking facilities at or near the station? Can 

You or they use the manpower of a bunch of enthusiastic college students in 
ongoing research projects?  I plan to spend from July 17-August 2, 2009 in the 
rainforest. Can we hire a translator?  I will surely have more questions but I 
hope this gives you an idea of what I am trying to do.


 Sincerely yours,


Seth R. Reice

Associate Professor of Biology and Ecology University of North 

Carolina at Chapel Hill

919-962-1375 office



[ECOLOG-L] Summer Field Assistants Needed / Forest Ecology - University of Wisconsin

2008-03-26 Thread Phil Townsend


Three field assistants are needed to assist with NASA-funded research by 
the UW-Madison Forest Ecosystem Remote Sensing Lab in WI and MN forests 
for the summer of 2008. Students are needed around June 1, 2008 through 
August 15, 2008, with the potential to continue as lab assistants into 
the fall.

Work involves sampling in jackpine, spruce-fir, ash and northern 
hardwood stands in NW Wisconsin and northern Minnesota. The work will 
require travel, generally for 5-7 days at a time. Lodging during 
extended travel may include a mix of field stations and occasional 
camping. Although most of the work is in Wisconsin and Minnesota, one 
7-10 day trip to the Appalachians may also occur at in early August.

We will be sampling forest composition and tree physiological 
properties. Some of the work will involve basic forest inventory, while 
other efforts will include various measurements of leaves retrieved from 
the forest canopy. At least one of the field assistants should be 
experienced and comfortable using a 12-gauge shotgun, which will be use 
to shoot leaves out of the tree canopies. Other efforts include species 
identification, collection and labeling of leaves sampled from the 
trees, and making measurements of the leaves using a field 
spectroradiometer and other devices. Love of the outdoors and forests a 
must! Academic interest in ecology and the environment also helpful.

For more information and to apply, please contact:
Clayton Kingdon
Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin
Phone: 608-262-3296

Phil Townsend
Associate Professor

Forest Remote Sensing Lab

Forest & Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI  53706

phone: 608.262.1669 fax: 608.262.9922 

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc Available - Microbial Ecology

2008-03-26 Thread Jay T. Lennon
A postdoctoral research position is available in the Microbial Ecology
Laboratory at Michigan State University’s W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
(KBS).  The postdoc will be involved in all facets of a recently funded
project focusing on the energetic importance of terrestrial carbon subsidies
in lake ecosystems.  

The overarching goal of the postdoc’s research will be to link the identity
of microbes to ecosystem functioning along resource gradients. 
Specifically, the postdoc will identify metabolically active bacteria in
lakes with varying concentrations of terrestrial-derived dissolved organic
carbon (DOC), and assess how these bacteria contribute to whole-ecosystem

Qualified applicants will have experience with some of the following
techniques and approaches:
•   PCR-based microbial analyses, including phylogenetic analyses
•   Applying ecological theory to microbial systems
•   Flow cytometry
•   Limnology and/or oceanography, including field work
•   Microbial physiology
•   Ecosystem processes, including gas flux
•   Quantitative methods, including statistics and simulation modeling

The postdoc will be in residence at KBS (http://www.kbs.msu.edu/), which has
an excellent infrastructure for conducting microbial, community, and
ecosystem ecology (http://microbes.kbs.msu.edu/).  The postdoc will have
opportunities to collaborate with multiple Co-PIs at MSU in the departments
of Zoology (http://www.kbs.msu.edu/faculty/hamilton/) and Microbiology &
Molecular Genetics (http://www.mmg.msu.edu/127.html), and at the University
of Wisconsin in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Start date is flexible. 

Applicant should send a CV and brief description of their research interests
to Jay Lennon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

[ECOLOG-L] MSc positions in wetland ecology

2008-03-26 Thread Lauch Fraser
MSc positions in wetland ecology
Two MSc positions are available to study the effects of cattle grazing on 
grassland-associated wetlands in the southern interior of British 
Columbia, Canada.  The students will be involved in a large project, 
working with two faculty members (Drs. Fraser and Heise), two other 
graduate students, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Agriculture Canada, and the 
B.C. Ministry of Environment. Wetlands are important habitat for many taxa 
such as migratory birds and amphibians, but they are also recognized for 
their natural forage production by the cattle industry. Cattle can affect 
wetlands and associated biota through grazing, trampling, and water 
quality. Our study examines ~30 ponds to assess cattle effects by 
monitoring waterfowl populations, vegetation, amphibians, wetland 
invertebrates and landscape parameters including forests. It will also 
experimentally manipulate grazing-related disturbance parameters to 
understand the effects and relative importance of defoliation and soil 
compaction on wetland plant communities.

The two MSc opportunities are:

Hydrology – quantifying hydrology of fresh-water ponds in semi-arid 
landscapes and correlating water level changes with grazing intensity.  
Supervised by Dr. Lauch Fraser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Zooplankton – analyzing the zooplankton community to determine the effects 
of cattle. Supervised by Dr. Brian Heise ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Applications are currently invited for these M.Sc. positions, scheduled to 
begin in May 2008.  The selected MSc candidates will be eligible for a 
stipend of $18,300 per year. We are looking for bright, motivated 
individuals who can work within a team and are keen on making a difference 
in understanding and conserving wetlands. Prior research experience, such 
as the completion of an Honours or Directed Study project during your 
undergraduate degree, or previous employment as a research assistant, is 
viewed favourably.   The selected students will join the dynamic MSc in 
Environmental Sciences program at Thompson Rivers University, in Kamloops 
B.C., Canada.
Please contact either Lauch Fraser or Brian Heise for more information.

Dr. Lauch Fraser
Canada Research Chair in Community and Ecosystem Ecology
Dept of Natural Resource Sciences and Biological Sciences
Thompson Rivers University
Websites of interest:
Fraser homepage: http://www.tru.ca/schs/research/lfraser/
Heise homepage: http://www.tru.ca/science/nrs/faculty/brianbio.html  
MSc program: www.tru.ca/science/msces.html 
Kamloops information: www.tourismkamloops.com/ 

[ECOLOG-L] Job: Research Insect Ecologist or Entomologist - USDA Agricultural Research Service

2008-03-26 Thread David Branson
Research Ecologist/Entomologist, GS-0408/0414-12/13
Salary Range of $65,315.00 - $100,976.00 per year
The United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, Pest Management Research
Unit in Sidney, Montana is seeking a permanent full-time Research
Ecologist/Entomologist as a lead investigator in biological control of
insect pests of the Northern Great Plains. The specific assignment focuses
on population, chemical or behavioral ecology of key insect pests and
biological control agents in the Northern Great Plains, biological control
of key agricultural insect pests, and characterization of ecological
interactions affecting insect pests and biological control agents. Potential
pests include, but are not restricted to, wheat stem sawfly, orange wheat
blossom midge, Haanchen mealybug, and Russian wheat aphid. The potential
range of responsibilities includes population, chemical, or behavioral
ecology studies of agents and pest insects; understanding the role of
tri-trophic interactions; insect rearing research in a quarantine facility,
including host-specificity tests of potential biological control agents in a
risk analysis context; implementation and release of biological control
agents; long-term field assessment and monitoring; overseas exploration for
biological control agents; and partnering with scientists domestically and
in other countries. The incumbent is personally responsible for planning,
executing, interpreting, and reporting results of experimental work, with
the ultimate goal of minimizing impacts of insect pest populations,
providing tools for integrated pest management and the reduction of
pesticide use, and quantifying the benefits and risks of biological control.
 Comprehensive benefits package includes paid sick and annual leave, life
and health insurance, and a savings and investment plan (401 K type), in
addition to the Federal retirement plan.  For details and applications
directions, see http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/.  Reference Job Announcement
Number ARS-X8W-0170.  To have a printed copy mailed, call 406-433-9485. 
Additional information on the position can be obtained from Research Leader,
John Gaskin (406) 433-9444.  Applications must be postmarked by April 21,
2008.  U.S. citizenship is required.  USDA/ARS is an equal opportunity
employer and provider.

[ECOLOG-L] Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Plum Island, Seasonal, Temporary

2008-03-26 Thread Marian in Human Resources
The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory is seeking 
undergraduate applicants for several research projects. Successful 
candidates will participate in field research at the Plum Island LTER site 
in Massachusetts. 

The Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) positions are available to 
U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who are currently enrolled as 
undergraduates at U.S. colleges or universities (no graduating seniors).   
In addition to gaining experience by assisting on a variety of project 
activities, REU students will assume an independent project that is linked 
to a larger study. REU participants are expected to collect and analyze 
data and to produce a poster or give a talk describing their project near 
the end of the field season. We anticipate funding for support of two to 
four REU positions during the 2008 field season. Possible projects 
include: examine changes in land cover in the watershed; examine the 
ecological functions of clams, especially in connection with nutrient 
cycling; examine the effects of suburban development patterns on fine 
scales on vegetation structure; and examine the relationship between 
cutting salt marsh hay, Spartina patens, and marsh geochemistry.   
Applicants should have completed basic coursework in biology, chemistry 
and ideally ecology or ecosystem studies. Attention to detail and a desire 
to learn new laboratory and field techniques are essential.   
Applicants should be in good health, and capable of rigorous outdoor 
activity. Depending upon the project the candidate may be based in Woods 
Hole, Plum Island, or Clark University. Students working at Plum Island 
should be prepared to live in a field house with other students and 
Unofficial transcripts are required documents but may be uploaded with 
your resume and cover letter or faxed to the MBL Human Resources Office, 
508-289-7931. If faxing, please be sure to reference this job posting.   

Apply online at mbl.simplehire.com
An Equal Opportunity Employer

[ECOLOG-L] Temporary Research Assistant in Wetland Ecology

2008-03-26 Thread Patrick Bohlen
Research Assistant in Wetland Ecology—Archbold Biological Station
We seek a highly motivated temporary field research assistant (RA) at the 
MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center (MAERC), a division of Archbold 
Biological Station, in south central Florida (www.archbold-station.org). The RA 
will work on a research project investigating the synergistic effects of 
grazing and fire on ecological interactions in seasonal freshwater wetlands in 
subtropical grazing lands. Duties will include collecting water, plant and soil 
samples, assisting with collection of vertebrate and invertebrate communities, 
harvesting plant biomass, and processing samples in the lab. Candidates must 
have a B.S. or M.S. degree in a related field. Experience in wetland ecology a 
plus, especially water sampling and analysis, or experience with wetland plant, 
vertebrate or invertebrate communities. Applicants must be able to work 
independently and with others in team situations, be capable of strenuous 
fieldwork under hot, humid subtropical conditions, and be willing to live in a 
remove rural location. Salary will be commensurate with experience but will be 
a minimum of $11.50 per hour. Rented housing is available on site. Position is 
available from mid-May through Dec. 2008. Interested applicants should send 1) 
a letter of reference 2) a resume and 3) contact information for 3 references 
to Dr. Patrick Bohlen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by April 25, 2008. Position will 
remain open until filled. Contact Dr. Bohlen via e-mail or at (863) 699-0242 is 
you would like further details on the position. Archbold is an equal 
opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and minorities.

[ECOLOG-L] Job Advert - Freshwater Research Technician - Environmental Change Research Centre, UCL, England.

2008-03-26 Thread E. Shilland
If interested please reply to Dr Viv Jones directly - contact details at 
the end.

Job Advert

Research Technician
ENSIS Ltd, University College London

Salary £20,830 - £24,330 including London Allowance, depending on 

ENSIS Ltd. (http://www.ensis.ucl.ac.uk/) is the consultancy arm of the 
Environmental Change Research Centre (www.ecrc.ucl.ac.uk) at University 
College London (www.ucl.ac.uk), specialising in freshwater sciences. We 
have a wide range of expertise, including specialist chemical, 
ecological, palaeoecological and taxonomic knowledge (e.g. diatoms, 
aquatic macrophytes, cladocera and chironomids), and we have worked 
extensively on problems of eutrophication, acidification, toxic 
substance contamination, sediment accumulation rates and climate change.

We seek a research technician to undertake the laboratory analysis of 
lake sediments and to assist with fieldwork, especially lake-based 
fieldwork. Ideally, you will have a degree in Environmental Science, 
Ecology, Biology or Geography. You should also have excellent 
organisational, communication and inter-personal skills, be able to work 
to deadlines and work well in a team environment. You will also have a 
full driving licence, and be eligible to work in the UK. You will 
participate in ongoing research within ENSIS and you will be fully 
integrated into UCL’s Environmental Change Research Centre.

For a detailed job description and further information see 
The closing date for applications is Friday 4th April 2008 and 
interviews will be held on the 17th April 2008. We will only contact 
short-listed candidates.

Dr Viv Jones
Environmental Change Research Centre
University College London
Pearson Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. UK.

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 0555 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7679 0565
Home +44 (0)1992 589 734