[Educasup] [Reminder] TODAY: Lecture by Carlotta Santini (CNRS) | 11 April 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-11 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Carlotta Santini *(CNRS)
*'Reading well, writing well, living well. Friedrich Nietzsche and the
question of style'*

Date: *Monday 11 April 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<http://unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316>* to attend the meeting*

The reflection on style in Nietzsche's philosophical work cannot be
circumscribed to a specific period. It is in fact one of the most important
leitmotifs of his œuvre, whose treatment, almost never systematic, is
entrusted to anecdotes, mottos and quick remarks. Starting with his first
study of the complex artificiality and conventionality of ancient
literatures, Nietzsche lays the foundations for his future reflections on
philosophical language and the great style. This "dispersed" form, however,
in no way diminishes the theoretical weight of the considerations on style
and modes of writing in Nietzsche's work. The aesthetic paradigm of the
Greek literary work, its rigid formalism and exaggerated normativity to
which the entire expressive potential of the artwork was entrusted,
increasingly takes the form of an ethical paradigm in Nietzsche's
reflection. The "unnatural naturalness" of the great style, the creative
freedom within the closed realm of convention, which Nietzsche borrows from
the experience of ancient rhetoric, drives him to conceive, through words
and writings, an ethics of self-determination, a character-shaping action
of stylistic choices. In contrast to the popular view according to which
Nietzsche is the philosopher of irrationality, he concentrates all his
efforts on the codification of a theory of education and self-control,
self-determination, which affects not only writing, but also thinking and
character, and thus aspires to achieve radical transformations in the human
form of life.

Carlotta Santini
<http://www.umr8547.ens.fr/spip.php?rubrique263&lang=fr> is Chargée
de Recherche de Classe Normale at CNRS/Ecole Normale Supérieure (UMR 8547 –
Pays Germaniques, Transferts Culturels). Editor of Friedrich Nietzsche's
works, she specializes in 19th century German culture and the role played
by Greek and Latin classical culture in the development of modern Western

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Please visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program.


[Educasup] Lecture by Raz Chen-Morris (Jerusalem) | 26 April 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-21 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles and Method in
the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar*

*Raz Chen-Morris *(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
*Fantasy, Scientific Thought and the End of Baroque Science*

Date: *Tuesday 26 April 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<http://unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316>* to attend the meeting*


Since the early phases of the New Science, natural philosophers and
mathematicians embraced fantastical stories and imaginary scenarios in
order to undermine the traditional and well-entrenched Aritotelian and
Ptolemaic systems of the world. Whether in Kepler's Somnium, or Galileo
imaginary experiments, or Descartes' fictitious world-system, the
assumption was that, in Shakepeare's words, only by "transfiguring" the
audience's mind "so together" can a great constancy  grow. This utopian
notion that in traveling to another fantastical place one can learn the
truth about one's own world pervaded much of 17th century scientific
thought in its aspiration to fashion a new world-picture. Beginning with
the 1660's, however, the notion of a fantastic travel became leverage for
criticizing and exposing the vain presumptuousness of the "New Science".
Margaret Cavendish, in her Blazing World, blatantly attacked the Royal
Society, mocking its reliance on such instruments as the telescope and the
microscope. The Jesuit Gabriel Daniel, in his Voiage du Monde de Descartes,
used the trope of space traveling to ridicule the French philosophers'
system of the world. Thus, at the end of the 17th century, leading savants
such as Fontenelle or Huygens turned to speculate on planetary worlds,
marginalizing the role of fantasy and instead seeking to establish a new
astronomical and physical commonsense.

Raz-Chen Morris <https://en.history.huji.ac.il/people/raz-chen-morris> is an
associate professor in the History department at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem. He has published widely on Renaissance science, concentrating on
Kepler’s optics. His major publications to date are: *Measuring Shadows:
Kepler's Optics of Invisibility *(Penn State University Press, 2016). With
Ofer Gal, *Baroque Science* (The University of Chicago Press, 2013).
Together with Ofer Gal he edited *Science in the Age of Baroque* (Springer
2012). Together with Hanan Yoran and Gur Zak, he edited a special issue of *The
European Legacy*, (20:5, 2015) on *Humanism and the Ambiguities of

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program. Please note that the meeting will be recorded. By
participating, you give your consent.
Matteo Vagelli, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (Ca' Foscari University of Venice/Harvard
*Style Matters: Scientific Pluralism and its Early-Modern Sources *


[Educasup] Denis Kambouchner (Paris 1) | 2 May 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-30 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Du style en philosophie, à partir de Descartes* *- entretien avec* *Denis

*Date: *Monday 2 May 2022
*Time: *17:30-19:30 (CEST/Rome Time)
*Place:* Online (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<http://unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316>* to attend the meeting*

Dans ce séminaire, nous nous intéressons aux analogies, décalages ou
rapprochements possibles entre la notion de style et celle de méthode.
Dans ce cadre, quelle est la place de Descartes en tant que « penseur de la
méthode » ? Peut-on soutenir que le style, en tant que « manière de penser
» trouve chez Descartes sa figure fondatrice : celui-ci, plus qu’aucun
autre philosophe moderne avant lui, ayant explicitement lié et plié la
pensée et le style à l'exigence de clarté ?  Y-a-t-il un rapport entre
l’architecture syntaxique de la langue cartésienne et sa pensée ?  Dans
quelle mesure le « style Descartes » a été repris/reproduit ou est-il
l’expression d’un style philosophique qui va bien au-delà de son créateur?

Dans cette séance nous avons l’honneur de discuter ces questions avec M.
Denis Kambouchner, spécialiste de Descartes et de la philosophie moderne.
Professeur émérite à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, il a dirigé,
chez Gallimard, l’édition des *Œuvres complètes* de Descartes, et il est
l’auteur de très nombreux ouvrages en histoire de la philosophie (nous
rappelons *Descartes et la philosophie morale*, Hermann, 2001 et *Descartes
n’a pas dit*, Les Belles-Lettres, 2015). M. Kambouchner est aussi l’auteur
de *Le style de Descartes *(Manucius, 2013), livre qui constitue le point
de départ de notre entretien d’aujourd’hui, et qui permettra de dégager
quelques pistes de réflexion autour de Descartes et de la notion de style,
pour ensuite aborder plus largement la pensée moderne et la philosophie de
manière plus globale.

** This meeting will exceptionally be held in French, however, it will be
possible to participate in the conversation and ask questions in English * *

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program. Please note that the meeting will be recorded. By
participating, you give your consent.
Matteo Vagelli, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (Ca' Foscari University of Venice/Harvard
*Style Matters: Scientific Pluralism and its Early-Modern Sources *


[Educasup] [TOMORROW] Lecture by Emilie Passignat (Ca' Foscari) | 12 May 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-05-11 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles and Method in
the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar*

*Emilie Passignat *(Ca' Foscari)
*'Manner: Connoisseurship and Taxonomy, Individual and Collective Identity'*

Date: *Thursday 12 May 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<http://unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316>* to attend the meeting*

The word "Mannerism" is relatively recent in the vocabulary of art history:
it appears in Italy during the first half of the nineteenth century. Though
it can be useful to elaborate the periodization of arts, Robert Rosenblum
has rightly referred to period markers as “semantic straitjackets”,
considering these tools hard to tolerate as well as quite impossible to
reject. “Mannerism” has a meaning deeply stigmatized and often pejorative
inherited from previous centuries, due to the evolution of the use of the
term Maniera in the art theory and criticism. The purpose of this paper is
thus to focus on some significant aspects of the history of “Maniera”, by
giving some new considerations on this key term of the artistic vocabulary.
This will aim to present some reflections on the adoption of the term
“Maniera” in the artistic literature of the 16 th Century, to highlight
some underlying theoretical problems that have so far been much too
neglected. Above all, “Maniera” was intrinsically linked to the notion of
imitation and has been particularly involved in the gradual emergence of
the concept of school, since its apparent polysemy follows from the
declination at different scales of what is specific to the individual and
collective artistic identity, in space, in time and in the choice of models.

Emilie Passignat
<https://www.unive.it/data/persone/16911815/curriculum> obtained
a PhD in art history at the University of Pisa and is currently researcher
at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Her research concerns artistic
historiography, theories of art, sculpture and decorative cycles, with the
background question of the reception and description of the work of art, as
well as cultural exchanges in Modern Europe, especially between Italy and
France. Recently published essays deals also with the question of visual
norm and with the construction and evolution of artistic vocabulary. Among
her latest publications *Il Cinquecento. Le fonti per la storia
dell'arte* (Carocci
2017). Forthcoming publications concern the construction of art history
during the 20th century.

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program. Please note that the meeting will be recorded. By
participating, you give your consent.


[Educasup] Lecture by Gianna Pomata (Johns Hopkins) | 23 May 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-05-21 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles and Method in
the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar*

*Gianna Pomata *(Johns Hopkins)
*'The unbearable lightness of thinking: theory as "capriccio" in
17th-century medicine'*

Date: *Monday 23 May 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<http://unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316>* to attend the meeting*

My contribution will focus on a surprising and hitherto unnoticed aspect of
early modern epistemology: the fact that the term “capriccio” was used in
17th-century natural philosophy and medicine to indicate conjecture,
hypothesis, or theory - in other words, as an antonym for observation. The
term conveyed, in this context, a negative view of theory as mere opinion
or “fancy”. Indeed, it carried some of the flavor of arbitrariness and
unruliness that the word “caprice” was acquiring, in the same years, in the
language of political theorists, particularly with the critics of the
absolutist state. Right at the same time, in striking contrast, “capriccio”
was acquiring a strongly positive currency in the arts. Starting with music
in the 16th century, the term “capriccio” was extended to the visual arts
and then to literature, to indicate a fashionable multimedia genre
associated with liberty of form - “a genre that combined order and chaos”.
It appears then that a “capricious” style became fashionable in the arts
right when it was being frowned upon in the sciences. What was the meaning
of these parallel and contrasting trends? I will argue that the negative
meaning of “capriccio” in the sciences indicated:

1) the changing relationship of theory and observation in the 17th century,
which strongly privileged observation over theory;
2) the beginning of a divergence between acceptable styles of thinking in
scientific and artistic cultures, which would more fully develop in later

Gianna Pomata
<https://hopkinshistoryofmedicine.org/people/gianna-pomata-phd/> is
Professor Emerita at the Institute of the History of Medicine at Johns
Hopkins University. Her research interests include early modern European
social and cultural history, with a main focus on the history of medicine.
She is also interested in medical casuistry from the viewpoint of a
comparative history of medical genres. A cross-cultural approach to the
history of medical genres and epistemologies is a central feature of her
present  research work. She is currently completing a book titled *The Case
Narrative in Pre-modern Medicine: A History Across Cultures*. Among her
publications: *Historia: Empiricism and Erudition in Early Modern Europe *(MIT
Press, 2005) and "The Medical Case Narrative: Distant Reading of an
Epistemic Genre" *Literature and Medicine* 32, 1 (2014)

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program. Please note that the meeting will be recorded. By
participating, you give your consent.


[Educasup] [registration open] Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries. 7th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology (Ca' Foscari, June 9-10)

2022-06-03 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries7th International Workshop on
Historical Epistemology*

*9-10 June* - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (Aula Baratto - Dorsoduro 3246
- 30123 VE - Second floor)

*Registration (free and mandatory) at*: episthist.hypotheses.org

*Zoom link*: unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316

*Further information*: epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com

*JUNE 9, 2022*

*9:30* *Welcome & Introduction* Marco Sgarbi, Ca’ Foscari

*Chair* Roberta Dreon, Ca’ Foscari

*10:00* Cécilia Bognon, Université de Paris (Labex Who am I?/IHPST)
*From the Spectacle de la nature (Abbé Pluche,1732) to Naturphilosophie.
Creativity, order and vital disorder*

*Polemics and epistemes: symbiontics in contemporary bio-arts *

*Chair* Eleonora Montuschi, Ca’ Foscari

*14:00* Francesco Nappo, Politecnico di Milano
*How Maxwell discovered the Maxwell equations*

*14:40* Stefano Furlan, MPIWG Berlin/Université de Genève
*The smile of Mnemosyne: John Wheeler between history of science and arts*

*15:20* Ladislav Kvasz, Institute of philosophy of the Czech Academy of
Sciences in Prague
*On epistemological reconstruction of the development of the concept of
space in geometry and in painting*

*16:20* PIETRO DANIEL OMODEO, Ca’ Foscari
*Cultural politics of historical epistemology*

*17:20* PETER GALISON, Harvard University
*Wastewilderness: nuclear lands*

*JUNE 10, 2022*

*Chair* Matteo Vagelli, Ca’ Foscari/Harvard University

*9:30* Gwenda-lin Grewal, New School for Social Research
*Fashion and academic divisiveness*

*10:10* Maria Teresa Costa, MPIWG Berlin
*A transcultural history of art history from the 19th century and beyond.
Art and science in a dialogue*

*11:20* Lucie Fabry, AMU/CGGG
*Is there a science of interpretation? Sociology of art and epistemology of
social sciences in the work of Jean-Claude Passeron*

*Chair* Caroline Angleraux, Labex Who am I?/IHPST

*14:00* Matteo Vagelli, Ca’ Foscari/Harvard University
*Varieties of pluralism. Granger’s, Feyerabend’s, and Hacking’s theories of
scientific styles compared*

*14:40* Daniel Rodriguez-Navas, New School for Social Research
*Art and science, method and style: the function of the concept of style in
French historical epistemology*

*15:20* Rémi Mermet, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
*Between art and science: Ernst Cassirer’s concept of style*

*16:20* Agnese Ghezzi, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
*The entangled histories of anthropology and photography, between art and

*17:00* ELENA CANADELLI, Università degli Studi di Padova
*Art, science, and nature: museums as entangled spaces*

*This workshop is organized by:*

*Épistémologie Historique. Research Network on the History and the Methods
of Historical Epistemology*

*With the support of:*

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Philosophy and Cultural
European Commission (This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE”);
IHPST (UMR 8590, Paris 1/CNRS);
Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (UMR 7304);
Center for Renaissance and Early Modern Thought (CREMT).

*Organizing committee:*

Matteo Vagelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia/Harvard University);
Caroline Angleraux (Labex Who Am I?/IHPST);
Lucie Fabry (Aix Marseille Université, Centre Gilles-Gaston Granger);
Iván Moya-Diez (Universidad Alberto Hurtado);
Thomas Embleton (IHPST).


[Educasup] [final call for registration & program change] Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries. 7th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology (Ca' Foscari, June 9-10)

2022-06-08 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries*
*7th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology*

*9-10 June* - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (Aula Baratto - Dorsoduro 3246
- 30123 VE - Second floor)

*Registration (free and mandatory) at*: episthist.hypotheses.org

*Zoom link*: unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316

*Further information*: epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com

*JUNE 9, 2022 (please note the later start time)*

*10:30* *Welcome & Introduction* Marco Sgarbi, Ca’ Foscari

*Chair* Roberta Dreon, Ca’ Foscari

*Polemics and epistemes: symbiontics in contemporary bio-arts *

*Chair* Eleonora Montuschi, Ca’ Foscari

*14:00* Francesco Nappo, Politecnico di Milano
*How Maxwell discovered the Maxwell equations*

*14:40* Stefano Furlan, MPIWG Berlin/Université de Genève
*The smile of Mnemosyne: John Wheeler between history of science and arts*

*15:20* Ladislav Kvasz, Institute of philosophy of the Czech Academy of
Sciences in Prague
*On epistemological reconstruction of the development of the concept of
space in geometry and in painting*

*16:20* PIETRO DANIEL OMODEO, Ca’ Foscari
*Cultural politics of historical epistemology*

*17:20* PETER GALISON, Harvard University
*Wastewilderness: nuclear lands*

*JUNE 10, 2022*

*Chair* Matteo Vagelli, Ca’ Foscari/Harvard University

*9:30* Gwenda-lin Grewal, New School for Social Research
*Fashion and academic divisiveness*

*10:10* Maria Teresa Costa, MPIWG Berlin
*A transcultural history of art history from the 19th century and beyond.
Art and science in a dialogue*

*11:20* Lucie Fabry, AMU/CGGG
*Is there a science of interpretation? Sociology of art and epistemology of
social sciences in the work of Jean-Claude Passeron*

*Chair* Caroline Angleraux, Labex Who am I?/IHPST

*14:00* Matteo Vagelli, Ca’ Foscari/Harvard University
*Varieties of pluralism. Granger’s, Feyerabend’s, and Hacking’s theories of
scientific styles compared*

*14:40* Daniel Rodriguez-Navas, New School for Social Research
*Art and science, method and style: the function of the concept of style in
French historical epistemology*

*15:20* Rémi Mermet, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
*Between art and science: Ernst Cassirer’s concept of style*

*16:20* Agnese Ghezzi, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
*The entangled histories of anthropology and photography, between art and

*17:00* ELENA CANADELLI, Università degli Studi di Padova
*Art, science, and nature: museums as entangled spaces*

*This workshop is organized by:*

*Épistémologie Historique. Research Network on the History and the Methods
of Historical Epistemology*

*With the support of:*

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Philosophy and Cultural
European Commission (This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE”);
IHPST (UMR 8590, Paris 1/CNRS);
Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (UMR 7304);
Center for Renaissance and Early Modern Thought (CREMT).

*Organizing committee:*

Matteo Vagelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia/Harvard University);
Caroline Angleraux (Labex Who Am I?/IHPST);
Lucie Fabry (Aix Marseille Université, Centre Gilles-Gaston Granger);
Iván Moya-Diez (Universidad Alberto Hurtado);
Thomas Embleton (IHPST).


[Educasup] online seminar: Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences (Fall 2022-Winter 2023)

2022-10-12 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences *
Fall 2022-Winter 2023 - Online Seminar

Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Department of Philosophy and Cultural
European Commission – This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE”

*Organizer:* Matteo Vagelli <https://unive.academia.edu/MatteoVagelli> (Ca'

*Link zoom:* unive.zoom.us/j/87432697512

*Further information:* matteo.vage...@unive.it

*Website:* unive.it/epistyle

*OCTOBER 17, 2022*

*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*

*Isabelle Kalinowski*, ENS Paris

*Gottfried Semper: Style and the Thickness of Time*

*OCTOBER 24, 2022*

*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*

*Rémi Mermet*, ENS Paris

*Beyond Formalism: Heinrich Wölfflin’s Concept of Style*

*OCTOBER 31, 2022*

*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*

*Andrea Pinotti*, Università degli Studi di Milano

*Style in Art and Style in perception: a Problematic Correlation*

*JANUARY 24, 2023*

*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*

*Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos*, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

*Existentialisme de la connaissance et stylistique de l'idéation*

*FEBRUARY 6, 2023*

*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*

*Mari Hvattum*, Oslo School of Architecture and Design

*Style and Solitude. The History of an Architectural Problem*

*FEBRUARY 13, 2023*

*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*

*Eva Geulen*, ZfL Berlin

*Why Style Now?*

Matteo Vagelli, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (Ca' Foscari University of Venice/Harvard


[Educasup] Lecture by Isabelle Kalinowski (ENS) | 17 October 2022 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Seminar

2022-10-17 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles in the Arts and
in the Sciences Seminar*

*Isabelle Kalinowski *(ENS)
*'Gottfried Semper: Style and the Thickness of Time'*

Date: *Monday 17 October 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<http://unive.zoom.us/j/87432697512>* to attend the meeting*

In the 1830s, German architect Gottfried Semper (1803–1879) took part in
the historical movement of rediscovery of ancient architectural polychromy.
His main interest, however, was not limited to demonstrating the historical
existence of polychromy: he wanted to explain the function of color and to
find an interpretation of the décor’s necessity. He argued that polychromy
has essentially to do with memory: the colored décor is a reminiscence of
an origin which is more structural than strictly historical. The elements
of décor are always linked to something which is remembered: not only to an
event in the people’s history, or to a symbolic value, but to the memory of
architecture itself. It refers to another material. From the end of the
1840s onward, Semper identifies this architectural memory as a reminiscence
of “textile.” In his major work, Style (1860–1863), he refines his
conception of genealogy: according to him, the process of material
metamorphosis accounts for the agency of architecture. In this lecture, I
will explore Semper’s theory of style as material memory as well as the
function of Stoffwechsel (metabolism) or migration from one material
technique to another in its discontinuity and nomadic history.

Isabelle Kalinowski <http://www.umr8547.ens.fr/spip.php?rubrique42&lang=fr> is
a CNRS senior researcher and a member of the “Transferts culturels
franco-allemands” at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. Her works focus
on the history of the sociology of religions and of the traditional arts at
the beginning of the 20th century, both in Germany and in France. She has
published extensively on Gottfried Semper and Max Weber, among others, and
she is currently preparing a French translation of Semper's *Der Stil*.

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Please visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program.


[Educasup] TODAY | Lecture by Rémi Mermet (ENS) | 24 October 2 022 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Seminar

2022-10-24 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles in the Arts and
in the Sciences Seminar*

*Rémi Mermet *(ENS)
*Beyond Formalism: Heinrich Wölfflin’s Concept of Style*

Date: *Monday 24 October 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<https://unive.zoom.us/j/87432697512>* to attend the meeting*

Swiss-German art historian Heinrich Wölfflin (1864-1945) is usually
considered, along with Alois Riegl, Aby Warburg and Erwin Panofsky, to be
one of the founding fathers of scientific art history (Kunstwissenschaft)
in the early 20th century. His Principles of Art History, published in
1915, has been one of the most influential books in the history of the
discipline. Yet, despite the recent celebration of the centenary of its
publication, and its retranslation into English by the Getty Research
Institute, this work still triggers strong opposition within the
art-historical community: for a century, Wölfflin’s book has regularly been
criticized for his so-called “formalist” approach to artistic styles—an
approach that is generally deemed to be blind to the social, political and
ideological context of the creation of the works of art. Against such
interpretations, I aim to show that Wölfflin’s formalism is merely
“tactical”. In the Principles of Art History, he turns away from the
analysis of the content of the works to better grasp the inherent meaning
of their form. His definition of style as Sehform (“form of seeing”), which
owes much to the legacy of Goethe’s morphology, does not separate form and
meaning, but apprehends form as the manifestation of meaning itself.

Rémi Mermet <https://ens.academia.edu/R%C3%A9miMermet> is a postdoctoral
researcher working on aesthetics and the philosophy of art, as well as on
philosophical anthropology and the Germanic philosophy of the 19th and the
20th centuries. He has recently published *L’Histoire de l’art et ses
concepts. Autour de Heinrich Wölfflin *(Éditions Rue d’Ulm, 2020).

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Please visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program.


[Educasup] TOMORROW | Lecture by Andrea Pinotti (Milano) | 31 October 2022 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Seminar

2022-10-30 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles in the Arts and
in the Sciences Seminar*

*Andrea Pinotti *(Milano)
*'Style in art and style in perception: a problematic correlation'*

Date: *Monday 31 October 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<https://unive.zoom.us/j/87432697512>* to attend the meeting*

The German-speaking “Kunstwissenschaft” around the turn of the century
(Riegl, Wölfflin and others) put forward a theory of style which suggested,
although in an ambiguous way, a connection between styles of visual
representation and styles of perception. Such “aisthesiological” approach
found in Walter Benjamin and Erwin Panofsky two opposite interpretations:
while the latter strongly opposed that connection, the former welcomed it
and further articulated it in the direction of the notion of the historical
character of perception. My paper will address this controversial
constellation, following its successive developments in contemporary
aesthetics (both on the analytic and the continental sides).

Andrea Pinotti <https://www.unimi.it/en/ugov/person/andrea-pinotti> is Full
Professor of Aesthetics at the Department of Philosophy of the University
of Milan. He holds a Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Milan. His
main research interests include aesthetics, art theory, art history, the
morphological tradition, image theories and visual culture studies, memory
studies (monuments and memorials), and empathy theories.

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Please visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program.


[Educasup] Lecture by Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos (Paris 1) | 24 January 2023 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Sem inar

2023-01-22 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles in the Arts and
in the Sciences Seminar*

*Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos *(Paris 1)
*'Existentialisme de la connaissance et stylistique de l'idéation'*

Date: *Tuesday 24 January 2023*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<https://unive.zoom.us/j/87432697512>* to attend the meeting*

La connaissance est profondément ancrée dans l'existence des sujets, elle
est, comme dit l'existentialisme, "située". De cette situation, et de ce
qu'en fait le sujet de la connaissance, découle un style particulier, une
façon toujours originale de produire des idées. Prendre ainsi les choses
suppose de brouiller les lignes, traditionnellement distinguées en France,
du sujet et du concept, et de s'essayer à une extension de
l'existentialisme pour qu'il s'intéresse à des questions de connaissance,
en l'amenant à se demander comment on forme des idées en se formant comme
sujet. Symétriquement, on procéderait dans le même temps à une torsion de
l'épistémologie pour qu'elle fasse une place aux conditions existentielles
de production des connaissances: le sujet de la connaissance est un sujet
au sens fort du terme, dont la subjectivité et les conditions concrètes
d'existence doivent être prises en compte épistémologiquement.

[This meeting will exceptionally be held in French, however, it will be
possible to participate in the conversation and ask questions in English.]

Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos
<https://www.pantheonsorbonne.fr/page-perso/fruteau> is Maître de
Conférences in Philosophy at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He
is the author of *Émile Meyerson *(Les Belles Lettres 2014) and *La
connaissance des autres *(Le Cerf 2021).

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Please visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program.


[Educasup] [AAC/CFP] 5èmes Journées d'études sur l'Epistémo logie Historique (Paris, 16-18 mai 2019)

2018-12-19 Thread Matteo Vagelli
t des Sciences Juridique et Philosophique de la Sorbonne (UMR 8103,
Paris 1)

For a few decades, the questions raised by biology and medicine have taken
a central place in the philosophical reflection at the international scale.
The bio-medical sciences have become (once again) a privileged object of
study within different research traditions such as historical epistemology
and analytic philosophy. If the interest for living beings and for life
itself has always been part and parcel of historical epistemology, as is
testified by the works of Auguste Comte or Georges Canguilhem, this
interest is on the contrary a more recent interest for
analytically-oriented philosophy. Against this background, the emergence,
since the 1980s, of philosophy of biology is even more remarkable.

A particularly relevant aspect of these new researches on biology and
medicine is their ambition to intervene as directly as possible in the
latest scientific debates. It is as if the development of science – and in
particular that of molecular biology and of the theory of evolution –
renewed the need to question traditional categories, such as that of
“organism”, “individual” and “species”, or of more recent ones, more
prominently those of “gene” and “cell”.

This particular position of biology is the reason why it is at the
crossroad of many areas of research concerning normativity and the status
of norms (including meta-ethics), including debates over the respective
roles of nature and social forces in defining these norms. It is thereby no
surprise that the developments of biology continue to represent new ethical
and political challenges for societies. The impressive development of
medical and bio-medical technologies

Finally, the identity of the bio-medical sciences is confronted directly
with the problem of the possibility of an authentic science of the living.
This question has crossed a good part of the history of philosophy, from
Kant to Rheinberger and Müller, through Bergson and Canguilhem. The old
alternative between mechanism and vitalism demands today to be reworked,
especially under the light of the organic perspectives directly connected,
according to some, to the emergence of systematic or integrative biology.

These are the themes that will be at the center of the 5th Workshop on
historical epistemology. Like in the previous years, we would like the
theme to be an occasion of encounter between philosophers and historians of
science with different methodological approaches. In other terms, we would
like to receive propositions adopting, in different proportions, historical
and/or analytical approaches to the critical clarification of some of the
most central concepts of the bio-medical sciences. Once again, particular
attention will be given to those interventions proposing a discussion of
the distinction as well as of the possible exchanges between historical
epistemology and the analytical tradition, that is, in the case at stake,
between a “philosophical biology” and a “philosophy of biology”.

Proposals (500 words plus a short presentation of the candidate) must be
sent by *11 February 2019* (notification of acceptance or refusal by
1st March),
in Word or .pdf formats, to epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com
. Proposals by graduate students and
early career researchers will be privileged. The languages of the workshop
will be French and English.

*Organizing committee*

Matteo Vagelli, Ivan Moya Diez, Laurent Loison (coordinateurs)

Caroline Angleraux, Marcos Camolezi, Victor Lefèvre.

*Scientific committee*

Christian Bonnet, Professeur, CHSPM Paris 1

Jean-François Braunstein, Professeur, PhiCo Paris 1

Cristina Chimisso, Professeur, Open University, UK

Arnold I. Davidson, Professeur, Universiy of Chicago

Moritz Epple, Professeur, Frankfurt Am Main

Pierre Wagner, Professeur, IHPST Paris 1

Pour inscrire une adresse sur la liste :  educasup.philo-request chez 
ml.free.fr avec subscribe dans le champ du sujet, en indiquant votre nom 
complet et vos liens avec l'enseignement philosophique. Pour supprimer une 
adresse:  educasup.philo-request chez ml.free.fr avec unsubscribe dans le champ 
du sujet.

[Educasup] [REMINDER] AAC/CFP_5èmes Journées d'études sur l' Épistémologie Historique (Paris, 16-18 mai 2019)

2019-01-21 Thread Matteo Vagelli
t des Sciences Juridique et Philosophique de la Sorbonne (UMR 8103,
Paris 1)

For a few decades, the questions raised by biology and medicine have taken
a central place in the philosophical reflection at the international scale.
The bio-medical sciences have become (once again) a privileged object of
study within different research traditions such as historical epistemology
and analytic philosophy. If the interest for living beings and for life
itself has always been part and parcel of historical epistemology, as is
testified by the works of Auguste Comte or Georges Canguilhem, this
interest is on the contrary a more recent interest for
analytically-oriented philosophy. Against this background, the emergence,
since the 1980s, of philosophy of biology is even more remarkable.

A particularly relevant aspect of these new researches on biology and
medicine is their ambition to intervene as directly as possible in the
latest scientific debates. It is as if the development of science – and in
particular that of molecular biology and of the theory of evolution –
renewed the need to question traditional categories, such as that of
“organism”, “individual” and “species”, or of more recent ones, more
prominently those of “gene” and “cell”.

This particular position of biology is the reason why it is at the
crossroad of many areas of research concerning normativity and the status
of norms (including meta-ethics), including debates over the respective
roles of nature and social forces in defining these norms. It is thereby no
surprise that the developments of biology continue to represent new ethical
and political challenges for societies. The impressive development of
medical and bio-medical technologies

Finally, the identity of the bio-medical sciences is confronted directly
with the problem of the possibility of an authentic science of the living.
This question has crossed a good part of the history of philosophy, from
Kant to Rheinberger and Müller, through Bergson and Canguilhem. The old
alternative between mechanism and vitalism demands today to be reworked,
especially under the light of the organic perspectives directly connected,
according to some, to the emergence of systematic or integrative biology.

These are the themes that will be at the center of the 5th Workshop on
historical epistemology. Like in the previous years, we would like the
theme to be an occasion of encounter between philosophers and historians of
science with different methodological approaches. In other terms, we would
like to receive propositions adopting, in different proportions, historical
and/or analytical approaches to the critical clarification of some of the
most central concepts of the bio-medical sciences. Once again, particular
attention will be given to those interventions proposing a discussion of
the distinction as well as of the possible exchanges between historical
epistemology and the analytical tradition, that is, in the case at stake,
between a “philosophical biology” and a “philosophy of biology”.

Proposals (500 words plus a short presentation of the candidate) must be
sent by *11 February 2019* (notification of acceptance or refusal by
1st March),
in Word or .pdf formats, to epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com
. Proposals by graduate students and
early career researchers will be privileged. The languages of the workshop
will be French and English.

*Organizing committee*

Matteo Vagelli, Ivan Moya Diez, Laurent Loison (coordinateurs)

Caroline Angleraux, Marcos Camolezi, Victor Lefèvre, Gabriele Vissio.

*Scientific committee*

Christian Bonnet, Professeur, CHSPM Paris 1

Jean-François Braunstein, Professeur, PhiCo Paris 1

Hasok Chang, Cambridge University

Cristina Chimisso, Professeur, Open University, UK

Arnold I. Davidson, Professeur, Universiy of Chicago

Moritz Epple, Professeur, Frankfurt Am Main

Pierre Wagner, Professeur, IHPST Paris 1

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] [CALL FOR REGISTRATIONS] Programme 5èmes journéesd'études sur l'Epistémologie Historique (Paris, 16-18 mai 2019)

2019-05-13 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Programme et Inscriptions*

*5èmes Journées d’études sur l’épistémologie historique*

*La philosophie des sciences du vivant*

*Biologie et médecine au prisme de l’épistémologie historique*

*Paris, 16-17-18 mai 2019*

*École doctorale de Philosophie (ED 280 - Paris 1)*

*Centre de Philosophie Contemporaine de la Sorbonne, Institut des sciences
Juridique & Philosophique de la Sorbonne (UMR 8103 CNRS - Paris 1)*

*Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (UMR
8590 CNRS – Paris 1)*

*Avec le soutien de la Maison d’Auguste Comte*

*REGISTER HERE <https://forms.gle/3BN1ys47SC9D4BLi9>*

IMPORTANT : L’ensemble des journées aura lieu à la Salle 6 du Centre
Panthéon, 12 Place de la Sorbonne, 75005, Paris (Aile Soufflot 2ème
étage). *Pour
des raisons de sécurité l'inscription est obligatoire pour avoir accès aux
centres de l'université.*

*Jeudi 16 mai*

9h Accueil

9h30 *Accumulation and the Progress of Knowledge. Reflections on Natural
History and Biology,* Staffan Müller-Wille (Exeter)

10h30 Pause café

10h50 *Revisiting the history of biology with nutrition: vital mechanisms
and the ontology of life*, Cecilia Bognon (Labex Who am I/IHPST)

11h30 *Le principe de la sélection naturelle : une loi « organique » pour
les sciences de la vie ?* , Nicola Bertoldi (IHPST)

12h10 Pause déjeuner

14h10 *Dreaming of a universal biology*, Massimiliano Simons (Leuven)

14h50 *La biologie relationnelle : ni vitalisme, ni mécanisme*, Modera
Astrid (Namur)

15h30 Pause café

15h50 *The underestimated influence of Spinoza’s philosophy on Johannes
Peter Müller’s sensory physiology*, Buyse Filip (Leuven)

16h30 *Biological and psychological development. On the translation of a
concept in youth psychology (ca. 1920-1945)*, Carla Seeman &

Laurens Schlicht (Humboldt)

17h10 *Du mode d’existence des bio-objets : comment les bio-banques défient
l’épistémologie*, Emanuele Clarizio (ISJPS)

*Vendredi 17 mai*

9h30 *Les commencements de la philosophie de la technique : vers une
approche biologique de l’activité fabricatrice*, Marcos Camolezi (Paris 1)

10h10 Pause café

10h30 *A life among necrological folds: A vitapolitics for education*,
Pietra Mikulan & Taylor Webb (Vancouver)

11h10 *Gouvernement du vivant et gouvernement des vivants. Une critique du
concept cybernétique de régulation (sociale)*, Marco Ferrari (Padoue)

12h00 Pause déjeuner

14h10 *L’axiologie dans les sciences de la vie : une confrontation entre la
pensée de Canguilhem et le débat contemporain en philosophie de la biologie*,
Silvia De Cesare (Leipzig)

14h50 *La philosophie biologique de Canguilhem en question : pour une
nouvelle alliance entre la technique* et la vie, Fiorenza Lupi (Sapienza)

15h30 Pause café

15h50 *The normativity of life: Canguilhem and Hegel*, Pierpaolo Cesaroni
(Padoue) & Luca Corti (Porto)

16h30 *Schelling et Canguilhem lecteurs de John Brown (1735-1788) – quelle
analogie entre leurs vitalismes ?* , Gregorio Demarchi (Zürich)

*Samedi 18 mai*

9h30 L'équivocité du sexe à travers les règnes, Thierry Hoquet (Nanterre)

10h30 Pause café

10h50 *Quelle scientificité pour la santé comme normativité ? *, Stéphane
Zygart (Lille)

11h30 *Faire de la santé un objet de science : les échecs répétés d’un
projet médical à l’aune de la philosophie canguilhémienne*, Delphine
Olivier (Paris 1)

12h10 Clôture des journées

*REGISTER HERE <https://forms.gle/3BN1ys47SC9D4BLi9>*

IMPORTANT : L’ensemble des journées aura lieu à la Salle 6 du Centre
Panthéon, 12 Place de la Sorbonne, 75005, Paris (Aile Soufflot 2ème
étage). *Pour
des raisons de sécurité l'inscription est obligatoire pour avoir accès aux
centres de l'université.*

*Comité scientifique*

Christian BONNET, Professeur, CHSPM Paris 1
Jean-François BRAUNSTEIN, Professeur, PhiCo Paris 1
Hasok CHANG, Professeur, Cambridge University
Cristina CHIMISSO, Professeur, Open University
Arnold I. DAVIDSON, Professeur, University of Chicago
Moritz EPPLE, Professeur, Université de Francfort
Pierre WAGNER, Professeur, IHPST Paris 1

*Comité d’organisation*

Matteo VAGELLI, Ivan MOYA DIEZ, Laurent LOISON (coordinateurs)

Caroline ANGLERAUX, Marcos CAMOLEZI, Victor LEFEVRE, Gabriele VISSIO

*More info and updates:*

*Facebook page <https://www.facebook.com/events/359393674902748/>*



Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] Revue de Philosophie Économique/Review of Economic Philosophy

2020-02-05 Thread Matteo Vagelli
Chères collègues, chers collègues,

nous vous prions de bien vouloir trouver ci-dessus les details de l'appel à
contributions que nous avons lancé sur cette liste il y a quelque jour (la
pièce jointe n'était pas passée).

En vous priant de bien vouloir accepter nos excuses pour ce double envoi,

Sina Badiei (Collège International de Philosophie (CIPH) / Université de
Matteo Vagelli (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

*Étudier la pensée économique par le prisme de l’épistémologie historique *

Numéro spécial de la revue de philosophie économique

Coordinateurs :

Sina Badiei (Collège International de Philosophie /Université de Paris)

Matteo Vagelli (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

L’hypothèse de départ de ce numéro est la suivante : pour rouvrir le
dialogue entre la pensée économique et ses critiques, ne pourrait-on pas
faire droit, de manière plus nette, à l’ancrage historique et
épistémologique de la pensée économique ? Cette hypothèse procède d’un
constat simple : beaucoup de questions qui font actuellement débat dans la
pensée économique sont en réalité assez anciennes. Pour n’en donner qu’un
exemple, la question du rapport entre la psychologie et l’économie a non
seulement été une question centrale au moment de l’émergence du
marginalisme, mais elle a également constitué l’un des moments centraux de
l’œuvre séminale d’Adam Smith sur les sentiments moraux. Mobiliser
l’histoire de la pensée économique pour mettre en relief certains de ses
problèmes actuels pourrait, dans ce cadre, jouer un rôle majeur.

Cet ancrage historique ne peut toutefois suffire à rouvrir le dialogue
entre les économistes et leurs détracteurs actuels. En effet, il ne suffit
pas de connaître l’histoire de la pensée économique pour répondre aux
critiques adressées à l’économie. Il faut également s’armer contre toute
forme d’anachronisme, par la constitution de repères épistémologiques
solides. Or il nous semble que l’approche ici requise, qui doit être à la
fois historique et épistémologique, pourrait tirer profit de l’étude et de
la discussion de l’épistémologie dite historique, associée en France aux
noms de Gaston Bachelard et de Georges Canguilhem. Selon ces deux
philosophes, l’étude des sciences du point de vue de l’épistémologie
historique implique de s’intéresser aux obstacles épistémologiques et aux
problèmes que ces sciences ont dû surmonter pour atteindre leur état
actuel. Il nous semble que cette attitude pourrait être féconde pour la
pensée économique. Ainsi, le fil conducteur de ce numéro spécial
consisterait à réfléchir aux enjeux et au sens d’une étude de l’histoire de
la pensée économique du point de vue des obstacles épistémologiques et des
problèmes qu’elle a croisés au cours de son histoire.

Une telle approche permettrait de comprendre dans quelle mesure certains
problèmes actuels auxquels est confrontée la pensée économique sont
commensurables avec certains problèmes rencontrés dans le passé. Dans un
tel cas de figure, il semble possible d’évaluer de façon critique, à l’aune
de l’histoire des problèmes, les réponses actuellement apportées par la
science économique à ces mêmes problèmes. Une telle critique aurait
l’avantage d’être immanente, c’est-à-dire qu’elle serait formulée à partir
des problèmes qui ont surgi au cours de l’histoire de la pensée économique
elle-même, et non pas de façon extérieure et surplombante. Elle permettrait
également de confronter les réponses actuellement apportées par la pensée
économique à certains problèmes avec d’autres réponses développées dans le
cours de son histoire. Autrement dit, la pensée économique abordée par le
prisme de l’épistémologie historique permettrait d’examiner la pensée
économique de façon normative et critique, bien que de son propre point de
vue, à savoir du point de vue des problèmes et des difficultés dont on peut
constater qu’ils se sont déjà posés dans l’histoire de la pensée

Eu égard au caractère véritablement fructueux des travaux qui ont mobilisé,
dans leur étude de la pensée économique, l’épistémologie historique telle
que nous la concevons, nous estimerions très précieux de pouvoir dédier un
numéro spécial de la revue de philosophie économique à cette approche, afin
de lui donner davantage de poids et de convaincre de jeunes chercheurs qui
travaillent sur la pensée économique de l’intérêt que présente cette
manière plutôt sous-représentée de travailler sur la philosophie de
l’économie. Enfin et surtout, ce numéro pourrait constituer une tentative
sérieuse pour renouveler l’épistémologie historique, en tant qu’elle est
une approche philosophique et épistémologique au sens large du terme.

Le numéro tel que nous l’envisageons ne prendra pas la forme d’une série
d’articles qui discuteront de façon abstraite le rapport entre la pensée
économique et l’épistémologie historique française. Il s’agirait au
contraire de publier une série d’articles incarnant de façon concrète cette

[Educasup] Revue de Philosophie Économique/Review of Economic Philosophy (Rappel)

2020-03-06 Thread Matteo Vagelli
Chères collègues, chers collègues,

La Revue de Philosophie Économique lance un appel à contributions pour un
numéro spécial consacré aux approches de la pensée économique inspirées par
l'épistémologie historique. Il est prévu que ce numéro soit publié en juin
2021. Son objectif est de montrer à quel point l'épistémologie historique
peut se révéler utile et féconde pour l'étude de la pensée économique. Pour
plus de précisions, nous vous prions de bien vouloir trouver en pièce
jointe l'argumentaire détaillé de ce numéro spécial.
Nous vous invitons à transmettre à l'adresse philoeco.epis...@gmail.com vos
propositions de contribution de 500 à 800 mots, en français ou en anglais,
avant le *15 mars 2020*.

A partir du 01 avril 2020, les auteurs des propositions sélectionnées
seront contactés afin qu'ils transmettent la version complète de leur
article avant le 01 août 2020. L’ensemble des articles sélectionnés seront
par la suite envoyés à des examinateurs, et seront évalués par le comité
scientifique de ce numéro spécial entre le 01 août 2020 et le 01 novembre
2020. En fonction de ces évaluations, nous demanderons aux auteurs de nous
faire parvenir la version finale de leur article avant le 10 janvier 2021.

Dans l'espoir de recevoir vos propositions de contributions,
Coordinateurs invités :
Sina Badiei (Collège International de Philosophie (CIPH) / Université de
Matteo Vagelli (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

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[Educasup] CFP [Reminder]: “Normativity and The Life Sciences : Analytical and Continental Perspectives”, HPLS 2021 Spec ial Issue

2020-09-16 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Call for papers [REMINDER]:* *History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
2021 Special Issue.*

Topic of the Special Issue: “Normativity and the Life Sciences: Analytical
and Continental Perspectives”

Guest editors:

Luca Corti

Ivan Moya-Diez

Matteo Vagelli

We are inviting submissions for a Special Issue of History and Philosophy
of the Life Sciences. This special issue will be devoted to the topic of
‘Normativity and the Life Sciences: Analytical and Continental
Perspective'. Below you can find the rationale of the Issue.

Submission instructions:

All submissions, as well as inquiries about submissions to the special
issue, should be sent by e-mail to the guest editors:

Submissions must not be submitted to or be under review at other journals,
books, etc.

Submissions should not be longer than 9000 *words*, they should be sent as
.doc files and they should include an *abstract of 150 to 250 words*. The
abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified

Submissions should be prepared for blind review: All identifying
information about the author(s) such as names or institutional
affiliations, have to be removed. Self-citations have to be anonymized.

Submission deadline:  October 15th, 2020

In recent years, normativity and the status of norms have been at the
center of several key debates in both the Continental and analytical
traditions.. The question of normativity encompasses contentious issues
touching various areas, including philosophy of biology, philosophy of mind
and cognition, as well as metaethics. The development of disciplines tied
to evolution (such as evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, etc.)
as well as to the organisation of living beings (such as system biology)
has driven a new interest and led to the introduction of crucial new
perspectives into the philosophical conversation on norms.

Within this framework, the relation between norms and the phenomenon of life
has become central: various thinkers coming from different philosophical
traditions have analysed the problem of normativity from the premise that
norms originate within life or the living organism and are tied to
functions, or located norms in an evolutionary framework. Arguments from
the life sciences have powerfully entered the debate not only in philosophy
of medicine but also in metaethics..

We intend this special issue to open space for dialogue between
philosophers and historians of science with different methodological
approaches to normativity and its relation to the life sciences. By putting
Continental, historical, and analytical approaches to vital normativity in
conversation, the special issue aims to provide a synoptic view that sheds
new light on individual topics, such as the origins and status of
normativity in life or the strategies for naturalising norms offered by the
theoretical framework of the life sciences. This dialogue will mobilize the
work of Canguilhem, and, through him, the approach fostered by historical
epistemology. It will engage analogous questions emerging from a classical
German context. Literature on classical German philosophy and the problem
of living normativity is abundant and scholarship on Canguilhem biology and
vitalism is growing steadily, but no relevant connection between them has
yet been drawn. This special issue will bring these two strands together
and connect them with contemporary Anglo-American debates on the
naturalisation of norms.

Topics for submitted papers might include, but are not limited to:


   Normativity and explanation in the life sciences

   Forms and accounts of biological normativity

   The notion of “function”: philosophical and historical perspectives

   Norms and evolution

   Historical reflection on normativity, life and cognition (in areas such
   as French Epistemology, Classical German Philosophy, etc.)

   Vital normativity and the epistemology of the life sciences

   Teleology and its normative import: philosophical and historical aspects

   The relation between social and vital norms

Invited contributors:

Michael Ruse (Florida State University)

Dennis Walsh (Toronto)

Monica Greco (Goldsmith, University of London)

Silvia De Cesare (Université de Genève)


[Educasup] New Focus section "Ian Hacking and the Historical Reason of the Sciences" (Philinq IX, 1-2021)

2021-03-01 Thread Matteo Vagelli
Dear all,

We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of *Philosophical
Inquiries *(IX, 1-2021). The issue features a Focus section discussing Ian
Hacking's philosophy,  his arguments on the combination between history and
philosophy of science, on experimental realism, on scientific stability and
on the disunity of the sciences. The Focus section is edited by Matteo
Vagelli and Marica Setaro. The issue also presents Gaston Bachelard's
introduction to his *Le rationalisme appliqué *translated into English for
the first time.


[Focus section]

*Ian Hacking and the Historical Reason of the Sciences*

Matteo Vagelli and Marica Setaro

David Hyder
*Naturalism, Pragmatism and Historical Epistemology*

Manolis Simos and Theodore Arabatzis

*Ian Hacking’s metahistory of science*
Massimiliano Simons and Matteo Vagelli
*Were experiments ever neglected? Ian Hacking and the history of philosophy
of experiment*

Jacqueline Sullivan
*Understanding stability in cognitive neuroscience through Hacking’s lens*

[Past Present]

Lucie Fabry
*Le rationalisme appliqué. A dialogical philosophy: Bachelard’s
“Introduction” to Le Rationalisme appliqué*

Gaston Bachelard
*The dialogical philosophy. La philosophie dialoguée*

This is the web page of the issue: https://www.philinq.it/philinq


[Educasup] JGPS 52/1 special section on pluralism

2021-05-10 Thread Matteo Vagelli
Dear all,

We are very glad to announce the release of a new special section of
the *Journal
for General Philosophy of Science *(52/1, March 2021).

The special section aims to emphasize the pivotal role of the history of
science for pluralism. Instead of reverting to abstract speculation about
an idealized conception of science and of scientific knowledge, the papers
presented here draw decisive insights from the ways in which science was
actually conducted. These insights open up new ways not only of seeing the
past of these sciences but also, and more fundamentally, of shaping present
and future science.

The special section is edited by Matteo Vagelli, Laurent Loison and Ivan


[Special section]

*Thinking Crossroads: From Scientific Pluralism to Pluralist History of

Matteo Vagelli, Laurent Loison & Ivan Moya-Diez

Hasok Chang
*Presentist History for Pluralist History of Science

Thierry Hoquet
*Pluralizing Darwin: Making Counter-Factual History of Science Significant*

Thomas Bonnin
*Monist and Pluralist Approaches on Underdetermination: A Case Study in
Evolutionary Microbiology*

This is the web page of the issue:


[Educasup] 2nd Month of Historical Epistemology – ONLINE Nove mber 3, 10, 17, 24 (5pm-7pm GMT+1)

2021-10-15 Thread Matteo Vagelli
2nd Month of Historical Epistemology
November 3, 10, 17, 24 / 2021
17h-19h (Paris time GMT+1)
Link Zoom: unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316

Organizing Committee

Caroline Angleraux
Lucie Fabry
Ivan Moya Diez
Matteo Vagelli

*Épistémologie Historique. Research Network*
*on the History and the Methods of Historical Epistemology*

*with the support of *

IHPST (UMR 8590, Paris 1/CNRS)
République des Savoirs (USR 3608, ENS/ Collège de France/CNRS)
École doctorale Lettres, Arts, Sciences humaines et sociales (ED 540, ENS –
EUR Translitteræ, PSL)
Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (UMR 7304)
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
European Commission  (This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
grant agreement No 101030646, « EPISTYLE »)

abstracts here <https://episthist.hypotheses.org/2915>)
Wednesday, November 3, 17h-19h (GMT +1)

*« Biology and Medecine »*, Chair Matteo Vagelli

Samuel Talcott, *University of the Sciences (Philadelphia)*
« Methods and Events: François Delaporte on the 1832 Parisian Cholera and
its Role in the Birth of Biosocieties »

Silvia De Cesare,
*Université de Genève*« L’idée de progrès entre organismes et artefacts
techniques »
Wednesday, November 10, 17h-19h (GMT +1)

*« Economics »,* Chair Iván Moya-Diez

Emmanuel Picavet,
*Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne*« Introduction »

Sina Badiei & Matteo Vagelli,
*Lausanne / Ca’Foscari*« Étudier la pensée économique par le prisme de
l’épistémologie historique »

Clémence Thébaut,
* Université de Limoges*« L’évaluation économique en santé au prisme de la
typologie des épistémès de Foucault »
Wednesday, November 17, 17h-19h (GMT+1)

*« Social sciences and ecology »,* Chair Caroline Angleraux

Martín Bernales-Odino, Iván Moya-Diez, Mauricio Canals & Valentina Riberi,
*Universidad Alberto Hurtado*« The poor as a kind of people and epistemic
objects. 1778-1854 »

Andrea Angelini,
*Centre Cavaillès*« Canguilhem dans le Capitalocène. L’épistémologie
historique à l’épreuve de l’écologie »
Wednesday, November 24, 17h-19h (GMT+1)

*« History of epistemology »,* Chair Lucie Fabry

Massimiliano Simons,
*Ghent University*« We Have Never Been Historical Epistemologists »

Gerardo Ienna,
*ERC EarlyModernCosmology*« Italian Science Wars: une controverse dans
l’épistémologie historique italienne »

*For further info:*

website episthist.hypotheses.org
e-mail epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com
Facebook episthist <https://www.facebook.com/episthist>
Twitter @episthist <https://twitter.com/episthist>
Instagram epistemologiehistorique


[Educasup] [REMINDER] 2nd Month of Historical Epistemology – ONLINE November 3, 10, 17, 24 (5pm-7pm GMT+1)

2021-11-01 Thread Matteo Vagelli
2nd Month of Historical Epistemology
November 3, 10, 17, 24 / 2021
17h-19h (Paris time GMT+1)
Link Zoom: unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316

Organizing Committee

Caroline Angleraux
Lucie Fabry
Ivan Moya Diez
Matteo Vagelli

*Épistémologie Historique. Research Network*
*on the History and the Methods of Historical Epistemology*

*with the support of *

IHPST (UMR 8590, Paris 1/CNRS)
République des Savoirs (USR 3608, ENS/ Collège de France/CNRS)
École doctorale Lettres, Arts, Sciences humaines et sociales (ED 540, ENS –
EUR Translitteræ, PSL)
Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (UMR 7304)
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
European Commission  (This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
grant agreement No 101030646, « EPISTYLE »)

abstracts here <https://episthist.hypotheses.org/2915>)
Wednesday, November 3, 17h-19h (GMT +1)

*« Biology and Medecine »*, Chair Matteo Vagelli

Samuel Talcott, *University of the Sciences (Philadelphia)*
« Methods and Events: François Delaporte on the 1832 Parisian Cholera and
its Role in the Birth of Biosocieties »

Silvia De Cesare,
*Université de Genève*« L’idée de progrès entre organismes et artefacts
techniques »
Wednesday, November 10, 17h-19h (GMT +1)

*« Economics »,* Chair Iván Moya-Diez

Emmanuel Picavet,
*Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne*« Introduction »

Sina Badiei & Matteo Vagelli,
*Lausanne / Ca’Foscari*« Étudier la pensée économique par le prisme de
l’épistémologie historique »

Clémence Thébaut,
* Université de Limoges*« L’évaluation économique en santé au prisme de la
typologie des épistémès de Foucault »
Wednesday, November 17, 17h-19h (GMT+1)

*« Social sciences and ecology »,* Chair Caroline Angleraux

Martín Bernales-Odino, Iván Moya-Diez, Mauricio Canals & Valentina Riberi,
*Universidad Alberto Hurtado*« The poor as a kind of people and epistemic
objects. 1778-1854 »

Andrea Angelini,
*Centre Cavaillès*« Canguilhem dans le Capitalocène. L’épistémologie
historique à l’épreuve de l’écologie »
Wednesday, November 24, 17h-19h (GMT+1)

*« History of epistemology »,* Chair Lucie Fabry

Massimiliano Simons,
*Ghent University*« We Have Never Been Historical Epistemologists »

Gerardo Ienna,
*ERC EarlyModernCosmology*« Italian Science Wars: une controverse dans
l’épistémologie historique italienne »

*For further info:*

website episthist.hypotheses.org
e-mail epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com
Facebook episthist <https://www.facebook.com/episthist>
Twitter @episthist <https://twitter.com/episthist>
Instagram epistemologiehistorique


[Educasup] CFP - 7th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology: Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries (Venice, 9-10 June 2022)

2022-02-01 Thread Matteo Vagelli
istorical epistemology *Can the arts/science dyad be an object of
   inquiry for historical epistemology? What are the larger epistemological
   and sociological goals that the dyad underpins or tries to respond to? Can
   we still talk of there being “two cultures”? Are there more than two? Or is
   there only one undifferentiated culture? To what extent is the term
   “culture” even appropriate? We welcome contributions tracing the
   trajectories of debates that have drawn the two poles of this dyad together
   or pushed them apart.
   2. *Philosophy/methodology* What can an historicized approach to
   epistemology teach us about the boundary lines or relationship between the
   arts and the sciences? What do the concepts of "style" and "method" have in
   common and what distinguishes them from each other? Contributions should
   propose ways of rethinking topics at the intersection of the two
   activities, such as representation, progress, perception, theory change,
   analogies, the role of “method”, the affordances of techniques and
   technologies, and differences between scientific invention/discovery and
   artistic creation.
   3. *History of historical epistemology* Bachelard, Canguilhem, Foucault
   or Granger are only examples: how have historical epistemologists writ
   large taken up this issue? Contributions might address thinkers coming from
   the French tradition or who employ the later historical epistemological
   approach that emerged from research groups at the Max Planck Institute for
   the History of Science or from other strands of epistemology that reflected
   on the divide between the arts and the sciences.

Proposals (500 words plus a short presentation of the candidate) must be
sent *by March 15, 2022* (notification of acceptance or refusal by March
31), in .doc format, to epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com. The workshop
will be conducted in English. Applicants should be ready for possible
online participation in case the event should move to online-only.

*This workshop is organized by:*

Épistémologie Historique. Research Network on the History and the Methods
of Historical Epistemology <https://episthist.hypotheses.org/>

*With the support of: *

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Philosophy and Cultural
European Commission (This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE”);
IHPST (UMR 8590, Paris 1/CNRS);
République des Savoirs (USR 3608, ENS/ Collège de France/CNRS);
École doctorale Lettres, Arts, Sciences humaines et sociales (ED 540, ENS –
EUR Translitteræ, PSL);
Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (UMR 7304).

*Organizing committee:*

Caroline Angleraux (Labex Who Am I?, Associate member of the IHPST)
Thomas Embleton (IHPST)
Lucie Fabry (ENS-PSL, République des savoirs / Aix Marseille Université,
Centre Gilles- Gaston Granger)
Iván Moya-Diez (Universidad Alberto Hurtado)
Matteo Vagelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)


[Educasup] CFP [reminder] - Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries (DEADLINE: March 15)

2022-03-02 Thread Matteo Vagelli
hy, historians, philosophers of science, and art
historians to encounter scholars with different methodological approaches.
In particular, we expect contributions falling along the following three

   1. *Historical epistemology *Can the arts/science dyad be an object of
   inquiry for historical epistemology? What are the larger epistemological
   and sociological goals that the dyad underpins or tries to respond to? Can
   we still talk of there being “two cultures”? Are there more than two? Or is
   there only one undifferentiated culture? To what extent is the term
   “culture” even appropriate? We welcome contributions tracing the
   trajectories of debates that have drawn the two poles of this dyad together
   or pushed them apart.
   2. *Philosophy/methodology* What can an historicized approach to
   epistemology teach us about the boundary lines or relationship between the
   arts and the sciences? What do the concepts of "style" and "method" have in
   common and what distinguishes them from each other? Contributions should
   propose ways of rethinking topics at the intersection of the two
   activities, such as representation, progress, perception, theory change,
   analogies, the role of “method”, the affordances of techniques and
   technologies, and differences between scientific invention/discovery and
   artistic creation.
   3. *History of historical epistemology* Bachelard, Canguilhem, Foucault
   or Granger are only examples: how have historical epistemologists writ
   large taken up this issue? Contributions might address thinkers coming from
   the French tradition or who employ the later historical epistemological
   approach that emerged from research groups at the Max Planck Institute for
   the History of Science or from other strands of epistemology that reflected
   on the divide between the arts and the sciences.

Proposals (500 words plus a short presentation of the candidate) must be
sent *by March 15, 2022* (notification of acceptance or refusal by March
31), in .doc format, to epistemologiehistori...@gmail.com. The workshop
will be conducted in English. Applicants should be ready for possible
online participation in case the event should move to online-only.

*This workshop is organized by:*

Épistémologie Historique. Research Network on the History and the Methods
of Historical Epistemology <https://episthist.hypotheses.org/>

*With the support of: *

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Philosophy and Cultural
European Commission (This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE”);
IHPST (UMR 8590, Paris 1/CNRS);
République des Savoirs (USR 3608, ENS/ Collège de France/CNRS);
École doctorale Lettres, Arts, Sciences humaines et sociales (ED 540, ENS –
EUR Translitteræ, PSL);
Centre Gilles Gaston Granger (UMR 7304).

*Organizing committee:*

Caroline Angleraux (Labex Who Am I?, Associate member of the IHPST)
Thomas Embleton (IHPST)
Lucie Fabry (ENS-PSL, République des savoirs / Aix Marseille Université,
Centre Gilles-Gaston Granger)
Iván Moya-Diez (Universidad Alberto Hurtado)
Matteo Vagelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)


[Educasup] Online Seminar: Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period (Spring 2022)

2022-03-28 Thread Matteo Vagelli
*Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period *
Spring 2022 - Online Seminar

Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Department of Philosophy and Cultural
European Commission – This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE”

*Organizer:* Matteo Vagelli <https://unive.academia.edu/MatteoVagelli> (Ca'

*Link zoom:* unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316

*Further information:* matteo.vage...@unive.it

*Website:* unive.it/epistyle

*APRIL 11, 2022  *
*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*
Carlotta Santini, CNRS

*Reading well, writing well, living well. Friedrich Nietzsche and the
question of style *
*APRIL 26, 2022*
*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*
Raz Chen-Morris, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
*Fantasy, Scientific Thought and the End of Baroque Science*

*MAY 2, 2022*
*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*
Denis Kambouchner, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

*Du style en philosophie, à partir de Descartes – entretien avec Denis
*MAY 12, 2022*
*17.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*
Emilie Passignat, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
*Manner: Connoisseurship and Taxonomy, Individual and Collective Identity*

*MAY 23, 202217.30h CET – 16.30h GMT – 11.30 GMT-5*
Gianna Pomata, Johns Hopkins
*The Unbearable Lightness of Thinking: Theory as "Capriccio" in
17th-Century Medicine*

Matteo Vagelli, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (Ca' Foscari University of Venice/Harvard


[Educasup] Lecture by Carlotta Santini (CNRS) | 11 April 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-08 Thread Matteo Vagelli
All are invited to join the upcoming meeting of the *Styles and Method in
the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar*

*Carlotta Santini *(CNRS)
*'Reading well, writing well, living well. Friedrich Nietzsche and the
question of style'*

Date: *Monday 11 April 2022*
Time: *17.30-19.30 (CEST/Rome Time)*
Place: *Online* (Zoom)

*No registration needed. Please click *here
<http://unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316>* to attend the meeting*

***Please note that the meeting will be recorded to be later uploaded on
the website <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>of the project.
By participating, you give your consent***

The reflection on style in Nietzsche's philosophical work cannot be
circumscribed to a specific period. It is in fact one of the most important
leitmotifs of his œuvre, whose treatment, almost never systematic, is
entrusted to anecdotes, mottos and quick remarks. Starting with his first
study of the complex artificiality and conventionality of ancient
literatures, Nietzsche lays the foundations for his future reflections on
philosophical language and the great style. This "dispersed" form, however,
in no way diminishes the theoretical weight of the considerations on style
and modes of writing in Nietzsche's work. The aesthetic paradigm of the
Greek literary work, its rigid formalism and exaggerated normativity to
which the entire expressive potential of the artwork was entrusted,
increasingly takes the form of an ethical paradigm in Nietzsche's
reflection. The "unnatural naturalness" of the great style, the creative
freedom within the closed realm of convention, which Nietzsche borrows from
the experience of ancient rhetoric, drives him to conceive, through words
and writings, an ethics of self-determination, a character-shaping action
of stylistic choices. In contrast to the popular view according to which
Nietzsche is the philosopher of irrationality, he concentrates all his
efforts on the codification of a theory of education and self-control,
self-determination, which affects not only writing, but also thinking and
character, and thus aspires to achieve radical transformations in the human
form of life.

Carlotta Santini <http://www.umr8547.ens.fr/spip.php?rubrique263&lang=fr>
is Chargée de Recherche de Classe Normale at CNRS/Ecole Normale Supérieure
(UMR 8547 – Pays Germaniques, Transferts Culturels). Editor of Friedrich
Nietzsche's works, she specializes in 19th century German culture and the
role played by Greek and Latin classical culture in the development of
modern Western culture.

*More information*
This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities
of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
number 101030646. Please visit the website of the project
<https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home> for more information and the
complete program.
Matteo Vagelli, PhD
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (Ca' Foscari University of Venice/Harvard
*Style Matters: Scientific Pluralism and its Early-Modern Sources *
