Student's t vs. z tests

2001-04-20 Thread Alan Zaslavsky

(This note is largely in support of points made by Rich Ulrich and
Paul Swank.)

I disagree with the claim (expressed in several recent postings) that
z-tests are in general superseded by t-tests.  The t-test (in simple
one-sample problems) is developed under the assumption that independent
observations are drawn from a normal distribution (and hence the mean and
sample SD are independent and have specific distributional forms).
It is widely applicable because it is fairly robust against violations
of this assumptions.

However, there are also situations in which the t-test is clearly 
inferior to a z-test.  Consider first a set of measurements taken with
a measuring instrument whose sampling errors have a known standard
deviation (and approximately normal distribution).  In this case, with
a few observations (let's say 1 or 2, if you want to make it very clear),
the z-based procedure that uses the known SD will give much more useful
tests or intervals than a t-based procedure (which estimates the SD from
the data at hand).

Now consider estimation of a proportion.  Using the information that the
data consist only of 0's and 1's, and an approximate value of the
proportion, we can calculate an approximate standard error more
accurately (for p near 1/2) than we could without this information.  The
interval based on the usual variance formula p(1-p) and the z
distribution is therefore better than the one based on the t
distribution.  This is why (as Paul pointed out) everybody uses z
tests in comparing proportions, not t tests.  The same applies to
generalizations of tests of proportions as in logistic regression.

On the pedagogical issue, if you want to motivate the z-test all you need
is the formula for the variance of the mean and the fact (accepted without
proof in an elementary course) that a mean of normals is normal.  To get
to the t-distribution you need all of this and also have to talk about
the sampling distribution of the SE estimate in the denominator and how
they combine to give yet another distribution which is free of the mean and
the nuisance parameter (a fact that depends on subtle properties of the

One could take the cynical view that most intro students will get neither
of these, but short of that, the Z seems easier to motivate.  When I
taught out of Moore and McCabe, I usually tried to give some motivation
along these lines for the Z test/interval, and then when I got to the t I
waved my hands and said "when we estimate the variance instead of knowing
it in advance, the intervals have to be spread out a bit more as shown in
this table".

Alan Zaslavsky
Harvard Med School

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Re: Student's t vs. z tests

2001-04-20 Thread Jon Cryer


Could you please give us an example of such a situation?

"Consider first a set of measurements taken with
a measuring instrument whose sampling errors have a known standard
deviation (and approximately normal distribution)."


At 01:10 PM 4/20/01 -0400, you wrote:
(This note is largely in support of points made by Rich Ulrich and
Paul Swank.)

I disagree with the claim (expressed in several recent postings) that
z-tests are in general superseded by t-tests.  The t-test (in simple
one-sample problems) is developed under the assumption that independent
observations are drawn from a normal distribution (and hence the mean and
sample SD are independent and have specific distributional forms).
It is widely applicable because it is fairly robust against violations
of this assumptions.

However, there are also situations in which the t-test is clearly 
inferior to a z-test.  Consider first a set of measurements taken with
a measuring instrument whose sampling errors have a known standard
deviation (and approximately normal distribution).  In this case, with
a few observations (let's say 1 or 2, if you want to make it very clear),
the z-based procedure that uses the known SD will give much more useful
tests or intervals than a t-based procedure (which estimates the SD from
the data at hand).

   Alan Zaslavsky
   Harvard Med School

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Re: Student's t vs. z tests

2001-04-20 Thread Jon Cryer


I don't understand your comments about the estimation of a proportion.
It sounds to me as if you are using the estimated standard error. (Surely
you are not assuming a known standard error.) You are presumably, also
using the normal approximation to the binomial (or perhaps the
To do so requires a "large" sample size in which case it doesn't matter
you use the normal or t distribution. Both would be acceptable approximations.
(and both would be approximations.) So what is your point?

Once more I think you need to separate the issues of what statistic to use
and what distribution to use.


At 01:10 PM 4/20/01 -0400, you wrote:
(This note is largely in support of points made by Rich Ulrich and
Paul Swank.)


Now consider estimation of a proportion.  Using the information that the
data consist only of 0's and 1's, and an approximate value of the
proportion, we can calculate an approximate standard error more
accurately (for p near 1/2) than we could without this information.  The
interval based on the usual variance formula p(1-p) and the z
distribution is therefore better than the one based on the t
distribution.  This is why (as Paul pointed out) everybody uses z
tests in comparing proportions, not t tests.  The same applies to
generalizations of tests of proportions as in logistic regression.


   Alan Zaslavsky
   Harvard Med School

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Re: ANCOVA vs. sequential regression

2001-04-20 Thread Paul Swank
I agree. ANCOVA is often said to be used when the groups are not experimental. It is a linear model of the same nature as ACOVA but technically ANCOVA refers to the experimental situation. The general linear model would allow comparing the groups while controlling for X but as William says, you should check for the interaction first to make sure the simpler model is really appropriate.

At 04:16 PM 4/20/01 -0400, William B. Ware wrote:
>On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, William Levine wrote:
>> A study was conducted to assess whether there were age differences in memory
>> for order independent of memory for items. Two preexisting groups (younger
>> and older adults - let's call this variable A) were tested for memory for
>> order information (Y). These groups were also tested for item memory (X).
>> Two ways of analyzing these data came to mind. One was to perform an ANCOVA
>> treating X as a covariate. But the two groups differ with respect to X,
>> which would make interpretation of the ANCOVA difficult. Thus, an ANCOVA did
>> not seem like the correct analysis.
>Here's my take on it... The ANCOVA model can be implemented with
>sequential/hierarchical regression as you note below... however, ANCOVA
>has at least two assumptions that your situation does not meet.  First, it
>assumes that assignment to treatment condition is random.  Second, it
>assumes that the measurement on the covariate is independent of
>treatment.  That is, the covariate should be measured before the treatment
>is implemented.  Thus, I believe that you should implement the
>hierarchical regression... but I'm not certain what question you are
>really answering...
>I guess it is whether there is variabilty in memory for order that is
>related to age, that is independent of variability in memory for
>items... So, I would not call it an ANCOVA... You might also consider the
>possibiltiy of interaction... That is, is the relationship between memory
>for order and memory for items the same for younger and older
>William B. Ware, Professor and Chair	   Educational Psychology,
>CB# 3500		   Measurement, and Evaluation
>University of North Carolina	  	 PHONE  (919)-962-7848
>Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3500		 FAX:   (919)-962-1533
>> A second analysis option (suggested by a friend) is to perform a sequential
>> regression, entering X first and A second to
>> test if there is significant leftover variance explained by A.
>> This second option sounds to me like the same thing as the first option. In
>> an ANCOVA, variance in Y that is predictable by X is removed from the total
>> variance, and then variance due to A (adjusted) is tested against variance
>> due to S/A (adjusted). In
>> the sequential regression, variance in the Y that is predictable by X is
>> removed from the total variance, and then the leftover variance in Y is
>> regressed on A. Aren't these two analyses identical? If not, what is it that
>> differs? Finally, does anyone have any suggestions?
>> Many thanks!
>> --
>> William Levine
>> Department of Psychology
>> University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
>> Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270
>> =
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Paul R. Swank, PhD.
Professor  Advanced Quantitative Methodologist
UT-Houston School of Nursing
Center for Nursing Research
Phone (713)500-2031
Fax (713) 500-2033
soon to be moving to the Department of Pediatrics 
UT Houston School of Medicine

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No Subject

2001-04-20 Thread Hindley, Jane

Dear Eric,

I'm writing my summer school course outline, and would like to know
what the budget is for outside speakers before approaching anyone.  The
outline should be finished by the end of next week.

best wishes,



Re: Student's t vs. z tests

2001-04-20 Thread dennis roberts

alan and others ...

perhaps what my overall concern is ... and others have expressed this from 
time to time in varying ways ... is that

1. we tend to teach stat in a vacuum ...
2. and this is not good

the problem this creates is a disconnect from the question development 
phase, the measure development phase, the data collection phase, and THEN 
the analysis phase, but finally the "what do we make of it" phase.

this disconnect therefore means that ... in the context of our basic stat 
course(s) ... we more or less have to ASSUME that the data ARE good ... 
because if we did not, like you say  we would go dig ditches this 
point, we are not in much of a position to question the data too much 
since, whether it be in a book we are using or, some of our own data being 
used for illustrative examples ... there is NOTHING we can do about it at 
this stage.

it is not quite the same as when a student comes in with his/her data to 
YOU and asks for advice ... in this case, we can clearly say ... your data 
stink and, there is not a method to "cleanse" it

but in a class about statistical methods, we plod on with examples ... 
always as far as i can tell making sufficient assumptions about the 
goodness of the data to allow us to move forward

bottom line: i guess the frustration i am expressing is a more general one 
about the typical way we teach stat ... and that is in isolation from other 
parts of the question development, instrument construction, and data 
collection phases ...

what i would like to see .. which is probably impossible in general (and 
has been discussed before) ... it a more integrated approach to data 
when you get to the analysis part ... that we CAN make some realistic 
assumptions about the quality of the data, quality of the data collection 
process, and make sense of the question or questions being investigated

At 02:01 PM 4/20/01 +1000, Alan McLean wrote:
All of your observations about the deficiencies of data are perfectly
valid. But what do you do? Just give up because your data are messy, and
your assumptions are doubtful and all that? Go and dig ditches instead?
You can only analyse data by making assumptions - by working with models
of the world. The models may be shonky, but they are presumably the best
you can do. And within those models you have to assume the data is what
you think it is.

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Re: Student's t vs. z tests

2001-04-20 Thread dennis roberts

nice note mike

Impossible?  No.  Requiring a great deal of effort on the part of some
cluster of folks?  Definitely!


There is some discussion of this very possibility in Psychology, although
I've yet to see evidence of fruition.  A very large part of the problem,
in my mind, is breaking out of established stereotypes of what a Stats and
Methods sequence should look like, and then finding the materials to
support that vision.

i think it may ONLY be possible within a large unit that requires their 
students to take their methods courses ... design, testing, statistics, 
etc. i think it will be very hard for a unit that PROVIDES SUBSTANTIAL 
cross unit service courses ... to do this

for example, in our small edpsy program at penn state, most of the courses 
in research methods, measurement, and stat ... are for OTHERS ... even 
though our own students take most of them too. if we redesigned a sequence 
that would be more integrative ... for our own students, students from 
outside would NOT enroll for sure ... because they are looking for (or 
their advisors are) THE course in stat ... or THE course in research 
methods ... etc. they are not going to sit still for say a two/3 course 

If I could find good materials that were designed specifically to support
the integrated sequence, I might be able to get others to go along with

i think the more serious problem would be agreeing what should be contained 
in what course ... that is, the layout of this more integrative approach

if that could be done, i don't think it would be that hard to work on 
materials that fit the bill ... by having different faculty write some 
modules ... by finding good web links ... and, gathering a book of readings

what you want is NOT necessarily a BOOK that does it this way but, a MANUAL 
you have developed over time  that accomplishes the goals of this approach
It can be done, but it will require someone with more energy and force of
will than I.

i doubt i have the energy either ...


Michael M. Granaas
Associate Professor[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology
University of South Dakota Phone: (605) 677-5295
Vermillion, SD  57069  FAX:   (605) 677-6604
All views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of the University of South Dakota, or the South
Dakota Board of Regents.

dennis roberts, educational psychology, penn state university
208 cedar, AC 8148632401, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Introducing inference using the binomial (was: Student's t vs. z

2001-04-20 Thread Bruce Weaver

On 19 Apr 2001, Paul Swank wrote:

 I agree. I normally start inference by using the binomial and then
 then the normal approximation to the binomial for large n. It might be
 best to begin all graduate students with nonparametric statistics
 followed by linear models. Then we could get them to where they can do
 something interesting without taking four courses.
 At 01:28 PM 4/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
Why not introduce hypothesis testing in a binomial setting where there are
no nuisance parameters and p-values, power, alpha, beta,... may be obtained
easily and exactly from the Binomial distribution?

Jon Cryer

I concur with Jon and Paul.  (I'll refrain from making a crack about
Ringo.)  When I was an undergrad, the approach was z-test, t-test, ANOVA,
simple linear regression, and if there was time, a bit on tests for
categorical data (chi-squares) and rank-based tests.  I got great marks,
but came away with very little understanding of the logic of hypothesis

The stats class in 1st year grad school (psychology again) was different,
and it was there that I first started to feel like I was achieving some
understanding.  The first major chunk of the course was all about simple
rules of probability, and how we could use them to generate discrete
distributions, like the binomial.  Then, with a good understanding of
where the numbers came from, and with some understanding of conditional
probability etc, we went on to hypothesis testing in that context.  One
thing I found particularly beneficial was that we started with the case
where the sampling distribution could be specified under both the null and
alternative hypotheses.  This allowed us to calculate the likelihood
ratio, and to use a decision rule to minimize the overall probability of
error.  We could also talk about alpha, beta, and power in this simple
context.  Then we moved on to the more common case where the distribution
cannot be specified under the alternative hypothesis, and came up with a
different decision rule--i.e., one that controlled the level of alpha.  
The other thing I found useful was that all of this was without reference
to any of the standard statistical tests--although we found out that the
sign test was the same thing when we did get to our first test with a
proper name.  We followed that with the Wilcoxon signed ranks test and
Mann-Whitney U before ever getting to z- and t-tests.  By the time we got
to these, we already had a good understanding of the logic:  Calculate a
statistic, and see where it lies in its sampling distribution under a true
null hypothesis.

An undergrad text that takes a similar approach (in terms of order of
topics) is Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences, by Robert
R. Pagano.  Not only is the ordering of topics good, but the explanations
are generally quite clear.  I would certainly use Pagano's book again (and
supplement certain sections with my own notes) for a psych-stats class.

Bruce Weaver
New e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (formerly [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

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ANCOVA vs. sequential regression

2001-04-20 Thread William Levine

Here is a statistical issue that I have been pondering for a few weeks now,
and I am hoping someone can help set me straight.

A study was conducted to assess whether there were age differences in memory
for order independent of memory for items. Two preexisting groups (younger
and older adults - let's call this variable A) were tested for memory for
order information (Y). These groups were also tested for item memory (X).

Two ways of analyzing these data came to mind. One was to perform an ANCOVA
treating X as a covariate. But the two groups differ with respect to X,
which would make interpretation of the ANCOVA difficult. Thus, an ANCOVA did
not seem like the correct analysis.

A second analysis option (suggested by a friend) is to perform a sequential
regression, entering X first and A second to
test if there is significant leftover variance explained by A.

This second option sounds to me like the same thing as the first option. In
an ANCOVA, variance in Y that is predictable by X is removed from the total
variance, and then variance due to A (adjusted) is tested against variance
due to S/A (adjusted). In
the sequential regression, variance in the Y that is predictable by X is
removed from the total variance, and then the leftover variance in Y is
regressed on A. Aren't these two analyses identical? If not, what is it that
differs? Finally, does anyone have any suggestions?

Many thanks!
William Levine
Department of Psychology
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270

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Statistical Notation

2001-04-20 Thread Magill, Brett

Does anyone know of a resource that lists symbols often used in statistics
and probability.  What I am looking for is something with the symbol, its
name, and some common uses. In particular, I would like web sources, but I
would be grateful for any suggestions.



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