Adding shards to reduce average size

2015-02-18 Thread Jonathan Foy

I have been struggling off-and-on for months now to run an apparently 
highly updated ES cluster on as little hardware as possible.  There's more 
history here,
but the overall issue is that my use case involves lots of frequent 
updates, which results in a growing percentage of deleted docs, and thus 
more RAM needed to handle the same dataset.  I want to run a possible 
change in index structure by the group to get any possible recommendations.

Ultimately the growing delete percentage seems to be related to both the 
size of the shards in question, and a hard-coded ratio in the Lucene Tiered 
Merge Policy code.  As it turns out, the merge code will not consider 
merging a segment until the non-deleted portion of the segment is smaller 
than half of the max_merged_segment parameter (someone please correct me if 
I'm wrong here, and I wish it had been easier to discover this).  This does 
not appear to be configurable in any version of Lucene in which I've 
looked.  This explains why bumping max_merged_segment stupidly high can 
keep the deleted percentage low; the larger segments are considered for 
merging when they have a smaller percentage of deleted docs.  This also 
explains why my shards grew to be ~45% deleted docs.

To work around this, I'm considering reindexing with 3 or 4 times the 
number of shards on the same number of nodes to shrink the shards to a more 
manageable size, but want to make sure that the overhead from additional 
shards will not counter the benefits from having smaller shards.  Note that 
I AM using routing, which I assume should reduce much of the over-sharding 

The index in question now has six shards with one replica each.  Shard 
sizes ranges from 20-30 GB.  Currently this is running on six r3.xlarge 
(30.5 GB RAM, 20GB allocated to ES) instances.  Ideally I'd be running on 
no more than four.  With a low enough delete percentage I think I can even 
run on three.

My theory is that if I reduce the size of the shards to 5-10 GB max, then I 
can set the max_merged_segment high enough that the deleted docs will be 
merged out quickly, and I'll be able to handle the size of the merges in 
question without issue.  With the existing setup, even on six nodes, I 
occasionally run into merge memory issues with large max_merged_segment 
sizes (13 GB currently I think).

Does this seem reasonable?  I'd be looking at 36-48 shards, counting 
replicas, being spread across 3-4 nodes, so 12-18 each.  Thoughts?

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Re: Sustainable way to regularly purge deleted docs

2014-12-20 Thread Jonathan Foy
I thought I should revisit this thread in case anyone else is repeating my 
mistakes, which it turns out are multiple.  On the bright side, I do seem 
to have resolved my issues.

tl/dr, optimize was screwing me up, and the merge settings I thought I had 
in place were not actually there/active.  Once applied all is well.

First, the regular use of optimize?only_expunge_deletes.  I did not realize 
at first that this command would in fact ignore the max_merged_segment 
parameter (I thought I had checked it at one point, but I must not have).  
While max_merged_segment was set to 2 GB, I ended up with segments as large 
as 17 GB.  I reindexed everything one weekend to observe merge behaviour 
better and clear these out, and it wasn't until those segments were almost 
completely full of deleted docs that they were merged out (they finally 
vanished overnight, so I'm not exactly sure what the tipping point was, but 
I do know they were at around 4/5 deleted at one point).  Clearly my use of 
optimize was putting the system in a state that only additional optimize 
calls could clean, making the cluster addicted to the optimize call.

Second, and this is the more embarrassing thing, my changed merge settings 
had mostly not taken effect (or were reverted at some point).  After 
removing all of the large segments via a full reindex, I added nodes to get 
the system to a stable point where normal merging would keep the deleted 
docs in check.  It ended up taking 5/6 nodes to maintain ~30% delete 
equilibrium and enough memory to operate, which was 2-3 more nodes that I 
really wanted to dedicate.  I decided then to bump the max_merged_segment 
up as per Nikolas's recommendation above (just returning it to the default 
5 GB to start with), but noticed that the index merge settings were not 
what I thought they were.  Sometime, probably months ago when I was trying 
to tune things originally, I apparently made a mistake, though I'm still 
not exactly sure when/where.  I had the settings defined in the 
elasticsearch.yml file, but I'm guessing those are only applied to new 
indices when they're created, not existing indices that already have their 
configuration set?  I know I had updated some settings via the API at some 
point, but perhaps I had reverted them, or simply not applied them to the 
index in question.  Regardless, the offending index still had mostly 
default settings, only the max_merged_segment being different at 2 GB.

I applied the settings above (plus the 5 GB max_merged_segment value) to 
the cluster and then performed a rolling restart to let the settings take 
effect.  As each node came up, the deleted docs were quickly merged out of 
existence and the node stabilized ~3% deleted.  CPU spiked to 100% while 
this took place, disk didn't seem to be too stressed (it reported 25% 
utilization when I checked via iostat at one point), but once the initial 
clean-up was done things settled down, and I'm expecting smaller spikes as 
it maintains the lower deleted percentage (I may even back down the 
reclaim_deletes_weight).  I need to see how it actually behaves during 
normal load during the week before deciding everything is completely 
resolved, but so far things look good, and I've been able to back down to 
only 3 nodes again.

So, I've probably wasted dozens of hours a hundreds of dollars of server 
time resolving what was ultimately a self-inflicted problem that should 
have been fixed easily months ago.  So it goes.

On Thursday, December 4, 2014 11:54:07 AM UTC-5, Jonathan Foy wrote:


 I do agree with both of you that my use of optimize as regular maintenance 
 isn't the correct way to do things, but it's been the only thing that I've 
 found that keeps the deleted doc count/memory under control.  I very much 
 want to find something that works to avoid it.

 I came to much the same conclusions that you did regarding the merge 
 settings and logic.  It took a while (and eventually just reading the code) 
 to find out that though dynamic, the merge settings don't actually take 
 effect until a shard is moved/created (fixed in 1.4), so a lot of my early 
 work thinking I'd changed settings wasn't really valid.  That said, my 
 merge settings are still largely what I have listed earlier in the thread, 
 though repeating them for convenience: none
 index.merge.policy.reclaim_deletes_weight: 6.0 -- This one I know is 
 quite high, I kept bumping it up before I realized the changes weren't 
 taking effect immediately
 index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once: 5
 index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once_explicit: 5
 index.merge.policy.segments_per_tier: 5
 index.merge.policy.max_merged_segment: 2gb

 I DO have a mess of nested documents in the type that I know is the most 
 troublesome...perhaps the merge logic doesn't take deleted nested documents 
 into account when deciding what segment to merge?  Or perhaps since I have 
 a small max_merged_segment, it's like

Re: Looking for a best practice to get all data according to some filters

2014-12-14 Thread Jonathan Foy
Just to reword what others have said, ES will allocate memory for [size] scores 
as I understand it (per shard?) regardless of the final result count. If you're 
getting back 4986 results from a query, it'd be faster to use size: 4986 than 
size: 100. 

What I've done in similar situations is to issue a count first with the same 
filter (which is very fast), then use the result of that in the size field. It 
worked much better/faster than using a default large size.

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Re: Sustainable way to regularly purge deleted docs

2014-12-04 Thread Jonathan Foy

I do agree with both of you that my use of optimize as regular maintenance 
isn't the correct way to do things, but it's been the only thing that I've 
found that keeps the deleted doc count/memory under control.  I very much 
want to find something that works to avoid it.

I came to much the same conclusions that you did regarding the merge 
settings and logic.  It took a while (and eventually just reading the code) 
to find out that though dynamic, the merge settings don't actually take 
effect until a shard is moved/created (fixed in 1.4), so a lot of my early 
work thinking I'd changed settings wasn't really valid.  That said, my 
merge settings are still largely what I have listed earlier in the thread, 
though repeating them for convenience: none
index.merge.policy.reclaim_deletes_weight: 6.0 -- This one I know is 
quite high, I kept bumping it up before I realized the changes weren't 
taking effect immediately
index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once: 5
index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once_explicit: 5
index.merge.policy.segments_per_tier: 5
index.merge.policy.max_merged_segment: 2gb

I DO have a mess of nested documents in the type that I know is the most 
troublesome...perhaps the merge logic doesn't take deleted nested documents 
into account when deciding what segment to merge?  Or perhaps since I have 
a small max_merged_segment, it's like Nikolas said and those max sized 
segments are just rarely reclaimed in normal operation, and so the deleted 
doc count (and the memory they take up) grows.  I don't have memory issues 
during normal merge operations, so I think I may start testing with a 
larger max segment size.

I'll let you know if I ever get it resolved.

On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 3:05:18 PM UTC-5, Govind Chandrasekhar wrote:


 Your current setup doesn't look ideal. As Nikolas pointed out, optimize 
 should be run under exceptional circumstances, not for regular maintenance. 
 That's what the merge policy setting are for, and the right settings should 
 meet your needs, atleast theoretically. That said, I can't say I've always 
 heeded this advice, since I've often resorted to using only_expunge_deletes 
 when things have gotten out of hand, because it's an easy remedy to a large 

 I'm trying out a different set of settings to those Nikolas just pointed 
 out. Since my issue is OOMs when merges take place, not so much I/O, I 
 figured the issue is with one of two things:
  1. Too many segments are being merged concurrently.
  2. The size of the merged segments are large.
 I reduced max_merge_at_once, but this didn't fix the issue. So it had to 
 be that the segments being merged were quite large. I noticed that my 
 largest segments often formed 50% of each shard and had upto 30% deletes, 
 and OOMs occurred since when these massive segments were being merged to 
 expunge deletes, since it led to the amount of data on the shard almost 

 To remedy this, I've REDUCED the size of max_merged_segment (I can live 
 with more segments) and reindexed all of my data (since this doesn't help 
 reduced existing large segments). If I understand merge settings correctly, 
 this means that in the worst case scenario, the amount of memory used for 
 merging will be (max_marged_segment x max_merge_at_once) GB. 

 Since these settings don't apply retrospectively to existing large 
 segments, I've reindexed all of my data. All of this was done in the last 
 day or so, so I've yet to see how it works out, though I'm optimistic.

 By the way, I believe max_marged_segment limits are not observed for 
 explicit optimize, so atleast in my setup, I'm going to have to shy away 
 from explicitly expunging deletes. It could be that in your case, because 
 of repeated explicit optimizes, or use of max_num_segments, coupled with 
 the fact that you have a lot of reindexing going on (that too with child 
 documents, since any change in any one of the child documents results in 
 all other child documents and the parent document being marked as deleted), 
 things have gotten particularly out of hand.

 On 3 December 2014 at 06:29, Nikolas Everett 
 javascript: wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Jonathan Foy 
 javascript: wrote:

 Interesting...does the very large max_merged_segment not result in memory 
 issues when the largest segments are merged?  When I run my the cleanup 
 command (_optimize?only_expunge_deletes) I see a steep spike in memor as 
 each merge is completing, followed by an immediate drop, presumably as the 
 new segment is fully initialized and then the old ones are subsequently 
 dropped.  I'd be worried that I'd run out of memory when initializing the 
 larger segments.  That being said, I only notice the large spikes when 
 merging via the explicit optimize/only_expunge_deletes command, the 
 continuous merging throughout the day results in very mild spikes by 

Re: Sustainable way to regularly purge deleted docs

2014-12-03 Thread Jonathan Foy
Interesting...does the very large max_merged_segment not result in memory 
issues when the largest segments are merged?  When I run my the cleanup 
command (_optimize?only_expunge_deletes) I see a steep spike in memor as 
each merge is completing, followed by an immediate drop, presumably as the 
new segment is fully initialized and then the old ones are subsequently 
dropped.  I'd be worried that I'd run out of memory when initializing the 
larger segments.  That being said, I only notice the large spikes when 
merging via the explicit optimize/only_expunge_deletes command, the 
continuous merging throughout the day results in very mild spikes by 

I guess I could always add a single node with the higher settings and just 
drop it if it becomes problematic in order to test (since, though dynamic, 
prior to 1.4 the merge settings only take effect on shard initialization if 
I remember correctly).

Thanks for the advice though, I'll definitely try that.


On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 11:30:08 PM UTC-5, Nikolas Everett wrote:

 I've had some issues with high IO exacerbated by lots of deleted docs as 
 well.  I'd get deleted docs in the 30%-40% range on some indexes.  We 
 attacked the problem in two ways:
 1.  Hardware.  More ram and better SSDs really really helped.  No consumer 
 grade SSDs for me.
 2.  Tweak some merge settings:
 The most important setting is index.merge.policy.max_merged_segment.  You 
 never want your settings to get near that size so set it to 30GB or 
 something stupid huge.  The way the merge policy works segments near 
 max_merged_segment in size will end up with tons and tons of deletes before 
 they are considered for merging and even then the merge policy will still 
 shy away from merging them.
 I raised reclaim_deletes_weight slightly (2.5 or 3 or so) and lowered 
 segments_per_tier and max_merge_at_once to get slightly better search 
 performance.  These were likely less important.

 I hope that helps some!


 On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Jonathan Foy 
 javascript: wrote:


 This is something I still struggle with, though not to the degree that I 
 once did.  I've been in production for several months now with limited 
 issues, though I still don't consider it to be a solved problem for myself, 
 as it requires regular manual maintenance.

 First, I threw more hardware at it.  I moved from two full time nodes to 
 three.  This helped quite a bit, and I definitely needed it once more users 
 started hitting the cluster and more data was cached (I also added more 
 warmers once usage patterns become more clear).

 Second, I've fine-tuned my sync process quite a bit to avoid unnecessary 

 Third, since I'm running this cluster on EC2 instances, I just spin up 
 more nodes when I need to clean things up, then drop the number after for 
 normal use.  I had been moving to four, but now I sometimes add a fifth 
 depending upon shard allocation - sometimes I seem to accumulate the most 
 active shards on the same node, and I still run into memory issues.  I also 
 drop the filter cache to almost nothing before I run the optimize/delete 
 step.  For the most part, this gets me through with minimal memory issues, 
 though I'd be screwed if I had to do this during the day.  Also, there IS 
 overhead to moving shards across nodes, and long query times when (I 
 presume) the shards become active on the new nodes and any non-warmed 
 fields are loaded.  

 So, not a perfect solution by any means, but it's working.

 Which version of ES are you on?  I'm still on 1.1.2, with plans to update 
 soon, and am very much hoping that the update will help things become more 
 hands-off.  The bloom filter being rendered unnecessary should free memory, 
 plus general performance improvements, I can't remember them all offhand.  
 Being able to actually update the merge settings dynamically will also be a 
 bit help in testing various configs.

 Hope something in there helps.  I'm definitely open to suggestions on 
 ways to improve things.

 On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:54:13 PM UTC-5, Govind Chandrasekhar wrote:

 Did you find a solution to this? I've been facing pretty much the same 
 issue since I've added nested documents to my index - delete percentage 
 goes really high and an explicit optimize leads to an OOM.

 On Saturday, August 23, 2014 8:08:32 AM UTC-7, Jonathan Foy wrote:


 I was a bit surprised to see the number of deleted docs grow so large, 
 but I won't rule out my having something setup wrong.  Non-default merge 
 settings are below, by all means let me know if I've done something stupid: none
 index.merge.policy.reclaim_deletes_weight: 6.0
 index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once: 5
 index.merge.policy.segments_per_tier: 5
 index.merge.policy.max_merged_segment: 2gb
 index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count: 3

 I make extensive use of nested documents

Re: Sustainable way to regularly purge deleted docs

2014-12-02 Thread Jonathan Foy

This is something I still struggle with, though not to the degree that I 
once did.  I've been in production for several months now with limited 
issues, though I still don't consider it to be a solved problem for myself, 
as it requires regular manual maintenance.

First, I threw more hardware at it.  I moved from two full time nodes to 
three.  This helped quite a bit, and I definitely needed it once more users 
started hitting the cluster and more data was cached (I also added more 
warmers once usage patterns become more clear).

Second, I've fine-tuned my sync process quite a bit to avoid unnecessary 

Third, since I'm running this cluster on EC2 instances, I just spin up more 
nodes when I need to clean things up, then drop the number after for normal 
use.  I had been moving to four, but now I sometimes add a fifth depending 
upon shard allocation - sometimes I seem to accumulate the most active 
shards on the same node, and I still run into memory issues.  I also drop 
the filter cache to almost nothing before I run the optimize/delete step.  
For the most part, this gets me through with minimal memory issues, though 
I'd be screwed if I had to do this during the day.  Also, there IS overhead 
to moving shards across nodes, and long query times when (I presume) the 
shards become active on the new nodes and any non-warmed fields are 

So, not a perfect solution by any means, but it's working.

Which version of ES are you on?  I'm still on 1.1.2, with plans to update 
soon, and am very much hoping that the update will help things become more 
hands-off.  The bloom filter being rendered unnecessary should free memory, 
plus general performance improvements, I can't remember them all offhand.  
Being able to actually update the merge settings dynamically will also be a 
bit help in testing various configs.

Hope something in there helps.  I'm definitely open to suggestions on ways 
to improve things.

On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:54:13 PM UTC-5, Govind Chandrasekhar wrote:

 Did you find a solution to this? I've been facing pretty much the same 
 issue since I've added nested documents to my index - delete percentage 
 goes really high and an explicit optimize leads to an OOM.

 On Saturday, August 23, 2014 8:08:32 AM UTC-7, Jonathan Foy wrote:


 I was a bit surprised to see the number of deleted docs grow so large, 
 but I won't rule out my having something setup wrong.  Non-default merge 
 settings are below, by all means let me know if I've done something stupid: none
 index.merge.policy.reclaim_deletes_weight: 6.0
 index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once: 5
 index.merge.policy.segments_per_tier: 5
 index.merge.policy.max_merged_segment: 2gb
 index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count: 3

 I make extensive use of nested documents, and to a smaller degree child 
 docs.  Right now things are hovering around 15% deleted after a cleanup on 
 Wednesday.  I've also cleaned up my mappings a lot since I saw the 45% 
 deleted number (less redundant data, broke some things off into child docs 
 to maintain separately), but it was up to 30% this last weekend.  When I've 
 looked in the past when I saw the 40+% numbers, the segments in the largest 
 tier (2 GB) would sometimes have up to 50+% deleted docs in them, the 
 smaller segments all seemed pretty contained, which I guess makes sense as 
 they didn't stick around for nearly as long.

 As for where the memory is spent, according to ElasticHQ, right now on 
 one server I have a 20 GB heap (out of 30.5, which I know is above the 50% 
 suggested, just trying to get things to work), I'm using 90% as follows:

 Field cache: 5.9 GB
 Filter cache: 4.0 GB (I had reduced this before the last restart, but 
 forgot to make the changes permanent.  I do use a lot of filters though, so 
 would like to be able to use the cache).
 ID cache: 3.5 GB

 Node stats Segments: memory_in_bytes: 6.65 GB (I'm not exactly sure how 
 this one contributes to the total heap number).

 As for the disk-based doc values, I don't know how I have not come 
 across them thus far, but that sounds quite promising.  I'm a little late 
 in the game to be changing everything yet again, but it may be a good idea 
 regardless, and is definitely something I'll read more about and consider 
 going forward.  Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

 Anyway, my current plan, since I'm running in AWS and have the 
 flexibility, is just to add another r3.xlarge node to the cluster over the 
 weekend, try the deleted-doc purge, and then pull the node back out after 
 moving all shards off of it.  I'm hoping this will allow me to clean things 
 up with extra horsepower, but not increase costs too much throughout the 

 Thanks for you input, it's very much appreciated.

 On Friday, August 22, 2014 7:14:18 PM UTC-4, Adrien Grand wrote:

 Hi Jonathan,

 The default merge policy is already supposed to merge quite

Native script unable to get values, perhaps because it's a child doc? ES v1.1.1

2014-11-20 Thread Jonathan Foy

I have a native script that I'm using to score/sort queries and it is not 
working properly for one of my three types.

All three types have the same nested field, and I'm using the script to 
check values and score/sort by an externally defined order.  However, for 
one of the three types the values pulled from the doc fields are always 
zero/null (using docFieldLongs(fieldName).getValue() or 
docFieldStrings(stringValue).getValue()).  I can check for the fields to 
be present using doc().containsKey(), and it seems to see them, but it 
never actually sees any values.  I've pulled a few records manually and 
verified that the data looks good.

The only think I can think of that's different is that this one type is a 
child of one of the other two, but I'm querying it completely independently 
of the parent in this case.  Does this sound familiar to anyone by any 

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Re: Native script unable to get values, perhaps because it's a child doc? ES v1.1.1

2014-11-20 Thread Jonathan Foy
Yep, and I can search on it in other queries.

After testing most of the afternoon, I finally seem to have gotten it to 
work by pulling the field using the full name, including the nested path:

Long value = docFieldLongs(nestedPath.propertyName).getValue();

This seems to work in all three places, including the two types that also 
worked without the nested path, which is good.  Afterwords I came across this 
SO post
which sounds like a similar problem, though I'm not in a 
has_parent/has_child query (though I AM in a child type).  Sounds like it 
may be a bug.

On Thursday, November 20, 2014 4:00:56 PM UTC-5, Shiwen Cheng wrote:

 Hi, did you index the field you want to use in the native script?


 On Thursday, 20 November 2014 11:38:30 UTC-8, Jonathan Foy wrote:


 I have a native script that I'm using to score/sort queries and it is not 
 working properly for one of my three types.

 All three types have the same nested field, and I'm using the script to 
 check values and score/sort by an externally defined order.  However, for 
 one of the three types the values pulled from the doc fields are always 
 zero/null (using docFieldLongs(fieldName).getValue() or 
 docFieldStrings(stringValue).getValue()).  I can check for the fields to 
 be present using doc().containsKey(), and it seems to see them, but it 
 never actually sees any values.  I've pulled a few records manually and 
 verified that the data looks good.

 The only think I can think of that's different is that this one type is a 
 child of one of the other two, but I'm querying it completely independently 
 of the parent in this case.  Does this sound familiar to anyone by any 

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Re: Sorting by nested fields

2014-10-10 Thread Jonathan Foy
I suspect that because you have multiple levels of nesting you need to use 
the nested path
(it's probably choosing marketplaces.prices, and you would want just 
marketplaces, though I'm not positive).

On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 11:35:37 AM UTC-4, Elke wrote:


 I have a question about sorting by nested fields. 
 This is just an small example of the hierarchy level (The marketplaces and 
 the prices are mapped as nested documents): 

 { id: doc1,
   name : test,
   marketplaces : [ { name :  marketPlace1,
   prices : [ { amount: 20.00 },
 {  amount: 40.00 }]
  { name :  marketPlace2,
   prices : [{ amount: 21.00 },
 { amount: 30.00 }]
 { id: doc2,
   name : test2,
   marketplaces : [ { name :  marketPlace1,
   prices : [{ amount: 30.00 },
 { amount: 35.00 }]
  { name :  marketPlace2,
   prices : [{ amount: 1.00 },
 { amount: 3.00 }]
 Now I want to search for all documents with the marketplace name : 
 marketPlace1 and sort the result by the prices.amount of this 
 So I expect that in the example the first document will be in first place 
 and the second document will be in second place. 

 The filter works fine. I won't see the documents without marketPlace1 in 
 the result list. 
 But the sort doesn't restrict the same as the filter. So I tried to set a 
 nested filter to match the upper hierarchy too. 

 I tried this sort, but got the value Infinity as sort result. :
  sort :  {
 marketplaces.prices.amount : { order : asc , nested_filter : { 
 term : { : 

 In case I don't use the nested_filter I get the second document as first 
 result, because the sorting doesn't consider the marketPlace name. 
 Is there a solution for my problem?
 Thank you very much for your help. 

 Best regards, 


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Re: Update merge settings pre-1.4 without downtime

2014-10-10 Thread Jonathan Foy
Thanks for the response.  However, you can't switch merge policies on the 
fly though if I'm not mistaken; if I remember right that definitely 
requires closing/reopening an index.  From the docs,
A different merge policy can't be set.

I went ahead and tested it via the index _settings API:
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/my_index/_settings -d '{
index: {
merge.policy.type: log_doc
{error:ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[Can't update non dynamic 
settings[[index.merge.policy.type]] for open 

Am I missing something?

On Friday, October 10, 2014 7:18:40 AM UTC-4, Nikolas Everett wrote:

 You could try switching merge policies and then switching back. I never 
 tried that but I think it might work. 

 On Oct 10, 2014 12:33 AM, Jonathan Foy javascript: 


 Is there any way of changing the merge settings of a live index without 
 downtime in ES versions prior to 1.4 (I'm on 1.1.1)?

 After toying with some of the settings for quite a while (such as 
 index.merge.policy.expunge_deletes_allowed and 
 index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once_explicit) I had come to the 
 conclusion that they were NOT updating dynamically.  A dive into the code, 
 which also led to this issue, seems to 
 indicate that prior to 1.4 merge settings are not really dynamically 
 updateable, and instead would require restarting, closing/reopening an 
 index, or perhaps relocating shards (the updated values are stored, but 
 never seem to be applied).  I'm looking in TieredMergePolicyProvider to get 
 this information.

 I'm planning on trying to update our cluster to 1.4 once it's stable, but 
 until then it would be helpful to be able to tweak these settings as part 
 of my battle against deleted document creep.  So, am I missing something 
 here, or is simply not possible right now?

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Update merge settings pre-1.4 without downtime

2014-10-09 Thread Jonathan Foy

Is there any way of changing the merge settings of a live index without 
downtime in ES versions prior to 1.4 (I'm on 1.1.1)?

After toying with some of the settings for quite a while (such as 
index.merge.policy.expunge_deletes_allowed and 
index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once_explicit) I had come to the conclusion 
that they were NOT updating dynamically.  A dive into the code, which also 
led to this issue, seems to 
indicate that prior to 1.4 merge settings are not really dynamically 
updateable, and instead would require restarting, closing/reopening an 
index, or perhaps relocating shards (the updated values are stored, but 
never seem to be applied).  I'm looking in TieredMergePolicyProvider to get 
this information.

I'm planning on trying to update our cluster to 1.4 once it's stable, but 
until then it would be helpful to be able to tweak these settings as part 
of my battle against deleted document creep.  So, am I missing something 
here, or is simply not possible right now?

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Re: Elastic HQ not getting back vendor info from Elasticsearch.

2014-08-28 Thread Jonathan Foy
Development seems to have stalled on ElasticHQ for whatever reason, but 
look at the various forks, several people have fixed bugs, including 
perhaps the one you're running into.

On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 10:27:41 AM UTC-4, John Smith wrote:

 I know, but i think it's 2 issues...

 1- The vendor info for client nodes is not returned. I assume that HQ is 
 using standard REST interface and Elasticsearch not returning the info 
 (Maybe its a Windows SIGAR/Permission issue ???). I posted the response 
 JSon with the bug.
 2- HQ doesn't handle gracefully the fact that the info is not returned. 
 (It's throwing JavaScript exception, but nothing shows up on the screen so 
 you think it's frozen, when it's not)

 On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 19:06:35 UTC-4, Mark Walkom wrote:

 ElasticHQ is a community plugin, the ES devs can't help here.

 I have raised issues against ElasticHQ in the past and Roy has fixed them 
 pretty quickly :)

 Mark Walkom

 Infrastructure Engineer
 Campaign Monitor

 On 27 August 2014 04:44, John Smith wrote:

 I posted an issue with Elastic HQ here:

 But just in case maybe an Elastic dev can have a look and see if it's 
 Elasticsearch issue or not.


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Re: Optimizing queries for a 5 node cluster with 250 M documents (causes OutOfMemory exceptions and GC pauses)

2014-08-24 Thread Jonathan Foy
I ran into the same issue when using Integer.MAX_VALUE as the size 
parameter (migrating from a DB-based search).  Perhaps someone can come up 
with a proper reference, I cannot, but according to a comment in this SO
question, Elasticsearch/Lucene tries to allocate memory for that many 
scores.  When I switched those queries to a count/search duo, things 
improved dramatically, as you've already noticed.

On Saturday, August 23, 2014 12:17:47 PM UTC-4, Narendra Yadala wrote:

 I am not returning 2 billion documents :)  

 I am returning all documents that match. Actual number can be anywhere 
 between 0 to 50k. I am just fetching documents between a given time 
 interval such as one hour, one day so on and then do batch processing them.

 I fixed this by making 2 queries, one to fetch count and other for actual 
 data. It is mentioned in some other thread that scroll api is performance 
 intensive so I did not go for it.

 On Saturday, 23 August 2014 21:32:59 UTC+5:30, Ivan Brusic wrote:

 When I kept size as Integer.MAX_VALUE, it caused all the problems

 Are you trying to return up to 2 billion documents at once? Even if that 
 number was only 1 million, you will face problems. Or did I perhaps 
 misunderstand you?

 Are you sorting the documents based on the score (the default)? 
 Lucene/Elasticsearch would need to keep all the values in memory in order 
 to start them, causing memory problems. In general, Lucene is not effective 
 at deep pagination. Use scan/scroll:


 On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 6:46 AM, Narendra Yadala 

 Hi Jörg,

 This query 
query : {
   bool: {
   must: {
match : { body : big }
   must_not: {
match : { body : data }   
must: {
 match : {id: 521}

 and this query are performing exactly same
query : {
   bool: {
   must: {
match : { body : big }
   must_not: {
match : { body : data }   
filter : {
term : { id : 521 }

 I am not able understand what makes a filtered query fast. Is there any 
 place where I can find documentation on the internals of how different 
 queries are processed by elasticsearch.

 On Saturday, 23 August 2014 18:20:23 UTC+5:30, Jörg Prante wrote:

 Before firing queries, you should consider if the index design and 
 query choice is optimal.

 Numeric range queries are not straightforward. They were a major issue 
 on inverted index engines like Lucene/Elasticsearch and it has taken some 
 time to introduce efficient implementations. See e.g.

 ES tries to compensate the downsides of massive numeric range queries 
 by loading all the field values into memory. To achieve effective queries, 
 you have to carefully discretize the values you index. 

 For example, a few hundred millions of different timestamps, with 
 millisecond resolution, are a real burden for searching on inverted 
 indices. A good discretization strategy for indexing is to reduce the 
 amount of values in such field to a few hundred or thousands. For 
 timestamps, this means, indexing time-based series data in discrete 
 intervals of days, hours, minutes, maybe seconds is much more efficient 
 than e.g. millisecond resolution.

 Another topic is to use filters for boolean queries. They are much 


 On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Narendra Yadala 

 Hi Ivan,

 Thanks for the input about aggregating on strings, I do that, but 
 those queries take time but they do not crash node. 

 The queries which caused problem were pretty straightforward queries 
 (such as a boolean query with two musts, one must is equal match and 
 a range match on long) but the real problem was with the size. When I 
 size as Integer.MAX_VALUE, it caused all the problems. When I removed it, 
 it started working fine. I think it is worth mentioning somewhere about 
 this strange behavior (probably expected but strange).

 I did double up on the RAM though and now I have allocated 5*10G RAM 
 to the cluster. Things are looking ok as of now, except that the 
 aggregations (on strings) are quite slow. May be I would run these 
 aggregations as batch and cache the outputs in a different type and move 
 for now.


 On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Ivan Brusic 

 How expensive are your queries? Are you using aggregations or sorting 
 on string fields that could use up your field data cache? Are you using 
 defaults for the cache? Post the current usage.

 If you 

Re: Sustainable way to regularly purge deleted docs

2014-08-23 Thread Jonathan Foy

I was a bit surprised to see the number of deleted docs grow so large, but 
I won't rule out my having something setup wrong.  Non-default merge 
settings are below, by all means let me know if I've done something stupid: none
index.merge.policy.reclaim_deletes_weight: 6.0
index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once: 5
index.merge.policy.segments_per_tier: 5
index.merge.policy.max_merged_segment: 2gb
index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count: 3

I make extensive use of nested documents, and to a smaller degree child 
docs.  Right now things are hovering around 15% deleted after a cleanup on 
Wednesday.  I've also cleaned up my mappings a lot since I saw the 45% 
deleted number (less redundant data, broke some things off into child docs 
to maintain separately), but it was up to 30% this last weekend.  When I've 
looked in the past when I saw the 40+% numbers, the segments in the largest 
tier (2 GB) would sometimes have up to 50+% deleted docs in them, the 
smaller segments all seemed pretty contained, which I guess makes sense as 
they didn't stick around for nearly as long.

As for where the memory is spent, according to ElasticHQ, right now on one 
server I have a 20 GB heap (out of 30.5, which I know is above the 50% 
suggested, just trying to get things to work), I'm using 90% as follows:

Field cache: 5.9 GB
Filter cache: 4.0 GB (I had reduced this before the last restart, but 
forgot to make the changes permanent.  I do use a lot of filters though, so 
would like to be able to use the cache).
ID cache: 3.5 GB

Node stats Segments: memory_in_bytes: 6.65 GB (I'm not exactly sure how 
this one contributes to the total heap number).

As for the disk-based doc values, I don't know how I have not come across 
them thus far, but that sounds quite promising.  I'm a little late in the 
game to be changing everything yet again, but it may be a good idea 
regardless, and is definitely something I'll read more about and consider 
going forward.  Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Anyway, my current plan, since I'm running in AWS and have the flexibility, 
is just to add another r3.xlarge node to the cluster over the weekend, try 
the deleted-doc purge, and then pull the node back out after moving all 
shards off of it.  I'm hoping this will allow me to clean things up with 
extra horsepower, but not increase costs too much throughout the week.

Thanks for you input, it's very much appreciated.

On Friday, August 22, 2014 7:14:18 PM UTC-4, Adrien Grand wrote:

 Hi Jonathan,

 The default merge policy is already supposed to merge quite aggressively 
 segments that contain lots of deleted documents so it is a bit surprising 
 that you can see that many numbers of deleted documents, even with merge 
 throttling disabled.

 You mention having memory pressure because of the number of documents in 
 your index, do you know what causes this memory pressure? In case it is due 
 to field data maybe you could consider storing field data on disk? (what we 
 call doc values)

 On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Jonathan Foy 
 javascript: wrote:


 I'm in the process of putting a two-node Elasticsearch cluster (1.1.2) 
 into production, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping it stable enough 
 for comfort.  Specifically, I'm trying to figure out the best way to keep 
 the number of deleted documents under control.

 Both nodes are r3.xlarge EC2 instances (4 cores, 30.5 GB RAM).  The ES 
 cluster mirrors the primary data store, a MySQL database.  Relevant updates 
 to the database are caught via triggers which populate a table that's 
 monitored by an indexing process.  This results in what I'd consider of lot 
 of reindexing, any time the primary data is updated.  Search and indexing 
 performance thus far has been in line with expectations when the number of 
 deleted documents is small, but as it grows (up to 30-40%), the amount of 
 available RAM becomes limited, ultimately causing memory problems.  If I 
 optimize/purge deletes then things return to normal, though I usually end 
 up having to restart at least one server if not both due to OOM problems 
 and shard failures during optimization.  When ES becomes the source of all 
 searches for the application, I can't really afford this downtime.

 What would be the preferred course of action here?  I do have a window 
 over the weekend where I could work with somewhat reduced capacity;  I was 
 thinking perhaps I could pull one node out of search rotation, optimize it, 
 swap it with the other, optimize it, and then go on my way.  However, I 
 don't know that I CAN pull one node out of rotation (it seems like the 
 search API lets me specify a node, but nothing to say Node X doesn't need 
 any searches), nor does it appear that I can optimize an index on one node 
 without doing the same to the other.

 I've tried tweaking the merge settings to favour segments containing 
 large numbers of deletions

Sustainable way to regularly purge deleted docs

2014-08-21 Thread Jonathan Foy

I'm in the process of putting a two-node Elasticsearch cluster (1.1.2) into 
production, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping it stable enough for 
comfort.  Specifically, I'm trying to figure out the best way to keep the 
number of deleted documents under control.

Both nodes are r3.xlarge EC2 instances (4 cores, 30.5 GB RAM).  The ES 
cluster mirrors the primary data store, a MySQL database.  Relevant updates 
to the database are caught via triggers which populate a table that's 
monitored by an indexing process.  This results in what I'd consider of lot 
of reindexing, any time the primary data is updated.  Search and indexing 
performance thus far has been in line with expectations when the number of 
deleted documents is small, but as it grows (up to 30-40%), the amount of 
available RAM becomes limited, ultimately causing memory problems.  If I 
optimize/purge deletes then things return to normal, though I usually end 
up having to restart at least one server if not both due to OOM problems 
and shard failures during optimization.  When ES becomes the source of all 
searches for the application, I can't really afford this downtime.

What would be the preferred course of action here?  I do have a window over 
the weekend where I could work with somewhat reduced capacity;  I was 
thinking perhaps I could pull one node out of search rotation, optimize it, 
swap it with the other, optimize it, and then go on my way.  However, I 
don't know that I CAN pull one node out of rotation (it seems like the 
search API lets me specify a node, but nothing to say Node X doesn't need 
any searches), nor does it appear that I can optimize an index on one node 
without doing the same to the other.

I've tried tweaking the merge settings to favour segments containing large 
numbers of deletions, but it doesn't seem to make enough of a difference.  
I've also disabled merge throttling (I do have SSD-backed storage).  Is 
there any safe way to perform regular maintenance on the cluster, 
preferably one node at a time, without causing TOO many problems?  Am I 
just trying to do too much with the hardware I have?

Any advice is appreciated.  Let me know what info I left out that would 

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Re: Every other query slow

2014-07-09 Thread Jonathan Foy
Note also that the slow instances of the query do not appear to show up in 
the slow query log.  Also, I'm pulling the referenced times out of the 
response's took field.

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 11:09:21 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Foy wrote:


 I'm trying to get a new ES cluster tuned properly to actually put into 
 production, and I'm running into some performance issues. 

 While testing, I noticed that when running the same query multiple times, 
 I had alternating fast (~50 ms), and slow (2-3 s) results.  It's the exact 
 same query, submitted via curl, and it happens consistently query after 

 curl -XGET localhost:9200/my_index/my_type/_search?routing=1234 -d 

 I literally hit up/enter time after time.  At one point I wandered away 
 for ~30 minutes after a slow execution, came back, up/enter, it finished in 
 40 ms.  The immediate next attempt, 2 seconds.

 I'm running ES 1.1.1 on a two-node cluster.  There's three indexes, three 
 shards each for the smaller two, six shards for the larger index, which is 
 the one I'm hitting.  I'm using custom routing for all three.  One replica 
 of each, so all 12 shards on each server.  The index in question is ~125 
 GB.  The other two are 10 GB and 2 GB more or less.  

 Summary server info:
 ES 1.1.1
 2 AWS r3.xlarge instances (30.5 GB each)
 One 18 GB heap/G1 GC
 One 20 GB heap/default GC

 I know the heap is set higher than recommended, but I wouldn't think 
 that'd be the current problem.

 My first thought was that I was simply hitting one server and then the 
 other via round-robin, and I needed to figure out which server was slow.  
 However, the stats reported in ElasticHQ indicated that the queries were 
 hitting the same server each time (there was no other searching going on 
 and limited indexing).  Even when I tried running the search from the other 
 server, ElasticHQ still indicated that they queries were running on the one 
 server (and the same fast/slow/fast pattern was noticed, though independent 
 of the cycle on the other server).  I'm not sure why the other server was 
 never being hit, though ElasticHQ DID report about 3x the amount of search 
 activity on the server on which the queries were running.  That might be my 
 next question.

 There are warmers in place for some of the fields.  Field cache reports no 
 evictions and hovers around 4GB, though there ARE a lot of evictions in the 
 filter cache.  I think that's probably inevitable given how much variety 
 can come through in the searches, though I'm open to advice.

 I've pasted a sample query below.  It's admittedly a bit ugly, because 
 it's built dynamically from a large number of search criteria with various 
 levels of nesting.  I've tried cleaned up versions of the same query 
 (remove unnecessary filters) with the same results, but included it as is 
 (with renamed fields) in case there's something wrong.

 Note that while I've been testing and writing this post, I found that 
 removing the nested sort and instead sorting on a non-nested field does not 
 result in the fast/slow/fast pattern, they're all fast.  However, I've 
 since tested other queries, including some with no sort/limit at all, and 
 found the same pattern.  There is a lot of nesting, and sometimes has_child 
 filters.  Executing somewhat different (though admittedly similar) queries 
 results in the same pattern across queries, regardless of which is run 
 when.  Fast/slow/fast.

 So, any idea as to what is going on here?  The fast queries are completely 
 adequate, the slow queries completely inadequate.  I need to figure this 

 Let me know if any other info is needed.  Thanks in advance.

   from : 0,
   size : 50,
   query : {
 filtered : {
   query : {
 match_all : { }
   filter : {
 and : {
   filters : [ {
 term : {
   accountId : 1234
   }, {
 nested : {
   filter : {
 and : {
   filters : [ {
 nested : {
   filter : {
 and : {
   filters : [ {
 or : {
   filters : [ {
 term : {
   stage1.stage2.bool1 : true
   }, {
 term : {
   stage1.stage2.bool2 : false
   } ]
   } ]
   path : stage1.stage2
   } ]
   path : stage1
   } ]
   fields : id,

Every other query slow

2014-07-08 Thread Jonathan Foy

I'm trying to get a new ES cluster tuned properly to actually put into 
production, and I'm running into some performance issues. 

While testing, I noticed that when running the same query multiple times, I 
had alternating fast (~50 ms), and slow (2-3 s) results.  It's the exact 
same query, submitted via curl, and it happens consistently query after 

curl -XGET localhost:9200/my_index/my_type/_search?routing=1234 -d 

I literally hit up/enter time after time.  At one point I wandered away for 
~30 minutes after a slow execution, came back, up/enter, it finished in 40 
ms.  The immediate next attempt, 2 seconds.

I'm running ES 1.1.1 on a two-node cluster.  There's three indexes, three 
shards each for the smaller two, six shards for the larger index, which is 
the one I'm hitting.  I'm using custom routing for all three.  One replica 
of each, so all 12 shards on each server.  The index in question is ~125 
GB.  The other two are 10 GB and 2 GB more or less.  

Summary server info:
ES 1.1.1
2 AWS r3.xlarge instances (30.5 GB each)
One 18 GB heap/G1 GC
One 20 GB heap/default GC

I know the heap is set higher than recommended, but I wouldn't think that'd 
be the current problem.

My first thought was that I was simply hitting one server and then the 
other via round-robin, and I needed to figure out which server was slow.  
However, the stats reported in ElasticHQ indicated that the queries were 
hitting the same server each time (there was no other searching going on 
and limited indexing).  Even when I tried running the search from the other 
server, ElasticHQ still indicated that they queries were running on the one 
server (and the same fast/slow/fast pattern was noticed, though independent 
of the cycle on the other server).  I'm not sure why the other server was 
never being hit, though ElasticHQ DID report about 3x the amount of search 
activity on the server on which the queries were running.  That might be my 
next question.

There are warmers in place for some of the fields.  Field cache reports no 
evictions and hovers around 4GB, though there ARE a lot of evictions in the 
filter cache.  I think that's probably inevitable given how much variety 
can come through in the searches, though I'm open to advice.

I've pasted a sample query below.  It's admittedly a bit ugly, because it's 
built dynamically from a large number of search criteria with various 
levels of nesting.  I've tried cleaned up versions of the same query 
(remove unnecessary filters) with the same results, but included it as is 
(with renamed fields) in case there's something wrong.

Note that while I've been testing and writing this post, I found that 
removing the nested sort and instead sorting on a non-nested field does not 
result in the fast/slow/fast pattern, they're all fast.  However, I've 
since tested other queries, including some with no sort/limit at all, and 
found the same pattern.  There is a lot of nesting, and sometimes has_child 
filters.  Executing somewhat different (though admittedly similar) queries 
results in the same pattern across queries, regardless of which is run 
when.  Fast/slow/fast.

So, any idea as to what is going on here?  The fast queries are completely 
adequate, the slow queries completely inadequate.  I need to figure this 

Let me know if any other info is needed.  Thanks in advance.

  from : 0,
  size : 50,
  query : {
filtered : {
  query : {
match_all : { }
  filter : {
and : {
  filters : [ {
term : {
  accountId : 1234
  }, {
nested : {
  filter : {
and : {
  filters : [ {
nested : {
  filter : {
and : {
  filters : [ {
or : {
  filters : [ {
term : {
  stage1.stage2.bool1 : true
  }, {
term : {
  stage1.stage2.bool2 : false
  } ]
  } ]
  path : stage1.stage2
  } ]
  path : stage1
  } ]
  fields : id,
  sort : [ {
website.domain.sortable : {
  order : asc,
  missing : 0,
  nested_path : website
  }, {
id : {
  order : asc
  } ]

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Warmer queries - many small or one large

2014-07-07 Thread Jonathan Foy

The subject pretty much says it there an advantage one way or the 
other to having several (or many) small (single term) warmer queries rather 
than a single large query that searches all desired fields?

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Sorting by a nested multi-field only works for one of the fields

2014-04-24 Thread Jonathan Foy

In my mapping I have some String values that I need to use for text 
matching as well as for sorting.  To support this, I use a multi-field with 
two different versions of the field using two different analyzers.  To 
sort, I have a keyword-lowercasing analyzer.  For the text search I'm using 
the included snowball analyzer.

This works fine for a normal, top-level field.  However, for my nested 
fields using this pattern, only the first/primary field type will allow 
searching.  The output from tests using the other always returns a null 

I'm assuming it's somehow related to the pathing (mixing nested pathing 
notation with multi-field notation), but I'm not sure.  Does anyone have 
any insight?  I have a full working example 

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Re: Sorting by a nested multi-field only works for one of the fields

2014-04-24 Thread Jonathan Foy
On Thursday, April 24, 2014 8:12:26 AM UTC-4, Jonathan Foy wrote:


 In my mapping I have some String values that I need to use for text 
 matching as well as for sorting.  To support this, I use a multi-field with 
 two different versions of the field using two different analyzers.  To 
 sort, I have a keyword-lowercasing analyzer.  For the text search I'm using 
 the included snowball analyzer.

 This works fine for a normal, top-level field.  However, for my nested 
 fields using this pattern, only the first/primary field type will allow 
 searching.  The output from tests using the other always returns a null 

 I'm assuming it's somehow related to the pathing (mixing nested pathing 
 notation with multi-field notation), but I'm not sure.  Does anyone have 
 any insight?  I have a full working example 

Received help on 
I was missing the nested_path parameter in the sort definition.

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