[ECOLOG-L] Conference on Butterfly Biology, Bangalore, India Jun 11-14

2018-01-27 Thread Ullasa Kodandaramaiah
8th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies

Dates: 11-14 June 2018

Place: Bangalore, India

The 8th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies conference
will be held in Bangalore, India, from 11-14 June 2018. The International
Conferences on the Biology of Butterflies are international gatherings,
organized every four years, of primarily professional biologists who study
evolutionary biology, behaviour, ecology, systematics, biogeography,
genetics, developmental biology, and biodiversity conservation, with
butterflies and moths as their focal study organisms. This is an excellent
academic and professional forum for latest discoveries and to exchange news
in these research areas.

Tourism: Visiting Bangalore for the conference will also provide a fantastic
opportunity to for cultural and natural history tours. We are organizing a 1
day pre-conference field trip to Makalidurga near Bangalore, and will
facilitate longer post-conference trips to some exciting places in the
Western Ghats. The BoB website has more information. We encourage you to
visit along with family and friends

Workshop: We will also have a 3 day post-conference workshop (19-21 June)
intended primarily for students interested in butterfly biology. This will
be held in Coorg, ca. 270 km from Bangalore.

Website: www.biologyofbutterflies.org

Krushnamegh Kunte (krushnam...@ncbs.res.in)
Ullasa Kodandaramaiah (ull...@iisertvm.ac.in)

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student position available at Colorado State University

2018-01-27 Thread David Cooper
MS or PhD Student Position in Ecology - Colorado State University

One position is available for a highly motivated M.S. or PhD graduate student 
at Colorado State 
University in Fort Collins, Colorado. This research is focused on the question 
of whether restoring the 
vegetation of a high mountain meadow in California’s Sierra Nevada will affect 
greenhouse gas 
sequestration processes.  This funded project seeks to clarify the ecological 
effect of reducing small 
mammal herbivory and planting a native sedge in a degraded wet meadow on carbon 
dioxide, methane 
and nitrous oxide fluxes. The study site is Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite 
National Park. The student 
would be responsible for collecting and analyzing gas flux data and developing 
a model of methane and 
nitrous oxide exchange for the whole growing season. The student will also 
assist in a comprehensive 
synthesis paper of all work done on the project. This will be years 3 and 4 of 
a 4-year project. Keen 
interest in greenhouse gas modeling, hydrology, vegetation dynamics, 
restoration ecology, and 
vegetation ecology is essential and experience is preferred. The student must 
be able to work 
independently, direct field crews, and show initiative on the project. 
Extensive field work is required for 
this project.
Application details: Interested students should send their CV and a cover 
letter that documents their 
interest and relevant experience to Dr. David J. Cooper, Department of Forest 
and Rangeland 
Stewardship, Colorado State University. Please send all materials via email: 

[ECOLOG-L] Post-Doctoral Scholar positions (2) Oregon State University

2018-01-27 Thread Peterson, James
Postdoctoral Research Scholar: Adaptive Management San Francisco Bay Delta
Applications are invited for a full-time Research Associate (Post doc) 
appointment to be held at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon 
State University. Primary research focus is developing quantitative decision 
making tools for evaluating and prioritizing U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 
management actions and investments in California Central Valley Delta water 
operations, habitat restoration activities, facility improvements, and 
scientific studies. Applicants must have completed all the requirements for 
their doctoral program (PhD or equivalent), with demonstrated research 
accomplishments, and publications in the primary research literature.  
Applicants should have the necessary skills and experience with sample design 
and the estimation of animal population parameters and should have interest and 
capabilities in the development of integrated approaches to estimating and 
modeling population dynamics and applying the results to decision making. The 
position will primarily involve coordination of stakeholders, data analysis and 
modeling with some potential for field research. The successful candidate will 
work under the supervision of James Peterson and will be part of an interagency 
and interdisciplinary team of stakeholders and researchers. The successful 
candidate must be able to work successfully in a team environment. Periodic 
travel to meet with collaborators or conduct field work with overnight stays 
will be required. Excellent command of the English language, quantitative 
analytical skills, and written and verbal communication skills are absolutely 
required. Special consideration will be given to candidates possessing one or 
more of the following knowledge and skills: spatial statistics, sampling design 
and ecology, and Bayesian modeling techniques.

Postdoctoral Research Scholar: Development of Chinook Salmon Outplanting 
Applications are invited for a full-time research scholar appointment to be 
held at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. 
Primary research focus will be to (1) evaluate the effectiveness of alternative 
trap, transport, and outplanting strategies for adult Chinook salmon in an 
experimental framework and (2) to develop models for identifying the optimal 
transport and outplanting strategies aimed at reducing prespawn mortality. 
Applicants must have completed all the requirements for their doctoral program 
(PhD or equivalent), with demonstrated research accomplishments, and 
publications in the primary research literature.  Applicants should have the 
ability to and experience in modeling animal population dynamics and species 
interactions, such as host-parasite and predator prey-relations, and interest 
in the application of basic research to fisheries conservation and management 
decision-making. The successful candidate will work with an interdisciplinary 
team of researchers and resource managers from state and federal agencies to 
develop an integrated, decision support program for managing Chinook salmon. 
The position will primarily involve data analysis and modeling with some 
laboratory research and field research. The successful candidate will work 
under the supervision of Drs. James Peterson, Michael Kent, and Carl B. Schreck 
of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, in close collaboration with the 
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and other agencies, as well as research 
faculty, staff and students at Oregon State University. Excellent command of 
the English language, quantitative analytical skills, and written and verbal 
communication skills are absolutely required. Special consideration will be 
given to candidates possessing appropriate knowledge and skills in epidemiology 
and parasitology and those with a strong publication record.

Appointments: Both appointments are intended for a term of one (1) year, with 
the possibility for renewal, based upon a satisfactory performance review and 
the annual nature of federal funding. Salary ($50,000-55,000) and full benefits 
will be commensurate with qualifications of the successful applicants.
Applications: Applications must include a complete personal resume with details 
of academic qualifications, electronic copies of three (3) representative 
scientific publications, and the names and contact information of four (4) 
individuals who have agreed to provide a personal and professional 
recommendation if requested.
Application Submission: Complete applications must be submitted electronically 
to James Peterson 
Deadline for applications: Applications will be accepted starting 01/20/2018 
and will close when the position has been filled.
Interviews: All applications will be acknowledged electronically; only those 
selected for consideration on a short list will be contacted and asked to 

[ECOLOG-L] REU Position - University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

2018-01-27 Thread Mason Kulbaba
Institution: University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Principal Investigators: Dr. Ruth Shaw & Dr. Mason Kulbaba 

Program Dates: 6/4/2018 – 8/10/2018 

Description: Dr. Ruth Shaw’s Research Group in the Dept. of Ecology, 
Evolution & Behavior at the University of Minnesota is seeking 
applicants for an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) 
position in summer 2018 to study the process of ongoing adaptation in 
experimental populations of partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) in 
prairie habitat. The student will work closely with Dr. Ruth Shaw and 
Dr. Mason Kulbaba to develop an independent project in the area of plant 
evolutionary genetics, with possibilities ranging from studies of 
heritability and phenotypic selection on plant traits to studies of 
pollination ecology and mating system variation. The student will gain 
invaluable experience in performing field work and in conducting an 
independent research project, from hypothesis formulation through oral 
and written dissemination of results, as grounding for future work in 
inquiry-based research. The student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent 
resident and enrolled as an undergraduate for Fall 2018. The ideal 
candidate should enjoy working outdoors and have an interest in learning 
about the evolution and ecology of plants in the Midwest prairies, and 
candidates planning to pursue a graduate career in evolution, ecology, 
or conservation biology are particularly well-suited for this position. 
The REU intern will receive a stipend of $5,500 and an allowance for 
room and board in the Twin Cities (with occasional overnight travel to 
field sites). Costs of travel to and from the Twin Cities will also be 
provided. The deadline to apply for this position is February 21, 2018, 
and the 10-week internship is expected to begin on Monday, June 4 and 
end on Friday, August 10. Please contact Mason Kulbaba 
(mkulb...@umn.edu) for more information. The University of Minnesota 
provides equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, 
and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national 
origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance 
status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender 
expression. Individuals of underrepresented groups are especially 
encouraged to apply. Please forward this advertisement to any interested 
and qualified undergraduates. 

To apply, please e-mail the following application materials to Mason 
Kulbaba (mkulb...@umn.edu) with the subject line “REU” no later than 
February 21, 2018:
 1. A statement explaining the following: why you are interested in this 
position, what are your future plans, dates you are available to start 
and end this position, confirm eligibility for the REU program, the name 
and contact information of the person who will serve as your reference, 
your e-mail address and phone number. 
2. Resume. 
3. Transcript (unofficial is acceptable.) 
4. One letter of recommendation (sent by your reference).


2018-01-27 Thread Francois Lorenzetti
Competition no 2018-09

Tenure-track position

Permanent link:


The Département des sciences naturelles at Université du Québec en
Outaouais, Québec (Canada), invites applications for a tenure-track position
in ecoinformatics and modelling.

The applicant should possess a PhD in biology or in a related field such
that she or he is qualified to teach biology and to supervise undergraduate
and graduate students in the field of biology. The candidate must have
conducted research which included ecological modelling or socio-ecological
modelling. Modelling experience relevant to the vegetal or animal,
terrestrial or aquatic, components of forest ecosystems is clearly a strong
asset. Postdoctoral experience and research accomplishments related to the
temperate biome will be considered advantageously. The candidate must
demonstrate the ability to rapidly and independently obtain external
research funding. The candidate must also show an interest and ability to
collaborate with the other professors in the Département des sciences
naturelles and with researchers at the Institute of Temperate Forest Science
(ISFORT) (isfort.uqo.ca). ISFORT, an applied research organization located
in Ripon (Québec), is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the
temperate deciduous forest. 

The successful applicant will teach statistics (uni and multivariate) in the
Bachelor of ecology and environment program
(https://uqo.ca/mod/sciences-naturelles/ecologie-environnement), and at the
graduate level. Depending on their particular profile, she or he will be
teaching in one or several of the following areas: programming and
management of large ecological and environmental databases; the foundations
of system theory and of complex systems; modelling of ecological systems or
socio-ecological modelling.

The successful candidate will contribute to the promotion and visibility of
the Institute, the Department and the University. 

Applicants must have a good working knowledge of written and spoken French
at the time of the interview.

Salary: Based on the current collective agreement 
Campus affiliation: Gatineau
Starting date:  September 1st, 2018, or depending on conditions agreed upon
with the University

Applications received by February 26, 2018 (4:30PM) will receive full
consideration. Applicants are requested to include a cover letter with their
application, a copy of their PhD diploma, a curriculum vitae including a
list of publications and the name of three references, reprints of recent
peer-reviewed articles, a statement of research interests, a statement of
teaching interests and philosophy, and any document establishing teaching
experience. Please forward applications to the following address:

Dr. François Lorenzetti
Directeur du Département des sciences naturelles
Université du Québec en Outaouais
58, rue Principale
Ripon (Québec) J0V 1V0

Courriel: francois.lorenze...@uqo.ca 
Téléphone: 819-595-3900, poste 2935
Télécopieur: 819-595-2214

Note: In accordance with Immigration Canada regulations, priority shall be
given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The Université du Québec
en Outaouais has an employment-equity policy. Women, members of visible
minorities, members of ethnic minorities, Aboriginal people and persons with
disabilities are encouraged to apply.


Concours no 2018-09

Poste menant à la permanence

Lien permanent:

Version PDF:

Le Département des sciences naturelles de l’Université du Québec en
Outaouais sollicite des candidatures en vue de pourvoir à un poste de
professeure ou de professeur en écoinformatique et modélisation.

La personne recherchée est titulaire d’un doctorat en biologie ou dans tout
domaine connexe qui permettrait de l’habiliter à enseigner en biologie et à
encadrer dans ce domaine aux cycles supérieurs (2e et 3e cycles). La
personne recrutée aura démontré que ses recherches incluent la modélisation
en écologie ou la modélisation socio-écologique. Des recherches menées dans
ces domaines et qui concernent plus spécifiquement les écosystèmes
forestiers (que ce soit du point de vue végétal, animal, terrestre ou
aquatique) sont clairement un atout. Une expérience postdoctorale et des
réalisations de recherche en biome tempéré seront également considérées
avantageusement. La personne recherchée devra pouvoir obtenir rapidement du
financement de recherche de manière autonome. La candidate ou le