Robust regression

2002-02-28 Thread Alex Yu

I know that robust regression can downweight outliers. Should someone
apply robust regression when the data have skewed distributions but do not
have outliers? Regression assumptions require normality of residuals, but
not the normality of raw scores. So does it help at all to use robust
regression in this situation. Any help will be appreciated. 

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Re: When does correlation imply causation?

2001-12-06 Thread Alex Yu

Whether we can get causal inferences out of correlation and equations has 
been a dispute between two camps:

For causation: Clark Glymour (Philosopher), Pearl (Computer scientist), 
James Woodward (Philosopher) 

Against: Nancy Cartwright (Economist and philosopher), David Freedman 

One comment fromm this list is about that causal inferences cannot be 
drawn from non-experimental design. Clark Glymour asserts that using 
Causal Markov condition and faithfulness assumption, we can make causal 
interpretation to non-experimental data.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE, CCNA
Psychometrician and Data Analyst
Assessment, Research and Evaulation
Cisco Systems, Inc.

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Re: likert scale items

2001-07-25 Thread Alex Yu

The following is extracted from one of my webpage. Hope it can help:


The issue regarding the appropriateness of ordinal-scaled data in 
parametric tests was unsettled even in the eyes of Stevens (1951), the 
inventor of the four levels of measurement: "As a matter of fact, most of 
the scales used widely and effectively by psychologists are ordinal 
scales ¡K there can be involved a kind of pragmatic sanction: in numerous 
instances it leads to fruitful results." (p.26) Based on the central 
limit theorem and Monte Carlo simulations, Baker, Hardyck, and 
Petrinovich (1966) and Borgatta and Bohrnstedt (1980) argued that for 
typical data, worrying about whether scales are ordinal or interval 
doesn't matter.

Another argument against not using interval-based statistical techniques 
for ordinal data was suggested by Tukey (1986). In Tukey's view, this was 
a historically unfounded overreaction. In physics before precise 
measurements were introduced, many physical measurements were only 
approximately interval scales. For example, temperature measurement was 
based on liquid-in-glass thermometers. But it is unreasonable not to use 
a t-test to compare two groups of such temperatures. Tukey argued that 
researchers painted themselves into a corner on such matters because we 
were too obsessed with "sanctification" by precision and certainty. If 
our p-values or confidence intervals are to be sacred, they must be 
exact. In the practical world, when data values are transformed (e.g. 
transforming y to sqrt(y), or logy), the p values resulted from different 
expressions of data would change. Thus, ordinal-scaled data should not be 
banned from entering the realm of parametric tests. For a review of the 
debate concerning ordinal- and interval- scaled data, please consult 
Velleman and Wilkinson (1993).


Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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EdStat: Probabilistic inference in resampling?

2001-07-15 Thread Alex Yu

John Tukey differentiates "data analysis" and "statistics." The former may
or may not employ probability while the latter is based upon probability. 

Resampling techniques use "empirical probability." In the Fisherian sense,
probability is based upon infinite hypothetical distributions. But for
Rechenbach and von Mises, probability is empirically based on limited
cases that generate relative frequency. 

It seems to me that resampling is qualified as a probabilistic model 
in Rechenbach and von Mises' view, but not in the Fisherian tradition. My 
question is: Should resampling be counted as a probabilistic model? 
What is the nature of inference resulted from bootstrapping? Is it a 
probabilistic inference?  

As I recall, Philip Good said that permutuation tests are still subject 
to the Behrens-Fisher problem (unknown population variance). If 
resampling is based on empirical probability within the reference set, then 
why do we care about the population variance? 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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EdStat: Triangular coordinates

2001-07-10 Thread Alex Yu

I am trying to understand Triangular coordinates--a kind of graph which 
combines four dimensions into 2D by joining three axes to form a triangle 
while the Y axis "stands up." The Y axis can be hidden if the plot is 
depicted as a contour plot or a moasic plot rather than a surface plot.

I have a hard time to follow how a point is determine with the three axes 
as a triangle. Is there any website/paper than can explain this? Thanks.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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Re: On-line survey software

2001-06-22 Thread Alex Yu

I recommend FileMaker Pro for online survey. For more info, please visit:

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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Re: probability definition

2001-03-01 Thread Alex Yu

For a quick walk through of various prob. theories, you may consult "The 
Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy." pp.649-651. 

Basically, propensity theory is to deal with the problem that frequentist
prob. cannot be applied to a single case. Propensity theory defines prob.
as the disposition of a given kind of physical situation to yield an
outcome of a given type. 

The following is extracted from one of my papers. It brielfy talks about 
the history of classical theory, Reichenbach's frequentism and Fisherian 

Fisherian hypothesis testing is based upon relative frequency in long 
run. Since a version of the frequentist view of probability was developed 
by positivists Reichenbach (1938) and von Mises (1964), the two schools 
of thoughts seem to share a common thread. However, it is not necessarily 
true. Both Fisherian and positivist's frequency theory were proposed as 
an opposition to the classical Laplacean theory of probability. In the 
Laplacean perspective, probability is deductive, theoretical, and 
subjective. To be specific, this probability is subjectively deduced from 
theoretical principles and assumptions in the absence of objective 
verification with empirical data. Assume that every member of a set has 
equal probability to occur (the principle of indifference), probability 
is treated as a ratio between the desired event and all possible events. 
This probability, derived from the fairness assumption, is made before 
any events occur. 

Positivists such as Reichenbach and von Mises maintained that a very 
large number of empirical outcomes should be observed to form a reference 
class. Probability is the ratio between the frequency of desired outcome 
and the reference class. Indeed, the empirical probability hardly concurs 
with the theoretical probability. For example, when a dice is thrown, in 
theory the probability of the occurrence of number "one" should be 1/6. 
But even in a million simulations, the actual probability of the 
occurrence of "one" is not exactly one out of six times. It appears that 
positivist's frequency theory is more valid than the classical one. 
However, the usefulness of this actual, finite, relative frequency theory 
is limited for it is difficult to tell how large the reference class is 
considered large enough. 

Fisher (1930) criticized that Laplace's theory is subjective and 
incompatible with the inductive nature of science. However, unlike the 
positivists' empirical based theory, Fisher's is a hypothetical infinite 
relative frequency theory. In the Fisherian school, various theoretical 
sampling distributions are constructed as references for comparing the 
observed. Since Fisher did not mention Reichenbach or von Mises, it is 
reasonable to believe that Fisher developed his frequency theory 
independently. Backed by a thorough historical research, Hacking (1990) 
asserted that "to identify frequency theories with the rise of positivism 
(and thereby badmouth frequencies, since "positivism" has become 
distasteful) is to forget why frequentism arose when it did, namely when 
there are a lot of known frequencies." (p.452) In a similar vein, Jones 
(1999) maintained that "while a positivist may have to be a frequentist, 
a frequentist does not have to be a positivist."

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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Re: probability definition

2001-02-28 Thread Alex Yu

Probability can be defined in at least five different ways:

1. Classical Laplacean theory of probability: The derived from 
the fairness assumption e.g. a fair coin. It is also called 

2. Frequentist theory: It is developed by von Mises and Reichenbach. Prob. 
is the relative frequency in the long run by limiting observations.

3. Propensity: It is based upon the physical or the objective property of 
the events.

4. Logical: developed by Carnap. Prob. is defined like Y logically 
entails X.

5. Subjective or Bayesian: degree of belief

There is no easy answer to your question. It depends on which point of 
view you chose. 

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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Re: Effect statistics for non-normality

2001-01-17 Thread Alex Yu

> You see, you are using a qualitative estimate of non-normality (box 
plot)!  I want a rule based on a quantitative estimate.   

I may disagree to the above notion. Yes, data visualization such as using
boxplots, histograms, and Q-Q plots involves subjective judgment and does
not have a strict cut-off rule. Still, there are rules (e.g. how to divide
quantite, what bandwidth and smoothing algorithms to use) to make graphs. 

On the other hand, so-called rule based methods also involve subjective 
decisions (why .05 as the alpha? why .80 as the power level?)  

The line between "qualitative" and "quantitative" are a bit blurred.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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EdStat: Factoring tetrachoric matrix in SAS

2000-11-24 Thread Alex Yu

I ran a SAS macro and output a tetrachoric correlation matrix of 236
variables successfully. However, when I ran a factor analsyis using the
matrix as the infile, it fails. Although I have specified 'corr' for
_type_, SAS said that: 

"Data set WORK.MATRIX2 has _TYPE_ and _NAME_ variables but is not

ERROR: CORR matrix incomplete in data set WORK.MATRIX.

The following is the SAS program. I would appreciate it if any SAS expert 
out there can give me a hand:

data matrix (type=corr); infile "plcorr2.txt";
input _name_ $ as1-as24 bs1-bs24 cs1-cs25 ds1-ds25 es1-es25 fs1-fs25 
gs1-gs25 hs1-hs60;*/

data matrix2; set matrix;
proc factor data=matrix method = prinit scree;

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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Logistic regression

2000-11-08 Thread Alex Yu

Hi, I have a dependent variable as a binary variable, and independent 
variables as interval-scaled variables and dummy variables (1, 0), which 
are converted from grouping variables. When dummy variables are included 
in the independent variables, is it legitimate to do a logistic 
regression? Thanks.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Academic Research Professional/Manager
Educational Data Communication, Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Farmer 418
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0611

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Re: sample size program for regression

2000-06-23 Thread Alex Yu

PASS released by NCSS can calculate sample size for OLS regression and 
logistic regression. 

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
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ANOVA, Robustness, and Power

2000-06-22 Thread Alex Yu

ANOVA is said to robust against assumption violations when the sample 
size is large. However, when the sample size is huge, it tends to 
overpower the test and thus the null may be falsly rejected. Which is a 
lesser evil? Your input will be greatly appreciated.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
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Re: Shapiro-Wilks

2000-06-06 Thread Alex Yu

Three notes:

1. Shapiro test is for testing a sample size under 2000. For a large sample 
size which is over 2000, Kolmogorov test should be used instead.

2. Test statistic alone may not be sufficient. To test normality, it is 
recommended to use normality probability plot, too.

3. Shapiro test is for testing univariate normality. For multivariate 
normality, use Q-Q plots and some other tests.

Hope it helps.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
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Re: Number of factors to be extracted

2000-05-02 Thread Alex Yu

There are several rules. The most popular two are:

1. Kasier criterion: retain the factor when eigenvalue is larger than 1
2. Scree plot: Basically, it is eyeballing. Plot the number of factors 
and the eigenvalue and see where the sharp turn is.

Hope it helps.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

On Tue, 2 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Would any of you know a rule of thumb for selecting the proper (of
> optimal) number of factors to be extracted from a factor analysis.
> Also, how many variables can there be in such factor (is two variable
> in one factor not enough?).
> Sorry for my english...
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
> ===
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> THE POSTMASTER about these messages because the postmaster has no
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> ===

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Re: Exploratory data analysis

2000-04-03 Thread Alex Yu

> and here's one that will give you a headache

Actually the link above is an older version. Try:

The citation is:

Yu, C. H. (1994, April). Induction? Deduction? Abduction? Is there a 
logic of EDA? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American 
Educational Researcher Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. (ERIC 
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 376 173) 

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Re: Exploratory data analysis

2000-04-03 Thread Alex Yu

The following website summarize EDA and data visualization, as well as 
citing several useful references:

Hope it helps.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

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Maple V and regression function

2000-03-28 Thread Alex Yu

I am trying to plot a regression function with three-way interaction such as:

y = a + x1b1 + x2b2 + x3b3 + x1x2b4 + x1x3b5 + x2x3b6 + x1x2x3b7

In Maple V I used the following syntax and Maple created an animated 3D plot:

animate3d(2.345+ x1*0.98 + x2*0.76 + x3*1.23 + x1*x2*0.076 + x1*x3*0.087 
+ x3*x2*1.0765 + x1*x2*x3*1.456,x1=1..7,x2=1..7,x3=1..7);

However, there is nowhere for me to specify the highest and lowest values 
of Y. I looked through the manual but yielded no result. Any help will be 
greatly appreciated.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

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Re: Weighted Kappa

2000-03-08 Thread Alex Yu

As I recall, Kappa is a measurement of agreement. It is best used for 
dichotomous outcomes such as judgment by raters in terms of 
"mastery/non-mastery" "pass/fail". I am not sure if it is proper for your 
data. If the data are continuous-scaled and more than two raters 
involved, a repeated measures approach can be used to check the reliability:

Horst, P. (1949). A Generalized expression for the reliability of 
measures. Psychometrika, 14, 21-31.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

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Re: ANOVA causal direction

2000-02-10 Thread Alex Yu

A statistical procedure alone cannot determine casual relationships. 
Rather it involves the design and measurement issues. The following is 
extracted from my handout:

One of the objectives of conducting experiments is to make causal 
inferences. At least three criteria need to be fulfilled to validate a 
causal inference (Hoyle, 1995):

Directionality: The independent variable affects the dependent variable. 

Isolation: Extraneous noise and measurement errors must be isolated from 
the study so that the observed relationship cannot be explained by 
something other than the proposed theory.
Association: The independent variable and the dependent variable are 
mathematically correlated. 

To establish the direction of variables, the researcher can apply logic 
(e.g. physical height cannot cause test performance), theory (e.g. 
collaboration affects group performance), and most powerfully, research 
design (e.g. other competing explanations are ruled out from the 
To meet the criterion of isolation, careful measurement should be 
implemented to establish validity and reliability, and to reduce 
measurement errors. In addition, extraneous variance, also known as 
threats against validity of experiment, must be controlled in the design 
of experiment. 

Last, statistical methods are used to calculate the mathematical 
association among variables. However, in spite of a strong mathematical 
association, the causal inference may not make sense at all if 
directionality and isolation are not established. 

In summary, statistics analysis is only a small part of the entire 
research process. Hoyle (1995) explicitly warned that researchers should 
not regard statistical procedures as the only way to establish a causal 
and effect interpretation. 

Hoyle, R. H.. (1995). The structural equation modeling approach: Basic 
concepts and fundamental issues. In R. H. Hoyle (Eds.), Structural 
equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications (pp. 1-15). 
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

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Re: search engines

2000-01-14 Thread Alex Yu

I use meta-search-engine such as savvysearch and Web Ferret.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317


1999-12-15 Thread Alex Yu

In SAS, ANOVA is for design of one-way and balanced multi-way 
classifications. The main point here is "balanced." ANOVA may be used for 
unbalanced data if the factors do not interact, otherwise, GLM is a 
better procedure. 

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

Re: Disadvantage of Non-parametric vs. Parametric Test

1999-12-06 Thread Alex Yu

Disadvantages of non-parametric tests:

Losing precision: Edgington (1995) asserted that when more precise 
measurements are available, it is unwise to degrade the precision by 
transforming the measurements into ranked data.

Low power: Generally speaking, the statistical power of non-parametric 
tests are lower than that of their parametric counterpart except on a few 
occasions (Hodges & Lehmann, 1956; Tanizaki, 1997). 

Inaccuracy in multiple violations: Non-parametric tests tend to produce 
biased results when multiple assumptions are violated (Glass, 1996; 
Zimmerman, 1998). 

Testing distributions only: Further, non-parametric tests are criticized 
for being incapable of answering the focused question. For example, the 
WMW procedure tests whether the two distributions are different in some 
way but does not show how they differ in mean, variance, or shape. Based 
on this limitation, Johnson (1995) preferred robust procedures and data 
transformation to non-parametric tests. 

Hope it helps.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

Correction: Factor analysis instructional materials

1999-12-03 Thread Alex Yu

Two days ago I posted a URL for downloading a tutorial of factor 
analysis. However, when I uploaded the program, I forgot to include the 
associated QuickTime movies. The corrected zip file has been re-uploaded to:

I made the same correction to another tutorial of collinearity:

Sorry for wasting your bandwidth and downloading time.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317

Re: factor analysis instructional materials

1999-12-02 Thread Alex Yu

Hi, I have several things. The following is a website explaining concepts 
of factor, vector, eigenavector, eigenvalue, variable space, subject 

I also have a multimedia program:

The program is a self-contained movie made by Macromedia Director. The 
file size is 8 meg. You need Winzip to decompress it. 

Hope it helps.

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., CNE, MCSE
Instruction and Research Support
Information Technology
Arizona State University
Tempe AZ 85287-0101
Voice: (602)965-7402
Fax: (602)965-6317