Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3 Status: Alpha, Beta or Gamma = end user released?

2009-01-25 Thread Julien Puydt

john_re a écrit :

I am confused by what appears to me to be inconsistent information on
the ekiga website.

1) The Ekiga website main page announces E 3 in the high profile manner
of a new gamma, "End User" version, release.  This suggests the SW is
not alpha, nor beta, but something for _users_ (not developers or


2) The download page, though, only provides source code & compile
instructions, not a binary version for the most popular Linux platforms.
 This suggests the SW is for at best _developers or testers_, not end

Distributions provide their own packages through their own channels : 
it's pretty normal you don't find that many binaries on ekiga's website.

Snark on #ekiga
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga Speaker wanted Jan 7 BerkeleyTIP via VOIP meeting- HowTo Compile E3 for KUbuntu 8.04

2009-01-25 Thread Julien Puydt

john_re a écrit :

I am looking for someone to give a talk about:
HowTo Compile Ekiga 3 for KUbuntu 8.04 (plus GNU(Linux) in general)

That is wrong : the distribution should provide the packages. Only 
advanced users should have to compile it... and advanced users shouldn't 
need a howto to configure a straightforward "./configure && make && make 
install" package!

Snark on #ekiga
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] E3 backport into Ubuntu 8.4 was -Re: Ekiga 3 Status: Alpha, Beta or Gamma...

2009-01-25 Thread john_re
On Sun, 25 Jan 2009 10:22:33 +0100, "Julien Puydt" 
> john_re a écrit :
> > I am confused by what appears to me to be inconsistent information on
> > the ekiga website.
> > 
> > 1) The Ekiga website main page announces E 3 in the high profile manner
> > of a new gamma, "End User" version, release.  This suggests the SW is
> > not alpha, nor beta, but something for _users_ (not developers or
> > testers).
> Yes.
> > 2) The download page, though, only provides source code & compile
> > instructions, not a binary version for the most popular Linux platforms.
> >  This suggests the SW is for at best _developers or testers_, not end
> > users.
> Distributions provide their own packages through their own channels : 
> it's pretty normal you don't find that many binaries on ekiga's website.

Ok. Well, I have the backport apt repository enabled in KUbuntu 8.4, and
the package list just shows E ver 2.  

Is there anyone in the Ekiga project who could do whatever is necessary
to get E3 into Ubuntu 8.4 backports?  Or, is that done only by Ubuntu

> Snark on #ekiga
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] E3 backport into Ubuntu 8.4 was -Re: Ekiga 3 Status: Alpha, Beta or Gamma...

2009-01-25 Thread yannick
Le dimanche 25 janvier 2009 à 03:37 -0800, john_re a écrit :
> Or, is that done only by Ubuntu
> people?


ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Ekiga, webcam driver and kernel 2.6.27

2009-01-25 Thread Bent
Hi List

With kernel 2.6.27 the spca driver for a lot of webcams, including the
one I have got, was moved into the kernel. At the same time quite a
few video formats were taken out of the driver and moved to a
user-land library -

This means that in order for me to get video on ekiga, skype and other
applications I have to do something like this:

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ ekiga

My question now is: Is this also required with Ekiga V3? I ask because
my distribution (Gentoo) still is at version 2.0.12. I prefer to use
whatever my distribution provides. I could - and I have done this
before - build Ekiga from sources but is it worth the trouble (conf.
all the posts about build problems ;-)) and will it solve my dilemma?

Kind regards,

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Why no compiled Ek for Ubuntu, Linux, but is for NBSD, Win, OpSolaris?

2009-01-25 Thread Joe Wells
"john_re"  writes:

> It was a GNOME (= for linux) project.
> That's just wondering, not a complaint.  Thanks for all the work.  :) 
> Just seems surprising that  a linux version hasn't been a high enough
> priority.

For Ubuntu, go to

and you will find that Ekiga has been packaged in every Ubuntu release
since Dapper Drake (6.06 LTS from mid 2006).  In recent Ubuntu
versions, you can also get Ekiga compiled without the GNOME
dependencies (ekiga-gtkonly).

I hope this helps.


ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Obama -- The Judas Goat

2009-01-25 Thread Lawrence Auster
Obama -- The Judas Goat
By David Duke

Judas Goat\ A goat that leads other goats or sheep to slaughter. Also, one who 
entices into danger and betrays others. The name is an allusion to Judas 
Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of slaughter. (From Merriam 
Webster’s Dictionary)

Barack Hussein Obama is a Judas Goat.

Extremist Jews guided Barack Hussein Obama’s career from day one, even all the 
way back to Harvard Law School.  Radical Zionist hitman, David Axelrod 
previously orchestrated the Jewish-financed and organized defeat of perceived 
anti-Zionist Sen. Charles Percy. He is the man who ran Obama’s campaign for 
President and who is his chief handler. Obama’s campaign was overwhelmingly 
financed by the most powerful Zionist bankers in the world. His campaign’s 
largest contribution source was the Zionist international banking firm of 
Goldman Sachs. (FEC campaign records). In both Obama’s Senate and Presidential 
campaign he prostrated himself before AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs 
Committee) promising even more money and blood for Israel’s terrorism than even 
the supine John McCain, and even more money and blood than the previous Shabbez 
Goy in the White House, George Bush. Before the Israeli terrorism and mass 
murder in Gaza, he went to Israel and said that he supported Israel’s p
 lanned murderous terrorism against the men, women and children of Gaza.

His first act as President-elect was to appoint a rabid Zionist, Israeli dual 
citizen who served in the Israeli Army as his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel. As 
thousands of women and children in Gaza were killed or maimed, Obama remained 
silent. Within a few days as President Obama supported indiscriminate American 
missile strikes in villages of our ally Pakistan, a clear continuation of 
Bush’s policies.  He completely supports the theft of trillions of American 
taxpayer dollars to the Zionist international bankers. Eighty percent of 
American Jews voted for Obama, and all the main leaders of the Jewish 
Supremacist state of Israel have proclaimed Obama as the perfect man for U.S. 

What better for the Zionists to have their own servant perceived as a clean 
break from the Jewish extremist-controlled Bush administration? What better 
than for the Zionists than to have their Shabbez Goy be treated by the world’s 
press and even by much of the anti-Zionist community as a man of “real change?” 
What better for the Zionists than for the world to think that Obama will be a 
change from the Zionist-controlled policies when he willing to do anything that 
Israel demands? What better for the Zionist murderers to have their craven 
puppet be looked at by the whole world as a man of honor and integrity and 

In the slaughterhouse, the Judas Goat is often painted with bright colors, 
adorned with strong, sweet scents to lure the sheep to their pens and to their 
death. Obama, the Judas Goat of our time, is looked upon by millions of 
Zionist-propagandized sheep as the man who will lead them to salvation.

Instead, he leads America, Palestine and the world to the bloody altar of 
Jewish Supremacism.

Any supposed anti-Zionist who praises Barack Obama is actually aiding this 
Judas Goat to lead us all to slaughter. Every person who truly opposes Jewish 
extremism must speak out and expose the Judas Goat named Barack Obama!

– Dr. David Duke

Former Member of the House of Representatives

State of Louisiana

United States of America

It is up to you the people of the United States who can still think freely,  
and up to all of the people of the world who are able to see through the 
deceptions of the Zionist-influenced Global media  -- to get this simple, 
powerful message to everyone on earth. Email this message to your friends, post 
it on forums and websites and put links to it on every website, facebook or 
other media in the world. Go and seek out media and Internet sites not 
controlled by Zionist power. Make youtube videos of this message, (use the 
short audio and find good illustrative pictures) and post it untill your 
fingers are worn and tired, print it and mail it to newspapers or any media 
outlet that has still not fallen under the propaganda of the Zionists. Let the 
world know the truth. Person by person, in the USA, Canada, UK, France, 
Germany, Italy, japan, Russia, China, Africa, Palestine, South America and 
across the whole world this Judas Goat must be exposed for what he is, so that 
when begin
 s to do his evil for Israel, the whole world will know exactly what is going 
on and resist!

Source :

Why is the President of Israel, the terrorist who just oversaw the Zionist mass 
murder and maiming of thousands of Palestinians so happy
that Obama is President of the USA?
by David Duke

Read the excerpt from the Israeli News about how President Perez and Israel 
think that Obama’s becoming U.S. Pres

[Ekiga-list] ubuntu & ekiga 3.

2009-01-25 Thread Martin Uecker

Hi John!

You might want to try the packages provided by Debian.
Ekiga 3.0.1 is in the experimental branch. Either
add the repositories to your sources.list (don't forget
to remove them after installing ekiga) or you can manually
download the package and the dependencies which are not
satisfied automatically.


ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] (no subject)

2009-01-25 Thread Ed McAndrews

Dear Ekiga,

Would you please stop sending Ekiga Hate literature in my name?  It is
interesting to learn more about Ekiga, but what does this have to do
with hatred of the jews or palestineians?  

Please stop the hatred in the Ekiga literature!

Ed McAndrews

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] (no subject) Ekiga hate literature

2009-01-25 Thread Ed McAndrews

Ed McAndrews wrote:

  Dear Ekiga,

Would you please stop sending Ekiga Hate literature in my name?  It is 
interesting to learn more about Ekiga, but what does this have to do with hatred 
of the jews or palestineians? 

Please stop the hatred in the Ekiga literature!

Ed McAndrews

ekiga-list mailing list

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] please stop hate literature in Ekiga

2009-01-25 Thread Ed McAndrews
Dear Ekiga,
> Would you please stop sending Ekiga Hate literature in my name?  It is 
> interesting to learn more about Ekiga, but what does this have to do with 
> hatred 
> of the jews or palestineians? 
> Please stop the hatred in the Ekiga literature!
> Ed McAndrews

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] compiling from daily SVN snapshots

2009-01-25 Thread michel munnix

I try to compile from the daily snapshots found on
When I compile ekiga (that seems to be 3.1.1), it tells me I need ptlib >= 
2.5.2 and opal >= 3.5.2 but the snapshot tarballs from the same day are 2.4.5 
and 3.4.4
Guess a script has not been updated or can you suggest the best version to get 
and from where ?


ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] (no subject)

2009-01-25 Thread yannick
Le dimanche 25 janvier 2009 à 11:41 -0500, Ed McAndrews a écrit :
> Dear Ekiga,
> Would you please stop sending Ekiga Hate literature in my name?  It is
> interesting to learn more about Ekiga, but what does this have to do
> with hatred of the jews or palestineians?  
> Please stop the hatred in the Ekiga literature!
> Ed McAndrews
> ___


This is not from Ekiga's team, or from Gnome, not even from the sender,
this is just spam. The mail was forged.

Wikipedia refers to this as email spoofing:

Spam is sometimes hard to fight. I hope too this will stop.

Best regards,

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] please stop hate literature!

2009-01-25 Thread Ed McAndrews


Please stop sending the hate literature with the ekiga literature.  It
is disgusting!

Ed McAndrews

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] please stop hate literature in Ekiga

2009-01-25 Thread Julien Puydt

Ed McAndrews a écrit :

Dear Ekiga,
Would you please stop sending Ekiga Hate literature in my name?  It is 
interesting to learn more about Ekiga, but what does this have to do with hatred 
of the jews or palestineians? 

Please stop the hatred in the Ekiga literature!

Ed McAndrews

If you're mentioning "Christophe Fergeau' 's recent email to the list, 
you have to know :
(1) it's not representative in any way of what users and developpers of 
ekiga think ;
(2) it's not representative in any way of what Christophe Fergeau thinks 
either : it was a *forged* email, and he's not satisfied at all about it 
(see ).

Snark on #ekiga
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] please stop hate literature!

2009-01-25 Thread Julien Puydt

Ed McAndrews a écrit :
Please stop sending the hate literature with the ekiga literature.  It is 

Please stop sending the same message over and over again.

Snark on #ekiga
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): plugins for video

2009-01-25 Thread PETER EASTHOPE

Date:   Wed, 21 Jan 2009 20:36:58 +0100
From:   Julien Puydt 
"If it's firewire, the plugin is in a package whose 
name must look like libpt-plugins-avc"

The Unibrain Fire-i is "Firewire".
I installed libpt-plugins-avc. 

Opened Edit:Preferences.
For Input Devices V4L, V4L2 and 1394AVC, 
the Input device is "No device found".

For Input Device 1394DC the Input Device 
is /dev/raw1394.

I failed to find an image anywhere 
with Ekiga while everything in Coriander 
appears OK.

I'm not convinced that running a mixed 
system--Lenny, with Sid Ekiga--is a good 
idea.  Might be best to leave Ekiga 
until the system is fully up to Sid.

Thanks for any further ideas,  
 ... Peter E.

-- =

ekiga-list mailing list