Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 rtty & microphones questions

2004-11-07 Thread Brian Mury
On Sun, 2004-07-11 at 06:07 +, David Ashworth wrote:
> this rig for contests and what is the safe level to run it in a contest
> using RTTY?

The manual says that the maximum recommended power for PSK31 is 40W, and
for higher duty cycle modes such as MFSK it is 25W. I'm not sure what
the duty cycles are for those two modes - but 25W would probably be a
safe level.

> I see that there are several levels to set the fan at.

You can set it to off, low speed, or high speed. Regardless of the
setting, it will run at high speed when the heatsink is above 40 degrees

> for RTTY, does this rig just work in AFSK, or can you make it work in FSK?

AFSK only.

> Now, for the microphones, I assume you need to get the SSB option.  

Yes. You will also need the SSB option for digital modes, including RTTY
(otherwise you have no way to do AFSK).

73, Brian

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[Elecraft] K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

2004-11-07 Thread Robin Kiszka-Kanowitz

I've probabaly seen this discussed before, but can't remember ...

I have noticed that the power output on my K2 differs from measures PEP going 
to the antenna. Mostly it displays between 14.8and 15.2.

However, when measuring with a wattmeter and dummy load I notice that on 18m I 
get 18W PEP, and on 15m down to 12W. On 10m it's at 8W.

So my question is, is the power level that you seen on the display really just 
a scale for adjusting power, or is it at true reading. I'm starting to wonder 
if my Watt meter is inaccurate (a Yaesu 60 model) ?

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[Elecraft] K2 Requested vs. Indicated Power Output

2004-11-07 Thread Dan Elliott

I have a question concerning the power level requested and the indicated power 
delivered by the K2. How close should the indicated power track the requested 
power level?

My K2, #4473, is very close at about 2 watts, but below or above this requested 
power level it varies in the amount of difference between the two. This 
difference is on all bands but by different amounts.

An example would be:
At 2 watts requested, K2 indicates 1.9 watts when tune is pressed.
At 7 watts requested, K2 indicates 8.5 watts when tune is pressed.
At 10 watts requested, K2 indicates 12 watts when tune is pressed.

This is representative of all bands, the values of indicated power is different 
on each band. My indicated power on all bands at 10 watts requested is greater 
that 10 watts indicated when tune is pressed. I know that the power level you 
set is only a requested power level; what I don't know is the degree of 
accuracy I should expect from the indicated power.

Anyway, do I have a problem or what? Any and all help is and will be deeply 
appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Dan, N4FYS
K2 # 4473
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Re: [Elecraft] K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

2004-11-07 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm


The base K2 power display is a simple diode detector (an RF probe is 
similar), and it will be reasonably accurate if and only if the load 
inpedance is 50 ohms resistive.  Your antenna may be something quite 
different.  You might say that the base K2 power output indication shows the 
power that would be present if the antenna load were actually 50 ohms 

If you have the KAT2 or KAT100 or KPA100 installed, they contain a true 
wattmeter, but these must be properly calibrated to provide a good reading.

In general, wattmeters can be trusted to only 10 to 20% of their full scale 
reading - so if you are reading on a 100 watt scale, the actual power may be 
off by as much as 10 to 20 watts!!!
Use the lowest scale that will handle the power being measured.  Actually 
some are better than that, but should not be trusted until they are properly 
calibrated.  I calibrate (or verify) wattmeters by connecting a 50 ohm dummy 
load and measuring the RF voltage across that load with my 'scope (an RF 
Probe could also be used) - then do the math to determine the power.  When 
using the 'scope, the formula I use is Vp-p ^2/400 and for an RF Probe that 
reads RMS voltage the formula would be V^2/50 (these formulas are only for a 
50 ohm load).  Check the dummy load beforehand with an antenna analyzer to 
be certain it is a good 50 ohm resistor at the frequency you are using for 
the calibration.  In other words, trust nothing for accuracy until it is 


- Original Message - 

I've probabaly seen this discussed before, but can't remember ...

I have noticed that the power output on my K2 differs from measures PEP 
going to the antenna. Mostly it displays between 14.8and 15.2.

However, when measuring with a wattmeter and dummy load I notice that on 18m 
I get 18W PEP, and on 15m down to 12W. On 10m it's at 8W.

So my question is, is the power level that you seen on the display really 
just a scale for adjusting power, or is it at true reading. I'm starting to 
wonder if my Watt meter is inaccurate (a Yaesu 60 model) ?

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Re: [Elecraft] K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

2004-11-07 Thread Robin Kiszka-Kanowitz
Hi and thanks for the answers so far,

To give a bit more detail...

I'm not using any antenna tuner in my K2, it's the basic K2 with SSB module
and battery pack, but for the power out measurements I'm using a DC PSU.
I've set the K2 to CW and keyed the microphone, with the Power turned full

The output reading is on the YS-60 is using the 20 watt scale. The dummy
load is true 50 Ohms, and this is what I get...

Band   MhzK2 LCD   YS-60
80m3.500  15.218
40m7.050  14.816.5

It seems like a lot of disparity on 10m, but I would have thought that even
if the winding on the 10m toroid were not perfectly spaced, it shoudn't be
that far off?


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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Requested vs. Indicated Power Output

2004-11-07 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm


First, are these measurements into a 50 ohm dummy load or into an antenna? 
If you are using an antenna, such variation is to be expected - and may be 
much more than what you indicated.

20% accuracy is not unusual for wattmeters in general - check the ARRL lab 
tests of several wattmeters if you doubt that statement, yes, some are 
better, but several are not, so the 20% difference that you are seeing is 
not really that unusual.  I don't recall seeing a spec on the accuracy for 
the K2 indication.

Be aware that the ALC needs some time to settle too - wait several seconds 
to see what the display settles to before drawing conclusions.  There will 
always be some hysteresis in the firmware calculations and the analog to 
digital conversions that must be done for the computation - sorry, but I 
can't put a number for that variable.

I assume you are using the base K2 - without the KAT2 or KPA100.
You may be able to improve the accuracy by carefully trimming R67 and R68 on 
the RF Board.  Also you may want to try different 1N5711 diodes at D9 - 
there can be some variation from diode to diode.


- Original Message - 
I have a question concerning the power level requested and the indicated 
power delivered by the K2. How close should the indicated power track the 
requested power level?

My K2, #4473, is very close at about 2 watts, but below or above this 
requested power level it varies in the amount of difference between the two. 
This difference is on all bands but by different amounts.

An example would be:
At 2 watts requested, K2 indicates 1.9 watts when tune is pressed.
At 7 watts requested, K2 indicates 8.5 watts when tune is pressed.
At 10 watts requested, K2 indicates 12 watts when tune is pressed.

This is representative of all bands, the values of indicated power is 
different on each band. My indicated power on all bands at 10 watts 
requested is greater that 10 watts indicated when tune is pressed. I know 
that the power level you set is only a requested power level; what I don't 
know is the degree of accuracy I should expect from the indicated power.

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[Elecraft] K2: Problem With 80m?

2004-11-07 Thread Michael J. Linden
  I've recently noticed that my K2 produces much less noise on 80m than
on the other bands (40m - 10m) when I have no antenna connected (is this
typical?). And, when I listen to signals on 80m with the antenna
connected, the audio seems somewhat lower than what I get on the other
bands. My AGC is set at 3.8V and appears to be working properly (little
difference in background noise when AGC is switched in and out). 80m
tune-up went well and with a 13.8V supply I'm getting 17.5w on the low
end of 80m and 15.5w on the high end of 80m. The one caveat here is that
I'm using a 10/15/20/40m trap dipole to listen on 80m -- I need to
straighten-out my shack enough that I can compare the K2's 80m receive
sensitivity to that of my Kenwood 930S.
  Any input would be appreciated...
  Thanks, Michael N9BDF
  K2 #4137
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[Elecraft] K2 Control Board Resistance Checks

2004-11-07 Thread Jeff Hetherington
Hi Everybody.

I have just completed the Control board on #3375 and have a question about
the resistance checks.  Specifically the check on U4, OUT

The manual says to look for 3-7 k at this pin ... and I measure 2.48 k with
my DMM.  Is this value close enough?  Should I be looking for a problem to

Thanks for any help.
  Jeff - VA3JFF
  K2 #3375
  KX1 #631
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Control Board Resistance Checks

2004-11-07 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm


The reading is a wee bit on the low side, BUT...
The proper answer depends on your DMM.  First try reversing the probes, and 
try another DMM if you can obtain one (beg or borrow).

Bottom line - know your test instruments and their limitations - only then 
can you know whether a problem exists or not.


- Original Message - 

I have just completed the Control board on #3375 and have a question about
the resistance checks.  Specifically the check on U4, OUT

The manual says to look for 3-7 k at this pin ... and I measure 2.48 k 

my DMM.  Is this value close enough?  Should I be looking for a problem to

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RE: [Elecraft] K2: Problem With 80m?

2004-11-07 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Attach a shielded dummy load to your K2, turn the AF and RF gains full UP,
Preamp OFF, and the noise in your speaker should be moderate but not really
loud. Of course "loud" depends upon your ambient noise level and other
factors, but you should be able to hear it clearly without being

Now cycle through the bands. By ear, the noise level should change very,
very little, if at all, when cycling through all the bands from 160 through
10 meters. Make sure the Preamp is OFF on ALL bands while you cycle. The
firmware will turn it on automatically if you had it on while listening on
other bands.

If one band is a lot weaker than the others, it's time to do some
troubleshooting. I'd start with a careful realignment of the bandpass

Of course, if you turn the Preamp ON on any band, the noise level will
increase uniformly. I suggested turning it off because it's easier to hear
the change in noise at lower volume levels. 

Also you NEED a well-shielded dummy load in case you have a local noise
source that is putting out more racket in some parts of the spectrum and
less in others. You can check that by selecting each band and turning the
ATTN on and off. The noise level should not change. If it does, a local
noise source is leaking into the K2 on that band and confusing your results.

Ron AC7AC 

-Original Message-
  I've recently noticed that my K2 produces much less noise on 80m than on
the other bands (40m - 10m) when I have no antenna connected (is this
typical?). And, when I listen to signals on 80m with the antenna connected,
the audio seems somewhat lower than what I get on the other bands. My AGC is
set at 3.8V and appears to be working properly (little difference in
background noise when AGC is switched in and out). 80m tune-up went well and
with a 13.8V supply I'm getting 17.5w on the low end of 80m and 15.5w on the
high end of 80m. The one caveat here is that I'm using a 10/15/20/40m trap
dipole to listen on 80m -- I need to straighten-out my shack enough that I
can compare the K2's 80m receive sensitivity to that of my Kenwood 930S.
  Any input would be appreciated...
  Thanks, Michael N9BDF
  K2 #4137

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[Elecraft] Semiconductor Analyzer...

2004-11-07 Thread RobertH134
I just wanted to let the homebrewers on the list know about a new product 
that will be introduced at the Ft. Wayne Hamfest this weekend.  Let me first 
that I have no interest in nor am I associated with the company that is 
marketing this product.  The owners are members of the Columbus QRP Club and I 
lucky enough to build an early version of the Analyzer as a club project.  The 
Semiconductor Analyzer kit will also be available online at and I plan on upgrading to the latest version as soon as 
possible.  The kit 
should take an average builder about 1 to 1-1/2 hours to complete and is self 
calibrating.  Once assembled, just clip the test leads (in any order) to the 
component in question and the Semiconductor Analyzer will, among other things, 
automatically identify correct pinouts for bipolar transistors, Darlington 
transistors, enhancement mode MOSFETs, junction FETs, triacs, thyristors, and 
diodes/LEDs.  Check out their web site for all the details and features of this 
product.  Again, I am not getting anything for posting this information, I am 
just impressed with the product and thought that the members of this list 
would like to know about it.

Bob - KI8JM
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RE: [Elecraft] K2- Is the Power display really representative of PEP?

2004-11-07 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Robin, you're measuring REQUESTED power, not the actual power. The actual
power is shown on the bargraph. 

The actual power appears on the LCD display ONLY in TUNE mode, not when you
key the mic. 

Check the ALC action on 10 meters. (Press and hold the RF/ALC button so the
screen says ALC briefly). Now key the mic and talk. At least one bar on the
bargraph - the bar on the extreme RIGHT end - should flicker when you talk
on 10 meters. 

The bargraph reads backwards when showing ALC so you won't forget which
meter mode you're in. The flickering bar says that he K2 is making all the
RF you are REQUESTING (by setting the POWER knob) and is beginning to back
down the audio gain automatically. (Within the limits of the circuits, the
more audio, the more RF output). 

You may see several bars flicker on 40 meters. The RF stages in the K2 have
more gain on the lower frequencies. Ten meters tends to be the band where
the output is lowest. Still, you should see ONE bar flicker when the POWER
control is set for 10 watts.

If you aren't seeing one bar flicker in ALC mode, then the K2 isn't making
the full 10 watts on ten meters. You can verify that by pressing RF/ALC
again to go back to "rf" monitoring and talking into your mic. You probably
won't see all the bars light up, indicating 10 watts on peak. 

Keep in mind that the RF output is "peak" reading, but the peaks may be very
brief. Normally you will see the last bar on the right flicker only slightly
at a full 10 watts.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robin Kiszka-Kanowitz
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 9:09 AM
To: W3FPR - Don Wilhelm;
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2- Is the Power display really representative of

Hi and thanks for the answers so far,

To give a bit more detail...

I'm not using any antenna tuner in my K2, it's the basic K2 with SSB module
and battery pack, but for the power out measurements I'm using a DC PSU.
I've set the K2 to CW and keyed the microphone, with the Power turned full

The output reading is on the YS-60 is using the 20 watt scale. The dummy
load is true 50 Ohms, and this is what I get...

Band   MhzK2 LCD   YS-60
80m3.500  15.218
40m7.050  14.816.5

It seems like a lot of disparity on 10m, but I would have thought that even
if the winding on the 10m toroid were not perfectly spaced, it shoudn't be
that far off?


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Cancellation

2004-11-07 Thread Kevin Rock

Howdy Folks,
   Between listening to the bands and reading my database I find there 
will be a low probability of either a good turnout or finding a vacant 
spot to run either of the nets.  Last year I simply called it off so I 
plan to do the same this year.  I will see you all again next Sunday.  
Until then I hope for good propagation for the Sweepstakes.  If I get 
rambunctious I may just try my hand at a few contacts.  I contest the old 
fashioned way however: paper and pencil with a set of paddles in hand.  No 
memory keyers, no software interface, no artificial means of capturing CW 
to text.  So if I cannot read your 35 wpm sending perfectly the first time 
that may be the reason :)

   Good luck to you all,
   Kevin.   KD5ONS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 rtty & microphones questions

2004-11-07 Thread K6TFZ
In a message dated 11/7/2004 1:28:07 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL 

> >for RTTY, does this rig just work in AFSK, or can you make it work in FSK?
> AFSK only.
It's technically AFSK because you are sending audio tones to the microphone
BUT because the carrier is suppressed and there is only one sideband, the
receiver sees it as FSK because only the carrier appears to be shifting.

Geoff, K6TFZ
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[Elecraft] RTTY on K2

2004-11-07 Thread rolf heidenborg
Have I missed something ? Is RTTY a hardware function and not a
software managed with help of 
soundcard function in the K2 ?

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Re: [Elecraft] RTTY on K2

2004-11-07 Thread Brian Mury
On Sun, 2004-07-11 at 21:15 +0100, rolf heidenborg wrote: 
> Have I missed something ? Is RTTY a hardware function and not a
> software managed with help of soundcard function in the K2 ?

RTTY uses FSK (frequency shift keying), which consists of shifting a
carrier between two frequencies. Some radios have an FSK mode where the
radio will generate the carrier, and shift it according to a digital
input from a TNC or a computer serial or parallel port. Kind of like CW
- the rig generates the carrier, it's controlled by a digital input (a

If a rig doesn't have an FSK mode, you can use a TNC or computer
soundcard to generate the carrier at audio frequencies, and feed it into
the mic input. This is usually called AFSK (the A stands for audio).

Properly generated AFSK is indistinguishable from FSK.

73, Brian

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Re: [Elecraft] RTTY on K2

2004-11-07 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 09:15:10PM +0100, rolf heidenborg wrote:
> Hi,
> Have I missed something ? Is RTTY a hardware function and not a
> software managed with help of 
> soundcard function in the K2 ?
> 73
> Rolf SM0CLS

You need a soundcard and appropriate software, but the K2 provides a
separate RTTY mode selection for setting and storing filter bandwidths
and compression level independently from those used for SSB operation.

73, Bob N7XY
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[Elecraft] FS: HFPack Amplifier Kit

2004-11-07 Thread Jeff Imel

I have an extra HFPack Amplifier Kit for sale.

2 watts in provides 35 watts out.

You can read all about it here:

The kit is complete, still in the bags with full documentation.

$150 shipped via Priority Mail to all US destinations. I can ship as soon as
tomorrow morning if you pay using PayPal.  For all other payment methods I
can ship same day I receive your payment.

Please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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[Elecraft] KIO2 connection with computer

2004-11-07 Thread Pierre Vallee
I installed the KIO2 about one year ago.  It worked fine.  I now have a problem 
with it.  I can't get a connection between the K2 and the computer using the K2 
Remote V1.0 Beta program.  The computer com1 setting is fine and the K2 port is 
ON.  In testing the cable between the K2 and the computer with a line tester, I 
get a "no reading" on pin 2 .

In doing the voltage checks for U1, I find readings of 12.77v on pin 5 (should 
be -8) and 0v on pin 12 (should be 5).  I believe the circuit diagram shows 
these pins being part of the transmit circuitry (pin 2).  Could U1 be my 
problem?  Any suggestions.  Thanks

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Re: [Elecraft] KIO2 connection with computer

2004-11-07 Thread Mike S
At 05:26 PM 11/7/2004, Pierre Vallee wrote...
>In doing the voltage checks for U1, I find readings of 12.77v on pin 5 (should 
>be -8) and 0v on pin 12 (should be 5).  I believe the circuit diagram shows 
>these pins being part of the transmit circuitry (pin 2).  Could U1 be my 
>problem?  Any suggestions.  Thanks

U1 is an EIA-232 transceiver. It converts TTL level to EIA ("RS-232") levels. 
The voltages you describe show it is operating correctly - when pin 12 is at 0, 
pin 5 should be more than +3 positive ("space" level). When pin 12 is at 5, pin 
5 should be more than -3 negative ("mark" level. You'll notice it also inverts 
the signal. When idle, the EIA-232 output should be "marking time," or at a 
negative voltage.

Your problem seems to be that the signal going to pin 5 is incorrect. It should 
sit at a high level, and pulse low when the K2 is transmitting data. Since it's 
low all the time,  I would suspect a wiring problem (this single goes through 
the internal cable to the header connector which plugs into the control board.) 
Check for shorts to ground, or a lack of continuity from U1 pin 12 to header 
pin 3.

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[Elecraft] Shameless Sked Solicitation

2004-11-07 Thread Bert Craig
Hi all,

The subject line says it all. This is a CW newbie's shameless sked 
solicitation. I have been using CW for just over a year now and a funny thing 
happened. Although I'm no speed demon, I've found that I absolutely love this 
mode and operate 99.99% CW. (The other 0.01% being 10-meter mobile while 
commuting to and from work.)

Well, we bought a new QTH and while my "shack" was being built, I procured a K1 
just so I could get OTA from my father's room with a quick and dirty doublet 
for 40. I'm now using a NorCal 40A while the K1 is under repair. I quickly 
found that the only thing I like better than CW id QRP CW.

Well, here's the shameless solicitation. I need eight more states for WAS QRP 
CW in the 90th. Would anybody who is from these states and reading these words 
mind subjecting their ears to my straight key and set up a sked with me?


Tnx in advance es...

Vy 73 de Bert
FISTS #9384
QRP ARCI #11782

P.S.It was ten before this w/e but I snagged AL and IA during the SS.
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[Elecraft] I'm havin' a BALL !!!

2004-11-07 Thread Fred Bennett N9TA
   Hi Gang

Just completed K2 Ser# 4502 yesterday afternoon.
I just had a roundtable QSO on 17M SSB with stations in
the Virgin Islands, California, Wyoming, Texasand
a couple others who I missed in the excitement. I was
running 10 watts into a loop antenna and powered by a 
solar system. Several of these guys are audio fanatics and
they gave me absolutely dumbfounded audio reports. (MH2 hand mic) just don't get any better than this!!  N9TA
 Nashville, Indiana
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Cancellation

2004-11-07 Thread Tom Althoff
Darn!  I was hoping to QNI my first Elecraft CW net today with the new
improved K2 #1117.   Oh well.

My "new" K2 is fully aligned and calibrated.   I put it to a test along side
the Orion in the SS this weekend.   Not a significant difference in the
ability to pull out weak stations along side strong ones.  Both rigs IF set
for 100Hz, K2 with the AF2 80Hz audio filter turned on.   The DSP on the
Orion didn't seem to make it better...only different.

I tried for a clean sweep with 1 QSO per section but blew it when I called a
W1 who turned out to be in FLA.   So I gave up and went for QSO count.

Ended up with 222 QSO's in 71 sections for 31,524 points.   That's a 5W K2
to either dipoles or a triband yagi on my roof.

The radio is definitely competitive!

If the CW net is held next Sunday I'll try to check in to meet some of you
guys on the air.

73  de Tom K2TA

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Rock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft" 
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 2:31 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Cancellation

> Howdy Folks,
> Between listening to the bands and reading my database I find there
> will be a low probability of either a good turnout or finding a vacant
> spot to run either of the nets.  Last year I simply called it off so I
> plan to do the same this year.  I will see you all again next Sunday.
> Until then I hope for good propagation for the Sweepstakes.  If I get
> rambunctious I may just try my hand at a few contacts.  I contest the old
> fashioned way however: paper and pencil with a set of paddles in hand.  No
> memory keyers, no software interface, no artificial means of capturing CW
> to text.  So if I cannot read your 35 wpm sending perfectly the first time
> that may be the reason :)
> Good luck to you all,
> Kevin.   KD5ONS
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] I'm havin' a BALL !!!

2004-11-07 Thread Tom Althoff
Ditto's here Fred!   And it's good to see another "TA" on the reflector.   I
grabbed S79MH on 28Mhz last week with 10W-PEP for a brand new 10M country
with the K2.  Also had a ball battling it out with the big boys using 5W in
this weekend's Sweepstakes.

The K2 is 10 pounds of fun in a 5 pound box!!!

Tom K2TA

- Original Message - 
From: "Fred Bennett N9TA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft" 
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 7:17 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] I'm havin' a BALL !!!

   Hi Gang

Just completed K2 Ser# 4502 yesterday afternoon.
I just had a roundtable QSO on 17M SSB with stations in
the Virgin Islands, California, Wyoming, Texasand
a couple others who I missed in the excitement. I was
running 10 watts into a loop antenna and powered by a
solar system. Several of these guys are audio fanatics and
they gave me absolutely dumbfounded audio reports. (MH2 hand mic) just don't get any better than this!!  N9TA
 Nashville, Indiana
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[Elecraft] K2 #00008 - Sweepstakes 2004 Report

2004-11-07 Thread Tom Hammond

Well, as always, the SS was a BALL! Even more fun when I'm using the K2.

The first afternoon and evening, the bands were in pretty good condition 
and Qs were plentiful... my rate for the first 8 hours has about 40/hour, 
dropping to about 20/hour for the next 2 hours. Then I slept... ZZz.

Sunday morning and early afternoon was as anticipated... sheer boredom... 
few new stations to work and calling CQ from the midwest, esp. with 5W, 
doesn't seem to cause much of a pileup... .

Sometime about 2300Z, I started to hear some really aurora-like signals (on 
just about everyone), so tuned the K2 to WWV just in time to get the bad 
news... BIG upheaval in the ionosphere and high levels of perturbation for 
the next 24-36 hours... and the bands were certainly beginning to 
demonstrate just that as signals become more watery by the minute.

By 0100Z (Monday) I'd given up all hope of working the last two sections i 
needed for a Clean Sweep (PAC and NT) but I kept hoping. Then, as if by a 
miracle, there appeared KH7X (Hawaii) to give me PAC _if_ could break thru 
the rather heavy pileup with my QRP signal. Persistence pays off... 
after  about 20 calls (and 20 Q's with others) KH7X finally picked me out 
and I got one of my two remaining needed sections.

I never did hear VY1JA (for the last needed section), but that's OK, I'm 
pretty sure there are a bunch of others who probably missed him as well.

I would up with 585 Q's and 79 sections for a final score of 92,430 points. 
Not quite as good as I'd hoped, but better than I thought I might do, given 
the conditions of the earlier evening.

I heard a bunch of Elecraft owners on in the SS. I hope they were using 
their K1's and K2's.

My Band-by-band QSO Breakdown follows:

 Band   QSOs
  15 87
  10 13
 TOTAL  858

It's not a bad score, but I'm certain there are numerous others who will 
have spanked me badly.

There's always next year... something I've been saying this time on 
November for the past 44 years... hehehe!


Tom   N0SS

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[Elecraft] Aurora borealis taken tonight

2004-11-07 Thread JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD


Photos of an aurora borealis taken tonight from my QTH. It was a big 
one in urbain area !!!


Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ / FN45aj
Elecraft K2 #4130

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[Elecraft] WAS in SweepStakes in 6 Hrs (Almost)

2004-11-07 Thread Art - W6KY
Sweepstakes is the Greatest!  Brag tape follows:
I only had time for about 6 hours of operating time on Sat
and Sun, but managed to work over 250 QSO's and 
47 states. Missed Nebraska, North Dakota and West VA.
Worked NWT, VI and PR but couldn't find the easy VE's.
The K1 was outstanding. The front end only crunched a
cpl times. Used a K1 on 15, 20 and 40. A HW-8 on 80 
and a handbook home brew on 10 with the IC-756PROII
receiving. 95% of Q's were on 40 and 15 meters with the
K1-2 and K1-4. Used a GAP Challenger vertical for 
all QSO's. 
As per N0SS, worked KH6X in the last few minutes of the 
contest, but on 1 call. Here in Calif had an edge toward 
CQWW DX Contest the last of this month. Work DXCC on
the weekend QRP..Easy...
Now, back to RagChewing..  
73, Art  W6KY   K1-2  K1-4
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