Call for award nominations, TGSG competition

2011-11-16 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Julie Cidell:

The Transportation Geography Specialty Group is accepting applications for
the TGSG Student Paper Competition, with separate awards at the Master's
and PhD levels. This award recognizes outstanding theses and dissertations
in transportation geography. Each award has a $300 prize and the winner
will receive a certificate at the 2012 AAG award luncheon. Geography theses
and dissertations completed between December 15, 2010 and December 15, 2011
are eligible. We encourage submissions by students who do not necessarily
consider themselves transportation geographers but are working on exciting
and innovative transportation topics. Students should apply by emailing me ( a copy of their thesis or dissertation along with a
cover letter.  Students *must* be members of the AAG to be eligible for
either award, although they are not obligated to attend the meeting in New

We are also inviting nominations for recipients of the 2011 Edward L.
Ullman Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Study of Transportation
Geography. This is our most significant and prestigious award, and has been
given to a distinguished group of transport geographers in prior years (see
the TGSG website for a complete list:
The winner will receive a plaque at the 2012 AAG award luncheon. By custom,
the winner of this award is invited to give the Fleming Lecture in
Transportation Geography at the following year's AAG meeting. Nominations
for this award should include a letter of introduction and a complete CV.

The deadline for both is November 30.

Julie Cidell
Assistant Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Geography
University of Illinois
220 Davenport Hall
607 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

CFP: Financialisation, marketisation and the environment: Towards ?alternative? economic geographies of finance?

2011-11-16 Thread Tim Heinemann

* With apologies for cross-posting *

Call for Papers: 32nd International Geographical Congress (IGC) 2012,  
Cologne, August 26th-30th 2012 (deadline 15 December 2011)

Financialisation, marketisation and the environment: Towards  
?alternative? economic geographies of finance?

Session Organisers: Tim Heinemann (HCU Hamburg), Jane Pollard  
(Newcastle University) and Hans-Martin Zademach (KU  

The global financial crisis sparked a renewed interest of geographers  
and other social scientist into the nature and the socio-spatial  
relationships of financial systems. So far, the growing body of  
literature on finance and financialisation has however paid only  
little attention to environmental and social concerns. But practices  
of financialisation and marketisation create serious consequences for  
the natural and social environment: The markets for CO2-emissions and  
derivatives for natural resources or the privatisation of water, waste  
and sewage management in municipalities are striking examples.  
Likewise, the provision of health and other social services is  
increasingly run by private / publically listed corporations, which  
are subject to external scrutiny through financial analysts, investors  
and traders. That is, the provision of environmental goods and social  
services has become narrowly tied to the forces of financial markets,  
their logics and marketised modes of governance. Against the backdrop  
of the financial crisis, these new modes of governance have been  
brought in question ? a questioning, that has both an empirical  
component (how do these modes of governance work in varying political  
economic contexts, [how] can they be reformed?) and a normative one  
(are there alternatives?) and is thus offering fruitful avenues for  
context- and scale-sensitive geographical work. By means of following  
these avenues, the session aims to advance the discussions about  
?alternatives? to concurrent capitalist relations and mainstream  
practices of finance.

Possible topics for papers might include, but are not limited to:

- Financialisation / marketisation and the environment

- Financialisation / marketisation and daily life

- Financialisation and social exclusion

- Responses to financialisation

- Business ethics in the financial industry

- Moral geographies and social banking

- Ethical / sustainable investments funds

- Geographies of ?alternative? economic and financial practices  
(Islamic   banking,micro / sustainable / social finance, LETS etc.)

- Links between capitalist and alternative spaces of finance

Anyone interested in presenting a paper in this session is invited to  
submit an abstract of up to 250 words to Tim Heinemann  
(, Jane Pollard (  
and Hans-Martin Zademach ( and/or the online  
registration form at by 15th December 2011.

With best regards,
Tim Heinemann, Jane Pollard and Hans-Martin Zademach