Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

2012-03-23 Thread Martin Meiss
*There is no precise terminology*, and can never be, for many concepts in
ecology.  The problem is that reality presents us with continua, with
gradients without clear boundaries.  Physicists who study light, don't, as
far as I know, argue about the definition of red; they accept the nature
of the spectrum and work with it mathematically.  When precision matters,
they speak of frequency or wavelength.

*In biology*, species and other taxa represent continuously varying
frequencies of genes bundled temporarily into organisms.  There are
patterns in this bundling, (the type of bundle we call a horse looks a lot
like the type of bundle we call a donkey or a mule), but we can waste a lot
of time arguing about the boundaries.

*Landforms are no simpler*, and often grade insensibly together. Can one be
sure where steppe, taiga, and tundra start and stop, or forest, woodland,
grassland and desert?

Behavioral scientists came up with autism spectrum disorder in the face
of one of their troublesome continua.

On one level, most of us realize that these issues aren't worth fighting
about, *but then the law and commerce get involved*.  A species gets on the
endangered list, or not.  (Which once caused some creative whalers to
invent a new species, the Pygmy Blue Whale.  Very similar the the Great
Blue, but smaller.  And, strangely, younger...because they hadn't grown up
yet.  By the time you can prove such lies, a lot of animals die.)  Now
there is evidence that polar bears and grizzlies are the same species, by
the criterion of being cross-fertile.

*Even religion has something at stake *in believing in fictional
boundaries.  I have heard arguments about the kinds of animals named by
Adam and Eve.  Is the African elephant the same kind as the Indian
elephant?  The answer had critical logistical implications for Noah.

I suppose that a physicist who runs a traffic light could argue that it
wasn't really red, and show spectral tracings to prove it.

My reason for mentioning these silly cases is to point out the danger of
getting too hung up on terminology, and to encourage people to find
alternatives to rigid labels.  For instance, numerical taxonomy allows us
to treat genetic or phenotypic variability in terms of cladograms (trees)
without worrying about names, and perhaps schemes like Holdridge's life
zones and various diversity indices do the same for ecology.  While these
have not gained acceptance at the level where they can be used in law (as
far as I know), there may be hope for this.  For instance, the public has
embraced the concept of wind chill factor as a statistic more useful
(when deciding what to wear) than mere temperature.

*Getting back to the original question:* an appropriate answer for Is post
oak native to Texas? need not be a mere yes or no.  How about a detailed
range map superimposed on a map showing political boundaries, perhaps with
date information included?  The viewer could decide for him/her self if a
species whose range had one little projection into a corner of Texas should
be considered native to Texas or not.  It is always possible that different
workers assembling the range data used different criteria for defining the
species, but there is no avoiding that for historical data.

*In summary:* let's use words, squishy or otherwise, when we're chatting,
but when precision matters, let's present data that don't rely on
artificial boundaries.

Martin M. Meiss

2012/3/22 Wayne Tyson

 Ecolog and Ian,

 If the term is squishy, let's use more precise terminology . . .

 So what IS that precise terminology?


 - Original Message - From: Ian Ramjohn
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 7:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of

 I think we're missing the point here. The problem isn't with the
 definitions of native - it's an English word that's always going to
 have a range of meanings. In other words - it's a poor term for science.

 Is post oak native to Texas? is a less than ideal question, because
 the answer is binary - yes, or no. If you're really going to answer
 that question - as a scientist - you'd say that (some or all) of Texas
 lies within the (pre-settlement, historical, or whatever term you want
 to define) range of the species _based_on_[certain]_data_. With the
 obvious caveats, in the case of the US and Canada, that species ranges
 reflect ongoing migration since the end of the last ice age. Or, no,
 data suggest that TX is outside the native range of the species.

 Fighting over semantics or values is pointless. If the term is
 squishy, let's use more precise terminology, and be explicit about
 the uncertainty. Unless you're speaking to politicians, in which case
 you need to find a way to somehow convey an amount of certainty that
 can't be misconstrued, while still being nuanced enough that they
 can't (easily) turn what you say around to try

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

2012-03-22 Thread Wayne Tyson

Ecolog and Ian,

If the term is squishy, let's use more precise terminology . . .

So what IS that precise terminology?


- Original Message - 
From: Ian Ramjohn

Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of 

I think we're missing the point here. The problem isn't with the
definitions of native - it's an English word that's always going to
have a range of meanings. In other words - it's a poor term for science.

Is post oak native to Texas? is a less than ideal question, because
the answer is binary - yes, or no. If you're really going to answer
that question - as a scientist - you'd say that (some or all) of Texas
lies within the (pre-settlement, historical, or whatever term you want
to define) range of the species _based_on_[certain]_data_. With the
obvious caveats, in the case of the US and Canada, that species ranges
reflect ongoing migration since the end of the last ice age. Or, no,
data suggest that TX is outside the native range of the species.

Fighting over semantics or values is pointless. If the term is
squishy, let's use more precise terminology, and be explicit about
the uncertainty. Unless you're speaking to politicians, in which case
you need to find a way to somehow convey an amount of certainty that
can't be misconstrued, while still being nuanced enough that they
can't (easily) turn what you say around to try to discredit you. And
even then, the media will simply what you say, and the THOSE words
will be used to discredit you.

Quoting Wayne Tyson

Honorable Forum:

Anybody who has any sense knows that words are imperfect, and  anybody 
who has read Alice in Wonderland (or was it Through the  Looking 
Glass? I just don't remember) knows that a word means just  what I (or 
the Red Queen?) say it means. Words are communication  tools, and for 
them to work at perfect pitch, the parties to the  communication have to 
understand and mean exactly the same thing,  especially if it is to be 
considered scientific.

Ecology is a squishy subject, so it follows that there may even  NEED to 
be a certain amount of squish in its terms. It has  apparently endless 
variables that are in a constant state of change.  So ecologist simply 
have to come to common agreement what native  means (and does not mean). 
Izzat ad populem?


- Original Message - From: Andrew Pierce
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

While the definition you provide might be a suitable working definition, 

is not a suitable scientific definition. As a counter-example to your
claim  it
was not taken there by human agency, but either evolved there or migrated
there prior to human record keeping there are species that the first
humans brought to North America; these species violate the either-or
construction of your definition because we don't even 'know' all of the
species that came to North America this way.
To further push the envelope, what about species that were moved around by
other hominids (*Homo habilis, H. erectus*) or neandertals? Are they 

because they weren't moved by *H. sapiens*? Or are the non-native because
they were moved by agents?
What about species that were introduced by humans and then evolved into 

species? Is the introduced species non-native, but the evolutionary
descendant is native? Appeals to the crowd (*argument ad populum*) do not
invalidate these critiques and neither do *ad hominem *attacks.
Finally, the point that 'native' is a definition that eludes us still
stands. While local and pragmatic definitions of it might exist, a global,
scientifically defensible definition of it does not exist.

Andrew D. Pierce, Ph.D
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
University of Hawai'i
USFS-Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 4:42 PM, David L. McNeely 

well, you can make word games out of simple concepts if you wish to.
Whenever most sane people refer to a species as being native in a place,
they mean it was not taken there by human agency, but either evolved 
or migrated there prior to human record keeping.  Pretty simple.  The 
constructs you mention complicate matters, yes, but they do not define 

concept of a species being native to a locality.  The multiple maps of
native range for ponderosa pine may be based on different data sets, or
they may be based on different definitions of the species.  Those matters
do not alter what is meant by a species being native in a location, they
just illustrate that we don't always have all the information, or that
sometimes we disagree on the data.


 Matt Chew wrote:

Jason Persichetti's contention, we all know what is meant by the idiom

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

2012-03-19 Thread Gunnar Schade
Howdy from the original poster

Yes, I did receive a lot of helpful responses, most (all?) of which were
posted to the list, to some of which I responded outside the list.

And yes, my original question was poorly worded in the sense that I did not
mean to imply post oak was not native to Texas. However, that seemed to have
sparked an (unintended) interesting discussion about what the word means,
prompting me to plead for excusing my non-ecologist ignorance on this forum.

We are most interested in any insight you all here might have on why post
oak -- at least the trees/leaves we measured last year -- performed (in
terms of photosynthetic activity and heat + drought tolerance) better than
water oak and southern red oak. There may be multiple reasons for that, but
one thing we (naively?) thought about was whether post oak is/has better
adapted to the Texas climate, which one could argue might stem from it
having grown there for much longer than the other species (native vs. not
so native ?). In that aspect, some of the links circulated are not that
helpful. It appears to me that e.g. the USDA calls anything native that
occurs in a state, albeit in niches, and then calls the species native to
the whole state. As pointed out by one reply, post oak grows in a large area
of Texas named after it, because it is the dominant tree species there. The
other two species do not have that distinction.

I received some anecdotal evidence from foresters -- related to mortality --
that confirm that post oak seems better adapted to Texas, but I am looking
for hard evidence, if any.

Thanks for your patience reading through this post, and thanks everyone for
replying to my original inquiry ... though poorly worded.


On 3/17/2012 05:41 PM, Wayne Tyson wrote:

 Resetarits makes some excellent points.

 While I quite understand the resistance to using such terms as
squishy, I was trying to make a between-the-lines point: The term needs to
match the phenomenon.

 Any term should meet the test of relevance and clarity, and everyone
should recognize that everything is context. Post-oaks, for example,
worked as a term in my childhood because everybody knew what post-oak
meant. Native to Texas is true, too, provided that the reader has the
sense to know that that means that post-oaks occur within the political
boundaries known as Texas. Exceptions, as necessary, should be noted by the
writer where necessary, and by the reader, with the exception that a more
elaborate explanation is necessary by the writer if the reader does not
understand that the statement does not mean that post-oak is ONLY native to

 We should hear from the original poster regarding whether or not the
original question has received relevant responses. I personally found the
question vague, and therefore suspicious. But it did awaken some thoughts
that should prove useful--IF there is follow-up to a conclusion, however
conditioned and provisional.


Dr. Gunnar W. Schade
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Texas AM University
1104 Eller OM Building
College Station, TX 77843-3150


Climate change detonates the ideological scaffolding
on which contemporary conservatism rests. There is
simply no way to square a belief system that vilifies
collective action and venerates total market freedom
with a problem that demands collective action on an
unprecedented scale and a dramatic reining in of the
market forces that created and are deepening the
   Naomi Klein, November 2011 

[ECOLOG-L] Habitat Niche Stress Environment Genetics Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

2012-03-19 Thread Wayne Tyson


I don't know about the rest of post-oak's range, or its genetics, but I 
wonder about two things (actually I wonder about more, but I'm trying to 
stick to my own suggested practice of keeping the issues to one--in this 
case stress and adaptation thereto):

In the part of Texas where I used to camp in the post-oak woods the soil was 
pretty much blow-sand. Infiltration and percolation were high, leaching 
nutrients and favoring deep rooting (I have pulled post-oak stumps, but not 
done any research on this) forms and depriving shallow-rooting forms. 
Something like the pine-barrens?

I also wonder about the nasty habit of oaks to hybridize, and where 
post-oak fits into that.


- Original Message - 
From: Gunnar Schade

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of 

Howdy from the original poster

Yes, I did receive a lot of helpful responses, most (all?) of which were
posted to the list, to some of which I responded outside the list.

And yes, my original question was poorly worded in the sense that I did 
mean to imply post oak was not native to Texas. However, that seemed to 

sparked an (unintended) interesting discussion about what the word means,
prompting me to plead for excusing my non-ecologist ignorance on this 

We are most interested in any insight you all here might have on why post
oak -- at least the trees/leaves we measured last year -- performed (in
terms of photosynthetic activity and heat + drought tolerance) better than
water oak and southern red oak. There may be multiple reasons for that, 

one thing we (naively?) thought about was whether post oak is/has better
adapted to the Texas climate, which one could argue might stem from it
having grown there for much longer than the other species (native vs. 

so native ?). In that aspect, some of the links circulated are not that
helpful. It appears to me that e.g. the USDA calls anything native that
occurs in a state, albeit in niches, and then calls the species native to
the whole state. As pointed out by one reply, post oak grows in a large 
of Texas named after it, because it is the dominant tree species there. 

other two species do not have that distinction.

I received some anecdotal evidence from foresters -- related to 
mortality --

that confirm that post oak seems better adapted to Texas, but I am looking
for hard evidence, if any.

Thanks for your patience reading through this post, and thanks everyone 

replying to my original inquiry ... though poorly worded.


On 3/17/2012 05:41 PM, Wayne Tyson wrote:


Resetarits makes some excellent points.

While I quite understand the resistance to using such terms as
squishy, I was trying to make a between-the-lines point: The term needs 

match the phenomenon.

Any term should meet the test of relevance and clarity, and everyone

should recognize that everything is context. Post-oaks, for example,
worked as a term in my childhood because everybody knew what post-oak
meant. Native to Texas is true, too, provided that the reader has the
sense to know that that means that post-oaks occur within the political
boundaries known as Texas. Exceptions, as necessary, should be noted by 

writer where necessary, and by the reader, with the exception that a more
elaborate explanation is necessary by the writer if the reader does not
understand that the statement does not mean that post-oak is ONLY native 


We should hear from the original poster regarding whether or not the

original question has received relevant responses. I personally found the
question vague, and therefore suspicious. But it did awaken some thoughts
that should prove useful--IF there is follow-up to a conclusion, however
conditioned and provisional.


Dr. Gunnar W. Schade
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Texas AM University
1104 Eller OM Building
College Station, TX 77843-3150


Climate change detonates the ideological scaffolding
on which contemporary conservatism rests. There is
simply no way to square a belief system that vilifies
collective action and venerates total market freedom
with a problem that demands collective action on an
unprecedented scale and a dramatic reining in of the
market forces that created and are deepening the
  Naomi Klein, November 2011

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Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

2012-03-17 Thread Ian Ramjohn
I think we're missing the point here. The problem isn't with the  
definitions of native - it's an English word that's always going to  
have a range of meanings. In other words - it's a poor term for science.

Is post oak native to Texas? is a less than ideal question, because  
the answer is binary - yes, or no. If you're really going to answer  
that question - as a scientist - you'd say that (some or all) of Texas  
lies within the (pre-settlement, historical, or whatever term you want  
to define) range of the species _based_on_[certain]_data_. With the  
obvious caveats, in the case of the US and Canada, that species ranges  
reflect ongoing migration since the end of the last ice age. Or, no,  
data suggest that TX is outside the native range of the species.

Fighting over semantics or values is pointless. If the term is  
squishy, let's use more precise terminology, and be explicit about  
the uncertainty. Unless you're speaking to politicians, in which case  
you need to find a way to somehow convey an amount of certainty that  
can't be misconstrued, while still being nuanced enough that they  
can't (easily) turn what you say around to try to discredit you. And  
even then, the media will simply what you say, and the THOSE words  
will be used to discredit you.

Quoting Wayne Tyson

Honorable Forum:

Anybody who has any sense knows that words are imperfect, and  
anybody who has read Alice in Wonderland (or was it Through the  
Looking Glass? I just don't remember) knows that a word means just  
what I (or the Red Queen?) say it means. Words are communication  
tools, and for them to work at perfect pitch, the parties to the  
communication have to understand and mean exactly the same thing,  
especially if it is to be considered scientific.

Ecology is a squishy subject, so it follows that there may even  
NEED to be a certain amount of squish in its terms. It has  
apparently endless variables that are in a constant state of change.  
So ecologist simply have to come to common agreement what native  
means (and does not mean). Izzat ad populem?


- Original Message - From: Andrew Pierce
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

While the definition you provide might be a suitable working definition, it
is not a suitable scientific definition. As a counter-example to your
claim  it
was not taken there by human agency, but either evolved there or migrated
there prior to human record keeping there are species that the first
humans brought to North America; these species violate the either-or
construction of your definition because we don't even 'know' all of the
species that came to North America this way.
To further push the envelope, what about species that were moved around by
other hominids (*Homo habilis, H. erectus*) or neandertals? Are they native
because they weren't moved by *H. sapiens*? Or are the non-native because
they were moved by agents?
What about species that were introduced by humans and then evolved into new
species? Is the introduced species non-native, but the evolutionary
descendant is native? Appeals to the crowd (*argument ad populum*) do not
invalidate these critiques and neither do *ad hominem *attacks.
Finally, the point that 'native' is a definition that eludes us still
stands. While local and pragmatic definitions of it might exist, a global,
scientifically defensible definition of it does not exist.

Andrew D. Pierce, Ph.D
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
University of Hawai'i
USFS-Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 4:42 PM, David L. McNeely wrote:

well, you can make word games out of simple concepts if you wish to.
Whenever most sane people refer to a species as being native in a place,
they mean it was not taken there by human agency, but either evolved there
or migrated there prior to human record keeping.  Pretty simple.  The other
constructs you mention complicate matters, yes, but they do not define the
concept of a species being native to a locality.  The multiple maps of
native range for ponderosa pine may be based on different data sets, or
they may be based on different definitions of the species.  Those matters
do not alter what is meant by a species being native in a location, they
just illustrate that we don't always have all the information, or that
sometimes we disagree on the data.


 Matt Chew wrote:

Jason Persichetti's contention, we all know what is meant by the idiom


precisely false.

I routinely show audiences eight different maps purporting to represent


native range of _Pinus_ponderosa_, prepared for different purposes by
different authorities.  They can't all be correct AND mean the same


What native species denotes actually varies quite a bit, and no  wonder,

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology terminology Re: [ECOLOG-L] definition of native

2012-03-17 Thread Resetarits, William
Ecology has long been, and continues to be, terminologically challenged.  16 
years ago several of us (Fauth et al. 1996) made what we felt was a valiant 
attempt to bring some clarity to a set of terms that would seem to lend 
themselves to a degree of precision, or at least clear functional definition, 
and that had existing definitions in the literature.  These included such 
staples as community, guild, ensemble, etc.   The initial impetus for this was 
our observation that the term community, a rather central term in ecology, 
was being essentially used to describe the stuff I am studying,  rather than 
anything truly definable.  So, we had bird communities, bat communities,  
zooplankton communities, larval anuran communities, and things like 
benthic fish communities, herbivore communities and pollinator 
communities, etc. etc.  Obviously, NONE of these amalgams met any existing 
definition of community, but they did fit definitions of guild, assemblage, 
 e, etc.   We thought, well, this should be easy enough to fix!  Just lay it 
out clearly, in a logical structure, using existing definitions, and voila!  
The idea was picked up by John Lawton and has also appeared in several texts, 
but has to a large extent fallen on deaf ears.  Why??  Go ask Alice - people DO 
apparently want a word to mean just what I choose for it to mean - no more, no 

So, 16 years later, an admittedly brief, unscientific, nonrandom survey of 
titles in ecology journals actually surprised me a bit, in that the ubiquitous 
use of the term community seems to be somewhat reduced in favor of more 
precise terms such as assemblage, or more detailed descriptors of what people 
are actually working on.   Nonetheless, many of the old favorites are alive and 
well, mammalian communities, seabird communities, herbivore communities 
and of course plant communities, to mention but a few.  Change comes slowly, 
if at all.

My point in the current context is that words matter, and precise definitions 
for words used in science matter even more.   The concepts may indeed be fuzzy 
(post oak itself is a construct based on one or many definitions of species - 
communities may or may not exist as discrete entities), but when two people use 
the word species or community or native in an ecological context it 
should mean the same thing, or involve sufficient modifiers to make the 
differences in usage clear.  If the word cannot be strictly defined or a 
definition agreed upon, then we must follow Ian's advice and use whatever 
combination of words necessary to make ourselves and our information clear.  
The statements brook trout are native to North America and brook trout are 
native to Eastern North America are both true, I would think, under any 
reasonable definition of native.  One is simply more precise (and hence has 
less potential to mislead).   In reality the terms native and non-native,!
  by their very nature, have no real meaning without some further historical 
context and it is this historical context that informs conservation and 

On 3/16/12 10:48 PM, Ian Ramjohn wrote:

I think we're missing the point here. The problem isn't with the
definitions of native - it's an English word that's always going to
have a range of meanings. In other words - it's a poor term for science.

Is post oak native to Texas? is a less than ideal question, because
the answer is binary - yes, or no. If you're really going to answer
that question - as a scientist - you'd say that (some or all) of Texas
lies within the (pre-settlement, historical, or whatever term you want
to define) range of the species _based_on_[certain]_data_. With the
obvious caveats, in the case of the US and Canada, that species ranges
reflect ongoing migration since the end of the last ice age. Or, no,
data suggest that TX is outside the native range of the species.

Fighting over semantics or values is pointless. If the term is
squishy, let's use more precise terminology, and be explicit about
the uncertainty. Unless you're speaking to politicians, in which case
you need to find a way to somehow convey an amount of certainty that
can't be misconstrued, while still being nuanced enough that they
can't (easily) turn what you say around to try to discredit you. And
even then, the media will simply what you say, and the THOSE words
will be used to discredit you.

Quoting Wayne Tyson

 Honorable Forum:

 Anybody who has any sense knows that words are imperfect, and
 anybody who has read Alice in Wonderland (or was it Through the
 Looking Glass? I just don't remember) knows that a word means just
 what I (or the Red Queen?) say it means. Words are communication
 tools, and for them to work at perfect pitch, the parties to the
 communication have to understand and mean exactly the same thing,
 especially if it is to be considered scientific.

 Ecology is a squishy subject, so it follows that there may even
 NEED to be