[ECOLOG-L] PhD positions in plant evolutionary ecology at Virginia Tech

2017-10-06 Thread Susan Whitehead
PhD positions in plant evolutionary ecology at Virginia Tech

The Whitehead Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech
is looking for motivated and independent graduate students to join the lab
in Fall 2018. We study the ecology and evolution of plant interactions
using a combination of field observational studies, experiments, lab work,
and quantitative synthesis. General themes in the lab include:

1) Plant evolutionary responses to multispecies interactions
2) Chemical ecology of seed dispersal and fruit defense
3) Phytochemical diversity and multispecies interactions
4) Crop domestication impacts on plant defense and plant-insect interactions
5) Agricultural applications of chemical ecology

I will work closely with students to develop their own projects that are
related to these themes. Students may work in systems that are the current
focus of research in the lab (e.g. tropical Piper plants and frugivorous
bats; wild and domesticated apples and their insect herbivores, Physalis
plants and their insect herbivores) or develop their own systems that are
most suited to their research questions.

Please see the lab website (www.speciesinteractions.com) for more
information about our current research.

The Whitehead Lab is part of the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
 group in the Department of
Biological Sciences. Students may also participate in interdepartmental
programs such as the Interfaces of Global Change
 (www.globalchange.vt.edu/igc) program
and the Translational Plant Sciences
translationalplantscience.org) program.


Successful applicants should have: 1) a bachelor’s degree in a relevant
field (biology, ecology, botany, entomology, etc.); 2) strong written and
oral communication skills; 3) some form of past research experience (could
include undergraduate research, work experience, or MS research for PhD
applicants); and 4) a genuine fascination with the natural world.
International students and students from diverse backgrounds are encouraged
to apply. Other general qualifications are set by the Department of
Biological Sciences and details are available in the Graduate Program
section on the department webpage (https://www.biol.vt.edu).


Students will be supported with a combination of research and teaching
assistantships in the Department of Biological Sciences. All positions will
include a stipend and a tuition waiver. Students are also encouraged to
apply for external fellowships such as the National Science Foundation
Pre-doctoral Fellowship (https://www.nsfgrfp.org) or the USDA Pre-doctoral
Fellowships (https://goo.gl/imnbz6).


Virginia Tech is located in Blacksburg, VA, a town of about 43,000 nestled
between the scenic Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains. Its proximity to
woodlands, lakes, streams, and other diverse habitats make it an ideal
location for field studies and outdoor recreational activities.

*To apply*

First, please take the time to read through the information available on
our website (www.speciesinteractions.com) and a few of our publications. If
you find you are genuinely interested in the type of research that we do,
send me an email at swhiteh...@vt.edu that briefly describes your
background and interests and why you think you are a good fit for the lab
and include a CV. Review of these materials will begin immediately and
priority will be given to students that contact me with this information by
Nov. 1. This will give us time to discuss research interests prior to the
priority deadline for the Department of Biological Sciences on Dec. 15.
Please see the department website (https://www.biol.vt.edu) for more
details on the application process

Susan R. Whitehead
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Virginia Tech
Latham Hall 408

[ECOLOG-L] Coastal and Marine Science Faculty Positions in Physical and Chemical Oceanography at LUMCON

2017-10-06 Thread Brian Roberts
The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education 
(LUMCON) seeks to hire at least one new Assistant Professor in the second 
phase of a multi-year faculty expansion. Candidates should have strong field-
based research programs with notable research achievements, demonstration of 
or potential for funded research, and a commitment to education and outreach. 
Our research vessel fleet and proximity to the coast facilitate the use of a 
broad mix of traditional and innovative instruments and observational 
techniques to make measurements in many settings, from open-ocean to coastal 
regions. Specifically, we are looking to hire a physical oceanographer and/or 
chemical oceanographer.

1) Physical oceanographer-We invite scientists that address a wide range of 
fundamental problems in ocean and coastal sciences, as well as 
interdisciplinary research questions, using observations, modeling, theory, 
and laboratory experiments. We specifically seek individuals with expertise 
in: 1) air-sea interactions, 2) decadal-scale climate variability, 3) coastal 
dynamics and circulation, and/or 4) oceanic scale circulation with an 
emphasis on the Gulf of Mexico.

 2) Chemical oceanographer-We invite well-qualified chemical oceanographers 
as well as scientists from the broader fields of environmental or analytical 
chemistry to apply. We are interested in scientists that address a wide range 
of fundamental problems in ocean and coastal sciences, as well as 
interdisciplinary research questions, using observations, modeling, theory, 
and laboratory experiments. Specialties of interest include but are not 
limited to: 1) ocean acidification, 2) marine inorganic carbon chemistry, 3) 
carbon cycle-climate interactions.

The LUMCON DeFelice Marine Center (http://www.lumcon.edu), located at the 
upper end of Terrebonne Bay in the Mississippi River deltaic plain between 
the Atchafalaya and Mississippi rivers, is in close proximity to numerous 
habitats including extensive marshes, estuaries, rivers large and small, and 
the open Gulf of Mexico. The Center facilities include a seawater system, 
multiple wet labs, a racetrack flume, Doppler wind profiler, state-of-the art 
environmental chambers, extensive aquaculture facilities and toxicology lab, 
a marsh mesocosm facility under development, and a fleet of research vessels.  
In addition, LUMCON represents a consortium of universities and colleges 
across the State of Louisiana. Preference will be given to candidates who can 
clearly demonstrate a research program that maximizes the locality and 
research assets of the DeFelice Marine Center and the strengths of the 

The position carries a 9-month salary. The initial appointment is for three 
years; following a review, the contract may be renewed for three more years. 
A six-year review similar to a tenure review is conducted for promotion to 
Associate Professor, but LUMCON is not a tenure-granting institution.
Submit electronic copies of 1) a letter of interest; 2) curriculum vita; 3) 
research statement; 4) education and outreach statement; 5) a statement of 
how your research program would use the location of LUMCON's DeFelice Marine 
Center and its assets, develop collaborations with faculty at both the Marine 
Center and at consortium member universities, and collaboratively utilize the 
resources of the consortium member universities; and 6) the name, 
affiliation, address, phone and email address of three references to 
h...@lumcon.edu with the subject LUMCON FACULTY HIRE. Specific questions about 
the positions can be directed to Dr. Craig R. McClain, Executive Director, 
cmccl...@lumcon.edu (985-851-2801). 
Review of applicants will begin October 15, 2017 and will continue until 
position is filled.
LUMCON is an AA/EO employer.

[ECOLOG-L] Two Graduate Assistantships in Ecosystem Forecasting at Virginia Tech

2017-10-06 Thread Quinn Thomas
Two Graduate Assistantships in Ecosystem Forecasting at Virginia Tech

The Thomas Lab in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental 
Conservation at Virginia 
Tech has funding for two graduate student positions to start in either January 
or August 2018. We are 
looking for enthusiastic and highly self-motivated students at the M.S. or 
Ph.D. level to develop and 
apply innovative new techniques in model-data fusion to forecast ecosystem 

Position 1: The graduate student will help integrate high-frequency sensor data 
with process-based 
models to study reservoir water quality responses to changing climate and 
management. This position is 
part of a recently-funded NSF project that will develop a water quality 
forecasting system for a drinking 
water supply reservoir and Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) 

Position 2: The graduate student will help integrate remote sensing with a 
process-based model to 
study forest carbon cycling in the Southeastern U.S. This position is part of a 
recently-funded NASA 
project focused on integrating managed forests into models predicting land-use 
and land-cover change.

Both positions are highly interdisciplinary graduate projects that will combine 
modeling, ecosystem 
forecasting, and data-intensive analytical approaches from ecology, computer 
science, and social 

We seek conscientious and energetic students with strong quantitative and 
computing skills who can 
work independently in a collaborative environment. To learn more about what we 
do, please visit our lab 
website: http://epics.frec.vt.edu. Students are also encouraged to apply to be 
a fellow in Virginia Tech’s 
Interfaces of Global Change graduate program (http://globalchange.vt.edu) and 
interact with other 
students in the Virginia Water Research Center (http://www.vwrrc.vt.edu) and 
Center for Environmental 
Applications of Remote Sensing (http://www.cears.cnre.vt.edu) that is housed 
within our department. 
Virginia Tech, as Virginia’s leading research and land grant institution, has a 
strong interdisciplinary 
focus on the environment and natural sciences, and is located in scenic 
southwestern Virginia. 

The student position will be funded on a combination of research and teaching 
assistantships, which 
include a competitive stipend, tuition waiver, and health insurance benefits. 
Interested students should 
send an email letter of inquiry containing an overview of your research 
interests, your C.V., an unofficial 
transcript, a list of past research experiences and mentors, and GRE scores (if 
available) to Quinn 
Thomas (rqtho...@vt.edu).  Please feel free to contact me with questions about 
the application 
process, graduate school at Virginia Tech, or potential research ideas.

[ECOLOG-L] REMINDER: 2 weeks left to submit applications for CUAHSI's Pathfinder Graduate Student Fellowship Program!

2017-10-06 Thread Elizabeth Tran
CUAHSI is now accepting applications for:

Pathfinder Graduate Student Fellowships:
Travel grants for graduate students to enhance their research!

Continue reading below for additional information and application deadline.

CUAHSI's Pathfinder Graduate Student Fellowship program provides travel funds 
to graduate students in hydrology and related water sciences to make an 
extended trip to conduct and enhance their research. Through the Pathfinder 
Fellowship, students are encouraged to go beyond one site and one view by 
traveling to an additional field site to conduct comparative research, 
collaborating with a research group, or working with researchers on adding an 
inter-disciplinary dimension to a project. Fellowships are awarded to cover 
travel costs of up to a maximum of $5,000.

CUAHSI encourages applicants from across the broad range of water science. 
Preference is given to students advanced enough in their graduate studies to 
conduct substantive research during the travel period, and to research plans 
that clearly demonstrate how the travel and collaboration substantially 
enhances and broadens the student's current research. Graduate students 
enrolled in U.S. universities are eligible to apply for a Pathfinder Fellowship.

Applications must be submitted by October 20th.

For complete application instructions, visit: 

Questions should be submitted to Jon Pollak at 

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc modelling plant-plant and plant-environment interactions at SLU (Sweden) - deadline November 5th

2017-10-06 Thread Riccardo Bommarco

Dear colleague,

Here at our plant ecology group at SLU Uppsala Sweden we are seeking a 
highly motivated postdoc to work on modelling of plant-plant and 
plant-environment interactions to establish predictive understanding of 
ideal plant mixtures in agriculture for high and stable crop yields, 
efficient resource use, reduction of losses due to biotic and abiotic 
stresses, and provision of ecosystem service. This position will be 
associated with the H2020 project “DIVERSify – Designing InnoVative 
plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability” 
(www.plant-teams.eu  ).

Deadline for applications: *November 5th, 2017*  (Apply by sending an 
email to registra...@slu.se , referring to 
the opening code 3718/2017 and attaching the relevant documents as pdf)

Contact person: Giulia Vico giulia.v...@slu.se 

More information and application instructions can be found below and at 

It would be great if you could share this information among colleagues 
and potentially interested candidates.

Best regards,

Giulia Vico

*Full description of the opening*

/Postdoc position in modelling plant-plant and plant-environment 

Food security and sustainable use of resources are central to the United 
Nations Sustainable Developmental Goals by 2030. Improved management of 
agroecosystems and available resources will be necessary to meet these 
challenging goals. Among management practices, increasing the diversity 
of crop systems has been suggested as a way to enhance productivity, 
resource use efficiency and resilience to environmental fluctuations, 
and decrease the frequency of pests and disease outbreaks. To exploit in 
full this possibility, it is necessary to determine the mechanisms 
promoting positive plant-plant and plant-environment interactions, as 
well as identify the most suitable plant mixtures for specific 
pedo-climatic conditions.

We seek a highly motivated postdoc to work with existing mathematical 
process-based models and to develop novel ones describing plant-plant 
and plant-environment interactions and their impacts on: crop yields and 
their stability in the face of biotic and abiotic stressors; efficiency 
of resource use; and provision of ecosystem service.

This position will be associated with the project “DIVERSify – Designing 
InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural 
Sustainability“, funded within the EU Horizon 2020 framework. DIVERSify 
aims at optimizing the performance of crop species mixtures to improving 
agricultural productivity and sustainability, combining field 
experiments, modelling approaches, and stakeholder involvement 
(www.plant-teams.eu/ ).

The postdoc will be based at the Department of Crop Production Ecology 
in Uppsala. The research conducted within the Department generally aims 
at improving crop productivity and sustainability. The Department is 
part of the Ecology Center, which offers a stimulating research 
environment. The location in Uppsala facilitates further collaborations 
with researchers at Uppsala University, Stockholm University and KTH.


The project will focus on developing, evaluating, and applying 
process-based mathematical models for the assessment of plant-plant and 
plant-environment interactions, in arable systems and grasslands. The 
work will include the use of existing crop models and the development of 
novel process-based mathematical models, as well as analyses of 
eco-physiological, environmental and climatic datasets, both existing 
ones and those collected as part of DIVERSify.


Applicants shall hold a PhD in ecology, earth and environmental 
sciences, agronomy, biology, mathematics, or related fields. Applicants 
shall also have research experience and interest in eco-hydrological or 
crop models (coupling plants, ecosystems, and environmental conditions). 
A working knowledge of MatLab, R, or other computational environments 
and/or previous experience with crop models like APSIM and Daisy are 
merits. The applicant should have a demonstrated ability to 
independently initiate, conduct, and complete research projects and to 
generate and publish the findings in international peer-reviewed 
journals. The candidate must have strong written and oral communication 
skills in English, as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications and 
presentations at professional meetings.

As postdoctoral appointments are career-developing positions for junior 
researchers, we are primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral 
degree that is three years old at most.

Place of work: Uppsala

Form of employment: 100% fixed-term employment as postdoc for two years.

Starting date: By agreement

Application: We welcome your application marked with Ref no. SLU ua 


[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral Position – Watershed Modeling (Climate Change)

2017-10-06 Thread Jason Knouft
Postdoctoral Research Associate – Watershed Hydrologic Modeling 

A postdoctoral position in watershed hydrologic modeling is available in 
the lab of Dr. Jason Knouft in the Department of Biology at Saint Louis 
University. This two-year NSF-funded position focuses on developing 
contemporary and future climate change-based estimates of streamflow and 
water temperature in watersheds across the United States and Canada.  
The overall goal of the project is to develop the ‘HydroClim’ dataset, 
which will be integrated with biodiversity data to provide a widely 
available resource for researchers and water resource managers to 
investigate the potential impacts of climate change on freshwater 
resources and biodiversity. The successful candidate will be expected to 
develop GIS-based Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic models 
on high-performance parallel computing systems. In addition to having 
experience with SWAT, applicants should have experience with programming 
languages such as R, Matlab, or Python as well as working in Linux. The 
postdoc will also be encouraged to develop independent lines of research 
and will have the opportunity to collaborate with biologists, 
hydrologists, and informatics specialists at Saint Louis University, 
Indiana University, and Tulane University. Additional information is 
available at http://knouftlab.weebly.com/ and http://www.hydroclim.org/ 

A Ph.D. in a related research field is required by the starting date of 
employment and experience with the SWAT model is preferred. The position 
is available for two years contingent upon satisfactory annual reviews.  
The earliest start date is January 1, 2018; however, a later start date 
through June 1, 2018 is negotiable. Applications must include a cover 
letter with a statement of research experience and interests, curriculum 
vitae, and contact information for three references. Please send 
versions of these files to Dr. Jason Knouft at jason.kno...@slu.edu.  
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the 
position is filled. 

[ECOLOG-L] sample data files

2017-10-06 Thread Cochran-Stafira, D. Liane
This applies to folks using the new Fred Singer Ecology in Action text.  I am 
trying to teach some basic stats in R using the R-companion booklet that 
accompanies the online text materials.  My problem is, they refer to calling up 
data sets from some mysterious location.  I cannot find the data sets anywhere. 
 Can either the author of the data sets Edd Hammill of Utah State, or another 
user of the text fill me in on what I'm probably overlooking?

Liane Cochran-Stafira, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Saint Xavier University
Department of Biological Sciences
3700 West 103rd Street
Chicago, IL  60655

Fax:  773-298-3536

[ECOLOG-L] MS/PhD student opening (population ecology), University of Virginia

2017-10-06 Thread Kyle Haynes
I anticipate having an opening in my lab for a new MS or PhD student (PhD 
preferred) starting in the Fall of 2018.

Major areas of research in my lab 
(http://www.faculty.virginia.edu/khaynes/) are understanding 1) the causes 
of spatial and temporal variation in forest insect outbreaks, 2) factors 
leading to geographic variation in rates of invasive spread by forest 
pests, and 3) effects of light pollution on ecological processes from the 
population to ecosystem level. Work in my lab often includes a combination 
of analysis of spatial datasets, field observations and experiments, 
and/or computer modeling.

Applicants primarily interested in conducting research on spatial 
population dynamics (for example, see areas 1 and 2 above) are preferred. 
Applicants interested in learning (or who have prior experience with) 
remote sensing, GIS, statistics, and/or writing computer code are also 

Funding for the position would most likely come from a research 
assistantship funded by Blandy Experimental Farm as well as a half-time 
teaching assistantship from the Department of Environmental Sciences. 
However, exceptional applicants are considered for departmental 
fellowships or other fellowships available to those applying for graduate 
positions at UVA.

During summer semesters, the student would be based at Blandy Experimental 
Farm, a field station for environmental research and education located in 
the Northern Shenandoah Valley.

To inquire about the position, send a statement of your interests and a CV 
to hay...@virginia.edu.

Kyle Haynes
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
Associate Director, Blandy Experimental Farm
University of Virginia

[ECOLOG-L] Assistant Professor, Soil Science

2017-10-06 Thread Janet Puhalla
Assistant Professor, Soil Science

The Center for Earth and Environmental Science (CEES) at the State
University of New York, College at Plattsburgh, seeks to fill a tenure-track
assistant professor position in soil science effective August 2018. CEES is
widely recognized for its applied and community-based research initiatives.
We are an interdisciplinary department with faculty trained in the natural
and social aspects of environmental science. We seek a soil scientist that
is interested in collaborating with our faculty and complements our current
areas of scholarship in ecology, geology, hydrology, environmental policy
and urban planning, sustainable communities, environmental remediation, air
quality, and climate change. We pride ourselves on providing students with
rigorous experiential learning and community-based research opportunities,
as well as opportunities to present their work at regional and national
conferences and in scholarly publications. Successful candidates will be
committed to excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service in an
institution dedicated primarily to undergraduate education. 

SUNY Plattsburgh is situated on Lake Champlain and is a gateway to the
six-million acre Adirondack Park – the largest state-protected area in the
contiguous United States. It is an hour drive to Montreal, QC and
Burlington, VT. CEES maintains active relationships with government agencies
and environmental non-profits throughout the Adirondack Region and the Lake
Champlain Basin, as well as the W.H. Miner Agricultural Institute. These
partnerships and our unique geographic setting create a vibrant context for
applied and experiential learning in the earth and environmental sciences,
including numerous long-term maintained field sites. CEES courses and
research projects take advantage of all that the Lake Champlain-Adirondack
region has to offer.

Responsibilities Include: Responsibilities include teaching, scholarship and
service.  Principal teaching duties include Soil Science with additional
courses in environmental chemistry or geotechnology dependent on candidate
specialty and departmental need. Candidates may have the opportunity to
develop courses in their area of specialization. Soil Science is a full-day
immersive field course taught in the fall semester as part of the Applied
Environmental Science Program at the William H. Miner Agricultural
Institute. Faculty are expected to undertake scholarship leading to
professional growth and student research experiences. Additional
responsibilities include advising students and service to the department and
university.  Candidates may be asked to teach courses in a distance learning

Required Qualifications: A Ph.D. in soil science, environmental science, or
a related discipline is required at time of appointment. ABD candidates will
be considered with initial appointment at a lesser (qualified) rank and
salary. A successful ABD applicant will receive promotion to the rank of
Assistant Professor and a salary increment at the start of the semester
following verification of the terminal degree completion. An ABD hire will
be limited to a one-year appointment, subject to renewal for one year only
(2 years maximum).
The successful candidate will have demonstrated the ability to work
effectively and collegially with faculty, staff, and administrators.
Candidates will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of and
sensitivity to diversity and gender issues, as SUNY Plattsburgh is committed
to ensuring that its graduates are educated to succeed in an increasingly
complex, multicultural, and interdependent world.

Preferred Qualifications: Candidates with field-based expertise in one of
the following: soil chemistry, soil mechanics/geotechnical engineering,
agronomy, soil microbiology, vadose zone hydrology, solute fate and
transport, bioremediation, or biogeochemistry. Preference will be given to
candidates with documented evidence of college-level teaching effectiveness
and applied learning techniques.

SUNY Plattsburgh is an equal opportunity employer, committed to excellence
through diversity.  As an equal opportunity employer and a government
contractor subject to VEVRAA, SUNY Plattsburgh complies with hiring
regulations regarding sex, color, religion, national origin, disability, age
and veteran status.

Salary: $52,000 minimum, plus excellent benefits. Review of applications
will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Application materials received by November 20 will be guaranteed full
consideration. To be considered for the position you must provide a complete
application and materials. Please apply to
http://jobs.plattsburgh.edu/postings/8721 and include a resume/CV, cover
letter of interest, personal statements of philosophies and agendas for
education and research, unofficial transcripts, and contact information for
three professional references. Official transcripts from accredited
institutions will be require

[ECOLOG-L] Upcoming PARC Meetings - Regions and State Chapters

2017-10-06 Thread Williams, Jennifer

Alabama PARC Annual Meeting
Nov 3-5, 2017
Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center
Andalusia, AL
For more information: http://www.alaparc.org/Meetings/Fall2017.html

Abstracts will be accepted until Oct 23 (website will be updated soon to
reflect this date)


Northwest PARC Annual Meeting
Feb 13-16, 2018
Red Lion Hotel on the Shore; Jantzen Beach
Portland, OR
For more information: http://www.nwparc.org/meetings-events, then click

Deadline for abstracts: Nov 15, 2017

Southeast PARC Annual meeting
Feb 22-25, 2018
Unicoi State Park
Helen, GA
For more information: http://separc.org/meetings/

Deadline for oral presentation submission: Dec 15, 2017

Deadline for posters is Jan 20, 2018

MARCH 2018

Ohio PARC Annual Meeting
March 20, 2018
4-H Center
Columbus, OH
More details coming soon. Check back later at http://ohparc.org/event/

Jen Williams, Ph.D.

National Federal Coordinator for Partners in Amphibian and Reptile


2017-10-06 Thread Jenifer Thompson (jeni...@wildlandsstudies.com)

Position Announcement

Lead Field Instructor, Island Biogeography of New Zealand


Renowned for its accredited researched-based undergraduate field programs,
Wildlands Studies seeks a candidate holding a MS or PhD to be the Lead
Instructor for our field program in New Zealand. Students consistently
report that their Wildlands Studies experience added depth and meaning to
their on-campus classes and "changed their lives." Wildlands Studies
instructors enhance their own credentials with unique opportunities to teach
in the field while engaging students in active research. 

The Lead Instructor will direct students on academically rigorous,
wilderness-based six-week field study to explore habitats and cultures of
New Zealand for April - June 2018, with the possibility of repeating the
class in the 2018 - 2019 academic year. Students earn 15 quarter credits for
three field classes covering Environmental Studies, Field Research
Practices, and Environment and Culture. Lead Instructor is responsible for
on-going seminars, lectures, instruction, guided field work and field
methods, and assessment of all student work, as well as group dynamics and
the overall well-being of participants. Compensation is competitive.


Knowledge and experience of field study in New Zealand required. Applicants
must have graduate degree in hand. A qualified Lead Instructor will have
experience leading field study projects, preferably in New Zealand,
experience teaching at the undergraduate level, specifically upper division
environmental studies classes; a good sense of humor, flexibility, patience,
understanding and the know-how to work with and manage 16 students and the
group dynamics that occur on a six-week field study.

Application Process

Review website and current course offerings to ensure understanding of
program requirements. Submit CV, cover letter detailing experience with
course topics/field study experience and brief initial course proposal.  WS
staff will work with applicants on formal proposals.  Locations and projects
that include wildlife study preferred.  Check http://
 www.wildlandsstudies.com for details.
Application materials to  


[ECOLOG-L] Funded Graduate Student Opportunities at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus, University of Montana

2017-10-06 Thread Alisa Wade
Applicants are sought for a NSF-funded graduate traineeship (National
Research Traineeship; NRT) at the University of Montana, UM BRIDGES:
Bridging Divides across the Food, Energy, and Water Nexus. Fellowships are
available for PhD and MS students in STEM (science, technology,
engineering, math) disciplines, including in the Departments of Ecosystem &
Conservation Sciences, Geosciences, Economics, Environmental Studies,
Forest Management, and Society & Conservation. Fellows will receive a
living stipend ($34K/year), tuition scholarship, and research support
(travel, supplies); take coursework on the food-energy-water (FEW) nexus
and workshops to develop professional and research skills; participate in
other traineeship activities; be engaged with an intellectual community and
cohort of other graduate students interested in the FEW nexus, and conduct
disciplinary and interdisciplinary research related to the FEW nexus in
consultation with their graduate advisor. Example research themes include:
FEW issues and tradeoffs in river and rangeland systems; energy transitions
and implications for agriculture and water; drought management in the face
of climate change uncertainty; and tribal and indigenous issues at the FEW
nexus. Students will apply to and be based in participating departments.
Additional information, including contact information for participating
faculty, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, can be found
at http://www.umt.edu/bridges/. UM BRIDGES encourages applicants from
underrepresented groups in STEM fields.

Alisa Wade

UM BRIDGES Program Coordinator



2017-10-06 Thread Jenifer Thompson (jeni...@wildlandsstudies.com)
Position Announcement

Lead Field Instructor, Marine Ecology and Island Biogeography of Cuba


Renowned for its accredited researched-based undergraduate field programs,
Wildlands Studies seeks a candidate holding a MS or PhD to be the Lead
Instructor for our field program in Cuba. Students consistently report that
their Wildlands Studies experience added depth and meaning to their
on-campus classwork and "changed their lives". Wildlands Studies instructors
enhance their own credentials with unique opportunities to teach in the
field while engaging students in active research. 


The Lead Instructor will direct students on academically rigorous,
wilderness-based six-week field study to explore habitats and cultures of
Cuba. Openings available April - June 2018 and the 2018 - 2019 academic
year. Students earn 15 quarter credits for three field classes covering
Environmental Studies, Field Research Practices, and Environment and
Culture. Lead Instructor is responsible for on-going seminars, lectures,
instruction, guided field work and field methods, and assessment of all
student work, as well as group dynamics and the overall well-being of
participants. Compensation competitive.



Knowledge and experience of field study in Cuba required. Applicants must
have graduate degree in hand. A qualified Lead Instructor will have
experience leading field study projects, preferably in Cuba, experience
teaching at the undergraduate level, specifically upper division
environmental studies classes; a good sense of humor, flexibility, patience,
understanding and the know-how to work with and manage 16 students and the
group dynamics that occur on a six-week field study. 


Application Process

Review website and current course offerings to ensure understanding of
program requirements. Submit CV, cover letter detailing experience with
course topics/field study experience and brief initial course proposal.  WS
staff will work with applicants on formal proposals.  Locations and projects
that include wildlife study preferred.  Check http://
 www.wildlandsstudies.com for details.
Application materials to  




[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Assistantships at Washington State University Vancouver

2017-10-06 Thread Cheryl Schultz
Graduate Assistantships at Washington State University Vancouver

Graduate student positions are currently available for the MS and PhD programs 
Biology, Plant Biology, Environmental Science, and Mathematics at Washington 
State University's 
Vancouver campus.  Positions are funded with teaching and/or research 
assistantships that include 
tuition waivers. Faculty research areas in biology, environmental science and 
math include

¥   Animal Behavior
¥   Aquatic Ecology
¥   Biological Oceanography
¥   Butterfly Ecology
¥   Cell and Developmental Biology
¥   Community Ecology
¥   Conservation Biology
¥   Disease Ecology
¥   Disturbance Ecology
¥   Ecosystem Ecology
¥   Environmental Chemistry
¥   Environmental Hydrology
¥   Environmental Physics
¥   Evolutionary Ecology
¥   Global Change Biology
¥   Landscape Ecology
¥   Marine & Freshwater Plankton Ecology
¥   Microbial Ecology
¥   Mathematical Biology
¥   Neuroscience
¥   Physical Oceanography
¥   Plant-insect interactions
¥   Plant-herbivore interactions
¥   Plant Ecology
¥   Restoration Ecology
¥   Statistical Ecology
¥   Successional Dynamics
¥   Watershed Biogeochemistry

We expect to recruit 6-10 new graduate students into our programs next year 
supported on a 
combination of teaching assistantships and grant-based research assistantships. 
In addition, the 
program awards one incoming PhD student a Research Fellowship for their first 
academic year based 
on academic excellence.

Please see our website for more information about our graduate programs:


Because graduate students work closely with faculty in pursuing their research, 
you must line up a 
mentor before applying. Explore our Faculty Research pages to find someone 
whose research 
interests fit with your own, then contact that person to discuss applying to 
graduate school at WSU 


Faculty members can be most helpful if they know a little about you. At a 
minimum, please provide a 
resume or CV, educational transcripts and information about your research 
background and interests.

WSU Vancouver is just across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon, and is 
close to the Cascade 
Mountains, Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean. In addition to its celebrated 
quality of life, the Pacific 
Northwest boasts a fruitful climate for scientific collaboration, with 
opportunities at numerous 
medical, environmental, research and teaching institutions throughout the 

Priority applications are due January 10, 2018

Please contact Cheryl Schultz for additional information. 

Cheryl Schultz
Associate Professor
Program Leader for Natural Sciences Graduate Programs
Washington State University Vancouver
14202 NE Salmon Creek Ave.
Vancouver, WA 98686


2017-10-06 Thread Jenifer Thompson (jeni...@wildlandsstudies.com)

Position Announcement

Lead Field Instructor, Tropical Reefs and Rainforests of Australia


Renowned for its accredited researched-based undergraduate field programs,
Wildlands Studies seeks a candidate holding a MS or PhD to be the Lead
Instructor for our field program in Australia. Students consistently report
that their Wildlands Studies experience added depth and meaning to their
on-campus classes and "changed their lives". Wildlands Studies instructors
enhance their own credentials with unique opportunities to teach in the
field while engaging students in active research. 


The Lead Instructor will direct students on academically rigorous,
wilderness-based six-week field study to explore habitats and cultures of
Australia for sessions April - June 2018, with the possibility of repeating
the class in the 2018 - 2019 academic year. Students earn 15 quarter credits
for three field classes covering Environmental Studies, Field Research
Practices, and Environment and Culture. Lead Instructor is responsible for
on-going seminars, lectures, instruction, guided field work and field
methods, and assessment of all student work, as well as group dynamics and
the overall well-being of participants. Compensation competitive.


Knowledge and experience of field study in Australia required. Applicants
must have graduate degree in hand. A qualified Lead Instructor will have
experience leading field study projects, preferably in Australia, experience
teaching at the undergraduate level, specifically upper division
environmental studies classes; a good sense of humor, flexibility, patience,
understanding and the know-how to work with and manage 16 students and the
group dynamics that occur on a six-week field study. 


Application Process

Review website and current course offerings to ensure understanding of
program requirements. Submit CV, cover letter detailing experience with
course topics/field study experience and brief initial course proposal.  WS
staff will work with applicants on formal proposals.  Locations and projects
that include wildlife study preferred.  Check http://
 www.wildlandsstudies.com for details.
Application materials to  



[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral Scientist - Molecular Microbial Ecology

2017-10-06 Thread David Inouye

*Position: **Postdoctoral Scientist - Molecular Microbial Ecology***

*Date:  October 6, 2017*

*Position Summary:***

A postdoctoral position in molecular microbial ecology is available at 
the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. This NSF-funded 
collaborative project with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 
seeks to identify the nature of microbial predator-prey interactions 
using laboratory chemostats combined with RNA stable isotope probing, 
sequencing, and trait-based modeling. We are seeking an individual with 
expertise in molecular microbial ecology, including those with interests 
in microbial, viral, and eukaryotic dynamics, microbial food webs, and 
theoretical ecology. While the primary focus of the work will be in 
research, the postdoctoral investigator will have an opportunity to 
participate in educational and outreach activities associated with the 


*Basic Qualifications:***

The successful applicant must hold a Ph.D. in microbiology, marine 
science, systems biology, or a related field. Expected skills include 
molecular biology and microscopy with bioinformatics proficiency; 
chemostat operation and nutrient analyses are considered advantageous, 
but not necessary.


*Special Instructions to  Applicants:***

Please submit the following three items with your application:
(i) a cover letter describing your research goals and your specific 
motivation to join our project;

(ii) a CV, and
(iii) contact information for three references, including your Ph.D. 
supervisor. (We will contact your references when needed).

Please email Joe Vallino (jvall...@mbl.edu) or Julie Huber 
(jhu...@whoi.edu) with any questions about the position.

APPLY ONLINE:  https://mbl.simplehire.com

The Marine Biological Laboratory is an

Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity / Disabled / Veterans Employer.

[ECOLOG-L] Call for Workshop Proposals, Symposia Proposals, and Contributed Presentation Abstracts - 2018 SER Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter Meeting

2017-10-06 Thread Rocky Smiley
This years Annual Meeting of the Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter of the 
Society for Ecological Restoration (SER MWGL) will be held in Stevens 
Point, Wisconsin in April 2018 
(http://chapter.ser.org/midwestgreatlakes/current-meeting/).  The SER 
MWGL Chapter serves the seven states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, 
Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa.  Our Annual Meetings have 
become known as excellent and exciting venues for ecological 
restoration.  Our past nine Annual Meetings have attracted between 98 to 
233 attendees from 20 states (all seven chapter states and California, 
Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, New York, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, 
Nevada, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia), one Canadian 
province (Ontario), and Bogota, Columbia for this three day event.  The 
typical structure of our meeting included poster session/sponsorship 
reception, dinner/keynote address, one to two plenary sessions, three to 
four concurrent oral presentation sessions, a business meeting, and 
offsite field trips.  This year's meeting is being held in conjunction 
with the 40th Annual Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention and Water 
Action Volunteer Symposium 
and represents the first time that the Chapter has held a joint meeting 
with another organization.

Our meeting theme is “Heeding the Call”, which represent our primary 
goal of exploring how to promote the call to expand restoration efforts 
and partnerships beyond the typical site scale to larger spatial scales 
encompassing multiple ecosystem types.Our secondary goal is to bring 
together all who are interested in ecological restoration and contribute 
to advancing the field of ecological restoration.

We are soliciting workshop proposals, symposia proposals, and 
contributed presentation abstracts for the meeting.   We encourage the 
submission of proposals and abstracts that are directly related to the 
meeting theme and our meeting goal, as well as proposals involving any 
topic related to ecological restoration.

*The deadline for submitting a workshop or symposia proposal is 
11/1/2017*.Details on submitting a workshop or symposia proposal can be 
found at the website below:


*The deadline for submission of abstracts for contributed oral and 
poster presentations is December 1, 2017.*Details on submitting a 
contributed presentation abstract can be found at the website below:


In conclusion, we want to encourage everyone to Heed the Call and submit 
a workshop proposal, a symposia proposal, or an contributed presentation 
abstract.Additionally, please share this information with your 
colleagues whom you think would be interested in contributing and 
attending our upcoming annual meeting.  Feel free to contact us 
(mwgl@gmail.com ) if you have questions 
about our upcoming Annual Chapter Meeting.



Dr. Rocky Smiley
Annual Meeting Chair/At Large Representative
Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration
Email: smiley...@osu.edu

[ECOLOG-L] sample data sets

2017-10-06 Thread Cochran-Stafira, D. Liane
Thank to all who sent suggestions regarding where to find the sample data sets 
for the R companion that comes with the Singer Ecology in Action textbook.  At 
John Long's suggestion, I just ran a search on my computer, and the file turned 
up nicely stored with the other textbook data sets rather than those 
specifically used for R analysis.

Liane Cochran-Stafira, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Saint Xavier University
Department of Biological Sciences
3700 West 103rd Street
Chicago, IL  60655

Fax:  773-298-3536

[ECOLOG-L] Tenure-track faculty opening: expertise in computational biology

2017-10-06 Thread Holly Ernest
The University of Wyoming seeks to hire a tenure-track faculty member with
expertise in computational biology.  The appointment will be as an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Botany (http://www.uwyo.edu/botany). The
successful candidate is expected to build a strong research program that
includes developing novel computational methods and tools for ecology,
evolution, genomics, or some combination thereof.  We particularly seek
candidates with expertise in computational tools related to genomics and
sequencing technology.  Additional preferred qualifications include
expertise in computational statistical modeling, mechanistic process
modeling, and microbial biology.  

This search is one of four in a cluster in the Program in Ecology (aquatic
ecosystem ecologist, biogeochemist, computational biologist, and
plant-microbe interactions), and candidates may also participate in the
interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences and
Hydrologic Science. The cluster hire is supported in part by a new 5-year,
$20 million NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 grant to the University.  In this project
we will study microbial life and its ecological consequences.  Faculty hired
in these searches will benefit from the project’s infrastructure and
scientific outcomes and will contribute to the project's institutional
capacity building in the candidates' areas of expertise. Additional details
are available online

Minimum Qualifications
1) a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline
2) High potential for an extramurally funded research program; and
3) High potential for effective teaching

Review of applications will begin November 6th, 2017.

Complete on-line application (https://goo.gl/J3izAh , Job ID #9136) and
upload the following as one document:
• Cover letter
• Curriculum vitae
• Contact information for three work-related references
• Statement of research vision
• Statement of teaching philosophy
• Statement about the applicant’s commitment and ability to work with 
include diverse participants in science education and scholarship.

The University of Wyoming invites diverse applicants to consider our
employment opportunities.  We are also especially interested in candidates
who have experience working with diverse populations, initiatives, or both.

Here's link for more information:

or here, then click Computational Biologist:

[ECOLOG-L] wildlife biologist/coordinator position

2017-10-06 Thread Brett R. Jesmer
Hello listserv members,

Below is an announcement for a harvest survey coordinator position with the 
Wyoming Game and Fish Department. WGFD is looking for someone who can bring a 
quantitative skill set to this position. WGFD hopes to find someone with at 
least a MS degree in wildlife, a strong sampling/quantitative component to 
their work, and who has published their work, hopefully as primary author. 
Please distribute to any qualified candidates you think might be interested.

Thank you!

invites applications for the position of:
FWWB10-07096-Harvest Survey Coordinator-Cheyenne


$4,506.00 - $5,632.00 Monthly








 This position develops the underlying statistical theory and sampling design, 
designs the survey instrument, then conducts and administers the Wildlife 
Division Harvest Survey program.  Eighteen harvest reports covering 33 species 
are generated annually.  Results of these surveys are used by local wildlife 
managers to monitor population trends, establish management objectives and 
develop hunting season regulations.  Hunting regulations determine the amount 
of hunter opportunity available which directly equates to license sales and 
consequently revenue generated to fund Department programs. Results are also 
used by agency administration to meet state and federal annual reporting 
requirements and to conduct other long term assessments of hunter and harvest 
activities. The incumbent consults with regional and statewide personnel on an 
as needed and approved basis on survey design and statistical analysis for 
internal Department studies.

ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS:  The listed functions are illustrative only and are not 
intended to describe every function which may be performed in the job level.

• Oversees and implements all aspects of internally conducted 
harvest surveys (bighorn sheep, moose, mountain goat, bison, mountain lion, 
black bear, gray wolf, grizzly bear, small game, fall and spring wild turkey, 
upland game birds, migratory game birds, sandhill crane, light goose 
conservation order, bobcat and furbearer).
• Develop license holder sampling frameworks to meet precision 
requirements within each reporting strata.
• Manually enters data from hard copy surveys and coordinates 
assistance with this task.
• Designs internet and hard copy mail survey instruments, 
works with contractors to print and mail hard copy surveys, works with 
Department mail room to coordinate mailing schedule and delivery of hard copy 
survey responses.
• Works with IT to develop or modify data management systems 
to compile survey responses, conduct appropriate data and statistical analyses 
and generate harvest survey reports.
• Prepares draft reports for internal review.  Produces, 
distributes and posts final reports on Department website.
• Monitors work flow and completes all tasks according to 
established schedules.
• Works with an external contractor to conduct the mule deer, 
white-tailed deer, elk and pronghorn harvest survey and produce annual reports.
• Helps develop and plan the annual schedule of activities; 
oversees preparation and transmission of data required by the survey 
contractor; maintains regular contact with the contractor to ensure survey 
processes are flowing properly and that contractual precision criteria and 
deadlines are being met.
• Receives data from contractor, sends to regional personnel 
for review, works with contractor to revise, if needed, then uploads into Job 
Completion Report (JCR) database; prepares final reports, posts electronically 
on Department website; works with printing contractor to bind hard copy reports 
and then distributes.
• Monitors annual budget and prepares fiscal payment paperwork.
• Every 3-years, prepares a Request for Proposal (RFP) for 
contracted surveys; updates detailed requirements/instructions including 
statistical methods as needed; works with a team of internal department 
employees and the WY Department of Administration & Information to send the RFP 
to potential bidders, evaluate bids and recommend a contractor.
• Initiates contract paperwork and makes a recommendation 
regarding annual renewal.
• Works with regional and statewide personnel as assigned to 
provide survey design and data/statistical analysis support for other internal 
management studies/surveys.
• Performs other duties and tasks as directed by supervisor or 
as needed to provide customer service and fulfill work unit responsibilities.



Preference will be given to candidates with:
Experience designing and conducting wildlife harvest surveys and analyzing 
harvest data;
A master's degree in wildlife, habitat, range or wat