can I specify a repository in the configuration file?

2014-07-04 Thread JoeZ99
The standard procedure to register a repository is to issue a PUT command 
to the cluster.

I'd like to automatize the process, in a way such as a script can build a 
search engine server and register a repository into it.

However, I can not trust the server be ready and listening immediately 
after it's been started, so I'm afraid that if I issue the PUT command 
right after starting the elasticsearch server, the server won't be ready 
yet, and to repository is registered.

That's why I thought of specifying the repository in the elasticsearch 
config file, but I haven't found any documentation regarding this.

Is this possible? or , at least, is there any signal or event I can listen 
to to know when a elasticsearch server is ready?

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Re: does snapshot restore lead to a memory leak?

2014-07-02 Thread JoeZ99
Yes, that's right. My index only machines are just machines that are 
booted just for the indexing-snapshotting task. once there is no more tasks 
in queue, those machines are terminated. they only handle a few indices 
each time (their only purpose is to snapshot).

I will do as you tell me. I guess I'll better wait to the timeframe in 
which most of the restores occurs, because that's when the memory 
consumption grows more, so expect those postings in 5 or 6 hours. 

On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:29:53 AM UTC-4, Igor Motov wrote:

 So, your search-only machines are running out of memory, while your 
 index-only machines are doing fine. Did I understand you correctly? Could 
 you send me nodes stats (curl localhost:9200/_nodes/stats?pretty) from 
 the machine that runs out of memory, please run stats a few times with 1 
 hour interval. I would like to see how memory consumption is increasing 
 over time. Please, also run nodes info ones (curl localhost:9200/_nodes) 
 and post here (or send me by email) the results. Thanks!

 On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:15:46 AM UTC-4, JoeZ99 wrote:

 Hey, Igor, thanks for answering! and sorry for the delay. Didn't catch 
 the update.

 I explain:

- we have one cluster of one machine which is only meant for serving 
 search requests. the goal is  not to index anything to it. It contains 1.7k 
 indices, give it or take it. 
- every day, those 1.7k indices are reindexed, and snapshoted in pairs 
 to a S3 repository (producint 850 snapshots)repository. 
- every day, the one reading only cluster of the first point 
 restores those 850 snapshots to update its 1.7k indices from that same S3 

 It works like a real charm. Load has dropped dramatically, and we can set 
 a farm of temporary machines to do the indexing duties. 

 But memory consumption never stops growing.

 we don't get any out of memory error or anything. In fact, there is 
 nothing in the logs that shows any error, but after a week or a few days, 
 the host has its memory almost exhausted and elasticsearch is not 
 responding. The memory consumption is of course way ahead of the HEAP_SIZE
 We have to restart it and, when we do it we get the following error:

 java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Worker has already been 
 at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.handler.codec.oneone.
 at org.elasticsearch.common.netty.handler.codec.oneone.
 at org.elasticsearch.http.netty.NettyHttpChannel.sendResponse(

Re: relation between snapshot restore and update_mapping

2014-06-20 Thread JoeZ99
I just discoverd these strange update_mapping loglines come from a 
completely unrelated thing, so please take this post as invalid and accept 
my apologies.

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 1:21:32 PM UTC-4, JoeZ99 wrote:

 This is a somehow bizarre question. I really hope somebody jumps in, 
 because I'm losing my mind.

 We've set a system by which our one-machine cluster gets updated indexes 
 that have been made in other clusters by restoring snapshots.

 Long story short:

 for a few hours, the cluster is restoring snapshots, each one of them 
 containing information about two indexes. of course , the global_state 
 flag is set to false, because we don't want to recover the cluster, just 
 those two indexes. 

 Say during those few hours , the cluster have restored about 500 
 snapshots, one after another (there is never two restore processes at the 
 same time). By looking at the logs, it goes flawlessly :

 [2014-06-19 00:00:01,318][INFO ][snapshots] [Svarog] 
 restore [backups-1:5e51361312cb68f41e1cb1fa5597672a_ts20140618235915350570
 ] is done
 [2014-06-19 00:00:02,363][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 00:00:08,653][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Svarog] [
 5e51361312cb68f41e1cb1fa5597672a_ts20140617220817522348] deleting index
 [2014-06-19 00:00:09,286][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Svarog] [
 deleting index
 [2014-06-19 00:00:09,815][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 00:00:15,570][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 00:00:15,938][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 00:00:16,208][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 00:00:20,669][INFO ][snapshots] [Svarog] 
 restore [backups-1:70e3583358803e70dc60a83953aaca9e_ts20140618235930121779
 ] is done
 [2014-06-19 00:00:21,585][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 00:00:26,992][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Svarog] [
 70e3583358803e70dc60a83953aaca9e_ts20140617220848057264] deleting index
 [2014-06-19 00:00:27,601][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Svarog] [
 deleting index

 after restoring the snapshot, outdated version of the indices are removed 
 (because the indices recovered from the snapshot are newer).

 this goes quite well, and there is no significant load on the machine 
 while doing this.

 but, at some poing, the cluster starts to issue udpate_mapping commands 
 with no apparent reason (I'm almost sure there's been no interaction from 
 [2014-06-19 04:38:36,293][INFO ][snapshots] [Svarog] 
 restore [backups-1:99cbf66451446e6fe770878e84b4349b_ts20140619043819745139
 ] is done
 [2014-06-19 04:38:37,238][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 04:38:44,016][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Svarog] [
 99cbf66451446e6fe770878e84b4349b_ts20140604042653951289] deleting index
 [2014-06-19 04:38:44,517][INFO ][cluster.metadata ] [Svarog] [
 deleting index
 [2014-06-19 05:57:24,721][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 05:57:34,869][INFO ][repositories ] [Svarog] 
 update repository [backups-1]
 [2014-06-19 05:57:35,234span style=color: #660; class=styled

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can the url repository type be used as a ready only repo for the s3 repository?

2014-06-19 Thread JoeZ99
the url type is used in combination with the fs type. some machines can 
write/read snapshots to a fs type repository, and same machines can only 
read for a url repository which points to the same location the fs 
repository points at.

Is this behavior by any chance possible using S3 repositories???

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ignore_missing flag in snapshot listing?

2014-06-19 Thread JoeZ99
When I want to list the snapshots that are within a certain repository, I 
issue the following command:
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_snapshots/repository_name/_all

as I understand, this is the only way of doing it.

However, chances are that while I'm issuing that command, some other 
process may delete a snapshot. I' ve found that it may provoke an error 
response from the list command, given the right conditions. I've figured 
that when the _all api call is made, elastic search finds out about every 
snapshot it has in the repository, and then fetch info from every one of 
them (by doing something similar to what 
curl -XGET http:

 does), and the returns a listing with the collected info.

If a snapshot is deleted by some other process AFTER elasticsearch has got 
all the snapshot names, and BEFORE elasticsearch starts collecting info of 
every one of them, an error related to elasticsearch not being able to find 
that particular snapshot is thrown.

My question is

  - Is it possible to use a flag like ignore_missing_snapshots or 
something like that when making the curl -XGET http:
//localhost:9200/_snapshots/repository_name/_all call?

  - Can I list by prefix, telling elastic search I want to list only the 
snapshots that starts by certain prefix? something like -XGET 
  that way I could make sure the listing process doesn't interfere with the 
possible deletion process

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Using snapshotrestore to separate indexing from searching

2014-04-30 Thread JoeZ99
as I posted before, our system does not fit very well in cluster structure, 
because we have many small indices in place (about 1k indices with an 
average of 6k records each), we guessed that with so many small indices, 
the cluster spent too much time and resources which nodes should be master 
, or where to locate absurdly small shards, etc... Bottom line is that the 
cluster always ended up not working right. BTW, I'm suspecting that with a 
few advanced tuning options of the cluster (shard routing and the like) we 
may be able to put it on again, but unfortunately we can't find that kind 
of knowledge in the standard doc. If any of you have any hint on this, it 
would be greatly appreciated!!!

Anyway, we need to scale the system somehow, and this is what we've come up 

  - Our indices can have configuration variations that make a reindex 
needed at any time. it doesn't happen a lot, but it happens, and with 1k 
indices, it's bound to happen.
  - Indexing data is regenerated everyday, so every day the whole set of 
indices is re-created (we figured it's much faster to recreate the index 
than to update an existing one replacing everyone of its records)

We would like the machines used for searching results are only used for 
that, and never used for indexing/reindexing ops, because we don't want the 
user experience to suffer when searching against an already loaded server 
because it's doing some heavy indexing.

In our ideal scenario, indexing/reindexing would be done in devoted 
machines, which can be as many as needed, and searching would be done in 
different machines. We plan to use the snapshot/restore feature for that. 

Any time an index/reindex is needed, it would be done on one of these 
indexing machines, and then the fresh index would be snapshotted, to be 
restored to the search machine afterwards. We should have some client 
control to make sure the snapshot process is only once at a time, it's my 
understanding that this is not the case in the restore process (i.e. you 
can have more than one restore process running on a cluster).

Individual item index can happen occasionally, but I figure when that 
happens we can just index to both the searching machines and the indexing 
machines, because it's never going to be big.

Please understand cluster instead of machine

How crazy does this whole thing sound, Is there any other way we can get 
some scalability?

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Re: Is there any way to force Replica inside particular Node

2014-03-11 Thread JoeZ99
well, I guess it depends of the number of shards, number of replicas 
settings you may have.

say you have 5 shards, 1 replica in your settings.

if you have two nodes uprunning, you should have 5 shards in each one.

among those shards, some of them will be primary, some of them will be 
replicas. index ops can only be done in primary shards, read ops can be 
done in either primary shard or replica shard

but which shard is in which node is up to elasticsearch, it can be 3 
primary shards and 2 replica shards on the first node, and the other way 
around on the second, for instance.

there are some tweaks you can do, like shard allocation and the awareness 

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:36:27 AM UTC-4, Michael Lussier wrote:

 Are you positive you have two nodes up and running? This should be a green 
 state with 2 nodes, 2 shards, 1 replica. 


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Re: Zero Downtime Reindexing

2014-02-24 Thread JoeZ99
How about, while the scan is being done, let updates go to the old index 
but with an extra field? Once the alias points to the new index, it's just 
a query to fetch the fields with that new field from the old index and then 
reindex then into the new one. If the alias changing/new index creation is 
unsuccessful , then update old index to remove that new field.

On Friday, February 21, 2014 3:11:52 AM UTC-5, Andrew Kane wrote:

 I tried to post a reply yesterday but it looks like it never made it.

 Thank you all for the quick replies.  Here's a slightly better explanation 
 of where I believe the race condition occurs.

 When the scan/scroll starts, the alias is still pointing to the old index, 
 so updates go to the old index.  Let's say you update Document 1.  If the 
 scroll/scan has already passed Document 1, the new index never sees the 
 update.  The three solutions you mentioned Nik are to either:

 1. Keep track of updates manually [tedious]
 2. Pause the jobs that perform the updates [out of sync]
 3. Send updates to both indexes [also tedious]

 However, none of these seem ideal.

 - Andrew

 On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 8:41:18 PM UTC-8, Andrew Kane wrote:


 I've followed the documentation for zero-downtime mapping changes and it 
 works great.

 However, there is a (pretty big) race condition with this approach - 
 while reindexing, changes may not make it to the new index.  I've looked 
 all over and haven't found a single solution to address this.  The best 
 attempt I've seen is to buffer updates, but this is tedious and still 
 leaves a race condition (with a smaller window).  My initial thoughts were 
 to create a write alias that points to the old and new indices and use 
 versioning.  However, there is no way to write to multiple indices 

 It seems like this issue should affect most Elasticsearch users (whether 
 they realize it or not).  Does anyone have a good solution to this?


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Re: can't order by _boost field, even when index:not_analyzed

2014-02-24 Thread JoeZ99
Ok, .

Good to know, I wish I knew this a few days before ;-) I was really loosing 
my mind on this!!

yet another reason for dropping indexing time defined boost, I guess. I 
really wish there were any way of defining per-document boost at index 


On Monday, February 24, 2014 5:14:48 PM UTC-5, Binh Ly wrote:

 Yup, this is a known bug. Since _boost is being deprecated and replaced by 
 function_score, this will likely not be fixed. For now if you want to sort 
 on a boost value, either remove the _boost from your mapping, or 
 introduce another field that you don't refer to from _boost.

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can't order by _boost field, even when index:not_analyzed

2014-02-19 Thread JoeZ99
according to martijin's remarks on!topic/elasticsearch/A5DSgvnTnC0
and also this issue ,

search results should be sortable by _boost field.

my particular setup:

  product: {
properties: {
  _boost: {
type: float,
null_value: 1.0,
index: not_analyzed

when using a match_all query, I can sort for any numeric field, but the 
_boost, that does not work. I'm using 0.90.10

Also, I don't know if this is related, but when I try to get the mapping 
via localhost:9200/index_name/_mapping , the _boost field doesn't show up. 
I guess it's because of its special nature.

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Re: Do I need to wrap a MissingField Filter inside a bool filter?

2014-02-19 Thread JoeZ99
just for the purpose of clarification.

the bitset feature is equivalent to the cacheable feature. the AND/OR 
filters can't cache its results since they always have to compare to other 
docs , but if a filter can be translated into a bitset, then it can be 
saved for future references, and that doc hasn't to be examined again in 
order to see if complies with the filter, but a single look at its bitset 
records should be enough.


On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:24:29 PM UTC-5, Binh Ly wrote:

 The missing filter should be cached by default if that's what you wanted 
 to know:

 So no need to bool it if that's what you're worried about.

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the fastest filter under the sun?

2014-02-17 Thread JoeZ99
which is the fastest possible filter I could use to exclude documents from 
a search, provided that I have control of what fields those documents have?

in an ecommerce search engine, we used to not to index products that were 
out of stock. however, if for some reason the ecommerce owner wants to 
show the out of stock products, she has to reindex them again.

following a tip from Igor Motov in another thread, I'm considering adding 
some out_of_stock field to every item, let them all be indexed, and use a 
filtered alias.

since I have control on the field I'm using for filtering, I figured I 
could use the one that allows me the fastest filter under the sun.

I've assumed that would be the missing field filter, with 
existence:True. i.e. only the documents that don't have the 
out_of_stock field pass the filter (I don't mind the field's value)

Am I right? is this the fastest/more performant filter I can use?

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using the internal transport module for moving data between clusters

2014-02-05 Thread JoeZ99
transport module is the module elastic search uses for moving shards around 
in the cluster.

can it be used somehow to move index data between different clusters? the 
point here is avoid the whole scanning in source / indexing in destiny 
thing, which is  essentially the solution all  the 
 moving-data-between-clusters  implementations I've seen are based on.

Now that I have your attention: this is my case.

 - have around 700 indexes. each one of around 7k records. relatively small.
 - the ES cluster does not work well with so many small indexes, it wastes 
too much time deciding which node is master and which not
 - we need to separate indexing from searching
 - one solution is index in one machine and then transfer the index to the 
search machine.
 - if we do it the standard way, it implies indexing the dump from the 
index machine into the search machine, so no performance is gained.

 - One solution would be to move data between source and destiny the same 
way ES moves data inside a cluster, which I bet is much more efficient than 
the dumping/reindex approax

Is this possible? 

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