[ECOLOG-L] Survey on uncertainty analysis in ecology

2015-10-21 Thread Craig See

As you may know, QUEST (Quantifying Uncertainty in Ecosystem Studies) is an
NSF Research Coordination Network devoted to promoting uncertainty analysis.
 We developed a brief survey to assess practices in reporting uncertainty in
precipitation, streamflow, biomass, and soils. All four sections need not be
filled out by the same individual. 

The survey can be taken here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EcosytemUncertainty

We’re asking that respondents complete the survey within two weeks. Each
section takes an estimated 5-10 minutes.  Please feel free to pass this on
to other experts at your site or at other sites.

To express our appreciation, one respondent will be randomly selected to
receive QUEST support of a publication that reports uncertainty, in the form
of payment for Open Access publication.  

We plan to report the results in a review article on uncertainty analysis.


Ruth Yanai, Craig See, John Campbell
and the QUEST Steering Committee

[ECOLOG-L] PhD position on eco-evo dynamics of plant carnivory

2015-10-21 Thread Rob Salguero-Gomez
A fully funded 3.5 yr PhD position is available for quantitatively minded 
candidates with interests in life 
history evolution, population dynamics, ecological modeling and plant 
diversity. The successful 
candidate will join my group at the University of Sheffield (UK) in 2016, and 
will also be co-advised by 
Dylan Childs.

Details on PhD post: 
Deadline: Jan 11 2016
Details on application process: 
Who can apply: ACCE DTP positions are available for UK/EU candidates only, 
which have been living in 
the UK for the last 3 years. If, the residency requirements from EU candidates 
are not met, they are still 
eligible for 'fees only award', which covers fees and research grant (RTSG), 
but not stipend.

Rob Salguero-Gomez

"Aliud iter ad prosperitatem nos est: id est omnibus rebus vincere"
Rob Salguero-Gómez, PhD
ARC DECRA fellow
Guest researcher of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

[ECOLOG-L] Tenure track position in Plant Community Ecology at DePaul University, Chicago

2015-10-21 Thread Heneghan, Liam

A tenure-track opening at the Assistant Professor level in the Department of 
Environmental Science and Studies (ENV) at DePaul University in Chicago, 
starting September 2016. The ENV currently serves over 180 undergraduate 
students in two majors: Environmental Science (B.S.) and Environmental Studies 
(B.A.). The ENV has seven full-time faculty and a laboratorian. ENV faculty are 
actively engaged in research, and teach a diverse undergraduate population.

Position: Plant Community Ecologist who is familiar with Midwest flora to teach 
courses in Plant Identification and Field Research Methods, as well as general 
education courses in Environmental Science, environmental data analysis and 
upper level courses in his or her specialty. A research focus on biodiversity, 
applied studies and/or an urban emphasis and experience with multivariate 
statistics would be a plus.

Review of applications will begin January 1, 2016 and will continue until the 
position is filled. Applicants should apply online with a cover letter, 
curriculum vita, statement of research interests (2 page maximum), statement of 
teaching interests with educational philosophy (2 page maximum) and evidence of 
teaching effectiveness including syllabi of relevant courses. In addition, ENV 
requests three letters of reference: please supply the on-line system with the 
e-mail addresses of three individuals.

Required Qualifications
The successful candidate will have a PhD, teaching experience, a strong 
commitment to undergraduate education, experience involving undergraduate 
students in their research as well as an interest in contributing to a growing 
major and department. Post-doctoral experience is a plus. ENV faculty are 
expected to develop an active and productive research program that offers 
research experiences for ENV majors, assist in developing the ENV curriculum, 
and participate in administrative duties at the department, college, and 
university levels. Start-up funds are provided. Research grants are available 
from the College and University on a competitive basis. Some support from ENV 
for continuous research activity and travel are also provided. The candidate 
will be encouraged to seek external funding to further support research 

E-mail Liam Heneghan (lhene...@depaul.edu) for additional inquiries.

To apply visit:

Liam Heneghan
Chair and Professor of Environmental Science and Studies
Blog: http://10thingswrongwithenvironmentalthought.blogspot.com/
Recent Essays: http://www.3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/MondayMusings.html#Liam
Essays at Aeon Magazine: http://www.aeonmagazine.com/author/liam-heneghan/
Essay on my work at Grist: 
Co-Director, Institute for Nature and Culture
DePaul University
Environmental Science and Chemistry Building (McGowan South)
1110 West Belden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614
Ph 773 325-2779
Fax: 773 325-7448

[ECOLOG-L] SWS Mentoring Program for Undergraduates - 2nd call.

2015-10-21 Thread Vanessa Lougheed
The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) announces the availability of 
undergraduate student awards for travel to attend our SWS annual meeting 
in Corpus Christi, TX May 31 – June 4, 2016. In order to meet our goal 
of increasing diversity in wetland science fields, the Society brings 
the students to our national meeting and matches them with mentors for 
the duration of the meeting. The areas of interest of the student 
participants can range from freshwater to marine and involve a wide 
variety of organism types. 

Undergraduate students from groups underrepresented in the sciences are 
encouraged to apply for this exciting opportunity. We will cover all 
travel expenses associated with the meeting. Participants must be 
citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. 
Spring 2016 graduates are eligible. Participants are selected based on 
academic promise, interest in exploring a career in the natural 
sciences, potential for serving as a mentor, and demonstrated commitment 
to increasing opportunities for underrepresented students.

Additional information is available from Dr. Vanessa Lougheed, 
University of Texas at El Paso (vlough...@utep.edu) and on the program’s 
web page (http://www.sws.org/Awards-and-Grants/sws-undergraduate-
mentoring-program.html). An email to Vanessa Lougheed expressing 
interest in the program can serve as a pre-application. Application 
deadline is November 6, 2015.

[ECOLOG-L] CLM Internship Program is now accepting applications for paid internships!

2015-10-21 Thread CLM Internship Info
The Conservation and Land Management Internship Program is now accepting 
applications for 2016!  
Please apply online at www.clminternship.org/applying.
Would you like to put your education to use assisting in important conservation 
projects? Do you like 
to experience new landscapes, habitats, and species diversity? The CLM 
Internship Program is a 
wonderful opportunity to begin a career in botany, wildlife biology, natural 
resource management and 

Each year, the Conservation and Land Management Internship Program places 
75-100 college 
graduates in five-month paid internships to assist biologists with our federal 
and non-profit partners. 
In 2016, approximately 60 - 80 internships will be based in the western US (AK, 
AZ, CA, CO, ID, OR, 
MT, NM, NV, UT, WA, and WY) and 10 - 20 positions will be based on the East 
Coast (MA, NY, and NC). 
The federal agencies we partner with include the Bureau of Land Management 
(BLM), National Park 
Service (NPS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS), U. S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service 
(FWS) and others. Non-profit partners include the New England Wild Flower 
Society, the Mid-Atlantic 
Regional Seed Bank, North Carolina Botanical Garden and the Rae Selling Berry 
Seed Bank. 

Each internship is unique and may focus on botany, wildlife, or a combination 
of the two.  The 
majority of our internships have a heavy emphasis on botany. Interns assist in 
a wide variety of 
projects depending on the needs of their field office. Examples of projects 
include: collecting seed for 
restoration and conservation purposes, performing surveys for threatened and 
endangered species 
and habitats, and collecting data on species reintroduction and habitat 
management experiments. 
Applicants with strong botany experience are especially encouraged to apply! 

Benefits of the CLM Internship Program are numerous.  As a CLM intern, you will 
receive a stipend paid 
every two weeks totaling $13,200 over 5 months and will attend an all-expenses 
paid week-long 
training workshop at the Chicago Botanic Garden. In addition, the CLM 
Internship Program provides 
opportunities to make connections in various governmental and non-profit 
organizations, to learn 
what it's like to work at a federal agency, to explore your career goals and 
expand your resume.
Applications are due January 15th but we review applications on a rolling basis 
- the sooner your 
application is complete, the sooner we can review your files and consider you 
for available positions! 

Spring semester 2015 graduates are encouraged to apply!

For more information and to apply online, please visit: 

[ECOLOG-L] Galapagos: volunteer for Galapagos landbird project

2015-10-21 Thread David Anchundia
Seekingvolunteer for “Galápagos Islands Landbird Monitoring Project”

Recentstudies in Galápagos have shown that populations of subspecies of 
severalspecies of land birds have declined, especially on inhabited islands. 
Theintroduction of alien species to the archipelago as parasitic flies 
(Philornis downsi), mammals, disease andhabitat destruction are identified as 
some of the main reasons for the decline.Since 2014, the Charles Darwin 
Foundation (CDF) and the Galápagos National Park(GNP) have been developing and 
coordinating a Landbird Monitoring Project onseveral islands. The project 
objective is to understand and help reverse thenegative impact on land bird 
species in Galápagos while working together withother national and 
international scientific institutions. The project aim is togain quality 
information and develop a standardized monitoring throughout thearchipelago for 
small land birds for future comparisons and has particularemphasis on iconic 
birds of the islands. 

Theperson selected as a volunteer will help with the research 
activitiesidentified in the Landbird Monitoring Project and be supervised by 
theprincipal investigator of the project. Activities will include 
fieldwork,literature reviews, data analysis, in addition to working with 
students, localinstitutions, park rangers and the Galápagos community, and 
collaborating withscientists who have long-term studies in the Galápagos.

Assist inthe collection of data of:

Populationstatus of Galápagos Martin (Prognemodesta).

Monitoringbreeding and impact of parasite fly on Galápagos flycatcher 
(Myiarchus magnirostris)

Monitoringbreeding and ecology of Vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus), 
large ground finch (Geospizamagnirostris) and vegetarian finch 
(Platyspizacrassirostris).Participatein monitoring nest predation in different 
altitudinal zones of Santa CruzIsland.

Assistin training in the management of the Galápagos BirdEyes application to 
thegeneral public.

Participation,if necessary and appropriate in bird censuses.

Participate,where appropriate and necessary in the Philornis Project, the 
Mangrove Finch Project,the Restoration of the Highland Zones of Galápagos, and 
other programs of theCDF or multi-institutional projects, if necessary.

Required profile

   - Previous experience in bird ecology or conservation programs.

   - Bird identification skills and bird banding experience are a plus.

   - Ability to hike in harsh terrains and extreme conditions.

   - Good physical condition.

   - Excellent social skills appreciated.   

   - Working languages are Spanish and English.

   - Knowledge of Microsoft Office, in particular Word & Excel.   

   - Capacity to work on irregular shifts, including evenings.

   - Excellent work attitude and commitment to work in teams.




The volunteer will be under thesupervision of the scientist responsible for the 
project. The volunteer will bebased at the Charles Darwin Research Station on 
Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos,Ecuador, although this volunteer will be 
involved in fieldtrips to otherislands. The volunteer is expected to work 40 
hours perweek, from 7:30 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 17:00, although working hours are 
flexible,especially during fieldwork. The CDF will provide the equipment and 
materialsneeded for the project. Vacation or other time away from the research 
stationmay be requested in advance by the volunteer but will be subject to 
theapproval of the supervisor. International volunteers are responsible for 
theirown travel costs to and from the Galápagos Islands and their room and 
boardcosts during their stay. However the CDF will provide accommodation in 
sharerooms with a fee of 7 USD per night (depending on availability). 
Volunteersmust provide their own accident and life insurance coverage for 
travel to andfrom Galápagos and for the duration of their assignment in the 
Islands. Thevolunteer must faithfully comply with the internal rules of the CDF 
and will conductfieldwork strictly following the rules and regulations of the 
GalápagosNational Park.

How to apply

Peopleinterested can download the application form on the CDF website: 

Please fillout the form and send the application documents via email to the 
followingaddresses: v...@fcdarwin.org.ec, 

Ifadditional information is needed contact David Anchundia 

Check thelink to review full application 

Applications deadline: 20th November 2015.

CharlesDarwin Foundation

Volunteer Program

Casilla Postal 17-01-3891

Quito – Ecuador

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Study in Urban Forest Ecology

2015-10-21 Thread Glenn Matlack
We are looking for a capable student to join our Urban Forest research team
at the Masters or PhD level beginning in Summer or Fall 2016.  Research is
broadly focused on the contributions of trees and woodlands to urban
ecosystems including effects on microclimate and infrastructure,
modification of the sonic environment, and human perception.  We are also
studying the population dynamics of the urban forest, using remote sensing
to characterize change in urban tree communities through time across
gradients of urban development and land ownership.  The incoming student
will work in one of these research areas.  In addition to research
commitments, the student will take courses and serve as teaching assistant
in the Department of Environmental and Plant Biology.  The position is fully
funded including tuition waivers.

Applicants should have a GPA of at least 3.2 and an average GRE score above
the 60th percentile.  A strong work ethic, quantitative skills, and the
ability work independently are essential.  Applicants should be physically
fit and capable of field work under less-than-ideal conditions.  Previous
field experience is desirable.

The Department  of Environmental and Plant Biology (
http://www.plantbio.ohiou.edu/ ) is a community of mutually supportive
faculty and students at Ohio University.  The University is situated in the
small city of Athens, nestled in the forested hills of the Allegheny
Plateau.  Applications must be received by January 15.  Application
procedures are described at
http://www.plantbio.ohiou.edu/index.php/grad/admission_app .  If you are
interested please contact Glenn Matlack at matl...@ohio.edu.  See my web
page at
http://www.plantbio.ohiou.edu/index.php/directory/faculty_page/glenn_matlack/ .

[ECOLOG-L] Bayesian Modeling Workshop Opportunity

2015-10-21 Thread Lackett,Jill
The National Science Foundation (award #: DEB-1145200) is sponsoring an annual, 
two-week workshop to provide intensive training in Bayesian modeling for 
post-doctoral researchers, academic faculty, and agency scientists. Applicants 
must have earned a PhD to be considered for the workshop, and applications will 
not be accepted from graduate students. Twenty participants will be invited 
each year. There will be no cost for participation in the workshop. A $1000 
stipend will be provided to each U.S. participant, and a $700 stipend will be 
provided to each international participant (due to taxes withheld), to defray 
costs of travel. The fourth workshop will be held May 18-27, 2016 at Colorado 
State University in Fort Collins, CO.
Goals of the Workshop
1. Provide a principles-based understanding of Bayesian methods needed to train 
students, to evaluate papers and proposals, and to solve research problems.
2. Communicate the statistical concepts and vocabulary needed to foster 
collaboration between ecologists and statisticians.
3. Provide the conceptual foundations and quantitative confidence needed for 
self-teaching modern analytical methods.
Tom Hobbs, Colorado State University
Mevin Hooten, Colorado State University
Kiona Ogle, Arizona State University
Maria Uriarte, Columbia University
For more information and application instructions: 
Dr. Tom Hobbs
Natural Resource Ecology Lab
Colorado State University

  Jill M. Lackett
  Research Associate, Natural Resource Ecology Lab and
  University Program Manager, North Central Climate Science Center
  1499 Campus Delivery
  Colorado State University
  Fort Collins, CO 80523
  970.491.2343 (p)
  970.491.1965 (f)
  NREL homepage:  http://www.nrel.colostate.edu/
  NC CSC homepage: http://revampclimate.colostate.edu/

For group mailings:
Use of this mail list is intended exclusively for internal communication at 
Colorado State University.  Any unauthorized use is prohibited.

[ECOLOG-L] Field Instructor Positions in Costa Rica, Galapagos, and Yellowstone!

2015-10-21 Thread Lisa Macki
*Field Instructors– Environmental Education*

*(Yellowstone, Costa Rica, Galapagos)*

*Job Announcement*

*Positions are open until filled; applications will be reviewed when

*About Ecology Project International (EPI):* Is an international non-profit
organization dedicated to addressing critical conservation issues through
field-based partnerships between local experts and high school students. We
engage adolescent youth from local communities and visiting youth from
other regions in applied conservation hands-on science and conservation as
they learn about and help protect threatened species and habitats.
Through EPI’s programs in five countries throughout the U.S. and Latin
America, teens are inspired and empowered to engage in conservation efforts
at home and worldwide to become the next generation of conservation leaders.
More information can be found at www.ecologyproject.org

*Job Summary:* Ecology Project International (EPI) is hiring instructors to
teach and lead 4 to 12 day field environmental education and ecology
courses in different countries.  Instructors are responsible to plan, lead,
and instruct quality experiential education programs to a diversity of
multinational high school students. Instructors are responsible for the
overall course leadership, education, and the physical and emotional safety
of EPI participants.

Instructors lead field activities and facilitate the learning experience
based on EPI curricula that promotes knowledge of science, introduce
students to real-world scientific study, raises cultural and ecological
awareness, promotes international conservation efforts, and develops the
skills necessary to become an active leader in conservation efforts
worldwide. In nature the students have opportunities to learn about ongoing
research projects and explore multiple sites to learn about ecology and

*General Responsibilities: *

· Provide and lead a positive experience for EPI participants in
the field

· Promote and ensure a safe learning/living environment

· Conduct all courses with rigorous attention to risk management

· Plan, lead, and instruct quality experiential environmental
education programs to a diversity of high school students blending EPI’s
and the group’s expectations

· Effectively manage logistical challenges and emergencies on course

· Establish and maintain clear communication with teachers,
chaperones, participants, partners, co- instructor(s), and EPI staff

· Be sensitive to the health and welfare of all participants and
meet their developmental needs

· Show and maintain a positive attitude

· Understand, model, monitor, and enforce EPI policies and protocols

· Oversee and/or lead research activities in accordance with local
research protocols

· Lead conservation service projects in accordance with risk
management protocols

· Keep course gear organized, clean, and in good working order

· Participate in all EPI staff development sessions throughout the
season, including staff training, staff meetings,

staff retreats, and evaluation/feedback process

· Mentor EPI interns to develop their skills and achieve outlined

· Promptly complete and file paperwork associated with each course

· Help photo-documenting the experience of EPI participants

· Write two local student experience for promotional materials at
the end of the season

· Other duties as assigned

*Additional responsibilities for Yellowstone Program:*

· Drive EPI vehicles including hauling a trailer to transport
participating students and gear

· Mentor EPI Yellowstone field interns and assist them in food
purchasing and meal preparation management

*Programs:* Our programs introduce students to real-world scientific study,
raise cultural and ecological awareness, and promote international
conservation efforts. EPI offers field-based science/conservation
educational programs for high school and university students. Our programs
are experiential, involving inquiry-based field science through curricula
and hands on participation in real conservation/research projects.  We
promote a deeper understanding of natural systems and the importance of
research and conservation for the long term sustainability of life on
planet Earth.

*Schedule and Location:* The program season is different at each location.
Instructors will participate in a required unpaid training session before
the season start, staff retreats, and a season closing event.

*Costa Rica Sea Turtle Ecology Program:*  Season runs from mid-February
through end of July

*Galapagos Islands Ecology Program:* Season runs from mid-February through
end of July

*Yellowstone Winter and Wildlife Ecology Programs*: Season runs from
mid-January through August

*General Qualifications for all EPI Instructors: *


[ECOLOG-L] Environmental Education Internship in Yellowstone

2015-10-21 Thread Lisa Macki
*Yellowstone Wildlife Ecology Program Field Interns *

*Job Announcement*

*Application period closes November 13th, 2015*

*About Ecology Project International: *EPI is an international non-profit
organization dedicated to addressing critical conservation issues through
field-based partnerships between local experts and high school students. We
engage adolescent youth from local communities and visiting youth from
other regions in applied conservation hands-on science and conservation as
they learn about and help protect threatened species and habitats.
Through EPI’s programs in five countries throughout the U.S. and Latin
America, teens are inspired and empowered to engage in conservation efforts
at home and worldwide to become the next generation of conservation leaders.
More information can be found at www.ecologyproject.org

*Description:* Ecology Project International (EPI) is hiring interns to
help lead five to nine-day field ecology courses for middle school and high
school students in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for our winter and
summer courses (February through August). Our programs introduce students
to real-world scientific study, engage them in conservation service
projects, and raise their cultural and ecological awareness.

During Yellowstone courses, students work with research partners (e.g.
National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service) to collect data for wildlife
research projects. Participants in our summer program also engage in a
hands-on conservation service project with partners like the National Park
Service or National Parks Conservation Association. Additionally, there is
time dedicated to exploring Yellowstone National Park, playing in the snow
(winter), and whitewater rafting (summer).

Field interns, as a member of a three person field team, guide students in
the preparation of all meals in the field, maintain EPI field equipment,
transport students, lead students in leadership activities/games, and
support field instructors in conducting all courses. As the internship
progresses, interns will be called upon to provide relevant ecology and
science lessons to students. Between the winter and summer program seasons
interns will work in the office to help prepare gear and paperwork.


§  Supervise group cooking and camping chores.

§  Actively participate in all EPI field courses and assume a leadership
role on course.

§  Promote and ensure a safe learning/living environment.

§  Understand, model, monitor, and enforce EPI policies and protocols.

§  Serve as a mentor for students.

§  Support field instructors before, during, and after the field courses.

§  Support accurate field research data collection.

§  Keep course gear organized, clean, and in good working order.

§  Drive EPI vehicles and tow a trailer to transport participating students
and gear.

§  Maintain clear communication with chaperones, participants, partners,
instructor(s), and other EPI staff.

§  Assist in the preparation and closure of each course, including
completing paperwork, managing gear, and purchasing course food.

§  Assist in managing logistical challenges and emergencies on course.

§  Show and maintain a positive attitude.

§  Other duties as assigned.


*Required**: *

§  Some teaching or mentoring experience, preferably with high school age

§  Enthusiasm for working with student groups in remote areas;

§  Experience camping and living in outdoors, especially preparing meals on
camp stoves;

§  Must be willing to work hard and actively participate as part of a team;

§  Valid driver’s license with an insurable driving record;

§  Must be physically fit and capable of participating in intense physical
labor including, but not limited to: ability to lift 50 pounds, spend 8-10
hours a day in all weather conditions (e.g., sun, heat, wind, cold, snow,
etc.) and hike up to 5 miles a day with a day pack and equipment, ability
to conduct repetitive hand and arm motions, and able to maneuver in tight
spaces, including bending and kneeling;

§  Legally able to work in the US;

§  English fluency;

§  Minimum 21 years of age.


§  Knowledge of the Rocky Mountains/Intermountain West, especially the
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem;

§  Field research experience;

§  Current Wilderness First Responder and CPR certifications;

§  Undergraduate coursework or bachelor’s degree in biology, ecology,
environmental science/studies, or related field.


This is a six month position from mid-January to end of August. Field
interns must participate in a required, unpaid training session starting on
January 19th in Missoula, MT. Yellowstone Wildlife Ecology Program field
interns work primarily in the field during the program season assisting
with EPI field courses. Between the winter and summer programs interns will
have the opportunity to learn more about program coordination by working in
the office on paperwork and with 

[ECOLOG-L] RFP, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks

2015-10-21 Thread Brian Anacker
The Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP) of the city of Boulder 
has funding available through its funded research program for scientific 
inquiry into factors related to conservation of natural resources, 
agriculture, and management of recreation on OSMP lands. Awards will 
typically range from $2,000-$5,000, with maximum awards rarely exceeding 
$15,000. Proposal deadline is Jan 19, 2016. 

Full details are available here: http://bouldercolorado.gov/osmp/funded-

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student positions in conservation biology

2015-10-21 Thread Joseph Bennett
The Bennett Lab at Carleton University seeks graduate students (PhD, 
MSc) for projects studying threatened species conservation. Projects 
will examine the utility of distribution and metapopulation models for 
prioritizing conservation efforts for threatened species, and compare 
various approaches to long-term management to prevent extinctions. 
Research will entail a combination of fieldwork (likely in southern 
Ontario or southwest British Columbia) and modeling. There will be 
opportunities for collaboration with leading researchers in conservation 
biology in Canada and Australia, and there is considerable scope for 
students to determine the direction of their projects (e.g. emphasizing 
ecological, numerical or conservation management aspects). 

Applicants should have some experience in fieldwork and ecological 
modeling. Computer programming experience (e.g. R, MATLAB) is desired, 
but training will be provided. 

Canadian applicants are encouraged to apply; however, exceptional 
applicants from other countries will be considered. 

Applicants should provide 1) curriculum vitae; 2) contact information 
for two references; 3) unofficial university transcripts; and 4) a short 
(<1 page) statement of research interests. Inquiries and application 
materials can be directed to Joseph Bennett: joseph.benn...@carleton.ca.  

Located in Ottawa, Ontario, Carleton University is a dynamic and 
innovative research and teaching institution committed to developing 
solutions to real world problems by pushing the boundaries of knowledge 
and understanding. Its internationally recognized faculty, staff, and 
researchers provide more than 27,000 full- and part-time students from 
every province and more than 100 countries around the world with 
academic opportunities. Conservation biology is a particular strength at 
Carleton University, with world-leading research groups including the 
Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Laboratory (GLEL; 
http://www.glel.carleton.ca/), Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology 
Laboratory (FECPL; http://www.fecpl.ca/), and Environment Canada’s 
National Wildlife Research Centre.   

Minutes from downtown, Carleton University is located on a beautiful 
campus, bordered by the Rideau River and the Rideau Canal. With over 12 
national museums and the spectacular Gatineau Park close by, there are 
many excellent recreational opportunities for individuals and families 
to enjoy. The City of Ottawa, with a population of almost one million, 
is Canada’s capital city and reflects the country’s bilingual and 
multicultural character. Carleton’s location in the nation’s capital 
provides many opportunities for research with groups and institutions 
that reflect the diversity of the country.

[ECOLOG-L] NACCB 2016: Call for Proposals

2015-10-21 Thread Wynne Moss
The 3rd North America Congress for Conservation Biology (NACCB) will be held 
July 17-20, 2016 in 
Madison, Wisconsin. We are currently accepting proposals for symposia, 
workshops and short 
courses, due on November 6th. Learn more about the criteria for selection and 
submit your 
proposals on the Call for Proposals page of the NACCB website:


NACCB 2016-Communicating Science for Conservation Action: 

The 3rd North America Congress for Conservation Biology (NACCB) will highlight 
advancements in many 
conservation disciplines, from the biological to social sciences. NACCB will 
especially focus on the theme 
of developing skills and solutions for effective science communication.These 
skills can play an important 
role in advancing science and stimulating conservation action through effective 
dialogue and engagement. 
They can help us communicate across boundaries to involve diverse communities 
working to sustain the 
Earth's biological and cultural diversity, and to implement the policy changes 
that make this possible.

The North America Section of the SCB is excited to invite you to participate 
and present your research at 
the largest congress for conservation biology in North America. We are 
currently accepting proposals for 
symposia, workshops, and short courses to be presented at NACCB 2016.

The deadline to submit proposals is November 6, 2015.

Through numerous plenaries, symposia, concurrent sessions, workshops, short 
courses and field trips, 
NACCB 2016 will provide an open platform to foster collaborative partnerships, 
and to create and adapt 
emerging ideas, technologies, and methods in conservation science.

We are excited to host the Congress in Madison, Wisconsin. The "city between 
the lakes" is the capitol of 
Wisconsin, and home to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a campus rich in 
environmental history and 
that has been home to conservation leaders like Aldo Leopold and John Muir.

We have blocks of rooms booked at local hotels that are within walking and 
biking distance to the meeting 
and downtown Madison and easily accessible by bus. For those on a tighter 
budget, dorm options are 
available until filled. UW-Madison dorms are also a short walk, bus, or bike 
ride away from the Monona 
Community and Convention Center, where the conference will be held.

Wisconsin living in the summertime is tough to beat. Plan to spend some extra 
time here and see our 
state’s plethora of parks, state natural areas, and summer time traditions.

Visit the Congress website to learn more about the meeting: 
We're also Twitter (twitter.com/naccb2016) and the North America Section Blog 
(http://scbnorthamerica.org/) offers Congress and North America Section related 
news and 
announcements. Coming announcements include a Call for Abstracts later this 
fall and conference 
registration, which will open in early winter.

See you in Madison!

[ECOLOG-L] Financial Support for FOIA Expenses?

2015-10-21 Thread John A.
I've been trying to get some questions answered by a rather recalcitrant 
natural resources agency, and now I've been presented with a request for 
payment before they provide any answers.  I'm not entirely surprised, but it's 
very frustrating, because it's a clear attempt to deflect my questions.  I'm a 
private citizen with no organization behind me and they know this.

Does anyone know of any programs, either in the state of Virginia or 
nationally, which would be able to provide small-scale support for FOIA 
expenses?  The initial payment isn't back-breaking, but the agency more or less 
arbitrarily sets the prices, and the expenses will pile up quickly if I pursue 
the information I need.  This will cut me off cold unless I'm able to find some 
sort of support, so any leads or suggestions will be deeply appreciated.  
Please contact me off-list, with my thanks in advance.

   - J. A.

[ECOLOG-L] NC State Faculty Position in Public Science, Natural Resources

2015-10-21 Thread Holly Menninger
*Job Opening – NCSU Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Public Science,
Natural Resources*

As part of the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program, NC State University
seeks candidates for a* Professor (open rank) in Natural Resources *to work
as part of a new cluster focusing on *Leadership in Public Science*
. The Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence
Program is bringing the best and brightest minds to join NC State
University’s interdisciplinary efforts to solve some of the globe’s most
significant problems. The aims of the cluster are to conduct research that
directly engages the public in science.* For this position we seek a
scientist or social scientist with good communication skills who
can connect with non-technical audiences by working with citizen scientists
and/or by involving new audiences in natural resource topics
including forestry, wildlife, conservation, natural resource ecology,
environmental policy, and geospatial analytics. *For more information or to
apply use this* link* .

See also this *recent article about public science at NCSU*
this *blog post about the cluster*


Application review begins 10/23.

[ECOLOG-L] Reminder of approaching deadline (10/26): Assistant Professor in Fisheries Biology at East Carolina University

2015-10-21 Thread April MH Blakeslee
The Department of Biology at East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
invites applications for a nine-month tenure-track position at the Assistant
Professor level with expertise in Fisheries Biology, to begin August 15,
2016. We seek a broadly trained individual with a successful, innovative
research program that addresses fundamental questions in fisheries biology.

In support of ECU's strategic emphasis in coastal research, we seek
applicants whose research programs can be applied to coastal ecosystems,
including oceanic, estuarine or freshwater ecosystems. 

The successful candidate will be expected to establish a vigorous,
externally funded research program that involves work in a coastal area;
teach undergraduate and graduate-level courses in aquatic sciences such as:
fisheries biology, environmental biology, and marine biology; mentor
students in the M.S. and Ph.D. programs; and contribute to ECU's research
initiatives, centers, and institutes (Biodiversity Initiative, Center for
Sustainability, Institute for Coastal Science and Policy). Candidates are
expected to engage in university, regional, community, and professional
service. Research foci should complement existing ECU research programs,
which include groups taking interdisciplinary and ecological approaches.
Departmental resources include a high performance computing facility,
central environmental lab, genomics core facility, imaging facility,
university-owned natural areas, and a fleet of field vehicles and small
vessels (capable of electrofishing, trawling, gill netting, hydroacoustic
surveys, including a new NSF-funded autonomous wave glider for fisheries
research). ECU-AFS is an award-winning student subunit of the American
Fisheries Society based in our department. East Carolina University students
and faculty have collaborated extensively with scientists in the region at
state and federal agencies (North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, NC
Department of Natural Resources, APNEP, and the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory at
Beaufort, NC) as well as academic partners (notably the UNC Coastal Studies
Institute as well as UNC system universities, and Duke Marine Laboratory).
Please visit our website at www.ecu.edu/biology for more information on the

Minimum Qualifications:

A Ph.D. in Biology or Biology-related field with training in fish biology,
invertebrate biology, or in fisheries and at least one year of postdoctoral
research experience are required. Qualifying degrees must be received from
appropriately accredited institutions.  

Special Instructions to Applicants:

Applicants must complete a candidate profile and submit a cover letter,
curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and a statement of
teaching experience/philosophy online at www.jobs.ecu.edu using the position
number 934009 - Tenure Track Faculty in Biology, Fisheries Biology. The
curriculum vitae should include the names and contact information for at
least three references. We will ask top candidates to have three reference
letters sent to the Search Committee Chair via email within seven days of
notification by the search committee. 

Official transcript and original hard-copy reference letters are required
upon employment. Inquiries may be directed to Dr. Joseph Luczkovich
(luczkovi...@ecu.edu), Search Committee Chair. Review of applications will
begin on October 26, 2015 and continue until the position is filled.  

Additional Instructions to Applicants:

Applicants must complete a candidate profile or staff application (see
"Application Types Accepted" below) online via the PeopleAdmin system. In
addition, applicants must submit the documents requested in order to be
considered for the position.  

Applications will be considered until position is filled. ECU application
for vacancy #934009 to ECU Human Resources at www.jobs.ecu.edu.

East Carolina University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 

Visit this job posting at ecu.peopleadmin.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=79742

Apply Here: http://www.Click2Apply.net/pzkdrg4b5j

[ECOLOG-L] Special Issue of Ecosystem Health and Sustainability: Emerging Multiple-Scale Modeling for Ecosystem Services in a Changing World

2015-10-21 Thread Xiaofeng Xu
Hi All,

The newly launched journal Ecosystem Health and Sustainability is devoting
to a special issue: Emerging Multiple-Scale Modeling for Ecosystem Services
in a Changing World.

All potential contributors from the land surface modeling community are
invited to submit manuscript for inclusion. The detailed description of the
special issue is included at


The contributors are encouraged to send manuscripts or abstracts to guests
editors to be considered as invitation-only submission.

Guest Editors
Xiaofeng Xu (x...@mail.sdsu.edu), San Diego State University
Oleksandra (Sasha) Hararuk (ohara...@gmail.com), Canadian Forest Service
Forrest M. Hoffman (hoffma...@ornl.gov), Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Peter E. Thornton (thornto...@ornl.gov), Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Earth is experiencing unprecedented environmental changes which have caused
substantial alteration of functioning in natural ecosystems and their
feedbacks to the climate system. Therefore, a good understanding of
ecosystem processes, such as energy, water, and nutrient cycling, is
required to tackle the global change problems. Multiple-scale modeling
approach is a powerful tool for examining ecosystem health in the context
of multiple-factor global environmental change. In line with the recent
advances of ecological knowledge and modeling needs, some modeling aspects
have emerged as frontiers in ecosystem modeling community. For example,
representing plant functional traits to better simulate vegetation
competition, attributing global change impacts to multiple environmental
factors, modeling land-coastal interactions, novel modeling framework to
improve the Earth system models, and incorporating soil microbial processes
into soil organic matter decomposition model to better simulate the carbon
dynamics, etc.

This special issue encourages submissions with emerging multiple-scale
modeling for ecosystem services in a changing world. Modeling studies
ranging from plot, catchment, regional, to global scales to address the
cutting-edge global change problems are welcome. We anticipate to bring
together various studies of natural ecosystems from multiple perspectives
to advance ecosystem modeling in order to address unprecedented
environmental problems. This special issue encourages manuscript focusing
on, but not limited to, the following topics.

1)  Emerging ecosystem modeling framework across various scales
2)  Ecological modeling approach for upscaling knowledge gained through
3)  Multiple-factor modeling to address global change problems
4)  Novel approach for modeling terrestrial, aquatic, or marine
ecosystems, or land-ocean interactions
5)  Modeling biogeochemical cycling with an explicit representation of
implicit time-stepping
6)  Ecosystem modeling for some climate-sensitive ecosystem processes
such as Arctic permafrost thaw, tropical warming, deep soil warming etc.

Announcement: October 9th, 2015
Submission Deadline: June 30th, 2016
Publication Deadline: December 31, 2016

Xiaofeng Xu
Assistant Professor of Ecology
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Texas at El Paso

San Diego State University (Start Jan 2016)

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Assistantship in Entomology at Iowa State University

2015-10-21 Thread Aaron Gassmann
A graduate assistantship for a Ph.D. candidate is available in the research
group of Aaron Gassmann in the Department of Entomology at Iowa State
University (http://www.ent.iastate.edu/dept/faculty/gassmann/).  Current
research within this group focuses on insect resistance management,
integrated pest management, agroecology, and interactions between
agricultural pest insects and crops producing insecticidal toxins derived
from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).  Possible research topics
addressed through this assistantship could include: dispersal behavior of
insect pests, life-history trade-offs that accompany the evolution of
insecticide resistance, computer modeling of resistance evolution, and
geographic variation in resistance to insecticides by agricultural pest
insects.  Interested individuals should send a cover letter describing their
research interests and career goals, the names and contact information of
three references, and a curriculum vitae to Aaron Gassmann

Iowa State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Assistantships in Ecosystem Ecology

2015-10-21 Thread Samantha N. Miller
Graduate Assistantships

Northern Arizona University: PhD and MS positions in Ecosystem Ecology are 
available in the 
Center for Ecosystem Science and Society (Ecoss) at Northern Arizona 
University. The Ecoss 
mission is to conduct high-impact, innovative research on ecosystems and how 
they respond to 
and shape environmental change, to train next-gen scientists, and to 
communicate discovery 
and its relevance to people. Research opportunities are available in the 
following areas linked to 
specific Ecoss faculty: 

The impact of climate change on Alaskan ecosystems, including effects of 
changing fire regime 
and permafrost thaw on vegetation dynamics, plant-soil-microbial interactions, 
nutrient and 
carbon cycling, and ecosystem services. M. Mack, T. Schuur 

The effects of environmental change on soil carbon and nutrient cycling, and 
the physiological, 
population and community ecology of soil microorganisms. B. Hungate, P. 
Dijkstra, E. Schwartz 

Freshwater ecology, including the science of river restoration and dam removal, 
aquatic interactions and food web ecology. J. Marks 

Exploring the interaction of water and carbon metabolism in diverse studies 
ranging from the 
limits to height growth of the world's tallest trees to drought responses of 
soil microorganisms. 
G. Koch. 

Graduate student benefits include stipend, tuition waiver, health insurance, 
support for summer 
fieldwork in a variety of beautiful ecosystems, and winter in the peaks of 
sunny Flagstaff, AZ. 
Candidates should explore the Ecoss website (ecoss.nau.edu) and contact the 
professor whose 
interests align most closely. Please include a cover letter describing their 
background, research 
interests, and qualifications, as well as a current resume. Program 
applications can be submitted 
to the Department of Biological Sciences (final applications due January 15, 
2016 after 
communicating with faculty member).

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate positions in disease ecology

2015-10-21 Thread Catherine Searle
Ph.D. and M.S. positions are available in the lab of Catherine Searle at
Purdue University. 1-2 positions are available for highly motivated
candidates interested in disease ecology in freshwater systems. For
information on research in the lab, please visit:

The Searle lab focuses on infectious diseases in amphibians and Daphnia.
Potential projects could include: 1) the effects of invasive species on
native disease dynamics, 2) parasite-mediated selection and the role of host
diversity, and 3) the effects of host diversity on parasite traits. These
are the main themes in the Searle lab, but graduate students are free to
explore related topics and systems. Previous work with infectious diseases,
aquatic systems, and the design and implementation of ecological or
evolutionary experiments will be highly regarded.

If you are interested in joining the lab, please email sear...@purdue.edu
with a resume/CV and a brief description of your research interests and

[ECOLOG-L] MS in Environmental Sciences, Emory University

2015-10-21 Thread Berry Brosi
Emory University has a new Master of Science in Environmental Sciences (ENVS) 
program, which 
integrates ecological, earth, policy and social sciences in a two-year program 
quantitative research and practice. 

Our graduate students work closely with faculty to develop a research focus and 
thesis, giving them 
an opportunity to learn and apply quantitative research skills. Graduates will 
gain the expertise 
needed to relate scientific findings to policy decisions and are prepared for 
work across an array of 
agencies (governmental, inter-governmental) and in areas of natural resource 
biodiversity and species conservation, and environmental management and 

Our application for the fall 2016 cohort is now available. Information about 
the application and its 
requirements is available through our website at 

We currently offer tuition scholarships, covering up to 75% of tuition. 
Applicants will be evaluated and 
notified about their tuition assistance award at the time of acceptance. In 
addition, we have research 
and teaching assistant positions available within the department.

As a next step, it is important for you to identify a faculty member with whom 
you might be 
interested in continuing your research with and reach out to that faculty 
member with any questions. 
If you are unsure about which faculty member might be a good fit, please 
contact our Director of 
Graduate Studies, Professor Uriel Kitron at ukit...@emory.edu. Within your 
Statement of Purpose for 
the Application, you will need to explain how your research interests match 
with one or two of our 
departmental faculty.

Feel free to contact our graduate program coordinator, Leah Thomas 
(leah.tho...@emory.edu) with 
any questions.

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student positions in community ecology at Georgia Tech

2015-10-21 Thread Lin Jiang
I am looking for two Ph.D. students to join my lab in the School of 
Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology in fall 2016. Research in my lab 
focuses on community ecology, with current work involving biodiversity and 
ecosystem functioning, community assembly, phylogenetic community ecology, 
and experimental evolution. Students who are interested in any aspects of 
community ecology will be considered. The successful applicants will have 
the opportunity to work in the lab (e.g., laboratory microcosm based 
research) and/or in the field (e.g., studying plant and insect 
biodiversity on the Thousand-Island-Lake islands in China), and will have 
the freedom to develop their own research projects. Ph.D. students in our 
department are provided with competitive stipends, in the forms of 
fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships. Please 
feel free to contact me (lin.ji...@biology.gatech.edu) if you have any 
questions. Our graduate application website is at 
http://www.biology.gatech.edu/graduate/prospective-students. Application 
deadline is December 18, 2015.