[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant Position - Gabon, Africa

2014-08-27 Thread John Poulsen
Research Assistant Position - Gabon, Africa

We are looking for an enthusiastic, motivated candidate for a one-year position 
working as a field-
based Research Assistant in Gabon, starting on January 1, 2015!

The research project focuses on the impacts of anthropogenic activities on 
tropical forests, animal 
communities and ecological processes in the Central African rainforest. Field 
assistants work on a 
rotating schedule, spending one to two weeks a month conducting animal surveys 
in and around 
Ivindo National Park and one to two weeks collecting data on tree phenology, 
forest dynamics, seed 
dispersal and seedling recruitment in forest plots near the Ipassa Research 

Successful candidates must thrive in a small team setting, working well with 
both Gabonese and 
American technicians and guides. Work typically begins at first light (6 am) 
and can consist of hiking 
more than 10 km in hilly and swampy terrain in hot, muggy and buggy conditions. 
Field assistants live 
out of a tent two weeks each month. The field station is rustic with only 
intermittent access to internet 
and telephone.

While working in this challenging environment, successful candidates will be 
rewarded with the 
opportunity to observe tropical bird and animal species in their natural 
habitats. Candidates will 
undoubtedly learn a great deal about tropical ecology, natural history, 
conservation biology, and the 
impacts of land use on forest structure and composition in near-pristine and 
degraded landscapes as 
well as what it takes to organize projects in Central Africa.

Preference will be given to candidates with previous field research experience. 
Experience in French is 
strongly recommended.

Field assistants must pay their travel to Gabon, but will be provided with room 
and board at the Ipassa 
Research Station.

Interested persons should send: 1) a CV; 2) a cover letter describing 
motivation and qualifications for 
position; and 3) the names and contact information of three professional 
references. Please send 
application materials in pdf form to john.poul...@duke.edu with the subject 
line (candidate's last 
name)-Ipassa Field Position. Ex: Smith-Ipassa Field Position. Applications 
will be accepted until Sept.
21, 2014.


2014-08-27 Thread John Poulsen

Duke University is seeking candidates for a 1-year position as a Post-doctoral 
Researcher or Associate 
in Research with skills in remote sensing relating to forest inventory.  The 
position is based in 
Newtown Square, PA with the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station 
(www.nrs.fs.fed.us/nimac/). The candidate will contribute to a research project 
in support of the US 
government’s SilvaCarbon program (www.silvacarbon.org).  The goal of the 
research project is to 
assess the effects of forest inventory plot design on both inventory efficiency 
and training data 
efficacy for remotely sensed image classification. This research will support 
the US government’s 
commitment to contribute to scientific advances in the field of Measurement, 
Reporting and 
Verification (MRV) of carbon stocks as part of the United Nations REDD program.

Specific tasks will include:

1. Pre-processing GIS data in both raster and vector formats (including LiDAR 
datasets, Landsat and 
other high resolution imagery, shape file and other vector formats) 

2. Spatially integrating these datasets with existing ground plot data

3. Constructing simulations and other statistical summaries and analyses that 
assess the effects of 
various plot and sample design combinations on inventory estimates and their 
precision, on remotely 
sensed image classification accuracy, and on overall inventory efficiency under 
different design 
scenarios that integrate remote sensing and ground plot data

The goal of the project is to develop publications, workflows, and technical 
material that not only 
contributes to the science of resource monitoring, but also supports capacity 
building in partner 

Required skills: A MSc or PhD (preferred, but not required) in a natural 
resource-related field, and:

1. Proficiency in GIS software (ArcGIS or similar) to view, manipulate and 
process both vector and 
raster data (examples include use of Python scripting for automation, map 
algebra calculations, 
tabular and zone-based summarization tools, use of projection methods for both 
raster and vector 
data, and basic cartographic skills)

2. Strong knowledge of graduate-level statistics (examples include the ability 
to generate calculations 
of estimates of population parameters from a dataset, generation of descriptive 
statistics, ability to 
summarize large datasets using automation tools and cross tabulations)

3. Practical knowledge of computer software (such as R, SAS, Microsoft Excel 
(with VBA for coding) or 
Python) including the ability to perform the operations listed in (2), in 
addition to batch processing

4. Proficiency in both written and spoken English.

Desired skills:
1. Knowledge of sampling and forest inventory statistics
2. Knowledge of forestry
3. Knowledge of image classification principles and software (Erdas Imagine)

Start date: As soon as the candidate is available
Salary will depend on the education level and experience of the candidate.

Please submit a copy of your resume or CV, a brief cover letter addressing your 
skills in relation to the 
above requirements, names and contact information of three references, and a 
photocopy of your 
latest graduate level university transcript.

Contact info:
Andrew Lister

[ECOLOG-L] Funded PhD position on plant populations at Trinity College Dublin

2014-08-27 Thread Yvonne Buckley
I have a funded PhD position on “The rise and fall of plant populations 
worldwide” using two data resources: the COMPADRE plant matrix database 
 and the PLANTPOPNET spatial population dynamics project 
Full European fees  a stipend of €16,000 p.a. will be provided. Non-EU 
applicants will also be considered but additional funding for international 
fees will need to be sought (approx. €3600 extra p.a.).
See http://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=54361 for details.
Yvonne Buckley

Yvonne Buckley
Professor  Head of Zoology
School of Natural Sciences
University of Dublin, Trinity College
Dublin 2
tel: +353 (0) 1 8963172
email: buckl...@tcd.ie


[ECOLOG-L] Continuing the conversation: Ideas for Grad Ed. in a Time of Scarcity

2014-08-27 Thread Ryan McEwan
Hi all,

I have had very many off-list replies to ideas I posted... found here if
you didn't see the original:


Below are a few ideas in response to some of the questions/comments-


If you have an MS and are having trouble finding a job...

(1) Refuse to be placebound, i.e., be willing to move around.

There are a lot of opportunities in ecology.  If you subscribe to Ecolog
you know this!   Many of the oodles of positions that pass through Ecolog
would be great for a MS-level person... but you have to be willing to
move.  If you are living in a particular city/location and only are looking
for positions there, your chances are greatly limited.

(2) Be willing to take entry-level positions.

It is a cliche, but getting your foot in the door can work.  Sometimes
you have to take a temporary position with poor pay to find your way into a
good long-term job.

(3) Apply broadly.

Many who I have interacted with and advised make the basic mistake of
creating too narrow of a focus on their job search.  I have students not
apply to jobs because of things like:

Well, I might not be qualified for that position...

Let the person doing the hiring decide that!!   Deciding whether you are
qualified is someone else's job, your job is writing a great application.


This company does stuff I really like, but this particular job is hiring
for a task that I definitely do not want to do for a career

Take the job, become indispensable due to your energy and quality work, and
you can move into a position that more closely matches your interests!


This job is in state X and I don't think I want to live there

Even if you think state X is a dump because it is too far south/north, too
urban/rural, etc, you cannot possibly know what is going on in that
particular job, in that particular spot, unless you apply and interview.
You may discover that although you think state X is a dump, you are very
wrong in that impression, and indeed, the place has hidden charms and the
people you would be working with are great.  To me, it is foolishness to
rule out a place completely due to some geographic bias.


If you are currently in a PhD program, and like science but have decided
that you do not want to be a faculty member

(1) Talk to your adviser.

Now, this might be a bit awkward, as some in academia are stuck in
the mindset of a faculty position being the only and correct path for
anyone with a PhD.  As I mentioned in the original post:

*Perhaps most important is that we as mentors reject the attitude of
disdain that can sometimes hang in the air around non-faculty positions.*

Even if you are not sure what reception you will get, you have to at least
try to engage your faculty mentor...and you might be surprised at how open
she (or he) is to the idea.

(2) Network intentionally!

During your PhD you will have many opportunities to network.  At meetings
for instance, or through your project, or on social media.  If you are
pretty well convinced that you dont want to stay in academia, you can
target your networking efforts.  For instance, focus on building contacts
in an agency.  Perhaps at meetings (like the ESA meeting) spend extra time
talking to exhibitors, etc.  In your project you may need to deal with land
management agencies to establish study sites.  There may be a way to
formalize a collaboration with an agency scientist, etc.  If you can find a
way to build connections with someone in an agency or industry you may be
able to build a bridge out of the academic world.

(3) Build marketable skills

Obviously there are great many skills that are inherent to a PhD (writing,
oral presentation, to name a couple).  However, if you decide that you do
not want to pursue a tenure track faculty position, you may be able to
bolster your attractiveness to agencies, etc., by gaining some marketable
skills.  These skills may fit nicely into your PhD with only slight
refocusing.  One example that comes to mind is GIS, which is a
technology that is commonly used by agencies/organisations/companies.
Various technologies for chemical analysis of samples, or molecular
techniques, may also be attractive to those hiring scientists outside of
the university setting.  Alternatively, if you decide that you would like
to get into policy or agency management, perhaps you could pick up a class
outside your department, or find a way to get involved with decision making
at a local agency.  For example, some agencies have volunteer positions
where you could sit on the board of directors.


These are only a few ideas.  I share them as a broad reply to some of the
comments I got before.

Again, any comments or corrections are welcomed!


Ryan W. McEwan, PhD
Associate Professor of Ecology
Department of Biology
The University of Dayton
300 College Park, Dayton, OH  45469-2320

Email:  ryan.mce...@udayton.edu

[ECOLOG-L] 8th Annual Indiana Bat Festival - Indianapolis, IN

2014-08-27 Thread J Davis
8th Annual Indiana Bat Festival
Saturday, Sept 13
10 am - 10 pm
Lecture Hall on the campus of IUPUI
Indianapolis, IN

More information: http://cees.iupui.edu/blog/iupui-co-host-batfest-2014

The IUPUI Center for Earth and Environmental Science is joining the Indiana 
State University Center 
for Bat Research, Outreach and Conservation to host the Eight Annual Bat 
Festival in Indianapolis on 
September 13, 2014.  The Annual Bat Festival aims to educate people about bats, 
dispel myths, 
highlight benefits and encourage the conservation of bats through day-time 
indoor programming 
followed by an evening, field demonstration.  Indoor activities at Batfest 2014 
will include live animal 
demonstrations, short educational talks, a silent auction, children’s craft 
activities, and 
environmental agency and conservation organization exhibits.  During the 
evening field program, 
bat researchers demonstrate field research techniques to help the audience view 
the local bats in 
flight.  Holding Batfest 2014 embraces the natural elements in our urban 
environment and honors 
our local endagered Indiana Bat population, which calls home to the wilds 
surrounding Indianapolis 
Aiport. On a broader level, the Festival reminds us that humans are part of a 
greater web of life 
occupied by many other life forms, seen and unseen, which we impact and which 
impact us.  Ideally, 
it sparks the minds of children and adults to better appreciate the role of 
science in understanding 
the world around us. 

To get involved, contact CEES: c...@iupui.edu

[ECOLOG-L] Education Coordinator Position- Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve

2014-08-27 Thread Lyndie Hice-Dunton
The Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve is seeking applicants for
the position of Education Coordinator.

This position serves as the lead for all education programming and
communications at the Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve (one of
28 National Estuarine Research Reserves across the country-
http://www.nerrs.noaa.gov/Default.aspx) and will be responsible for
translating coastal and estuarine research data into an assortment of
education and communication formats for a wide variety of audiences.

Visit the State of Delaware HR website for the full posting here: 

Please note that the position closes:  September 2, 2014

Lyndie A. Hice-Dunton, Ph.D.
Research Coordinator
Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve
818 Kitts Hummock Rd., Dover, DE 19901
Office: 302.739.6377


2014-08-27 Thread Weller, Donald
The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) has an immediate opening 
for a postdoctoral research fellow.  The fellow will develop geographic and 
statistical models that relate estuarine responses (especially the presence and 
abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation [SAV]) to the watershed and estuarine 
characteristics of Chesapeake Bay subestuaries.  The resulting models will be 
used to identify spatial correlates of estuarine responses, quantify 
predictor-response relationships, and help guide management decisions.  
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in ecology or geography, peer-reviewed 
publications, and professional presentations.  Applicants also need experience 
with geographic information system (GIS) analysis and multivariate statistical 
analysis and should have a strong background in landscape ecology, ecosystem 
ecology, or estuarine ecology.  Expertise in SAV ecology, advanced statistical 
analyses (such as structural equation modeling or Bayesian networks), or Python 
automation of GIS analyses could be especially helpful.  Available modeling 
tools will include ArcGIS, R and SAS statistical software, and other packages.  
The position is funded for 1.5 years as part of a multi-institution, 
multi-investigator project supported by a research grant from NOAA (see 
http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2009/20091030_chesapeake.html).  Stipend 
$45,000/year in 2014, 47,500/year in 2015.  For best consideration, send letter 
of application, resume, graduate and undergraduate transcripts (photocopies are 
fine), and names of three references (with telephone numbers and e-mail 
addresses) by Sept 15, 2014 to Dr. Donald Weller (well...@si.edu), SERC, P.O. 
Box 28, Edgewater, MD 21037-0028.  For more information on SERC visit 
http://www.serc.si.edu.  EOE.

[ECOLOG-L] First Annual Southern California Riparian Management Workshop

2014-08-27 Thread Kurt Broz
Hello all,

Here is the announcement for the first annual Riparian Management Workshop 
on Pala. It is a FREE! workshop dedicated to the interdisciplinary 
management and protection of our river and waterway resources that are so 
vital to the tribe and other land managers here in southern California. 

Please, please, PLEASE pass this on to any people who may be interested! 
Tribal contacts, government employees, land owners, land managers, 
biologists, etc.

I do not have a final schedule and speaker list yet, however we expect to 
cover topics including: riparian management practices, ethnobotany, 
hydrology, riparian invertebrates, erosion issues, fire issues, weed issues, 
monitoring/management or rare/endangered species, and probably several other 
topics. The goal is to foster cooperation between interested land managers 
and agencies, as well as getting people to think across disciplines to 
tackle problems. 

When: Tuesday September 23rd and Wednesday September 24th
Where: Pala Fire Station training room, 34884 Lilac   
Extension Road, Pala, CA… Field trip along the San Luis Rey on Pala. 

If you are definitely going, please e-mail me privately at 
kb...@palatribe.com so I can put you on an attendance list. Space is limited 
to around 50 people (including speakers). Don't just show up, please. If you 
are not on the list we may not have room for you in the classroom. 

Thanks! Hopefully I see everyone there… and special thanks to Chris McDonald 
from the UC Cooperative Extension for helping me organize this. 

We can also make room if anyone would like to give a short 
talk in the training room or wants to discuss something on our field trip 
down the San Luis Rey! You are more than welcome to hand out info that folks 
may find important at your workshop. I will set up a table. 


Mr. Kurt Broz

Tribal Wildlife Biologist
Pala Environmental Department
Pala Band of Mission Indians 
(760) 891-3550

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral Researcher - Coastal SEES Project

2014-08-27 Thread Patricia A. Jones
The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies seeks a Postdoctoral Researcher to 
conduct research on effects of stream restoration on metabolism and 
nutrient cycling in urban streams.  This position is part of a Coastal 
Sustainability research project addressing how interactions between social 
and biophysical factors converge to create opportunities for restoration 
and revitalization. Research will involve a mixture of stream metabolism 
and nutrient uptake measurements and multidisciplinary data synthesis and 
analysis. The position will be jointly supervised by Drs. Emma J. Rosi-
Marshall and Peter M. Groffman.  There will also be opportunities to 
develop research in the context of the Baltimore Long-Term Ecological 
Research project.  Ph.D. in limnology, ecosystem ecology or related field 
required.  Competence in analytical biogeochemistry techniques and 
metabolism modeling highly desirable. Visit www.caryinstitute.org and apply 
online in the “Jobs” section. Include a cover letter, resume, and the names 
and full contact information (including e-mail addresses) of three 
professional references by September 30, 2014, to Human Resources, Cary 
Institute of Ecosystem Studies, P.O. Box AB, Millbrook, New York 12545 . 
Please reference Job Code 14012-I. Questions about the position can be 
directed to Emma Rosi-Marshall (rosimarsha...@caryinstitute.org) or Peter 
Groffman (groffm...@caryinstitute.org.)

The Cary Institute is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disabled Encouraged to Apply

[ECOLOG-L] Job: Laboratory and field technician, Ecosystem ecology/biogeochemistry, Columbia University

2014-08-27 Thread Duncan Menge
The Menge lab (http://www.columbia.edu/~dm2972/) at Columbia University is 
seeking a full time lab and field technician.  Research projects focus on 
nitrogen cycling, nitrogen fixation, and the role of nitrogen in ecosystem 
carbon cycling and climate change.  Primary duties will include maintaining 
and running basic biogeochemical lab equipment (balances, grinders, gas 
analyzers); maintaining and running greenhouse experiments (preparing 
greenhouse equipment and potting media, germinating and transferring plants, 
fertilizing and watering plants, and monitoring environmental settings and 
conditions); assisting with field work (applying fertilizer, collecting 
plant and soil and gas samples) in local (Black Rock Forest) and potentially 
more distant (Hawaii, Oregon, Costa Rica) field sites; and assisting with 
general laboratory maintenance.

This is a 12-month appointment with benefits, and with the possibility of 
extension.  Preferred start date is ASAP.  A bachelor’s degree in Ecology, 
Biology, Geology, Earth Science, Chemistry or a related field is required, 
and previous experience in an ecosystem science and/or biogeochemistry lab 
is preferred.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please visit Jobs at 

[ECOLOG-L] Faculty Position (tenure-track) at Louisiana Tech University

2014-08-27 Thread Terri Maness
Faculty Position: Biologist:

The School of Biological Sciences at Louisiana Tech University invites
applications for a tenure-track, 9-month, Assistant Professor position. We
seek a broadly-trained collaborative applicant that is committed to both
research and teaching. Applicants, whose research areas include plant
biology, developmental biology, and/or toxicology, are encouraged to apply.
The successful applicant will teach and mentor undergraduate and graduate
students in support of our degree programs, including our environmental
science program. In addition, the successful applicant will be expected to
establish and maintain an externally funded research program involving
graduate and undergraduate students. This position requires a Ph.D. in
biology or a related relevant field, prior teaching and postdoctoral
experience is a plus. Position is available to begin September 1, 2015.

Louisiana Tech University is a comprehensive selective-admissions public
university that is recognized by US News and World Report as a Tier One
National University and by the Carnegie Foundation as a Research
University/High Research Activity (RU/H). It is located in Ruston, a small
college town of 22,000 residents in North Louisiana. Our School of
Biological Sciences is a dynamic, collegial unit with 21 faculty and
approximately 480 undergraduate and 50 graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D.).

To apply, email application letter, curriculum vitae, separate statements
of research interests/plans and teaching interest/philosophy, and names and
contact information including email addresses for three references, to
William Campbell, Chair of Search Committee (campb...@latech.edu). Review
of applications begins September 22, 2014, and will continue until position
is filled. Louisiana Tech University is a member of the University of
Louisiana System, AA/EOE. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply,
including minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities.

[ECOLOG-L] Ecological papers in most recent issue of LEB, link inside.

2014-08-27 Thread Jorge A. Santiago-Blay

Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, PhD

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Assistantships/Fellowships

2014-08-27 Thread Jianguo 'Jack' Liu
Dear Colleagues,

Please share the following information with potentially interested
individuals (e.g., forward it to students in your classes and labs, and post
it in job bulletin boards and web sites). Many thanks. 


***  ***
***  ***

Graduate Assistantships/Fellowships 

Graduate assistantships/fellowships are available for self-motivated
students to conduct innovative and high-impact research at the Center for
Systems Integration and Sustainability (CSIS) at Michigan State University.
Research topics may include coupled human and natural systems, telecoupling
(socioeconomic and environmental interactions over distances,  through means
such as globalization, human and animal migration, species dispersal,
species invasion, disease spread, sound/noise transmission, spread of
pollutants and wastes, trade of goods and products, flows of ecosystem
services, environmental and hydrological flows, foreign investment,
technology transfer, water transfer, and tourism,
www.csis.msu.edu/telecoupling http://www.csis.msu.edu/telecoupling  ),
sustainability science, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, human
well-being, land change science, forest and landscape ecology, global
change, systems integration (integration of ecology with demography,
economics, sociology, technology, and policy; integration of land, water,
and/or energy),  ecology and management of wildlife (e.g., giant pandas in
China), and systems modeling and simulation (e.g., agent-based modeling).
Papers on these topics by CSIS faculty and students have been published in
journals such as Science, Nature, and PNAS (see

With flexible start dates, successful candidates can build on these previous
studies and/or explore new frontiers of research. They will also have
opportunities to interact with leaders and peers in these fields worldwide
through various ways, such as the International Network of Research on
Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS-Net.org) and the NASA-MSU
Professional Enhancement Awards Program
(http://csis.msu.edu/news/2015_nasa_msu_award), which are organized by CSIS.
More information about CSIS is available at http://csis.msu.edu.

Application materials include: (1) letter of application, (2) statement of
professional goals, (3) CV or resume, (4) transcripts, (5) GRE scores, (6)
TOEFL scores (for non-native English speakers only), (7) list of 3-4
references (names and contact information), and (8) up to three
representative publications if any. Unofficial copies of GRE, TOEFL and
transcripts are OK initially. 

Applicants are encouraged to submit their application materials as soon as
possible, or until the positions are filled.  

Please email the application materials to Dr. Jianguo (Jack) Liu at
li...@msu.edu mailto:li...@msu.edu . Questions about these opportunities
can also be emailed to Dr. Liu. 

Jianguo (Jack) Liu

Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability

Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48823-5243, USA



[ECOLOG-L] Job Opening: Water Resources Extension Agent - Assistant (Sumter, SC)

2014-08-27 Thread Amy E Scaroni
This position is posted on the Clemson University job board and can be viewed 
Job Title: Water Resources Extension Agent - Assistant (Sumter, SC)
Job ID: 13529
Full/Part Time: Full-Time
Regular/Temporary: Temporary - Time Limited


This position will provide pollution prevention, natural resource conservation 
and watershed 
management outreach programming primarily in Sumter County, South Carolina, 
serving the 
Clemson Extension Service and its stormwater outreach and participation 
program, Carolina Clear   


Assist in coordinating the planning, development, organization, marketing, 
implementation and 
evaluation of Carolina Clear programming in this region and in the Midlands of 
South Carolina. 
Audiences for program outreach will range from youth to technical staff and 
Carolina Clear was established by Clemson University Cooperative Extension 
Service (CES) to 
inform and educate communities about water quality, water quantity and the 
cumulative effects of 
stormwater.  Carolina Clear addresses the special significance of South 
Carolina's water resources, 
and the role they play in the state's economy, environmental health, and 
overall quality of life 
(www.clemson.edu/carolinaclear).  E/40% 

Develop, coordinate and implement 4-H programming for educators, volunteers, 
and youth. 
Programs should be offered through a variety of delivery methods in emphasis 
areas that include 
agriculture (producer to consumer), STEM, environmental stewardship, natural 
resources, and 
personal development  E/20% 

Work in collaboration with fellow Clemson faculty and extension personnel to 
extend research-
based knowledge in water and natural resource protection to a variety of 
constituencies including 
local governments; local and state agencies; businesses; community 
organizations; non-
governmental agencies; general public and youth. Special emphasis on youth and 
demonstration projects that meet SC curriculum standards  E/15% 

Conduct seminars and workshops, produce educational materials and news 
articles, identify 
unique ways to reach various audiences, participate in maintaining 
communication among 
community and educational partners, and participate in the development of 
targeted mass media 
campaigns related to natural resource topics  E/15% 

Work in concert with Carolina Clear communities to carry out planned activities 
in accordance with 
Carolina Clear goals and objectives that capitalize on local training 
resources.  E/5% 

Participate in Clemson University water resource programming and other 
environmental quality-
related agency and interagency efforts  E/5%


Bachelor's degree in environmental science, environmental studies, natural 
resource management, 
agricultural education or a related field at a minimum. 

Master's degree in one of the mentioned fields preferred 

The successful candidate will have knowledge of best management practices 
related to water 
resource protection. 
Experience implementing one or more best management practices is preferred. 
Individual should have experience coordinating groups and relating information 
to various 
Ability to work constructively and professionally with teachers, youth, public 
agencies, the private 
sector, government and the general public. 
Interest in program marketing and communication preferred. Experience in 
programming is also preferred. 
Working knowledge of relevant federal and state environmental policy. 
Ability to lead and work amongst a team.  
Excellent oral and written communication skills, including computer fluency 
(word processing, 
spreadsheet, and presentation applications).

PAY  WORK SCHEDULE: Standard Hrs: 37.5;  Salary commensurate with education 
and experience
HOW TO APPLY: To apply, please submit the following: 

A letter of application, resume, Extension Application (found at: 
http://www.clemson.edu/extension/apply/extension_application.pdf) and three 
letters of 
reference.  In addition, external candidates must submit a copy of transcripts 
of all college courses 

Mr. M.J. Simmons 
Clemson University 
113 Barre Hall 
Clemson, SC 29634-0120 

Review of materials will begin immediately and continue until the position is 
filled.  To ensure full 
consideration, please submit materials by: September 26, 2014

Employees who are in time limited positions will earn one and one-quarter days 
of Annual and Sick 
Leave per month for a total of thirty (30) days per year. Eligible part-timers 
will earn days on a pro 
rata basis.

This position is located OFF 

[ECOLOG-L] MSc student opportunity at the University of Manitoba, Experimental Lakes Area in Fisheries Ecology

2014-08-27 Thread Michael Rennie
MSc student opportunity at the University of Manitoba, Experimental 
Lakes Area in Fisheries Ecology

Over fifty whole-lake experiments have been carried out at the 
Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) during it’s 45 year tenure as a federal 
research facility. Now as an independent entity, IISD-Experimental Lakes 
Area Inc. seeks to build upon it’s strong history in aquatic and 
fisheries research, and expand it’s research scope towards new and 
exciting areas of investigation.

We are seeking a self-motivated student interested in fisheries ecology 
to join a multi-agency project between IISD-Experimental Lakes Area 
(ELA), the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Fisheries and 
Oceans Canada. The research goal of the student will be to apply 
back-calculation methods to archived ageing structures in order to 
evaluate changes in fish growth associated with various experimental 
manipulations conducted at the ELA. The student will also participate in 
a cross-agency comparison of ageing structure preparation and 
determination methods, learning preparation and ageing methods from 
experts in Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Ontario Ministry of 
Natural Resources and Forestry. The student will conduct field research 
at the ELA to collect additional ageing structures that will support 
these research activities, and will have opportunities to work with an 
extensive and unique database cataloguing individual life histories of 
tagged fishes over decadal time scales. Students who are competitive for 
internal (University) scholarships (minimum 3/4.5 GPA) are particularly 
encouraged to apply. The earliest possible start date for the student is 
January 2015, but start dates as late as September 2015 will be considered.

Students will have the opportunity to work with a diverse range of 
scientists within the ELA group, as well as those at the University of 
Manitoba with expertise in food web ecology, genetics, conservation 
ecology and advanced statistical analysis, and research scientists with 
DFO at the Freshwater Institute. Winnipeg is a diverse city with an 
excellent arts and music scene.

Interested students should contact Dr. Michael D. Rennie, Adjunct 
Professor, University of Manitoba (mdren...@iisd-ela.org 
mailto:mdren...@iisd-ela.org) for more information, accompanied by a 
current CV and 2-3 academic references.

Michael D. Rennie
Research Scientist
International Institute for Sustainable Development,
Experimental Lakes Area
161 Portage Avenue East, 6th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 0Y4
Ph: 204.958.7796 Fax: 204.958.7710

Adjunct Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
University of Manitoba

[ECOLOG-L] Post Doc in Community ecology

2014-08-27 Thread Volker Rudolf
The Rudolf Lab at the Rice University is seeking a postdoctoral scholar to 
collaborate on an NSF-funded research project investigating the effect of 
ontogenetic niche shifts on dynamics of zooplankton communities. The broad 
goal of this project is to understand how stage/size structured interactions 
(including ontogenetic niche shifts and cannibalism) influence the dynamics 
and structure of natural communities and how communities respond to 
environmental changes. We are looking for a postdoctoral scholar who is 
enthusiastic to contribute to this project within the existing framework or 
to extend the existing project in new directions. The ideal candidate would 
have experience with conducting controlled experiments and a strong 
quantitative background (e.g. experience with model fitting, or modeling 
populations and communities). This is a potential 2-year, subject to review 
after one year. This position will provide an approximate annual salary of 
~$40,000 plus benefits. The ideal start date for this position is January 
2015 (based on field season), but an earlier or slightly later start date is 
possible. This position will offer opportunities to develop both 
collaborative and independent research projects, interact with the active 
community of ecologists at Rice, and engage in graduate and undergraduate 
mentorship. Opportunities to gain experience with teaching and public 
outreach are available, but these activities are neither required nor 
expected. To apply, please send the following materials to Volker 
Rudolf(volker.rud...@rice.edu) by September 29th, 2014: 1) a cover letter 
describing your interest in this position and your preferred (and possible) 
start date(s), 2) your CV, 3) a 1-2 page statement describing your past 
research interests and experience, 4) 1-3 publications, and 5) contact 
information for three potential references. Rice University is an 
affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional 
commitment to the development of a climate that supports equality of 
opportunity and respect for differences.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate positions in Forest ecology and Forest Restoration Ecology

2014-08-27 Thread Justine Karst
Four graduate student positions (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) are available for forest
ecology research investigating the impact of abiotic stresses such as water
and nutrient limitations and biotic conditions such as inter- and
intra-specific competition on tree species. The research is part of a large
project that investigates the role of early successional tree species as
reclamation species in mining areas of the boreal mixedwood forest and
parkland regions of Alberta. The overall aim of the research is to
understand underlying forest ecosystem processes, to develop innovative
reclamation techniques, and to determine stand trajectories to successfully
regenerate surface mined lands to self-sustaining forests by restoring
ecosystem functions and processes that are essential for the development of
resilient forests. Of particular interest are (1) growth and biomass and
resource allocation (rooting behaviour) in plants and their effect on
water, carbon, and nutrient cycling, (2) characteristics necessary to
improve the success of planted tree seedlings, (3) the impact of various
growing conditions such as soil, water and nutrients on forest
establishment and growth, and 4) successional trajectories of
ectomycorrhizal fungal communities.

Graduate students in this project will be under the supervision of Simon
Landhäusser, Industrial Research Chair in Forest Land Reclamation,
Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta, (
http://www.ales.ualberta.ca/rr/). Depending on the interest and quality of
the applicants, the project offers considerable flexibility in designing a
research program that investigates areas of personal interest within the
overall framework of the project.

Background in plant biology, forest ecology or related field is essential,
as is an interest in the linkages between forests and disturbance.
Experience with any of the following will be an asset, but is not required:
soil science, ecophysiology, plant nutrition, silviculture, and molecular
techniques. Proficiency in spoken and written English is a necessity.
Selection of a student will be based on academic achievements, reference
letters and if applicable previous research experience. Strong verbal,
written, and computational skills are essential.

Application deadline: March 1, 2015 or until the positions are filled.
Salary ranges between CAN$ 19,500 – 23,500 per year for a period of 2 years
for a M.Sc. and 3 years for a Ph.D.; extensions are possible, but will
depend on student performance. Canadian students could also be eligible for
Tri-Council graduate scholarships (e.g. NSERC) in their first year. It is
preferable that successful candidates start their laboratory and fieldwork
in May 2015 while applying to the graduate program at the University of
Alberta for the fall or winter of 2015. The applicants must meet the
entrance requirement for the University of Alberta, Department of Renewable
Resources, which can be viewed at:

Interested candidates should e-mail their transcript, curriculum vitae, a
letter describing their research experience and interests (2 page limit),
recent TOEFL scores (if appropriate), and the names and contact information
of three references to Dr. Simon Landhäusser, Department of Renewable
Resources, 4-42 Earth Science Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta T6G 2E3, CANADA. Phone: (780)-492-6381; Fax: (780)-492-1767.

Email: simon.landhaus...@ualberta.ca

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Research Assistantship, Fire Ecology

2014-08-27 Thread Michael Stambaugh
A Master of Science graduate assistantship is available with Dr. Michael 
Stambaugh in the Department of Forestry 
(http://www.snr.missouri.edu/forestry/) at University of Missouri. This 
project will investigate conditions of historic fire regimes at national 
wildlife refuges located in Oklahoma and Texas. This work, funded by the 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will be conducted over 2 years and take 
place on 2 to 3 refuges. The duties of this position will include sampling 
trees for fire history reconstruction, wood sample preparation, and 
identification and dating of fire scars using dendrochronological methods. 
Completion of coursework, a thesis project, and peer-reviewed publication(s) 
are also required. The student may build upon fire regime data to 
investigate topics such as long-term forest and fire dynamics or fire-
climate interactions in the southcentral U.S. Competitive candidates for 
this position will have a B.S. degree in forestry or a closely related 
discipline, proficiency in written and oral communication, strong GRE 
scores, and evidence of scholastic success. Prior experience in 
dendrochronology is preferred, but not required. The position will be based 
in Columbia, MO, with field work throughout Texas and Oklahoma. The position 
begins in January 2015.

The successful candidate will receive tuition support and a competitive 
stipend. To apply, please submit the following to Dr. Michael Stambaugh 
1)  personal statement of career goals
2)  resume or curriculum vitae
3)  transcripts
4)  GRE scores
5)  contact information for three references

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a candidate 
is selected. 

Dr. Michael Stambaugh
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
University of Missouri
203C Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building
Columbia MO 65211
Email: stambau...@missouri.edu
Website: http://web.missouri.edu/~stambaughm/

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral opportunity: UC Riverside bee/microbe symbiosis

2014-08-27 Thread Quinn McFrederick
POSITION: A postdoctoral position is available in the newly established
McFrederick Lab at the University of California, Riverside. The research
focus of the McFrederick lab is the study of interactions between bacteria,
fungi, and viruses and the resulting implications for bee health, in wild
and solitary bees. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in
evolutionary ecology and/or evolutionary genetics and experience with
bioinformatic and computational analysis of NGS data, including comparative
genomic analysis, phylogenomics, and/or NGS microbial community surveys.
Knowledge of wild bee or insect biology and experimental manipulation of
microbial communities is also a plus. The successful candidate will be
expected to engage in field work, laboratory-based experiments, and
bioinformatic analyses. Preferred start date is by January 2015, and the
position is available for a two-year term, conditioned on satisfactory
performance in the first year.

APPLICATION: Applications should include a curriculum vitae with a list of
publications and manuscripts in press and contact information for three to
four academic references. Candidates applying for this position can apply
at: https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/apply/JPF00185. Questions can be sent to

Application deadline:  Review of applications will begin October 1, 2013,
but this position will remain open until filled.

Quinn S. McFrederick
Quinn's Bee Blog http://melittology.wordpress.com/

Starting 10/1/2014
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology
900 University Avenue
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521

Phone: (951) 827-5817
Office: Entomology Building room 139