[ECOLOG-L] LDC Education Conference Travel Award and Faculty Mentoring Network

2017-06-16 Thread Teresa Mourad
The Ecological Society of America and its partners are pleased to announce the 
Life Discovery Conference Travel Awards 
of up to about $1,000 are available for faculty to participate in the 4th Life 
Discovery - Doing Science Education conference (LDC). The goal of the awards is 
to increase the diversity of participants and institutions at the conference. 
An exciting opportunity associated with the Travel Award is the option to also 
participate in the LDC-QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN) - a unique 
networking and professional development opportunity from September - November 
2017 for faculty interested in bringing authentic research data into high 
school and undergraduate classrooms. If selected for the FMN,  faculty will 
implement one or more selected Data Nuggets in their AP biology, introductory 
biology, or ecology courses at both high school and college levels.  Travel 
awards are made possible through an award from the National Science Foundation.

* The Life Discovery - Doing Science Biology Education Conference 
(www.esa.org/ldc)  is a collaborative initiative of the 
Ecological Society of America (ESA), Botanical Society of America (BSA), 
Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) and Society for Economic Botany (SEB).

* QUBES (https://qubeshub.org) is an 
NSF-funded virtual center that supports collaboration to promote quantitative 
biology education at the undergraduate level.

* Data Nuggets (http://datanuggets.org/) are free activities that 
engage students in the practices of science through an innovative approach that 
combines scientific content from authentic research with key concepts in 
quantitative reasoning, now widely used in K-16 classrooms.

Information Webinar

Attend our Information Webinar on June 28, 2017 at 1:00pm EST.

Register for the webinar by June 26, 

For full information, please visit: http://www.esa.org/ldc/travel-awards/

Who should apply?

Faculty from high school, community colleges, minority-serving institutions, 
and primarily undergraduate institutions as well as faculty from 
underrepresented minority communities in any institution needing travel support.

Application deadline:

July 10, 2017


* Eligibility to apply for the LDC-QUBES Faculty Mentoring 
Network for a full semester of support from 
experienced facilitators and peers.
* A nation-wide community of peers focused on data rich biology 
* LDC offers keynotes, short presentations, workshops, and field 
trips at the leading edge of the life sciences focused on incorporating data 
into the classroom
* Unique to LDC: Facilitated networking opportunities and the 
Education Roundtable Share Fair
* Complimentary one-year online only membership to the Ecological 
Society of America and the Botanical Society of America for participants who 
have not been members previously in these societies.

Teresa Mourad
Director, Education and Diversity Programs
Ecological Society of America

4th Life Discovery - Doing Science Education Conference
Data: Discover, Investigate, Inform
CFP for Education Share Fair Roundtables is now open.

ESA Office of Education and Diversity 

Join the nation's largest community of professional ecologists.
Become a member: www.esa.org/join

[ECOLOG-L] Reposting attempt: U.S. State Department Notice; Call for Expert Reviewers for IPBES Assessments

2017-06-16 Thread Cliff Duke
From the Federal Register, May 19, 2017:

The United States Government encourages relevant experts to provide comments to 
the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) 
on six assessments related to biodiversity and ecosystem services: Four 
regional assessments, one global assessment, and one assessment on land 
degradation and restoration. 

The three regional draft assessments and the land degradation and restoration 
draft assessment: Available for review until June 26, 2017.

The Americas regional draft assessment: Available for review from May 29-July 
24, 2017.

The global draft assessment: Available for review from June 15-August 15, 2017.

For further information, contact Stephanie Aktipis (aktip...@state.gov)

The United States is an active member of IPBES, an independent 
intergovernmental body that assesses the state of biodiversity and of the 
ecosystem services biodiversity provides to society. The U.S. Government is 
committed to an open and transparent review process, and welcomes participation 
of all government and non-government subject matter experts. The U.S. 
government encourages individuals with significant expertise and/or 
publications relevant to these assessments to serve as expert reviewers.

Interested experts will first register as users of the IPBES Web site 
(http://www.ipbes.net/user/register?destination=sod-review) and then can apply 
to become IPBES reviewers at www.ipbes.net/sod-review (this will only work when 
logged in to the IPBES Web site). Reviewers will receive an email providing 
access to the draft assessments and will be requested to submit their comments 
using a template that is available on the same Web page. All relevant comments 
will then be addressed by the assessment authors in the next round of revisions.

The final drafts of the regional and land degradation and restoration 
assessments will be considered by IPBES Member States at the 6th IPBES Plenary 
meeting in March 2018. The global draft assessment will be released for a 
second public review later in 2018.

[ECOLOG-L] Intermediate distance sampling workshop St Andrews: early bird registration closing soon

2017-06-16 Thread Eric Rexstad

Third announcement:

New information contained in this notice:
 - Early-bird registration closes 30 June 2017 (two weeks!)
 - A series (~7) of video lectures at this YouTube channel 
These videos will serve as good background (and refresher) in 
preparation for this intermediate workshop.
 - For those unable to travel to St Andrews to attend the intermediate 
workshop, a limited number of spaces are available to attend the 
workshop via videoconference link.  Participants to the workshop via 
this medium will have reduced one-on-one interaction with instructors.  
Consequently, videoconference participants will receive a 25% discount 
to their registration.  Recognise the videoconference will be conducted 
in real time; if you are in time zones distant from Scotland, your sleep 
patterns will need to adjust for that week.

The Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling 
(CREEM) is hosting an intermediate-level workshop in the summer of 2017 
in our purpose-built facilities at the University of St Andrews, 
Scotland.  The workshops are taught by leading researchers in the field, 
including Len Thomas (@len_thom) and Dave Miller (@millerdl), using 
industry-standard software (visit http://distancesampling.org for more 

The five day workshop will start on Monday 31st July at 09:00, with 
registration from 08:45, at CREEM, and finish on Friday 4th August at 

There are two pre-requisites for this workshop: a) understanding of 
conventional distance sampling and b) basic competence with the R 
programming language.  Pre-requisite (a) can be fulfilled by 
understanding of fundamental materials presented in Buckland et al. 
(2001, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7) or Buckland et al. (2015, Chapters 1, 
2, 4, 5 and 6) — e.g., through previous training or by independent study.

Pre-requisite (b) can be achieved by either working through 
instructional materials in R available at https://www.datacamp.com , or 
by attending a free half-day tutorial preceding the workshop (30 July 
2017 1400-1700). (details available at the link below)

The first day of the workshop will review fundamental principles of 
distance sampling, analyses involving conventional distance sampling and 
survey design.  Subsequently, attention will turn to simulation of 
distance sampling surveys for design purposes (DSsim package), and to 
survey and analysis methods for dealing with imperfect detection on the 
trackline (double-observer methods) (MRDS package). Slightly more than 
two days will be devoted to spatial (density surface) modelling of 
distance sampling data (dsm package).  A blend of the latest version 
Distance 7 and the R computing language will be employed.  Throughout 
the workshop, there will be unstructured time, with instructors working 
with participants on their specific problems.

Further details and registration instructions can be found at


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[ECOLOG-L] FW: FLOW 2018 -Managing Rivers, Reservoirs, & Lakes n the Face of Drought - Instream Flow Council - Save the Date - April 26-28, 2018 - Fort Collins, CO

2017-06-16 Thread Dennis Riecke
Instream Flow Council
Flow 2018
Science --- Law --- Policy  Public Dialogue

Managing Rivers, Reservoirs, and Lakes in the Face of Drought
Practical Tools and Strategies for Sustaining and Protecting Ecological Values 
of Water

Fort Collins, Colorado  April 24-26, 2018

A workshop where:
*Participants will learn proven tools and strategies to help 
effectively balance traditionally recognized water needs with the ecological 
vitality of river systems that they can put to practice in their own 
*Tools and strategies will integrate legal and policy elements with 
scientific understanding and public involvement strategies to effectively 
manage flowing and standing water ecosystems when faced with drought.
*Problem-solving presentations will go beyond descriptions and 
projections of anticipated consequences and focus on proven practices for 
dealing with drought and extreme flow variability.

Workshop schedule:
April 24:Training sessions will provide skills and understanding 
necessary for effective management of water resources to sustain fish, 
wildlife, and habitat.

April 25 - 26: Internationally recognized experts will provide examples on the 
use of and need for effective laws, policies, science, and public participation 
to meet water management objectives for rivers, reservoirs, and lakes during 
drought conditions with a key focus on identifying practical, proven solutions.

Facilitated discussions following each session will encourage attendees to 
share their knowledge and experiences that address the challenge of managing 
extreme hydrologic variability.

Updates and Sponsorship/Exhibitor Opportunities

Find out More at http://www.instreamflowcouncil.org/conferences-flow-2018/ and 
be on the lookout for updates on registration, program, and 
sponsorship/exhibitor opportunities!

My apologies for duplicate mail you may receive. Reply to me directly if you'd 
like to be removed from the distribution list for FLOW 2018, but please NOTE: 
this will not remove you from other e-mails from the Instream Flow Council.

And finally, please forward this notice to others you think would be interested 
in attending this important workshop.

Dave Weedman
Arizona Game and Fish Department, Aquatic Habitat Program Supervisor, and
FLOW 2018 Marketing Chair, Instream Flow Council
(623) 236-7607

Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this email and/or 
document(s) attached is for the exclusive use of the individual named above and 
may contain confidential, privileged and non-disclosable information. If you 
are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are strictly 
prohibited from reading, photocopying, distributing or otherwise using this 
e-mail or its contents in any way. If you have received this transmission in 
error, please notify me immediately.

[ECOLOG-L] Latest publications and reports from IIED

2017-06-16 Thread Anne Schulthess
Dear Colleagues,

I'm pleased to share a selection of IIED and partners' newest publications 
around the theme of biodiversity and climate change.

* Ecosystem-based adaptation: Question-based guidance for assessing 
This booklet sets out guidance for assessing the effectiveness of an 
ecosystem-based approach to climate change adaptation. It describes a process, 
based around asking a detailed set of questions, that can be used by project 
managers and researchers to shape project design, assess the progress of an 
ongoing project or draw conclusions about the effectiveness of a project that 
has ended.

The assessment process has been developed as part of a four-year project called 
'Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation: strengthening the evidence and 
informing policy' coordinated by IIED, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC as part of the 
International Climate Initiative (IKI).

Download: http://pubs.iied.org/17606IIED

* Climate-smart people-centred conservation: a new framework for 
socially-just conservation in a changing climate
WWF-UK, through its portfolio of programmes supported by the UK Department for 
International Development (DFID) has pioneered an approach to conservation 
which has dual climate change and human wellbeing objectives - an approach it 
termed "climate-smart, pro-poor conservation". Working with WWF-UK, IIED 
started by developing an analytical framework for "climate-smart pro-poor 
conservation" to help the different programmes reflect on the relative emphasis 
they placed on different climate-smart and pro-poor principles and the extent 
to which they combined the two approaches.

Download: http://pubs.iied.org/G04149

* Making ecosystem-based adaptation effective: a framework for defining 
qualification criteria and quality standards
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) links traditional biodiversity and ecosystem 
conservation approaches with sustainable socio-economic development as part of 
an overall strategy for helping people adapt to shocks and risks associated 
with climate change. In the context of increasing political commitment and 
funding it is essential to sharpen the understanding among policymakers and 
practitioners on what qualifies as EbA, to avoid the incorrect re-packaging of 
'business-as-usual' conservation or development approaches.

This Friends of EbA network (FEBA) paper provides a practical assessment 
framework for designing, implementing and monitoring EbA measures and 
encourages its use among practitioners and decision makers.

Download: http://pubs.iied.org/G04167

You may also be interested in:

* Climate-smart people-centred conservation: a synthesis report --> 

* Climate-smart pro-poor conservation: a literature review of theory 
and practice --> http://pubs.iied.org/G04148

* Influencing policy change in Uganda: An impact evaluation of the 
Uganda Poverty and Conservation Learning Group's work --> 

* Reconciling forest conservation with food production in sub-Saharan 
Africa: case studies from Ethiopia, Ghana and Tanzania --> 

* Taking action against wildlife crime in Uganda --> 

All of IIED's publications can be downloaded for free at 

Best wishes,

Anne Schulthess
Marketing Manager
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
80-86 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8NH | T: +44 (0) 20 3463 7399
www.iied.org | twitter: @iied | 
IIED newsletters: 

Register now for the Community-based adaptation to climate change conference 
(CBA11) | 22-29 June 2017, Kampala | 

IIED is a company limited by a guarantee and incorporated in England. Reg. No 
2188452. Registered office: 80-86 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8NH, UK. VAT Reg. 
No. GB 440 4948 50. Charity No. 800066. OSCR No 039864 
IIED is a company limited by a guarantee and incorporated in England. Reg. No 
2188452. Registered office: 80-86 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8NH, UK. VAT Reg. 
No. GB 440 4948 50. Charity No. 800066. OSCR No 039864 www.iied.org

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral fellow in ecological and adaptation genomics at UC-Denver

2017-06-16 Thread Mac Calvert
The Ragland lab at the University of Colorado, Denver is searching for a
postdoctoral fellow to conduct research on the genomic architecture of
adaptive, complex phenotypes, and on the evolution of gene regulatory
networks. This is a flexible position that will contribute to ongoing,
NSF-funded research on 1) seasonal adaptation in the  Rhagoletis pomonella
species complex and associated parasitoid communities, a model for
ecological and cascading speciation via seasonal isolation, 2) the role of
developmental pleiotropy and regulatory network structure in constraining
thermal adaptation in Drosophilid species, and 3) leveraging genetic markers
to predict phenology and voltinism in forest pest species. For more
information see https://raglandlab.wordpress.com.

In addition to current research priorities, the selected candidate will have
ample opportunity to develop new studies and research directions in these
and possibly other systems. Many projects in the lab are collaborative, and
there will be opportunities to interact with collaborators at the University
of Notre Dame, University of Florida, and BOKU Vienna.

In general, I would like to recruit an enthusiastic postdoc who can
interface well with other lab members with diverse interests in ecology,
evolution, physiology, and genetics, and who will be willing to tap into
resources on both of our downtown and medical campuses. More specifically,
the successful candidate will have a Ph.D in Biology, Computer Science, or a
closely related field with a strong background in evolutionary biology or
comparative physiology. A background in the application of statistical
models (e.g., glm, mixed models, multivariate analysis) is required, as is
experience with Linux command line environments and scripting languages (R,
python, perl). Wet lab experience with nucleic acids and the preparation of
Next Generation sequencing libraries is preferred. Candidates should also
demonstrate evidence of successful communication of results through
published manuscripts, conference presentations, or related activities.

The University of Colorado, Denver, hosts a vibrant community of life
science researchers on both the downtown Auraria campus and the Anschutz
medical campus, including an active postdoctoral association
The Department of Integrative Biology spans cell, molecular, ecological, and
evolutionary research, with strengths in ecological physiology, molecular
genetics, and developmental biology. Denver is a fantastic and progressive
city with endless possibilities for outdoor activities, well-developed
public transportation and cycling infrastructure, and excellent museums,
theaters, restaurants, and breweries.

 Please submit a cover letter including research interests and addressing
the desired qualifications, curriculum vitae, and contact information,
including e-mail addresses of at least three references by email to Greg
Ragland (gregory.ragl...@ucdenver.edu).  Screening of applications begins
July 1, 2017 and will continue until a suitable candidate is found.