[ECOLOG-L] PhD Research Assistantship – Evolutionary Ecology

2018-01-09 Thread Art Chappelka
The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University is 
seeking candidates for a graduate assistantship (Ph.D.) in Wildlife 
Ecology and Management to take the lead on a comprehensive research 
project examining evolutionary ecology of a large mammal.  The research 
will be conducted at the Auburn University deer research facility and 
will examine the evolutionary aspects of reproduction using white-tailed 
deer as a model.  Working as part of a research team, the selected 
student will develop a research focus using data (physical 
characteristics, genetics, blood profiles, parasite loads, hormone 
levels, etc.) collected over the past 10 years from over 500 individual 
animals.  During this time period, we have determined parentage 
assignments for over 400 of these individuals.  These data, as well as 
an additional 3 years of data collected by the research team while the 
student is at Auburn, will be available to the student.  The Auburn deer 
research facility (wp.auburn.edu/deerlab), which is a 430-acre 
laboratory setting that simulates a free-ranging population of white-
tailed deer, has approximately 100 individual adult deer that inhabit 
the facility at any given time.  The selected candidate will be able to 
develop a research focus in areas including, but not limited to, 
relationships among breeding patterns, fitness, the MHC, physical 
characteristics, parasite loads, and hormone levels.  Responsibilities 
of the selected candidate will be to spearhead continued data collection 
in the field (e.g., capture of deer and collection of samples), and to 
enhance the database that has already been developed for the population. 

The position will be available beginning May 2018.  The candidate 
selected for this position will also serve as the writing TA for the 
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences.  As the writing TA, the 
candidate will assist undergraduate and graduate students with 
development of their writing skills.  This responsibility is not to be 
confused with proofreading writing and telling them what needs to be 
corrected.  Rather, Auburn University has implemented a complex writing 
assistance center on campus, and this position serves as the liaison for 
students in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences.  The selected 
candidate will be trained by the AU Writing Center, and will normally 
work with students 8-13 hours/week by appointment.  To satisfy the 
assistantship during the summer semester, the candidate will work with 
Forestry and Wildlife undergraduate students on their writing for 
approximately 4 weeks during May-June each summer at our remote campus 
(The Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center).  The assistantship includes 
a $19,180 salary, a full tuition waiver, and comes with its own office.  
Additionally, highly quality candidates may be considered for an AU 
Presidential Graduate Research Fellowship, which lasts for 3 years and 
comes with an annual stipend of $30,000.  If the student is awarded this 
fellowship, they will still be expected to meet their writing TA 

Applicants should possess an M.S. degree in Wildlife Ecology or related 
field, a strong work ethic, and field and/or lab experience.  
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but the hope 
is to make a decision by early February.  Interested applicants should 
send a cover letter outlining their qualifications for the project, 
copies of transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information for at 
least 3 references to Dr. Steve Ditchkoff, School of Forestry and 
Wildlife Sciences, 3301 Forestry and Wildlife Building, Auburn 
University, Auburn, AL 36849. Phone - (334) 844-9240: E-mail - 
ditc...@auburn.edu.  Application materials can be sent by e-mail. 

[ECOLOG-L] Advances in Green Infrastructure Development: Benefits from Point to Watershed Scale Session-AGU Fall Meeting

2017-07-18 Thread Art Chappelka
If you work on Green Infrastructures, please consider submitting an 
Abstract to the following AGU session.

H007: Advances in Green Infrastructure Development: Benefits from Point 
to Watershed Scale
Session ID#: 23796
Session Description:
Green Infrastructures (GIs) are increasingly being relied upon as 
integral elements of urban planning and for flood control and treatment 
of polluted urban runoff. Many cities and communities support the use of 
GIs as an alternative to conventional stormwater control measures as 
cost-effective and resilient approaches. Although GIs are shown to be 
effective in trapping pollutants and reducing urban runoff, their 
efficiency may be reduced in time if not properly maintained. Further, 
while GIs reduce surface runoff by infiltration, questions remain on 
whether this creates short-circuiting between stormwater runoff and 
groundwater. Combining these with the fact that GIs actually trap runoff 
from small areas, it is uncertain whether GIs contribute to measurable 
differences in the quality of waters at larger scales. In this regard, 
this session welcomes papers that look at the functioning of GIs at 
multiple scales, both spatially (point to watershed) and temporally 
(events to long term).
Primary Convener:  Latif Kalin, Auburun University, School of Forestry 
and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn, AL, United States
Convener:  Haw Yen, Texas A&M University College Station, College 
Station, TX, United States

Abstract submission deadlines:
July 26 - Early Submission
August 2 - Final Deadline. 

Information about the meeting and details on abstract submission can be 
found at https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2017 

[ECOLOG-L] PhD Assistantship-SFWS-Auburn University

2017-05-18 Thread Art Chappelka
PhD Assistantship available in the area of land-climate interactions at 
Auburn University

Where: Natural Resource Management Program at the School of Forestry and 
Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn AL USA

Job Category: Graduate Assistantship

Salary: $19,180 stipend per year + full tuition waiver 

Start Date: preferably Fall 2017

When to apply: Review of application will begin immediately and will 
continue until a suitable candidate is found.

Where to apply: Please email a single PDF that include letter of 
interest, CV, transcripts, GRE score (unofficial copy is fine) and name 
and contact information of 3 references to Dr. Sanjiv Kumar at 

Contact:  Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Assistant Professor, School of Forestry and 
Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University

Job descriptions: We are looking for a highly motivated and extremely 
hard-working Ph.D. Student for a project studying the role of land 
processes in inter-annual to decadal climate predictability. The project 
involves studying land-atmosphere interactions using climate models, 
remote sensing data and in-suite measurements, and reanalysis data. The 
student will also get training in running climate models using 
supercomputer and conducting sensitivity experiments by modifying land 
surface model parametrizations and performing land use change 
experiments. The project will also include developing process oriented 
metrics to evaluate land-atmosphere interactions in CMIP6 (Coupled Model 
Intercomparsion Project Phase 6) climate models. The selected candidate 
will have some flexibility in devolving own research focus for his/her 
dissertation within the larger framework of the project.
Qualification:Candidate must have a B.S. & M.S. degree in natural 
resources related fields, e.g. forestry, natural resources, civil 
engineering, agricultural engineering, biosystem engineering, hydrology, 
atmospheric sciences, and others.  A strong quantitative skill as 
demonstrated in undergraduate and graduate transcripts and GRE score is 
needed. Having prior computer programming skill and working in 
UNIX/LINUX based environment are advantageous. The candidate should also 
possess or have demonstrated potential for an excellent written and 
verbal communication skill. The PhD student will be required to present 
his/her findings at scientific conferences, and prepare manuscript for 
peer-reviewed journal publication. A deserving candidate with a B.S. 
degree will also be considered for a combined master and PhD program.

[ECOLOG-L] Assistant or Associate Professor Position in Earth System Modeling and Observation

2015-11-06 Thread Art Chappelka
As part of Auburn University’s Cluster Hire Initiative, a new Climate, 
Human, and Earth System Sciences (CHESS) program is being launched. Under 
this program, the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn 
University invites applications for an Assistant or Associate Professor in 
Earth system modeling and observation, beginning Fall 2016.  This is a 
9-month, tenure-track position with 75% research and 25% instruction 

We seek individuals who will establish an internationally-recognized, 
externally-funded research program. The successful candidate must have a 
background and in-depth experience/expertise in regional earth system 
modeling and application. Research and teaching experience in geospatial 
analysis and remote sensing is desirable. The individual is expected to 
apply Earth system models together with in situ field and satellite 
observations to investigate cutting-edge research issues such as climate-
ecosystem feedback, climate extremes, climate-human health, and food-energy-
water nexus. We seek a dynamic individual who will play a leadership role 
in the integration of climate, ecological, hydrological and biological 
sciences with social science and policy through earth system modeling and 
observation.  This individual is also expected to develop and teach one or 
two undergraduate courses in environmental system modeling area and a 
graduate course in his/her expertise. Candidates must have an earned 
doctorate at the date-of-hire in Earth system science, or a related field 
with a strong record in conducting independent and cross-discipline 
research. The successful candidate for this interdisciplinary position will 
be expected to participate actively in Auburn University multidisciplinary 
Cluster Hires Initiative in the cluster of Climate, Human, and Earth System 
Sciences.  New faculty with expertise in Earth System Modeling and 
Observation will complement the University’s considerable existing 
expertise in these areas to form the core of this innovative 
multidisciplinary initiative.  Participation in the Climate, Human and 
Earth System Sciences will be an important component in faculty annual 
reviews.  This position will also hold an adjunct professorship in the 
Department of Geosciences, College of Mathematics and Sciences. We are 
especially interested in candidate who can work across disciplinary 
boundaries and make contributions to the overall CHESS program, an 
interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, and an undergraduate program in geospatial 
and environmental informatics.

To apply please go to 
http://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/1347, complete the 
online form and upload the required application documents: 1) cover letter 
addressing the candidate’s experience pertinent to the responsibilities of 
the position, 2) current curriculum vita, 3) Statement of research, 4) 
statement of philosophy on teaching at graduate and undergraduate levels, 
5) copies of all graduate level academic transcripts, and 6) the names and 
contact information of at least three references.  Review of applications 
will begin January 10, 2016 and will continue until a candidate accepts 

Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU website to learn more about 
Auburn University and Cluster Hire Initiative 
http://www.auburn.edu/academic/provost/strategic_hire.html. In support of 
our strategic plan, Auburn University will maintain its strong commitment 
to diversity with standards to help ensure faculty, staff, and student 
diversity through recruitment and retention efforts. Auburn University is 
an EEO/Vet/Disability employer.  Applicants must be able to meet 
eligibility requirements to work in the United States at the time the 
appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally for the 
proposed term of employment.

[ECOLOG-L] Faculty Position in Coupled Natural and Human Systems

2015-10-30 Thread Art Chappelka
The Department of Geosciences at Auburn University invites applications for 
an Assistant Professor Faculty position in Dynamics of Coupled Natural-
Human Systems to begin in Fall 2016. We seek a dynamic individual who will 
play a leadership role in propelling the department towards a new 
intercollegiate Ph.D. program while helping to build a research program in 
his/her area of specialization. The candidate for this position will be 
expected to participate actively in Auburn University’s multidisciplinary 
cluster initiative in the cluster of Climate, Human, and Earth System 
Sciences (CHESS). The position will complement the university’s 
considerable expertise in this emerging area. The applicant will be 
expected to produce nationally recognized research, to secure extramural 
funding, and to build successful partnerships with industry, government, 
and other faculty. Desired applicants will have a strong interest in 
bridging geoscience research with societal needs and in teaching relevant 
courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. 
The successful candidate must have a strong conceptual and theoretical 
background in social-economic-ecological systems as well as proven skills 
in integrated/system approaches and geospatial-statistical modeling that 
incorporates diverse data analyses at multiple spatial and temporal scales. 
Focal points for research include modeling and analysis of interactions 
among climate, ecosystems and human activity from landscape, watershed, and 
regional to global perspectives. Candidates must have an earned doctorate 
in geography, environmental science, social science, or a closely aligned 
field, with a strong publication record and experience working on large, 
interdisciplinary research projects. The successful candidate will also 
hold an adjunct professorship in the School of Forestry and Wildlife 
Sciences. The candidate selected for this position, which begins August 
2016, must meet eligibility requirements to work in the United States on 
the date the appointment is scheduled to begin and to continue working 
legally for the term of employment; excellent communication skills are 
Applications must include curriculum vitae, letter of application 
describing professional experience, research and teaching interests, copies 
of transcripts, and the names and contact information of at least three 
references. To apply please go to 
http://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/1269, complete the 
online form and upload the required application documents. 
Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU website to learn more about 
Auburn University and the Department of Geosciences 
(http://www.auburn.edu/academic/cosam/geosciences/). Review of applications 
will begin January 11, 2016, and will continue until a candidate accepts 
Auburn University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. 
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

[ECOLOG-L] Faculty Position-Paleoclimatology

2015-10-05 Thread Art Chappelka
Faculty Position


Auburn University

As part of a larger investment to create a new Climate, Human, and Earth 
System Sciences (CHESS) Cluster Hire Initiative, the Department of 
Geosciences at Auburn University invites applications for a new 
tenured/tenure-track Associate or Assistant Professor Position in 
Paleoclimatology and Energy Systems, beginning in the Fall Semester 2016 
(August 16, 2016). Applicants must have a Ph.D. in geosciences or a related 
field at the time of appointment.

Specialties may include, but are not limited to (1) utilization of key 
geological (e.g., sediments, tree rings, corals, fossils) and geochemical 
(e.g., isotope paleoclimate proxies, ice-core greenhouse gas 
concentrations, etc.) records to investigate the mechanisms and rates of 
Earth’s climate change, (2) modeling the sensitivity of Earth's climate 
system to changes and uncertainties in natural (e.g., volcanic emissions, 
methane hydrate stability, etc.) and anthropogenic forcing (e.g., 
greenhouse gas emissions), (3) connecting past climate of various time 
scales to the present and predicting future climate, and/or (4) validation 
of climate and earth system models.

We seek a dynamic individual who will play a leadership role in propelling 
the Department towards a new intercollegiate Ph.D. program and participate 
actively in the Auburn University CHESS multidisciplinary Cluster Hire 
Initiative. Collaborative CHESS research programs that are regional or 
global in scope are currently active with faculty in the College of 
Sciences and Mathematics, School of Forestry and Wildlife Science, College 
of Engineering, College of Agriculture, and College of Liberal Arts. New 
faculty with expertise in Paleoclimatology and Energy Systems will 
complement the University’s considerable existing expertise in the areas of 
climate change sciences, geochemistry, sedimentology, hydrology, and 
petroleum geology. The successful candidate is expected to develop a 
vigorous, externally funded research program, publish scholarly work, and 
advise graduate and undergraduate students. Participation in the CHESS 
initiative will be an important component in performance evaluations. This 
individual will also develop and teach a new course in Paleoclimatology and 
one or more graduate courses based on his/her expertise. For more 
information regarding the Cluster Hires please visit the following link. 

The candidate selected for this position must meet eligibility requirements 
to work in the United States on the date the appointment is scheduled to 
begin (August 2016) and must be able to continue working legally for the 
proposed term of employment. The candidate must possess excellent written 
and interpersonal communication skills.

Applications must include curriculum vitae, letter of application 
describing professional experience, research and teaching interests, copies 
of transcripts, and the names and contact information of at least three 

Go apply please go to 
http://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/1258, complete the 
online form and upload the required application documents.

Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU website to learn more about 

Auburn University and Geosciences program 
http://www.auburn.edu/academic/cosam/geosciences/. Review of applications 
will begin January 11, 2016 and will continue until a candidate accepts 
appointment. Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disability employer.

[ECOLOG-L] Research Opportunity-Hydrologic and Water Quality Monitoring

2015-05-22 Thread Art Chappelka
Research Opportunity Description

Hydrologic and Water Quality Monitoring in Support of Watershed Management
 Research Participation Program
 Office of Research and Development
 National Risk Management Research Laboratory
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Project Description:

A postdoctoral research project training opportunity is currently available 
at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Research and 
Development (ORD)/National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL). The 
appointment will be served with the Land Remediation and Pollution Control 
Division (LRPCD) in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) is the principal 
entity within U.S. EPA and the Office of Research and Development (ORD) 
responsible for environmental and engineering risk management research and 
assists research projects within the Land Remediation and Pollution Control 
Division (LRPCD). This research project will be conducted within the Soils 
and Sediments Management Branch (SSMB). 

The primary objective of this research project is to develop and apply 
integrated watershed-water body models for sediments and metals fate and 
transport in the Tri-States Mining District (TSMD). A secondary objective 
is to assist research on development and application of Green 
Infrastructure (GI) water quality models in urban watersheds. The 
participant will be involved in team research to improve the hydrologic 
model and to develop watershed-scale sediment and metals transport and fate 
models for the TSMD. 

The participant may be involved in the following activities:
◾Calibration and validation of the integrated modeling system.
◾Application of the integrated modeling system to develop remedial 
management strategies.
◾Streamflow and water quality monitoring efforts.
◾Adaptation/modification of EPA supported watershed models for GI water 
quality modules.
◾Presentations of research findings to the public and the research 
community through EPA reports, journal articles and conference 
◾Interaction with EPA researchers, the USGS, regulators, and academia.

The research participant will develop a broad understanding/expertise in:
◾The formulation of testable hypotheses.
◾The development and application of hydrologic and water quality models 
for evaluating remedial strategies.
◾The management of urban storm runoff.
◾The presentation of research results and preparation of defensible peer-
reviewed publications.
◾Collaboration within a diverse group of scientists, regulators, and 
◾Environmental decision making and policy.
◾Modeling hydrologic and transport fate phenomena in watershed and green 


Applicants must have received a doctoral degree in engineering, hydrology 
or related field within five years of the desired starting date, or 
completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to 
the starting date. Experience in distributed hydrologic modeling, GIS 
and/or coding is desired.

The program is open to all qualified individuals without regard to race, 
sex, religion, color, age, physical or mental disability, national origin, 
or status as a Vietnam era or disabled veteran. U.S. citizenship or lawful 
permanent resident status is preferred (but a candidate also may hold an 
appropriate visa status; an H1B visa is not appropriate). Guidelines for 
non-U.S. citizens may be found at 

The appointment is full-time for one year and may be renewed upon 
recommendation of EPA and contingent on the availability of funds. The 
participant will receive a monthly stipend. Funding may be made available 
to reimburse the participant's travel expenses to present the results of 
his/her research at scientific conferences. No funding will be made 
available to cover travel costs for pre-appointment visits, relocation 
costs, tuition and fees, or a participant's health insurance. The 
participant must show proof of health and medical insurance. The 
participant does not become an EPA employee.

Technical Questions:

The mentor for this project is Mohamed Hantush (hantush.moha...@epa.gov).

How to Apply:

An application can be found at 
http://orise.orau.gov/epa/applicants/application.htm. Please reference 
Project # EPA-ORD/NRMRL-LRPCD-2015-02 when calling or writing for 

[ECOLOG-L] Job announcement

2014-10-20 Thread Art Chappelka
Could you please post below on your job board. Thanks so much.

Assistant Professor in Disease Ecology
The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences (SFWS) and the College of 
Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University invite applications for an assistant 
professor position in disease ecology. This is a 12-month tenure-track position 
with a 75/25 research/teaching appointment.  Information about the School of 
Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine may be 
found at  and , 
Responsibilities: The successful candidate for this interdisciplinary position 
will be expected to collaborate with interdisciplinary research teams that may 
reflect expertise in the following disciplines: ecology, hydrology, climate 
change science, socioeconomics, animal science, public health, biogeochemistry, 
vegetation analyses, and other disciplines related to disease emergence.   
Teaching duties include an undergraduate course in disease ecology and 
management and a graduate course in the ecology of infectious diseases.
Qualifications:  A PhD in biology or related field and expertise in the ecology 
of infectious diseases (particularly zoonotic) that can be applied to humans 
and animals (both domestic and wildlife). Proven track records of publication 
in refereed journals of high quality and acquisition of research funding are 
highly desirable.  Ecological modeling expertise and experience in applied 
disease management are preferred. Experience in working within 
interdisciplinary teams is required. The candidate selected for this position 
must be able to meet eligibility requirements for work in the United States at 
the time appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally for the 
proposed term of employment.  Excellent written and interpersonal communication 
skills are required.
To apply:  Applicants must complete the on-line application at this link:
http://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/603 to include a complete 
biographical resume, transcripts, statement of teaching and research 
philosophies, and the names and contact information of three references.  The 
review date will begin January 1, 2015 and will continue until a suitable 
candidate has been identified.  For additional information contact: Dr. Latif 
Kalin, Chair, Search Committee, phone 334-844-4671, fax 334-844-1084, or 
e-mail: la...@auburn.edu.
Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disability Employer

Dr. A.H. Chappelka
Alumni Prof., Forest Biology
SFWS, 602 Duncan Drive
Auburn University, AL 36849-5418
Office PH: 334-844-1047
Email: chap...@auburn.edu

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Research Assistantship – Plant Pathology-Climate Change

2012-08-15 Thread Art Chappelka
The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University 
currently has a graduate assistantship (M.S. $15,540) available in Plant 
Pathology/Climate Change research.  Auburn University assistantships 
include tuition and fee waivers as well as shared funding of health 
insurance.  The starting date for this position is negotiable, but January 
1, 2013 desired. As part of a larger research project the student will 
examine the relationship of future climate scenarios of elevated 
tropospheric ozone and altered rainfall amounts with a plant pathogen in 
altering susceptibility to loblolly pine decline an important disease 
complex in the Southern United States. Minimum qualifications include a 
B.S. degree in Forestry, Plant Pathology, Horticulture, Plant Biology, or 
a related field, and an interest in plant pathology and or climate 
change.  Additional information is available by contacting Dr. Arthur H. 
Chappelka (chap...@auburn.edu) or Dr. Lori Eckhardt (eckh...@auburn.edu) 
in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University.  SWFS 
education requirements for graduate school is located at the following 
website: http://www.sfws.auburn.edu/gpo/TestScoresandTranscripts.php . 
Interested students should send a letter of interest, resume, transcripts 
(photocopy is acceptable), and GRE scores if available (photocopy is 
acceptable) to Dr. A.H. Chappelka or Dr. Lori Eckhardt, School of Forestry 
and Wildlife Sciences, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL  36849-5418.

[ECOLOG-L] Tenure-Track Faculty Position Announcement-Forest Health

2012-01-18 Thread Art Chappelka
Assistant/Associate Professor - Forest Health

Auburn University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences invites 
nominations and applications for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor 
in the area of Forest Health and the interactions of introduced and native 
fungi and insect vectors in forest ecosystems located in the southern US.  This 
is a 12-month, tenure-track position, with 80% research and 20% teaching 
responsibilities.  Additional information about the School of Forestry and 
Wildlife Sciences and its programs can be found at our website: 

Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply

Responsibilities:  The incumbent is expected to develop a significant research 
program through active pursuit of extramural funding, recruitment of graduate 
students, and publications in high-quality refereed journals.  The incumbent 
also is expected to teach a core undergraduate course in the forestry 
curriculum and develop one graduate course in their area of expertise.

Qualifications: PhD in Entomology, Pathology, Forestry, Biology or a closely 
related field is required.  We seek candidates with research/teaching interests 
focused on contemporary research and how forest management practices influence 
stand/ecosystem health. Those with a strong forest pathology and entomology 
background and having worked in an applied decision-making context on habitat 
restoration, risk mapping systems and habitat restoration are preferred. 
Experience in working with southern pine ecosystems is desirable. Evidence of 
collaboration at the international level on forest declines would be desirable 
for Associate level.  The incumbent must present evidence of the potential for 
teaching excellence and a solid record of research productivity including 
ability to obtain extramural grants and publish findings in high-quality 
refereed journals.  The selected candidate must be able to meet eligibility 
requirements for work in the United States at the time of appointment and 
continue working legally for the proposed term of employment. Excellent 
communication skills required.

Review of applications will begin April 1, 2012 and will continue until a 
successful candidate has been identified.

Application:  To apply, submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, 
official transcripts, and names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of 
three references to Mrs. Pam Beasley 
(beas...@auburn.edu<mailto:beas...@auburn.edu>) School of Forestry and Wildlife 
Sciences, 3301 Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building, 602 Duncan Drive, 
Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5418.

For additional information contact: Dr. Art Chappelka, Chair, Search Committee, 
phone 334-844-1069, fax 334-844-1084, or e-mail: 

Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

[ECOLOG-L] MS Assistantship

2008-09-25 Thread Art Chappelka
Please post the following:

Graduate Assistantship - Plant Community Ecology-Climate Change
The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University
currently has a graduate assistantship (M.S. $15,540) available in Plant
Community Ecology/Climate Change research.  Auburn University
assistantships include tuition and fee waivers as well as shared funding
of health insurance.  The starting date for this position is negotiable,
but January 5, 2009 desired. As part of a larger research project the
student will examine the structure and functioning of a Southern
Piedmont grassland community under future climate scenarios of elevated
tropospheric ozone and altered rainfall amounts. Minimum qualifications
include a B.S. degree, and an interest in plant ecology and or climate
change.  Plant ecology, plant physiology and taxonomic skills are highly
desirable (but not required).  Additional information is available by
contacting Dr. Arthur H. Chappelka in the School of Forestry and
Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 334-844-1047).
 Interested students should send a letter of interest, resume,
transcripts (photocopy is acceptable), and GRE scores if available
(photocopy is acceptable) to Dr. A.H. Chappelka, School of Forestry and
Wildlife Sciences, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL  36849-5418.

Thanks much.

Art Chappelka
Forest Biology
School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849-5418
PH # 334-844-1047
FAX # 334-844-1084

[ECOLOG-L] MS Assistantship

2008-08-05 Thread Art Chappelka
Please post the following.

Graduate Assistantship - Urban Forest Ecology
The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University
currently has a graduate assistantship (M.S. $15,540) available in
Forest Ecology.  Auburn University assistantships include tuition and
fee waivers as well as shared funding of health insurance.  The starting
date for this position is January 5, 2009.

As part of a larger research project the student will examine the
structure and functioning of urban forests, particularly with regard to
ecosystem services.  Minimum qualifications include a B.S. degree, and
an interest in urban forest ecology and or ecosystem services.  Tree
identification, silvics and GIS/remote sensing skills are highly
desirable (but not required).  Additional information is available by
contacting Dr. Arthur H. Chappelka in the School of Forestry and
Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 334-844-1047).
 Interested students should send a letter of interest, resume,
transcripts (photocopy is acceptable), and GRE scores if available
(photocopy is acceptable) to Dr. A.H. Chappelka, School of Forestry and
Wildlife Sciences, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL  36849-5418.

Art Chappelka
Forest Biology
School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849-5418
PH # 334-844-1047
FAX # 334-844-1084