Re: correlation of dependent variables

2002-02-01 Thread DELOMBA

Isn't it the same as getting the variance of the product of the independant
uncorrelated variables A &  B ?


"John Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> If I have 3 variables defined as follows:
> A, B as independent, uncorrelated values of 0 or 1
> C defined as the logical AND of A&B, such that C=1 if and only if both
> A & B =1, and 0 otherwise.
> Example
> A=1, B=0 then C=0
> A=0, B=1 then C=0
> A=0, B=1 then C=0
> A=1, B=1 then C=1
> My question is, what is the covariance (or how does one begin to
> calculate it) between A and C ?

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Re: correlation of dependent variables

2002-01-31 Thread Vadim Pliner

The answer is E(CA)=EA*EB. This is why:
You have C=A*B. Therefore, E(CA)=E((A**2)*B))=E(A*B)=EA*EB.
The second to last equality holds because A**2=A, and the last one is
correct because A and B are independent.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Smith) wrote: 
> If I have 3 variables defined as follows:
> A, B as independent, uncorrelated values of 0 or 1
> C defined as the logical AND of A&B, such that C=1 if and only if both
> A & B =1, and 0 otherwise.
> Example
> A=1, B=0 then C=0
> A=0, B=1 then C=0
> A=0, B=1 then C=0
> A=1, B=1 then C=1
> My question is, what is the covariance (or how does one begin to
> calculate it) between A and C ?

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Re: correlation of dependent variables

2002-01-31 Thread Dennis Roberts

are you saying that you have variables X, Y, and Z ... and, X and Y are 
uncorrelated and, Z is the sum of X and Y? ... and you want to find the 
covariance (or r i assume) between X and Z?
(or between Y and Z ... same difference)

here is a hint

if X and Y are independent, it is like having two columns of data that have 
been placed there totally at random ... knowing X helps not knowing Y, or 
vice versa.

when  you add together two random and INDEPENDENT variables ... that summed 
variable, will IT now have any systematic relationship between either of 
the parts that go into the sum?

well, we know that X and Y are uncorrelated so, a big value on X is just as 
likely to be associated with a big value on Y ... as a middle sized or 
small value on Y, right?

but, that does mean that sometimes, X and Y will both be big ... and the 
SUM of the two is big ... and sometimes, X and Y will both be small ... and 
the sum of the two will be small, right?

thus, if you look at the sum ... WHEN IT IS LARGE IS HAS TO BE BECAUSE X 
AND Y WERE BOTH LARGE IN THAT CASE ... and, when the sum values are small, 
it has to be because BOTH X and Y were small too

thus, big and small SUMs will be associated with BIG and SMALL Xs and Ys 
... accordingly ... ie, X and Z, and Y and Z ... will be correlated

here is a small minitab simulation of this


  C17 - *  **
  - 2** *
  -  * 2   ***
60+   ** **  * **
  -*   2 * **  2*  **
  -  ** *   ** ** **
  -   *   * 2   * **  *   *
  -   *  ** *   3** * *  **   *
45+  *   * * ***   ***   * *
  -  * * ** *2
  -  * **   * ** *
  -  **   * *  *
  - *   *  *
30+   **
  - *

MTB > corr c16 c17

Pearson correlation of C16 and C17 = -0.005
P-Value = 0.959
then i did the sum of both ... and got the plots of EACH with the sum

MTB > plot c30 c16


  C30 -  *
  - *   *   *
   125+*   *
  -2* *
  -*** *   *  2*
  -   *2**
  - *   2**2 2 ** ** **  *
   100+  *  *   3 * 2 *  ***
  -   **3* *22  *  *
  -* *  * ** **   * *  *
  -   **  *  **  2  *  *
  -   **  * * *
75+  *
  -  2
  - *

MTB > plot c30 c17


  C30 -   *
  -*   * *
   125+  **
  - *   *2
  -   *  *   *  2   * **
  -*2 2*** *
  - *** * *2 *  3  2 2 *
   100+  **   *  *2 2* * * *
  -  *  *   *2 *23* *
  -* **   *2* ***  ****
  -*   ** *   ** *   **
  -** *   *   *
75+ *
  -   *  *

At 03:50 AM 1/31/02 -0800, John Smith wrote:
>If I have 3 variables defined as follows:
>A, B as independent, uncorrelated values of 0 or 1
>C defined as the logical AND of A&B, such that C=1 if and only if both
>A & B =1, and 0 otherwise.
>A=1, B=0 then C=0
>A=0, B=1 then C=0
>A=0, B=1 then C=0
>A=1, B=1 then C=1
>My question is, what is the covariance (or how does one begin to
>calculate it) between A and C ?
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