[ECOLOG-L] IAVS Symposium in Perth: early-bird registration deadline extended to June 1

2014-05-15 Thread Jesse Kalwij
Dear colleagues,

For your interest: the International Association of Vegetation Science
(http://iavs.org/) is organizing its annual symposium in Perth, Australia
from 1-5 September 2014:

This symposium offers the great opportunity to meet vegetation ecologists
from across the world. We still have places available for some of our
fascinating excursions. See, for example:

We just extended the deadline for early-bird registration to June 1. 

On behalf of the LOC,
Jesse Kalwij

[ECOLOG-L] Two PhD positions in ecology (Melbourne, Australia)‏

2013-03-06 Thread Jesse Kalwij
Two Ecology/Conservation Ecology PhD positions are available on the spatial
ecology of dynamic communities and the function of invaded landscapes

Deadline for applications: 2 April 2013

Two fully-funded PhD stipends are available to students interested in
working on the ecology of dynamic communities (such as alien species
communities or those responding to climate change) in Associate Professor
Melodie McGeoch’s collaborative research group. She have recently joined
Monash University in Melbourne, Australia
One of the positions will be co-supervised by Dr Cang Hui
(http://academic.sun.ac.za/cib/team/academic/chui.asp) and will involve a
field-based research trip to Cape Town, South Africa. The second position
will be co-supervised by Dr Heloise Gibb
currently based at LaTrobe University, Melbourne.

The research will involve working with native and alien plant communities,
using a combination of existing data, field-based data and modelling. The
balance between field work and modelling involved in the research will
differ between the two positions. The project design will be developed in
collaboration between the student and supervisors.

The stipend includes all course fees plus ~$25,000 AU per annum tax free
(the equivalent of ~$33,000 before tax) with no teaching requirements for
3.5 years (the length of a PhD in Australia). Funding of project costs are
covered, including attending at least one conference per year. The project
start date can be any time in 2013, although an early start is preferred.

Interested students should send their CV, a brief statement of their
research interests and the contact details of two referees to
melodie.mcge...@monash.edu. Applicants must preferably have completed at
least one year of post-graduate research (including Honours or Masters) and
evidence of published research will be an advantage. Preference will be
given to those with a botany or entomology major, an ecology and/or soil
science background and strong quantitative skills, including experience in
multivariate analysis, spatial statistics, GIS and programming in R (or

Alien species to monitor the state of ecosystems?

2005-12-05 Thread Jesse Kalwij
Dear Ecologists,

We are presently compiling a list of programs (or initiatives) that monitor 
or measure (trends in) invasive alien species/exotics/non-indigenous species 
at a national level or larger. An example would be the percentage of 
selected invasive and noninvasive native bird species that had increasing 
populations in grassland/shrubland ecosystems during 5-year intervals to 
describe the state of ‘Grasslands and Shrublands’ by the Heinz Centre (see 

Should you know of any webpages, programs, or peer-reviewed papers that use 
alien species as an indicator to measure the ‘State of the Ecosystem’ at a 
large spatial scale, we would pleased to hear about it.

Thanks very much in advance. I am looking forward to your input,

Jesse Kalwij
Dept. of Entomology / DST-NRF Centre for Invasion Biology
University of Stellenbosch
Private Bag X1
Matieland 7602
South Africa
Fax: +27 (0)21 808 4807